-   Term 28: May - August 2011 (
-   -   Slytherin House Table (

Biochemkris 04-18-2009 05:31 PM

Slytherin House Table
Large quantities of food are spread before you. Whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the Hogwarts' house elves are the best in the world. The food is superb and the company is as well.

Every Paranoid Slytherin

Every house you diss
Every bludger you miss
Every word you hiss
Every doom you meet
They're watching you

Every wand-tip you lit
Every gambling trick
Every prefect you kiss
Every power fit
They're watching you

Oh don't you know
Snakes slither alone
They will look for you
For every chaos that issues

Every lie you speak
Every nervous tick
Every mental kick
Every evil mist
They're watching you

They are watching you
They'll be watching you
Slytherin watches you

I'll be watching you.



Have you ever felt alone in the world,
like you just don't belong.
Like everywhere you turn,
you do something wrong.
You zig instead of zag,
you're yin instead of yang,
you step instead of leap.
It's always one step forward,
and two steps back.
You wonder why they hate you,
or stab you in the back,
or turn away so easily.
They look away when you're in pain,
and laugh when you fall.
They tease you because you're different,
because they are all the same.
They hate the way you think,
and laugh at your ideas.
Know you're not alone.
They're the same as you,
unique in many ways,
but hide it from society.
Never speaking their mind,
hiding their emotions.
Have you ever felt alone in the world?
Know you're never alone.

SlytherinPrincess 05-07-2011 03:54 AM

Isabella Walked into the Great Hall and sat Down at the slytherin Table . She looked Horrible,her hair Was Wavy and her Eyes were Almost about to Close . She had A Very Bad night . For Bella It took a Long time to get used to sleeping in new places. Wow Being a First Year is Hard You barely Know anyone and It's so big you dont even Know which direction that your going in . Bella Wondered If it was like this for the other first years . She was Thinking so much It seemed that she almost forgot to look around .
" Woah ! , Im The first one Here . " she wondered where everyone else was But I doesn't Matter They Will Come when they choose To . She grabbed a Pancake and Some Pumpkin Juice .

Lauralicious 05-09-2011 12:36 PM

Ohh the Slytherin table seemed to be pretty empty.Where were all the people?Fee really couldnt be the the only one who was hungry right now.Sighing she shrugged her shoulders and sat down.Mhhh...what should she get today?Maybe a croissant with jam?Grabbing her food the blonde smiled to herself.Foood was good. But being alone wasnt good,so where were the people to talk to? Come on,breakfast alone?How boring...

SarcasticStrawberry 05-09-2011 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 10325786)
Ohh the Slytherin table seemed to be pretty empty.Where were all the peoptle?Fee really couldnt be the the only one who was hungry right now.Sighing she shrugged her shoulders and sat down.Mhhh...what should she get today?Maybe a croissant with jam?Grabbing her food the blonde smiled to herself.Foood was good. But being alone wasnt good,so where were the people to talk to? Come on,breakfast alone?How boring...

Caroline walked into the great hall for some breakfast. Since it was the morning and she was hungry for some bacon. As she walked over too the Slytherin table she noticed that pretty much empty, except for aa blonde girl who was already eating. She plopped downw beside her since there was huge pile of bacon there. She took a few pieces of the bacon. "Good mooooooorning!" She was in a very chipper mood this morming which was unusual for her this early. Her chipperness kicked in around the end of her first class.

Lauralicious 05-09-2011 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Saraie (Post 10325807)
Caroline walked into the great hall for some breakfast. Since it was the morning and she was hungry for some bacon. As she walked over too the Slytherin table she noticed that pretty much empty, except for aa blonde girl who was already eating. She plopped downw beside her since there was huge pile of bacon there. She took a few pieces of the bacon. "Good mooooooorning!" She was in a very chipper mood this morming which was unusual for her this early. Her chipperness kicked in around the end of her first class.

Fee sat there and ate her croissaint smiling to herself,there was nothing better than a morning starting with a croissant some coffee and pumpkin juice.With all that your day couldnt get bad.Noooooo waaay.The blonde was just taking a bite of her delicious breakfast as someone plopped down next to her.

Turning her head the Slytherin noticed a girl next to her.She obviously had an addiction for bacon.Hehe.Oh and she was in a good mind.Smiling widely the third year looked at her."Goooood Mooooorrrrniiiing",she chirped,"i am Feenella."Yaaay for Slytherin breakfast.

SlytherclawPoet 05-10-2011 02:27 AM

After spending time staring off at the hourglasses and noticing that Slytherin was second despite they were in the negatives, Matt knew that he needed to reply to the letter that Raven had sent him a few days ago and he figured that writing it at the house table was the best option since really didn't trust his housemates to not sneak a peek at it; he took a seat and grabbed a roll of parchment along with his quill out of his bag before setting the bag down on the bench beside him. You really should just let Raven know what you think, you're 15.. not 3, she may think she knows what's best for you but it's becoming increasingly evident that she does. Starting off on the letter, he began to consider exactly what to say despite the earlier input by his conscious but if he indeed told his cousin off, there would more than likely be a howler or two in his future.

Lizasaurus 05-10-2011 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by Mandana (Post 10327468)
After spending time staring off at the hourglasses and noticing that Slytherin was second despite they were in the negatives, Matt knew that he needed to reply to the letter that Raven had sent him a few days ago and he figured that writing it at the house table was the best option since really didn't trust his housemates to not sneak a peek at it; he took a seat and grabbed a roll of parchment along with his quill out of his bag before setting the bag down on the bench beside him. You really should just let Raven know what you think, you're 15.. not 3, she may think she knows what's best for you but it's becoming increasingly evident that she does. Starting off on the letter, he began to consider exactly what to say despite the earlier input by his conscious but if he indeed told his cousin off, there would more than likely be a howler or two in his future.

Sighing TJ made her way to the Great Hall. She'd had enough of classes already and had only had three that day. It wouldn't have been bad had it not been with The Shaw.

Oi...what kind of professor took a chainsaw and carved their name into a blackboard, and thought it was cool? Spotting Matt down the table from where she was about to sit, she moved closer sitting down next to him instead. Placing her head on the table in front of her, she hit her head on it a few times before letting it just rest there. "Is it too late to go back on the train?"

SlytherclawPoet 05-10-2011 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by Green Ninja (Post 10327520)
Sighing TJ made her way to the Great Hall. She'd had enough of classes already and had only had three that day. It wouldn't have been bad had it not been with The Shaw.

Oi...what kind of professor took a chainsaw and carved their name into a blackboard, and thought it was cool? Spotting Matt down the table from where she was about to sit, she moved closer sitting down next to him instead. Placing her head on the table in front of her, she hit her head on it a few times before letting it just rest there. "Is it too late to go back on the train?"

He frowned slightly once he noticed TJ hit her head on the table out of his peripherals, what exactly had caused her to react in such a way? Matt wasn't sure but he'd find out soon enough. "Unfortunately it is, so what's been going on with you?" Since he didn't have many classes with her anymore, he didn't know what was going on with the other lessons but this term had definitely come with a crop of interesting professors and it must have had to do with the changes going on in the Ministry; that truly was the only reason that he thought of that actually made any sense.

Lizasaurus 05-10-2011 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Mandana (Post 10327531)
He frowned slightly once he noticed TJ hit her head on the table out of his peripherals, what exactly had caused her to react in such a way? Matt wasn't sure but he'd find out soon enough. "Unfortunately it is, so what's been going on with you?" Since he didn't have many classes with her anymore, he didn't know what was going on with the other lessons but this term had definitely come with a crop of interesting professors and it must have had to do with the changes going on in the Ministry; that truly was the only reason that he thought of that actually made any sense.

"Shaw." Yep one word, and that said it all. First on the pitch, then Ivan. Oh...Ivan. *bang* Head hit the table again. Why did she always let him get to her? Lifting her head, she looked straight ahead, "We met Shaw on the pitch this morning just before Transfiguration. Odd one that was, then he transfigured his desk into a chainsaw and carved out his name in the blackboard."

That professor was nuts! "Have you had him yet?"

SlytherclawPoet 05-10-2011 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by Green Ninja (Post 10327582)
"Shaw." Yep one word, and that said it all. First on the pitch, then Ivan. Oh...Ivan. *bang* Head hit the table again. Why did she always let him get to her? Lifting her head, she looked straight ahead, "We met Shaw on the pitch this morning just before Transfiguration. Odd one that was, then he transfigured his desk into a chainsaw and carved out his name in the blackboard."

That professor was nuts! "Have you had him yet?"

"No I haven't, I'm supposed to this afternoon but I did hear that he was a little strange." Picking up the quill from the table, he continued the letter to Raven making sure she understood exactly what had been going on at Hogwarts recently since obviously she had no idea due to the fact all her friends had already graduated. Matt had never heard of a professor turning a desk into a chainsaw before, that was rather interesting although needless to say it did sound more than a little weird.

Lizasaurus 05-10-2011 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Mandana (Post 10327594)
"No I haven't, I'm supposed to this afternoon but I did hear that he was a little strange." Picking up the quill from the table, he continued the letter to Raven making sure she understood exactly what had been going on at Hogwarts recently since obviously she had no idea due to the fact all her friends had already graduated. Matt had never heard of a professor turning a desk into a chainsaw before, that was rather interesting although needless to say it did sound more than a little weird.

Watching as he began writing, TJ shook her head, "Not interesting...more like terrifying." Who the heck did that? Chainsaws, were weapons if used the wrong way. And sitting on the floor right in front of it within arms reach?

"Good luck with that class...not sure I learned anything." And that's odd, 'cause usually she came away from a class she'd learned at least one thing. Oh, nevermind she had. Stay as far away from the guy as she could.

SlytherclawPoet 05-10-2011 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by Green Ninja (Post 10327681)
Watching as he began writing, TJ shook her head, "Not interesting...more like terrifying." Who the heck did that? Chainsaws, were weapons if used the wrong way. And sitting on the floor right in front of it within arms reach?

"Good luck with that class...not sure I learned anything." And that's odd, 'cause usually she came away from a class she'd learned at least one thing. Oh, nevermind she had. Stay as far away from the guy as she could.

"The only thing I find terrifying is sharks." The fact that he admitted that he was actually scared of something was huge, Matt never told anyone that since most people he knew were surfers like him and they had all shared the same unspoken fear, it came with the territory of being in the water. As he continued writing, he started explaining the whole chainsaw situation to his cousin; she would probably think he was crazy but really at this point he just didn't care what she thought of him since in her mind, he was never actually good enough to be considered a Slytherin.

"Well thanks for the warning, hopefully I don't become super bored; usually I don't mind Transfiguration but if the fact that the professor turned his desk into a chainsaw is any indication; then I better have some kinda distraction that makes the professor think I'm still paying attention." Sneaky huh, a little confusing nonetheless.

SarcasticStrawberry 05-10-2011 01:52 PM

Short post :P

Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 10326689)
Fee sat there and ate her croissaint smiling to herself,there was nothing better than a morning starting with a croissant some coffee and pumpkin juice.With all that your day couldnt get bad.Noooooo waaay.The blonde was just taking a bite of her delicious breakfast as someone plopped down next to her.

Turning her head the Slytherin noticed a girl next to her.She obviously had an addiction for bacon.Hehe.Oh and she was in a good mind.Smiling widely the third year looked at her."Goooood Mooooorrrrniiiing",she chirped,"i am Feenella."Yaaay for Slytherin breakfast.

Caroline bit off a piece of bacon, chewed it and shallowed it. She turned a smiled at the girl. "Hey, I'm Caroline. I'm a sixth year what about you?" She could tell that Feenella was younger maybe like a third or fourth year. She poured herself some pumpkin juice. It was always nice to meet others from her house.

Lizasaurus 05-10-2011 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Mandana (Post 10327704)
"The only thing I find terrifying is sharks." The fact that he admitted that he was actually scared of something was huge, Matt never told anyone that since most people he knew were surfers like him and they had all shared the same unspoken fear, it came with the territory of being in the water. As he continued writing, he started explaining the whole chainsaw situation to his cousin; she would probably think he was crazy but really at this point he just didn't care what she thought of him since in her mind, he was never actually good enough to be considered a Slytherin.

"Well thanks for the warning, hopefully I don't become super bored; usually I don't mind Transfiguration but if the fact that the professor turned his desk into a chainsaw is any indication; then I better have some kinda distraction that makes the professor think I'm still paying attention." Sneaky huh, a little confusing nonetheless.

Her eyebrow went up though as he confided he terrified of sharks. "That'd make it difficult as you're a surfer, I'm sure." Wow, such a big fear, and still loves to surf. Not many Slytherin's would admit they were scared of something either, so TJ definitely had to hand it to Matt.

Laughing lightly at Matt's words, she shook her head, "Yeah, normally I just sit there bored, 'cause I usually practice the spells and stuff prior to class, so I have an idea of what I'm getting myself into. And so far it's not been that difficult to master most of those spells." She really wished they'd be more difficult, or something to really test her skills.

hjhm 05-10-2011 04:13 PM

anyone who would like to RP...
Ahhh... Eating time.

If there is something Jonathan was good at, is taking a break and eat. Luckily for him he doesn't grow fat for eating too much. Small bones. Pfffssshhh!

He made his way to the Great Hall for some delicious, mouth-watering snack. Taking his seat in the Slytherin's house table, he took the clean plate available and a spoon and fork.

Looking at all the food cooked by the house elves, Jonathan's tummy grumbled. Yes. He has been very hungry since this morning. That's why he is looking forward to eating a lot today.

What will he eat? What will HE EAT? ARGHHH!!! There's a lot of choices to chose from and they're all just heavenly.

Jonathan took out whatever he could fill his plate with and then started to eat. Yup. This is the life. Good food with some pumpkin juice? What more could people ask for? The house elves has done it again--- made him satisfied through food.


SlytherclawPoet 05-10-2011 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Green Ninja (Post 10328206)
Her eyebrow went up though as he confided he terrified of sharks. "That'd make it difficult as you're a surfer, I'm sure." Wow, such a big fear, and still loves to surf. Not many Slytherin's would admit they were scared of something either, so TJ definitely had to hand it to Matt.

Laughing lightly at Matt's words, she shook her head, "Yeah, normally I just sit there bored, 'cause I usually practice the spells and stuff prior to class, so I have an idea of what I'm getting myself into. And so far it's not been that difficult to master most of those spells." She really wished they'd be more difficult, or something to really test her skills.

He looked up from the parchment as she spoke and nodded slightly, somehow it didn't feel strange to admit his fear of sharks since he knew no one was going to judge him because of it. "It does at times, I've been lucky to have not encountered any sharks while I'm in the water; but that fear does hold me back at times from going surfing like when I was in Hawaii a couple summers ago with my parents." Matt remembered that vacation like it was yesterday and the fact that sharks were common around the area definitely caused him to hesitate catching any waves.

"I might do that myself actually before class, I also have potions later this morning so maybe my brain will be focused on that while I sit through Transfiguration and attempt to pay attention." Well that idea was much better than his earlier idea since it was just like substituting one class for another.

Lauralicious 05-10-2011 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Saraie (Post 10328088)
Caroline bit off a piece of bacon, chewed it and shallowed it. She turned a smiled at the girl. "Hey, I'm Caroline. I'm a sixth year what about you?" She could tell that Feenella was younger maybe like a third or fourth year. She poured herself some pumpkin juice. It was always nice to meet others from her house.

Fee giggled a little at the girl with the bacon,she seemed to have an obsession with bacon.Oh well the blonde's obsession were noodles so she totally understood."Nice to meet you Caroline",the girl smiled,"i am Feenella."Oh she was in her sixth year?How cool,in three years Fee would be there too:Wow this was soo scary and would be coming sooo fast."I am in my third year",the Slytherin nodded,"i dont know why all the others arent hungry."Okay thsi was definitely a weird thought.But oh well..

holyhippogriffs 05-10-2011 10:04 PM

For Sammy!:)
Layla thought that she should take chances. Why not try it? she thought. She was going to try to make friends with a Slytherin. Layla hesitantly walked around the table. She peered back. Her friends were supporting her. Should I really do it? She thought. But it was too late-It would look silly if she walked up and ran away! Now plenty far from the Hufflepuff House table, she kept on going. Who knows, maybe she'll make a new friend...

Samira Malfoy Potter 05-10-2011 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by holyhippogriffs (Post 10329061)
Layla thought that she should take chances. Why not try it? she thought. She was going to try to make friends with a Slytherin. Layla hesitantly walked around the table. She peered back. Her friends were supporting her. Should I really do it? She thought. But it was too late-It would look silly if she walked up and ran away! Now plenty far from the Hufflepuff House table, she kept on going. Who knows, maybe she'll make a new friend...

Sitting with her legs crossed at the Slytherin table, Samira let her eyes scan around all her surroundings. She absentmindedly picked at the roll of bread in front of her, bored. She looked up when someone approached. Another first year. Honestly, they were never ending this year! And they were so small. Was Samira ever that small when she was a firstie. Upon further inspection, she saw the visitor was not only a firtie, but a Puff, too. Why was there a Puffer at the Snake table? Samira looked up and raised one eyebrow. "Are you lost?"

v_a_l_e_r_i_a 05-12-2011 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 10325786)
Ohh the Slytherin table seemed to be pretty empty.Where were all the people?Fee really couldnt be the the only one who was hungry right now.Sighing she shrugged her shoulders and sat down.Mhhh...what should she get today?Maybe a croissant with jam?Grabbing her food the blonde smiled to herself.Foood was good. But being alone wasnt good,so where were the people to talk to? Come on,breakfast alone?How boring...

"Herbal tea with sugar substitute?! :banana:

it is time to back up anything to menu and nutritious protein", - Anasta Lora with care wondering about own daily bread, looked at a local restaurant :sushi:

Lauralicious 05-13-2011 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by v_a_l_e_r_i_a (Post 10332172)
"Herbal tea with sugar substitute?! :banana:

it is time to back up anything to menu and nutritious protein", - Anasta Lora with care wondering about own daily bread, looked at a local restaurant :sushi:

Fee sat there looking at the Slytherin table eating her croissant.Yummy.But then a girl appeared next to her and talked weird stuff.Was she talking to her?!If so the blonde didnt get anything the girl wanted to tell her.How weird.

Taking a sip of her pumpkin juice the third year looked at the girl and raised her eyebrows."What?",she asked looking confused but still tried to be friendly.Daamn sometimes it was kinda hard.

Kimalia 05-13-2011 04:40 PM

Whilst merely stirring her cup of herbal tea for the herbs to kick in, Kimalia sat at the table scribbling in her journal.

SPOILER!!: Kimalia's Journal entry

So I managed to complete my homework for Ancient Runes, the only hard part was actually writing out the translation. Did people really have to write so.. archaic? :hermy2:

Anyways, I hope I can make it into the Quidditch team. Hopefully my batting skills will pay off. *hehe*

Kimalia quickly turned the page after sensing a new person at the table. "Oh, a Hufflepuff student." Kimalia smiled kindly despite some of the others reaction to her. If she decides to sit here, I'll be kind, I promise." Kimalia raised her eyebrows at her expecting her to respond.

holyhippogriffs 05-13-2011 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Samira Malfoy Potter (Post 10329076)
Sitting with her legs crossed at the Slytherin table, Samira let her eyes scan around all her surroundings. She absentmindedly picked at the roll of bread in front of her, bored. She looked up when someone approached. Another first year. Honestly, they were never ending this year! And they were so small. Was Samira ever that small when she was a firstie. Upon further inspection, she saw the visitor was not only a firtie, but a Puff, too. Why was there a Puffer at the Snake table? Samira looked up and raised one eyebrow. "Are you lost?"

Layla just realized that a Slytherin was talking to her. She heard that Slytherins didn't like Hufflepuffs. "Um, er, well..." She stuttered. "Um, I just wanted to see what would happen if I... If I... Tried to be friends with a Slytherin?" Layla gulped. Was this really happening? Maybe this is one of those nice Slytherins! She reassured herself.

Samira Malfoy Potter 05-14-2011 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by holyhippogriffs (Post 10335066)
Layla just realized that a Slytherin was talking to her. She heard that Slytherins didn't like Hufflepuffs. "Um, er, well..." She stuttered. "Um, I just wanted to see what would happen if I... If I... Tried to be friends with a Slytherin?" Layla gulped. Was this really happening? Maybe this is one of those nice Slytherins! She reassured herself.

Samira raised one eyebrow. "You wanted to see what would...happen?" Well, obviously this was not a very well thought out plan on the first year's part. She walked over to the Snake table to see what would happen. Honestly! As Samira watched the girl stutter and splutter, she decided to humor her. "And what would you do if the Slytherin happened to not be very friendly? Then what?" This is what Samira liked about being a Slytherin. They were cool and calculated, and thought about a situation before running head-first into it. That was a very reckless and Gryffindor thing to do.

holyhippogriffs 05-14-2011 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Samira Malfoy Potter (Post 10335971)
Samira raised one eyebrow. "You wanted to see what would...happen?" Well, obviously this was not a very well thought out plan on the first year's part. She walked over to the Snake table to see what would happen. Honestly! As Samira watched the girl stutter and splutter, she decided to humor her. "And what would you do if the Slytherin happened to not be very friendly? Then what?" This is what Samira liked about being a Slytherin. They were cool and calculated, and thought about a situation before running head-first into it. That was a very reckless and Gryffindor thing to do.

Layla started to regret this a lot more. "Well, yes. I brought it up with my friends and it turned dare." Said Layla quietly. Okay, Layla took a deep breath. Maybe if I just run when she's not looking... She thought. No, I'm going to get through this. "If they weren't friendly..." Layla pondered this. "Then I would tell them that I am sorry that I took up their time and ssssllllloooooowwwwlllllyyyyy walk away." Smiled Layla. She hoped that this would soften the girl up.

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