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I Can Accept Failure. But I Can't Accept Not Trying
Originally Posted by Rupert-Grint-Fan
"Hey, Jordan!" Ronnie said smiling happily, patting the other spot next to her. "I'm great, thanks! You?" she asked, noticing him put down a copy of some magazine..."What's that?" she asked.
"Some Quidditch Magazine my Uncle picked up from Diagon Alley." He had no idea what store it was actually from, nonetheless he bought it. "So, what have you been up to?" Jordan asked.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by HarryPotterQuidditch
"Some Quidditch Magazine my Uncle picked up from Diagon Alley." He had no idea what store it was actually from, nonetheless he bought it. "So, what have you been up to?" Jordan asked.
"Oh cool!" she said smiling. She loved quidditch...she was itching to get her hands on that magazine but thought not to. That'd be rude! Maybe she'd go and find the same one later. "Ohh, nothing much. Just being happy school is finally over!" she said smiling. "But sad to be leaving my friends, especially you." she said sighing. "Oh, would you like to come over sometime and hang out?" she asked. She was really hoping he would. What was summer without Jordan?!
I Can Accept Failure. But I Can't Accept Not Trying
Originally Posted by Rupert-Grint-Fan
"Oh cool!" she said smiling. She loved quidditch...she was itching to get her hands on that magazine but thought not to. That'd be rude! Maybe she'd go and find the same one later. "Ohh, nothing much. Just being happy school is finally over!" she said smiling. "But sad to be leaving my friends, especially you." she said sighing. "Oh, would you like to come over sometime and hang out?" she asked. She was really hoping he would. What was summer without Jordan?!
Jordan smiled. "Of course, I'm never busy anyway with my Uncle always working." Jordan often found himself at Diagon Alley talking to people, trying to meet new friends. "The only thing I hate about Hogwarts, is saying goodbye to it."
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by HarryPotterQuidditch
Jordan smiled. "Of course, I'm never busy anyway with my Uncle always working." Jordan often found himself at Diagon Alley talking to people, trying to meet new friends. "The only thing I hate about Hogwarts, is saying goodbye to it."
Ronnie felt her heart flutter as Jordan smiled. She shook her head. "Er...wh...what? Oh yeah." she said nodding quickly hoping he didn't see her blush. But it was pretty obvious. Her whole face was almost matching her hair. "I'd love to have you over you can come to the wed-" she just noticed she never told Jordan about the wedding! How stupid of her! "Jordan!" she said. "I never told you! My brother Rupert is getting married! And and and you're more than welcome to come to the wedding!" she said nodding and smiling shyly. Then she nodded. "Yeah, it is pretty hard. But it's easy to say goodbye to the work!" she said laughing.
Oh. This was the last time Stephen would be riding the train. Or at least this train. Though it did hold good memories. Like that one time Kat and him scared the younger years with masks up and down the corridors. Or when Kat set a slime prank in one of the last compartments of the train. He was sure they'd have more good times when they leave and go search for his parents. That is if she comes along.
Riding on his trunk down the corridor, Stephen used his arms to move and dodge around the people who jut couldn't get out of the way. Seeing an empty one, he quickly rowed his way to it, before anyone else could snatch it. Well then it was a good thing he dodged into it first and left his trunk outside. Pulling and placing his trunk in the compartment, he laid down on the seats; taking up an entire side of the seats.
"Finally, some time to relax," he mumbled to himself, turning his face away from the door.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
Oh. This was the last time Stephen would be riding the train. Or at least this train. Though it did hold good memories. Like that one time Kat and him scared the younger years with masks up and down the corridors. Or when Kat set a slime prank in one of the last compartments of the train. He was sure they'd have more good times when they leave and go search for his parents. That is if she comes along.
Riding on his trunk down the corridor, Stephen used his arms to move and dodge around the people who jut couldn't get out of the way. Seeing an empty one, he quickly rowed his way to it, before anyone else could snatch it. Well then it was a good thing he dodged into it first and left his trunk outside. Pulling and placing his trunk in the compartment, he laid down on the seats; taking up an entire side of the seats.
"Finally, some time to relax," he mumbled to himself, turning his face away from the door.
Part of the blonde was glad she was going home, the other part just couldn't be bothered with her brothers and her dad being at work all of the time. But they were how old now, surely the would have learnt to stay out of her way? Only time would tell, she guessed, but for now she needed to find a compartment to put her trunk in and sit for the journey.
Preferably and empty one, or with people she knew. Who really seemed to be few and far between, nowadays.
Looking left, she spied a black-haired boy sprawled across one length of seats and smiled slightly to herself, leaning on the frame of the ajar door. "Mind if I come in?" she asked - best to be polite.
It was weird to think that it was Stephens last time on the train, that he wouldn't be riding it next year, that he wouldn't be a familiar face in the Common Room, or someone to Ice Skate with. Not that he was much good anyway, but still.
It was odd.
⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
Part of the blonde was glad she was going home, the other part just couldn't be bothered with her brothers and her dad being at work all of the time. But they were how old now, surely the would have learnt to stay out of her way? Only time would tell, she guessed, but for now she needed to find a compartment to put her trunk in and sit for the journey.
Preferably and empty one, or with people she knew. Who really seemed to be few and far between, nowadays.
Looking left, she spied a black-haired boy sprawled across one length of seats and smiled slightly to herself, leaning on the frame of the ajar door. "Mind if I come in?" she asked - best to be polite.
It was weird to think that it was Stephens last time on the train, that he wouldn't be riding it next year, that he wouldn't be a familiar face in the Common Room, or someone to Ice Skate with. Not that he was much good anyway, but still.
It was odd.
Stephen was on the verge of falling asleep when someone decided to open their mouth. Mind if I come in? Yes, he actually did mind since he was trying to sleep. But let's not be rude to the little blonde girl who stood at the door. "Well, that all depends if you're going to me miss next year? Me, your worst student at ice skating. But at least you'll have less bruises without me around," he chuckled, turning his head towards her and smirking. He waved his hand, signaling her to come in and sit.
"Are you looking forward to going home?" he asked, leaning his body weight onto his should and yawning a bit.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
Stephen was on the verge of falling asleep when someone decided to open their mouth. Mind if I come in? Yes, he actually did mind since he was trying to sleep. But let's not be rude to the little blonde girl who stood at the door. "Well, that all depends if you're going to me miss next year? Me, your worst student at ice skating. But at least you'll have less bruises without me around," he chuckled, turning his head towards her and smirking. He waved his hand, signaling her to come in and sit.
"Are you looking forward to going home?" he asked, leaning his body weight onto his should and yawning a bit.
Actually pretending to consider it, Aimée titled her head to the left. "You were also my only student, if I remember correctly." And yes, he had caused her a lot more bruises than no student at all would have caused, but she wasn't going to openly admit that she would miss him - he knew how to cheer her up, he was funny, and it wasn't a secret that she liked him.
She blushed a little at the thought, before attempting to pass it off as effort dragging her trunk through the door and into the luggage rack.
Aimée shrugged. "Partly. I guess I 'ave missed my dad, but it just means next year's coming all to quickly." And she wasn't ready for that - this time next year it'd be her last journey on the Hogwarts Express... and that was a weird thing to think. "Are you?"
⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
Actually pretending to consider it, Aimée titled her head to the left. "You were also my only student, if I remember correctly." And yes, he had caused her a lot more bruises than no student at all would have caused, but she wasn't going to openly admit that she would miss him - he knew how to cheer her up, he was funny, and it wasn't a secret that she liked him.
She blushed a little at the thought, before attempting to pass it off as effort dragging her trunk through the door and into the luggage rack.
Aimée shrugged. "Partly. I guess I 'ave missed my dad, but it just means next year's coming all to quickly." And she wasn't ready for that - this time next year it'd be her last journey on the Hogwarts Express... and that was a weird thing to think. "Are you?"
"Then I guess I shot down your hopes in helping other to skate. If it didn't go so well with me, maybe it'll go worse with others. Then again, I am pretty stubborn so it'll probably go a lot better with them," he shrugged with a laugh. Problem was that Stephen was too afraid of falling. But he always got his composure back when he tripped, but this was on ice. There's no way of getting his composure back in it. But she still hadn't answered his question. Stephen would probably take that as a no.
"Kind of. I'm going to look for my parents this summer so I won't be home much. Technically, I'm not going home. I'll being a nomad with Lexi and Kat all summer until who knows when," he admitted. He was eager but then he wasn't sure how his parents would react to him picking up his things and just leaving.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
"Then I guess I shot down your hopes in helping other to skate. If it didn't go so well with me, maybe it'll go worse with others. Then again, I am pretty stubborn so it'll probably go a lot better with them," he shrugged with a laugh. Problem was that Stephen was too afraid of falling. But he always got his composure back when he tripped, but this was on ice. There's no way of getting his composure back in it. But she still hadn't answered his question. Stephen would probably take that as a no.
"Kind of. I'm going to look for my parents this summer so I won't be home much. Technically, I'm not going home. I'll being a nomad with Lexi and Kat all summer until who knows when," he admitted. He was eager but then he wasn't sure how his parents would react to him picking up his things and just leaving.
"Ah, well I am not sure anyone else would be willing to learn from me. I'm pretty sure you would be ze best student, zough." Aimée couldn't help but laugh, taking the seat opposite Stephen and next to the window. She still hadn't answered his question, ever-avoiding it as an awkward topic. Where did she even stand with this boy, anymore? She didn't know if she'd even know, not now he wasn't coming back next year.
His parents, huh? She remembered him telling her about being adopted, and nodded slowly as he spoke. "I hope you have fun, then," she said with a slight laugh, the idea of those three travelling 'round together sounded like it was a plan made of mischief. "Good luck and... well, uh- be careful." He voice took a note of seriousness, and her cheeks flushed pink again as she spoke.
Was Aimée worried that the older boy would get hurt or something? Kinda.
⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
I Can Accept Failure. But I Can't Accept Not Trying
Originally Posted by Rupert-Grint-Fan
Ronnie felt her heart flutter as Jordan smiled. She shook her head. "Er...wh...what? Oh yeah." she said nodding quickly hoping he didn't see her blush. But it was pretty obvious. Her whole face was almost matching her hair. "I'd love to have you over you can come to the wed-" she just noticed she never told Jordan about the wedding! How stupid of her! "Jordan!" she said. "I never told you! My brother Rupert is getting married! And and and you're more than welcome to come to the wedding!" she said nodding and smiling shyly. Then she nodded. "Yeah, it is pretty hard. But it's easy to say goodbye to the work!" she said laughing.
"Really? Well, congratulations." Jordan didn't even remember that Ronnie had a brother. "When is it?" He asked.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by HarryPotterQuidditch
"Really? Well, congratulations." Jordan didn't even remember that Ronnie had a brother. "When is it?" He asked.
Ronnie smiled. "Thanks, mate." she said. "Oh, I actually don't know yet. They're figuring that out. But they're positive it'll be this summer." she said.
Ronnie smiled. "Good!" she said giggling as she gagged. "Wow! You just had to pick that one!" she said giggling again. "My turn..." she said, nervously sticking her hand in the box and pulling out one. Hmm...it was pink! She popped it in her mouth and cocked her head. "Ah. Soap. It's actually pretty good!" she said laughing. "I should eat soap more often!" she said beaming.
Ronnie cocked her head. Why was he looking out the window? And was he...blushing?! She smiled shyly. He was quite cute when he blushed.... She then shook her head. "Justin?" she asked, placing a hand on his hand. "Please tell me." she said.
Justin looked up over at her still red in the face, " I-it's just that I think... " he trailed off again. He didn't know if he should say it out loud. Especially with Rose sitting right there. " listen, I don't know how to say this without it sounding wrong as I'm with Ame." he needed to bite the bullet and get it out. " Oh , Hell, I think you're really pretty and for some reason I think about you quite often. I like your hair the way it shines in the sunlight and your smile is so beautiful.... " He stopped what he was saying. It was wrong. He was with Ame and had given her that promise ring at the feast. Merlin, what a mess he was making.
"Ah, well I am not sure anyone else would be willing to learn from me. I'm pretty sure you would be ze best student, zough." Aimée couldn't help but laugh, taking the seat opposite Stephen and next to the window. She still hadn't answered his question, ever-avoiding it as an awkward topic. Where did she even stand with this boy, anymore? She didn't know if she'd even know, not now he wasn't coming back next year.
His parents, huh? She remembered him telling her about being adopted, and nodded slowly as he spoke. "I hope you have fun, then," she said with a slight laugh, the idea of those three travelling 'round together sounded like it was a plan made of mischief. "Good luck and... well, uh- be careful." He voice took a note of seriousness, and her cheeks flushed pink again as she spoke.
Was Aimée worried that the older boy would get hurt or something? Kinda.
"You're only saying that because I was your only student," he chuckled, swinging his feet back on forth off the seat. Though she could make good money off teaching other people to ice skate. Now if only she could figure it out on her own. Aimee should probably start it off like a lemonade stand or something. Cheap at first, but costly as time goes by. Of course, only Stephen would think of such a thing because he could use the money.
"Fun? This is serious business, blondie!" Stephen laughed. But who knew? Maybe they would have fun searching around the world. Unless his parents found out about him looking for his biological ones. Be careful. "I don't make any promises on me being careful. But I do promise on staying alive. Or else I wouldn't get a chance to date you," he smirked.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
Justin looked up over at her still red in the face, " I-it's just that I think... " he trailed off again. He didn't know if he should say it out loud. Especially with Rose sitting right there. " listen, I don't know how to say this without it sounding wrong as I'm with Ame." he needed to bite the bullet and get it out. " Oh , Hell, I think you're really pretty and for some reason I think about you quite often. I like your hair the way it shines in the sunlight and your smile is so beautiful.... " He stopped what he was saying. It was wrong. He was with Ame and had given her that promise ring at the feast. Merlin, what a mess he was making.
Ronnie listened to what he said. "You think....what?" she asked, waiting for him to finish. Then, he finally said it and the color drained from her face. Hublskdfjoeijfcsldkrjoeur.......she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out! She couldn't make any noise so she clamped it shut, her face slowly turning red, and her heart fluttering and her stomach flipping. Gosh. Finally, she spoke. "I....w...wow..." she said shaking her head. Good thing Harvey wasn't here, or Ame...she couldn't find any words at all!!! It was quite embarrassing sitting here saying nothing after what he had said! She finally spoke. "That was...amazing, J-Justin." she said quietly. "Well, thank you." she said. She was in a real pickle now...she liked three guys? Merlin's beard..she sighed. "I...think you're...." she sighed and leaned in so she could whisper in his ear. "I think you're very cute...and...sweet...and I kinda....think about you a...a lot too.." she whispered truthfully. This was the plain truth.
Ronnie listened to what he said. "You think....what?" she asked, waiting for him to finish. Then, he finally said it and the color drained from her face. Hublskdfjoeijfcsldkrjoeur.......she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out! She couldn't make any noise so she clamped it shut, her face slowly turning red, and her heart fluttering and her stomach flipping. Gosh. Finally, she spoke. "I....w...wow..." she said shaking her head. Good thing Harvey wasn't here, or Ame...she couldn't find any words at all!!! It was quite embarrassing sitting here saying nothing after what he had said! She finally spoke. "That was...amazing, J-Justin." she said quietly. "Well, thank you." she said. She was in a real pickle now...she liked three guys? Merlin's beard..she sighed. "I...think you're...." she sighed and leaned in so she could whisper in his ear. "I think you're very cute...and...sweet...and I kinda....think about you a...a lot too.." she whispered truthfully. This was the plain truth.
Oh, Good Godric! She thought about him too! What was he gonna do?! Ame was his girlfriend and now his heart started to beat faster and faster. Heck, It was practically jumping out of his chest. she was smiling and blushing and he couldn't possibly get any redder. " Y-you do...ya think aboutMe?!" This was unreal . this was crazy! Justin stood up and looked into her eyes and said, " as long as I'm with Ame we have to be friends and nothing more. And Harvey?! Oh Lord, I can't do anything . I have to go . but I'll be back in a moment. Please don't go anywhere. "
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minnie ran as fast as she could away from them. She found the first compartment that was empty and flew inside. She sat in the corner and put herself in a ball crying into her legs. What had she just done. She just destroyed not one, but maybe two relationships and so many friendships. She rocked back and forth crying.
Minnie ran as fast as she could away from them. She found the first compartment that was empty and flew inside. She sat in the corner and put herself in a ball crying into her legs. What had she just done. She just destroyed not one, but maybe two relationships and so many friendships. She rocked back and forth crying.
Justin ran after Minerva. He could let her think that she was ruininng anything. No it was really him. It was his fault everything was going to pot. Ame, Ronnie , Harvey. He saw her duck into an empty compartment and followed. " Minnie, Why do you think you ruined everything. I've done my fair share of harm today. I never should have said anything to Ronnie and now I think she likes me. She told me I was cute> Now I hurt all the girl friends that I have. "
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Minnie and Justin
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minnie ran as fast as she could away from them. She found the first compartment that was empty and flew inside. She sat in the corner and put herself in a ball crying into her legs. What had she just done. She just destroyed not one, but maybe two relationships and so many friendships. She rocked back and forth crying.
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
Justin ran after Minerva. He could let her think that she was ruininng anything. No it was really him. It was his fault everything was going to pot. Ame, Ronnie , Harvey. He saw her duck into an empty compartment and followed. " Minnie, Why do you think you ruined everything. I've done my fair share of harm today. I never should have said anything to Ronnie and now I think she likes me. She told me I was cute> Now I hurt all the girl friends that I have. "
Harvey saw a blur past him and saw that Justin had run past him to get to the compartment.. he took his time.. Minnie needed a little bit of time.. He go there and looked inside there she was curled into a ball. Justin was talking to her.. what was he saying to her he didnt know, Harvey then entered and sat opposite her.. "Mins calm down.. please calm down.. nothing happened.. remember that nothing happened in the food car.. we were just talking nothing else.. nothing else happened. No-one will know.. Now calm down please.." he said to her.. he went to reach out for her but pulled back it was best he didnt touch her for the moment.. He just sat there watching her..
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
Justin ran after Minerva. He could let her think that she was ruininng anything. No it was really him. It was his fault everything was going to pot. Ame, Ronnie , Harvey. He saw her duck into an empty compartment and followed. " Minnie, Why do you think you ruined everything. I've done my fair share of harm today. I never should have said anything to Ronnie and now I think she likes me. She told me I was cute> Now I hurt all the girl friends that I have. "
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
Text Cut: Minnie and Justin
Harvey saw a blur past him and saw that Justin had run past him to get to the compartment.. he took his time.. Minnie needed a little bit of time.. He go there and looked inside there she was curled into a ball. Justin was talking to her.. what was he saying to her he didnt know, Harvey then entered and sat opposite her.. "Mins calm down.. please calm down.. nothing happened.. remember that nothing happened in the food car.. we were just talking nothing else.. nothing else happened. No-one will know.. Now calm down please.." he said to her.. he went to reach out for her but pulled back it was best he didnt touch her for the moment.. He just sat there watching her..
Minerva just rocked back and forth crying. She put her hands over her ears to drown them out. "It was a mistake.. all of it was" She hurt everyone she did what she was trying not to do..
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Minnie
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva just rocked back and forth crying. She put her hands over her ears to drown them out. "It was a mistake.. all of it was" She hurt everyone she did what she was trying not to do..
Harvey knew that no matter how many times he would say that nothing except talking had happened in that car she wouldnt be able to forget any of it!! "Mins.. ok that is all it was.. a mistake.. we are allowed to make mistakes.. that is what makes us human.. a person who makes mistakes.. now please calm down please.. for me?" he added the last part hoping it would have an effect on her.. maybe for him she would calm herself down...
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva just kept rocking back and forth she had completely lost it. All the pressure, .all the fighting, all the well kissing. It was to much, to much. She just rocked and cried
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva just kept rocking back and forth she had completely lost it. All the pressure, .all the fighting, all the well kissing. It was to much, to much. She just rocked and cried
Harvey saw that asking her to do something for him didnt work and he only knew one way of comforting girls and that was hugs.. but he didnt want to make her feel any worse but he had not choice he could not watch this her crying like this.. so he slowly got off his seat and went up to her and he slowly his arms around her as she rocked back and forth.. "Ssshhh please stop crying.." he said as he held onto her
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
Harvey saw that asking her to do something for him didnt work and he only knew one way of comforting girls and that was hugs.. but he didnt want to make her feel any worse but he had not choice he could not watch this her crying like this.. so he slowly got off his seat and went up to her and he slowly his arms around her as she rocked back and forth.. "Ssshhh please stop crying.." he said as he held onto her
Minerva felt Harvey's arms around her she didn't fit him. She just put her head into his chest and continued to cry. "I am so sorry you two. I have made a complete mess of things."
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Minnie
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva felt Harvey's arms around her she didn't fit him. She just put her head into his chest and continued to cry. "I am so sorry you two. I have made a complete mess of things."
Harvey felt her put her head into his chest as he held her and she said she was sorry "No Mins... you havent made a mess of things.. well for me you just made me realise what I had known all along.. so there is no mess.. and there never will be" he said as he held her.. hopefully she would calm down bit-by-bit as he held her.. this is what she needed right now someone to comfort her..