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As you enter the Hogwarts library, what appears to be a cozy nook in one corner of the main area appears most appealing to the Hogwarts student interested in his or her reading. Upon further inspection, you see that this comfy area is larger than it had seemed on first sight. Spread throughout the room are clusters of armchairs, surrounding magical reading lamps giving off different levels of light, all of which are appropriate for reading. These clusters are perfect for study groups or group projects.
Here and there are a few lone armchairs for the student who enjoys quiet solitary reading, and a number of sofas for any that would rather stretch out and put their feet up. Be sure not to muddy them up though!
A soft glow of light is present throughout the room, with more magical lamps in each possible reading space. Be sure not to make much noise and respect some students' wishes to read in quiet.
One last note, no food or drink in the reading lounge.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Zhenya wondered into her favourite place - the Library.
She had a book with her from home, and she chose a comfy looking chair surrounded by a circle of other chairs. She sat here, thinking if someone else wanted to join her, they could.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Raven just took the book about muggle lifes. Sounds strange, a pureblood witch like her seemed interested with muggle. Then she looked for a seat. She found a big comfortable coach then she sat on there enjoyed her book
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Beatrice was holding the book entitled, Magic and Magical Theory. She looked for a vacant seat in the reading lounge at the Library.
After finding one beside a window, she quickly took a seat and started reading.
Elliot had overruled her previous idea to go out and sit by the lake. She didn't like being outside...why did she even want to do that in the first place? She decided to come in the library; she had a letter from her father. She figured that it wasn't going to be good. The common room was far too full; she thought the library would be the perfect place. Plus, she wanted to read a book.
She opened the letter, her fingers trembling lightly.
Elliot Mitchell Morganzo,
I am severely disappointed in you. Ravenclaw? Should have been a Hufflepuff...don't you know the hat lets you choose? Of course not. Don't expect many letters from me. I am busy with work, and you'll be busy with school. I suppose you'll be using that clever MIND of yours, since you're in Ravenclaw. I had to write to Grandfather and tell him the news as well. I thought he was going to die of shock...you should feel terrible. It is your fault, afterall. Anyways, I am ending this letter now...remember your roots, your father, your blood. Just because you're in Ravenclaw, don't forget who you are, Elliot Mitchell.
-Darius Marcus Morganzo
Elliot, who was reasonably prepared for the blow, sighed. It was still a dagger to her heart. She folded up the letter carefully, stowing it back into her pocket. Her mother's letter was nicer, more encouraging, and longer. For once, Elliot was glad to have her mother.
She sighed again, rubbing her eyes. She didn't cry. That would show weakness. She simply stared across the room, her eyes narrowed. Elliot was deeply upset.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Gwendolyn walked along the bookshelves, looking for anything that had to do with Potions. The girl picked up a few books that seemed interesting, examined their covers, and then placed most of them back. After that, she decided to go back to the reading lounge and start studying the two books she had picked out. However, when she spotted an enormous black book, she felt her eyes were going wiiiiide. Wow! That seems interesting!, she thought and pulled the book out from the shelve. Placing the other two books back, she went straight to the closest table to start reading the huge black book.
Um, yeah... the sound of the book being placed 'gently' on the table. It sounded as if a bomb had dropped on that spot!, Gwen dramatized, looking a bit puzzled at the students sitting close to her. Yup, I am definitely not in the right mind to want to read this book. Want to!'Sorry', she finally mumbled, realizing she might have disturbed a few students. Meh, no big deal..., she told herself while finally taking a seat. Then, she took a piece of parchment and a couple of quills out of her bag, and opened the huge book, ready to get started. Now... let's see which potion shall I pick?, she asked herself while flipping the pages.
Eino made his way to the Library, more specifically the reading lounge, with a book under his arm for a relaxing afternoon. It was impossible to read in the common room, it was crowded and noisy, just like every other place in the castle. It was always like this at the beginning of the year. People were excited, wanted to meet other people, talk about their summers, etc., but it always died down when classes started. For now, he could find some quiet and comfort in the dimly lit area of the library. He took a seat on one of the fluffy and comfy armchairs, open his book, read the first couple of lines, and got bored. The book wasn't boring, he just didn't really feel like reading it. He tilted his head back and rested it on the back of the armchair as he examined the ceiling of the library. Yeah, that was much better.
Eino made his way to the Library, more specifically the reading lounge, with a book under his arm for a relaxing afternoon. It was impossible to read in the common room, it was crowded and noisy, just like every other place in the castle. It was always like this at the beginning of the year. People were excited, wanted to meet other people, talk about their summers, etc., but it always died down when classes started. For now, he could find some quiet and comfort in the dimly lit area of the library. He took a seat on one of the fluffy and comfy armchairs, open his book, read the first couple of lines, and got bored. The book wasn't boring, he just didn't really feel like reading it. He tilted his head back and rested it on the back of the armchair as he examined the ceiling of the library. Yeah, that was much better.
Okay, now he was bored again...
Entering the library, João's first stop had been the shelves to pick up a Transfiguration book. Finding the correct one, he looked around for somewhere to sit down. He spotted a few comfortable-looking armchairs and made his way to there. Picking a seat next to a pale boy, he sat down and was about to open his book when he took a better view at the boy again.
"You're the boy at the zoo." Maybe it sounded rude to point fingers at him, but they couldn't really introduce themselves. João had run away due to horrible smell and noise.
Entering the library, João's first stop had been the shelves to pick up a Transfiguration book. Finding the correct one, he looked around for somewhere to sit down. He spotted a few comfortable-looking armchairs and made his way to there. Picking a seat next to a pale boy, he sat down and was about to open his book when he took a better view at the boy again.
"You're the boy at the zoo." Maybe it sounded rude to point fingers at him, but they couldn't really introduce themselves. João had run away due to horrible smell and noise.
Eino heard some footsteps and page flipping next to him but didn't bother to look up. The library was empty and he didn't want the person next to him to think he was nosy, so he kept quiet, resting with his eyes closed. He was still very much curious to know who was there. What if it was Hugo and he was going to scare him? Before Eino could check, the person next to him spoke. Now that he had a reason to look, Eino opened his eyes and immediately recognized the boy from the carnival. "I do suppose I am one of the many boys at the zoo, because I was there and I am one." He couldn't remember the boy's name, hopefully because he hadn't introduced himself because he didn't want to seem rude by forgetting his name. Well, the boy hadn't called him by his name so maybe they hadn't introduced themselves. "I'm Eino, fourth year Ravenclaw." He said extending his right hand.
Don't Cross the Book | who turned out the | Lights Lennox
Jezabel settled in an armchair, opened a large spell book, and buried herself in it. After a few minutes, she looked up to see a mouse scurrying across the floor near her, obviously not wanting to be spotted. Jez glanced around, and then scooped up the mouse. The tiny creature started to squeak, but Jez quickly pointed her wand at it. "Silencio." The mouse's squeaks were softened, but they didn't fade entirely. Jez sighed in frustration, but then put the mouse gently in her satchel. She went back to learning the Lumos spell.
Eino heard some footsteps and page flipping next to him but didn't bother to look up. The library was empty and he didn't want the person next to him to think he was nosy, so he kept quiet, resting with his eyes closed. He was still very much curious to know who was there. What if it was Hugo and he was going to scare him? Before Eino could check, the person next to him spoke. Now that he had a reason to look, Eino opened his eyes and immediately recognized the boy from the carnival. "I do suppose I am one of the many boys at the zoo, because I was there and I am one." He couldn't remember the boy's name, hopefully because he hadn't introduced himself because he didn't want to seem rude by forgetting his name. Well, the boy hadn't called him by his name so maybe they hadn't introduced themselves. "I'm Eino, fourth year Ravenclaw." He said extending his right hand.
Oh, so João had disturbed the boy while he slept. Shoot. Well, he had been too excited to have recognised the boy that he didn't really pay attention to his closed eyes. At least he didn't look annoyed, so that was okay.
Taking his hand to give it a confident shake, he said "João, fifth year Slytherin." He'd seen this pale British, but it was the first time he ever heard of the name Eino.
Jezabel settled in an armchair, opened a large spell book, and buried herself in it. After a few minutes, she looked up to see a mouse scurrying across the floor near her, obviously not wanting to be spotted. Jez glanced around, and then scooped up the mouse. The tiny creature started to squeak, but Jez quickly pointed her wand at it. "Silencio." The mouse's squeaks were softened, but they didn't fade entirely. Jez sighed in frustration, but then put the mouse gently in her satchel. She went back to learning the Lumos spell.
Sarah had first wandered into the lounge to do some reading, but after she had noticed someone practicing spells, she put the book aside and began to watch the girl doing spells.
No, she wasn't a stalker. She was merely curious about spells. She hadn't learned any, so she was more than a little curious about them.
What was that girl doing to that poor mouse?! ANIMAL ABUSE!!!
Oh, so João had disturbed the boy while he slept. Shoot. Well, he had been too excited to have recognised the boy that he didn't really pay attention to his closed eyes. At least he didn't look annoyed, so that was okay.
Taking his hand to give it a confident shake, he said "João, fifth year Slytherin." He'd seen this pale British, but it was the first time he ever heard of the name Eino.
"Are you a foreigner too?"
Eino returned the shake, not nearly as confidently as the boy but rather sloppily, and pulled his hand back. He nodded at the boy's introduction, but his next question caught Eino by surprise. He hesitated and gulped before lying. "Y-yes." Lies. "I'm Finnish." Y U NO TELL TRUTH, EINO!? Sure, before he didn't know he was lying so he could be excuse, but now he knew, so he was guilty and he felt bad, very bad. He cleared his throat, loosened his collar, and sighed heavily before proceeding. "Where are you from?" Well, the boy had said too so that implied that he was a foreigner. Plus, with a name like Joe-Ah-Oo he had to be.
With a book in hand, Lauren sat down in one of the comfy armchairs, tucking her long legs beneath her. There were a few people in the room, but it was still relatively quiet, which was nice. She'd need the quiet if she was going to get through her planned readings. Potions. Sigh. Her least favourite subject, well, so far. She wasn't suited for stuffy dungeons and stinky ingredients. Yelch. But she knew she would struggle with it, and she desperately wanted to do decently on her OWLs. So here she sat, before classes had even started, to read. To read about potions. Blah.
With a book in hand, Lauren sat down in one of the comfy armchairs, tucking her long legs beneath her. There were a few people in the room, but it was still relatively quiet, which was nice. She'd need the quiet if she was going to get through her planned readings. Potions. Sigh. Her least favourite subject, well, so far. She wasn't suited for stuffy dungeons and stinky ingredients. Yelch. But she knew she would struggle with it, and she desperately wanted to do decently on her OWLs. So here she sat, before classes had even started, to read. To read about potions. Blah.
Yeah she had no idea why she was coming into the library either. This was her fourth year at Hogwarts and her last and she had been to the library twice in all that time.
And it wasn't like she was coming in here to study either but the place was quiet and Nik had gotten her some new books on pottery and sculpting and she was eager to go through them and study some new techniques.
Entering the library, Mia headed straight for the reading lounge and plopped down into a chair next to a girl, a little younger than herself and she immediately noticed the textbook.
"Getting in early, are you?" she said inclining her head towards the potions book.
Yeah she had no idea why she was coming into the library either. This was her fourth year at Hogwarts and her last and she had been to the library twice in all that time.
And it wasn't like she was coming in here to study either but the place was quiet and Nik had gotten her some new books on pottery and sculpting and she was eager to go through them and study some new techniques.
Entering the library, Mia headed straight for the reading lounge and plopped down into a chair next to a girl, a little younger than herself and she immediately noticed the textbook.
"Getting in early, are you?" she said inclining her head towards the potions book.
The properties of blah blah are useful for blah blah...Lauren read the sentence for the fourth time, but it just wasn't making sense. She was so frustrated that she wanted to bash the heavy book into her face! Argh!
And then she heard another person in the nearby vicinity, taking a seat near her. Lauren was prepared to ignore them and continue struggling, until they spoke, or she spoke, rather, giving her a perfect reason to put the stupid book down.
Her blonde head flicked up, taking in the other girl: older than her and taller, too. Or so it seemed. She was sitting down also, so it wasn't easy to tell.
"Yeah, something like that," Lauren replied to her question, with a lopsided smile. "How about you? Planning to do some study?" she asked.
The properties of blah blah are useful for blah blah...Lauren read the sentence for the fourth time, but it just wasn't making sense. She was so frustrated that she wanted to bash the heavy book into her face! Argh!
And then she heard another person in the nearby vicinity, taking a seat near her. Lauren was prepared to ignore them and continue struggling, until they spoke, or she spoke, rather, giving her a perfect reason to put the stupid book down.
Her blonde head flicked up, taking in the other girl: older than her and taller, too. Or so it seemed. She was sitting down also, so it wasn't easy to tell.
"Yeah, something like that," Lauren replied to her question, with a lopsided smile. "How about you? Planning to do some study?" she asked.
The girl was looking a little frustrated. Mia couldn't blame her, she was trying to read a potions textbook after all. If it had of been her, she doubted she would have gotten past the title page. Potions. So not her thing. Actually none of the subjects at Hogwarts were her thing.
Mia chuckled softly at the girl's question and held up her book of 'Functional Pottery' and shrugged her shoulders. "Sort of." she said with a sheepish grin. "It's what I want to do after I graduate so I guess you could say that I am studying."
No doubt the girl was going to think she was weird. Here she was, at a school for magic and she was studying muggle hobbies. She wouldn't be the first person to think her weird. "I'm Mia by the way." She placed the book onto her lap and extended her hand towards the younger girl and giving her a warm smile.
Don't Cross the Book | who turned out the | Lights Lennox
Originally Posted by Greymalkin
Sarah had first wandered into the lounge to do some reading, but after she had noticed someone practicing spells, she put the book aside and began to watch the girl doing spells.
No, she wasn't a stalker. She was merely curious about spells. She hadn't learned any, so she was more than a little curious about them.
What was that girl doing to that poor mouse?! ANIMAL ABUSE!!!
Jez felt eyes on her, and looked up to see a first-year Slytherin girl watching her. She smiled nervously. "Hi. D'you ... d'you need anything?" She wasn't sure if the girl had seen her with that poor mouse. She also didn't know how the librarian would react to the creature, but if she was anything like the librarians Jez had met previously, then mice would probably not be welcome here. Jez hoped that if the girl had seen her, she wouldn't tell.
Jez felt eyes on her, and looked up to see a first-year Slytherin girl watching her. She smiled nervously. "Hi. D'you ... d'you need anything?" She wasn't sure if the girl had seen her with that poor mouse. She also didn't know how the librarian would react to the creature, but if she was anything like the librarians Jez had met previously, then mice would probably not be welcome here. Jez hoped that if the girl had seen her, she wouldn't tell.
Sarah blinked.
Caught in the act RUN!
"Hey, I was just stalking observing the spells you were doing. I haven't learned any yet."
"Oh!" she smiled, "I forgot, I'm Sarah Oliver. Who are you?"
Eino returned the shake, not nearly as confidently as the boy but rather sloppily, and pulled his hand back. He nodded at the boy's introduction, but his next question caught Eino by surprise. He hesitated and gulped before lying. "Y-yes." Lies. "I'm Finnish." Y U NO TELL TRUTH, EINO!? Sure, before he didn't know he was lying so he could be excuse, but now he knew, so he was guilty and he felt bad, very bad. He cleared his throat, loosened his collar, and sighed heavily before proceeding. "Where are you from?" Well, the boy had said too so that implied that he was a foreigner. Plus, with a name like Joe-Ah-Oo he had to be.
João watched with interest as the boy obviously LIED. Well, it wasn't truly his business why he was lying. He wasn't a racist, after all, and he didn't think he looked like one. It wasn't his business, after all. The only time he would really care would be if he was an official at the borders or in Foreign Affairs, which he obviously was not...
"I'm Brazilian." Wonder if he knew where the country was.
"Something wrong for you?" Because he just had to ask whether he was having a real problem or they were all symptoms of lying.
Chris entered the library reading lounge. They were only here a few days and he was already starting to love it here. However, he was still as she shy as ever. He was like a kitten walking into a tigers den in the wild. He was petrified. It took him at least a half hour of walking to the door of the library to the end of the corridor, forward and back, forward and back, to finally pick up the courage and enter. He had been spending a lot of his time in the boys dorm reading the books he brought from home there.
''Its okay, just relax'' He thought as he walked through the Library trying to avoid eye contact with everyone. It was time he found somewhere else to read, somewhere a bit more peaceful.
As he entered the reading lounge he sat down away from everyone else, he had his legs up and his head is resting on it, he took out a book on Divination and read it, avoiding having to look at everyone. He soon heard a noise and cautiously looked up to see who had just approached him.
João watched with interest as the boy obviously LIED. Well, it wasn't truly his business why he was lying. He wasn't a racist, after all, and he didn't think he looked like one. It wasn't his business, after all. The only time he would really care would be if he was an official at the borders or in Foreign Affairs, which he obviously was not...
"I'm Brazilian." Wonder if he knew where the country was.
"Something wrong for you?" Because he just had to ask whether he was having a real problem or they were all symptoms of lying.
Eino had absolutely no idea what a Brazilian was. He hadn't lasted in muggle school past the first grade, due to his inability to maintain magic and the magical world a secret. He had been mostly educated at home, but only in magical matters, so he lacked in the geography department. Nonetheless, he pretended to be impressed that the boy was from this Brazilian place, because it sounded very cool.
"Oh, yes-- I mean, I no, nothing is wrong. No." Well, way to be obvious, Captain Sly. He cleared his throat. Ugh, why was he asking that anyway, did Eino really have "LIAR" written on his forehead? Oh, Merlin. Eino tried to pull some of his short hair forward to cover his forehead, but that didn't really work, so he decided to change the subject. "So, uh, ummm, how do you like Hogwarts? What classes are you taking? Are you trying out for Quidditch?" Anything else to make it even more obvious? Le sigh.
Don't Cross the Book | who turned out the | Lights Lennox
Originally Posted by Greymalkin
Sarah blinked.
Caught in the act RUN!
"Hey, I was just stalking observing the spells you were doing. I haven't learned any yet."
"Oh!" she smiled, "I forgot, I'm Sarah Oliver. Who are you?"
"I'm Jezabel Black, or Jez for short." Jez smiled. "Do you like books? I love them!" When the subject was books, it was easy to catch Jez's attention. "I can teach you a few spells, if you want," she added shyly, not wanting to sound rude.
Don't Cross the Book | who turned out the | Lights Lennox
Originally Posted by scarecrow9706
Chris entered the library reading lounge. They were only here a few days and he was already starting to love it here. However, he was still as she shy as ever. He was like a kitten walking into a tigers den in the wild. He was petrified. It took him at least a half hour of walking to the door of the library to the end of the corridor, forward and back, forward and back, to finally pick up the courage and enter. He had been spending a lot of his time in the boys dorm reading the books he brought from home there.
''Its okay, just relax'' He thought as he walked through the Library trying to avoid eye contact with everyone. It was time he found somewhere else to read, somewhere a bit more peaceful.
As he entered the reading lounge he sat down away from everyone else, he had his legs up and his head is resting on it, he took out a book on Divination and read it, avoiding having to look at everyone. He soon heard a noise and cautiously looked up to see who had just approached him.
"Oh, hi." Jez felt a little embarrassed that she'd disturbed the boy. "I was just wondering ... is that a book on Divination?" She pointed to the book in the boy's hand. She didn't recall seeing him before. Maybe she hadn't been paying attention to the real world again. "I don't really understand the concept of it. Could you explain it?" She hoped to high hell she didn't sound as shy as she felt.