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Orabelle lazily turned to see that girl from the train. That girl who felt the need to talk about her entire life story with her. "Yeah, you're... Amy right?" she said without even trying and then turning back around. Whatever, why would she want to talk to her? That girl was like... a nutcase or something. Ugh. Why was she sitting next to her? Disgusting. She liked her space. "Yes, yes, she did have a tendency to be quite odd," Orabelle said, not implying anything at all. "And for your information, I didn't say anything mean about her," Orabelle said. Though she did have loads to say.
Ugh. This girl disgusted her. "Actually, it's Audrey," Audrey said with disgust. Why did she have to be so rude? Who did this to her? "For one, Selena was not odd at all. She was...energetic," Audrey said, calmly. This girl obviously did NOT know her cousin. "Actually, you just did. Calling someone odd is rude and mean. I'm still waiting for an answer as to why your so rude to people. I always get things out of people and I most likely won't quit bothering you until you share this information with me."
Whoop!Phyre || ❤LiliAnzaScarNatAmyEmi || Professional Vigilante || The Flying Tomato
Eirian sat down at the long, shiny Slytherin table once more. This would be her last opening feast. This was the last of the first times she would sit here. There'd be no more coming back to school. This was it. And this year would go by fast, wouldn't it? It'd be here, and then WOOSH! She'd suddenly be home in that empty manor her grandmother left behind, alone with the house elves forever. Or perhaps she'd get a dreadfully boring job somewhere in the city, where she'd push papers or wave a wand to make the same damned spell endlessly, and she and her school friends would probably lose contact. But Eirian wasn't good at making new friends - probably because she really, really loathed people - so she'd be alone forever! But at least that way she wouldn't have to get married. Yeah, that was the bright side. She'd be an old spinster without any friends, but she'd never get close enough to anyone to need to confront the whole "I'm never getting married" ordeal.
Well, now that her future was arranged, Eiri found herself free to eat. But, like commitmet, eating wasn't much of the Brasileira's thing, either, so she stuck to grabbing a biscuit from the basket just in arms' reach and nibbling on it as a hamster would. She'd make the best out of this year... Yeah. That was it.
He watched Lexi take her hand and quelled a deep sigh, staring at the gap between his hands, still feeling the warm softness of hers. It seemed to him that at every turn he kept doing and saying all the wrong things, and for the first time ever he started to have doubts whether he was cut out for any of this....
He pushed the plate in front of him away, his appetite ebbing with whatever light amusement he had a second earlier. He rested his chin against his palm as his eyes drifted to the entrance of the Great Hall, thinking of just skipping dinner and heading back to the common room early when he heard this....
He sat up straighter, suddenly remembering that newspaper article that had got him all curious and excited just before he left for the US. He had forgotten about the mysterious ship that was supposed to be moored at the Lake. He turned his head at the voice and saw an unfamiliarface to the Slytherin table. "Ahoy yourself." he greeted the girl "You new hear?"
Maddox's brown eyes swiveled around the table to the boy who was talking to her. She peered at him and her face broke out into a bright smile. "Sure mate." she said answering his question about her newness. "The name's Maddox. Maddox Jones." she stuck her hand out for him to shake.
♣♣To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower♣♣
♣♣Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour♣♣
Eirian sat down at the long, shiny Slytherin table once more. This would be her last opening feast. This was the last of the first times she would sit here. There'd be no more coming back to school. This was it. And this year would go by fast, wouldn't it? It'd be here, and then WOOSH! She'd suddenly be home in that empty manor her grandmother left behind, alone with the house elves forever. Or perhaps she'd get a dreadfully boring job somewhere in the city, where she'd push papers or wave a wand to make the same damned spell endlessly, and she and her school friends would probably lose contact. But Eirian wasn't good at making new friends - probably because she really, really loathed people - so she'd be alone forever! But at least that way she wouldn't have to get married. Yeah, that was the bright side. She'd be an old spinster without any friends, but she'd never get close enough to anyone to need to confront the whole "I'm never getting married" ordeal.
Well, now that her future was arranged, Eiri found herself free to eat. But, like commitmet, eating wasn't much of the Brasileira's thing, either, so she stuck to grabbing a biscuit from the basket just in arms' reach and nibbling on it as a hamster would. She'd make the best out of this year... Yeah. That was it.
Lopping around the great hall was a tiny rusty brown Vizsla puppy. He was a rather mischievous puppy, often wandering away from his owner and not caring about the trouble he may cause or get into. Paws still too big for him, the puppy tripped over them falling flat on his head. Whimper, went the pup. He quickly hopped up like nothing had happened and kept moving. This dog was in his own little puppy heaven. He was OBSESSED with shoes and enjoyed ripping them to shreds in his spare time.
The three month old continued forward quickly smelling a familiar scent. One who he knew would have tasty shoes for him to eat. As he licked his jowls, the puppy prepared for his trademark pounce, waving his but in the air along with his tail. READY? SET. JU- Nuuu. Puppy got caught.
Snatching the puppy in his gentle grip, was Jayce. He frowned at the puppy and tapped little Woody on the nose. "Bad dog." he said sternly, with unhappiness clear on his face. Realizing who little Woody had stumbled upon, Jayce grinned. No, he didn't grin. He BEAMED. Holding the puppy a bit higher, Jayce gently held him above the girl's head. GRIN. He lowered the dog slightly, skimming the pup's soft paws along the top of her head.
back on your feet again, lift your head, hold it_h i g h______________________________________________ _____________you wanna run it back but you can't turn the time, you start to feel like you're losing your shine __________________________________but the grass ain't always greener on the_o t h e r_ s i d e
A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
Originally Posted by LouLou Malfoy
Glancing around, Ever-Lily noticed another girl about her age sitting near her. She fiddled with a loose piece of hair out of her braid, and then decided to say hello. "Hi," Ever waved. "Er...sweet Merlin, I'm horrible at doing this. Introducing myself, I mean," she grinned apologetically. "I'm Ever-Lily. Ever-Lily Emerald Youngblood. It's a mouthful, I know, you can call me Lily or Ever if you like." She offered.
Savannah turned around to see another girl waving at her. Hehe, time to meet new friends!
Savvy smiled back. "That's a pretty name." She said. "I'm Savannah, you can call me that or by my new nickname, Savvy." She winked her eye at that nickname. She thought of it, and she loves it!
Boy, it sure is hard to meet someone new. First of all, she needs to find some topic to talk about.
"Savvy, I like it!" Ever replied with a wink of her own.
Ah, the traditional old awkward-conversation-starter. Ever-Lily knew exactly where Savannah was coming from on that one, she'd done it thousands of times herself. "Third year," she stated proudly, "how about yourself?"
She drummed her fingers on the table for a moment, ('Wow, I've been doing this a lot today,' she thought to herself once she noticed she was doing it again) before adding more.
"So, tell me a little about yourself," Which wasn't vague at all. She mentally slapped herself.
Originally Posted by MichelleFredWeasley
Faith genuinely laughed. "I love to explore things." She said. "I suppose it'll be fun here. Better than where I was, that's for sure."
"And where was that?" Ever asked, hopefully being friendly, not nosy. She had a habit of doing that, and she always seemed to notice once it was too late. She blushed a little. "Oops, I...uh, you don't have to answer that if it's too-" She broke off before she started babbling. 'Slick, Ever. Real slick.' Her mind's voice told her.
Last edited by LouLou Malfoy; 05-05-2011 at 12:56 AM.
Whoop!Phyre || ❤LiliAnzaScarNatAmyEmi || Professional Vigilante || The Flying Tomato
Originally Posted by Wood'sLittleFlower
Lopping around the great hall was a tiny rusty brown Vizsla puppy. He was a rather mischievous puppy, often wandering away from his owner and not caring about the trouble he may cause or get into. Paws still too big for him, the puppy tripped over them falling flat on his head. Whimper, went the pup. He quickly hopped up like nothing had happened and kept moving. This dog was in his own little puppy heaven. He was OBSESSED with shoes and enjoyed ripping them to shreds in his spare time.
The three month old continued forward quickly smelling a familiar scent. One who he knew would have tasty shoes for him to eat. As he licked his jowls, the puppy prepared for his trademark pounce, waving his but in the air along with his tail. READY? SET. JU- Nuuu. Puppy got caught.
Snatching the puppy in his gentle grip, was Jayce. He frowned at the puppy and tapped little Woody on the nose. "Bad dog." he said sternly, with unhappiness clear on his face. Realizing who little Woody had stumbled upon, Jayce grinned. No, he didn't grin. He BEAMED. Holding the puppy a bit higher, Jayce gently held him above the girl's head. GRIN. He lowered the dog slightly, skimming the pup's soft paws along the top of her head.
She was completely lost in thought as she ate her bread, so Eirian didn't hear the approach of the puppy she has bought for her biffle. It was a hard feat she unknowlingly accomplished, as most of Slytherin House - predominately girls- aww'ed at the adorable baby dog. It wasn't until Jayce held the thing over her head and its paws skimmed her head that she grew curious. It was never a good idea o look up when something was clawing at your head, so, after she shrieked initially, the Brasileira ducked and sneezed onto her empty plate. The thig hovering over her head had fur, not feathers. So...
Spinning around, Eirian was met with the button on Jayce's pants. Yup. That was her best friend. But when had he gotten so tall...? "Filho?" she asked, looking up at his smiling face. It was nice to see him happy again.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: biscenleona and Roselyn
Originally Posted by biscenleona
Bissy looked at the end of the table trying to take in every face she saw at the house table. She thought miserably how this year was going to end. She looked at her plate and didn’t feel like keeping eating it. She raised her eyebrows when Evelyn answered her question and look at the dark-haired girl’s face and she said: “Nice to hear that. I wouldn’t expect it to be bad thanks to your companion. Mine was OK, too and luckily nobody tried to steal my belongings.” with a sarcastic smile on her face.
Sipping her pumpkin juice she looked at her direction. And there came the awaited question. Bissy looked at her face with a fake astonishment and said: “Oh, correct me if I’m mistaken but I have thought you have known where and how we met Josh. Haven’t you? So let me make it quite plain. We met each other two years ago on a seaside and had an absolutely perfect summer holiday together. We have been in contact, since then. So that makes two years, doesn’t it?” She moved her fingers around her goblet and watched Evelyn for a moment to see her reaction.
She then turned to Sierra and said: “Oh, that’s nice. I love Hogsmeade.” However, she sensed a bit of oddity in the younger girls attitudes. Sierra was weighing her deeply. Bissy felt a bit irritated as a pair of eyes was travelling over her but she had to get used to experiencing it as she was a newcomer. *inner groan*
She took her eyes off Sierra she focused her attention on Evelyn, waiting for a response and wishing an angry one.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Taking a deep breath, she nodded somewhat, feeling herself become just a bit tense. Perhaps the reason no one tried to steal her stuff was because she was in her compartment the whole time? Seeing as she wasn't sitting with anyone else which could have indicated she made a friend during the train ride, Evelyn could only assume she was there alone.
Mwaha! That was a nice thought.
What wasn't a nice thought was Josh keeping in contact with this girl for two years, and her not knowing a single thing about it. So, they met on the seaside, two years ago...
No no, that didn't suit well with the Slytherin. The whole 'seaside' image, and then the Josh and Bissy image...and then the two images together- "That's nice." she said, sounding more like she forced the words out, and her expression was anything but sincere. Uuhhh...she should probably leave...to a different table or something, because now she had no clue where to put her hands (on the table? in her lap? On the bench?...) and that was probably a bad sign...
What was even worse was Destiny.
"You know what..." No, no she was not going to take it anymore. "You can eat whatever you want. If you get poisoned, choke to death, spazz out and decide to do some crazy moves on a broomstick over the black lake and fall into the the grasp of the giant squid..." ARGH! "...then don't BLAME ME!!" SCOWLING, Evelyn stood up, not knowing WHERE she was going but she just had to GO, she stepped over the bench and paused.
Why the pause? Because she used that second to whack the cookie out of Destiny's hand. That's why! PFFFT!
Originally Posted by biscenleona
Bissy felt a bit dizzy and hear eyes became watery. She did really want to go to her dormitory and lie on her bed, which she hoped to be at the furthest point from Evelyn’s. Her eyes were travelling across the Gryffindor table. She saw Josh there and felt a great jolt in her stomach. A mild smile spread on her lips then she turned her gaze to Evelyn and said: “Yes, it’s nice. It was really nice.” Then, she watched her argument with that Destiny girl. It was apparent that Evelyn was not a sitting target at all but she could deal with that dark-haired girl.
Sierra absentmindedly twirled a lock of her hair as she glanced casually around the table. This conversation going on between Bissy and Evelyn was too good to miss, and then the conversation between Evelyn and Destiny wasn't half bad either.
...but wait. Bissy dated Josh Carter, as well?! Josh annoyed Sierra, although she wasn't exactly sure why. All she knew was that when Professor Lafay had accepted his gifts last term, only to burn them a second later right in front of his face, it'd given her a satisfaction she honestly didn't think she'd ever forget.
He'd called her Poisonous Princess that day, too...
It was almost a pity they'd ended on a bad note. He was the boyfriend of one of her friends, she thought, so she should probably at least make an effort. Then somewhere in the middle of the conversation, Bissy was asking her about Hogsmeade again, and so Sierra blinked and tried to refocus on that instead. "Mmm," she mumbled. "Yeah, it's nice." Not much else to say on that note, though. Hogsmeade talk seemed to be lost, anyway, in the middle of all the drama concerning Josh.
...and returning last names. Content to remain like a snake in the grass as she watched the drama unfold right in front of her eyes, Sierra remained quiet. She kept an eye on the three of them, though, as she turned her attention back to Hollingberry.
Text Cut: sweetpinkpixie
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Then she was distracted when she heard another voice. Looking over, she saw Sierra - the little she-snake that was also capable of causing the burning sensation on the back of her head. "Good evening, Sierra," Kurumi said trying to sound as pleasant as possible. "Please call me, Kurumi. Hollingberry sounds so formal or would you prefer I address you by your last name as well?"
Some people were like that.
"I'd prefer," she wanted to say, "that you didn't address me at all." Instead, she settled for an intense glare. Was this one of those 'kill them with kindness' moments? It had taken Sierra somewhat by surprise, and so she found herself at a loss of words for just a few seconds. "Sierra is just fine," she finally said, although she made no promises on her part to use the name Kurumi.
"What sort of ingredients are in your cookies?" she asked, in a snarky sort of way. She'd been considering trying one since last term, but anyone who could design cookies that well just had to be an expert on the ingredients that went in them. How could she be so sure they weren't poisoned?
Text Cut: Miss Lissy Lou
Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou
As Alex had suspected, Sierra was very happy with her choice. Not surprising. Sierra was JUST like their dad and Alex was...well, not really like any of them but he was more like Mum than anyone else. "That's good...I imagine he's doing well with his fancy new job," he said with a grin. How cool was it that their dad was Senior Undersecretary? He was definitely going to brag about that, despite the fact that he didn't actually LIVE with him anymore. Hehe.
"Sooooo, um..." Now what should they talk about? She was happy in Dad's house. He was happy with Mum. What else did they need to establish?
"Trying out for Quidditch again?"
"So you've heard," Sierra commented, a little surprised that the news had traveled so fast. He'd only been in the position for--what? A few days at the most? He'd dropped Sierra off at the train station on his second day, so it couldn't have been longer than three or four days. "He seemed to be happy about it." Shrugging, she added, "I wouldn't really know, though, since I'm here now."
She missed her father. She'd grown a lot closer to him over the summer, what with him being the only family member around. At least he lived within walking distance from the castle. An awkward silence settled around them, and she realized they were both searching for something to say. Had the divorce really done this to them? "Of course I am," she answered. "I'm Alexander Greingoth's daughter, aren't I?" She gave him a small smile on that note. He was Alexander Greingoth's offspring, too, but they pretty both knew he didn't take after his father--at all, really.
Text Cut: Jason Potter Weasley
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley
" Yes, I thought someone like you could become a freind with me" William told her.. " Of course, I do not know your. name" William smiled. " My father and mother work in the Ministry and I remember them talking about someone named Greingorth in the Ministry" William explained to the girl.
Oh, ...lovely. So she just randomly appeared like someone who was just screaming for a new friend? She doubted that, but whatever. This kid was a first year anyway--he was likely dazed and confused. "I see," she remarked, "and what was it about me that made it seem that way?"
She narrowed her eyes in suspicion and confusion. If he hadn't known her name, then how had he known to associate her with the Greingoth man at the Ministry of Magic? "I thought you said you didn't know my name," she commented. "...but yes, I'm Alexander Greingoth's daughter."
Text Cut: Ama
Originally Posted by Ama
A kneazle! They were furry and thus cute. Lulu didn't say this out loud though as she tried to keep her weakness for furry and fuzzy a secret. Besides, she was busy trying to figure out why Greingoth had used her entire name. That was something Mum's did and Greingoth wasn't one. What did that MEAN? Patterson watched her out of the corner of her eyes for a moment before she had to focus on other people. For example, her brother, the Puffer Boy. Lulu stared back, unblinkingly for as long as she possibly could. Her eyes started to burn but she persisted, placing her hands firmly on the table.
"Problem, Puffer? You look like yer interested," finished Lu heavily accented and with a raised brow. "Careful now!" continued the girl and looked him up and down quickly. The loud one's voice distracted her from her ' puff intimidation mission' to find Green Hair having a tizzy over Sir Robin. "It's already away from you," exclaimed Patterson in confusion as she watched Robin shift from one of Minnie's shoulders to the other side. Robin chattered loudly as he placed both paws on the girl's head as if defending his existence to the one who had demeaned him to a thing.
"Erryone wants something," answered Lulu calmly, bringing the goblet to her lips. "I want a brand new racing broom but I ain't gonna get it, am I though?" The third year girl watched the newly sorted one with curiosity. Had she just bossed Greingoth around? At Sierra's reply, Lu snorted openly. "You have hands, don't ye? I don't know where ye come from but here you get yer own goblet!"
New Girls. Eejits. All of 'em.
Somewhere in the middle of all the chaos at the Slytherin table, Sierra happened to once again catch the eye of Lulu Patterson. She passed the girl a small smirk as she listened to the conversation going on between her brother and the third year girl. Funny how the word Puffer still hadn't lost it's spark...
Text Cut: Wenzlebug
Originally Posted by Wenzlebug
Jilly with profound composure walked up to that stool that was facing all the house tables, downright confident with where the sorting hat would sort her. Of course, she knew the Sorting Hat could only put her to the best house in existence; Slytherin, that is. As someone put on her head the creepy sorting hat, probably someone who can bear the creepiness that was the hat, Jilly started to wonder why was the sorting hat not clamoring 'Slytherin' yet but instead babbled about things like 'Loyal, Just, the stuff inside her heart, people's nature, boring, irrelevant stuffs, etc.'
As she so earnestly observed before her own sorting, the Sorting Hat sort the students so, so fast that it wouldn't even touch their scalps but why, now, on this particular situation, would it not sort her fast? She wanted to get this sorting thingy done already. She wanted to sidle up to that long table where the Slytherins were, and socialize and all.
"HUFFLEPUFF!" Jilly looked around, a bit nervously. Who said that? A jerk with distinctive squeaky voice trying to freak her out? NUUUU. But she knew where that squeaky voice had come from. The Sorting Hat. What a jerk, dimwitted hat. Hufflepuff? Jillian Hennessey Applehans, a Hufflepuff? As she compelled herself to totter toward the 'Loser' house, she had this overwhelming urge to pull an act and faint. But then she didn't want to be a laughing stock and be dubbed as the Fainting Girl; she had to come up with a better idea.
And that was the defining moment of her life, she just needed a change of direction. So instead of heading to the Hufflepuff house table, here she was, stealthily paving his way toward the Slytherin house table where she knew she truly belonged.
"HEY PEOPLE!" Jillian uttered, loud and proud, calling people's attention. She sat down on the table, her then quirking mouth forming a broad grin. It felt good to be at this table, it felt like... wow, it was just indefinable, so magical. Something bothersome just continued on bothering her, though, she was a Hufflepuff and she knew, maybe sooner than expected, the Slytherins and the other houses would find out about that... 'cause, duh, the Sorting Hat, so freaking announced to practically everybody that she was a Hufflepuff. But yes, she would just never state outright that she was a Slytherin, not a Hufflepuff. She'd just let things take their course so if ever they find out, and she knew they will, it wouldn't like she lied, no?
Sierra winced as yet another loud and obnoxious Puffer joined their table. What was it with the lot of them thinking they had a place at the Slytherin house table? She rolled her eyes at the girl but otherwise said nothing in reply to her greeting.
Text Cut: Deniiz
Originally Posted by Deniiz
Great, at least Sierra was talking to him. Answering her smile with his own, he only nodded her reply. There was nothing to comment on that answer, was there? Distracted with the people talking around for a moment, he turned to her, surprised.
"Oh, mine?" He would bet HIS summer was much more full of surprises than hers. His summer could even be the busiest... and definitely the most dangerous.
"Mine was full of surprises as well. But... most of them, at least, turned out to be pretty." At that his eyes travelled to the Gryffindor table to find Sophie. That was the only bad outcome of his summer. The rest had been somehow nice.
Her eyebrows slightly wrinkled on that note. Only Evan, the most Hufflepuff of the Slytherins, would use a word like pretty to describe his summer. She started to ask him more about that, but then he got distracted with something going on over at the Gryffindor table. She followed his gaze but couldn't tell anything among the sea of people in her line of vision. "Oh?" she finally asked. "Pretty--good? Pretty bad?"What did you doooo, Evan Cartwright?!
Text Cut: dingDong
Originally Posted by dingDong
What? Really?
Lola rolled her eyes at this girl's lack of cooperation.
"Excuse you? No darling, you won't be excused until you hand me that glass, will you?" She sighed, running her finger through her green wig and then refused to give this girl any more eye contact. She wasn't worthy at all--maybe if she'd just done that small favor for her, everything would have been aaaallllll fine, but no. But she scoffed as Sierra made that next comment. "I was always Queen, girly," she commented a tiny bit aggressively.
Shouldn't they have RESPECTED the new girls?
"Queen Velma, ahhh doesn't that just ring a nice bell?" She grinned, and then glanced at her food. "You know, if you're lucky enough," she mocked, "you could be my Jester!" Lola giggled evilly, and then sighed, seriously wanting this stubborn Sierra girl to get her drink already.
But no, the girl just kept on squawking. "Or else I'll chuck something up your--" she stopped herself, because well, she was a nice little girl wasn't she? A truuuue lady didn't use that kind of language! Mmm nope. "You know what, just go along with your food, Sierra," she sighed, shooing the girl away and motioning her back to her food, "although you could use a diet."
Oh my, she hoped the girl didn't hear that last part!
"Ugh!" Sierra exclaimed, turning back to Lola the Annoying in pure disgust. "What is wrong with you!?" She stood from her seat, bound and determined to find somewhere to go where there was no one who would bother her. Was there such a place?! Anywhere away from Lola was perfect, though. "Okay, let's just get a few things straight, Mungo. One, you're annoying. Two, you and I--we're not best friends. We're not even friends. Three, you're not a queen, and if you want that glass, then walk your little annoying self over there and PICK. IT. UP.," she said, pointing her finger in the direction of the cup.
"...and finally, leave me alone," she firmly stated. Her eyes narrowed into the most intense of glares as she heard the comment the girl dared to make about her needing to lose weight. She knew it wasn't true, but she was honestly at her wit's end with this girl. She turned around to walk off, but just as she did, the bracelet on her arm suddenly got tied up in a lock of the girl's wig--possibly a result of the fact Sierra had thrown up her hands in complete frustration. As she took another step further, she felt a slight tug on her arm.
"And where was that?" Ever asked, hopefully being friendly, not nosy. She had a habit of doing that, and she always seemed to notice once it was too late. She blushed a little. "Oops, I...uh, you don't have to answer that if it's too-" She broke off before she started babbling. 'Slick, Ever. Real slick.' Her mind's voice told her.
"It's okay." She said. "I'm from Egypt. My mother was the pharaoh's wife and after my dad died everyone blamed my mom and we were exiled. So we moved to America and then somebody confessed to the murder. Then we moved back and now my mother is serving as their monarch but it was too dangerous for me, the Pharoah's daughter, to stay. So I got shipped here to keep me safe. Just don't spread it around school. I try not to use my status as Egypt's 'lost princess' to gain popularity."
Last edited by MichelleFredWeasley; 05-05-2011 at 05:19 AM.
caffeine princess ♬ lunchbox adventurer ❀ little rose
SPOILER!!: Jesseh <3
Originally Posted by Nixy!
Iris looked at the younger student, "Oh... well that's okay, they were fantastic!" The Head Girl grinned. "May I?" She asked, reaching out for the box of cookies.
They look AWESOME. They taste even better. They were cookies made of WIN.
Omnomnomnom. Nice, awesome, fantastic cookies....
Iris's attention was dragged away from Kurumi and her cookies when she saw a familiar blondey make his way into the Great Hall.
Finally! One of three best friends have ARRIVED. But... Jimbo looked terrible. Sad and miserable. That wasn't good. Iris didn't like seeing her friends look like that.
Taking a couple of Kurumi's cookies, Iris smiled at the girl and made a beeline for the boy. The blonde girl ruffled Jimbo's hair as she sat down next to him, Iris smiled at him. He looked more miserable up close than he did from a distance. Iris frowned. Then, looking down at the two cookies in her hand Iris offered one of them to her best friend, with a small smile too.
-- -- -- -- --
The Head Girl eyed this new kid. "You think it's confusing? ... Well, you'll get used to it all soon enough." She nodded, and fiddled with the fork in front of her. "Though, I'll tell you this... You've landed yourself into Hogwarts' best House. So, welcome to Slytherin." Iris hoped the girl didn't question that statement. Iris didn't need to back it up with evidence, but she would if she needed to. "I'm Iris, by the way. Prefect and Head Girl."
-- -- -- -- --
"Of course! Where HAVE you been to not know about these when I do! ... Unless they were all from before you started at Hogwarts. Which is unlikely. But possible. Iris, shut up rambling." Iris grinned and rolled her eyes. The boy needed to get out of the library some more.
Iris nodded. "Well, I'm supposing he might. Which is why I don't want to be close by!" Hehehe. But in all seriousness, Iris was not looking forward to DADA this term. "Yes. Appropriately placed too, it seems."
Iris grinned, and looked down at the table for a moment. "Well... I suppose so." Hehe.
As Fee asked how long her and Aaron had been together, Iris shook her head. "No, no... It's fine to ask. It's not like it's something personal. Ahh. Geez. Lemme think..." The blonde started to count on her fingers, as if filing through her memories. "Well... Everything started out in our second year, on my birthday. The romance, I mean. But we didn't become a 'proper' couple until just before the end of our third year." And if you counted backwards, that made...
So... Officially, three years... but I count it as four and a half, because that's when everything started." Iris smiled, fondly. They were a fantastic four and a half years. Well, for the most part. Last year wasn't so good... They'd nearly allowed themselves to drift apart. Stupid Quiddtich; Stupid Prefecting... "It's a pretty long time, I know. But I don't want to put an end to it any time soon... or far, really.
-- -- -- -- --
Iris held back the urge to roll her eyes. He KNEW she was right. EVERYONE who starts a sentence with the word "Still" knows that they just got told. Ha!
... God. Iris was so immature when it came to Evan. And it wasn't even the good kind of immature, like with Jimbo. But it wasn't her fault that the boy managed to hit all her nerves, multiple times.
"Obviously the Head Girl title is more important. But that is school-wide. Within Slytherin, I'm Prefect." Well, Lafay hadn't worded it like that, but it's how Iris saw the whole situation. It kept her equal to Evan in the Common Room, that way. See. She wasn't trying to up do him by having two badges. It was for equality and ... stuff. "Yes, you're the prefect. You're the male prefect." She'd tried last year, but letting go of their past just wasn't going to happen, was it? Being bitter towards each other was apparently more fun than being polite to each other.
Macy nodded. Obviously this whole house thing couldn't be confusing forever. Pfft. She'd figure it out eventually, there was no doubt in her mind. See? She already had one down: Slytherin, green, best house. Done. Now just three more to go. And there weren't many other differences besides that. Most classes were the same or at least similar, aside from their locations of course. She could do this. Of course she could, she was like, a ninja.
Ohh, head girl and prefect. Fancy. That had to be fun, tacking that on after your name everytime you spoke to someone. Pssht, not! ... Still, it was pretty cool sounding, and this girl was obviously a model student. Thus, Macy gave a grin and nodded her head. "Nice to meet you Iris, I'm Macy." Yup. That was the name, no need to wear it out. Anyways, she was liking Hogwarts much better than Brauxbatons already. Heh. Eden was going to hate her. Of course, he already did for leaving him but he was going to hate her even more now that he knew she actually liked it here. Oh well, not her problem. Besides, she had dorms to check out and food to eat.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,089
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by mellamaet
"Hey, why wouldn't I?" Cass said before finishing off her second cookie and contemplating whether she should get a third one. She still had to make room for the feast....Ok, maybe a last one.
She smiled at her and said "Your cookies are divine, Kurumi. I'm sure a lot of Slytherins wanted to eat some, but was unable to do so because of that silly little rumor." Maybe the competition between houses was simply reawakened due to the return of Quidditch?
Kurumi giggled and put an arm around Cass. It felt nice to be back at school with friends who could help her keep her mind off things and remind her that she was a 13-year-old girl first. "I wonder why people think I would do such a thing," she said shrugging her shoulders. "Although, I suppose in horror movies it is always the quiet ones that snap."
She found herself giggling again at the thought.
Originally Posted by Deniiz
Sorry? Why was she even apologising? Frowning, Evan muttered "It's OK, no need to be sorry..." Seriously... Don't apologise unless you've done something really wrong.
Before Kurumi could apologize for apologizing, she bowed her head and moved a few spots down on the table.
Originally Posted by Nixy!
Iris looked at the younger student, "Oh... well that's okay, they were fantastic!" The Head Girl grinned. "May I?" She asked, reaching out for the box of cookies.
They look AWESOME. They taste even better. They were cookies made of WIN.
Omnomnomnom. Nice, awesome, fantastic cookies....
"Of course," Kurumi said pushing the box toward Iris and blushing slightly.
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
Awww~! she didn't want to hold Mr. Duckels? but he was so plushy! and hugable! Oh well, her loss.
Daichi watched how the girl named Kurumi bowed slightly at the waist. Despite having asian features ...and even a japanese name... Daichi didn't bow. He wasn't used to it since he was born and raised in England. Still he knew the gesture of politeness and smiled at her. "Kurumi, i like your name, i hope we can be friends" he said the last part a bit shyly and bit his lip. "Yush! i like it already, even if the Prefect had been lying to me..." he stuck his tongue out at Evan.
Daichi's small eyes went wide with shock when the Prefect was yelling at him. Why was he yelling? he just wanted to give him one of Kurumi's cookies! What was wrong with that? Ok, maybe the movement hadn't been so smooth. "S-sorry" he said and lowered his hand, the cookie still in his hand.
Daichi looked up when Evan mentioned he shouldn't be eating them either. He frowned but thought he was right. If he ate more cookies he wouldn't want anything from the feast. He turned back around at Kurumi. "Thank you for the cookies~" he said and took a bite off the cookie he tried to shove in the Prefect's mouth. Turning around to find other people to talk to and to eat proper food , Daichi walked back to the table.
"I would like that too, Daichi," she chirped smiling at the boy and patting the duck on the head once more. "I am sure your Prefect didn't lie to you," she continued in a comforting tone. Perfects shouldn't be lying to first years who were about as nervous as a mouse being thrown into a room full of hungry cats.
"You are very welcome," she nodded as she watched the boy munch on a cookie. "I bake in the kitchens often if you ever want to join me. The house elves are very hospitable."
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
"I'd prefer," she wanted to say, "that you didn't address me at all." Instead, she settled for an intense glare. Was this one of those 'kill them with kindness' moments? It had taken Sierra somewhat by surprise, and so she found herself at a loss of words for just a few seconds. "Sierra is just fine," she finally said, although she made no promises on her part to use the name Kurumi.
"What sort of ingredients are in your cookies?" she asked, in a snarky sort of way. She'd been considering trying one since last term, but anyone who could design cookies that well just had to be an expert on the ingredients that went in them. How could she be so sure they weren't poisoned?
Kurumi's eyes widened as Sierra's narrowed. What was it with Snakes and narrowing their eyes at her?! Were they all cookie haters or something? Maybe her giving out cookies at the Slytherin table was a lost cause? On the other hand, if she gave cookies to the other three house tables and not theirs, then they would be all over her for NOT giving them any.
"Well, these particular cookies are a deep dark chocolate cookie which means that I used 1 1/2 cups bittersweet chocolate chips that I melted," she explained deciding not to go into too much detail about the process since she was pretty sure that this mini she-snake would bite or spit venom at her. "The green is actually a mint frosting made with peppermint extract."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 05-05-2011 at 01:52 AM.
Reason: added Anna *snuggles*
ohmygawsh. I almost typed Selena instead of Orabelle. XD
Originally Posted by Emms
Well SOMEONE was stubborn. Goodness, she wondered.
Emma smiled back at her. Shivers went down her back. MERLIN'S BEARD?!!!! Why did this girl had to be sooooooooooooooo formal.. They were children after all, not rich, pureblood ladies from centuries ago. Turn on the formal button. Where was Alex or Fee or Braeden when she needed them. And where was Selena. She knew how to speak formally, she had been doing it all the time at her family reunion. "I was only asking politely if you could do so because I really dislike it when people call me Miss Malfoy. People don't like Malfoys. They think their evil. But if you really insist, then its okay." explained Emma, in a nice, friendly tone. "Would you rather that I call you Miss Bellamonte?" she asked, her face a facade of a smile now. Or the wicked witch of the west? Or Selena's evil cousin?
Then the blonde noticed the brunette rolling her eyes at Selena's name. Oh no she didn't. Emma would not let her say anything against her BEST FRIEND. HER FIRST BEST FRIEND AT HOGWARTS!! Grrr... "Yes, I know her. Quite well. I really enjoyed her company. She was very warm." explained Emma. The opposite of you, she thought, but she didn't dare say it. What use would it be to have an enemy in her own common room. Her eyebrows raised. "Sadly? Why so? If you don't mind me asking. I completely understand if you don't want to tell me. Did she do something disgraceful? Unladylike?" she said.
Orabelle looked over at the food selection once again, trying to decide what to eat.
Why was this Miss Malfoy so informal? She knew her aunt had never been like that. What had happened over the years was truly a mystery to Orabelle. She flipped her long dark brown hair over her shoulder then looked around the table once more for someone... pleasant. "Well, Miss Malfoy, my apologies," she said, ignoring the fact that Miss Malfoy didn't like being called that. Not her fault. "Who doesn't like Malfoys?" Orabelle asked in confusion. Who wouldn't? The Malfoy guys tended to be hawt. And Orabelle had no objections to that. "That would be lovely, thank you," she said, glad that the girl had some decency to call her with a title of respect.
Mmm... touchy subject wasn't it? Her cousin that is. "Really? Can't imagine her having any friends, thought she was destined to be a loner," Orabelle said casually. Mmm, her cousin was such a terrible person. It was pretty much decided since she had been born. "A mixture of both, really, that and it's in the family rulebook - must hate your cousins," Orabelle said emphasizing the last bit. Selena had read it, that's why they hated each other. She didn't understand this odd Malfoy.
Originally Posted by ginnilie
Ugh. This girl disgusted her. "Actually, it's Audrey," Audrey said with disgust. Why did she have to be so rude? Who did this to her? "For one, Selena was not odd at all. She was...energetic," Audrey said, calmly. This girl obviously did NOT know her cousin. "Actually, you just did. Calling someone odd is rude and mean. I'm still waiting for an answer as to why your so rude to people. I always get things out of people and I most likely won't quit bothering you until you share this information with me."
Orabelle smiled sweetly like she cared before turning again. "You have your way of describing her, I have mine," she said simply. After all, wasn't everyone entitled to their own opinion? She didn't know where this girl was coming from. Orabelle rummaged through her bag, knocking it over onto the floor, causing it's contents to fall out. Ugh. She threw her camera back inside along with everything else.
Sitting back up, she smoothed out her disgustingly hideous roes and her perfect silky hair. "Is it? How wonderful," Orabelle said sarcastically. Besides, they were related, kind of mandatory. Obviously this girl didn't know that. "Have fun trying because you aren't getting it out of me," Orabelle said. She studied journalism for a reason. And not because she wanted to get into tabloids.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Threatening her? HA! If Destiny thought THAT was a threat, Evelyn would pay to see the girl's expression when an actual threat was thrown at her.
Rolling her eyes, so her friend could see, the angered she-snake turned around and started towards another table, hoping she got there before the speech started. Or before any professors could notice but what with the yelling and the...
"YOU can HAVE your last name back! It was STUPID ANYWAYS!" Shepard? It sounded like a MUGGLE name, and she was anything BUT a muggle! Picking up the spoon, she threw it back at Destiny and marched off to another table, not caring if it hit the girl or not. If the Slytherin was wearing an eye patch tomorrow, then Evelyn thought she deserved it! DESERVED IT!
So, now ALL of a sudden Shepard was a stupid last name? Why didn't Evelyn think about that before she STOLE it? HMPH. Destiny couldn't even remember how long she had been walking around using it and she didn't care either. Her friend could go back to using whatever name she had before.
Whatever it was.
Waving her hand dismissively in Evelyn's direction, Destiny ducked her head just in time as the spoon came flying back in her direction. HA! She missed! "YOU MISSED ME!" she called out, pulling out a chocolate frog from her pocket and turning back towards the table. Stupid Evelyn. Annoying, stupid Evelyn.
Picking up the spoon that was thrown at her, Destiny started to stab the chocolate frog with it, pretending it was that annoying, stupid friend of hers.
____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________ ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
Jade laughed. "Me too," she said, after finishing her cookie. "Yeah, i'm pureblood. Well that, and my family has been in Slytherin for as long as I can remember." She searched the table for another cookie, but couldn't see one. "So how did you end up in Slytherin?"
Dev nodded, expecting the answer. "Same here. Pureblood, family history of Slytherins. My family is actually related to the Malfoys; we've lived in Ireland since we branched off the family, about five generations ago, but it's family tradition to move to London to attend Hogwarts, then move back after you graduate. We also have huge families; I have nine...eight, older brothers. My mum was one of twelve; my dad was one of eighteen."
Her stomach gave a small rumble. Okay, now she was hungry. Peyton looked toward the staff table and decided that the Headmaster was...how do you say it...bleh. He didn't smile and seemed serious. Peyton liked smiley people, but then again some of the people she's met weren't all smiles.
As long as she got to see that ship on the lake she was fine. The girl imagined how it'd look like, but she doubted it was pink with golden coins scattered on the floor. She would have to wait until she sneaked was allowed to go in there. But, first she would need a sturdy shield. Hmm...
First thing come morning, she would Owl her dad and ask for a STRONG shield. Preferably pink.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Originally Posted by AuroraQuinn
"You just volunteered yourself as a test subject." She laughed wickedly. "Right then. First project: Chocolate Cake Cookies. They look amazing, I can never get them quite right, it's like a cross between cake and cookies. So, you know, heaven..."
She looked up, coming out of her reverie. "And it wont all be nice, I'm warning you now."
"Challenge accepted." Mordred said looking serious. "You better do well. I want my cake from you to be exceptional." he grinned.
Mordred looked at the staff table and saw the Headmaster made his way to the podium to make his speech. After listening intently to his words, he then turned to Aurora and Selador. "Well, looks like we're all going to sleep soundly tonight." he said nodding. "The ninja ship is sturdy enough to be explored. We should all go and explore it once we're allowed." smiled Mordred.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Last edited by Stefan; 05-05-2011 at 03:59 AM.
Reason: Just read the Headmaster's Speech. :D
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Originally Posted by Samira Malfoy Potter
Samira grinned. Alright! So she didn't reject the idea. Good thing she didn't, because Samira wasn't used to (and didn't know how to deal with) rejection. It was one of her weaknesses she would never admit out loud. "My holiday was pretty great," answered Samira. It was a bit of a stretch, since she was so tired of traveling every time she wasn't at Hogwarts, but she couldn't say it wasn't interesting. "We toured Asia and Antarctica." That was not a memory she wanted to repeat. All the snow, and the cold, and the ice! The penguins were cute though...."What about you? Do anything special?"
Helena noticed that Samira grinned, so... it was working. Whatever they were trying to do. "Wow," she finally said, when Samira told her about touring Asia and Antarctica. Helena had always wanted to see Antarctica! She was one of the rare ones who preferred the cold weather, instead of the hot one.
As for her holiday... "Mine surely wasn't so interesting as yours," the girl giggled. "I have a grandmother in Germany, and I always visit her during the summer holiday, with my parents." Anything else? Not really... She didn't quite want to go anywhere else this holiday, because her parents were always taking her to some place, and she kind of got tired of travelling that much. So spending the summer at home felt good.
Aaaand then the headmaster's speech. Helena noticed from the beginning of the feast that professor Truebridge was gone as well, so that didn't make her feel better. What if the new Ancient Runes professor was going to make her hate the subject? Which is one of her favourite ones? "There are a lot of changes this year. The professors, I mean," Helena suddenly said, looking back at Samira.
Charisma for the Devil? I think so. Wicked Never Looked So Good.
Originally Posted by Mandana
Once Matt heard the girl speak, he chuckled slightly then took a seat across from her; resting his hands on the table. "Well I only assumed that since no one was talking to you, I might be wrong however but regardless I figured that you might like some kind of a conversation." He straightened out his tie slightly then looked around at the other house tables before setting his attention back to the girl that he was speaking to. Wait to go with the assumptions, that's definitely one way to have someone not want to talk to you anymore..
"What shall we talk about?" Katra asked, tilting her head slightly, studying him quietly. How interesting he was so far. No one ever approached her on their own. She sat up straighter and ran a hand through her long hair, moving it away from her face. She pushed her glasses up her nose, and smiled, waiting for his answer.
Smiling a bit, Kurumi leaned back a bit against the table so that her feet dangled over the bench and just barely scraped the floor. Her eyes scanned the table looking for any of her friends to introduce Connor to, but she was sure he would rather have more friends around his own age instead of hanging out with a bunch of third years. "Have you met many other members of Slytherin?" Kurumi asked as she continued to scan the area. "I do not know many of the older students, besides Salander. He is fantastic and I do hope that you two get along," her cheeks flushed a bit. "H-He save my life during my first term when we went into the Forbidden Forest to observe an Acromantula colony."
Her eyes sparkled a bit and she looked back at Connor.
"The other Slytherins that I know well are all third years. Cass, who you already met on the train...then there is Fee who doesn't have a mean bone in her body. Also Ever-Lily, but she is rather shy in meeting new people." Kurumi looked around a bit more and saw Vincent sitting a few seats down. "That's Vincent there," she said pointing to her fellow third year. "He is a transfer student as well. I talked with him in Diagon Alley a lot. He also likes magical creatures."
Connor smiled at her, enjoying seeing her eyes sparkle and shine. "I've met Danielle, and Jonathan they're fifth years and Cass. That's really all so far." He said softly. He listened to her and nodded. "Everyone sounds cool. I can't wait to meet them all. It will be nice to make some new friends." He replied. It was nice to see her smiling and happy.
Slytherin Spirit is the first of the firsts $love$ Vera Verto.
Cookies with shrimps to morning even are better than chips with pepsi!
"Unless life could seem more useful... - has noticed aloud AnastaRiddle, than it feels hardly more silent about itself having noticed, - advantage of drink in the morning and food dry only in the second half-fault of days.
Sierra winced as yet another loud and obnoxious Puffer joined their table. What was it with the lot of them thinking they had a place at the Slytherin house table? She rolled her eyes at the girl but otherwise said nothing in reply to her greeting.
Jilly was looking around, staring at the Slytherins' wonderful faces when this girl, who seemed very remotely kind, rolled her eyes at her and turned her back on her. Jilly couldn't be more mad. She was seething. She did the adult thing; she stuck out her tongue. That was for rolling your eyes on Miss Jillian.
Originally Posted by dingDong
Then someone was yelling.
She quickly turned her head, and remembered this girl--she was from the train. "YOU! Over here," she ordered.
Jilly was beginning from where she was seating since there weren't any meanies around except for the girl who rolled her eyes at her, and they were actually not noticing that she just got sorted to Hufflepuff but headed straight to their table.
And then she recognized someone, and that someone just called her over. HMM. She eyed Lola Jones, assessing if Lola Jones was of the loser sort of student. She wasn't, or so it seemed. With a broad ostentatious smile plastered upon her face, Jilly stood up and slithered her way to Lola. "HIIIII." And she plopped down on a seat.
Sierra absentmindedly twirled a lock of her hair as she glanced casually around the table. This conversation going on between Bissy and Evelyn was too good to miss, and then the conversation between Evelyn and Destiny wasn't half bad either.
...but wait. Bissy dated Josh Carter, as well?! Josh annoyed Sierra, although she wasn't exactly sure why. All she knew was that when Professor Lafay had accepted his gifts last term, only to burn them a second later right in front of his face, it'd given her a satisfaction she honestly didn't think she'd ever forget.
He'd called her Poisonous Princess that day, too...
It was almost a pity they'd ended on a bad note. He was the boyfriend of one of her friends, she thought, so she should probably at least make an effort. Then somewhere in the middle of the conversation, Bissy was asking her about Hogsmeade again, and so Sierra blinked and tried to refocus on that instead. "Mmm," she mumbled. "Yeah, it's nice." Not much else to say on that note, though. Hogsmeade talk seemed to be lost, anyway, in the middle of all the drama concerning Josh.
...and returning last names. Content to remain like a snake in the grass as she watched the drama unfold right in front of her eyes, Sierra remained quiet. She kept an eye on the three of them, though, as she turned her attention back to Hollingberry.
"I'd prefer," she wanted to say, "that you didn't address me at all." Instead, she settled for an intense glare. Was this one of those 'kill them with kindness' moments? It had taken Sierra somewhat by surprise, and so she found herself at a loss of words for just a few seconds. "Sierra is just fine," she finally said, although she made no promises on her part to use the name Kurumi.
"What sort of ingredients are in your cookies?" she asked, in a snarky sort of way. She'd been considering trying one since last term, but anyone who could design cookies that well just had to be an expert on the ingredients that went in them. How could she be so sure they weren't poisoned?
"So you've heard," Sierra commented, a little surprised that the news had traveled so fast. He'd only been in the position for--what? A few days at the most? He'd dropped Sierra off at the train station on his second day, so it couldn't have been longer than three or four days. "He seemed to be happy about it." Shrugging, she added, "I wouldn't really know, though, since I'm here now."
She missed her father. She'd grown a lot closer to him over the summer, what with him being the only family member around. At least he lived within walking distance from the castle. An awkward silence settled around them, and she realized they were both searching for something to say. Had the divorce really done this to them? "Of course I am," she answered. "I'm Alexander Greingoth's daughter, aren't I?" She gave him a small smile on that note. He was Alexander Greingoth's offspring, too, but they pretty both knew he didn't take after his father--at all, really.
Oh, ...lovely. So she just randomly appeared like someone who was just screaming for a new friend? She doubted that, but whatever. This kid was a first year anyway--he was likely dazed and confused. "I see," she remarked, "and what was it about me that made it seem that way?"
She narrowed her eyes in suspicion and confusion. If he hadn't known her name, then how had he known to associate her with the Greingoth man at the Ministry of Magic? "I thought you said you didn't know my name," she commented. "...but yes, I'm Alexander Greingoth's daughter."
Somewhere in the middle of all the chaos at the Slytherin table, Sierra happened to once again catch the eye of Lulu Patterson. She passed the girl a small smirk as she listened to the conversation going on between her brother and the third year girl. Funny how the word Puffer still hadn't lost it's spark...
Sierra winced as yet another loud and obnoxious Puffer joined their table. What was it with the lot of them thinking they had a place at the Slytherin house table? She rolled her eyes at the girl but otherwise said nothing in reply to her greeting.
Her eyebrows slightly wrinkled on that note. Only Evan, the most Hufflepuff of the Slytherins, would use a word like pretty to describe his summer. She started to ask him more about that, but then he got distracted with something going on over at the Gryffindor table. She followed his gaze but couldn't tell anything among the sea of people in her line of vision. "Oh?" she finally asked. "Pretty--good? Pretty bad?"What did you doooo, Evan Cartwright?!
"Ugh!" Sierra exclaimed, turning back to Lola the Annoying in pure disgust. "What is wrong with you!?" She stood from her seat, bound and determined to find somewhere to go where there was no one who would bother her. Was there such a place?! Anywhere away from Lola was perfect, though. "Okay, let's just get a few things straight, Mungo. One, you're annoying. Two, you and I--we're not best friends. We're not even friends. Three, you're not a queen, and if you want that glass, then walk your little annoying self over there and PICK. IT. UP.," she said, pointing her finger in the direction of the cup.
"...and finally, leave me alone," she firmly stated. Her eyes narrowed into the most intense of glares as she heard the comment the girl dared to make about her needing to lose weight. She knew it wasn't true, but she was honestly at her wit's end with this girl. She turned around to walk off, but just as she did, the bracelet on her arm suddenly got tied up in a lock of the girl's wig--possibly a result of the fact Sierra had thrown up her hands in complete frustration. As she took another step further, she felt a slight tug on her arm.
" Well, you just have a friendly face" William told her. " I forgot your name" Wiliam said to the girl." I like mysterious girls and you seen to be very mysterious" William explained to the girl. " I do not know your name but now that you mention the Gringorth name, my father works in the Ministry and ge talked about Alex Greingorth a few times" William did more explaining to this hot mysterious girl. How long have you been at HogWarts?" William asked her,
Originally Posted by Bubbles
It was about TIME.
Her stomach gave a small rumble. Okay, now she was hungry. Peyton looked toward the staff table and decided that the Headmaster was...how do you say it...bleh. He didn't smile and seemed serious. Peyton liked smiley people, but then again some of the people she's met weren't all smiles.
As long as she got to see that ship on the lake she was fine. The girl imagined how it'd look like, but she doubted it was pink with golden coins scattered on the floor. She would have to wait until she sneaked was allowed to go in there. But, first she would need a sturdy shield. Hmm...
First thing come morning, she would Owl her dad and ask for a STRONG shield. Preferably pink.
" The other Muskeeter" William told Payton. " How is my favorite red-head at HogWarts?' Wiliam asked Payton. " I should say cute red-head" William smiled.
"Where is your mind today?" William asked Peyton.
"...and finally, leave me alone," she firmly stated. Her eyes narrowed into the most intense of glares as she heard the comment the girl dared to make about her needing to lose weight. She knew it wasn't true, but she was honestly at her wit's end with this girl. She turned around to walk off, but just as she did, the bracelet on her arm suddenly got tied up in a lock of the girl's wig--possibly a result of the fact Sierra had thrown up her hands in complete frustration. As she took another step further, she felt a slight tug on her arm.
Finishing up his conversation with Conner,Mikey hears Sierra at full boil,seeing the Lil Snake tugging at a girls hair, pulling out his mom's magical camera and taking a snap"Is this going to be a full blown cat fight,or is this just the way you snakes make friends " wonder if the Profit is buying pics
♥Matella||Epic Canadian||Awesome Shipper|| Music Lover||Senators Fan||Kendrick♥
Originally Posted by TheMarauders
"What shall we talk about?" Katra asked, tilting her head slightly, studying him quietly. How interesting he was so far. No one ever approached her on their own. She sat up straighter and ran a hand through her long hair, moving it away from her face. She pushed her glasses up her nose, and smiled, waiting for his answer.
"Well since you don't seem like the type that would be interested by idle topics like how your summer was and that kinda of nonsense, I thought we could take this opportunity to get to know each other but first allow me to introduce myself; my name is Matthew Stevenson and I am a 5th year." After his rather unusually formal introduction, he extended his hand out to the girl and grinned slightly; it appeared there might actually be someone else in the house who was brilliant even though that really wasn't what Slytherin was known for.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,089
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Deatheater 2251
Connor smiled at her, enjoying seeing her eyes sparkle and shine. "I've met Danielle, and Jonathan they're fifth years and Cass. That's really all so far." He said softly. He listened to her and nodded. "Everyone sounds cool. I can't wait to meet them all. It will be nice to make some new friends." He replied. It was nice to see her smiling and happy.
"I am sure you will make lots of friends," Kurumi nodded. Although, she wasn't sure she knew that much about the older Slytherins. Many of them seem to be a little scary...and hated her cookies. "Danielle? I think I met her in Diagon Alley. Is she blonde and always dresses very fashionable? Well, much more fashionable than me anyway..."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes