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-   -   Hufflepuff Common Room (

PhoenixRising 08-10-2011 04:12 AM

Hufflepuff Common Room
Banner created by Lockhartian

Entering the common room through a still life painting near the kitchens, you will find the spacious room known as your House Common Room. Welcome! Your common room is your sanctuary. During your seven years here, your house will be like your family. The large room is designed around the fireplace, which sits in the very middle, and will more than likely be your favorite place on cold winter nights.

Flanking off and into the rest of the room, the room is furnished with plush armchairs, generally in clusters of two or four. There are also comfortable large couches that might swallow you up, if you're not careful. The wall decor is, of course, Hufflepuff house colors. There are also yellow and black hangings around the room.

A large solid wood table is set up to the far side of the room, the perfect place to study, and should you find yourself in need of inspiration, portraits of memorable Hufflepuffs such as Nymphadora Tonks, Cedric Diggory, and even Zacharias Smith, flying on his broomstick, line the walls around you.

Opposite, you will find two underground tunnels, each going a different way, to the right the tunnel will lead you to the boy's dorms, and to the left, the girl's dorms.

Lady of Light 09-04-2011 07:06 AM

Anyone? (;
Daphne stood near the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room. WOW. What with the beautiful firepleace, the couches, armchairs, the hangings around the looked amazing.

Daphne entered the room and spotted a really comfortable looking armchair near the firepace. She sat down and looked at the potraits that lined the nearby wall. Fascinating.

Talikins 09-04-2011 07:06 AM

Gold and black was what Nessie saw as she entered the Hufflepuff common room. She had really missed the place. She many good memories here and she hoped to make plenty more. The Hufflepuff common room looked pretty much the same which was how she liked it. This year she hoped was going to be better then the last. She may have had a little rough time last year but all her fellow Huffies had helped her out.

Plomp she sank into an armchair feeling tired. The opening feast always ended late and she felt exhausted. She would have gone straight to the girls dormitory but she wanted to say hello to all her friends and she wanted to welcome the first years. She was also waiting for her sister to come so she could sort her sister out. She started playing with her nails waiting for one of her friends to come.

Slowfie 09-04-2011 12:15 PM

Aaron smile to himself as he entered the common room, home. He waved at the portraits hanging on the wall before letting himself fall into one of the many armchairs.

Davvy_Wavvy 09-04-2011 12:30 PM

family time!!! lol

Originally Posted by HP_princess (Post 10614427)
Daphne stood near the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room. WOW. What with the beautiful firepleace, the couches, armchairs, the hangings around the looked amazing.

Daphne entered the room and spotted a really comfortable looking armchair near the firepace. She sat down and looked at the potraits that lined the nearby wall. Fascinating.

Cassie's breezed into the common room smiling, after not being able to eat much at dinner she needed something that would fill her but not be too heavy, her stomach just couldn't handle it all. She returned to the common room with a bowl of cereal that she got from the kitchen, only now the common room wasn't empty.

She spotted someone in one of the armchairs that she would normally sit in and halted. Now she just had to find another....the girl though didn't look very familiar so she plopped into the chair next to hers and extended her hand, balancing the bowl of cereal in the other.

"You look new, I'm Cassie Storm, 7th year." She smiled warmly at her.


Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh (Post 10614428)
Gold and black was what Nessie saw as she entered the Hufflepuff common room. She had really missed the place. She many good memories here and she hoped to make plenty more. The Hufflepuff common room looked pretty much the same which was how she liked it. This year she hoped was going to be better then the last. She may have had a little rough time last year but all her fellow Huffies had helped her out.

Plomp she sank into an armchair feeling tired. The opening feast always ended late and she felt exhausted. She would have gone straight to the girls dormitory but she wanted to say hello to all her friends and she wanted to welcome the first years. She was also waiting for her sister to come so she could sort her sister out. She started playing with her nails waiting for one of her friends to come.

Cassie had noticed the other persons in the room too and smiled at the younger girl. Now she looked familiar. If she remembered right, she was a first year last term which meant she was a brand spanking new seconds year. She waved to her from where she was sitting."Welcome back."

Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride (Post 10614938)
Aaron smile to himself as he entered the common room, home. He waved at the portraits hanging on the wall before letting himself fall into one of the many armchairs.

She also extended a warm smile to the boy sitting (and looking extremely contented) across from them. Yep it was good to be back among her house mates.

Slowfie 09-04-2011 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy (Post 10614975)
Cassie's breezed into the common room smiling, after not being able to eat much at dinner she needed something that would fill her but not be too heavy, her stomach just couldn't handle it all. She returned to the common room with a bowl of cereal that she got from the kitchen, only now the common room wasn't empty.

She spotted someone in one of the armchairs that she would normally sit in and halted. Now she just had to find another....the girl though didn't look very familiar so she plopped into the chair next to hers and extended her hand, balancing the bowl of cereal in the other.

"You look new, I'm Cassie Storm, 7th year." She smiled warmly at her.

Cassie had noticed the other persons in the room too and smiled at the younger girl. Now she looked familiar. If she remembered right, she was a first year last term which meant she was a brand spanking new seconds year. She waved to her from where she was sitting."Welcome back."

She also extended a warm smile to the boy sitting (and looking extremely contented) across from them. Yep it was good to be back among her house mates.

Aaron noticed the girl smiling at him and heard her introduce herself to the new girl. He got up and stretched out, yawning dramatically, before walking over to the two girls and flopping into a chair by them.
He held his hand out and flashed them a smile. 'You DO look new. I am the one and only Aaron Roberts.'

Talikins 09-04-2011 12:42 PM

*plays song* We are family...
SPOILER!!: Family :P

Originally Posted by HP_princess (Post 10614427)
Daphne stood near the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room. WOW. What with the beautiful firepleace, the couches, armchairs, the hangings around the looked amazing.

Daphne entered the room and spotted a really comfortable looking armchair near the firepace. She sat down and looked at the potraits that lined the nearby wall. Fascinating.


Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride (Post 10614938)
Aaron smile to himself as he entered the common room, home. He waved at the portraits hanging on the wall before letting himself fall into one of the many armchairs.


Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy (Post 10614975)
Cassie had noticed the other persons in the room too and smiled at the younger girl. Now she looked familiar. If she remembered right, she was a first year last term which meant she was a brand spanking new seconds year. She waved to her from where she was sitting."Welcome back."

Nessie stopped playing with her nails and looked up when she heard somone say welcome back. There was now three people in the common room excluding herself. She put on a smile. "Thank you" she told the girl that looked the oldest. The other two also looked bigger and she was probably the youngest in the common room for now.

She thought it was a good time for introductions and so she got up from her chair. "Hey everyone, I'm Nessie" she thought she sounded like such a freak she sat down again, her cheeks starting to get a little red. She picked up her pgmy puff, Puffles that was on her shoulder and she put him on her lap and started to stroke him.

Devina Wellheart 09-04-2011 12:48 PM

Justin walked into the common room with amazement plastered all over his face. He had never seen such a warm and inviting place . Soon, all of the disappointment of not being sorted into Gryffindor had vanished.

Slowfie 09-04-2011 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart (Post 10615000)
Justin walked into the common room with amazement plastered all over his face. He had never seen such a warm and inviting place . Soon, all of the disappointment of not being sorted into Gryffindor had vanished.

Aaron grinned as he watched the newly sorted Hufflepuff. He got up onto his armchair, towering out above the others now.
'Welcome, firstie! By all means, join us! Aaron's my name.' He bowed to the boy.

Talikins 09-04-2011 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart (Post 10615000)
Justin walked into the common room with amazement plastered all over his face. He had never seen such a warm and inviting place . Soon, all of the disappointment of not being sorted into Gryffindor had vanished.

Nessie watched as the first, first year had walked in. She wondered where her sister was. She should have been here by now. She got up again as she placed Puffles back onto her shoulders. 'heyy! I'm Nessie" She said as she smiled at the boy. She then took out her hand so she could shake his, she was being polite as her parents always told her to be.

There seemed to be a lot of new Hufflepuffs this year which Ness found very exciting. the more Huffies the more points and the more fun.

Davvy_Wavvy 09-04-2011 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride (Post 10614989)
Aaron noticed the girl smiling at him and heard her introduce herself to the new girl. He got up and stretched out, yawning dramatically, before walking over to the two girls and flopping into a chair by them.
He held his hand out and flashed them a smile. 'You DO look new. I am the one and only Aaron Roberts.'

Cassie watched the boy walk over and gave a sort of 'oh boy' look to the new girl before returning her attention back to the boy. She smiled at him and nodded. There was no need to guess that he certainly wasn't new."well it's nice to meet you,the one and only Aaron Roberts." She grinned at him and proceeded to try and guess his year.

Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh (Post 10614991)
SPOILER!!: Family :P

Nessie stopped playing with her nails and looked up when she heard somone say welcome back. There was now three people in the common room excluding herself. She put on a smile. "Thank you" she told the girl that looked the oldest. The other two also looked bigger and she was probably the youngest in the common room for now.

She thought it was a good time for introductions and so she got up from her chair. "Hey everyone, I'm Nessie" she thought she sounded like such a freak she sat down again, her cheeks starting to get a little red. She picked up her pgmy puff, Puffles that was on her shoulder and she put him on her lap and started to stroke him.

She beamed at the little second year when she thanked her for welcoming her back. Really it was no problem, Cassie loved her house and she was quite fond of her house mates.

Cassie chuckled as the younger girl got up and did a sort of formal introduction. Little Puffs were just so cute."It's nice to officially meet you Nessie."


Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart (Post 10615000)
Justin walked into the common room with amazement plastered all over his face. He had never seen such a warm and inviting place . Soon, all of the disappointment of not being sorted into Gryffindor had vanished.

More people, how awesome. She waved at the little first year who just walked in and smiled at him.


Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride (Post 10615007)
Aaron grinned as he watched the newly sorted Hufflepuff. He got up onto his armchair, towering out above the others now.
'Welcome, firstie! By all means, join us! Aaron's my name.' He bowed to the boy.

It was then that the one and only Aaron got up to physically introduce himself to the younger boy. She leaned back in her chair and smirked. He was quite the character that one.

Talikins 09-04-2011 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy (Post 10615021)
She beamed at the little second year when she thanked her for welcoming her back. Really it was no problem, Cassie loved her house and she was quite fond of her house mates.

Cassie chuckled as the younger girl got up and did a sort of formal introduction. Little Puffs were just so cute."It's nice to officially meet you Nessie."

Nessie grinned at the older Hufflepuff. "Its nice to met you" she said realising she didn't know the girls name yet. Her cheeks went even brighter as she became more embarressed. She was making such a fool of herself. She wondered how she had never met the older Huffie before, she knew for sure she had seen her around but she had never actually met her.

She wondered where all the other Huffies were. the common room was just so empty. Even the prefects were't there yet. They were probably all still at the feast eating now as they couldn't before.

Devina Wellheart 09-04-2011 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy (Post 10615021)
Cassie watched the boy walk over and gave a sort of 'oh boy' look to the new girl before returning her attention back to the boy. She smiled at him and nodded. There was no need to guess that he certainly wasn't new."well it's nice to meet you,the one and only Aaron Roberts." She grinned at him and proceeded to try and guess his year.

She beamed at the little second year when she thanked her for welcoming her back. Really it was no problem, Cassie loved her house and she was quite fond of her house mates.

Cassie chuckled as the younger girl got up and did a sort of formal introduction. Little Puffs were just so cute."It's nice to officially meet you Nessie."

More people, how awesome. She waved at the little first year who just walked in and smiled at him.

It was then that the one and only Aaron got up to physically introduce himself to the younger boy. She leaned back in her chair and smirked. He was quite the character that one.

" Hello, my names Justin Wellheart. I'm a first year. " Justin said with a huge smile on his face.

Davvy_Wavvy 09-04-2011 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh (Post 10615068)
Nessie grinned at the older Hufflepuff. "Its nice to met you" she said realising she didn't know the girls name yet. Her cheeks went even brighter as she became more embarressed. She was making such a fool of herself. She wondered how she had never met the older Huffie before, she knew for sure she had seen her around but she had never actually met her.

She wondered where all the other Huffies were. the common room was just so empty. Even the prefects were't there yet. They were probably all still at the feast eating now as they couldn't before.

Oh she thought she had already told her, her name. Bad Cassie, she must be slacking on her social skills." Oh I thought I told you my name I'm sorry.." She offered an apologetic smile to the girl and tucked her hair behind her ears."I'm Cassie, Cassie Storm."


Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart (Post 10615070)
" Hello, my names Justin Wellheart. I'm a first year. " Justin said with a huge smile on his face.

Cassie smiled at the boy and couldn't help but want to ruffle his hair and pinch his cheeks..he was so adorable."I'm Cassie Justin, and you can come find me any time.." She beamed at him.

Slowfie 09-04-2011 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy (Post 10615021)
Cassie watched the boy walk over and gave a sort of 'oh boy' look to the new girl before returning her attention back to the boy. She smiled at him and nodded. There was no need to guess that he certainly wasn't new."well it's nice to meet you,the one and only Aaron Roberts." She grinned at him and proceeded to try and guess his year.

She beamed at the little second year when she thanked her for welcoming her back. Really it was no problem, Cassie loved her house and she was quite fond of her house mates.

Cassie chuckled as the younger girl got up and did a sort of formal introduction. Little Puffs were just so cute."It's nice to officially meet you Nessie."

More people, how awesome. She waved at the little first year who just walked in and smiled at him.

It was then that the one and only Aaron got up to physically introduce himself to the younger boy. She leaned back in her chair and smirked. He was quite the character that one.

'A pleasure to meet you, Cassie' Aaron said in a posh voice, twirling his non existent moustache.
He then jumped down from the armchair and sat back down before yawning once more.

Mickey Darley 09-04-2011 01:47 PM

Mickey looked around, she felt like she was moving into a new house again. The warmth of the colors made her relax though, they reminded her of the beach house she used to live in back when she lived in Nova Scotia. Even though the warmth of it all made her feel like she was at home, the amount of people sitting in the common room unnerved her. Mickey is a shy girl, but has too much pride to let anyone tell.

Slowfie 09-04-2011 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Mickey Darley (Post 10615116)
Mickey looked around, she felt like she was moving into a new house again. The warmth of the colors made her relax though, they reminded her of the beach house she used to live in back when she lived in Nova Scotia. Even though the warmth of it all made her feel like she was at home, the amount of people sitting in the common room unnerved her. Mickey is a shy girl, but has too much pride to let anyone tell.

Just as Aaron had sat down he spotted a girl looking around, she looked like a first year. He smiled at her, his younger sister was probably the same age.
'Welcome to Hufflepuff, the house everybody secretly wants to be in. I'm Aaron.' He told her with a grin.

Devina Wellheart 09-04-2011 02:08 PM

'Welcome, firstie! By all means, join us! Aaron's my name.' He bowed to the boy.[/QUOTE]

Justin crossed the room and extended his hand out to Aaron " Nice to meet you. My name's Justin. Most people call me Just. "

Slowfie 09-04-2011 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart (Post 10615158)
Justin crossed the room and extended his hand out to Aaron " Nice to meet you. My name's Justin. Most people call me Just. "

Aaron shook the extended hand. 'Just it is. Most people just call me Aaron.'

Devina Wellheart 09-04-2011 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride (Post 10615165)
Aaron shook the extended hand. 'Just it is. Most people just call me Aaron.'

Justin looked up at Aaron and thought that if he was that tall he must getting ready to graduate this term. " So, what year are you in anyway ? You're quite tall . " Asked Justin as he continued to sort of stare at this giant of a boy.

Slowfie 09-04-2011 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart (Post 10615178)
Justin looked up at Aaron and thought that if he was that tall he must getting ready to graduate this term. " So, what year are you in anyway ? You're quite tall . " Asked Justin as he continued to sort of stare at this giant of a boy.

'I'm a fifth year, OWL year.' At this Aaron grimaced, not looking forward to all the hard work it would involve.
If there was one thing Aaron tried to avoid it was studying, but there was no way he could get out from his OWLs...

Mickey Darley 09-04-2011 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride (Post 10615143)
Just as Aaron had sat down he spotted a girl looking around, she looked like a first year. He smiled at her, his younger sister was probably the same age.
'Welcome to Hufflepuff, the house everybody secretly wants to be in. I'm Aaron.' He told her with a grin.

Mickey jumped when a boy said something. She wasn't really paying attention and he had snuck up on her. "Ah, I'm Mickey, Mickey Darley." Flustered her Boston accent snuck through making her last name sound like Dahly making her wince at her slip up. "That's what I figured, all the cool cats seem to be here." She laughed

Slowfie 09-04-2011 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Mickey Darley (Post 10615187)
Mickey jumped when a boy said something. She wasn't really paying attention and he had snuck up on her. "Ah, I'm Mickey, Mickey Darley." Flustered her Boston accent snuck through making her last name sound like Dahly making her wince at her slip up. "That's what I figured, all the cool cats seem to be here." She laughed

Aaron laughed and pretended to search the common room. 'There's cats here?' He then turned back to face her and scrunched up his face in concentration, 'so, where are you from, Mickey Dahly?

Devina Wellheart 09-04-2011 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh (Post 10615015)
Nessie watched as the first, first year had walked in. She wondered where her sister was. She should have been here by now. She got up again as she placed Puffles back onto her shoulders. 'heyy! I'm Nessie" She said as she smiled at the boy. She then took out her hand so she could shake his, she was being polite as her parents always told her to be.

There seemed to be a lot of new Hufflepuffs this year which Ness found very exciting. the more Huffies the more points and the more fun.

Justin shook her hand firmly and introduced him self " Hi, I'm Justin. Pleased to meet ya . "

jesifur 09-04-2011 02:28 PM

Jesifur was exhausted by the time she made her way to the Hufflepuff common room. She only wanted to know where her room was and more importantly where her bed was. All of her life she had been a creature of habit and though she enjoyed new things, the past few weeks so chuck full of new things her head was spinning. Sleep would feel so good. Unpacking her trunk would feel good too. The idea of pulling out those little bits of "home" she packed warmed her. The room itself was in fact warm. She decided it would be a good idea to sit for a spell before asking where her room was.
Jesifur saw a comfy looking golden armchair just a few feet away and dove for it. She was so small in fact that she could curl her whole body into the seat of it like a cat, and she did just that. Smiling at the warmth of the chair and the fire and enjoying the conversations around her, Jesifur closed her eyes for a moment. She breathed deeply digesting everything that happened so far. It was a lot to take in.

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