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You're searching the castle for a mysterious room you have heard of called The Room of Requirement. You have searched every nick and cranny of the castle but still no room. You climb the stairs to the seventh floor and come across a stange tapestry showing Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach trolls to dance the ballet. You laugh at the silly tapestry until you side almost burst. Then you remember hearing the Room is located opposite such a tapestry. You turn around expecting to see a door, but find a blank wall instead. You start walking back and forth three times concentrating hard on what it is you need. Suddenly a door appears. You open it and discover you have found the Room of Requirement...
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
SPOILER!!: First Entry
Zhenya went into the common room and saw Desiree with her egg, so she sat down in a free seat next to her. "Hey," she said closing her eyes and sighing loudly. "How is your egg going?" she asked. Her egg, unfortunately, never made it back to the common room.
She pulled out a diary her grandmother had given her years ago. Everytime she pulled out a piece of paper, one more would just... appear. It was a forever lasting journal.
She pulled out her quill and an ink pot, writing;
Today is the first day of the New Moon. I have noticed it affecting my magic and my senses in a good way. Firstly, I feel as though I have been able to sense things, for instance when I got out of bed this morning I just had this image flash through my mind that I was going to step on a slug. I jumped out of bed and fell flat on my bottom! I had jumped onto a snail and my feet flew out from under me. It really hurt, but it was funny.
I didn't sleep much, I woke up at 6am! Six am! I usually wake up at 8.30 regretfully, wishing I could just stay in bed. I linked that back to a pamphlet my mum sent me which said during the Full Moon people tend to sleep less, and wake earlier.
After I read that the Full Moon also may help with 'Intuition' and 'Divination', so I poured myself a cup of tea and got my Tea Reading text out and saw a Fir Tree, which I read to mean 'Artistic succes'. It was a small tree, but today when I went out to take photos for my Potions homework, I really found my artistic side. I got to chose the right moments to take the photo, and although I haven't developed them yet, I think they will be good.
Anyway, I feel like writing this is just coming to my head and if I don't stop writing I never will... things just keep popping into my head. Oh well. I'm hungry and want to go for an adventure walk!!
Zhenya Burton
She put the journal away safely, to put more entries in once it was time.
SPOILER!!: Second Entry
Zhenya slowly made her way up to the Observatory. She was amazed at how beautiful it was. She looked into the telescope, but couldn't identify any of the stars or planets...
She sat down and pulled out her journal;
Today is the First day of the First Quarter Waxing.
I've noticed that I'm more hungry. I crave food at the moment, which I think might have something to do with the moon phase. Last entry was on the New Moon, and I noticed then, looking back, that my appetite was increasing.
Last night I dreamed that the Garlic cloves I planted a few days ago would be sprouting when I went to check them. I woke up thinking to myself 'How is that possible?', but when I went there today to check on them and water them - they were sprouting! I started reading up about the first Quarter and it said "Dreams are more realistic, and might be prophetic" and - they were realistic and prophetic! WOW!
Anyway, I feel more energised, so I'm going to go on a quick late night walk... hope I don't get caught!
Zhenya Burton
She closed her journal and looked up at the starts for a few more moments before getting up and leaving.
SPOILER!!: Third Entry
Zhenya was sitting at the Slytherin House Table in the Great Hall. The magnificent hall, more like it. She had her head resting on her fists - no way was she interested in eating. She had lost her appetite. Hmm, best time to write another journal entry!!
She pulled out from her bag her journal, an ink pot and a quill, as well as her Moon Chart. She read about the Last Quarter and read some things that told her the moon was in that phase.
Today is the first day of the Last Quarter.
When I looked it up it told me that this is the time that appetites decrease - how true!! I woke up today not even wanting breakfast. I didn't eat any, but I wasn't really hungry the rest of the day. Well, I was hungry but I just didn't want to eat. My mother would be furious!! I had better not tell her... I wonder if her appetite has decreased as well...
Just today and yesterday my energy has gone out the window. Earlier on this month I was so happy going on my adventure walks, and night walks... but today I just want to sleep. I hope... I hope my energy comes back, I was really enjoying going on my walks.
Well, I need to sleep now!!
Zhenya Burton.
She grabbed a piece of bread to eat, with nothing on it, and put her things back in her bag, and made her way back up to the common room.
SPOILER!!: Fourth Entry
Zhenya went to bed Friday night at 8.30pm. It was quite early for her, and she felt so tired - like she hadn't slept a wink the previous night. She pulled back the covers, and climbed in to bed. She felt under her bed for the journal she had been writing in, and a pen - yep, a good ol' fashioned Muggle pen! She couldn't be bothered to pull out a quill and ink..
Today is the Waning Crescent. I feel very tired, and very drained of my energy. Still... I just want to stay up and do my homework, and write a letter home but I just don't have the energy. I'm only writing this now because it helps me empty my mind before sleep.
I have found that lately I'm starting to talk to people more, and open up. Well, others seem to be opening up to me, and I feel like I just have all the right things to day. When I was looking in my moon diary, I saw that during the Waning Crescent, people can become more empathetic of others. I wasn't sure what that meant so I went to look it up and I feel that I have that ability!! Just... now. I don't feel like that all the time.
I really am beginning to notice how my day-to-day emotions, and energy are affected by what phase of the moon we are in!
Zhenya Burton.
She yawned large, and closed her journal, tucking it snug under her pillow and chucking the pen under her bed... she fell into a deep sleep.
SPOILER!!: Fifth Entry
Zhenya ran, ran, RAN to the Lake and sat in her favourite spot - under a tree! She smiled as she took a deep inhale of the air - it was lovely. She had brought her Journal to write in, but for a moment she wanted to watch the lake. It was 6.00 am, and Zhenya was full of energy. She pulled out the journal and wrote;
Today is the second day of the Waxing Gibous! I think this is my favourite moon phase. Yesterday I noticed I was being really patient - more than I usually am. Which, I think I am patient but... well, it doesn't matter. I was walking up to the Owlery yesterday and people kept walking really slowly infront of me which usually bothers me, but it just didn't. I was happy walking slowly without running to get past them.
As I read about in my Moon Chart, my dreams were about my past. I woke up feeling happy about them... but I wanted to go back and dream more. They were really realistic! I had a dream about myself and my grandmother in Russia when I was 8, the year before she died. We were gardening and planting some herbs, it was Watercress. I wanted to write to them but.. of course I can't!
Anyway, I just have so much energy, and want to use it. I might go for a swim... I'm not sure how it will turn up, I think I might go to the pool!
Zhenya Burton.
She packed everything away and got up. She ran very fast towards the Pool!
SPOILER!!: Sixth Entry
Zhenya flopped into a chair. She had a very large History of Magic textbook which, for once, she was wanting to read! She also had her trusty journal! She pulled it out and wrote;
Today is the Waxing Crescent. One of my Moon charts has called it the 'Dark Moon' and I'm not entirely sure why, of if that chart is even right... but that's what I'm going off of, and that's what feels right.
Something happened today to make me cry. It was so silly, now that I think about it, though. Rosie, my owl, wouldn't nibble my hands when I was just wanting to have a pat. How silly is that? And then she bit me, and it really hurt. It bled a little but not much.
I had another dream about when I was younger in Russia, but I was playing with... well I think it was Dasha, my friend, but she was sort of like a shadow. And we were in a cave... I'm not sure where, I don't ever remember going into a cave when I was younger. Well, I don't think I've ever been in a cave at all! How weird is that? I guess that's just dreams.
Anyway, I feel like reading something more complex... I'm going to try and read some History of Magic information.
Zhenya Burton.
She put her journal away and pulled the book onto her lap and started reading.
The Room of Requirement was soon becoming one of Zhenya's favourite spaces to use. When she walked past it three times, she just wanted some place to think clearly... And what appeared? A medium sized room, pillows and blankets on the floor, lots of writing stationary and no other students! She smiled and walked in, closing the door behind her. She flopped on the rather large pile of pillows. She pulled out her trusty journal and pulled a fancy looking quill and some purple ink and wrote;
Today is the Full Moon! It's really beautiful outside. It's about 09.00pm and I'm just going to fill this in and then go to bed. Today I taught some people how to post best in the photos we take. My moon chart said that the Full Moon is the best time to share and teach, and I feel that's what I'm doing.
I don't think I have much to write about today, but I read that this phase of the moon is really important in so many aspects. It's a great time to work on artistic endeavours, like photography!, Health and fitness, like my night time walk yesterday night. It was bad of me, but I just had too much energy to sleep and wanted to go walking. Actually, I think I might go for a run before going to bed.
Zhenya Burton.
She packed everything away and left the room, going outside for a quick jog.
Jez groaned. Yep, that hurt. A lot. She heard Nate shouting something, spells probably. She kept her eyes closed, waiting for the pain in her back to go away. She really hoped Nate could do that healing spell again.
Jez pushed herself up on her hands and knees. "I'm good," she said, looking up and trying to smile at Nate. "Thanks." She gritted her teeth as she stood. She could breathe normally now, but her back ached. Ow.
Nate double checked all the way around him, wand outstretched in the same direction as his eyes. The shield was still up. Turning back to Jez, he put an arm on her shoulders to support her. "Where did it get you? Actually, how did it get you? They don't have real wands..." Looking at Jez, Nate could see the pain in her eyes. Not only physical pain, either. She's not getting over this for a while...
Last edited by EastonionNW; 10-31-2011 at 01:47 AM.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by Gabben
*Putting his arms back around her he sighed and nodded.*
"I know you are... there isn't anything to talk about though. She left, end of story."
*What really bothered Matty was his uncle. From what the papers have said he has cancelled a lot of meetings and appearances. That was not like his uncle Gabben at all. Another worry was his twin cousins Emma and Noah. Matty knew that when his half cousin Michael was taken back home by his real father it crushed him and his uncle. But what could Matty do? There were no leads and nothing he could do.*
Sitting up Marie placed her hand on Matty's chin turning his face towards her. "Please tell me you don't still believe your aunt took off on purpose." Nothing could ever make Marie believe that woman would abandon her family. "You know how much she loves you guys. If she's still gone..." Well, Marie wasn't going to finish that sentence. She wanted to help not make things worse.
Sitting up Marie placed her hand on Matty's chin turning his face towards her. "Please tell me you don't still believe your aunt took off on purpose." Nothing could ever make Marie believe that woman would abandon her family. "You know how much she loves you guys. If she's still gone..." Well, Marie wasn't going to finish that sentence. She wanted to help not make things worse.
"If she's still gone then she's dead? No it would take an army to kill my aunt Kayla..."
*And from the stories his uncle had told him that almost happened a few times. Letting out a long sigh he closed his eyes. He knew his last comment sounded a bit harsh, or at least it came out that way and all Marie was trying to do was help.*
"I'm sorry Marie... I'm just-... how could she just up and leave her family like that? It takes everything my uncle can do to make sure this wont get in the papers, and he still thinks she's been kidnapped..."
*Rubbing the back of his neck Matty looked down. He knew that his family had fallen apart and he had no idea what to do.*
"By the look of it I'll have to give up my ambassador job..."
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
"What are you hoping to do when you finish Hogwarts?" she asked, going to her bag and getting out her camera to take some photos for Potions.
"Vashti, do you mind if I take a photograph of you casting the Patronus spell? It's for Potions," she said.
That was a question that kept coming up and that she still didn't have an answer for. Vashti really needed to make up her mind about this already. Before she knew, she seventh year would come and go and she wouldn't have anything to do. "I don't know yet," she answered. "But hopefully I'll figure something out soon." Very soon.
Take a photo? Aw, Merlin, the pressure was on now. "Sure, if you'd like to," she answered. Hopefully she'd be able to succeed with a corporeal Patronus at least once - because who wanted a photograph of just a bunch of silver mist coming out of a wand?
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
That was a question that kept coming up and that she still didn't have an answer for. Vashti really needed to make up her mind about this already. Before she knew, she seventh year would come and go and she wouldn't have anything to do. "I don't know yet," she answered. "But hopefully I'll figure something out soon." Very soon.
Take a photo? Aw, Merlin, the pressure was on now. "Sure, if you'd like to," she answered. Hopefully she'd be able to succeed with a corporeal Patronus at least once - because who wanted a photograph of just a bunch of silver mist coming out of a wand?
Zhenya smiled and pulled out her camera, looking through the eye hole, waiting to see for when Vashti conjured her Patronus to take the photo. Zhenya didn't mind what it looked like, she didn't recall ever seeing any Patronus, formed or not... It was all amazing to her!
Well... now that Zhenya thought about it, if being a Healer fell through she would have no idea about what she wanted to become.
Don't Cross the Book | who turned out the | Lights Lennox
Originally Posted by EastonionNW
Nate double checked all the way around him, wand outstretched in the same direction as his eyes. The shield was still up. Turning back to Jez, he put an arm on her shoulders to support her. "Where did it get you? Actually, how did it get you? They don't have real wands..." Looking at Jez, Nate could see the pain in her eyes. Not only physical pain, either. She's not getting over this for a while...
"It put its sparky fingers into my back," explained Jez, wincing as she touched the place where the dummy had burned her. There were four neat circular holes about the size of fingerprints burnt right through her robes, and onto her skin. Jez could still feel the electric energy pulsing from those points. "I let my guard down," she said, gritting her teeth. "It won't happen again." She was going to make sure of that. That had been a slip of concentration - she hadn't been watching her opponent. Rule three.
Jez smiled at Nate, or tried to. "I'm fine, let's keep going."
"It put its sparky fingers into my back," explained Jez, wincing as she touched the place where the dummy had burned her. There were four neat circular holes about the size of fingerprints burnt right through her robes, and onto her skin. Jez could still feel the electric energy pulsing from those points. "I let my guard down," she said, gritting her teeth. "It won't happen again." She was going to make sure of that. That had been a slip of concentration - she hadn't been watching her opponent. Rule three.
Jez smiled at Nate, or tried to. "I'm fine, let's keep going."
Nate smirked. "Let's!"
He waved his wand and the barrier came down, dummies piling over each other and falling stupidly to the ground as the wall they were leaning in on disappeared. "Bombarda! Incendio! Diffindo! Flippendo!" Nate took out the dummies on his half of the circle, keeping an eat open for Jez behind him, just in case, and watching out for the hands of the dueling dum-dums.
After a few minutes of shooting spells, destroying dummies, and crossing over chassis, Nate called back over his shoulder, "So we're friends again?"
Don't Cross the Book | who turned out the | Lights Lennox
Originally Posted by EastonionNW
Nate smirked. "Let's!"
He waved his wand and the barrier came down, dummies piling over each other and falling stupidly to the ground as the wall they were leaning in on disappeared. "Bombarda! Incendio! Diffindo! Flippendo!" Nate took out the dummies on his half of the circle, keeping an eat open for Jez behind him, just in case, and watching out for the hands of the dueling dum-dums.
After a few minutes of shooting spells, destroying dummies, and crossing over chassis, Nate called back over his shoulder, "So we're friends again?"
Jez shot curse after curse at the dummies, shooting for the hands first, then taking down the rest. Jez was nothing if not cunningly strategic. She flashed Nate a quick smile as she turned to him for a second. "Keep working on your duelling and we might be," she teased, but her smile told him they were firends again. Jez turned back to the fight. "Everte Statum! Incendio! Bombarda!" Hadn't she said she wasn't going to use that spell? Then Jez had an idea. She ran towards a gang of 3 or 4 dummies and pointed her wand at them. "Bombarda Maxima!" They all blew up in a shower of sparks. Jez grinned.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by Gabben
"If she's still gone then she's dead? No it would take an army to kill my aunt Kayla..."
*And from the stories his uncle had told him that almost happened a few times. Letting out a long sigh he closed his eyes. He knew his last comment sounded a bit harsh, or at least it came out that way and all Marie was trying to do was help.*
"I'm sorry Marie... I'm just-... how could she just up and leave her family like that? It takes everything my uncle can do to make sure this wont get in the papers, and he still thinks she's been kidnapped..."
*Rubbing the back of his neck Matty looked down. He knew that his family had fallen apart and he had no idea what to do.*
"By the look of it I'll have to give up my ambassador job..."
That's not what Marie was trying to say at all. "I didn't mean it like that Matty. I just meant... if she's still gone then someone must be holding her... against her will." This wasn't going the way she wanted it to go at all.
"Come on Matty. You know as well as I do that Kayla would never leave her family like this. You guys mean the world to her. She would do whatever it took to protect her family." Including pointing a crossbow at Matty's friends.
Lacing her fingers with his she leaned in to give him a soft kiss. "You don't have to be sorry. I know you're hurting..." She knew if one of her parents came up missing she would be a basket case. Sure, Kayla was his aunt but she was the closest thing he had to a mother now.
Give up his job... before he even started it? "Why... would you have to give up being an ambassador?" Wouldn't it be best to carry on with things as they had been planned? Especially if they wanted to keep things out of the papers.
Jez shot curse after curse at the dummies, shooting for the hands first, then taking down the rest. Jez was nothing if not cunningly strategic. She flashed Nate a quick smile as she turned to him for a second. "Keep working on your duelling and we might be," she teased, but her smile told him they were firends again. Jez turned back to the fight. "Everte Statum! Incendio! Bombarda!" Hadn't she said she wasn't going to use that spell? Then Jez had an idea. She ran towards a gang of 3 or 4 dummies and pointed her wand at them. "Bombarda Maxima!" They all blew up in a shower of sparks. Jez grinned.
Nate felt a burning on his arm. Dummy hand?! Nope, just sparks. "Aguamenti." Now that his robes were no longer on fire, he whirled back around and launched a Bombarda directly at a dummy's head. It subsequently blew up, leaving the dummy falling to its... knees... and dying Western-style.
Nate then felt a sharp pang of creativity. "Wingardium Leviosa!" He picked up a dummy, suspending it above th horde. "Incendio!" It burst into flame as it dropped. "Flippendo!" Nate knocked the dummies closest him underneath the falling dummy, and then when the all hit, a large bonfire was produced by the flaming dummy carcasses.
That's not what Marie was trying to say at all. "I didn't mean it like that Matty. I just meant... if she's still gone then someone must be holding her... against her will." This wasn't going the way she wanted it to go at all.
"Come on Matty. You know as well as I do that Kayla would never leave her family like this. You guys mean the world to her. She would do whatever it took to protect her family." Including pointing a crossbow at Matty's friends.
Lacing her fingers with his she leaned in to give him a soft kiss. "You don't have to be sorry. I know you're hurting..." She knew if one of her parents came up missing she would be a basket case. Sure, Kayla was his aunt but she was the closest thing he had to a mother now.
Give up his job... before he even started it? "Why... would you have to give up being an ambassador?" Wouldn't it be best to carry on with things as they had been planned? Especially if they wanted to keep things out of the papers.
"Marie my uncle has pretty much checked out. He's not at the castle or doing his job as king. My cousins are being raised by nannies. Micheal's father came and took him away when he found out Kayla was gone.They lose their mum, a brother, and a father in one week? No I can't let that happen to my cousin's..."
*Matty knew what it was like to not have a family and he would not let that happen to his cousin's, even if he was adopted he had to step up now.*
"As soon as school is over I'll take on raising my cousins and being in the public as a... ruler or whatever until my uncle returns."
*Moving his hands to his face Matty looked down.*
"I have to..."
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by Gabben
"Marie my uncle has pretty much checked out. He's not at the castle or doing his job as king. My cousins are being raised by nannies. Micheal's father came and took him away when he found out Kayla was gone.They lose their mum, a brother, and a father in one week? No I can't let that happen to my cousin's..."
*Matty knew what it was like to not have a family and he would not let that happen to his cousin's, even if he was adopted he had to step up now.*
"As soon as school is over I'll take on raising my cousins and being in the public as a... ruler or whatever until my uncle returns."
*Moving his hands to his face Matty looked down.*
"I have to..."
As Marie sat there listening to Matty she could feel her heart breaking for him and his family. "I-I'm sorry Matty. I didn't mean you shouldn't be there for your family." Merlin, she really sucked at this making someone feel better stuff. "Of course you have to be there for them. They need all the family support they can get now." He had to be there for his cousins just like she was going to be there for him... no matter what.
"I love you." Putting her arms back around him she gave him another soft kiss. "I know you'll do a great job with your cousins and I'll be there to help with them while you're stepping in for your uncle. That is if you want me to help." All he had to do was say he wanted her there and she would be there, no questions asked.
"No need to be sorry and of course I would want you there with me but I can't ask that of you..."
*The last thing he wanted to do was hold her back from life. Matty would pretty much become a parent once school ended. He couldn't ask her to give everything up just for him.*
"I love you too... but... I don't know."
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by Gabben
"No need to be sorry and of course I would want you there with me but I can't ask that of you..."
*The last thing he wanted to do was hold her back from life. Matty would pretty much become a parent once school ended. He couldn't ask her to give everything up just for him.*
"I love you too... but... I don't know."
"You don't have to ask. I'm telling you I want to be there for you. I want to help you."
He loved her too but he didn't know? What exactly didn't he know? "What don't you know... If you really want me there?" Was this his way of trying to tell her he really didn't want her help? She felt like someone was stabbing her in the chest right now. Just the thought that he may not want her there to help him through this was killing her.
"No! Thats not it at all." *Matty couldn;t help but smile a little at how suddenly she misunderstood his words.*
"I do want you there and with me always, but I feel selfish by asking that of you... like I'm holding you back."
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by Gabben
"No! Thats not it at all." *Matty couldn;t help but smile a little at how suddenly she misunderstood his words.*
"I do want you there and with me always, but I feel selfish by asking that of you... like I'm holding you back."
"Trust me, you're not holding me back from anything. If I didn't want to be there then I never would have told you I'd be there for you." When was he going to realize that "It's not like I had plans of doing anything other than being with you anyway." Every since their talk at the waterfall at the beginning of term she had thought of nothing else other than being with Matty after graduation.
"I love you with all my heart and soul Matthias Gardner and nothing is going to stop me from being there for you. We're in this together." She considered his family her family too.
"I think we need to get out of here and go do something fun. How about we go hang out in Hogsmeade?" He needed something to distract himself from what was happening with his family. Besides, she neded to find something for him for his birthday... Which would be here in a couple weeks.
*He knew she was right. With one last sigh he nodded and stood up. Cleaning up their hot chocolate cups with a flick of his wand he looked down at her.*
*He didn't know what else to say other than that. Marie knew him well that was for sure.*
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
On this particular day, Marilyn Force could be found in the Room of Requirement...Outfitted in tight black workout cloths and black boxing gloves. Her frustration had finally gotten the better of her and the RoR had decided to cooperate.
So, here she was...beating the beans out of a punching bag. She was sweating, but did not care. It felt good to get everything out...
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by Miss Marilyn
On this particular day, Marilyn Force could be found in the Room of Requirement...Outfitted in tight black workout cloths and black boxing gloves. Her frustration had finally gotten the better of her and the RoR had decided to cooperate.
So, here she was...beating the beans out of a punching bag. She was sweating, but did not care. It felt good to get everything out...
Adam thought about being alone,all alone just to have some time to think to himself after everything that had been happening.He was so tired he didn't even have the energy to imagine an even attempt to try an change the Room of Requirement.
When he looked back after staring at the floor so long,Adam took a few steps back when he saw a blonde haired girl fiercely punching one of those punching bags.He didn't want to interrupt her,or get hurt so he quietly walked out before she could spot him out of the corner of her eye an turn him into orange juice pulp.But his plan failed miserably when he tripped over some misplaced weights on the floor.He lay,back to the floor on the ground,now trying to scramble up an leave the room.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
Adam thought about being alone,all alone just to have some time to think to himself after everything that had been happening.He was so tired he didn't even have the energy to imagine an even attempt to try an change the Room of Requirement.
When he looked back after staring at the floor so long,Adam took a few steps back when he saw a blonde haired girl fiercely punching one of those punching bags.He didn't want to interrupt her,or get hurt so he quietly walked out before she could spot him out of the corner of her eye an turn him into orange juice pulp.But his plan failed miserably when he tripped over some misplaced weights on the floor.He lay,back to the floor on the ground,now trying to scramble up an leave the room.
Marilyn was so into the punching bag that she hardly noticed someone stepping into the room...but in the next instance, she heard something off to the side. Whirling around, the blonde seen...some young Gryffindor boy standing there.
Wait! She recognized him...
Oh. Right.
It was that snotty Lion-boy who always tried to start stuff with her via that social network thing. Not forgetting the disgusting Slytherin comment, Marilyn openly sneered in his direction. "What are you doing here, Gryffindor?" Her tone was highly agitated.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by Miss Marilyn
Marilyn was so into the punching bag that she hardly noticed someone stepping into the room...but in the next instance, she heard something off to the side. Whirling around, the blonde seen...some young Gryffindor boy standing there.
Wait! She recognized him...
Oh. Right.
It was that snotty Lion-boy who always tried to start stuff with her via that social network thing. Not forgetting the disgusting Slytherin comment, Marilyn openly sneered in his direction. "What are you doing here, Gryffindor?" Her tone was highly agitated.
Oh no.She saw him.An recognized him.Great,way to land himself into deeper trouble now,Adam.He had almost reached the door by the time he got up he wanted to rush out an run for his life,he knew that would be the only way for survival.Not to mention if she 'hurt' him,she would have the excuse of them supposedly being punching bag partners an she had 'hit' him too hard.
"Excuse me!But this is a free country.I can be wherever the bloody hell I want to be!I didn't know this place was off limits,snake." he jeered back.Adam began to walk away sideways,keeping a good distance.An for your information-I can talk to whoever I want an you should keep your big nose out of other people's private conversations.You know what I'm talking about!" he said angrily crossing his arms.It was about time they confront each other on this subject.Have it all opened an out in the air floating around an out of their minds.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
Oh no.She saw him.An recognized him.Great,way to land himself into deeper trouble now,Adam.He had almost reached the door by the time he got up he wanted to rush out an run for his life,he knew that would be the only way for survival.Not to mention if she 'hurt' him,she would have the excuse of them supposedly being punching bag partners an she had 'hit' him too hard.
"Excuse me!But this is a free country.I can be wherever the bloody hell I want to be!I didn't know this place was off limits,snake." he jeered back.Adam began to walk away sideways,keeping a good distance.An for your information-I can talk to whoever I want an you should keep your big nose out of other people's private conversations.You know what I'm talking about!" he said angrily crossing his arms.It was about time they confront each other on this subject.Have it all opened an out in the air floating around an out of their minds.
*blink, blink, blink*
Deciding to ignore him, she turned back around to face the punching bag. This Gryffindor was obviously stupid to come in here talking smack to her...and if she had learned anything...it was NOT to argue with stupid people...
The blonde began hitting the bag again, putting more effort into each punch and kick...trying to send a message to this Burn character. She was NOT playing around. If he came at her, she WOULD take him out.
It was funny to her how some people used the terms snake and Slytherin offensively. Pfft. They couldn't have given her a higher compliment.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Zhenya smiled and pulled out her camera, looking through the eye hole, waiting to see for when Vashti conjured her Patronus to take the photo. Zhenya didn't mind what it looked like, she didn't recall ever seeing any Patronus, formed or not... It was all amazing to her!
Well... now that Zhenya thought about it, if being a Healer fell through she would have no idea about what she wanted to become.
Vashti closed her eyes and began focusing on casting the Patronus. She tried not to think about the fact that Zhenya was going to be taking a picture of her - worrying about it would only ruin her concentration. So she put it out of her mind...cleared her mind...and thought only of a happy memory. Both the Ravenclaw Quidditch party and the History of Magic battle lesson in her second year were definitely happy, but neither had helped her produce a full-fledged Patronus any of the times she'd tried it, so obviously she needed something else. Something like...
Her date with Anakin in November suddenly popped into her mind. Sure, it had been really awkward in the beginning, but towards the end...it had been pretty wonderful. She felt a smile come to her face as she let that fill her mind...
"Expecto Patronum." Vashti cast the spell without really realizing she was. She continued to keep her eyes shut, wanting to make sure she was fully focused before actually looking to see what she had conjured. After several long seconds, she opened her eyes...
"Merlin's beard!" Her concentration was instantly broken, and the silvery mist vanished. Only it hadn't been completely formless mist this time. This time it looked like it had almost formed something - some sort of animal. She hadn't been able to tell what it was, but it was something. She was getting better!
"Did you get that?" she asked aloud, suddenly remembering Zhenya's presence. Had she gotten a good picture? Vashti really hoped so - what if Zhenya had managed to capture the shape the silver mist was trying to take.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Don't Cross the Book | who turned out the | Lights Lennox
Originally Posted by EastonionNW
Nate felt a burning on his arm. Dummy hand?! Nope, just sparks. "Aguamenti." Now that his robes were no longer on fire, he whirled back around and launched a Bombarda directly at a dummy's head. It subsequently blew up, leaving the dummy falling to its... knees... and dying Western-style.
Nate then felt a sharp pang of creativity. "Wingardium Leviosa!" He picked up a dummy, suspending it above th horde. "Incendio!" It burst into flame as it dropped. "Flippendo!" Nate knocked the dummies closest him underneath the falling dummy, and then when the all hit, a large bonfire was produced by the flaming dummy carcasses.
Jez was about to apologise for setting fire to Nate when he did something not only unexpected but pretty creative too. "Great!" whooped Jez, pausing for a few seconds to appluade him. Then she remembered that they didn't want the Room of Requirement to burn down, so she pointed her wand at the bonfire. "Aguamenti." The fire went out with a hiss. Jez had a flash of inspiration and twirled her wand. "Aqua Eructo!" A jet of clear water burst from Jez's wand. She twisted it in the air, loving the feeling of being able to control it. The jet cracked like a whip onto a nearby dummy, the force of the water slicing its head straight off. Jez grinned happily.