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Loud, blaring music can be heard coming from the open Transfiguration classroom. It's beckoning you to enter....?
Shaw, dressed in a long alligator skin cloak, has seated himself in a desk at the back of the room. The desk is turned so that he can see everyone that enters and no one will ever be at his back. He's removed his hat and his head shines a little from the incoming sunlight. The rest of the room is typical: desks in rows, chalkboard, books, dust.
No directions are given, no friendly smiles. Enter if you're up for learning a little something something from Shaw. But I wouldn't interrupt until the song was over if I were you...
♣ Heejin here | Did somebody say coffee & cakes? | cat lover ♣
Upon entering the classroom Jonathan heard... a song? Hmmm... Definitely new. He walked inside and find himself a comfortable seat. Everyone is quite fond of this class, different atmosphere from the other classes... totally.
"Good morning Professor" common courtesy. Jonathan sat on one chair and waited for the lesson to start
She groaned, actually groaned that she was going to a lesson. And transfigurations was not her strongest subject, but on to class Maddox went.
She turned into the classroom and a pinpoint of light coming from the back of the classroom caught her in the eyes and she fell back into the door frame, "Oh my god I'm blind," she exclaimed rubbing her watering eyes.
Through tear filled eyes she stumbled around and sat down in the first available seat she could find.
♣♣To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower♣♣
♣♣Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour♣♣
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
SPOILER!!: Josh teehee
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady
Soo it was Transfiguration time.
The very class Josh had forgotten to bring his wand to the last one he participated though this subject always had stuff to do with wands and nothing else. Bahahahaha. Apparently the lion boy was too interested in the stuff that it even made him forget to bring his wand. Yeaa, seriously. Meh.
However this time it was going to be different. Yep, pretty much different. He was sure of it. Because this time he had his wand safely with him. Because this time there was going to be a new mysterious professor. Because this time he was hearing music while approaching the class. And because this time he was gladly carrying his girlfriend on his back to the place and nooo he was not tired at all. He could carry her during the whole day anyway, that wouldn't be a problem.
Glancing at the man yet not paying much attention to him once the Gryffindor was inside the class with the she-snake, he walked to the perfect desk for them at the back of the class and slowly turned his back to it so he could gently place Evelyn on. ''I hope you liked this spot. Is it good enough?''
Hehe, well, she certainly wasn't expecting to see Josh down in the dungeons, mostly because their next class wasn't potions and he didn't have a detention from what she knew, however, it certainly was a very nice surprise. Because...she found that she didn't have to walk all the way up to the sixth floor to get to the transfiguration classroom. Wasn't he just the greatest boyfriend!?! Yes, Evelyn thought so.
Even if she didn't like transfiguration all that much, she still wanted to know who the Professor was. One of those ministry people, wasn't he? Or...she? Her curiosity only became a million times worse though once she heard that music echoing down the halls, growing louder as they drew nearer to the classroom. Definitely a girl Professor. Right? She didn't know any guy who would listen to that kind of music.
Apparently...she now knew one. Hearing Josh's voice faintly, Evelyn blinked and glanced at the back of his head, realizing that they were at a desk. Oh! "Yea, this is fine. You're the best, you know?" It was in the back, so it was fine. Far away from the creepy totally not normal guy that would be teaching in the FRONT of the class, correct? Letting go of the Gryffindor's shoulders, she sat on the desk for a moment, and went back to staring at the...Professor. What was he wearing?
Carter walked in the classroom fighting the temptation to hold his hands against his ears. He was not a big fan of classical music.
Classical meant old - which is where music like that should have stayed.
Carter yelled a "Hello Professor," but wasn't sure if it could be heard over the music.
Ehh... whatever. The man didn't look like he wanted to be interrupted - ever.
In fact... it looked like this whole 'coming to Hogwarts' thing interrupted his... alligator wrestling.
Really? Where did Lord Borr find these guys?
Without much further thought he took a seat in the middle of the classroom. A middle seat should be nice and safe.
Caroline was excited Transfiguration was one of her favorite classes, most of that went to the fact the she really liked the previous professor. She walked into the class room. Her ears! Eww. She loved playing the piano but this music is crap. She looked around the room. Why was the professor's desk in the back of the room, and what in the heck was he wearing. "Hello Professor." or not she decided that that wasn't the best idea.. He looked creepy. She looked around for a seat when she seen Carter. She walked over and sat beside him. She didn't say a word. She was honestly afaid to speak in this class, but nugded him.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
La La LA *Bumps into five people*No, I don't mind!
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Nika skipped into the transfiguration room happily. She couldn't help but feel that there was something different about it. Where is her old professor? Nika shrugged and made her way to the new one. "Hi Sir. I'm Nika Adler!" She smiled at him. Ooh music?
Rain walked into the mysterious classroom. Ahh. Music at last. But the hauntedness was a little too cliche. The whole "Enter if you dare" pulled her in even more. Giving a quick nod to the professor, she danced across the room, setting first impressions aside. Glancing up she from her high-tops she saw one of her only friends.
"Hey Nika!!!" She pratically yelled. She glanced nervously at the teacher and realised that yelling was a no-no. Oopsies! Oh well. She had spunk and a streak of rebellion. What was there to do about it?
Patroclus could hear the music from down the hall, and thought he didn't mind a little classical music now and then, this stuff was horrid!
It was just sounded wimpy, it didn't have the power that alot of classical music had, even the soft songs seemed to fill you with awe, this song however reminded him of elevator music, or music that you waiting too......aka borring stuff!
However he plastered on a smile, and entered the Room, "Good Morning Professor," Patroclus nodded as he waltzed past the bald man's desk, taking in a good look at the man, who seemed to have an a like of animal skins...
Patroclus was going to take particular attention to this man, he had usurped Magnus' position and also he was one of Borr's cornies!
Nika skipped into the transfiguration room happily. She couldn't help but feel that there was something different about it. Where is her old professor? Nika shrugged and made her way to the new one. "Hi Sir. I'm Nika Adler!" She smiled at him. Ooh music?
Originally Posted by Calezilla
Minnie was ready to learn, like seriously...she was PUMPED for it. The little blonde skipped through into the room, a faint grin placed on her face.She couldn't help but be excited, she was gonna LEARN stuff. fixing the perfectly placed princess crown on her head, she looked around the nearly empty room.
She looked at the dude now, the tall and scary dude and smiled.
"English only today."
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu
Music. That was new. And MEGA boring. Ellie disliked it. She SUPPOSED she could suffer through it, though. Purely out of curiosity, of course. Curiosity as to just WHO this professor was. Magnus was, unfortunately, gone, soooo..... After her and Kingsley, this new guy had GIANT sized shoes to fill.
"Hello," was Ellie's greeting, in a most suspicious tone. Did he have what it takes? Did he? Huuuuh?
We shall see.
The girl walked over to a desk juuuuuust offcenter. Middle row, next to middle column. She also pulled her wand out, and tapped it on the desk. They'd better not be taking notes. Ellie never did so anyway. Notes were just SO boring. Rivaling that music.
Had they met?? Shaw couldn't remember if they had, but her being all friendly like, they probably had. "Yep."
Originally Posted by xiiWishiWasYours
Orabelle entered the class and looked around. Oooh... there was pretty music, for some reason, she felt like that was a good sign that this class would be somewhat decent and relaxing, which meant she would be able to sleep in this class. "Hello professor," Orabelle greeted quietly with a slight nod of her head, she didn't want to disrupt the professor and the music was pretty. She didn't want to disrupt it.
Orabelle then took a seat faaaaaar away from the front and all the way in the back. She could even use her textbook as a pillow - brilliant. She placed it on her desk and rested her head on it. Ehhh. She wanted a real pillow. Perhaps he'd teach them how to do that today so the whole class could take a nap.
"NO. None of that. NO." Shaw took out his cup from the deep pockets of his sweet robe and nibbled a little of the rim off.
He spit in the floor with little splutters of his tongue. "Hush."
Originally Posted by Green Ninja
Hearing music blaring as she came down the hall, she entered into the classroom her eyes widening even more. That man! He was the one...Merlin... She just stood there stunned. She was not an it...no way nuh uh. Should she glare again? Yep, glaring at the man, she found a seat way in the back dropping her bag loudly on the floor.
Her and Ivan had tried following the man, but well that hadn't come of anything. She'd figured he'd gone and gotten lost. Now they were to be taught by him. OI!
Shaw sometimes had memory lapses, but he remembered this one. He put two fingers up to his eyes, then pointed them slowly at the ....girl. We're watching you.
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Carter walked in the classroom fighting the temptation to hold his hands against his ears. He was not a big fan of classical music.
Classical meant old - which is where music like that should have stayed.
Carter yelled a "Hello Professor," but wasn't sure if it could be heard over the music.
Ehh... whatever. The man didn't look like he wanted to be interrupted - ever.
In fact... it looked like this whole 'coming to Hogwarts' thing interrupted his... alligator wrestling.
Really? Where did Lord Borr find these guys?
Without much further thought he took a seat in the middle of the classroom. A middle seat should be nice and safe.
"I thought I said none of that???? Knock if off already! You ain't never learned nothing before??"
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose
Oakey followed Shaw all the way to his classroom running from nothing, this guy was weird. he looked scarey but he was actually hilarious. He turned a corner and Oakey had lost him but figured he must be the Transfiguration Professor. It was the only open position left that Oakey knew of. When he made it to the class room the door was closed but he heard loud music. The door opened and Oakey popped right in.Mister Shaw, you still haven't told me what you were running from? He didn't answer back right away, so oakey just took a seat at the front of the class and waited .
"I don't know what you are."
Really, he didn't. Shaw ate another bite of his cup and spittled it at her.
Originally Posted by Cinn-O-Bun
Ivan walked into Transfiguration really not wanting to do anything at all but was caught off guard when he heard music from the room. Looking around he spotted the crazy dude that was on the pitch and inwardly moaned. Crazy dude was teaching Transfig...this should be interesting. Pushing the strap of his satchel higher up on his shoulder he found a seat in the far back away from everyone. They could sit around him. Yup.
"Glad you made it out alive!" With the entrance of THIS young man, Shaw got up, put his cup away, and drew his wand.
Originally Posted by dingDong
The class of ultimate disguise. The class where she could have been anything she wanted, literally. Lola Jones heard music. Instinctively, her eyes went wide open and before entering, she dramatically went into her tip-toes.
Tip-toe, tip-toe, and she SOOOOOOOARED through the door in one of the most melodramatic and graceful ways as she could (in reality, she resembled a a duck failing to flap its wings) but her arms were in front of her and she ballerina'd her way in class to the song, believing she was not a human being any longer. This was why she adored Transfiguration.
Was she Lola Jones anymore?
No. She was the Black SWAN.
In her own little world, the girl twirled and twirled and TWIIIIIIRLED, glancing at the professor and waving midway through her twirls--but no, she continued to twirl and twirl and twirl all the way through her seat, and when she couldn't twirl anymore, the fourth year Slytherin swayed her arms in a breathtaking and theatrical manner to the music, feeling the music inside of her soul--INSIDE OF HER MEDULLA TO HER KABBALAHS!
"What are you doing? Sit down. I don't know what you're doing and it's freaking me out."
Class - you do NOT want Shaw to freak out.
Originally Posted by RobinBoyWonder
On my way to Transfiguration... Gonna learn how to turn crap into other crap... Gonna make rats into cups or something....
Aaron Anderson stopped at the door of the classroom. That music's coming from here? Odd. The captain wanted to peek in to make sure he was going to the right room, but as it seemed, it was. So he strode into the room with confidence. Heck, he was Slytherin's Quidditch Captain.
Looking to the back... BACK of the room, Aaron saw the professor kinda.... glaring. Weird. Aaron gave the man a look and a quick, "Good day, before sitting down in the center of the room.... He didn't know if the professor would be teaching from the front or the back... So the center should have worked. The captain took out his books from his back.
"Is it?" Shaw had to wonder. Wasn't it early yet to tell?
Originally Posted by Ashwinder
This music kind of reminded her of... no, she had no idea. Hateya wandered into the classroom, and sort of half-froze as she saw the professor sitting at the back. Ah. She looked at the seats at the front, wondering if she should sit there to avoid any gravity cows he might experience during class. But then, what if he came up to the front to teach?
One short mini-debate in her head later, and she took a seat in the middle row, one column of desks in from the edge. There. She'd be safe there, right? He wouldn't spontaneously leap-fall onto her there, right?
Aw man.
Aw man....
Guilt train...
He ate a HUGE chunk of cup when that girl arrived.
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
Borr picked out the most.... interesting people to be professors Arya decided as she walking into the classroom, wand twirling idly between the fingers of her right hand. Not that the one's Tate picked out were any more 'normal', just that Borr's seemed to be a bit more off to the young girl.
The song this one was playing was nice though.
"Hello, Professor." Could he even hear her? Meh. She nodded her head at the man before taking a seat in the center of the classroom and ready-ed herself for some learning. Hopefully they'd be learning.
"NO. Am I raven? Do I look like raven? DO IT? NO."
Originally Posted by hjhm
Upon entering the classroom Jonathan heard... a song? Hmmm... Definitely new. He walked inside and find himself a comfortable seat. Everyone is quite fond of this class, different atmosphere from the other classes... totally.
"Good morning Professor" common courtesy. Jonathan sat on one chair and waited for the lesson to start
"Next one to call me Professor.......I'll cut out your tongue and ..." and suddenly Shaw appeared not to have a clue where he was.
Or who he was.
Originally Posted by Tommehbell
She groaned, actually groaned that she was going to a lesson. And transfigurations was not her strongest subject, but on to class Maddox went.
She turned into the classroom and a pinpoint of light coming from the back of the classroom caught her in the eyes and she fell back into the door frame, "Oh my god I'm blind," she exclaimed rubbing her watering eyes.
Through tear filled eyes she stumbled around and sat down in the first available seat she could find.
"We don't um... we don't want any, no thanks. Just sit down already. You're making me nervous."
Originally Posted by Saraie
Caroline was excited Transfiguration was one of her favorite classes, most of that went to the fact the she really liked the previous professor. She walked into the class room. Her ears! Eww. She loved playing the piano but this music is crap. She looked around the room. Why was the professor's desk in the back of the room, and what in the heck was he wearing. "Hello Professor." or not she decided that that wasn't the best idea.. He looked creepy. She looked around for a seat when she seen Carter. She walked over and sat beside him. She didn't say a word. She was honestly afaid to speak in this class, but nugded him.
Shaw put his hat back on and shrank down for a moment. This Professor crap....
Originally Posted by PattyH.
What the?
Patroclus could hear the music from down the hall, and thought he didn't mind a little classical music now and then, this stuff was horrid!
It was just sounded wimpy, it didn't have the power that alot of classical music had, even the soft songs seemed to fill you with awe, this song however reminded him of elevator music, or music that you waiting too......aka borring stuff!
However he plastered on a smile, and entered the Room, "Good Morning Professor," Patroclus nodded as he waltzed past the bald man's desk, taking in a good look at the man, who seemed to have an a like of animal skins...
Patroclus was going to take particular attention to this man, he had usurped Magnus' position and also he was one of Borr's cornies!
Shaw hummed LOUDLY over the blare of the music and the people trying their damndest to get him KILLED.
He swished his cloak through the rows, always peering over his shoulder to his back, until he reached the front of the room. Once there, he leaned his back against the chalkboard until his song finished.
In the blink of an eye, he flicked his wand and turned the front desk into a chainsaw.
"My name is Shaw. Just Shaw. Say it with me now."
"No Mr. No Professor. No Sir. Just Shaw. Got it?"
Last edited by Marion Burbage; 05-10-2011 at 02:07 AM.
Lady Lem|DJ Melfoy|Braedeus ♥ Stumble|Bebé Melón|B2|Andee & Melsse|Melephone
Theodore walked along the hall to Transfiguration, a class that sounded rather... fun, yet terrifying all at once? The music in the room beckoned to him as if it were misleading him, like fanciful music that played in muggle films right before everything went wrong and the armed killer appeared out of nowhere. As he suppressed his anxiety, he clutched his transfiguration textbook tighter to his chest as he stepped through the threshold and into the classroom.
Turning to look for the professor, he gave a squeak of fear before managing to greet the only authority present in the room: "Good day, sir." He nodded, giving a nervous half-smile before taking a random seat in the room.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Shaw
Loud, blaring music can be heard coming from the open Transfiguration classroom. It's beckoning you to enter....?
Shaw, dressed in a long alligator skin cloak, has seated himself in a desk at the back of the room. The desk is turned so that he can see everyone that enters and no one will ever be at his back. He's removed his hat and his head shines a little from the incoming sunlight. The rest of the room is typical: desks in rows, chalkboard, books, dust.
No directions are given, no friendly smiles. Enter if you're up for learning a little something something from Shaw. But I wouldn't interrupt until the song was over if I were you...
As her hand grasped the doorknob to the Transfiguration classroom, Sierra Greingoth rolled her eyes and released a frustrated sigh. This class was yet another taught by one of those ridiculous substitute teachers, and so she stepped into the room with only one expectation--to learn nothing.
With her book bag slung over her shoulder, she immediately clamped her hands over her ears to block out the loud, blaring music. What in the name of Hades was this anyway?! It was far too happy and bright for her, causing her to narrow her eyes as she maneuvered through the rows of desks and toward an empty seat. She left her hands clamped over her ears as she slid into the seat, hoping the misery known as this song would be over and done with soon.
Jimbo will set his turtle loose on you. { The Farley } "That's trademarked, don't use it."
He could hear the music just after he turned the corner to the hallway that led to the transfiguration class. He stopped for a moment, in a daze. What beautiful music. Smiling, he kept walking towards the source of the noise, completely forgetting about whichever class he was headed towards. When he was a couple of steps away from the door, he began to dance.
Lovely ballet to go with the lovely music. He took giant leaps and danced on his toes. He danced through the door and started doing twirls.
It was a very long time before he realized that he was in the transfiguration classroom. He pranced to his seat and didn't sit down until he preformed a couple more leaps and twirls. And when he did finally sat down, he was swaying in his seat.
As long as the music kept playing, he was going to enjoy this class.
Last edited by Rawr!; 05-10-2011 at 02:06 AM.
Reason: nuuuuu someone beat me to it!
Dallin was very glad he was in the back, because if he had been in the front he proabbly would've screamed like one of his sisters when the professor turned the desk into a chainsaw. WHAT was with this guy?
It didn't matter, Dal supposed, because he'd have to be his student for at least the rest of the term. So, because the professor said to, Dallin said "SHAAAAAW" very loudly and surely. "Just SHAW." Got it.
"What are you doing? Sit down. I don't know what you're doing and it's freaking me out."
Class - you do NOT want Shaw to freak out.
He swished his cloak through the rows, always peering over his shoulder to his back, until he reached the front of the room. Once there, he leaned his back against the chalkboard until his song finished.
In the blink of an eye, he flicked his wand and turned the front desk into a chainsaw.
"My name is Shaw. Just Shaw. Say it with me now."
"No Mr. No Professor. No Sir. Just Shaw. Got it?"
As the girl was getting into the moment, letting her SOUL take over the music, her embracing-of-the-Black-Swan moment died. Shattered by the professor who simply didn't see the beauty of her act.
Maybe if she continued, his eyes would be opened... and he would be shown the GRACE AND ELEGANCE OF THE BLACK SWAN.
But no. Lola was displeased.
"SHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW," she robotically spoke, letting the name just flow through her tongue. And once again, she did it in her mind. SHAAAAAAAAAAAW. SHAW SHAW SHAW...RK? Whatever, the name just... flowed ever so beautifully.
Lola raised her hand.
"Hello, Mi--" No no no. "Hi, Shaw."
Shaw. The name would be forever wired into her mind.
______________________________________________lola jones currently in america
He swished his cloak through the rows, always peering over his shoulder to his back, until he reached the front of the room. Once there, he leaned his back against the chalkboard until his song finished.
In the blink of an eye, he flicked his wand and turned the front desk into a chainsaw.
"My name is Shaw. Just Shaw. Say it with me now."
"No Mr. No Professor. No Sir. Just Shaw. Got it?"
Yeah, see? SEE? Now he was at the front of the class. Ten smartie-pants points to Hateya for not sitting up there with the chainsaw.
"Shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw." She repeated. She noticed Sierra sitting nearby and looking grumpy (she was starting to realize Sierra did that a lot), and made a mental note to dive behind the year-older girl if anything went horribly wrong. Sierra would know some spells to save them, right?
"We don't um... we don't want any, no thanks. Just sit down already. You're making me nervous."
She peered at the man as she tried to wipe the tears from her eyes, "I'm sitting already," she pointed out to him. What a strange little man he was turning out to be.
Originally Posted by Shaw
Class - you do NOT want Shaw to freak out.
He swished his cloak through the rows, always peering over his shoulder to his back, until he reached the front of the room. Once there, he leaned his back against the chalkboard until his song finished.
In the blink of an eye, he flicked his wand and turned the front desk into a chainsaw.
"My name is Shaw. Just Shaw. Say it with me now."
"No Mr. No Professor. No Sir. Just Shaw. Got it?"
Maddox blinked away her tears. This professor was out of his mind. She liked him already. The chainsaw was a nice touch though. It helped to clear away her tears and it made her sit up and pay attention. This might be a fun lesson after all. "Just Shaw," she repeated.
♣♣To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower♣♣
♣♣Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour♣♣
Last edited by Tommehbell; 05-10-2011 at 02:32 AM.
Anakin wearily kept glancing over his shoulder at the teacher in the back, angling himself slightly so he could see the man's face, even though from the distance he had to squint to see what he was saying, though at the moment that appeared to be nothing. Spinning around in his seat when he felt a tap on his shoulder, Anakin glanced up to the face belonging to the hand, and grinned with his own wave as Vashti slid into the seat next to him. "Hey." He said it quietly, not wanting to draw attention to himself...
Before his own attention span was shot and he noticed the teacher walking towards the front of the classroom, snapping at students left and right as he went so it appeared, though Anakin had no way of knowing what they might have said to him. And then he was giving out the first instructions. That he was SHAW. Nothing else. Just SHAW. And asking them to say it along?
Meh. Anakin would take the bait. "SHHAAAAAWWW." Happy Mr. Scary!Crazed!Professor person?
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Selina sat back in her seat and looked at her Professor with a very judgmental eye. Was he on Dragon's blood or something, because he was acting very peculiar, even for Hogwarts. Then when class began she finally figured out why he was so odd- he was crazy. He turned his desk into a chainsaw and had them all repeat him name, without a proper title mind you, out loud in unison, "Shaw." But then Selina looked closer at the crazy Shaw's title... he was Ministry. What was with all of these Ministry officials and what were they doing in Hogwarts? Perhaps it was time for some snooping. Besides people did not call her a mischievous ginger for no reason.
The very class Josh had forgotten to bring his wand to the last one he participated though this subject always had stuff to do with wands and nothing else. Bahahahaha. Apparently the lion boy was too interested in the stuff that it even made him forget to bring his wand. Yeaa, seriously. Meh.
However this time it was going to be different. Yep, pretty much different. He was sure of it. Because this time he had his wand safely with him. Because this time there was going to be a new mysterious professor. Because this time he was hearing music while approaching the class. And because this time he was gladly carrying his girlfriend on his back to the place and nooo he was not tired at all. He could carry her during the whole day anyway, that wouldn't be a problem.
Glancing at the man yet not paying much attention to him once the Gryffindor was inside the class with the she-snake, he walked to the perfect desk for them at the back of the class and slowly turned his back to it so he could gently place Evelyn on. ''I hope you liked this spot. Is it good enough?''
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
FANTASTIC! It was Transfiguration, Zara's next class. Zara entered the classroom, upon hearing the music. It sounds like the kind of music Zara would play on the piano. She smiled at the professor in acknowledgement and went on to sit on one of the chairs, though not clearly knowing who she was sitting beside.
Tayla's eyes grew wide when she saw the boy with long dark hair enter the room. She also saw her friend Zara and waved excitedly.
Originally Posted by Shaw
Class - you do NOT want Shaw to freak out.
He swished his cloak through the rows, always peering over his shoulder to his back, until he reached the front of the room. Once there, he leaned his back against the chalkboard until his song finished.
In the blink of an eye, he flicked his wand and turned the front desk into a chainsaw.
"My name is Shaw. Just Shaw. Say it with me now."
"No Mr. No Professor. No Sir. Just Shaw. Got it?"
Tayla leaned back in her seat in surprise. "A chainsaw?!" She nodded frantically as the professor...as Shaw introduced himself. "Shaw it is." Tayla replied nervously.
Chainsaw....dangerous. And Jacob was here. Not a good combination, Shaw. Not good at all.
And no. Ellie was not going to say it with him, thank you very mush. She was quite capable of saying it in her head or by herself or something. Independent.
She didn't like the name 'Shaw' either, though. What if she liked the guy, huh? What kind of nickname can you make out of 'Shaw'? Sha-? Aw? No. Those all sucked.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
"NO. None of that. NO." Shaw took out his cup from the deep pockets of his sweet robe and nibbled a little of the rim off.
He spit in the floor with little splutters of his tongue. "Hush."
He swished his cloak through the rows, always peering over his shoulder to his back, until he reached the front of the room. Once there, he leaned his back against the chalkboard until his song finished.
In the blink of an eye, he flicked his wand and turned the front desk into a chainsaw.
"My name is Shaw. Just Shaw. Say it with me now."
"No Mr. No Professor. No Sir. Just Shaw. Got it?"
Ewwwwh... the professor had just... ewwwh... spit on the floor. Wasn't he going to like... clean it or something? Orabelle understood if he was just going to leave it to the house elves to do but seriously? That was just disgusting. She wrinkled her nose in distaste at the spit on the ground before her eyes widened.
A... crazy... weird... shard... devicey thingy that looked muggle. Were they in muggle studies? No. So why was the professor making them look at such a horrible thing? No clue. It was official, she had gotten herself stuck in a terrible class and Orabelle wanted outties.
Orabelle refused to repeat after him. Because she was no longer in Charms School, she had passed that stage ages ago and she was perfectly capable of saying a single syllable name. SHAAAW. Just saying it in her mind sounded ridiculous. "Yup, got it," Orabelle muttered with another roll of her eyes. However Orabelle could not believe she had caught this earlier when she walked into class...
his robe!! It was all alligator-ish and stuff!
"Hey Shaw, nice robe," Orabelle called out randomly and excitedly. Because, really, it was a beautiful robe. She had a nice pair of heels with the exact same pattern and material. Which just proved that this professor, no matter how insane he was, had good taste.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Shaw sometimes had memory lapses, but he remembered this one. He put two fingers up to his eyes, then pointed them slowly at the ....girl. We're watching you.
Shaw hummed LOUDLY over the blare of the music and the people trying their damndest to get him KILLED.
He swished his cloak through the rows, always peering over his shoulder to his back, until he reached the front of the room. Once there, he leaned his back against the chalkboard until his song finished.
In the blink of an eye, he flicked his wand and turned the front desk into a chainsaw.
"My name is Shaw. Just Shaw. Say it with me now."
"No Mr. No Professor. No Sir. Just Shaw. Got it?"
Did he just spit on the floor? A revolted look took over her face. Shaking her head, as he put the two fingers up to his eyes and pointed them at her, she couldn't help but roll her eyes. Now seriously? Who was this man? Was he honestly supposed to teach them to transfigure something?
So Shaw it was. She could handle that, but she wouldn't call him a professor, because so far, she couldn't tell he was able to teach them to do anything, but fancy stuff like a large desk into a chainsaw. How about something moving, or difficult... Lifting her eyebrow, she tilted her head slightly at him, wondering what magical thing he'd show them next.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by Shaw
"I thought I said none of that???? Knock if off already! You ain't never learned nothing before??"
He swished his cloak through the rows, always peering over his shoulder to his back, until he reached the front of the room. Once there, he leaned his back against the chalkboard until his song finished.
In the blink of an eye, he flicked his wand and turned the front desk into a chainsaw.
"My name is Shaw. Just Shaw. Say it with me now."
"No Mr. No Professor. No Sir. Just Shaw. Got it?"
Carter smiled briefly as Caroline sat next to him. At least he didn't have to suffer through this alone.
Carter then smiled ever so slightly after the mrProfessorJust Shaw Shaw spoke. This guy was crazy right? Absolutely crazy.
And yes, he found it slightly humorous this his crazy professor knew how to transfigure desks into chainsaws.
Which, was probably bad judgment... if he ever got on his bad side... (again)... crazy guy had an arsenal of weapons to use.
"Shaaaaaaw." he repeated after the Professor Shaw. That whole just Shaw thing would take some getting used to.
Shaw. Shaw. Shaw. Shaaaaaaaw.
Why did it sound like less of a name the more he said it?
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Shaw hummed LOUDLY over the blare of the music and the people trying their damndest to get him KILLED.
He swished his cloak through the rows, always peering over his shoulder to his back, until he reached the front of the room. Once there, he leaned his back against the chalkboard until his song finished.
In the blink of an eye, he flicked his wand and turned the front desk into a chainsaw.
"My name is Shaw. Just Shaw. Say it with me now."
"No Mr. No Professor. No Sir. Just Shaw. Got it?"
"Sure, Shaw, got it." Jai said in a very dry tone. It didn't look like being sweet and nice to this guy would get you anywhere. He sat waiting for Shaw to continue with the lesson. Maybe the topic would explain all the mellodrama, with the chainsaw and the brief lesson on his name.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,088
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Well, it seemed like another of Kurumi's favorite classes was turning out to be nothing like she had expected. Taking her book out and setting it on her desk, she foled her hands and sat very quietly and still in her front row center seat.
All these Ministry officials were nothing like Mr. Ikenna, and she frowned a bit as she wondered where that man had gone.
Then, the man shouted at them and honestly looked as though he were going to explode.
"Yes....Shaw," she said timidly wanting very much to just burry her face in her book. Instead, she bowed her head and waited.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
"I don't know what you are."
Really, he didn't. Shaw ate another bite of his cup and spittled it at her.
Oakey was confused hadn't he followed him practically all the way to the castle before he lost him.
He was going to ask him how he could forget the boy who kept up with him, as he sprint to the castle, but before the question could come out of his mouth a piece of cup hit him square in the forehead.
At that, Oakey picked his things up and moved one row behind the front.
Jimbo will set his turtle loose on you. { The Farley } "That's trademarked, don't use it."
Snapped out of his thoughts, he looked around and realized that not only was the music off, the teacher had been yelling at everyone who greeted him. Okay. So maybe there would be no music. Jimbo would just have to deal. After all, this new teacher seems a bit intimidating.
But then - a chainsaw. Only a tad shocked, Jimbo brightened up again. Maybe this class was going to be fun after all.
"SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW" he repeated. Shaw. Shaw. Not Mr. Shaw? No? Shaw.