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Arithmancy Lesson Three: Heart's Desire, First Vowel, Cornerstone, & Capstone
Spring had arrived; maybe not per the calendar days, but at least in the way of the Arithmancy classroom and therefore Josephina's mental state. The windows were cracked open to allow the floral aromas to infiltrate the room, but also it seemed your Arithmancy Professor has been practicing her charmwork, as there were bouquets of floral arrangements floating above you around the room.
There was even a large arrangement on the professor's desk and then a single carnation on each of the student's desks, charmed to when you sit down and claim that desk as yours, the flower will glow to your house color (Slytherin: glow silvery-white, Ravenclaw: glow blue, Hufflepuff: glow yellow; Gryffindor: glow red).
"Good morning!" Professor Hadley exclaimed, feeling rather chipper today for some reason. "Take a seat, relax for a few moments, and we'll begin shortly!"
ooc: Lesson will begin in approximately 12.5 hours; Hadley is here, even if I'm not, so don't do anything you wouldn't want her to see <3Lesson has begun; please pretend as though you've been there the whole time! <3
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
SPOILER!!: Professor Hadley
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
When it seemed like no one else was going to offer suggestions about when the letter Y served as a vowel or consonant, Hadley decided to just offer the answer to them. "Right so the basic rule of thumb to determine if you should count the Y as a vowel or consonant is that when it serves as a vowel and in fact sounds like one, it is a vowel. As William mentioned, when the Y serves as the only vowel in the syllable, then it is a vowel."
"However, if the Y does not have that separate vowel sound, such as in my surname, Hadley, which the Y is coupled next to another vowel, then the Y is considered a consonant. The vowel sound depends on the long E, not the Y."
Confusing, but perhaps after they worked out their own names, if they had a Y in it, then it would make more sense. "Right then, let's go ahead and calculate our Heart's Desire Numbers and mine will be on the board as an example." Flicking her wand, the chalk raised on its own and wrote on the board:
Helena listened carefully to what professor Hadley was trying to explain about the Y, but she was also grateful that there was no Y in her name, even though her mother had been inspired to give her a long name.
Alright. Let's see this heart's desire number.
SPOILER!!: Notes
_5_5_1 _51__9_ 1_91_1 _6__9__
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Five minutes into the class, and Destiny was already confused. True, it didn't take MUCH to confuse her, but this was probably the fastest it had ever happened. She kept stealing glances over at Evelyn, frowning when she realized her BEST friend knew what the heck Hadley was talking about.
It was like she was speaking another language.
Heaving a sigh, Destiny pulled out her parchment, making a few notes at the bottom. Notes that said things like, 'Learn how to speak Hadley language.' and 'I have to find my shoelaces.' She even used a different colored ink, so she'd remember to actually do those things.
After another sigh, she began working on her Heart's Desire number.
FOUR (4): Your desire is to have a plan and meet life in an organized manner. You wish to be practical about everything you do, loving your appointment book, agendas, setting clear boundaries, and knowing the expectations of all concerned. You like to know the plan and be in control - you don't want surprises along the way! You can be a great facilitator, bringing out the best in each individual by building a synergy between people. In matters of the heart and friendship, you are practical in emotional attachments and like to keep things under control. You may not seem romantic or spontaneous, but your planning is designed to thrill and delight others!
Learn how to speak Hadley language.
I have to find my shoelaces.
Finishing, Destiny placed her quill down, picked up her parchment and re-read the meaning to the number four before showing it to Evelyn.
"This has no idea what it's talking about."
____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________ ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
Willaim raised his hand. " Professor, I have two names, technically" Willaim told her.. " I was born William Adam Montcenaggio but I also use my dad's lat name, his nickname- Starr, so it would be William Adam Starr" he explained to the professor. " I do not know which last name to use and I am confused about the Hearts Desire Number and could you help me with it?" William explained and asked the professor.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Oh wow....
To say that Salander was confused was an understatement. The Slytherin lad just sat in his seat quietly, slackjawed and head tilted to one side, dumbstruck at trying to figure out what Ys and Ws had anything to do with calculating hearts desires-- well with calculation period. It was only by the sound of quills scratching on parchment from students hard at work did he realize that he needed to get something done... even if he wasnt quite sure if he should be doing anything since there isnt a Y or a W in his mile long name (of which he's grateful).
Craning his neck like a weather vane as he peeked at what his seatmates were doing, he grabbed a parchment and his quill hesitantly and started to write his name down and code the numbers in. Apparently the vowels are the important ones at this time. Cool, he knows vowels!
THIRTY-THREE (33/6): You long to give freely to all who are in need. Joyful, loving, and energetic, you touch the hearts of those who ask for your protection, care, and assistance with compassion for all. In matters of the heart and friendship, with double 3s, you will need to master your emotions in order to elevate others to a higher understanding of the meaning of love.
SIX (6): Three things most important to you are beauty, harmony, and home. Understanding, loyalty, devotion, affection and commitment are top priorities. You want to protect, nurture, and love your family and home. In matters of the heart and friendship, you are the idealistic romantic and friend. In love, you want to be committed and love deeply. In friendship, you want lifelong companionship and confidences.
He leaned back, blinking at the numbers that he came up with on his parchment. Not only did he find it odd that he had so many 7s that a bookie would be so happy with, but according to the textbook it looked like he nailed another Master number. He read the text for 33 and couldnt help scratching his head. Why does these master numbers sound so messianic all the time? It embarrassed him a bit. He looked up 6 and read it few times. Alright this one he understood a little better, although also felt embarrassed for slightly different reasons.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Gwen decided to start calculating the heart’s desire number, but she started getting scared. What do I do with the Y? Hmm? Why do I have such a stupid name?!?!? She really tried to think about it, but still she wasn’t sure of what she should do. Maybe I won’t have so much luck this lesson too. Too bad… And-one more thing… why do I have so many vowels in my name?
Gwen smiled as she looked at the piece of parchment. Hehe- it looks like the thing you have to know to open those muggle objects-hmm -safes, maybe? So now, let’s see what it means… 4…Heart Desire Number 4: Stability, Consistency, Loyal, Hardworking, Stubborn. Gwen grinned as she read what it stands for. This is so me!
Meaning: FOUR (4): Your desire is to have a plan and meet life in an organized manner. You wish to be practical about everything you do, loving your appointment book, agendas, setting clear boundaries, and knowing the expectations of all concerned. You like to know the plan and be in control - you don't want surprises along the way! You can be a great facilitator, bringing out the best in each individual by building a synergy between people. In matters of the heart and friendship, you are practical in emotional attachments and like to keep things under control. You may not seem romantic or spontaneous, but your planning is designed to thrill and delight others!,
Confusing, but perhaps after they worked out their own names, if they had a Y in it, then it would make more sense. "Right then, let's go ahead and calculate our Heart's Desire Numbers and mine will be on the board as an example." Flicking her wand, the chalk raised on its own and wrote on the board:
Ness listened carefully, she remembereed learning about the Y as a vowel or consonant in English, when she had went to a muggle school, but she didn't exactly remember the rules, so she just listened to what the class and Proffessor had to say instead.
Okay so they were going to calculate their heart desires, this shouldn't be too hard, thought Ness trying to encourage herself. She wasn't exactly the best when it came to Arithmancy. Ness took out some parchment, she then took her pen and tried to do exactly as Proffessor Hadley had done, but just using her own name instead. Ness hoped whatever she did was right, well it looked rightish atleast.
SPOILER!!: Nessie's Parchment
- 5 - 5 - - 5 5 - 1 - - 1 - 9 - 6 -
=(20) + (2) + (15)
=(2+0) + (2) + (1+5)
= 10
Originally Posted by from Textbook
ONE (1): You want to lead more than anything and may want to control others too. You do not like being subordinate or taking orders. 1 Soul Numbers are often ambitious, independent, headstrong, and willful. You stay away fom teams, committees - and mediocrity. In matters of the heart and friendship, everything is great when the object of your affection/friendship lives up to your expectations. You expect that person to be as charming, clever, and independent as you are. You may seem cold or distant but it is only because you are protecting yourself.
Ness looked at her calculations again, they didn't exactly seem right. She wasn't nothing near like what the text book said, if anything, Ness was deffinately not a leader, she loved working with people together, and she really didn't expect her friends to be like her, she expected them to be themselves, how ever they wanted to be and she was really not independent, she hated being alone this was really confusing her. Nessie raised her hand and waited her turm. "Um.. Proffessor, I got number one, but I don't think its right, it doesn't describe me right at all!" said Ness shyly, hoping the Proffessor wouldn't think she was lying, because she was honestly telling the truth.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Daichi had trouble keeping his eyes open. He had no idea what everyone was talking about, maybe this was too advanced for him? His head snapped up when the Professor continued the lesson. Ah finally some own calculations. The first year always disliked hearing the theory, it made him sleepy specially when he didn't get it but when the practical came he was wide awake. He actually liked the practical calculations.
Daichi grabbed a piece of parchment out of his bag and wrote his calculations on it with his quill, occasionally biting the top feather in concentration.
SPOILER!!: parchment
daichi max katharos
-19--9 -1- -1-- 1-6-
19 + 1 + 8
1+9=10 (1) +1+8
1+1+8= 10 = 1
He placed his quill down after a while and picked his arithmancy book. He flipped through the pages until he found his number.
SPOILER!!: textbook
ONE (1): You want to lead more than anything and may want to control others too. You do not like being subordinate or taking orders. 1 Soul Numbers are often ambitious, independent, headstrong, and willful. You stay away fom teams, committees - and mediocrity. In matters of the heart and friendship, everything is great when the object of your affection/friendship lives up to your expectations. You expect that person to be as charming, clever, and independent as you are. You may seem cold or distant but it is only because you are protecting yourself.
Daichi scratched the back of his head and raised his hand in the air. Hoping the Professor would see him. "Ehm, Professor, i got number 1 but..it .." he sighed for a second. "Some of it are true, i mean the ambitious and willful thing but the others aren't. I'm on the quidditch team and here it says i should stay away from teams and i love my friends.." The first year snake placed his quill down and looked at the professor with confused eyes. "So..so does that mean i have to be mean to others? I don't want this heart's desire!" he pouted his lips as he held his arms over each other. Making a mental note to ask his father for a name change. This was not him and he wasn't going to be like it hmpf!
A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
Savannah is still a little confused about the Y being a vowel or consonent. But decided to leave that alone for a while and work on her heart number calculation. Savannah understood how to calculate her heart number. She picked up her quill and started scribbling on her parchment.
SPOILER!!: Savannah's calculation
Savannah Ruby Black
-1-1--1- -1-5 --1--
Wow. A lot of 1's. Savannah wasn't sure if the Y was a vowel in that case. She raised her hand slowly. "Professor...is the Y in Ruby suppose to be a vowel?"
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Confusing, but perhaps after they worked out their own names, if they had a Y in it, then it would make more sense. "Right then, let's go ahead and calculate our Heart's Desire Numbers and mine will be on the board as an example." Flicking her wand, the chalk raised on its own and wrote on the board:
Yay! Finally the ask and talk part was over and they were going to do the practical part! Yea, the practical part. Josh liked practical classes and exams the rest were all bored which was why he could never like the subject History of Magic. There was nothing one could practice there. Heh...whatever. Now to calculate this Heart's Desire;
Originally Posted by Josh's Parchment
Heart's Desire Number
(6+3+1) + (1+5) + (1+5)
10 + 6 + 6
(1+0) + 6 + 6
1 + 6 + 6 = 13
1 + 3
= 4
FOUR (4): Your desire is to have a plan and meet life in an organized manner. You wish to be practical about everything you do, loving your appointment book, agendas, setting clear boundaries, and knowing the expectations of all concerned. You like to know the plan and be in control - you don't want surprises along the way! You can be a great facilitator, bringing out the best in each individual by building a synergy between people. In matters of the heart and friendship, you are practical in emotional attachments and like to keep things under control. You may not seem romantic or spontaneous, but your planning is designed to thrill and delight others!
He was NOT that. Definitely not! Life in an organized manner? That meant like a Ravenclaw? Ewwwwwwww. No. He would never want a life like that. And for Merlin's sake, he LOVED surprised or instant changes in his life. He was not spontaneous...according to this number and....hah! Of course he was romantic! Go and ask Evelyn! She would tell you number!
Glaring at the page for a moment or so, the boy raised his hand for attention ''Professor. Professor Hadley, can you please have a look at this? This has NOTHING to do with me. Something must be wrong. I remember a classmate mentioning 'w' as vovel, hmm? it might the case here?''
Or whatever...all he knew that he was not THAT.
Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
SPOILER!!: most of you
Originally Posted by Miss Marilyn
Marilyn got out a piece of paper and began writing, thinking about free flowing letters...ahh - ee - iiiii - oooo - uuu...It was almost like when they were spoken, the sounds didn't end so aburtly.
SPOILER!!: Marilyn's Parchment
Marilyn Elizabeth Force
-1-9-7- 5-9-1-5-- -6--5
(17) + (20) + (11)
(1+7) + (2+0) + (1+1)
8 + 2 + 2
Heart's Desire Number: 3
THREE (3): Your deepest desire is to make people happy, to create enthusiasm, to laugh, and to encourage all to strive to be their best. You love life and enjoy using your creative talents. In matters of the heart and friendship, you may change your mind often because you just want to have fun! You often trip over your own enthusiasm, being overtly flirtatious or friendly
Well, that did describe the Marilyn she wanted to be...
Originally Posted by Macavity
Ok so he had been wrong on the first question, the Gryffindor having been thinking of the simplier, earlier chapters as compared to the later ones where capstone and the like appeared. But still he did bring to mind something the professor herself pointed out in agreement...the usage of the heart's desire number. Simon listened carefully to all that was being said and took notes of anything he felt the need to remember before hearing the instructions to work out said number for his name and doing as he was told.
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Alright. Time for some Arithmancy.
He started by writing out his name. Then, using the textbook, wrote down the assigned numbers.
That was easy enough. While the rest of the class finished he entertained himself with reading the description of his heart's desire number.
Originally Posted by GrapehGrape
Fallon listened as people threw out answers left and right. She was taking notes because this was something she really liked doing. Arithmancy was more fun for her than actually learning. It was interesting to see what all of those crazy numbers would predict...
Once they were told to calculate, Fallon pulled out a blank bit of parchment. She quickly wrote her full name on top and started to do her calculations.
Fallon looked down at her calcuations. Then she looked at the Y. She had counted it as a vowel. She didn't know if that was right or not. Oh well. She would ask a bit later. Maybe. She looked in the book and wrote down what her number meant under it. She liked having it there for future reference.
SPOILER!!: meaning
THREE (3): Your deepest desire is to make people happy, to create enthusiasm, to laugh, and to encourage all to strive to be their best. You love life and enjoy using your creative talents. In matters of the heart and friendship, you may change your mind often because you just want to have fun! You often trip over your own enthusiasm, being overtly flirtatious or friendly.
Fallon just stared at the meaning. Somehow: it actually kind of fit her.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
That cleared things up which was nice. Pulling her notebook closer, and not feeling like she should flip through alllllll the pages to try and find what her heart's desire number was since she was sure she'd calculated it before, Evelyn flipped to a new page and started on the calculations.
Aw right, it was the number that made no sense to her whatsoever.
THREE (3): Your deepest desire is to make people happy, to create enthusiasm, to laugh, and to encourage all to strive to be their best. You love life and enjoy using your creative talents. In matters of the heart and friendship, you may change your mind often because you just want to have fun! You often trip over your own enthusiasm, being overtly flirtatious or friendly.
Penny checked and re-checked her calculations, ensuring the were right..
then looked up what the number meant for her.
SPOILER!!: Meaning
EIGHT (8): You want to be the boss or at last have power of some kind in the world. It is difficult for you to comprehend the meotions of others and you prefer to stick to business over emotional affairs. You want to feel important in what you perceive to be the real world. In matters of the heart and friendship, you place business over emotional closeness. You should look for a stong, capable mate who is equal to your ambitions. But usually, you're just too busy for romance and true friendship.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Okay, so...yeah. Sierra just zoned out for a good half the class, and when she finally found her focus again, they were suddenly on the Heart's Desire Number. Huh? How did they suddenly jump to that? Ehh... She dipped her quill in ink, straightened up her parchment, and then opened her textbook to the page on the Heart's Desire Number. Now, to calculate her own...
Meaning: ONE (1): You want to lead more than anything and may want to control others too. You do not like being subordinate or taking orders. 1 Soul Numbers are often ambitious, independent, headstrong, and willful. You stay away from teams, committees - and mediocrity. In matters of the heart and friendship, everything is great when the object of your affection/friendship lives up to your expectations. You expect that person to be as charming, clever, and independent as you are. You may seem cold or distant but it is only because you are protecting yourself.
Ha. Excellent. Sierra was quite pleased with the number one and its meaning.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi blinked. Wait...did this all mean that the Y in her last name SHOULD be used or that it shouldn't? There were two R's before the Y, so it did make it's own vowel like sound...probably should calculate it in her equation then?
Kurumi cocked her head to the side and returned her quill to her parchment.
SPOILER!!: Kurumi's parchment
Arithmancy Lesson III - First Vowel, Cornerstone, and Capstone Kurumi Hollingberry // Gryffindor // third year
The Heart's Desire Number
Describes your secret thoughts and wishes - what you long for in your heart of hearts and what is your dearest desire. This number tells describes your heart's desire, your true motivation, what you love best, what you need to feed your soul, and what you value most.
Calculated by assigning the proper number value to each vowel in your full name using the Pythagorean Number System and adding the numbers together and reducing them down to a single digit.
K U R U M I ___H O L L I N G B E R R Y
2 3 9 3 4 9 ___8 6 3 3 9 5 7 2 5 9 9 7
SIX (6): Three things most important to you are beauty, harmony, and home. Understanding, loyalty, devotion, affection and commitment are top priorities. You want to protect, nurture, and love your family and home. In matters of the heart and friendship, you are the idealistic romantic and friend. In love, you want to be committed and love deeply. In friendship, you want lifelong companionship and confidences.
Assuming that she was right in using the Y in her last name, Kurumi found the description for her Heart's Desire Number to be very accurate. She looked up at Professor Hadley and waited for further instructions - or for the professor to tell her that she should try her calculations again without the Y.
Originally Posted by Walrus
Jacob listened from the back of the class, as people answered the questions that Hadley asked. It really made no difference to him, he'd heard all of this before... well at least it sounded like something he'd learned, but really all of this Arithmancy stuff sounded the same to him.
Jacob just flipped through his textbook absent mindedly.
Oh, she wanted to make the Heart's Desire, Jacob thought he already had that somewhere in his note book, but Jacob was too lazy to find it. He simply fliped to the last page, and started writing.
SPOILER!!: Jacob's Parchment
He put the quill down after finishing, and just started flipping through the textbook again... He then spotted what the number meant. Yup, that sounded pretty accurate.
Originally Posted by Nixy!
Iris listened as answers and questions were passed around the classroom. She already knew these answers, so decided to just not answer - so as to allow others to have the chance to do so.
When they were told to find their Heart's Desire number, Iris sighed. Would flicking through her journal and opening the page to her calculations count as "finding" them? Because she didn't really fancy re-working out something she's had in her journal for years.
And, so, that's exactly what Iris did. Opening her journal, the Head Girl skimmed through the work until she found the calculations she needed.... Now what?
Caroline grabbed her quill and wrote down her name and done her calculations.
SPOILER!!: Parchment
Caroline Mora Scott
-1-6-9-5 -6-1 --6--
(21)+( 7)+(6)
Then she flipped through her textbook and read the meaning.
SPOILER!!: Meaning
SEVEN (7): You are an emotional hermit and rarely show your feelings. You may even prefer your own thoughts to the company of another. You prefer solitude, the lure of silence, and peace. In matters of the heart and friendship, your thoughts will probably be kept secret, as will your beliefs and eccentric lifestyle. You pair best with another 7 soul - another sensitive person, often in possession of highly developed skills of perception.
Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru
Hmm, the Heart's Desire number. That was probably in her notes somewhere too, but Vashti still didn't feel like digging through them all trying to find it. It would be so much easier to just do the calculations again. It wasn't like it was extremely hard, anyway. So she picked up her quill, dipped it in her ink bottle, and began scribbling it all down, looking up the meaning of the number once she had finished.
SPOILER!!: Vashti's parchment
Heart's Desire/Soul Urge Number
V A S H T I + R A C H E L L E + G R E E N W E L L
_ 1 _ _ _ 9 + _ 1 _ _ 5 _ _ 5 + _ _ 5 5 _ _ 5 _ _
(1+9) + (1+5+5) + (5+5+5)
10 + 11 + 15
(1+0) + (1+1) + (1+5)
1 + 2 + 6
NINE (9): You are the very soul of compassion. You want, above all else, to love the world and all that's in it. With your high ideals and power to influence others, you strive for universal perfection and universal love. You are deeply intuitive and charitable, often torn by your own emotional needs and the greater needs of others. In matters of the heart and friendship, you are loving and idealistic. In fact, you love of others seems boundless - because it is.
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy
Right. So that explanation Y being a vowel was confusing, but she was going to assume the two Y's in her name were vowels. Writing her full name out, she began to work on finding her Heart's Desire Number.
After finding out that her Number was 5, she flipped through her book to find out what that meant. Once finding it, she wrote the description down in her notes as well.
SPOILER!!: Em's notes 2
FIVE (5): Your primary desire is to be entirely unrestricted, followed closely by a passion for travel and change. You can't stand to feel confined or lulled by routine. You love to experience variety and the stimulation life can offer. In matters of the heart and friendship, you are exquisite and extraordinary, adventurous and ready to risk. But most of all, you crave variety.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Nika straightened up in her seat and began to work on her calculations. Luckily they were going to be easy this time. *BEAM*
Heart's Disire Number: 4 Meaning: FOUR (4): Your desire is to have a plan and meet life in an organized manner. You wish to be practical about everything you do, loving your appointment book, agendas, setting clear boundaries, and knowing the expectations of all concerned. You like to know the plan and be in control - you don't want surprises along the way! You can be a great facilitator, bringing out the best in each individual by building a synergy between people. In matters of the heart and friendship, you are practical in emotional attachments and like to keep things under control. You may not seem romantic or spontaneous, but your planning is designed to thrill and delight others!
What!?! If anyone is organized it's not Nika... She looked up at her professor and raised her hand. "Professor Hadley did I do something wrong with my calculations? The number four does not describe me at all."
Originally Posted by Starbreeze
Oooooh, okay, so each vowel had a different number assigned and they had to add those. Eino flipped the pages of his textbook to Chapter Two: The Pythagorean Number System. He wrote down his full name, underlined the vowels, then wrote the numbers assigned to each letter right under them. After that he proceeded to add each one. He had never noticed he had more vowels in his name than consonants, but that wasn't really special, it only meant he had more to calculate.
SPOILER!!: Trying it out with his real name for fun
Helena listened carefully to what professor Hadley was trying to explain about the Y, but she was also grateful that there was no Y in her name, even though her mother had been inspired to give her a long name.
Alright. Let's see this heart's desire number.
SPOILER!!: Notes
_5_5_1 _51__9_ 1_91_1 _6__9__
To say that Salander was confused was an understatement. The Slytherin lad just sat in his seat quietly, slackjawed and head tilted to one side, dumbstruck at trying to figure out what Ys and Ws had anything to do with calculating hearts desires-- well with calculation period. It was only by the sound of quills scratching on parchment from students hard at work did he realize that he needed to get something done... even if he wasnt quite sure if he should be doing anything since there isnt a Y or a W in his mile long name (of which he's grateful).
Craning his neck like a weather vane as he peeked at what his seatmates were doing, he grabbed a parchment and his quill hesitantly and started to write his name down and code the numbers in. Apparently the vowels are the important ones at this time. Cool, he knows vowels!
He leaned back, blinking at the numbers that he came up with on his parchment. Not only did he find it odd that he had so many 7s that a bookie would be so happy with, but according to the textbook it looked like he nailed another Master number. He read the text for 33 and couldnt help scratching his head. Why does these master numbers sound so messianic all the time? It embarrassed him a bit. He looked up 6 and read it few times. Alright this one he understood a little better, although also felt embarrassed for slightly different reasons.
The "fun" part of the lesson arrived; checking calculations and numbers. Walking around the classroom, Josephina stopped every few desks as students set their quills down. "Yup. Good job," she said approvingly. And then she would hear the occasional inquiries over why a number didn't appear to describe them.
"This number, if you remember, talks of your inner, deepest most desires. Sometimes you're not fully aware or conscious of these desires which is why they might appear foreign to you." Obviously.
Originally Posted by Destiny
Five minutes into the class, and Destiny was already confused. True, it didn't take MUCH to confuse her, but this was probably the fastest it had ever happened. She kept stealing glances over at Evelyn, frowning when she realized her BEST friend knew what the heck Hadley was talking about.
It was like she was speaking another language.
Heaving a sigh, Destiny pulled out her parchment, making a few notes at the bottom. Notes that said things like, 'Learn how to speak Hadley language.' and 'I have to find my shoelaces.' She even used a different colored ink, so she'd remember to actually do those things.
After another sigh, she began working on her Heart's Desire number.
FOUR (4): Your desire is to have a plan and meet life in an organized manner. You wish to be practical about everything you do, loving your appointment book, agendas, setting clear boundaries, and knowing the expectations of all concerned. You like to know the plan and be in control - you don't want surprises along the way! You can be a great facilitator, bringing out the best in each individual by building a synergy between people. In matters of the heart and friendship, you are practical in emotional attachments and like to keep things under control. You may not seem romantic or spontaneous, but your planning is designed to thrill and delight others!
Learn how to speak Hadley language.
I have to find my shoelaces.
Finishing, Destiny placed her quill down, picked up her parchment and re-read the meaning to the number four before showing it to Evelyn.
"This has no idea what it's talking about."
The brunette had to stifle a giggle when she arrived near the back of the classroom at Destiny's desk. She had thought the sixth year had dropped her subject but apparently now that she and Evelyn were friends again, they were inseparable as well. Which also meant going to classes she hadn't gone to before.
"Fine except that 'Y' in your first name acts as a vowel so your calculation is slightly off." Hadley language? Ha! If only she had her own language; that would have been SO cool!
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley
Willaim raised his hand. " Professor, I have two names, technically" Willaim told her.. " I was born William Adam Montcenaggio but I also use my dad's lat name, his nickname- Starr, so it would be William Adam Starr" he explained to the professor. " I do not know which last name to use and I am confused about the Hearts Desire Number and could you help me with it?" William explained and asked the professor.
"You should use your birth name." There were exceptions of course to the rule and occasionally the number worked out the same as evidenced with Eino, but this wasn't a nickname number. "If you feel rather inspired, calculate both, but your birth name is what should be used over a nickname. As for what you do, using the pythagorean number system in chapter two, assign a number to only the vowels in your name. As I've shown here on the board as an example," the brunette pointed toward her name on the board.
"Add the totals up for each name and reduce to a single digit. Then add those components up and reduce those as well." Apparently she was going to have to separate her lessons out with beginners and advanced...Because half the time she felt like she was already teaching things twice. But at least then she could go at two different paces.
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill
Gwen decided to start calculating the heart’s desire number, but she started getting scared. What do I do with the Y? Hmm? Why do I have such a stupid name?!?!? She really tried to think about it, but still she wasn’t sure of what she should do. Maybe I won’t have so much luck this lesson too. Too bad… And-one more thing… why do I have so many vowels in my name?
Gwen's parchment:
Gwen smiled as she looked at the piece of parchment. Hehe- it looks like the thing you have to know to open those muggle objects-hmm -safes, maybe? So now, let’s see what it means… 4…Heart Desire Number 4: Stability, Consistency, Loyal, Hardworking, Stubborn. Gwen grinned as she read what it stands for. This is so me!
she read more about it. Yeah, matchy…
"Um, Miss Greene dear, with your last name, you've made a minor addition error. It should be a 15, which you wrote, but that reduces to 6, not 4." So in other words, your heart's desire number is off.
SPOILER!!: Ness and Daichi
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh
Ness listened carefully, she remembereed learning about the Y as a vowel or consonant in English, when she had went to a muggle school, but she didn't exactly remember the rules, so she just listened to what the class and Proffessor had to say instead.
Okay so they were going to calculate their heart desires, this shouldn't be too hard, thought Ness trying to encourage herself. She wasn't exactly the best when it came to Arithmancy. Ness took out some parchment, she then took her pen and tried to do exactly as Proffessor Hadley had done, but just using her own name instead. Ness hoped whatever she did was right, well it looked rightish atleast.
SPOILER!!: Nessie's Parchment
- 5 - 5 - - 5 5 - 1 - - 1 - 9 - 6 -
=(20) + (2) + (15)
=(2+0) + (2) + (1+5)
= 10
Ness looked at her calculations again, they didn't exactly seem right. She wasn't nothing near like what the text book said, if anything, Ness was deffinately not a leader, she loved working with people together, and she really didn't expect her friends to be like her, she expected them to be themselves, how ever they wanted to be and she was really not independent, she hated being alone this was really confusing her. Nessie raised her hand and waited her turm. "Um.. Proffessor, I got number one, but I don't think its right, it doesn't describe me right at all!" said Ness shyly, hoping the Proffessor wouldn't think she was lying, because she was honestly telling the truth.
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
Daichi had trouble keeping his eyes open. He had no idea what everyone was talking about, maybe this was too advanced for him? His head snapped up when the Professor continued the lesson. Ah finally some own calculations. The first year always disliked hearing the theory, it made him sleepy specially when he didn't get it but when the practical came he was wide awake. He actually liked the practical calculations.
Daichi grabbed a piece of parchment out of his bag and wrote his calculations on it with his quill, occasionally biting the top feather in concentration.
SPOILER!!: parchment
daichi max katharos
-19--9 -1- -1-- 1-6-
19 + 1 + 8
1+9=10 (1) +1+8
1+1+8= 10 = 1
He placed his quill down after a while and picked his arithmancy book. He flipped through the pages until he found his number.
SPOILER!!: textbook
ONE (1): You want to lead more than anything and may want to control others too. You do not like being subordinate or taking orders. 1 Soul Numbers are often ambitious, independent, headstrong, and willful. You stay away fom teams, committees - and mediocrity. In matters of the heart and friendship, everything is great when the object of your affection/friendship lives up to your expectations. You expect that person to be as charming, clever, and independent as you are. You may seem cold or distant but it is only because you are protecting yourself.
Daichi scratched the back of his head and raised his hand in the air. Hoping the Professor would see him. "Ehm, Professor, i got number 1 but..it .." he sighed for a second. "Some of it are true, i mean the ambitious and willful thing but the others aren't. I'm on the quidditch team and here it says i should stay away from teams and i love my friends.." The first year snake placed his quill down and looked at the professor with confused eyes. "So..so does that mean i have to be mean to others? I don't want this heart's desire!" he pouted his lips as he held his arms over each other. Making a mental note to ask his father for a name change. This was not him and he wasn't going to be like it hmpf!
Hearing two young first years complaining of their numbers, Hadley approached and first thing she did was check to make sure their calculations were correct. Which they were. "Your numbers are correct. Remember though that its your innermost desires, not your expression number. Not your personality number. This number shows your secret wishes. Your true motivation for being, but it is not talking about who you are as a person." So in other words, you might not have been conscious of these desires.
Originally Posted by dragon_star
Savannah is still a little confused about the Y being a vowel or consonent. But decided to leave that alone for a while and work on her heart number calculation. Savannah understood how to calculate her heart number. She picked up her quill and started scribbling on her parchment.
SPOILER!!: Savannah's calculation
Savannah Ruby Black
-1-1--1- -1-5 --1--
Wow. A lot of 1's. Savannah wasn't sure if the Y was a vowel in that case. She raised her hand slowly. "Professor...is the Y in Ruby suppose to be a vowel?"
Hearing an inquiry regarding the 'Y', Fina hurried over toward the snake and glanced over her work. "The Y should be a vowel, yes, but Y is a 7 and U is actually a 3, so your calculation is incorrect."
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady
Yay! Finally the ask and talk part was over and they were going to do the practical part! Yea, the practical part. Josh liked practical classes and exams the rest were all bored which was why he could never like the subject History of Magic. There was nothing one could practice there. Heh...whatever. Now to calculate this Heart's Desire;
He was NOT that. Definitely not! Life in an organized manner? That meant like a Ravenclaw? Ewwwwwwww. No. He would never want a life like that. And for Merlin's sake, he LOVED surprised or instant changes in his life. He was not spontaneous...according to this number and....hah! Of course he was romantic! Go and ask Evelyn! She would tell you number!
Glaring at the page for a moment or so, the boy raised his hand for attention ''Professor. Professor Hadley, can you please have a look at this? This has NOTHING to do with me. Something must be wrong. I remember a classmate mentioning 'w' as vovel, hmm? it might the case here?''
Or whatever...all he knew that he was not THAT.
Errr... had her ears been deceiving her or was Joshua Carter seriously upset over his number? Nonetheless, Josephina walked over and took a long look at the sixth year's parchment. "No... everything seems right... but maybe there's the chance of you using the name you go by, Josh, instead of Joshua. But like I've said before, this number represents your innermost desires. Not who you are as a person." There was a fine line between those two things; surely Josh was old enough to understand that.
"Right then. Now that most of us have calculated our heart's desire numbers," Fina began as she walked back toward the front of the classroom. "Let's take a look at what our first vowel, capstone, and cornerstone numbers mean. There isn't really a calculation involved in these numbers, but just use chapter 25 in your textbooks. Can anyone tell me how to find these numbers and what they mean? Please just give one."
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Simon flipped to the appropriate chapter in the text now that he was sure what to look for and Professor Hadley herself pointed it out. He raised his hand to answer her question after briefly reading over what was given.
"You need to look at a particular letter in your first name, whether vowel or consonant as instructed and compare it to the number and description given for that letter. For example you look to the last letter of your first name for the capstone," he answered lowering his hand and feeling a bit better about his answer this time.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Kurumi smiled as Professor Hadley explained about the numbers that had just calculated and found it fascinating that perhaps these numbers could provide a deep look inside themselves and a peek into parts of themselves that they didn't even know existed yet. How fascinating...
Kurumi's had shot up once more when Professor Hadley asked a question to the class. "The capstone is found by examining the last letter of your first name. Your full first name. It tells you about your capacity for and philosophy toward finishing projects that you start."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
It was a good day when Professor Hadley walked past you after looking over your work, because, of course, it meant you had done it correctly. When she didn't go away, however, that meant a headache. A really, really, really big headache. And lots of numbers floating around. Eino flipped through the pages until he reached chapter twenty five. Blah, blah, blah, first vowel, capstone, and cornerstone. There they were. Tracing the description with his finger he raised his hand then said: "The cornerstone reveals our manners and how we approach and deal with obstacles and opportunities. And... It's the first letter of the first name." So this one didn't have to do with vowels? Well, it didn't matter since the first letter in his name was a vowel. He shrugged and waited for the Professor's reply.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
She listened to everyone else answer and just decided to remain silent this round. This was all common knowledge, anyway.
Besides, Marilyn enjoyed the practical side of lessons much more.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Nika stared at her calculations then back at Hadley as she addressed the class. So does this mean that Nika just desires, somewhere deep down-- and I mean DEEP, DEEP down, to be organized or something? Hmm... Nika opened her eyes widely as she listened to the question. WAIT. What was she asking exactly...? "The capstone is the last letter of your first name. It determines your thoughts and how well you're able to finish tasks or ambitions that you have started?"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Caroline flipped through her book to Chapter 25, and read her first vowel, cornerstone, and capstone.
SPOILER!!: First Vowel
A (1): Highlights individuality, creativity, leadership, and the value of one
SPOILER!!: Cornerstone
C: You are intuitive and demonstrative of your feelings. You have good self-expression and a strong sense of humor. You are inspiring, cheerful, melodramatic, even extravagant at times. You are outspoken and spontaneous. You are lighthearted and optimistic.
SPOILER!!: Capstone
E: You need plenty of freedom. You are physical and passionate and it is possible you will be married more than once. You like to be social and entertain. You are highly perceptive and not easily fooled. You are original and versatile. You are capable of looking at a situation from different perspectives.
She smiled sligtly now that sounded more like her, then that other thing they just did. As others started to answer she raised her hand. "You can find the cornerstone, by the looking at the first letter of your first birth name."
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Errr... had her ears been deceiving her or was Joshua Carter seriously upset over his number? Nonetheless, Josephina walked over and took a long look at the sixth year's parchment. "No... everything seems right... but maybe there's the chance of you using the name you go by, Josh, instead of Joshua. But like I've said before, this number represents your innermost desires. Not who you are as a person." There was a fine line between those two things; surely Josh was old enough to understand that.
"Right then. Now that most of us have calculated our heart's desire numbers," Fina began as she walked back toward the front of the classroom. "Let's take a look at what our first vowel, capstone, and cornerstone numbers mean. There isn't really a calculation involved in these numbers, but just use chapter 25 in your textbooks. Can anyone tell me how to find these numbers and what they mean? Please just give one."
Everything seemed right? No. She had not just said that. Nothing was right here. Oh, how he wished that he had done the calculation wrong. But as Professor Hadley went on speaking a little gleam of hope appeared in the boy's dark brown eyes. Yes, that could be! So, nodding at her, the Gryffindor quickly began calculating the new version...with Josh instead of Joshua.
Originally Posted by Another Parchment
(6) + (1+5) + (1+5)
6 + 6 + 6 = 18
1 + 8
= 9
NINE (9): You are the very soul of compassion. You want, above all else, to love the world and all that's in it. With your high ideals and power to influence others, you strive for universal perfection and universal love. You are deeply intuitive and charitable, often torn by your own emotional needs and the greater needs of others. In matters of the heart and friendship, you are loving and idealistic. In fact, you love of others seems boundless - because it is.
Well...now this was way better. Yup, better. It looked like it did fit better as he knew himself. But for some reason he was not feeling like he got the right number anyway. Because...because...eh. He knew why he was feeling like that Joshua was his birth name. Josh was only the shortened form of it that people liked to call him. So, the true name was Joshua, no Josh.
Sighing with anger Josh scratched all the words and numbers on the parchment all in a sudden
Originally Posted by Damaged Parchment
(6) + (1+5) + (1+5)
6 + 6 + 6 = 18
1 + 8
= 9
NINE (9): You are the very soul of compassion. You want, above all else, to love the world and all that's in it. With your high ideals and power to influence others, you strive for universal perfection and universal love. You are deeply intuitive and charitable, often torn by your own emotional needs and the greater needs of others. In matters of the heart and friendship, you are loving and idealistic. In fact, you love of others seems boundless - because it is.
And what the Arithmancy professor said next did not help him at all. Innermost desires? Innermost? Desires? Seriously? Taking a deep breath, he looked up at the woman, disappointment could be read all over his face. ''But professor, that makes it only worse. I don't want to be a person whose innermost desire is THIS...'' he waved the original parchment wildly in his hand at this point. ''...i would prefer jumping off the Gryffindor tower!''
And here he might be whining over the number yet...the class was going on with the next question Hadley had asked. But, Josh had no apetite left for the class right now for one of his favourite classes had just betrayed him.
Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
I loved you piggy! // Invader Zim is amazing! | | Do you wanna be a Loser Like Me? // Glee= <3!
Rebecca was a little confused with the method used to find the Heart's Desire number. But, like any good student, she was going to try it.
Originally Posted by Rebecca's parchment
Rebecca Marie Hammer
-5-5--1 -1-95 -1--5-
Heart's Desire number~ 5
FIVE (5): Your primary desire is to be entirely unrestricted, followed closely by a passion for travel and change. You can't stand to feel confined or lulled by routine. You love to experience variety and the stimulation life can offer. In matters of the heart and friendship, you are exquisite and extraordinary, adventurous and ready to risk. But most of all, you crave variety.
Now for the other things. Rebecca didn't know how to answer the question, so to say, but she knew what her's were so she wrote it down.
Originally Posted by Rebecca's parchment again
First Vowel~
E (5): Highlights curiosity, investigation, fascination with the mystery of life, resourcefulness
A: You are ambitious, independent and have great drive, you are not easily influenced. You are mental and direct. You want to take charge. You have willpower and are resolute and purposeful. You have courage and boldness but may also be stubborn and willful. Be more flexible and willing to listen to others.
R: You are highly emotional and carry an intense inner power. You are lively and can work hard. You must try to stay balanced and even tempered. You must also learn to be less critical and more tolerant. You can be gentle, kind, and helpful. You are willing to sacrifice time and energy for a good cause. You tend to lose things and may have a bad memory.
Now all Rebecca had to do was wait for Professor Hadley to check over her work...
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
The brunette had to stifle a giggle when she arrived near the back of the classroom at Destiny's desk. She had thought the sixth year had dropped her subject but apparently now that she and Evelyn were friends again, they were inseparable as well. Which also meant going to classes she hadn't gone to before.
"Fine except that 'Y' in your first name acts as a vowel so your calculation is slightly off." Hadley language? Ha! If only she had her own language; that would have been SO cool!
That was embarrassing. Not really, but Destiny put on a sheepish grin anyhow. Everyone knew that she was HORRIBLE at Arithmancy and she was just glad mistaking the letter Y in her first name for a consonant instead of a vowel was her only mistake. She could have done something worse! Like..forget how to spell her name.
Pfft, not like that had ever happened before.
Moving the parchment from out of Evelyn's face, Destiny slammed it down on her desk, and picking up her quill, she began crossing out all of her WRONG work. All that writing..FOR NOTHING! And now she was going to have to write even MORE..
FOUR (4): Your desire is to have a plan and meet life in an organized manner. You wish to be practical about everything you do, loving your appointment book, agendas, setting clear boundaries, and knowing the expectations of all concerned. You like to know the plan and be in control - you don't want surprises along the way! You can be a great facilitator, bringing out the best in each individual by building a synergy between people. In matters of the heart and friendship, you are practical in emotional attachments and like to keep things under control. You may not seem romantic or spontaneous, but your planning is designed to thrill and delight others!
TWO (2): Above all else, you want harmony no matter what it takes. You can't tolerate conflict and thus, don't want to lead. You want peace and to be supportive. You are useful as a negotiator or arbitrator because you are sensitive to others and can make them feel good about themselves. You can speak the truth in a manner that causes one to feel supported instead of demoralized. In matters of the heart and friendship, giving is what you do best, sometimes too much so. Your appreciation of others can make you forget about yourself! Criticism can hurt you to the very core. Always happier paired than alone, you are the most devoted companion.
ELEVEN (11/2): Visionary; inspirational; may have genius intelligence; seems more spiritual than others; dresses in an artistic, original, and inventive way; unconstrained; idealistic; has a zest for life; creative and innovative; intense; ability to manage details; super-sensitive; intuitive. You may seem overly dependent on your mate in an unhealthy way. You can also be seen as tense, depressed, or high-strung.
Learn how to speak Hadley language.
I have to find my shoelaces.
And it still didn't make any sense!
Either did that question Professor Hadley asked.
____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________ ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
"Right then. Now that most of us have calculated our heart's desire numbers," Fina began as she walked back toward the front of the classroom. "Let's take a look at what our first vowel, capstone, and cornerstone numbers mean. There isn't really a calculation involved in these numbers, but just use chapter 25 in your textbooks. Can anyone tell me how to find these numbers and what they mean? Please just give one."
Ah, here we go. Now they were getting to the easy ones.
Vashti raised her hand. "The First Vowel is just that - the first vowel in your first name. It's related to the Heart's Desire Number because it's also supposed to show something about your deeper self, as well as how you naturally handle life." So were they supposed to "calculate" their First Vowel, Cornerstone, and Capstone numbers now? She glanced around and it seemed most of the others weren't working on it yet, so she left her quill alone for now.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
The "fun" part of the lesson arrived; checking calculations and numbers. Walking around the classroom, Josephina stopped every few desks as students set their quills down. "Yup. Good job," she said approvingly. And then she would hear the occasional inquiries over why a number didn't appear to describe them.
"This number, if you remember, talks of your inner, deepest most desires. Sometimes you're not fully aware or conscious of these desires which is why they might appear foreign to you." Obviously.
"Right then. Now that most of us have calculated our heart's desire numbers," Fina began as she walked back toward the front of the classroom. "Let's take a look at what our first vowel, capstone, and cornerstone numbers mean. There isn't really a calculation involved in these numbers, but just use chapter 25 in your textbooks. Can anyone tell me how to find these numbers and what they mean? Please just give one."
Fallon looked up at Professor Hadley as she made her way around the room. She was glad to see that she'd done the work correctly. Fallon nodded as she explained. She looked back down at her meaning and realized that it might actually hold some bit of truth...
Other students had already answered the question so Fallon turned to the book and quickly wrote down hers so that she had it handy.
SPOILER!!: other numbers
First Vowel: A (1): Highlights individuality, creativity, leadership, and the value of one
Capstone: N: You are intuitive, creative and original. You are unconventional. You are quite opinionated and change your mind only after much discussion. You like to keep track of your life, by writing in a diary for instance. You are sensual and may be involved in many love affairs during your life.
Cornerstone: F: You are responsible, self sacrificing, loving, hospitable and friendly. You have a warm heart and are very compassionate. You feel the pain of others and are considerate. You are helpful but must be careful not to interfere in the lives of others. You also have to guard against a tendency to indulge in melancholy and depression.
Fallon read over them. Yeah...arithmancy was really starting to scare her now. She always seemed to find some grain of truth within it.
William hopefully figured it out. William- I=9, I=9 A=1 = 19, then 1+ 9= 10= 1. Adam- A-1 and A-1= 2 Montcenaggio O- 6. E-5. A-1 I-9 O-6=27 =9 1 + 2 + 9= 12 and 1+ 2=3. William's heart Desire is 3.
First Vowel - I (9): Highlights a deep emotional nature, a humanitarian approach, a global consciousness, creativity, a highly developed intuitive skill, and the desire to help and heal.
Cornerstone: W: You have intuition, determination and a strong sense of purpose. You like to be involved in many activities. You need change and like to meet new people. You have charisma. You provide stimulating company. You have excellent self expression and are very creative. There is, however, a tendency to procrastinate and cut corners.
Capstone: M: You are energetic and hardworking with a touch of the workaholic. You are efficient and do not tire easily. You likely have a strong physical constitution. You are domestic and want financial security. You are tolerant and can endure hardships. You have to be more patient with others.
What? What? WHAT? Come on… I loved this number!, Gwen thought, getting a bit upset. However, she was more angry because she did something wrong, rather than because she had to ‘give up’ the number.
SIX (6): Three things most important to you are beauty, harmony, and home. Understanding, loyalty, devotion, affection and commitment are top priorities. You want to protect, nurture, and love your family and home. In matters of the heart and friendship, you are the idealistic romantic and friend. In love, you want to be committed and love deeply. In friendship, you want lifelong companionship and confidences.
This time, Gwen frowned while reading the meaning of her heart’s desire number. Did I make another mistake? This sounds worse than the first one! As I think about it, I guess the heart’s desire number that describes me best is… 1? Yeah… how come I didn’t get that?
Moving on now… Gwen decided to start finding out the other 3 things: First Vowel, Cornerstone, Capstone. Now, let’s see how wrong these turn out…
Gwendolyn Greene First Vowel: E
Cornerstone: G
Capstone: N
Hearing two young first years complaining of their numbers, Hadley approached and first thing she did was check to make sure their calculations were correct. Which they were. "Your numbers are correct. Remember though that its your innermost desires, not your expression number. Not your personality number. This number shows your secret wishes. Your true motivation for being, but it is not talking about who you are as a person." So in other words, you might not have been conscious of these desires.
Ness was starting to understand it better now. So basicly it wasn't her personality it was her inner wish, but Ness didn't exactly think her inner wish was that anyway. Ness decided to just leave it, She didn't want to interrupt the Proffessor too much. Ness just nodded in understandment, and smiled at the Proffessor."Thank you Proffessor!"said Ness politely.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
"Right then. Now that most of us have calculated our heart's desire numbers," Fina began as she walked back toward the front of the classroom. "Let's take a look at what our first vowel, capstone, and cornerstone numbers mean. There isn't really a calculation involved in these numbers, but just use chapter 25 in your textbooks. Can anyone tell me how to find these numbers and what they mean? Please just give one."
Ness listened to the Proffessors next instruction, she then looked in her textbook hoping to find some answers. She wasn't exactly sure what she was looking for, but the Proffessor said to turn to chapter twenty five, so Ness did so, She then listened to some students answers and then she finally got the idea. Ness raised her hand and waited her turn."Proffessor the first letter of your first name isThe Cornerstone . It gives you an idea of your character, especially the way in which yoo would approach opportunities and challanges." said Ness. Nessie then took out her parchment and started to copy out, from the textbook her first vowel, her cornerstone and her capstone.
SPOILER!!: Nessies Parchment
First Vowel
E (5): Highlights curiosity, investigation, fascination with the mystery of life, resourcefulness
R: You are highly emotional and carry an intense inner power. You are lively and can work hard. You must try to stay balanced and even tempered. You must also learn to be less critical and more tolerant. You can be gentle, kind, and helpful. You are willing to sacrifice time and energy for a good cause. You tend to lose things and may have a bad memory.
E: You need plenty of freedom. You are physical and passionate and it is possible you will be married more than once. You like to be social and entertain. You are highly perceptive and not easily fooled. You are original and versatile. You are capable of looking at a situation from different perspectives.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Aaaand back to the theory...
Daichi rested his head in his palm as he stared to the front of the class. His eyes started to fall close but he stubbornly held them open. Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to stay up late at night... He heard what the professor was saying but not much was processing through his mind. He liked the subject, yes. But right now he wanted..what did he want? food? ooh yeah food! hmm wonder what's for dinner?
The first year let his mind wander towards dinner time. He was getting hungry now. His thoughts were interupted when he heard the scraping of feathers on parchment and he looked around. Wait, they were writing? What were they writing?! Daichi tried to look at the parchment from his neighbour... cornerstone first vowel and capstone? They had to calculate them? but how? Daichi dared to look again and saw a textbook lying open on chapter 25. He smirked to himself as he grabbed his own textbook. Maybe he could find out for himself.
SPOILER!!: parchment
First Vowel
A (1): Highlights individuality, creativity, leadership, and the value of one
I: You are emotional, considerate and understanding. You are artistic and have good taste. Without balance and steadfastness, there can be nervous tension and accident proneness. You have to try not to switch from one extreme to another; look for balance.
D: You are down to earth, practical, efficient, orderly and systematic. You are shrewd and determined. You can concentrate and overcome many difficulties. You have natural authority but can also be stubborn and rigid.
Daichi placed his quill down and wondered if he did the right thing.