-   Term 29: Sept - Dec 2011 (
-   -   Bobbing For Apples (

Cassirin 12-05-2010 01:43 AM

Bobbing For Apples
If you were able to correctly follow your first clue, you'll find yourself beside the armor gallery. Upon walking down the hallway you notice a few large barrels containing water and apples.

Have you figured out what the first task is?

OOC: instructions have been given so time to get your hands - or should I say heads? - dirty wet. Just to reiterate, you have at least 24 hours to play with this task before the next clue is given. Be as creative as you want with this and, most importantly, have fun!

Next clue is currently being handing out the next clue to those who have bobbed for five apples. If you have not finished the task, you may continue to do so. There is no rush! Happy RPing!

TSnitch 10-22-2011 12:34 AM

Jai stood by the large barrels, with his hands in his pockets with an easy going expression. Yes, It was going to be a fun day. This was just the beginning. He stood waiting for the first participants who found first round according to the first clue. 'Here we go!' he thought smiling slightly to himself.

PadfootAndTheWolf 10-22-2011 02:29 AM

with Tori (BanaBatGril) in tow.

Originally Posted by TSnitch (Post 10725018)
Jai stood by the large barrels, with his hands in his pockets with an easy going expression. Yes, It was going to be a fun day. This was just the beginning. He stood waiting for the first participants who found first round according to the first clue. 'Here we go!' he thought smiling slightly to himself.

August came sliding into the Armor gallery and was pulling Tori behind him, and then the male Gryffindor Prefect came into view...standing by the apples just like the riddle said.

"Hey Jai! We are here for the first riddle!!!"
he said practically jumping with excitement.

Holmesian Feline 10-22-2011 02:30 AM

Gideon headed up to the third floor, hoping he was correct in his assumption. After all art was in a gallery...and at was armor. With the armor gallery in site, the fourth year couldn't help but smile as he spotted te barrels seemingly out of place with the Gryffindor prefect who must have raced ahead of him to get there. Approaching said barrels and prefect, he confirmed that he had been right about the first part as well.

"So...Bobbing for bright red apples, eh?"

AlwaysSnapesGirl 10-22-2011 02:35 AM

Vashti was sure she was going to die or pass out or something like that after this event thing was over. All the running she was doing was seriously killing her. Seriously. Quidditch didn't prepare you for things like this.

Still, somehow she made it all the way up to the third floor, so she hurried towards the armor gallery, feeling quite certain that this was the place the clue was talking about. But shouldn't there be something else here? Something like...


Bobbing for apples! Yes, this was what she was looking for!

She made her way over, panting heavily as she tried to catch her breath. " what...we'" she managed in-between breaths. She probably needed to catch her breath before she tried bobbing for apples though. She didn't exactly want to drown.

PureBlood64 10-22-2011 02:44 AM

Katie breathed, and breathed, a little puffed, sitting down on the ground, but then looking to her side, barrels? Katie looked to see inside, with apples floating in water? Thats what the clue was talking about! They were bobbing for apples!

Katie remembered one of her friends had a party and this was an activity, but all Katie got was a wet face and hair, and then they had a water fight. Katie stood up and watched as others arrived and figured out the clue.

DH Vixen 10-22-2011 02:46 AM

After hearing the clue, Mina took back up the stairs. It sounded like the armour gallery to her and that was the first place she was headed.

Thinking about what the clue mentioned she though about what they would have to do. There was mention of fruit and that only made her wonder a bit as she cleared the stairs and headed toward the gallery.

Rounding the corner next, she stopped and took in what was before her. Bobbing for apples?!?!

That made sense completely!

Stepping up, she stood aside to catch her breathe before she tried anything. It won't be wise to drown now that she was there.

lazykitty 10-22-2011 02:49 AM

Sky came dashing into the room to see that… people had beaten her punch! "So for apples huh?! Clever…" Sky said still trying to catch her breath. She was right!

BanaBatGirl 10-22-2011 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 (Post 10725135)
She seemed to know what was going on. August for one was lost and probably would have walked right past the growing crowd of students had his first instances not have had him think it was a fight--thank you Muggle public school system.

Yes! She agreed to visit the places with him. He hadn't really felt this sort of feelings around a girl much before. He had sort of always seen them just as friends before but Princess, she--she was pretty. "Brilliant! I can't wait to see what all places there will be!" he said standing there next to the red-headed snake excitedly.


Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 (Post 10725246)
August came sliding into the Armor gallery and was pulling Tori behind him, and then the male Gryffindor Prefect came into view...standing by the apples just like the riddle said.

"Hey Jai! We are here for the first riddle!!!"
he said practically jumping with excitement.

Yeah, sure, she was.... soooooooo excited to go see all the places with August too........ um..... like the great and awesome.....

"Armor," pant, "Gallery? The ARMOR GALLERY?" Tori wheezed, completely out of breath after having been DRAGGED all the way upstairs. "Wot's this about, eh? I thought we were going to--- to --- like China or someplace INTERESTING."


Deezerz 10-22-2011 02:54 AM

The boy raaaaaaaan!

Finally, he was where he had guessed at first. "What do we do, now?" he whispered more to himself. He noticed the large barrels with water and apples. Were they really going to bob for apples?

Great, his glasses were going to be a bit of an obstacle there.

SarcasticStrawberry 10-22-2011 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by PureBlood64 (Post 10725286)
Katie breathed, and breathed, a little puffed, sitting down on the ground, but then looking to her side, barrels? Katie looked to see inside, with apples floating in water? Thats what the clue was talking about! They were bobbing for apples!

Katie remembered one of her friends had a party and this was an activity, but all Katie got was a wet face and hair, and then they had a water fight. Katie stood up and watched as others arrived and figured out the clue.

Caroline knew where she was going, yep she sure did, She made it to the third floor she knew that when she seen all the other students who were faster than her already there. And Jai was standing by some big Barrels.

Of course he had to be at the first clue they hadn't spoken since the Owlery or she hadn't seen him since then other than around. She seen Katie and rushed over to her Smiling to her younger snake friend. "Hey Katie!" hopefully avoiding the awkwardness of having to speak to him. She wasn't sure if he'd ever forgive her or if she even deserved his forgiveness.

TSnitch 10-22-2011 03:09 AM

Jai looked up and saw the first to arrive. He moved forward slowly as they figured out the first clue. "Congratulations. You've found your first game. Now I'm going to wait until more students arrive before we get the party started." he said with a broad, welcoming smile.

He looked at August and Gideon,"Nice to have the lions here first. Good work guys." he said, inclining his head to them. Jai turned to the Ravenclaw girl and said,"Excellent."

As he waited, others began running up the stairs and joining the group. He looked around as students panted and waited with expressions of anxiety and excitement on their faces.

"We'll be beginning in just a few moments, so hang tight everybody." he said loudly, hoping that everybody could hear him.

He heard bits and pieces of the clues uttered around the area from students as they pieced together what they were going to be doing.

"Yeah, it's bobbing for apples. You got that correct." he said to a Slytherine girl.

pundantic 10-22-2011 03:11 AM

Brilliant! She was right about the armory and the bobbing for apples thing. In the corner of her mind, she made a mental note to write to her Aunt Jennette and thank her for being so odd in her childhood. After all, the woman who practically rose her did teach her a great many things. Plus, she figured out a Hogwarts event. That was brownie points.

She walked over to the group and smiled a broad smile at everyone gathered around. "Apples? Alright. Let's see where we go from here." She wasn't really sure the point of this, but then again if Kurumi was anything behind it, it was bound to be brilliant.

Anna Banana 10-22-2011 03:13 AM

Finally coming to the conclusion that she should be on the third floor and near the armor gallery, Sierra wandered up and joined a group of students who were already standing around. She peered through the crowd to see the numerous apples floating on the water. this was what they'd use their teeth for, hmm?

If she lost a tooth, she was totally blaming the Gryffindors.

She eyed Tori Bunbury, who was gasping for breath like an eighty-year-old spattergroit victim. At this rate, how did the girl make it to Astronomy class alive?! She shook her head then turned her attention to the Gryffindor prefect who looked to be heading this event.

Govoni 10-22-2011 03:14 AM

Well...*smirk / does a dance*

Stepping into the corridor...Marilyn approached the group that had already formed, lots of Slytherins present, she noticed..."Hai to you all..."

Ick, her cousin was already here...Figures.

PadfootAndTheWolf 10-22-2011 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 10725302)
Yeah, sure, she was.... soooooooo excited to go see all the places with August too........ um..... like the great and awesome.....

"Armor," pant, "Gallery? The ARMOR GALLERY?" Tori wheezed, completely out of breath after having been DRAGGED all the way upstairs. "Wot's this about, eh? I thought we were going to--- to --- like China or someplace INTERESTING."



Originally Posted by TSnitch (Post 10725337)
Jai looked up and saw the first to arrive. He moved forward slowly as they figured out the first clue. "Congratulations. You've found your first game. Now I'm going to wait until more students arrive before we get the party started." he said with a broad, welcoming smile.

He looked at August and Gavin,"Nice to have the lions here first. Good work guys." he said, inclining his head to them. Jai turned to the Ravenclaw girl and said,"Excellent."

As he waited, others began running up the stairs and joining the group. He looked around as students panted and waited with expressions of anxiety and excitement on their faces.

"We'll be beginning in just a few moments, so hang tight everybody." he said loudly, hoping that everybody could hear him.

He heard bits and pieces of the clues uttered around the area from students as they pieced together what they were going to be doing.

"Yeah, it's bobbing for apples. You got that correct." he said to a Slytherine girl.

Hearing a panting sound behind him August turned to see Princess Tori, trying to catch her breath. Seriously, she needed to learn how to run better. She could go passing out on him during this race! "Yeah Tori, we are here. China? Well..." he looked around. "Maybe we will go there next."

He wanted to make her feel like it was maybe a wasn't likely though.

Auggie looked up at Jai and grinned when he congradulated him and Gavin on being the first to arrive and Gryffindors. Ok so they would be starting soon, he just hoped he was going to be one of the first to start cause the water could get pretty sketchy once you go after a bunch of people.

PureBlood64 10-22-2011 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by Saraie (Post 10725331)
Caroline knew where she was going, yep she sure did, She made it to the third floor she knew that when she seen all the other students who were faster than her already there. And Jai was standing by some big Barrels.

Of course he had to be at the first clue they hadn't spoken since the Owlery or she hadn't seen him since then other than around. She seen Katie and rushed over to her Smiling to her younger snake friend. "Hey Katie!" hopefully avoiding the awkwardness of having to speak to him. She wasn't sure if he'd ever forgive her or if she even deserved his forgiveness.

"Hey Caroline" Katie smiled looking up at her, "Have you ever bobbed for apples before?" The slytherin girl asked wondering, because Caroline would be pretty good at this if she had.

Katie listened to what the prefect had to say, seems like they would have to wait for the others, hopefully they wouldn't be long, because she was really excited to bob for apples, as hard as it was it was fun in Katie's eyes.

RandomRaven 10-22-2011 03:23 AM

Raven ran out to the third floor. She arrived there, she noticed that were some barrels with apples and water

What will we do with those apples? she thought. Bobbing for Apples?

Kimothy 10-22-2011 03:23 AM

Yes! Katrina found the first clue!

She went to this place...bobbing for apples? Weird.


Originally Posted by alchemist_18 (Post 10725356)
Raven ran out to the third floor. She arrived there, she noticed that were some barrels with apples and water

What will we do with those apples? she thought. Bobbing for Apples?

When she thought, she was the only Slytherin first year, she saw Raven.

"Hi, Raven!"

TSnitch 10-22-2011 03:38 AM

Jai looked and saw that there were enough people to begin. Rubbing his hands together, he moved a little closer, still with the smile on his face,"Ok, it's time to begin. So let me give you the low down on how it's gonna go down as we take a trip to Ireland." he remarked, looking around at them.

"So, the first activity is Bobbing for Apples. This fun little Irish game is interesting because of how you play it. So, the aim is to retrieve 5 apples, with no hands, no magic, just your pretty white chompers. And please, try not to drown, take deep breaths and not large gulps of water." he said jokingly before he continued,"Now,no need to worry about accidental kissing by drinking each others spit, because that won't happen."

Jai stepped back a bit and said,"No worries there are enough barrels for everybody. So dig in and let the games begin!"

occ: Please take note that this is not a race. Take your time and have some fun. You will have at least 24 hours to complete this game/activity, before the next clue is posted. So have fun "Bobbing for Apples.

PadfootAndTheWolf 10-22-2011 03:44 AM

Roro too. :P

Originally Posted by TSnitch (Post 10725373)
Jai looked and saw that there were enough people to begin. Rubbing his hands together, he moved a little closer, still with the smile on his face,"Ok, it's time to begin. So let me give you the low down on how it's gonna go down as we take a trip to Ireland." he remarked, looking around at them.

"So, the first activity is Bobbing for Apples. This fun little Irish game is interesting because of how you play it. So, the aim is to retrieve 5 apples, with no hands, no magic, just your pretty white chompers. And please, try not to drown, take deep breaths and not large gulps of water." he said jokingly before he continued,"Now,no need to worry about accidental kissing by drinking each others spit, because that won't happen."

Jai stepped back a bit and said,"No worries there are enough barrels for everybody. So dig in and let the games begin!"

occ: Please take note that this is not a race. Take your time and have some fun. You will have at least 24 hours to complete this game/activity, before the next clue is posted. So have fun "Bobbing for Apples.

August listened as Jai began to explain the task before them. He had bobbed for apples a few times back when he was younger at friends' birthday parties and it was a pretty fun activity but you ended up drenched by the time you were finished.

Oh and thankfully there were enough barrels filled with water and apples that he would have to worry about going after anyone else. he wouldn't mind if that someone was Tori though He didn't need any accidental kissing.

"Alright, so we can start?" he said looking eagerly at the Prefect before picking a barrel. Auggie looked over at Tori and pointed at a barrel next to his. "Let's do this Princess. Hope you don't mind your hair gettin wet." he grinned impishly before taking a huge breath and jamming his face into the cool water.

PureBlood64 10-22-2011 03:47 AM

Katie grinned as she heard they could start, "Come on Caroline lets start, this is gonna be fun" She said before walking up to her own barrel.

One big breath Katie took before bowing down to try and get an apple, luckily she had decided to tie her hair up for the day, otherwise her hair would get wet, Katie tried to take a bite out of the closest apple, but it just slipped away from her, one more try and the same thing happened, then she lifted her head back up and breathed again, must. breath. She tried again but this time with a plan, she tried to push the apple up against the edge with her chin and then put most of her face in the water and tried to bite the side of the apple, pushing up against the side, nearly had it, but it jumped up from her.

Maybe this wasn't going to be as easy as she thought, well, Katie was determined, so she wasn't going to give up, "Caroline you have a go!"

lazykitty 10-22-2011 03:55 AM

Sky walked over to one of the barrels and looked down. She was so glad there was enough barrels for everyone. She hadn't been so jazzed about the possibilities that came out of everyone bobbing out of the same barrel. Shaking that thought off, Sky slipped the hair tie off her wrist and put her hair in a ponytail. She took a deep breath and dunked her head in. She used all parts of her face to search for an apple. She quickly found one, bit into it, brought it out of the barrel with her teeth. She pulled it out of her mouth with her hand put it on the floor beside the barrel. Then she dunked her head back in to search for another apple.

Kimothy 10-22-2011 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by TSnitch (Post 10725373)
Jai looked and saw that there were enough people to begin. Rubbing his hands together, he moved a little closer, still with the smile on his face,"Ok, it's time to begin. So let me give you the low down on how it's gonna go down as we take a trip to Ireland." he remarked, looking around at them.

"So, the first activity is Bobbing for Apples. This fun little Irish game is interesting because of how you play it. So, the aim is to retrieve 5 apples, with no hands, no magic, just your pretty white chompers. And please, try not to drown, take deep breaths and not large gulps of water." he said jokingly before he continued,"Now,no need to worry about accidental kissing by drinking each others spit, because that won't happen."

Jai stepped back a bit and said,"No worries there are enough barrels for everybody. So dig in and let the games begin!"

occ: Please take note that this is not a race. Take your time and have some fun. You will have at least 24 hours to complete this game/activity, before the next clue is posted. So have fun "Bobbing for Apples.

:whaa: What! Get Apples with our chompers! THEIR TEETH! But that's fun.

Katrina went beside a barrell and.

SPLASH! She stuck her head in. Oh Merlin, the water's cold! Brr...

THe first year tried to get some apples. She opened and closed her mouth repeatedly and got one!

She rose her head up. And held unto the apple. Katrina stuck her head back into the freezing water and got 3 apples at different turns.

One more, she thought. Her determination made her stick her head in the water again.

After the long period of head-dipping, she got used to the temperature of the water. She saw an apple, bit it... no, failed. She rose up and took deep breaths and stuck her head again.

She saw the apple and bit it. SCORE!

She rose her head! 5 APPLES! She wins, I guess. She wiped her sore face with her hanky and rested at some of the seats.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 10-22-2011 04:00 AM

Time to start now? Well, okay. Vashti had finally caught her breath by now, so she was ready to start.

She hadn't thought to tie her hair back in a ponytail though, and she didn't have a hair tie on her now... Oh well. She could dry her hair after this game was over, she figured. Surely not all of the things they'd be doing involved water.

So she walked over to a barrel, pulled her long brown hair behind her shoulders in an effort to keep it from getting into the water, put her hands behind her back so she would be less tempted to use them, and leaned forward, aiming her mouth at the apple in front of her. Chomp- Splash!

Her mouth missed the apple, and instead she got her face (and a few strands of her hair) wet. Mehhh. With her nose, she nudged the apple to the side of the barrel then chomp, chomp, chomped until she finally managed to bite into it without it floating away. She straightened and grabbed the apple in her mouth with her hand.

One down!

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