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As you enter the Hogwarts library, what appears to be a cozy nook in one corner of the main area appears most appealing to the Hogwarts student interested in his or her reading. Upon further inspection, you see that this comfy area is larger than it had seemed on first sight. Spread throughout the room are clusters of armchairs, surrounding magical reading lamps giving off different levels of light, all of which are appropriate for reading. These clusters are perfect for study groups or group projects.
Here and there are a few lone armchairs for the student who enjoys quiet solitary reading, and a number of sofas for any that would rather stretch out and put their feet up. Be sure not to muddy them up though!
A soft glow of light is present throughout the room, with more magical lamps in each possible reading space. Be sure not to make much noise and respect some students' wishes to read in quiet.
One last note, no food or drink in the reading lounge.
Glancing at her from the corner of his eye, Ani turned his face to give a full on pout. HAH. SEEE! He so could keep it on his face! Although, now he wanted to smirk, so maybe he COULDN'T keep it on his face? Siiigh. "Maybe I like pouting though Feeeeefers." Obnoxious hufflepuff? SNOORT. "Gah. Obnoxious I'll take, but I don't wanna be a hufflepuuuuff." It's too bad he couldn't switch houses. Watching her, his eyebrows rose before chuckling slightly. "But I doooon't. Or else I'd actually be STUDYING." And not being distracted every five seconds. "Procrastinating is fun though?" He liked it. A lot. YAH! SNOOORT. "This is true. And your humbleness is just FANTASTIC Fee. I'm proud." Anakin chuckled, shaking his head slightly and looking at the book again. "Well, I'm proud of YOU for looking for the good in everyone." She was way nice. Maybe even too nice for her own good.
PFFT. Not super smart? Anakin looked at her, frowning slightly. "You know how your always saying I need to be more confident in myself? The same goes to YOU. YOU ARE SUPER SMART." Even smarter than him, even if he was two years older. "Nahhh, not really. You could have traits from more than one house." Yup. Her awesome!Slytheriness just were more than her super!smartness. Strict teacher? Anakin chuckled, nodding. "I knoooow. Your already making me study. THAT'S STRICT!" Yup. Anakin gave a small squeeze before pulling back, "But then no one will be able to resist you. And I'll have to beat more guyssss."
Anakin tilted his head, he didn't mind giving it a shot actually. He was open to trying things, even another romance book. "Sure. I don't mind doing so." Maybe he'd like it? Plus...it sorta made up for his lack of a love life. Not that he was suffering from it. "How'd you guys meet?" He'd never actually asked, or MET the guy. Which he probably should. "I am Triple!A." He should be everyone's hero. BEAM. "It was coooooool. And Fitzwilliam Darcy was pretty B.A." Yup. Bingley was annoying though.
Fee just shook her head and giggled as Anakin didnt stop pouting.He was sooo freaky.In a good way of course.Hehe."You knooow its meeaaan to pout to me,Ani baby.",the girl chuckled,"youu arrreee using it against meee."Yees,he was definitely taking advantage of her not being able to see him pouting.When he mentioned not wanting to be in hufflepuff the Slytherin shook her head.Why didnt he like his house?Anakin made a fabulous Hufflepuff."But you ARE are a badger sweetie",the third year smiled a little,"why dont you like it?Hufflepuffs are awesome.Look at you."Well,maybe not all of them were awesome but that was the same for all the houses.Anakin really didnt want to use his brain power,did he? Gneehhh,how did he even make it to his fifth year like that?Tsk,tsk."You are distradcted every 5 seconds because you want to",the blonde told her friend,"and you know its the truth."Of course he liked procrastinating,who didnt?Seriously,if Fee had the choice she would totally procrastinate,too.But this was important.The OWLS would decide about Anakins future."I've always been the humble type of person",the girl laughed,"you should be proud,i am awesome."The Slytherin was kidding but heeyy sometimes it was fun to be all obnoxious.Awwww,Anaking thought about her like that?Now that was really,really sweet."I am not looking fot the good in everyone",the third year shook her head,"i am just trying to encourage you to study because its important to you and you are important to me."That was what friends did,right?!
Fee just smiled at Anakin as she heard what he was saying.He was being beyong cute."I am confident in myself but i am realistic",the girl chuckled,"its not like i am good at all subjects.Ancient runes just flies to me.But i am bad at potions or herbologogy."Especially herbology,that was the worst subject ever.No one needed that.Gahhh."I am a Slytherclaw you mean?",the blonde giggled,"i always thought i would be more of the Slytherdor,but i trust your senses."Seeing he didnt like the house he was in the blonde started thinking about into what other house he could have fitted in too.Her thoughts were soon interrupted though.Bursting out in laughter the blonde shook her head at her friend."Ohh yes that must be super strict for poor little you",she said giggling,"but you know i only want your best."In the end he would be thankful for her being all strict and mean to him.Yees,yees Fee KNEW that.Awwwww he would really beat up guys for her?!Oh my glitter.Seriously he was soooo cute."I am irresistable anyway,but you dont have to beat up any guys",she laughed,"i am not THAT popular with guys.But if i have any problems i'll come to you,kay?"With what did she deserve such a good friend?!
The girl smiled sweetly as the hufflepuff tilted his head.She would give anything to know hat he was thinking about right now."Waiiit,you really want to read it?",Fee said her eyes lightening up,"you are soooo the coolest guy on earth."No other guy would give a chance to a romance novel a girl loved.Ohh Anakin wanted to know how Hugo and her met?!The memory of it made the blonde smile."Well he kinda sorta,flew into me the first flying lesson",she laughed,"but we got together a year later because i had a boyfriend the time we met.Hugo seriously waited for me a whole year .He is amazing."A whole year was such a long time and it made the blonde happy to remember that.Pushing the lovey-dovey thoughts away the girl started laughing.Again.What was wrong with her?!"You are Triple!A ,yes",she nodded,"and i am Fee the glitter princess.Makes people pretty want to be like us,huh?"Yeees,who wouldnt want to be like Anakin Amstern and Feenella Schwarzberg?That someone would be mental.Totally.Anakin really seemed to like Darcy,that was amazing.Darcy was pretty much the most amazing dude of all dudes in romance novels."He is sooo sweet",the blonde nodded,"i want a boyfriend like him."Was it weird to think about a ficitional character like that?!
Helena walked slowly towards the reading lounge in the library, still really close to Zara, ready to help her in case she needed something. But let's hope that Helena's help was not going to be needed. Not that she didn't want to help. She just wanted Zara to feel better.
She approached the nearest table and stopped, looking at Zara. "Is it alright if we sit here?" The girl asked, throwing a quick look at the table.
Zara smiled weakly and nodded. "I'm fine, really. No need to care for me too much," she said, not wanting her friend to worry. It was just a headache right? Plus some twisting stuff in her stomach. And weak knees. Plus walking like a drunk. Yeah, she was fine..
She sat down at one of the chairs and looked up at Helena. "Come, sit beside me. Nothing to worry about, Helena. Relax." She smiled with her recently-pale lips.
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
Zara smiled weakly and nodded. "I'm fine, really. No need to care for me too much," she said, not wanting her friend to worry. It was just a headache right? Plus some twisting stuff in her stomach. And weak knees. Plus walking like a drunk. Yeah, she was fine..
She sat down at one of the chairs and looked up at Helena. "Come, sit beside me. Nothing to worry about, Helena. Relax." She smiled with her recently-pale lips.
Okay, she said she was fine. But she still didn't look fine. But Helena decided to let it go, because she didn't want to annoy Zara. Instead of saying anything, she sat down beside her and smiled.
Uhh she was still concerned about Zara, but she'll really have to let it go. "Did you write that essay for Herbology?" Helena asked curiously, all of a sudden. "I just find it... impossible." Impossible for her. Or maybe Herbology was not her best subject. Yes, that had to be the problem.
Hmmmm? Jim looked up at the blonde who spoke and offered his usual crooked grin in a friendly response.
"No intrusion." Not that he'd miiiind if there was something to intrude on. Arya got more than pretty over the summer and all.
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
"Your not intruding." Arya agreed with a small head shake, offering the new face a smile. It wasn't as if they were doing anything productive anymore. Heh. "Hi."
"Good," Alfie smiled softly, scanning the features of each of them for a moment, "I hope you don't mind if I sit down for a second..."
Alfie appreciated the kindness from the two people she had randomly come in contact with, understanding that they very well could've just told her to leave. Normally, she would've left anyway, thanking them for their kindness, and taking her leave to explore more. But in all honesty, they were the first two people she'd really gotten the chance to talk to and so she took a seat on the far side of the table, close enough to be in the conversation should they want her there, but far enough away to be excluded should they choose that as well. She flashed them a small smile from across the table and quickly grabbed a book of the nearest shelf, opening it before her.
Okay, she said she was fine. But she still didn't look fine. But Helena decided to let it go, because she didn't want to annoy Zara. Instead of saying anything, she sat down beside her and smiled.
Uhh she was still concerned about Zara, but she'll really have to let it go. "Did you write that essay for Herbology?" Helena asked curiously, all of a sudden. "I just find it... impossible." Impossible for her. Or maybe Herbology was not her best subject. Yes, that had to be the problem.
"No, not yet," Zara admitted. She was planning to do it soon. Maybe write just one paragraph each day. No. Knowing Zara, she'd finish it in one sitting. Never lets a work be unfinished--except for drawings. Ugh. She was bad at drawings. Draws good enough, but really isn't something she looked forward to.
"Wanna do it now?" She asked. Maybe they could do it together? But Zara wasn't sure she could think straight right now. Give it a try, perhaps?
"But, Hufflepuffs live near the kitchens," she squeaked with a not-so-subtle hint of glee. "And nothing terrible ever comes out of the kitchens. Only sweet and savory things that bring smiles to others faces." She was talking about cookies, of course, but the slight flush in her cheeks may have suggested otherwise. "Dra---Professor Lafay frightens me," she whispered when Treyen said she wasn't that bad. "I find her presence rather...intimidating..." She had even said it to the Potions' Mistress' face once. Kurumi was sure that the woman was going to turn her into a newt on the spot.
Kurumi shook her head. "I don't think that was it," she sighed. "My father and the man with really nice hair still got on really well." The man DID have really nice hair. Kurumi wondered if her father had ever had hair like that. He had gone for a much more clean and business-like look recently.
Kurumi found herself speechless as she stared at the same sentence she had just read aloud to Treyen, too afraid to move onto the next. She certainly hadn't been expecting something this dark to be in her father's past. Slowly, her hair began changing colors to a sickly teal and sea foam green color. This was...too much for her to handle...and she almost wished that she hadn't found the article.
She tightened her grip on the arm of the chair when she heard Treyen speak.
Her eyes widened and she squeaked loudly when she felt the Prefect's delicate yet strong hand on hers. Her cheeks resembled ripe peaches and she just stood there...staring at his hand...and feeling a warm and tingly feeling course through her overwhelmed lioness body.
"S-S-S-S-Sorry!" she squeaked flailing her other arm, but not removing the one that was on his. She did, however, loosen her grip. "I'm s-s-s-s-sorry!" She continued her stuttering apology and added several head bows in here and there. "I-I thought that...I thought I was grabbing the chair." Well, that much was obvious she supposed.
Then Treyen mentioned Quidditch and she froze midbow. WHAT IF SHE HAD SCRATCHED HIS ARM?! What if she had been holding on for so long that she had cut circulation off to his fingers and he would never be able to hold a bat again. Wait, was he even a Beater? Kurumi had no idea.
And....oh...MERLIN! Treyen was on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. She was going to have a hard time concentrating on the match even more now. Kurumi's arms became itchy. She reluctantly removed her hand from his and hugged her knees to her chest, make the chair they were sharing a little more snug as a result.
Really, he wouldn't have smiled so widely if Kurumi had remained quiet. But his smile was as wide as ever, "You don't have to describe Hufflepuffs to me," he said, winking ONCE. It was clear that he knew what the friendly bunch was like when they wanted to be nice, just...don't be around when they're upset.
Er, wait, wait, 'Dra--'? He let it go, probably a nickname Kurumi had for Lafay, and he honestly didn't intend on finding out either. Lafay was...so high on his mind, that he'll probably get a little bit upset about it if he didn't like it. "Oh, yes, she can be scary sometimes, but she's a very good Professor," he wouldn't trade Lafay for anyone, except, come to think about it, he was missing Maya Saylen way too much.
So, they still haven't found the news she was looking for? "We should keep on searching, then," he smiled brightly as he took another edition. And he was hoping the next news wouldn't be so terrifying.
Then her hair changed to teal?
That was a new color for her. At least on the different shades that Treyen had managed to witness.
Treyen was going to be OBLIGATED to remove her hand by force if she didn't let goooo! He half-smiled and shook his head, "Glad to know I look like a chair," though, they were clearly sharing one, so, it was normal for Kurumi to make such a mistake, right? "It's completely alright, Kurumi," not the fact that he was mistaken him as a chair, but she'd apologized, so, yeah.
And then she seemed to be in deep thought about something but was slowly loosening her grip and before she could take her hand away from his, he looked at her, "You got on the Quidditch team, congrats on that," he said, holding her hand before letting it go.
He couldn't help but chuckle next, because Kurumi's current position was starting to get rather uncomfortable, "You don't want to share the chair, do you?" but he wasn't MOVING. He only opened the Prophet and started to go through its pages.
Mrs. Krum <3 | Twitchy little ferret aren't you Malfoy?
Luke needed to do his homework. The best place to do that would be the library. That's what it was for, wasn't it. He walked down to the Reading Lounge and found a comfy chair to sit in. Then he took out his homework and got to work.
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
"No, not yet," Zara admitted. She was planning to do it soon. Maybe write just one paragraph each day. No. Knowing Zara, she'd finish it in one sitting. Never lets a work be unfinished--except for drawings. Ugh. She was bad at drawings. Draws good enough, but really isn't something she looked forward to.
"Wanna do it now?" She asked. Maybe they could do it together? But Zara wasn't sure she could think straight right now. Give it a try, perhaps?
At least Helena wasn't the only one without the Herbology assignment done. "If you have any good ideas, sure."
Studying together could turn out fun. The only and the biggest problem was that Helena felt like her head was empty. At least the Herbology part of her brain. Completely empty. Only spider webs. "Should we look for some books?" She suggested, turning around and scanning the bookshelves, as if she could see everything from that distance. She couldn't see anything, actually, but maybe it was written a big 'Herbology' there, somewhere.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,112
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
SPOILER!!: I'll just pretend that you bring out the wit xD and I couldn't resist the VPM reference
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
Really, he wouldn't have smiled so widely if Kurumi had remained quiet. But his smile was as wide as ever, "You don't have to describe Hufflepuffs to me," he said, winking ONCE. It was clear that he knew what the friendly bunch was like when they wanted to be nice, just...don't be around when they're upset.
Er, wait, wait, 'Dra--'? He let it go, probably a nickname Kurumi had for Lafay, and he honestly didn't intend on finding out either. Lafay was...so high on his mind, that he'll probably get a little bit upset about it if he didn't like it. "Oh, yes, she can be scary sometimes, but she's a very good Professor," he wouldn't trade Lafay for anyone, except, come to think about it, he was missing Maya Saylen way too much.
So, they still haven't found the news she was looking for? "We should keep on searching, then," he smiled brightly as he took another edition. And he was hoping the next news wouldn't be so terrifying.
Then her hair changed to teal?
That was a new color for her. At least on the different shades that Treyen had managed to witness.
Treyen was going to be OBLIGATED to remove her hand by force if she didn't let goooo! He half-smiled and shook his head, "Glad to know I look like a chair," though, they were clearly sharing one, so, it was normal for Kurumi to make such a mistake, right? "It's completely alright, Kurumi," not the fact that he was mistaken him as a chair, but she'd apologized, so, yeah.
And then she seemed to be in deep thought about something but was slowly loosening her grip and before she could take her hand away from his, he looked at her, "You got on the Quidditch team, congrats on that," he said, holding her hand before letting it go.
He couldn't help but chuckle next, because Kurumi's current position was starting to get rather uncomfortable, "You don't want to share the chair, do you?" but he wasn't MOVING. He only opened the Prophet and started to go through its pages.
Where had she put her sunglasses? Perhaps it was due to the sun shining through the window and hitting his pearly whites in just the right way, or perhaps it was just his exceptionally sparkly personality, but Kurumi found herself temporarily blinded by Treyen. She rather wished that she had just kept those sunglasses in her pocket like she had jokingly told Walnut she would do, but the cat clearly had other plans as he had run off with them before she could follow through.
Cheeks red as roses in spring, Kurumi just nodded to his comment about Hufflepuffs slide. “I’ve also heard that they are very good finders. Perhaps that is why you and Aslan get along so well.” Random comment and she wasn’t entirely sure where she had heard that remark about Hufflepuffs before. Perhaps it had been from her older brothers. They weren’t very fond of Puffs though. Ryunosuke had said that he tried to transfigure a few into cream puffs during his 6th year at Hogwarts. Kurumi wondered if Treyen would still retain his smile if he was a cream puff – not that she really wanted to turn him into one.
“Professor Lafay is very good at what she does,” Kurumi agreed with a slight shiver. “I suppose her methods sometimes surprise and scare me. Like…removing Josh’s hands and removing a bone from my arm during my first term...” Kurumi had thought about going to speak with her though, but she always stood frozen in her brown shoes at the thought. “I’ve thought about asking her if there is a potion I can take to, you know, control these changes,” she looked over at Treyen sheepishly.
“No…I’ve found what I was looking for…I think,” she said calmly as she took note of the date of the Daily Prophet on her note parchment. She folded up the article and set it on the table. That was enough of that for now.
Kurumi began flailing around a bit more at his next comment. “Y-Y-You don’t look like an arm chair! N-N-Not that you wouldn’t make a good one if you wanted to. For…disguise purposes or what have you…” She was in full flailing mode now and the teal in her hair was quickly fading back to black. Which was good seeing as she hadn’t yet noticed the change due to TREYEN HOLDING HER HAND! The combination of THAT and him congratulating on Quidditch was enough to make her embarrassed, but then him thinking that she didn’t want to share a seat with him sent her over the edge.
“OfcourseIdo!” she squeaked letting go of her legs so quickly that she became a little unbalanced and ended up swaying a bit and she jumped a few inches out of her seat. Her head ended up resting on his shoulder for a brief moment, but it was long enough to make her heart skip a beat and a soft gasp to escape her lips. Not only did he have a nice smile, but he smelled alright as well. No wonder Walnut preferred him over some of the other students she hung out with.
When she had finally regained composure, she realized that she was essentially half sitting on him – must have happened when she had jumped – and she quickly scooted herself off and found a seat on the chair.
Awkward…really awkward…
She bit her lower lip from making things even more embarrassing.
“S-S-S-So….” she said feeling utterly ridiculous. “Numbers…” They had started out talking about Numerology after all. "What's your favorite number?"
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Where had she put her sunglasses? Perhaps it was due to the sun shining through the window and hitting his pearly whites in just the right way, or perhaps it was just his exceptionally sparkly personality, but Kurumi found herself temporarily blinded by Treyen. She rather wished that she had just kept those sunglasses in her pocket like she had jokingly told Walnut she would do, but the cat clearly had other plans as he had run off with them before she could follow through.
Cheeks red as roses in spring, Kurumi just nodded to his comment about Hufflepuffs slide. “I’ve also heard that they are very good finders. Perhaps that is why you and Aslan get along so well.” Random comment and she wasn’t entirely sure where she had heard that remark about Hufflepuffs before. Perhaps it had been from her older brothers. They weren’t very fond of Puffs though. Ryunosuke had said that he tried to transfigure a few into cream puffs during his 6th year at Hogwarts. Kurumi wondered if Treyen would still retain his smile if he was a cream puff – not that she really wanted to turn him into one.
“Professor Lafay is very good at what she does,” Kurumi agreed with a slight shiver. “I suppose her methods sometimes surprise and scare me. Like…removing Josh’s hands and removing a bone from my arm during my first term...” Kurumi had thought about going to speak with her though, but she always stood frozen in her brown shoes at the thought. “I’ve thought about asking her if there is a potion I can take to, you know, control these changes,” she looked over at Treyen sheepishly.
“No…I’ve found what I was looking for…I think,” she said calmly as she took note of the date of the Daily Prophet on her note parchment. She folded up the article and set it on the table. That was enough of that for now.
Kurumi began flailing around a bit more at his next comment. “Y-Y-You don’t look like an arm chair! N-N-Not that you wouldn’t make a good one if you wanted to. For…disguise purposes or what have you…” She was in full flailing mode now and the teal in her hair was quickly fading back to black. Which was good seeing as she hadn’t yet noticed the change due to TREYEN HOLDING HER HAND! The combination of THAT and him congratulating on Quidditch was enough to make her embarrassed, but then him thinking that she didn’t want to share a seat with him sent her over the edge.
“OfcourseIdo!” she squeaked letting go of her legs so quickly that she became a little unbalanced and ended up swaying a bit and she jumped a few inches out of her seat. Her head ended up resting on his shoulder for a brief moment, but it was long enough to make her heart skip a beat and a soft gasp to escape her lips. Not only did he have a nice smile, but he smelled alright as well. No wonder Walnut preferred him over some of the other students she hung out with.
When she had finally regained composure, she realized that she was essentially half sitting on him – must have happened when she had jumped – and she quickly scooted herself off and found a seat on the chair.
Awkward…really awkward…
She bit her lower lip from making things even more embarrassing.
“S-S-S-So….” she said feeling utterly ridiculous. “Numbers…” They had started out talking about Numerology after all. "What's your favorite number?"
Okay. Kurumi was definitely blushing now. Perhaps he ought to look away, yes? Yes. He did it. He looked away with a small smile on his face. A smile that meant nothing, other than the fact that it was there from the start.
Then she mentioned Aslan and he HAD to look at her. "I...wasn't aware of that," he said, adding a chuckle at the end, "But, yes, maybe," that kind of made sense if it was true. And it could be true, except the most famous Hufflepuffs had only found death in the end. Er, that could be a good find, though, depending on the death.
Treyen shook his head, as if to shake that thought away, and then he nodded. Yes, Lafay was a good Professor, there was no denying that. He maaaay be a bit talented in Potions, just like his sister, but he was sure that Lafay had a lot to do with it. In his case, anyway, not Kaika's. WAIT. "You were there...," he started to say, eyes widening ever so slowly at the realization of this, "...you were there in front of the class, like I was," but he could only remember Ivy from the people sharing the spotlight that day, "I got my jaw bone removed," he said, leaning into the chair and taking his hand to his jaw, "That was a bit frightening," and he was NOT a first year back then. He'd been a third year. No wonder she was terrified of Lafay.
As soon as she mentioned asking for a potion, Treyen shook his head, "I have no idea what you must be going through, Kurumi, but...I think it's best if you try to control it on your own," yes, Lafay was super extra gifted in Potions, but...he still believed in dealing with magic without many things getting involved.
Side effects happen.
"That's my opinion, though," he nodded. She was free to do as she wished. Of course.
WHAAAAAAAT? No more searching for news? Well, Treyen was still browsing through the newspaper, and some of the news were kind of amusing. Not to mention the hair styles of over 20 years ago.
What was Kurumi talking about? It was rather amusing to see her trying to come up with nice things to say about arm chairs and such. Yes, Treyen would make a very pretty and comfortable arm chair, but he'd been joking all along...and...the holding of the hand thing...was probably not a good idea. Look how Kurumi was reacting to that. Yes, he kind of figured that his hand had something to do with it.
Her hand was so soft at touch, though. But he had the feeling that he should kept quiet about it, and mention NOTHING about her hand. Also, if possible, never hold it again.
Plus, he knew there was something wrong because she said nothing of Quidditch. Not even 'Thanks', and that wasn't like Kurumi.
But...was he asking? Probably not. Maybe.
Er, okay, NO. Because she decided to say that she did want him on her chair. And he'd been kidding all along. He was about to say something about it, when...yes, this was completely awkward and he couldn't look at Kurumi. The chair wasn't that small, really, but she managed to...kind of seat ON him, instead of the chair...and...OH MY GILDEROY! WHY WAS KURUMI RESTING HER HEAD ON HIS SHOULDER?! Not that he minded, actually, but his widened eyes suggested that it was not precisely appropriate, unless, of course, Kurumi happened to be Ellie.
But the Gryffindor girl sort of figured the same thing because she returned back to her spot almost instantly.
And he was speechless. He may have blinked too many times before he could turn his face back to Kurumi. "Numbers?" weren't they discussing his father on the Daily Prophet?! "Er, I don't know...maybe number 3, my Life Path number," he said, with a small smile.
"Yours?" Treyen should probably change to the nearest possible chair right about now, no?
But as he thought on what had happened BEFORE numbers returned to the conversation...two things came to mind. One, either Kurumi had a crush on him, which will be completely adorable on her part, or TWO, she was still unsure about Quidditch.
IT HAD TO BE THE SECOND ONE, of course. "You know, Kurumi, you made the team for a reason, I wouldn't worry much if I were you," he said, and added a wink.
Miranda was the one who'd told him something like that in his second year, right?
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Isobel walked down to the library. She wanted to read, but her common room was too noisy. She could read in her dormitory, but she hadn't thought of that before, and there was no way she was walking back up there now. So she walked down to the reading lounge with her book in her hand. Isobel looked around for a comfy chair, and almost didn't notice that there were other people down there. She saw a couple people she didn't know, Treyen talking to a girl named...Kurumi, and Luke. She didn't like making decisions. After a couple seconds Isobel waved hello to Treyen and went to sit down by Luke. "Hi," she said with a small smile.
At least Helena wasn't the only one without the Herbology assignment done. "If you have any good ideas, sure."
Studying together could turn out fun. The only and the biggest problem was that Helena felt like her head was empty. At least the Herbology part of her brain. Completely empty. Only spider webs. "Should we look for some books?" She suggested, turning around and scanning the bookshelves, as if she could see everything from that distance. She couldn't see anything, actually, but maybe it was written a big 'Herbology' there, somewhere.
"Sure," she smiled, about to stand up, but lost a bit of balance so she held on the table for support. She smiled awkwardly, and stumbled back on the chair she was seated on before.
Connor went into the library and picked out a copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard. He loved these old stories. he curled up in a big comfy chair in The Reading Lounge and soon he was lost in the world of The Three Brothers. It was his favorite of the old stories. He felt at peace for the first time in a while wile reading he relaxed and lost his troubles in the comforting old pages. He could almost hear the brogue of his Daddy reading him to sleep again as he had done when he still lived.
Panda Princess || Show the panda love | | lazy artist at work || strawberry milkshake <3
Originally Posted by Deatheater 2251
Connor went into the library and picked out a copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard. He loved these old stories. he curled up in a big comfy chair in The Reading Lounge and soon he was lost in the world of The Three Brothers. It was his favorite of the old stories. He felt at peace for the first time in a while wile reading he relaxed and lost his troubles in the comforting old pages. He could almost hear the brogue of his Daddy reading him to sleep again as he had done when he still lived.
Holding on to the big old Herbology book she picked out of the shelf, Heather made her way towards the lounge; last time she was reading the said book, she found herself sitting on the floor when Aiden had come in asking what she was doing down there. This time, she'd be sitting pretty and comfy in the lounge chairs-
HEY. That's Connor over there, and Heather resisted the urge to run and squeal and hug him; this was a library. such was not allowed. She took a deep breath and walked slowly, trying not to make a noise so as to not interrupt anyone, or her big brother who was quite busy reading a book.
as she approached him, she softly squeaked: "Hi Big brother!"
Alfie got up from the table she was at, quickly sensing that this wasn't the best way to make friends, but also didn't want to offend them. She gave the pair a smile, appreciating their friendliness, as she gathered up her book bag and the book she had just opened. The blonde headed for a table alone in the corner by a window, much more comfortable on her own. She hoped that they wouldn't take it personally, she just...felt that both parties would be a little more comfortable if she was at her own table. She quickly became immersed in this book, something that described the history of the school she had just entered.
Holding on to the big old Herbology book she picked out of the shelf, Heather made her way towards the lounge; last time she was reading the said book, she found herself sitting on the floor when Aiden had come in asking what she was doing down there. This time, she'd be sitting pretty and comfy in the lounge chairs-
HEY. That's Connor over there, and Heather resisted the urge to run and squeal and hug him; this was a library. such was not allowed. She took a deep breath and walked slowly, trying not to make a noise so as to not interrupt anyone, or her big brother who was quite busy reading a book.
as she approached him, she softly squeaked: "Hi Big brother!"
Connor smiled at the squeak he smiled. "Hey there little one. Why don't you sit down and relax with me." He patted the chair beside his and smiled. He shifted in his seat and pulled his knees up covering his pants with his robes and reading again. He let his mind wander, wondering what it would be like to hide under a cloak of invisibility. He pushed aside such silly thoughts. Life was not as simple as in the stories. He leaned back and twirled his fingers around the charm that Kurumi had given him. He still cared about her and he wanted to be her boyfriend but the wild crazy feeling of love at first sight had calmed a lot since their last talk.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,112
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
I think...I totally messed with the timeline of events xD oh wellz
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
SPOILER!!: Hufflepuffs are good finders *nods* then Dumbledore says "What the hell is a Hufflepuff" *nods* GO WATCH THE MUSICALS! NOW!
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
Okay. Kurumi was definitely blushing now. Perhaps he ought to look away, yes? Yes. He did it. He looked away with a small smile on his face. A smile that meant nothing, other than the fact that it was there from the start.
Then she mentioned Aslan and he HAD to look at her. "I...wasn't aware of that," he said, adding a chuckle at the end, "But, yes, maybe," that kind of made sense if it was true. And it could be true, except the most famous Hufflepuffs had only found death in the end. Er, that could be a good find, though, depending on the death.
Treyen shook his head, as if to shake that thought away, and then he nodded. Yes, Lafay was a good Professor, there was no denying that. He maaaay be a bit talented in Potions, just like his sister, but he was sure that Lafay had a lot to do with it. In his case, anyway, not Kaika's. WAIT. "You were there...," he started to say, eyes widening ever so slowly at the realization of this, "...you were there in front of the class, like I was," but he could only remember Ivy from the people sharing the spotlight that day, "I got my jaw bone removed," he said, leaning into the chair and taking his hand to his jaw, "That was a bit frightening," and he was NOT a first year back then. He'd been a third year. No wonder she was terrified of Lafay.
As soon as she mentioned asking for a potion, Treyen shook his head, "I have no idea what you must be going through, Kurumi, but...I think it's best if you try to control it on your own," yes, Lafay was super extra gifted in Potions, but...he still believed in dealing with magic without many things getting involved.
Side effects happen.
"That's my opinion, though," he nodded. She was free to do as she wished. Of course.
WHAAAAAAAT? No more searching for news? Well, Treyen was still browsing through the newspaper, and some of the news were kind of amusing. Not to mention the hair styles of over 20 years ago.
What was Kurumi talking about? It was rather amusing to see her trying to come up with nice things to say about arm chairs and such. Yes, Treyen would make a very pretty and comfortable arm chair, but he'd been joking all along...and...the holding of the hand thing...was probably not a good idea. Look how Kurumi was reacting to that. Yes, he kind of figured that his hand had something to do with it.
Her hand was so soft at touch, though. But he had the feeling that he should kept quiet about it, and mention NOTHING about her hand. Also, if possible, never hold it again.
Plus, he knew there was something wrong because she said nothing of Quidditch. Not even 'Thanks', and that wasn't like Kurumi.
But...was he asking? Probably not. Maybe.
Er, okay, NO. Because she decided to say that she did want him on her chair. And he'd been kidding all along. He was about to say something about it, when...yes, this was completely awkward and he couldn't look at Kurumi. The chair wasn't that small, really, but she managed to...kind of seat ON him, instead of the chair...and...OH MY GILDEROY! WHY WAS KURUMI RESTING HER HEAD ON HIS SHOULDER?! Not that he minded, actually, but his widened eyes suggested that it was not precisely appropriate, unless, of course, Kurumi happened to be Ellie.
But the Gryffindor girl sort of figured the same thing because she returned back to her spot almost instantly.
And he was speechless. He may have blinked too many times before he could turn his face back to Kurumi. "Numbers?" weren't they discussing his father on the Daily Prophet?! "Er, I don't know...maybe number 3, my Life Path number," he said, with a small smile.
"Yours?" Treyen should probably change to the nearest possible chair right about now, no?
But as he thought on what had happened BEFORE numbers returned to the conversation...two things came to mind. One, either Kurumi had a crush on him, which will be completely adorable on her part, or TWO, she was still unsure about Quidditch.
IT HAD TO BE THE SECOND ONE, of course. "You know, Kurumi, you made the team for a reason, I wouldn't worry much if I were you," he said, and added a wink.
Miranda was the one who'd told him something like that in his second year, right?
Kurumi knew that she needed to get her head back on straight before she did or said something that she knew she was going to regret – not that she hadn’t already done some of that.
Wanting very much to crawl under the chair they were sitting in, Kurumi threw the hood of her robes over her head and finally managed to stop flailing around like a monkey after a banana.
Calming down now, Kurumi was able to look Treyen in the face. “I-I-I remember!” she chirped scooting just a little bit further away. It seemed like he was just as awkward and uncomfortable with what had just happened. She wondered what color hair Treyen’s would turn if he were a metamorphagus in this situation…but she couldn’t help but hope that it was a shade of pink. “W-W-Well, I remember thinking that it would be a shame if the Bone Regeneration Potion you drank didn’t work properly and you were never able to smile again.” Nope, not going to blush this time. Well, maybe just a little, but her cheeks were already so red that it probably wasn’t noticeable.
The nervous smile on her face faded into a genuine one. “I suppose you are right…at least…father shares the same opinion as you,” she nodded as she tugged on the edges of her hood a bit more. “I just…I dunno…maybe I just don’t have the strength it takes to control it properly. Father is a fantastic wizard.” And he was seeming even more so by the minute in her research in a strange way. “He can perform magic without even saying a word and, not all the time, but I did catch him doing it once, I think I saw him performing wandless magic.” Then again, her father was so fluid in his wand movements that he may have had it back in his holster before she even noticed it was out.
Glad for the temporary distraction, Kurumi did notice the look in Treyen’s eyes after she had accidently turned him into Santa Clause. There was no denying it, it hurt her little cookie loving heart that he looked…uncomfortable…
Frowning a bit, Kurumi turned her gaze away and looked at the floor. She only looked back at him when he began speaking about numbers. Good. Numbers were sturdy and nothing could come out of them that would be embarrassing…until Treyen mentioned three as being his Life Path number.
“I should have guessed that you were a 3,” she giggled. “I’m afraid that my Life Path Number doesn’t reflect me very well. I don’t consider myself to be much of a boss nor have natural power.” She paused for a moment as she reflected on what the numbers meant. “Do you think you will do something relating to anything artistic? They do say that those with Life Path Numbers of 3 ought to pursue careers in writing, speaking, designing, illustrating, dancing, and so on.” And if he did, she would probably end up being one of his biggest fans. “I’ve always liked the number 11…I am not really sure why. There is something about it being two numbers representing a single unit, but making up something so much more…” She wasn’t sure that made any sense. She was more speaking without thinking things through than anything.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Panda Princess || Show the panda love | | lazy artist at work || strawberry milkshake <3
Originally Posted by Deatheater 2251
Connor smiled at the squeak he smiled. "Hey there little one. Why don't you sit down and relax with me." He patted the chair beside his and smiled. He shifted in his seat and pulled his knees up covering his pants with his robes and reading again. He let his mind wander, wondering what it would be like to hide under a cloak of invisibility. He pushed aside such silly thoughts. Life was not as simple as in the stories. He leaned back and twirled his fingers around the charm that Kurumi had given him. He still cared about her and he wanted to be her boyfriend but the wild crazy feeling of love at first sight had calmed a lot since their last talk.
Heather giddily went and sat beside Connor who went back to reading. she then went to open the big herbology book she picked out and started reading, but then she just couldn't; she kept glancing at Connor as she was supposed to do something. Oh RIGHT! her pocket was full of stuff right now-including her christmas presents for her friends. She was hoping to bump into some of them any day soon to give them her presents.
:uhm...big brother..." she called, shuffling through her pockets, looking for her present for Connor. Atlast, she did, after shuffling through a bunch of chocolate frogs. She handed to him a journal with a smile on her face. "HAppy Christmas!"she chirped.
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
"Sure," she smiled, about to stand up, but lost a bit of balance so she held on the table for support. She smiled awkwardly, and stumbled back on the chair she was seated on before.
Helena was about to stand up, when she noticed Zara, almost falling down again. "I'm taking you to the healer," she said, and it didn't quite sound like a question. Even though Zara tried to smile... no, that was SO not going to work. "Please," the girl added. She didn't want to force her or something, and she was definitely not dueling with her, but Zara was surely not feeling alright.
Helena was about to stand up, when she noticed Zara, almost falling down again. "I'm taking you to the healer," she said, and it didn't quite sound like a question. Even though Zara tried to smile... no, that was SO not going to work. "Please," the girl added. She didn't want to force her or something, and she was definitely not dueling with her, but Zara was surely not feeling alright.
"No," she persisted. Stubborn Zara. She was not under any circumstance going to the healer. She looked away from Helena's eyes, and her sight focused on this random parchment lying on the floor, a few feet away. No students were near it. Hmm, wonder what was. Besides being stubborn, Zara was a curious little girl. She stood up--successfully, might I add--and walked over to where the parchment was. Curiosity got the best of her and completely dominated her dizziness. She was fine again, surprisingly.
Right, no students were near it, it couldn't possibly have flown all the way here. She bent down and took the parchment.
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
"No," she persisted. Stubborn Zara. She was not under any circumstance going to the healer. She looked away from Helena's eyes, and her sight focused on this random parchment lying on the floor, a few feet away. No students were near it. Hmm, wonder what was. Besides being stubborn, Zara was a curious little girl. She stood up--successfully, might I add--and walked over to where the parchment was. Curiosity got the best of her and completely dominated her dizziness. She was fine again, surprisingly.
Right, no students were near it, it couldn't possibly have flown all the way here. She bent down and took the parchment.
"She's not going to kill you," Helena giggled. She had no idea how to convince Zara to go to the healer.
But then... she actually looked better, as she walked towards a piece of parchment. "What is it?" The girl asked curiously, looking at whatever Zara took off the floor. Maybe it was some lost...
What if it was some lost homework? But even if it was homework or something, they'd have to return it to its owner, riiiight?
"She's not going to kill you," Helena giggled. She had no idea how to convince Zara to go to the healer.
But then... she actually looked better, as she walked towards a piece of parchment. "What is it?" The girl asked curiously, looking at whatever Zara took off the floor. Maybe it was some lost...
What if it was some lost homework? But even if it was homework or something, they'd have to return it to its owner, riiiight?
She faced Helena, "I still don't know." Then looking back at the parchment, she unfolded it.
Reading the first big letters that she saw. In big letters with a neat cursive was the word, "Aparecium." Zara Under those were words that could hardly be read. But Zara managed anyway. In a much smaller handwriting were the words, "spreading rumors since 2068."
Facing Helena once more and meeting her eyes, she said in a soft voice, "It's some kind of paper with articles," Zara glanced at the paper once more and whispered, "Rumors. Gossips." Bleh, who would want to read that? She took it anyways and stood up and walked back to her seat as she spread the parchment on the table, enough for Helena to see.
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
She faced Helena, "I still don't know." Then looking back at the parchment, she unfolded it.
Reading the first big letters that she saw. In big letters with a neat cursive was the word, "Aparecium." Zara Under those were words that could hardly be read. But Zara managed anyway. In a much smaller handwriting were the words, "spreading rumors since 2068."
Facing Helena once more and meeting her eyes, she said in a soft voice, "It's some kind of paper with articles," Zara glanced at the paper once more and whispered, "Rumors. Gossips." Bleh, who would want to read that? She took it anyways and stood up and walked back to her seat as she spread the parchment on the table, enough for Helena to see.
"Aparecium?" Helena asked, trying to stand up and walk towards Zara, but, before she could move, Zara came back. "I've heard of it last year." And she was a big fan. Just until she's going to see her name there, most probably.
"Whoever it is, it's just... amazing." Aparecium didn't miss one thing. That was amazing. But now that she thought about it, who could it be? Helena was pretty much sure that it wasn't headmaster Tate or professor Lafay or someone from the staff, even though it couldn't quite be a student. Because students graduated and left. Aparecium doesn't leave.
But anyway. Helena leaned a bit over the parchment to study it. "What does it say?" She mumbled, more for herself.
Fee just shook her head and giggled as Anakin didnt stop pouting.He was sooo freaky.In a good way of course.Hehe."You knooow its meeaaan to pout to me,Ani baby.",the girl chuckled,"youu arrreee using it against meee."Yees,he was definitely taking advantage of her not being able to see him pouting.When he mentioned not wanting to be in hufflepuff the Slytherin shook her head.Why didnt he like his house?Anakin made a fabulous Hufflepuff."But you ARE are a badger sweetie",the third year smiled a little,"why dont you like it?Hufflepuffs are awesome.Look at you."Well,maybe not all of them were awesome but that was the same for all the houses.Anakin really didnt want to use his brain power,did he? Gneehhh,how did he even make it to his fifth year like that?Tsk,tsk."You are distradcted every 5 seconds because you want to",the blonde told her friend,"and you know its the truth."Of course he liked procrastinating,who didnt?Seriously,if Fee had the choice she would totally procrastinate,too.But this was important.The OWLS would decide about Anakins future."I've always been the humble type of person",the girl laughed,"you should be proud,i am awesome."The Slytherin was kidding but heeyy sometimes it was fun to be all obnoxious.Awwww,Anaking thought about her like that?Now that was really,really sweet."I am not looking fot the good in everyone",the third year shook her head,"i am just trying to encourage you to study because its important to you and you are important to me."That was what friends did,right?!
Fee just smiled at Anakin as she heard what he was saying.He was being beyong cute."I am confident in myself but i am realistic",the girl chuckled,"its not like i am good at all subjects.Ancient runes just flies to me.But i am bad at potions or herbologogy."Especially herbology,that was the worst subject ever.No one needed that.Gahhh."I am a Slytherclaw you mean?",the blonde giggled,"i always thought i would be more of the Slytherdor,but i trust your senses."Seeing he didnt like the house he was in the blonde started thinking about into what other house he could have fitted in too.Her thoughts were soon interrupted though.Bursting out in laughter the blonde shook her head at her friend."Ohh yes that must be super strict for poor little you",she said giggling,"but you know i only want your best."In the end he would be thankful for her being all strict and mean to him.Yees,yees Fee KNEW that.Awwwww he would really beat up guys for her?!Oh my glitter.Seriously he was soooo cute."I am irresistable anyway,but you dont have to beat up any guys",she laughed,"i am not THAT popular with guys.But if i have any problems i'll come to you,kay?"With what did she deserve such a good friend?!
The girl smiled sweetly as the hufflepuff tilted his head.She would give anything to know hat he was thinking about right now."Waiiit,you really want to read it?",Fee said her eyes lightening up,"you are soooo the coolest guy on earth."No other guy would give a chance to a romance novel a girl loved.Ohh Anakin wanted to know how Hugo and her met?!The memory of it made the blonde smile."Well he kinda sorta,flew into me the first flying lesson",she laughed,"but we got together a year later because i had a boyfriend the time we met.Hugo seriously waited for me a whole year .He is amazing."A whole year was such a long time and it made the blonde happy to remember that.Pushing the lovey-dovey thoughts away the girl started laughing.Again.What was wrong with her?!"You are Triple!A ,yes",she nodded,"and i am Fee the glitter princess.Makes people pretty want to be like us,huh?"Yeees,who wouldnt want to be like Anakin Amstern and Feenella Schwarzberg?That someone would be mental.Totally.Anakin really seemed to like Darcy,that was amazing.Darcy was pretty much the most amazing dude of all dudes in romance novels."He is sooo sweet",the blonde nodded,"i want a boyfriend like him."Was it weird to think about a ficitional character like that?!
Anakin read very well what she had said, but it just encouraged him to pout even more. He was at his most obnoxious right now. BEAM. "It's not niiice to make me study either." Okay, well actually it WAS. And when OWL's rolled around he WOULD be thanking her. A LOT actually. But right NOW it wasn't so much appreciated. NOPE. He'd prefer to NOT have to do any work. 'Cause he was lazy. "Your faultttt for being so caring." 'Cause that totally made sense. Good job Amstern. Glancing at her, Anakin gave a small nod of awknoledgment. He knewwww he was a hufflepuff. And he could live with it, he just sometimes wished he wasn't. Chuckling slightly as she continued, Ani gave the smallest of shrugs. "I knowwww. But all the OTHER super awesome people are either Slytherin, or Ravenclaw." He wanted to be distracted every 5 seconds? Now that was just....true. So completely true. "I blame Ancient Runes." Maybe if it were Herbology he'd do better. Or flying. Was there an OWL for flying? He'd get an Outstanding in that. BEAM. SNORT. Humble, yes. She was showing that so well right now. But then again, he did start this whole thing. Blink. Blink. Why did she seem surprised that's how he perceived her? He was sure that's how everyburdy perceived her. 'Cause that was just FEE. "You do tooooo." D'aww, he was important to her? "Thanks Feefers." GREAT FRIEND RIGHT HERE PEOPLE. Be jealouss.
Realistic? Okay, he could see itttt. But he wasn't saying she was good at everything, he was just pointing out she WAS super smart. And her line of thinking right now. It was obvious Feenella Schwarzberg had a good head on her shoulders. Yup. And Anakin was lucky to call her friend. "Okay, okay, I guess I get you. Potions? That's of the devil." He didn't mind plants and stuff though. His mum had loved it, he sorta felt close to her when he was working with plants and shizz. Slytherclaw? OH. YEAH. "Mhm, you areee." SlytherDOR? He was gonna guess that that was Gryffindor too. MAN was he behind on the Hogwarts lingo or WHAT. "You're too cooooooool for a Gryf." Although, there were some cool people in Gryffindor. Like Crabcakes. Siiiiigh. "I know Mummeh!Fee. Just lookin' out for me." He poked his tongue out slightly, glancing around at the other people in the room before focusing back in on her. Wasn't that popular with guys? "Well, I've already concluded most Hogwarts guys are idiots." Because apparently SHE wasn't that popular with them, and Vash hadn't been snatched up. Eeeediots. "But you betterrrrrrr. They'd deserve it if they hurt you." Even current boyfriend. Ani would go after him too if he hurt her. Yup.
Anakin arched a brow at her surprise, before chuckling slightly and nodding. "sure, I mean it's good to try new things right?" Even a romance book. Besides, he trusted her judgement. She said it was really good, so why not? Coolest guy on earth? SNOOOORT. "'Fankkks, but I think you're mistaken." He was boooring!boy. Yup. New nickname, dubbed by himself. BORING!BOY! Flew...into each other? "No injuries yeah?" And he WAITED for her for a year? "He sounds pretty cool. Smart kid too, knowing when a good thing showed up." He winked slightly, before giving a small chuckle. He wasn't sure if he could wait for a girl for a year. Just look at how Anakin went with Cesca. Anakin shook thoughts away of Francesca, and beamed at her. Giving a small bout of laughter. "Lameee people don't wanna be like us. They can't recognize the awesomeness." SILLY PEOPLE. They should be shunned. Just sayin'. Hearing her comment on wanting a boyfriend like Darcy, Anakin laughed before nodding. "I want a girl like Mary. Practical and sweet. With maybe some of the fun lovingness of Elizabeth."
O____O He was ignoring the fact that he basically just described Vashti.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
She saw a couple people she didn't know, Treyen talking to a girl named...Kurumi, and Luke. She didn't like making decisions. After a couple seconds Isobel waved hello to Treyen and went to sit down by Luke. "Hi," she said with a small smile.
Ah! There was his Captain. Treyen smiled and waved back, before returning his attention to Kurumi.
Text Cut: ACK! I need to see the musical *flails*
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi knew that she needed to get her head back on straight before she did or said something that she knew she was going to regret – not that she hadn’t already done some of that.
Wanting very much to crawl under the chair they were sitting in, Kurumi threw the hood of her robes over her head and finally managed to stop flailing around like a monkey after a banana.
Calming down now, Kurumi was able to look Treyen in the face. “I-I-I remember!” she chirped scooting just a little bit further away. It seemed like he was just as awkward and uncomfortable with what had just happened. She wondered what color hair Treyen’s would turn if he were a metamorphagus in this situation…but she couldn’t help but hope that it was a shade of pink. “W-W-Well, I remember thinking that it would be a shame if the Bone Regeneration Potion you drank didn’t work properly and you were never able to smile again.” Nope, not going to blush this time. Well, maybe just a little, but her cheeks were already so red that it probably wasn’t noticeable.
The nervous smile on her face faded into a genuine one. “I suppose you are right…at least…father shares the same opinion as you,” she nodded as she tugged on the edges of her hood a bit more. “I just…I dunno…maybe I just don’t have the strength it takes to control it properly. Father is a fantastic wizard.” And he was seeming even more so by the minute in her research in a strange way. “He can perform magic without even saying a word and, not all the time, but I did catch him doing it once, I think I saw him performing wandless magic.” Then again, her father was so fluid in his wand movements that he may have had it back in his holster before she even noticed it was out.
Glad for the temporary distraction, Kurumi did notice the look in Treyen’s eyes after she had accidently turned him into Santa Clause. There was no denying it, it hurt her little cookie loving heart that he looked…uncomfortable…
Frowning a bit, Kurumi turned her gaze away and looked at the floor. She only looked back at him when he began speaking about numbers. Good. Numbers were sturdy and nothing could come out of them that would be embarrassing…until Treyen mentioned three as being his Life Path number.
“I should have guessed that you were a 3,” she giggled. “I’m afraid that my Life Path Number doesn’t reflect me very well. I don’t consider myself to be much of a boss nor have natural power.” She paused for a moment as she reflected on what the numbers meant. “Do you think you will do something relating to anything artistic? They do say that those with Life Path Numbers of 3 ought to pursue careers in writing, speaking, designing, illustrating, dancing, and so on.” And if he did, she would probably end up being one of his biggest fans. “I’ve always liked the number 11…I am not really sure why. There is something about it being two numbers representing a single unit, but making up something so much more…” She wasn’t sure that made any sense. She was more speaking without thinking things through than anything.
Noooo. He so disliked it whenever she placed the hood of her robes over her head. It felt as if she had something to hide, and, maybe she did, but Treyen still didn't like it.
He made no attempt in commenting on it or doing something about it, though.
What? She remembers?! And she scooting away too. Yeah, he should probably find another seat for him, since it was kind of getting awkward. Kind of. Sort of. But he didn't move one single inch. No, well, he did, but only because he was laughing now. He didn't move away from Kurumi, though."I was actually terrified of not being able to speak again, but thanks for your concern," he winked this time. How come he couldn't place Kurumi during her first year. He'd been a third year, right? That was during the Triwizard Tournament? Well, no wonder he wouldn't notice the Gryffindor girl, he'd been very busy helping out Fletcher.
Treyen nodded as she told him a bit more about how her father felt about her taking a potion, and then about how talented at magic he was. Kurumi also tugged at her hood, again. Okay, this is where Treyen was interrupting, "Look, Kurumi," he said, "It may seem that way to you at the moment, but I have no doubt that there's a reason you were the one to inherit those extra special...abilities," it was still better to talk in some sort of codes, eavesdroppers could be around, "That only means you'll be able to control them eventually," maybe that's why her brothers weren't Metamorphmagus.
"Either way, it's still your choice, but I do agree with your father," he nodded, "And...wandless magic must be awesome!" he smiled, no, no, grinned. Never mind that Treyen adored his wand, but being able to perform magic without it, well, that was brilliant. "I can only do a couple non-verbals at the moment," and...by a couple, he meant A COUPLE, like, TWO.
He didn't miss the frowning, "You okay?" he asked, turning in his spot so he could take a better look at the Gryffindor girl.
What? She should've guessed? It was obvious that she was an Arithmancy genius, because he couldn't remember all those meanings. He smiled her way, "Your number is...1?" he was completely guessing, and he hoped that he'd managed to get it right. "Yeah, about that...," he said, clearing his throat, "...I don't know, I kind of decided to live in the present and not supposed to think too much about the future," thank you, Hadley, "But there are some writers in my family," not his sister, no, she could only write about Quidditch. But, that still counted, right?
Yeah, never mind.
He could still mention the fact that Kurumi had some sort of power over him, but...that would take things to a whole new level of awkwardness that wasn't necessary.
"Number 11, eh, that's a powerful number," he said, eying the book that was...eh...where was the book?