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Who's Who in Ravenclaw Ravenclaw House Cup Championships 2049-2050, 2051-2052, 2054-2055, 2055-2056, 2058-2059, 2059-2060, 2067-2068, 2070-2071 Ravenclaw Inter-House Tournament Championships 2052-2053, 2061-2062 Ravenclaw Quidditch Cup Championships 2051, 2052, 2053, 2059, 2060, 2066, 2067, 2068 Ravenclaw Gobstones Club Championships 2071 :claw: Ravenclaw Head of House & Deputy Headmaster: Professor Maximus O. Vindictus Ravenclaw House Assistant: Professor Charlie Mugwort Head Boy: Kellen Stern Ravenclaw Prefect: Ivory Erised Ravenclaw Prefect: Finlay Carmicheal It's time to meet and greet with all your fellow Ravenclaws! Post your name, year, where your character is from and anything else you want to include! Here's a sample of the type of things your classmates want to know about you Character Name: Character Age: Year in School: Wand: Pet: Physical Description: More About You (family background, friends, etc.): You can answer all or none of those, add more or less. Up to you! Welcome to Ravenclaw! *If you post a picture, it should be no larger than 450p wide and 200p high (60kb) , come from your own imaging account, and follow all SS rules (images that are too big will be removed and a PM sent). **Remember, this is about your school character and not the real you. |
http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y28...s/Misc/MOV.jpg played by Brad Pitt Date of Birth: 18 JANUARY 2018 Hogwarts: 2029-2036, Ravenclaw Beater Significant Other: Janelle Marie Pierzina Vindictus Children: Ethan Alexi Fabian Vindictus (24 JUN 2061); Taylor Adonis Vindictus (1 JAN 2067); Morgana Isobel Vindictus (1 MAY 2069) Height: 6’4” Hair: Blonde with hints of silver Eye Color: Blue Current Hogwarts Staff Positions:
Misc. School Notes: Spent as much time in the dungeons as he did in the classroom, so it's a bit surprising to many that he actually graduated Hogwarts and managed to complete two university degrees all while playing Quidditch. If you look carefully in the corner of his office, you will find his favorite chair . . . the chair he spent many hours sitting in (which he took from the dungeons during his first term teaching). Personality: Max loves to have fun as much as he loves his wife and children, and Quidditch. He is a good-natured man, but he can't abide students/individuals who snap their fingers or are outright rude to him. Personal History: Max is the youngest child in the Vindictus family, and has a twin brother, Marcus Kostandin Vindictus, (who is 1 minute older than him), and an older brother, Rex Altair Vindictus. His father, Reginald Kostandin Vindictus (Reg is the only son of Swedish singing sensation [and one-hit wonder] Kajsa Regina Henriksson), a Durmstrang alumnus, was the head coach of the Vratsa Vultures for 45 years. Max’s mother, Maureen Fiona Vindictus, a Hogwarts alumnus, is a homemaker and a garden-design specialist. Brother Rex is the current Head of Magical Games and Sports in the Ministry of Magic, and twin brother Marcus is a Healer at St. Mungo's in the Artefact Accidents ward. When Max and Marcus were two years old, their older brother Rex decided to show the twins how to fly on their toy broomsticks and it was revealed that little Marcus was not gifted in the flying department (this incident explains why he currently lobbies for safer flying methods, including the use of a patented flying harness for broomsticks). However, little Max was a natural at flying and proceeded to break all vases in the house to his mother’s chagrin and his father’s delight. Childhood summers were spent with the entire Vindictus family visiting their Irish cousins (Maureen’s sister married a Shackleton) and traveling to watch Reginald train his Vratsa Vultures. At the age eleven, like hundreds of wizarding children before him, Max received his letter and arrived at Hogwarts. The Sorting Hat had an easy time placing him in Ravenclaw and the adventure began. During his first year, he became friends with Fabian Clark and Doyle Branxton. It was also during his first month at Hogwarts that he earned his very first detention with Valon Kazimeriz (he broke the man’s favorite teapot). It was the first of many detentions with Kazimeriz who seemed to appear wherever Max happened. His third year at Hogwarts saw Max make the starting Quidditch team, captained by his brother Rex, as a Beater. It was also during his third year that the infamous Vindictus broom-smashing incident in the Ravenclaw Common Room took place when the brothers got into a heated argument - look carefully, and you might find a large sliver of mahogany jutting out of a section of the stone wall to the right of the fireplace. He had to learn quickly how to balance homework, detention and practice, and became quite good at it. Whatever the strategy was, it seemed to work because Max earned 9 OWLs and 5 NEWTs before graduating from Hogwarts. Hours after graduation, Max tried out and made the reserve squad of the Heidelberg Harriers to the delight of his father. To appease his disapproving mother who told him to use his brain and get a degree, he enrolled in the local university and worked as a model for a German sportswear company so that he could pay the bills. Two years passed before Max finally made the starting squad as a Beater. From then on, the sky was the limit for Max who was considered one of the fiercest Beaters the sport had ever known. After twenty-two years of playing Quidditch and five Quidditch World Cup appearances for England, Max decided to hang up his bat and broom, and try something else less physical instead – he bought Quality Quidditch Supplies and decided to run the store on his own. He had only been in Diagon Alley for two years when one day, a nervous-looking Cassandra Rae-Branxton approached him and offered him the position of Flying Instructor and Quidditch Official at Hogwarts. At first, he thought that Doyle had put his wife up to playing a joke on him, but after a few uneasy moments of silence he realized she was serious and he accepted the job. Max's goal when accepting the Flying and Quidditch position at Hogwarts was to improve the flying skills of the students, reinforce safety when flying, teach them proper broomcare techniques, and to re-live flying history. Creative lessons have been the norm for him - from Creaothceann lessons with falling marshmallows and trying to fly on carpets to Quodpot and bashing pinatas. Even the final exams left some students with a healthy dose of respect for flying. Quidditch, however, has been his biggest challenge because the teams are always in a constant state of change. Max set forth the rules and enforced them. It's not uncommon for him to be seen watching team tryouts and practices, or pulling student-athletes to one side and making sure they were staying out of trouble and keeping their grades up. Same thing goes for the Ravenclaw students - Max is always keeping an eye out on his Ravenclaws, especially since becoming Head of House. |
http://www.snitchseeker.com/members/...arts-10394.jpg Character Name: Lillian "Lila" Eridanus Weasley-Schleck Character Age: She always rounds her age to the nearest whole number so she'll tell you 13 DOB/POB: November 10, 2060 in the USA Year in School: Second Wand: 12" Rosewood and Kelpie mane, quite soft Pets: Lamia, a red smoke kneazle (at school with her) Artemis, the family eagle owl (at home) Orion, a giant purple toad she shares with her brother (at home) Physical Description: Lila is slightly taller than average & broad built with a bit of an hourglass figure. She has a smooth pale alabaster complexion which is kept from seeming sickly by the bursting of her pink undertones to the surface. Her wavy dark golden auburn hair in a layered bob style perfectly frames her heart shape face. She has soft golden brown almond shape eyes with green & grey flecks. Her bow shape muted raspberry lips are relatively small compared to the rest of her features. The medium size nose set perfectly even spaced between her mouth and eyes is straight except for a slight upwards turn at the tip. Personality: loyal, trustworthy, analytical, practical, shy, conservative, bluntly honest, optimistic, good-humored, quick witted, compassionate, dilligent, and stubborn Likes: butterbeer, peppermint toads, reading historical fiction, and cartoons Dislikes: prune juice, cherry cordials, science, needles and other sharp pointy objects Allergies: Penicillan, Shrimp, Yellow food coloring Phobias: Snakes Career Aspirations: Healer, Curse Breaker, Unspeakable, Kneazle breeder, Teacher, or Regulation & control of magical creatures Family Background: Lila is a half-blood. Her family moved to London in June 2072. Susan, her mother, is a healer. Her father, Michael, is a muggle accountant. Matthew, her brother, is four years older than her. While Matthew excels at jinxes, curses, and transfiguration, he is too hyperactive and lacks the focus needed to attend Hogwarts. Instead he goes to a muggle school. |
http://i806.photobucket.com/albums/y...i015-Copy2.jpg Model: John Patrick Amedori Name: Jacob Blunt Age: 15 DoB: March 24, 2058 Year: 5th Wand: 11 3/4 in.; maple wood; Dragon heartstring Current Position: Quidditch Captain Favorite Subjects: Flying, History of Magic Least Favorite Subjects: Divination, Herbology Physical Description: Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Height: 5'10" Weight: 120 pounds Family: Grandfather: Marcus Blunt Pets: an Aye-Aye named Bertha Background Info: Jacob was as pirate, He was born and raised on the ship for 11 years. His Father is the Captain, His mother is the Deputy. Jacob had lessons in sword fighting, sailing, navigation. At 11 years of age he Received his letter to go to Hogwarts, when he decided to go to Hogwarts instead of Pirate Academy, His father Became furious and 'disowned him'. At that point Jacob's Grandfather stepped in and gave Jacob a home at 'The Isle of Blunt' an island Owned and passed down through the generations of the Blunt Family, Always through Male hands to keep the name that has made its mark on pirate history. Now obviously he lives with his Grandfather, and attends Hogwarts during the school term. Though Sorted into Ravenclaw, Jacob shows, or so he thinks, little intellect. In his Second year, Jacob went for The quidditch team. He made chaser, and played in(I believe) every game, though he wasn’t the best chaser. After many flying lessons and Practices, Jacob realized he had more of a talent as a beater, and went for that in his third year. In the summer before Jacob’s fifth year (this term) Jacob received the Captains badge, which some Extra Info: Patronus: Unknown Boggart: Cake Other Fears: Being Wrong, Cake, Getting in Trouble, Lafay, Cake, Flying Carpets, Flying Pigs, Spiders, Cake, Any Creepy-Crawlies, Ellie Stone, cake, THE Gorilla, Cake, and CAKE! Personality: Looney… Just completely insane! (that pretty much sums up his entire personality) |
Prefect Ivory Vitya Erised http://www.snitchseeker.com/members/...iggy1-4258.jpg Name: Ivory Vitya Erised Nickname: Ivy DoB: February 28, 2059, 4:44 a.m. Blood Status: Half blood, Metamorphmagus (A rarely known fact that only her family and her best friend Arya,and of course the Headmaster are privy to. Abilities still very underdeveloped barely beginning to advance.) Age: 14-15 Year: 4th House: Ravenclaw, Prefect Wand: 11.5' Hawthorn and Ivy with a Gubraithian Fire core (Heirloom that imprints with owner and fails to work with others) Pet: Gyr falcon named Gavin Appearance: Eyes: Dark color, varying shades Complexion: Light, sun kissed one would say Height: Petite : 4’10”, and 4’11” on a ‘tall’ day. Build: Slender, petite. Slight hourglass figure. Lanky preteen no longer. Now a more…feminine version XD Hair: Varying shades of brown and at times other colors, depending on the circumstances In Depth Look Ivory Vitya Erised was born to Mary Vitya and Joseph Asclepius. Mr.Asclepius, a Healer a St. Mungo's, being of muggle upbringing ( Or so he thought) was still quite partial to the muggle life and had decided together with his wife to raise their children among muggles, in order to better appreciate their way of life. Their first and only daughter, for only sons followed, was a perfectly normal little baby albeit a very small one. It wasn't until shortly after her 4th birthday that her mother noticed that her daughter's eye color seemed to change depending on her mood and although she was seen constantly biting her nails every time Mariana asked to see her hands, her nails appeared long and even. Worried that she was victim of some passing curse, she was taken to St Mungo's Hospital where she was finally identified as a metamorphmagus. It was a fact that mystified many a healer and her family alike. Her father had been thought to be of muggle descent while the Vitya line was one who could trace their magical roots centuries back and had no known history of any metamorphmagi in the family. It was considered a geneological oddity for Ivory to have been born one. Stumped for the moment, the Ascelpius family raised Ivory as they thought best. And because she would be attending a muggle elementary school, she was warned against changing her appearance and grew up with the phrase "Real beauty is on the inside" stamped into her subconscious. So with no one to teach her and no real idea of what her abilities meant or could progress to, her abilities were sadly lacking by the age of eleven and she was consequently labeled as being "underdeveloped." Ivory grew up knowing she didn't quite fit in with the other muggle kids and the only time she felt completely at ease was during the holidays when the family spent them with her mum's blatantly magical relatives. She was small even by an eleven year old's standards coming in at about 4'3" with average brown hair that falls in straight waves to her shoulders with large thickly lashed dark brown eyes which her mother says are best features saying everyone can read her emotions like an open book. Her mother’s side of the family is very curvaceous but unfortunately in her opinion there are only hints of that as of yet. The most she has advanced to do regarding her abilities was sometimes grow out her hair and maybe lighten and darken it a few shades (although it always went back) but even that took hours upon hours of excruciating concentration. And so Ivory sought refuge in music and reading...everything from her mother's old transfiguration and charms textbooks to the newest muggle fiction and she was rarely seen without a book in hand and a MEBAD (Musical Earpiece Bewitched for Auditory Duplication) in ear, which she sometimes plays her violin along to. Of course, growing up with 3 younger brothers did not made it any easier on her, and she consequently has a few hobbies that aren’t quite as mundane. Playing a rough game of quidditch in the enchanted-to-look-normal backyard, is a favorite pastime when she actually feels like putting up with Artemis and the twins. Due to her mother’s steady stream of community involvement, she has been an unpaid babysitter for more times than she’s ready to admit and has thus developed a very protective, nurturing side for those she cares about. Shy at first glance, it wasn’t until one really talked to her that it was noticed that she had a quick wit and excellent sense of humor although it wasn't too hard to see she was indefinitely very self conscious. It was right around the time that Ivory received her Hogwarts Letter that another letter was received. A will detailing the life and inheritance of a certain William Erised. It was soon discovered that her father, Joseph Asclepius had in fact been adopted. The legal proceedings that followed were long and tedious, leaving many unanswered questions but resulting in the name change from Asclepius to Erised. Ivory now Ivory Erised had not only inherited a new family but a new heritage as well, the answer of where her abilities had come from finally answered. Upon visiting Gringotts before attending her first year at Hogwarts, she was astonished to discover that there was in fact something left in her own name. And from a deep vault with an intricate door, her mother was given one single antique for it could only be called that as it appeared that old. A very aged wand with intricate carvings that the wonderful shopkeepers at Ollivander’s were able to restore. 11 inches of hawthorn and ivy with a core of Gubraithian fire. Since the first moment, Ivory held that wand there was never a doubt in her mind that it belonged to her. A fact only emphasized by the tiny flare of blue flame that blossoms from its tip everytime the wand is in hand. Being awfully selfconconcious as she was, she usually hesitated before doing spells in front of people for fear of causing a fire however she has now grown more confidant in her magical abilities and has grown to love her wand as an extension of herself. Time at Hogwarts It was during her first year at Hogwarts that Ivory met her best friend and partner in crime for life, Arya Lovegoods. The year was passed voraciously reading everything she could get her hands on and trying her best in every class she could, finding a soft spot for a certain grandfatherly Professor Kazimeriz and finding a mother away from home in Professor Morgan-Lawson. Many memories were made that year, although not all of them good. That year was also the year that Ivory was victim of the Imperius unforgivable curse and forced to duel for the entertainment of sick minded individuals along with being forced to fight against her fellow classmates and professors. Although she'd like to think that she's moved past it all, she still wakes up every once in a while from horrid nightmares that involve her being a puppet and forced to hurt the people she cares most about. Keeping all of that in a tightly closed box in the dark recesses of her mind however the only obvious result of the whole thing was that she developed an adversion to butterbeer. After many a debate among her family, it was finally decided that Ivory would in fact be returning to Howarts. The next two years passed by uneventfully for the most part. Between having fun with her best friend, making new friends and still being the book worm she's always been, Ivory has grown to think of Hogwarts as a second home. |
Model: Vanessa Hudgens Character Name: Emily Ellouise Morgan Browne Nickname: Em, Emmy, Ellie Character Age: 17 Place of Birth: Birmingham, England Current Residence: Godric's Hollow Year in School: 7th Year Wand: 11.6 inch, Oak wood, and Phoenix Feather core, Twirly. Pet: Barn Owl by the name of Dante Physical Description: petite and slim, vibrant green eyes, clear complexion, long wavy black hair. Patronous: Wild dog Boggart: Spiders Family Background: Emily is an only child, born to Spencer and Andrea Browne. Her father, Spencer, works for the Ministry of Magic as an Auror, whereas her mother, Andrea, is a transfiguration Professor at the Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning. Emily is engaged (through arranged marriage) to Xavier Harrison Black. Older brother of Claire Black, and is training to be an Auror. Together they will unite their family blood lines to create the House of Black and Browne. Emily like her mothers side of the family is a Ravenclaw, her fathers side of the family have all been Gryffindors, with the exception of a particularly bad uncle who had been sorted into Slytherin. Time at Hogwarts: During her time at Hogwarts Emily had been a consistent achiever. Most of her friends have graduated and have moved on to bigger and better things, these include Vannessa Williams, Aleira Boddington and Michelle Fitzpatrick. Emily is particularly frond of her sister-in-law-to-be Claire Black who is in her first year at Hogwarts and is also a fellow Revenclaw. Update-NOTE: Mid term Emily's father passed away due to poor health, so she is no longer obliged to marry Xavier Black (arranged marriage- unbreakable vow).. their relationship had fallen apart. They weren't right for each other. |
http://i540.photobucket.com/albums/g...gal/emily2.png Character Name: Vadoma (Emily) Sierra-Jane Moonfield Character Age: Will be 15 november 18th of 2073 Year in School: 5th Wand: 12.5 inch Yew wood, unicorn hair core. Pet: A white Albino Ferret name Karma, she also has a kneazle name Bubbles but this year she stayed in the Romani Village with Vadoma's Physical Description: Vadoma (who used to be known as Emily) has wild brown hair (it used to be blonde until just after the feast, 5th year, she had an accident with her wand and turned it brown). She is rather tall too, six feet to be exact. She has piercing blue eyes and often wears eccentric or earthy clothing. More About You (family background, friends, etc.): Vadoma was born Emily Sierra-Jane Moonfield who thought she was a half-blood witch with the magic on her mothers side. Her mother was a witch, abandoned by her family in the woods as a baby where a traveling Romani (commonly known as Gypsy) family found her and raised her as their own. The luck of both of them the Romani group was also magical so Evela (Vadoma's Mother) grew up feeling normal. Her father met her mother outside of school, and her mother thought he was a muggle because he ran and owned a maple syrup company in Canada, where her mother lived. He was, in fact, a wizard who had also atended hogwarts but was four years younger than Vadoma's mother so she had never seen him, and he didn't care enough to correct her. Vadoma was actually born a set of twins, and at the same time in the same hospital one of her fathers distant family members was giving birth to one of Vadoma's distant cousins. The distant cousin died shortly after being born but somehow the corpse was switched with Vadoma's twin sister. Vadoma grew up thinking her twin was dead since birth but then one day she got a letter from her cousin, who turned out to really be her sister. (The new contact between distant ends of the family had come about after Emily's grandmother on her fathers side, who had been a squib, died) She came to live with them over that summer (right after second year) because the man who had been posing as her father had been arrested and her mother had run out on them. The next year (third year, when Vadoma was still going by her birth name Emily) she came to Hogwarts, but died at the end of the year when falling down the stone steps in the entrance hall. Vadoma had blamed herself for the death but had only recently come to terms with the fact that it wasn't actually her fault. At the very end of the year that her twin had died Vadoma was sent a letter by her aunt (with many greats attatched but the number of which Vadoma never cared to memorize) who was the fortune teller in the Romani village (Which had ceased moving about the country long before Vadoma was born) telling Emily of her newly found position as the aprentice Fortune Teller (called the 'knowing one' in this particular Romani village) and with it came a new name, Vadoma. At first Vadoma lived by the name Vadoma only in the village but now that she was spending so much time there and the village was growing to be a big piece of her heart she decided to permanently be called Vadoma. SPOILER!!: more photos |
Name: Phillip Henry Byron (Eino Uronen) Date of Birth: November 11 Birthplace: Lancaster, England (Espoo, Finland) Age: 11 House: Ravenclaw Patronus: Hummingbird Father: Arthur Conan Byron (biological) and Marcus Uronen (adoptive) Mother: Elisabet Heleena Byron (Elenoora Uronen) Grandfather: Herni Lemminkäinen Grandmother: Heleena Lemminkäinen Pets: Faustus, a cactus. Appearance - i. Hair colour: Blond ii. Eye colour: Black iii. Height: 4”4’ iv. Weight: 78 lbs v. Defining physical features: Big ears Background & Personality - Eino was born in Lancaster, England to Arthur Conan Byron and Elisabet Heleena (Elizabeth Helena) Byron, both pureblood. Elizabeth was originally from Finland but because of Arthur’s job, she agreed to live in England. His father, Arthur, was an unregistered animagus (chuckwalla) and took advantage of it by committing crimes, such as theft and murder, unknown to anyone. When his mother, Elizabeth, discovered he was unregistered, she urged him to register himself to avoid any problems and complications with the Ministry of Magic, but she didn’t know what he was up to. He promised her he would but never did. Finally, when she found out the things he did she was horrified and threatened to turn him in. She sent five year old Phillip to stay with her parents in Finland so he would not become involved. To protect himself, Arthur made her forget his animagus ability by erasing her memory, and afraid Phillip knew about it, he brought him back from Finland and did the same to him. Every time they re-discovered he would recast the spell. After three years, the Ministry found out, arrested Arthur and sent to Azkaban, Elizabeth’s memory was restored but she chose to keep Eino’s erased. Concerned, The Ministry advised that Elizabeth and Phillip change identities and move away so that the families who had been harmed by Arthur wouldn’t seek revenge on them (namely an individual who had sworn to kill both of them). In fear, Elizabeth changed her name to Elenoora and Phillip’s to Eino. She moved to Finland, and within a few months got remarried a nice wizard, Marcus Uronen. Eino and Elenoora When it was time for Eino to go to school, the wizarding school in Finland did not invite him because he couldn’t speak Finnish fluently, so she decided to move back to England, with Marcus, and send Eino to where he was supposed to go, Hogwarts. The constant memory erasing left long-term effects on both Elenoora, despite her memory restoration, and Eino. They aren’t all there. Elenoora never told Eino about his biological father and his real identity, and has led him to believe Marcus is his real father. Both Elenoora and Marcus are very strict in regards to Eino’s studies, and expect nothing but excellence from him, or at least that’s what they want him to think. Because of his memory problem, Eino hasn’t been a very bright child, so his parents want him to work his hardest just so he can measure up to average. Elenoora is very afraid that Eino will turn out to be an animagus like his father and keep it as a secret from her. She gets especially worried when she sees him talking to animals, even dead ones, and other inanimate objects, but she worries too much, he is just an odd kid. In Finland, Eino used to leave home and wander off to forests, where he would often get lost for days, leaving poor Elenoora to die. Eino loves animals very much, even though he has killed many by accident, and been nearly been killed in return at various occasions. He has been attacked by bears, wolves, dogs, snakes, etc. He has also gotten in trouble many times for accidentally freeing house-elves; Aware of his “condition,” house-elves would trick Eino into freeing them, which Marcus was not happy about. Surprisingly, Eino is an excellent fencer and has won numerous fencing tournaments; he has even traveled to other countries to compete, such as France, Germany, Colombia, and the United States. He has a collection of rapiers, but his favorite is Valentine. Eino also plays the piano, harp, and organ, and he likes to collect small objects, like buttons. Eino sometimes stays with his grandparents, especially during summers. They both live in a small cottage away from the city and own an herb store on the outskirts of town, where they sell special “tea” (magical herbs) to Muggles to help them with small problems, such as relaxation and minor pains. They both speak Finnish only, which limits Eino’s communication with them, so he spends most of the time by himself. Eino is terribly afraid of Muggle vehicles, such as cars, trains, and airplanes. He rarely even ventures into Muggle populated areas because of them. He also dislikes Politics and ambiguity! He has a really hard problem keeping his mouth shut in regards to magic and will start random conversations with strange Muggles about current events in the wizard world, which only contributes to his crazy factor. He likes wearing glasses and a fake mustache for no reason, and sometimes a bowler hat. |
Character Name: Draven Kurgan Character Age: 13 Year in School: Second (technically first) Wand: 11.6 inch Willow wood wand, with a core of a Phoenix Feather Pet: None Physical Description: Draven is an athletic lad, with hazel eyes and long brown hair. More About You (family background, friends, etc.): SPOILER!!: Draven Basically, Draven comes from a long line of wizards/forgers. However, for many centuries his bloodline did not mix or get involved with wizards of the light or dark. Like many families of Ashbourne, his home village the villagers work with many different trades. Hunting, Leatherworking, Enchanting, and of course Forging. They forge many things, weapons, shields, amulets, rings, wands, staffs, etc. He has a nickname as all the male members of his family does which is "War Machine". But he never uses it because it was name only to be used in combat. Because of their ability to forge they were often sought out by the Ministry and even Lord Voldemort to join forces and create items of power for them. However, the Kurgan's chose to stay neutral all those years not getting involved in their internal war and strife. But it never stopped the Kurgan's of ensuring that they could protect themselves should they ever be attacked and thus the reason they studied the dark arts in order to defend against them. However, as the years passed there was a sense of guilt for not intervening and trying to stop Lord Voldemort during his tyranny. And a lot of lives were lost during that time to which the Kurgan's felt guilty. So in order to make up for the past they began to form a friendship with the Ministry, one that would allow the Ministry access to their knowledge of forging and yet allow them to start a legacy of their own in Hogwarts. Draven is the first of his bloodline to attend Hogwarts and thus begins a new chapter for him and his family. Outside of the magic world Draven is a very gifted guitarist. He actually plays in a band in the nearby city of Stonegate. Although only 13 he has been playing since he was 9 and has come along quite nicely. While he has a lot to look forward too it hasnt all been without a price. While only a 11 he watched his best friend die near his home and was devastated by the loss. Thankfully, this past summer he was able to meet some friends and even find the girl of his dreams, his future wife. Yes, he is engaged but the marriage will not take place for quite some time but he and his bride to be Taylor Aria Wattsfay have an unbreakable bond and nothing but love for one another. Their parents support the engagement so as long as both finish their time at Hogwarts and are old enough and mature enough to be married. Aside from future aspirations, Draven loves sports and although he has never played Quidditch he is quite sure he can succeed at the sport and be a great player at Hogwarts. He will be trying out for the team this year as a beater and hopes to make a contribution as soon as possible to the house of Ravenclaw. He has two favorite subjects but one of which he cannot continue learning until later. But those are Ancient Runes and Transfiguration. Other friends he has met over the summer are fellow Eagle Ellie, Gryffindor Kurumi, and Slytherin Trixie Malfoy. As for his personality, Draven can be stubborn, a prankster, and a very nice guy just dont cross him as he is not afraid to get physical. He loves heavy metal music (especially his band Grey Haven), cats, beautiful scenery, sports, and learning about magic. He is fiercely loyal to his fiance and any friends and family that he has in his life. He is also very respectful to the lores of magical history and appreciates the opportunity to attend Hogwarts. |
Character name: Alice Measom Nickname: Ally Age: 11 Place of birth: Glastonbury, England Residence: Glastonbury, England School year: First Year Blood status: Half Blood Pet: Barn owl called Honey Wand: 11.4 inch, Vine wood, Clabbert Tooth core, Spinnable Physical description Hair: Brown Eyes: blue Height: 5’1 Complexion: Very pale but covered in freckles Build: quite slim Personality Alice is kind and polite with a very good sense of humour. She can be shy and anxious at times, especially in new situations. Not many people would think it but she does love a good mystery and her curiosity has gotten her into trouble in the past. She does tend to live in her own head, thinking far too much and daydreaming which means she doesn’t always concentrate on things properly. She can be very opinionated if something really matters to her. Likes: • Structure and routine • Animals • Cake and chocolate, anything sweet really • Books • Learning new things • Quidditch • Music (she can play a few simple tunes on the piano) Dislikes: • Spiders • Small closed in spaces • Making mistakes • The dark (she knows its childish but hey you can’t help what you fear) • Vegetables Boggart: a spider Family Mother: Julia Measom – Witch, She is a writer. She has had a few poems and 1 book published. Father: David Measom- Muggle, works for a company writing engine manuals Sisters: Elisa- Witch. Tattoo Artist, married to a muggle, Pregnant Anne- Witch- Artist and mother, married to a wizard Cat- Witch- Owns a bakery. Single Alice’s family live in a small town populated by muggles. (There are a few magic folk here and there)Almost everyone on her mother’s side of the family is wizard or witch and her father’s side is entirely muggles. Her father doesn’t really like the idea of magic very much, he is afraid of what he does not understand. While he allows magic in the house and for his children to go to Hogwarts he does like to keep his and his family’s life as normal as possible. Alice’s mother on the other hand could not live without magic and threw what can only be described as a ‘hissy fit’ when her husband suggested they live on a nice normal housing estate in Reading. So as a compromise the family now lives in Glastonbury. The town is known for its magical history but few muggles who live there actually believe any of it. All her family have jobs in the muggle world.All her mothers side of the family have been through Hogwarts, including Alice's sisters. Almost all of them were in Ravenclaw. |
Model: Charlie McDonnell http://cdn2.dailybooth.com/pictures/...e5_6849538.jpg Nicknames: Just Hugo Age: 13 Birthday: October 1st Year: 2nd House: Ravenclaw Heritage: Half 'n Half Place of Birth: London, England Residence: Edinburgh, Scotland Wand: 11.5 inch chestnut, phoenix feather core. Appearance: Eyes- Blue |
SPOILER!!: finn ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ ▀▄▀▄ FINLAY JOESPH CARMICHEAL BIG TIME FLIRT THE BASICS Hey! My name is Finlay You can call me Finn I am 16 years old I was born on 7th January 2057 I was born unto two amazingly lucky purebloods In Hogwarts, I am in Ravenclaw You can see that I am a sixth year APPEARANCE Height 5 ft 11 hair Dark Brown, and generally gelled up. Eyes Grey General Appearance Finn tends to see himself as extremely good looking, which funny enough he is. His dark hair, matched with pale skin allows him to stand out in a crowd, which is good because he generally likes to stand out. AN IN-DEPTH LOOK ABOUT MEFinn can be seen to be quite self-centred, caring about himself a lot, and this is generally quite true, but deep down he is a nice guy, who cares for his friends...well there best interests anyway, and what he will get out of it. Finn cares about his looks a lot, and this really means that he doesn't have that much interest for girls (expect for breaking their hearts) and friends, although he does have a small number of close friends I'm super fond of Girls, ice cream, fireworks, sailing, quidditch, girls, chocolate frogs, Ancient Runes, girls, butterbeer, sleeping, being lazy, girls, the band, the guitar, the piano, But I do not care for frogs, losing, pygmy puffs that bite, being punched, morning, sunburn, girls not liking him. A few fears sometimes get in the way failing, and not being good looking FURTHER MORE History Finlay was born into a very wealthy and sophisticated family, whom of course had many many secrets. In the days of Voldermort his Great Grandparents were interested in the cause, but not actively involved, thus allowing them to escape imprisonment in Azkaban. As the generations of Carmichael's moved down the purity of blood remained, but wasn't that essential, and the family is no longer pro pureblood, thus allowing Finlay to marry whoever he wants. Finlay has 4 siblings, twp older, and two younger, and his mother dotted on them a lot, spending most of her time with her children. This took its toll on the marriage of his parents. His father actively cheated on his mother, and although he never thought his mother knew, she did. His parents only stayed together for the sake of the children, and to stop people talking. Therefore the children grew up totally unaware of the tatter that was their parent’s relationship. Or so Finlay did until the age of 10, when he witnessed a very big argument between his parents, where he became aware of the infidelity. This had a pronounced affect upon Finn's life, and he generally finds commitment hard, choosing to break hearts instead; thus allowing him to have quite a different exterior to what he is actually like. Only close friends know who he really is, and even those do not know the extent of the secrecy that is occurring in his family. At a young age, due to the mixing of pureblood families, Finlay met Jimmy and the pair have been close friends ever since, and often spent the days when they were being home-schooled, fooling around in Diagon Alley. At the age of 14 his parents decided that he could go to Hogwarts...and so he is here...at hogwarts. His first year was quite exciting. He snogged a big number of girls, broke a couple up, and then fell for Lexi Denver. This lasted for about a year, and now the two have moved on. My family is annoying Benjamin Carmicheal – 45, Father, Annaliese Carmicheal –44, Mother, Timothy Carmicheal – 21, Brother Jackson Carmicheal – 19, brother Belle Carmicheal – 12, Sister Rebekah Carmicheal 10, sister THE CREDITS
Name: Kellen Stern Age: 17 Birth date: May 1, 2056 Current Position: Head Boy Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw (2070-2074) Favorite Subjects: Transfiguration and Charms Least Favorite Subjects: Flying Pets: Mary Tsu, his owl Eye Color: Brown Hair: Dark brown Height: 5' 10” Family: Father: Reginald (2032- ) Gryffindor 2043-2050 Mother: Marylena (2036- ) Slytherin 2047-2054 Sisters: Hateya (2063- ); Catarina (2066- ); Zaynah (2067- ) Personality: Kellen leans more toward formality and distance over open expression of emotion, though he does enjoy a good laugh and a joke. The friendships he makes are few and lasting, though he does tend to form first impressions that become difficult to change. Despite this, Kellen doesn't like to choose sides in an argument until he knows and understands where both sides are coming from. Relevant History: After the head boy of his old school flunked all his NEWTs and consequently burned the school down, Kellen switched to Hogwarts for his fourth year and has stayed at the school since that time. Even if he fails all of his NEWTs this year, he has no intention of trying to burn Hogwarts down. |
2 Attachment(s) Name: Age: 14. D.O.B: 17th September 2058 P.O.B: Northampton, England Current Residence: Calverton, Nottinghamshire Heritage: Pureblood. House: Ravenclaw. Year: 4th. Relationship Status: Single. Patronus: Fox Boggart: The dark Amortentia: canyfloss, tropical fruit, chocolate Wand: 11 and 1/2 inch Cherry wood and Salamander claw Favourite Subject/s: Potions, care of magical creature, and Charms Least Favourite Subject/s: Divination Hair: Ginger Hair style: long full fringe stopping above her eyes with lots of random layers and feathers Eyes: green sometimes blue Complexion: pale skin Height: 5’ 7” and still growing. Build: slim but with curves, hourglass figure, Style: she will rarely be found without one of her pairs converse on and is usually found dressed in skinny jeans and somekind of top (usually a t-shirt). Family: Mother: Josie Almus(Garrett) Father: Elliot Almus [deceased] Half-Sister: Hannah Almus (14) Grandmother: Katie Almus (Bell) Grandfather: Robert Almus Cousins: Harley and Ruby Rougue Uncle: Adrian Rougue Aunt: Ophelia Rougue Pre-Hogwarts: Before Hogwarts Lilly-Anne’s life was perfect she was born in Northampton and lived there with her Mother and Father. From when she was born until she turned seven her father went on many business trips leaving the family for up to a week at a time, though after her seventh birthday these suddenly stopped. He did continue to leave on occasional days near to well recognised holidays. At 9 her and her family moved to Calverton Nottinghamshire into a large manor they inherited. Hogwarts: At eleven Lilly-Anne received her Hogwarts letter to great joy but no shock to her parents. Spending most her holiday hence in Diagon Alley she met a number of fellow first year including Jay, Amy, Mel and Maddie. On the 1st September she boarded the Hogwarts Expess about to start Hogwarts, on the train she met up with her friends and met a girl named Hannah as they chatted she found out her name was Hannah Almus. A great shock her but even more so when found out her fathers name was Elliot, her Father. The shock of discovering the truth about her fathers business trips took a lot out of her, she proceeded to write a letter to her father confronting him about his second family. She sent a harsh letter threatening her not to tell her mother. But so upset she thought her mother had a right to know. Hannah did the same with her mum and they both confronted him. Following this he was forced to move out of the Calverton manor. But he died in a car crash months later devastating the famlies even more Lilly-Anne choose to be home school for the second year and when returning in her third year kept to her self. But this year is determind to be her previous bubbly self. Personality: she is bubbly, smart, slightly sarcastic, clumsy adventurous, and punk rockish. Likes: - Beaches. - hourse riding - Water&Water Sports. - Boys. - Converse - Clothes. - Mascara. - Reading. - Painting. - Jelly beans. - Chocolate - TV - Music: You me at six, all time low, Muse Dislikes: - dark - Wasps Pets: - Felidea (cat) - Tytoni (Owl.) Motto: Nothing is impossible |
Name: Amy Reid Age: 15 Year: 5th year Blood Status: Muggle Born Relationship Status: Single Model: Meaghan Jette Martin Eyes: Dark blue Hair: Long straight and blonde a little past her shoulders Height: 5 foot Weight: 115 Personality: Amy can be very outgoing once you get to know her. She is very shy when first approached and has a hard time talking to new people. But once she really gets to know a person she will open up and show the true girly girl, fun, and outgoing person she really is. She loves her family and couldn’t live without them. Family: Mother: Linda Reid Father: Mark Reid Likes: Singing Hanging out with friends. Candy Shopping Watching quidditch games Dislikes: When people are rude Snakes Apples (she is allergic to them) Extremely loud noises Post Color: purple |
http://i806.photobucket.com/albums/y...u/charisaa.png Nicknames: Charisa, Risa Age: 11-12 Birthday: November 3rd Year: 1st Heritage: Halfblood Place of Birth: Nikopol, Ukraine Currently Living in: Oxfordshire, England Wand: 11 ½", Beech wood w/ Phoenix feather core, rather flexible Pets: None Appearance: Eyes: Blue, slightly grayFamily: Father: Roman Sokova (47)History: Born in eastern Ukraine, Charisa is the second child and only daughter of Roman and Katya Sokova, workers in the Law Enforcement department of the Ukrainian Ministry of Magic. She was placed in Muggle elementary school at an early age, where she learned to appreciate her non-magical peers. Her parents were both largely committed to their work, and therefore neither were greatly there for Charisa. She spent much of her childhood growing to become adaptive and independent to make up for it. Her older brother, Konstantine, or Konno as she likes to call him, was a major role model in her life, even when he left home to attend Durmstrang Institute. Charisa was also set to attend Durmstrang, however she chose not to. The year she turned eleven, she received a letter from Hogwarts and asked her parents to allow her to complete her schooling there. Personality: Charisa might be spontaneous, talkative, or haughty. Whatever she feels like that particular day. Overall, though, there's a sort of slight air of naiveté about her, despite her childhood of independence from her parents. Amortentia: Fresh cut herbs and pineapple Boggart: Unknown Patronus: Unknown |
http://i52.tinypic.com/i77bk2.jpg General Info Full Name: Vashti Rachelle Greenwell Nicknames: Spatulaclaw (by Trixie Malfoy), V (by Jayce Cannon), Ti (by Ty Adams), Queenie (by Anakin Amstern) Gender: Female Date of Birth: May 2, 2059 Current Age: 15 Favorite Subject[s]: History of Magic, Flying, Arithmancy Least Favorite Subject[s]: Divination, Charms Relationship Status: Single Magical Info Current Year at Hogwarts: Fourth Blood Status: Muggle-born House: Ravenclaw Wand: 11.75 inch, Cherry wood, Unicorn Hair core Patronus: Unknown Amortentia: Unknown Mirror of Erised: Unknown Boggart: The death of her father Family Father: Victor Greenwell (Born: May 31, 2030 ; Died: June 2073) Mother: Vivian Greenwell (nee Ridlyn) (Born: February 13, 2032) Siblings: None Other Relatives: Lots of aunts, uncles, cousins; most notable - Aunt Grace Ridlyn (Born: August 30, 2035) Pets: None Appearance Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue-grey Skin Color: Fair Height: Apprx. 5'5 1/2" Extra Info Personality: Vashti can be a little shy when she is in a new place and knows absolutely nobody, but generally she's very bubbly, out-going, and fun-loving. She loves to laugh and have a good time, though she does know when to be serious. She's typically very even-tempered but is easily frustrated and angered by certain things, and she can be incredibly stubborn. Being a Ravenclaw, Vashti is very intelligent though she tries not to act like a know-it-all. She likes to think logically but certainly isn't afraid to think outside the box, and she absolutely adores reading - she almost always has a book with her. However, she is often worried about her grades and can get really worked up if she thinks she's going to fail. When she's in such a state, it's usually in your best interests to just let her be, no matter how much she might try to force you to quiz her on something. Also, when she gets really nervous, she starts biting on her nails. She is also very disorganized and likes to multi-task, which isn't always good for her. Also, Vashti likes to eat. A LOT. Especially candy, ice cream, and desserts in general. Likes: ~Being around her family and friendsDislikes: ~Bad gradesFear: ~Losing both of her parents |
Nickname: Robert, Robbie, Bertie (by some students) Age: 11 Birthday: April 17th P.o.B: Hobart, Australia Residence: London, England Heritage: Half-blood Year: First year Wand: 11.9 inch, Beech wood, Sphinx Hair core, Twirly. Appearance Hair: Black Eyes: Black Height: 5' 4" Personality Robert is quiet person, but smart. Sometimes can be talkative. He love traveling and reading. Family Father: Alfred Landletuff- Muggle Mother: Molly Landletuff- Witch Sister: Alice Landletuff- Witch, graduated from Hogwarts and work in Department of the Law Enforcement of British Ministry of Magic. Robert was born in Australia. His mother work in Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures of the Australian Ministry of Magic. And his father work in a muggle office. 7 years ago, they move to London. And his mother move to Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures of the British Ministry of Magic. When he turned eleven, he received a letter from Hogwarts and began study at Hogwarts. |
Character Name: Katelynn Kimberly Livinghay Nickname: Kat Character Age: 11 Heritage: half and half Year in School: Firstie Wand: Springy 12 inches cherry wood, with unicorn hair core Pet: None Physical Description: Katelynn's got long dark hair, and deep brown eyes. She's a bit short for hair age, and is thin. Though she doesn't appear to be, Katelynn is actually a very strong girl, and she also loves to fly. Her cousin has taught her Quidditch, and she would love to play chaser for the house team - but not until she gets to know the school better She is horribly clumsy, and easily gets embarrassed, unless she is with friends, and relaxed - then she can just laugh at herself. More About You: Her father is a muggle, but her mother is pureblood, and is related to Rowena Ravenclaw. |
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...-Graystone.jpg Character Name: Luinevaug Celebrindal (goes by Luin) Character Age: 11 Born: August 26th, 2062 Year in School: 1st Wand: 11 3/4", Beech, Unicorn mane, swishy Pet: Tawny owl, Abitha Physical Description: Luin is tall for a girl, with an athletic but thin build, with long, black hair that has silver highlights throughout. It is slightly wavy and always healthy and neat. Her eyes are silvery, they seem grey when she is sad or mad but at other times they glitter. More about you (family background, friends, etc.): Family: Robert Celebrindal, father, Auror, 45 Larissa Celebrindal II, mother, Auror (deceased, age 38, in 2067) History/Personality: Luin’s parents were both Aurors but her mother was killed in action when she was very young. Before that incident, she grew up in France, but with the loss, Luin’s father decided to raise Luin somewhere else, closer to the magical society and so they moved to London. Luin is somewhat shy, being very into reading all the time and learning new things. She has photographic memory so she learns things very fast. Growing up, she was constantly trying to find new ways to do things and figure out problems. She is incredibly attached to her father and grew up helping him with everything. She carries around a locket with an L inscribed on it and a picture of her mother inside of it, constantly reminding herself of the sacrifice her mother made and her vow to make as much of herself as she can. |
Name: Salina Malfoy Age: 11 D.O.B: 16th August P.O.B: London, England. Current Residence: Malfoy Manor Heritage: Mixed Blood, Half-Veela House: Ravenclaw. Year: 1st Relationship Status: Single. Patronus: Cat Boggart: Her mother, dead. Amortentia: Roses Wand: 11 ¼", Mahogany, Veela Hair core, Swishy. Favourite Subject/s: Charms Least Favourite Subject/s: Divination Hair: Platinum Blonde Hair style: Full fringe that ends just above eyebrows, the rest of her straight waist-length hair tied up in a high ponytail. Eyes: Blue Complexion: pale Height: 5’ 4" and still growing Build: slim but with subtle curves Style: Usually found in a tube top, a sweater and blue jeans. Family: Mother: Elise Taylor (Veela) Father: Orion Malfoy (Deceased) Brother: Regulus Malfoy Grandmother: Rose Malfoy (Weasley) Grandfather: Scorpius Malfoy Cousins: None Pre-Hogwarts: Salina's life was a mess before Hogwarts. Her father passed when she was seven, and was left to comfort her grieving mother. Her grandparents invited her family back to Malfoy Manor, insisting that it was no problem. Her father had passed during an Auror mission involving a dark wizard, Voldemortis. Her life crumbled apart after her elder brother, Regulus went to Durmstrang. She lost her pillar of support... Until she arrived at Hogwarts. Hogwarts: Salina recieved her letter shortly before her birthday, and was sorted into Ravenclaw immediately. She has met several Ravenclaws already, and a handful of Slytherins. She hopes to prove to be half as brilliant as her grandmother, Rose Malfoy (Nee Weasley), who had achieved 10 OWLs. Personality: she's shy, but once you get to know her, bubbly and just slightly sarcastic. Likes: - Books - Her guitar - Dancing - Water - Music: Better than Revenge, Speak now, generally Taylor Swift. Dislikes: - dark - spiders Pets: - Zara (kitten) Motto: Love to be loved, and you will be loved. (OOC: It's weird, I know.) |
introduction Ravenclaw Character: Severina Stronglight-Snape Born : Jan8 2061 Year in School: 2nd year Wand: Oak 12" with unicorn hair core Pet: a cat named Minerva Physical description: Dark long hair, straight, black eyes which look deep blue at times Family: Mother named Quick Raven, Lakota Tribe USA witch, healer Father; born East London Veterinarian History: Severina loves animals and worked with her father in LOndons East end helping stray animals. Her mother married Jack Snape when he came to US to study Native AMerican communication with animals SHe wears a locket with Severus Snape picture in it... He is her hero.:snape2: |
Name : Arienna Hotchkiss Malone Nickname: Ari Age : 17 DOB: October 13th House : Ravenclaw Appearance - i. Hair : Ari keeps her hair very short; It's a red-brown color and is very feather-like--it sticks out in all directions. ii. Eye colour : Underneath the milky film, Ari's eyes are a crystal green color. iii. Height : 5'9" iv. Weight : 128 v. Defining physical features : Ari never goes anywhere without wearing her dark sunglasses and carrying her white cane*. She has a small scar on the side of her neck from a broken cello string. Background -Ari was born to Fiona and Brendan Malone, and is the first person in her family to be born in England. Her family is from Ireland, and they are purebloods. She was blind at birth, much to the horror of her family, and therefore had little to no childhood. Her sister, Alice, is two years older than her, and no longer lives at home. From very early on, it was apparent that the family's dreams were meant to be lived through Alice; They wanted her to play the cello and attent Hogwarts, taking as many classes as possible. But, instead, Ari taught herself to play the cello when she was nine years old. When Ari was eleven, she had been playing the cello while arguing with her mother about not wanting to go to a school for the disabled. Until this day, Ari's family thought she was a squib, as she had never manifested any signs of magic. In the middle of the argument, Ari's mother told her that she couldn't go to Hogwarts because she was blind, and it was too large. One of Ari's cello strings broke, resulting in the scar on her neck, and a picture frame sitting on the mantle of the fireplace cracked. The picture was of Alice, who had been told at a very early age that she could go. Having spent several years at a school for the disabled, Ari would no longer take 'no' for an answer when she asked to learn at Hogwarts, and came in her fourth year. Extra In-Depth Analysis - Ari dosen't care for people at all. She is perfectly contented with being alone**. Despite this, Ari has a gift for reading people's energy, and she is never wrong. While the energy of her family repulses her, very few people make her smile, and even less people are truly able to overlook her sightlessness. She is fascinated with the human nature, even though she dosen't understand a lot of it, and is prone to asking bold questions. She can't stand to be told what she can't do, even though she will admit to not being able to do many things. Ari is convinced sometimes that she isn't human because she has nothing dear to her. The closest thing to her is her cello, and she "isn't even particularly attatched to it." It dosen't much bother her, but she is sure she will never fall in love. It's not really a question of ability, but willingness. Ari does much better by herself, preferring iscolation, and she resents the way the people around her influence her***. Their negative energy. When, on the rare occasions, she cries, she will refuse to wipe away the tears, believing in her heart that it is a sign of weakness. She will not confide in people--she dosen't know how. Instead, she will play her cello for as loud and long as she has to, usually turning sadness into smoldering determination, not caring what people saying about bottling things up. Ari views her soul like an experiment, not a treasure, depending on the energy of a very select group of people to keep it viable. Likes: Mister Kapoor Playing her cello The smell of rain Music Having short hair Proving people wrong Positive energy The koi pond in her back yard People (who are indifferent to her blindness) asking her about her sightlessness. Rock gardens River rocks Her leather boots Not feeling human Dislikes: Not feeling human Being told what she can't do Noise Getting lost and admitting it Negative energy Long hair Crowds Things being moved Dry weather you want to and no one can stop you." *Ari, the imaganitive inventor that she is, has perfected a spell that allows her to detect obstacles with her wand, not unlike the way a bat uses sonar. If she does not have her cane out, she has her want out, and vise-versa. **Ari, with her gift for reading energy, will be happy in the company of certain people, while she can be very frank with those with dark or otherwise nasty energies. ***With her last year of school, Ari has become surprisingly outgoing, prone to initiating contact instead of avoiding it. She has finally become what a normal 17-year old girl should be. Fun-loving and energetic. At least, as much as one can be when one is blind. A few OOC notes from Ari's creator: Don't be afraid of her. Don't be keen to avoid her; It's her last year, and she dosen't bite. Also, don't tell her I said this, but the girl needs a boyfriend. Like, SRSLY. Don't bother to watch what you say--she's heard it all. Besides. That'd be "interfering with her experiment". ;) |
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