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Sixteen tables are set up with two stands and burners that adjust to fit your cauldron no matter what size it may be. This is where students can practice brewing any potions they may wish to brew. Along the walls are shelves with every piece of equipment a potioneer would want, flasks, funnels, phials, stirring rods, etc... A closet nearby was filled with many items that students may find useful, extra cauldrons, extra textbooks, extra dragon hide gloves, protective goggles and protective coverobes.
On the board at the front of the room is written in white chalk:
Clean up your own mess. I am your professor, not your mother.
Be safe. I don't want to have to explain why there is a stirrer lodged in your eye when we have plenty of protective goggles to go around. If you do not know what you are doing, stop and check your work. Please refrain from causing any explosions or fires. As I already said, I am not your mother, I will not clean up after you.
Be sure you succeed in your potion making. If you waste my ingredients I will charge your parents for them.
Do NOT, under any circumstance, test your potions on school mates... no matter which house they are from!
Do not bother me. I am a busy professor, I will come to you if I think you are experiencing problems.
ooc: THIS IS NOT A CLASS. This thread is just for roleplaying and having fun. It will remain open all term long. Please remember that even though Professor Lafay is not a very nice person, I am. Feel free to PM me with any questions and any problems that you may have. As my predecessor did, if your character is addressing the professor in this lab, please put PROFESSOR LAFAY in the subject line of your post. This will facilitate my response to you.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Elizabeth Rose Drangonheart-Malfoy
Sixth Year
Originally Posted by Gerard
"Not so friendly....why these Slythrins always act like this?"
Sam whispered to him-self.But he said
"Thank you"
Then he notice the potion she was making.The smell wasn't good.A questioning look came in to his eyes automatically.Then he asked her
"This potion smells so bad...It's not a good one...is it? I can say that this isn't the potion Profroo asked to make...is it?"
"No problem and no its not the one that Prof: droo told us to make. I didn't really care for it." Elizabeth told the boy.
. . .Trust. . . .NO. . . One. . . . . . . .I can love you . . .
Originally Posted by slytheringirl71
"No problem and no its not the one that Prof: droo told us to make. I didn't really care for it." Elizabeth told the boy.
"With the smell,I can tell that you are making the Hate potion.I have no idea why you need that but I ask you to not to use it on anyone 'cause I've seen how it works.
And careful,if Prof;Droo saw you making this,you'll receive
D E T E N S I O N........
Hogwarts RPG Name: Elizabeth Rose Drangonheart-Malfoy
Sixth Year
Originally Posted by Gerard
"With the smell,I can tell that you are making the Hate potion.I have no idea why you need that but I ask you to not to use it on anyone 'cause I've seen how it works.
And careful,if Prof;Droo saw you making this,you'll receive
D E T E N S I O N........
Elizabeth rolled her eyes again, "Why do you care i get in troubl???" She really wanted to know the answer because people other the Slytherins usually dont care if the snakes get in trouble.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill
Placing the quill down, the second year checked out what she had written, just to make sure she didn’t forget anything. All right- next step…Stir twice counter-clockwise?, Gwen thought. Ack! Umm… what direction is that? To the- left? Not sure if that was correct, she decided to take a shot. It was way better to risk than ask someone!, the ravie thought, finally stirring twice counter-clockwise.
Realizing she might have shocked Jory with the fact that she had no idea what that liquid was, the girl wished she hadn’t asked. ‘I…I’m a pureblood born witch… I…’, she tried to explain herself. I’m not stupid! There was just no way I could have known what that is!, she wanted to snap back but didn’t.
Finally staring back at the potion, Gwen added the three halved leeches. After that, she had to wait for two minutes. Grabbing her quill again, she noted the two steps she had just finished. Careful not to wait more than two minutes, the girl looked at the potion, trying to concentrate. Having done that too, she looked at what Jory was doing.
SPOILER!!: Gwen's notebook
The Deflating Draught
- a cup of water
- One handful of Knotgrass
- Leeches ( exactly three halved leeches)
- One ounce of powdered bicorn horn
- single tail hair from a unicorn
- added approximately half of the cup of water to the cauldron
- added a handful of knotgrass
- stirred twice counter-clockwise
- added the three halved leeches
- waited 2 minutes
Jory watched as Gwen stirred her potion. When she tried to explain about the Pepsi, she sounded a bit angry. Jory was sorry he mentioned anything about the drink. "I know you're a pureblood born witch,'' he said patiently knowing quite well that Gwen would like to shout at him.
"Does she always have to seem so impatient and rude?'' Jory wondered as he continued to make notes in his book. Glancing at his potion, he saw that the moonstone had completely dissolved and faint wisps of white smoke were coming off the surface of the potion. "Just as the instructions said,'' he thought, a bit pleased with himself. He scribbled the description of the smoke down in his book.
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Originally Posted by anolan807
It was time to add the final ingredient, but Minerva wasn't sure what to do once she was done. So she quietly tried to get the professors attention. "Umm Professor I know it says to try all potions here in the lab, but I am making a sleeping potion. How quickly does it take affect, because I really don't want to fall asleep here in the lab." Minerva was getting hardly any sleep and really wanted to go to her dorm and try the potion hoping it would work quickly.
"Don't worry kid." Hecate said and looked up from her papers. "If you fall asleep I will zap you awake."
"And you can always find a willing victi-Partner... just let me approve the potion first." She said going back to her papers.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Droo
"Don't worry kid." Hecate said and looked up from her papers. "If you fall asleep I will zap you awake."
"And you can always find a willing victi-Partner... just let me approve the potion first." She said going back to her papers.
"Thank you professor I'm adding my last ingredient now." Minerva went back to her potion she checked all the ingredients to make sure she did not miss anything.
Water: Check
crushed lavender: Check
crushed chamomile: Check
pinch of purslane: not needed
pinch of ginger
Minerva reached for the ginger and put a pinch into her potion. She stirred five times counter clockwise. Well that should do it then. Minerva hoped it worked she was tired of not being able to sleep. "Professor Lafay I am finished with my sleeping potion now. When you have a chance could you approve it for me?" Minerva started cleaning up all her materials and tools while she waited.
. . .Trust. . . .NO. . . One. . . . . . . .I can love you . . .
Originally Posted by slytheringirl71
Elizabeth rolled her eyes again, "Why do you care i get in troubl???" She really wanted to know the answer because people other the Slytherins usually dont care if the snakes get in trouble.
"Actually,It would help us to win the house trophy but,I don't like to see anyone get in to trouble.Besides If you give this to some one...oh poor one.."
Sam said carelessly.
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Originally Posted by anolan807
"Thank you professor I'm adding my last ingredient now." Minerva went back to her potion she checked all the ingredients to make sure she did not miss anything.
Water: Check
crushed lavender: Check
crushed chamomile: Check
pinch of purslane: not needed
pinch of ginger
Minerva reached for the ginger and put a pinch into her potion. She stirred five times counter clockwise. Well that should do it then. Minerva hoped it worked she was tired of not being able to sleep. "Professor Lafay I am finished with my sleeping potion now. When you have a chance could you approve it for me?" Minerva started cleaning up all her materials and tools while she waited.
She looked over, "Consistency is right, color is passable." She touched it and tapped it between forefinger and thumb... "Yeah, I'll approve it."
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
Yes, he was so up for it. Of course he was...since it was another opportunity to show that there was nothing he could not do that girls did. Nothing was easier than proving that point. He survived the heels and this one seemed to be way easier and safer anyway. Hehe.
Walking into the Potions Laboratory, Josh looked around to spot the she-snake however she was not there...yet. *groan* Was not she already living down here in the dungeons? How could she be late to an activity on the same floor? Girls were hard to understand sometimes.
Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Oh, Evelyn was there. In fact, she was there quite early, however, the Slytherin girl was currently on the ground, picking up her notes that apparently decided to just fall off the table on their own, and ruin her life. Just thank Merlin there wasn't a puddle of water there already like last time this happened.
Standing up after making them in a neat and orderly stack like she had them before, the girl placed them on the table before looking up, eyebrows raising in surprise. "Oh, Josh. You're here." Hehe. Yes...he...was.
"Ready to do this thing?" HMMM!? Because she did in fact bring a camera, and she was pretty sure she wasn't going to have points deducted since this was not a class.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Elizabeth Rose Drangonheart-Malfoy
Sixth Year
Originally Posted by Gerard
"Actually,It would help us to win the house trophy but,I don't like to see anyone get in to trouble.Besides If you give this to some one...oh poor one.."
Sam said carelessly.
"Well don't get your hopes up. Slytherin is in the lead and I have never been caught before so I don't plan on changing that today. Plus people usually stay away from me...Most people are scared and same with the teachers and those are the smart ones." Elizabeth informed him.
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Oh, Evelyn was there. In fact, she was there quite early, however, the Slytherin girl was currently on the ground, picking up her notes that apparently decided to just fall off the table on their own, and ruin her life. Just thank Merlin there wasn't a puddle of water there already like last time this happened.
Standing up after making them in a neat and orderly stack like she had them before, the girl placed them on the table before looking up, eyebrows raising in surprise. "Oh, Josh. You're here." Hehe. Yes...he...was.
"Ready to do this thing?" HMMM!? Because she did in fact bring a camera, and she was pretty sure she wasn't going to have points deducted since this was not a class.
That was her voice, right? So, he had been wrong. Of course! How could he think that way? He very well knew his Evelyn was no ordinary girl however...she was still hard to understand sometimes. Not right now though. Right now, Josh felt nothing but pleasure upon seeing her.
''My love.'' he said quickly approaching her then giving her a quick kiss on the lips and a warm hug. ''You have no idea how much i missed you.''
But it looked like she had a question.
''Sure. Always. What are the ingredients?''
Of course, as usual, he had no notebook with himself.
Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Smiling from the quick kiss, she hugged him back, though was a bit confused on the 'missing her' part. Didn't he just see her like...
"I've got the list here..." Here...which was...somewhere. Perhaps she should've re-organized her notes like she had them before instead of making them just neat and ordinarly. "Aha! Here. Along with the instructions."
SPOILER!!: Hair Removal Paste
Hair Removal Paste
Removes hair
beeswax (2 tablespoons)
juice from 5 flobberworms, freshly squeezed
shrivelfig (1, peeled & crushed)
calendula oil (10 drops)
melt wax in cauldron
add flobberworm juice and stir over high heat for 5 minutes, alternate stirring clockwise and counterclockwise every minute
add shrivelfig and stew over a low flame for 30 minutes
remove from heat and allow to cool completely before applying
add calendula oil after cooled and before application
Can add essential oils for fragrance. Apply to area requiring hair removal, allow to stand for 5 minutes, and remove with a warm, moist, cloth. Discard after 24 hours
Beeswax. Ouch.
Trying to hide her amused smirk, while failing TERRIBLY at it, Evelyn held her arms behind her back and rocked on her feet slightly. Why in the world he agreed to this was beyond her, but she found it extremely entertaining in both visual and tormenting aspects of the situation.
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
SPOILER!!: Evelyn
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Smiling from the quick kiss, she hugged him back, though was a bit confused on the 'missing her' part. Didn't he just see her like...
"I've got the list here..." Here...which was...somewhere. Perhaps she should've re-organized her notes like she had them before instead of making them just neat and ordinarly. "Aha! Here. Along with the instructions."
SPOILER!!: Hair Removal Paste
Hair Removal Paste
Removes hair
beeswax (2 tablespoons)
juice from 5 flobberworms, freshly squeezed
shrivelfig (1, peeled & crushed)
calendula oil (10 drops)
melt wax in cauldron
add flobberworm juice and stir over high heat for 5 minutes, alternate stirring clockwise and counterclockwise every minute
add shrivelfig and stew over a low flame for 30 minutes
remove from heat and allow to cool completely before applying
add calendula oil after cooled and before application
Can add essential oils for fragrance. Apply to area requiring hair removal, allow to stand for 5 minutes, and remove with a warm, moist, cloth. Discard after 24 hours
Beeswax. Ouch.
Trying to hide her amused smirk, while failing TERRIBLY at it, Evelyn held her arms behind her back and rocked on her feet slightly. Why in the world he agreed to this was beyond her, but she found it extremely entertaining in both visual and tormenting aspects of the situation.
His eyes widening with curiosity, Josh eyed the notes in her hands really curious to know what this thing was going to take to brew. So once she had found it, he quickly moved forward and read them all. ''Just 4 ingredients. Even the steps are few.'' looking back at the girl, he smiled ''This is an easy one.''
However when he looked at the ingredients part again, it did not take much of his time to realise that using it was not going to be as easy as brewing it since it involved beeswax. ''This is going to be a little bit sticky, huh?''
Anyway, he had better go and get the ingredients...but...''Why are you smirking like that?''
This time the boy's eyes got narrowed. He preferred to think that this was going to be simple and easy. Her smirk, nevertheless, suggested otherwise.
Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady
His eyes widening with curiosity, Josh eyed the notes in her hands really curious to know what this thing was going to take to brew. So once she had found it, he quickly moved forward and read them all. ''Just 4 ingredients. Even the steps are few.'' looking back at the girl, he smiled ''This is an easy one.''
However when he looked at the ingredients part again, it did not take much of his time to realise that using it was not going to be as easy as brewing it since it involved beeswax. ''This is going to be a little bit sticky, huh?''
Anyway, he had better go and get the ingredients...but...''Why are you smirking like that?''
This time the boy's eyes got narrowed. He preferred to think that this was going to be simple and easy. Her smirk, nevertheless, suggested otherwise.
Hmm yes, it was an easy one. Probably one of the easiest things in the world to make besides toast. Chuckling somewhat, she nodded and turned back to her notes. "Yea, it probably is." She agreed with the sticky part though, like always, she had come prepared. Dragonhide gloves of course. There was no way she was going to get that stuff on her bare hands.
Yet with that accusation...
Looking up to him, her smirk faded just a bit as she shook her head. "Smirking?" she asked, shrugging her shoulders and turning her attention to the cauldron she stood in front of. "I don't know what you're talking about." Meh. She wasn't smirking. Anymore that is. Well, no, that was a lie. Her smirk widened.
While he got the ingredients, she'd clean up the station and make sure the cauldron was ready to use.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Droo
She looked over, "Consistency is right, color is passable." She touched it and tapped it between forefinger and thumb... "Yeah, I'll approve it."
"Thank you Professor" Minerva looked at the potion, ok I guess I just drink some now and then head back to the common room. Minerva picked up the potion and placed it in a container. She took a drink of it and then put the lid on. "Have a good rest of the day Professor. I am looking forward to our next class." Minerva said as she headed out of the lab.
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Hmm yes, it was an easy one. Probably one of the easiest things in the world to make besides toast. Chuckling somewhat, she nodded and turned back to her notes. "Yea, it probably is." She agreed with the sticky part though, like always, she had come prepared. Dragonhide gloves of course. There was no way she was going to get that stuff on her bare hands.
Yet with that accusation...
Looking up to him, her smirk faded just a bit as she shook her head. "Smirking?" she asked, shrugging her shoulders and turning her attention to the cauldron she stood in front of. "I don't know what you're talking about." Meh. She wasn't smirking. Anymore that is. Well, no, that was a lie. Her smirk widened.
While he got the ingredients, she'd clean up the station and make sure the cauldron was ready to use.
What did she agree with exactly?
Why was she still smirking? And she was denying it. Why? Did not she know that he could figure it out when there was something out of ordinary after so many years together? Nevertheless, he did not say anything and walked away to get the ingredients after glancing at the notes to remind himself what they were.
Beeswax, okay. 5 flobberworms. Hmmm...those things looked to be still alive. The juice had to be freshly squeezed anyway so he took that jar taking it under his arm so he could get the little veil of calendula oil and the shrivelfig in one hand.
''Ingredients are here.'' he said with a smile once he placed them all on the station. ''Do you know what it means there? It says 'add calendula oil after cooled and before application'. What application?''
Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady
What did she agree with exactly?
Why was she still smirking? And she was denying it. Why? Did not she know that he could figure it out when there was something out of ordinary after so many years together? Nevertheless, he did not say anything and walked away to get the ingredients after glancing at the notes to remind himself what they were.
Beeswax, okay. 5 flobberworms. Hmmm...those things looked to be still alive. The juice had to be freshly squeezed anyway so he took that jar taking it under his arm so he could get the little veil of calendula oil and the shrivelfig in one hand.
''Ingredients are here.'' he said with a smile once he placed them all on the station. ''Do you know what it means there? It says 'add calendula oil after cooled and before application'. What application?''
Cleaning the cauldron and the surrounding area including all of the stirrers and whatnot they could be using, Evelyn was just going to re-holster her wand when Josh to come back with the ingredients. Bleh. Flobberworms. At least this wasn't something that one...
"Application." she repeated as if that would help him understand. No? Well then, let's try again. "You think you're going to drink this? Merlin, you wouldn't be able to get the beeswax past your throat."
Farewell to those who even tried.
Looking at the instructions, she lit a fire underneath the cauldron and....looked over to Josh. "Do you want to squeeze the flobberworms?" Because she didn't. At all.
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
SPOILER!!: Evelyn
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Cleaning the cauldron and the surrounding area including all of the stirrers and whatnot they could be using, Evelyn was just going to re-holster her wand when Josh to come back with the ingredients. Bleh. Flobberworms. At least this wasn't something that one...
"Application." she repeated as if that would help him understand. No? Well then, let's try again. "You think you're going to drink this? Merlin, you wouldn't be able to get the beeswax past your throat."
Farewell to those who even tried.
Looking at the instructions, she lit a fire underneath the cauldron and....looked over to Josh. "Do you want to squeeze the flobberworms?" Because she didn't. At all.
Yeah. That was what sounded confusing to the Gryffindor boy. What application was this directions talking about? He had no idea. And he was not sure if consuming it would be called applying it so...there Evelyn had confirmed it as well. This potion was not to be consumed. But forget making things clear, that even confused him more.
''Seriously?'' he said looking at her with questioning eyes. She was telling the truth, though. There was no way one could drink something with beeswax. Then eat it maybe? ''Then...how am i supposed to apply it?'' Good question huh?
Watching her doing the rest of the arrangements like lighting the fire under the cauldron, he picked up the beeswax. The first direction was to melt it, right? And handed it to her.
Squeeze the flobberworms? ''Well...i am not going to enjoy it but if you don't want to. Yeah, i am up for it.''
Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
SPOILER!!: Joooosh
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady
Yeah. That was what sounded confusing to the Gryffindor boy. What application was this directions talking about? He had no idea. And he was not sure if consuming it would be called applying it so...there Evelyn had confirmed it as well. This potion was not to be consumed. But forget making things clear, that even confused him more.
''Seriously?'' he said looking at her with questioning eyes. She was telling the truth, though. There was no way one could drink something with beeswax. Then eat it maybe? ''Then...how am i supposed to apply it?'' Good question huh?
Watching her doing the rest of the arrangements like lighting the fire under the cauldron, he picked up the beeswax. The first direction was to melt it, right? And handed it to her.
Squeeze the flobberworms? ''Well...i am not going to enjoy it but if you don't want to. Yeah, i am up for it.''
Hmm yes, she didn't stutter. Laughed maybe, but didn't stutter.
"Think about it Josh." Really, just...think about it. What did 'to apply' mean?
Laughing quietly as she slightly shook her head, the Slytherin took the beeswax and measured out the two tablespoons of the stuff before dumping it into the heating cauldron. Or tried to. There was a lot of scraping on the side of the cauldron to try to get all the stuff off the measuring tool, until she got all the beeswax into the cauldron. Merlin.
"Yea, if you could. I'm not a fan of...squeezing flobberworms..." Ew. "Use gloves!" Otherwise, don't touch her. Ever again.
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
SPOILER!!: Evelyn <3
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Hmm yes, she didn't stutter. Laughed maybe, but didn't stutter.
"Think about it Josh." Really, just...think about it. What did 'to apply' mean?
Laughing quietly as she slightly shook her head, the Slytherin took the beeswax and measured out the two tablespoons of the stuff before dumping it into the heating cauldron. Or tried to. There was a lot of scraping on the side of the cauldron to try to get all the stuff off the measuring tool, until she got all the beeswax into the cauldron. Merlin.
"Yea, if you could. I'm not a fan of...squeezing flobberworms..." Ew. "Use gloves!" Otherwise, don't touch her. Ever again.
Think? Why was she asking him to think? Was not it, 'the application', simple? ''Seriously, Rose, is it that difficult just to explain it?'' Yeaa, why did not she just explain it if she already knew it. He was sure that she knew it very well and probably it was a girl thing again but that was no reason to avoid making everything simple and just...explain it.
Anyway...probably she needed him to focus back on the job they were doing otherwise the ingredients would run to waste and Lafay would go all RAWR on them. RAWR as in a bad mood, not Gryffindor RAWR, obviously. Nodding at the pretty she-snake, he carefully wore the dragon-hide gloves that randomly rested on the station since she ordered him to do so and he did not want to think of what would happen if he had not obeyed so and picked up three flobberworms. Two in the palm of the left hand and one between his wingers of his right hand.
''Ready? Has the beeswax melted yet?''
Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady
Think? Why was she asking him to think? Was not it, 'the application', simple? ''Seriously, Rose, is it that difficult just to explain it?'' Yeaa, why did not she just explain it if she already knew it. He was sure that she knew it very well and probably it was a girl thing again but that was no reason to avoid making everything simple and just...explain it.
Anyway...probably she needed him to focus back on the job they were doing otherwise the ingredients would run to waste and Lafay would go all RAWR on them. RAWR as in a bad mood, not Gryffindor RAWR, obviously. Nodding at the pretty she-snake, he carefully wore the dragon-hide gloves that randomly rested on the station since she ordered him to do so and he did not want to think of what would happen if he had not obeyed so and picked up three flobberworms. Two in the palm of the left hand and one between his wingers of his right hand.
''Ready? Has the beeswax melted yet?''
Oh for the love of Merlin...
"Josh. Really. To apply. To put, lay, or spread on...to apply." Did he get it? Staring at him, Evelyn sighed before continuing. "You put it on your skin. Like a lotion or soap or something."
Eying him, her smirk reappeared slightly as she slowly turned her gaze away from him and to the melting beeswax. Yup, finally melting. Though was it ready? She never made this stuff before. Was it supposed to melt allllll the way, or just enough to where it was easy to stir? ........."Yea, it's ready." she nodded, taking a small step away from the flobberworms.
Those were insanely gross. How Destiny carried one around was beyond her.
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
Put it on his skin?
Then; after spending a few minutes just staring at the she-snake and thinking over her words, hands full of flobberworm thing, it finally occured to him. ''I am supposed to put the sticky thing on my leg and...''
Oh, Merlin!!! Seriously?
''...this will hurt, right?'' he completed his sentence with a rather defeated tone. He should have known from the expression she got the moment he had agreed to this thing. Taking a deep sigh anyway, he nodded and walked forward stopping before the cauldron once she said the beeswax was ready.
Yes, maybe he was squeezing the flobberworm stuff into the cauldron one by one right now, but his mind was so busy with what was going to happen once they finished brewing this, he did not mind how gross what he was doing was. His expression, of course, reflected the very fact that he was thinking about it over and over and over again.
There was also another important matter. Was Evelyn going to love him with hairless legs?
''I think...i am done with this.''
Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
Jory watched as Gwen stirred her potion. When she tried to explain about the Pepsi, she sounded a bit angry. Jory was sorry he mentioned anything about the drink. "I know you're a pureblood born witch,'' he said patiently knowing quite well that Gwen would like to shout at him.
"Does she always have to seem so impatient and rude?'' Jory wondered as he continued to make notes in his book. Glancing at his potion, he saw that the moonstone had completely dissolved and faint wisps of white smoke were coming off the surface of the potion. "Just as the instructions said,'' he thought, a bit pleased with himself. He scribbled the description of the smoke down in his book.
From where did he know I’m a pureblood?!? Did I use this excuse some other time too? Probably… the second year thought, still looking a bit puzzled. Then, she decided to continue brewing the potion. Adding the ounce of powdered bicorn horn to her cauldron, Gwendolyn stared at Jory. How come he’s always that patient?, she wondered, really willing to ask him that. Maybe some other time, though.
Sitting very close to her cauldron, Gwen made a few more notes. Starting to smell some vinegar odor around, she realized the potion was fine. When adding the unicorn horn, the smell became more and more powerful. Meh, it’s supposed to be like this.
‘How’s your potion?’, she finally asked Jory, not even looking at his cauldron.
SPOILER!!: notes
The Deflating Draught
- a cup of water
- One handful of Knotgrass
- Leeches ( exactly three halved leeches)
- One ounce of powdered bicorn horn
- single tail hair from a unicorn
- added approximately half of the cup of water to the cauldron
- added a handful of knotgrass
- stirred twice counter-clockwise
- added the three halved leeches
- waited 2 minutes
- added the ounce of powdered bicorn horn
- added the unicorn horn
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill
From where did he know I’m a pureblood?!? Did I use this excuse some other time too? Probably… the second year thought, still looking a bit puzzled. Then, she decided to continue brewing the potion. Adding the ounce of powdered bicorn horn to her cauldron, Gwendolyn stared at Jory. How come he’s always that patient?, she wondered, really willing to ask him that. Maybe some other time, though.
Sitting very close to her cauldron, Gwen made a few more notes. Starting to smell some vinegar odor around, she realized the potion was fine. When adding the unicorn horn, the smell became more and more powerful. Meh, it’s supposed to be like this.
‘How’s your potion?’, she finally asked Jory, not even looking at his cauldron.
SPOILER!!: notes
The Deflating Draught
- a cup of water
- One handful of Knotgrass
- Leeches ( exactly three halved leeches)
- One ounce of powdered bicorn horn
- single tail hair from a unicorn
- added approximately half of the cup of water to the cauldron
- added a handful of knotgrass
- stirred twice counter-clockwise
- added the three halved leeches
- waited 2 minutes
- added the ounce of powdered bicorn horn
- added the unicorn horn
Jory finished writing all his notes in his book and took a look at the others in the lab. Everyone seemed to be working hard. His eyes fell back on Gwen as she continued brewing her potion. She was staring at him as if she had something on her mind. "You wanna ask something?'' Jory asked sure he had interpreted her expression correctly.
"Its done,'' Jory replied noting Gwen hadn't even looked over at the cauldron which still had steam rising from it. "Its just got to cool now. Do you have lots more to do?'' Jory thought he'd might wait on Gwen until she was done.