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demented_death_eater 12-07-2010 01:49 AM

What in Merlin's Beard? Term 27 (2073-2074)

A bit confused about the plot? Housemates talking about a mysterious something going bump in the night? Here's where you can catch up on happenings around the Castle, Diagon Alley, and Hogsmeade -- out of character, of course.

This means that unless your student character heard this stuff from other students or witnessed the actual event, your student character doesn't know about it.

Also, this is a reminder to everyone to only post updates on the school plot here. Please do not post the happenings of your student character in here - that kind of chat goes in the school chat thread.

Have fun!

demented_death_eater 12-07-2010 02:00 AM

Who’s Who - Term 27 (2073-2074)
:sort: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster - Prof. Gaellen L. Tate (Cassirin)
Deputy Headmaster - Prof. Maximus O. Vindictus (demented_death_eater)

:sort:School Staff
Ancient Runes – Prof. Ethan Truebridge (Con_Stripes)
Arithmancy - Prof. Josephina F. Hadley (PhoenixRising)
Astronomy - Prof. Risu Antares (Antarctica!)
CoMC - Prof. Maya Saylen (Luna Laufghudd)
Charms - Prof. Jared Descoteaux (Maxilocks)
DADA - Prof. Gaellen L. Tate (Cassirin)
Divination - Prof. Renée A. Bishop (SilverTiger)
Flying - Prof. Maximus O. Vindictus (demented_death_eater)
Herbology - Prof. Charlie Mugwort (AmbiguouslyMe)
History of Magic – Prof. Sylvie-Renée Welton (DH Vixen)
Muggle Studies – Prof. Jeremy Zookara (Lislchen)
Potions - Prof. Hecate S. Lafay (Droo)
Transfiguration – Prof. Isabelle Magnus (MeredithRodneyMcKay)

Groundskeeper - Mr. Chad Stryker (Tailzerr)
School Healer (Nurse) – Ms. Lilyan C. Moretti (Colley ♥)
Librarian – Ms. Kimber L. Donovan (Liisa)
School Poltergeist - Peeves
School Ghost - Moaning Myrtle

Head Boy – Kellen Stern (Ashwinder)
Head Girl – Trixie Malfoy (feltbeatslover22)

:gryff: Gryffindor
House Ghost - Sir "Nearly Headless" Nick
Head of House - Ms. Kimber L. Donovan (Liisa)
House Moderator - Prof. Jared Descoteaux (Maxilocks)
House Prefects - Patroclus Hudson (PattyH.), Sophie Connolly (Nordic Witch)

:huff: Hufflepuff
House Ghost - The Fat Friar
Head of House - Ms. Lilyan C. Moretti (Colley ♥)
House Moderator – Prof. Josephina F. Hadley (PhoenixRising)
House Prefects – Cedric Leone (Wenzlebug), Wesley A. Reagan (imaginarynumb3rs)

:claw: Ravenclaw
House Ghost - The Grey Lady
Head of House - Prof. Maximus O. Vindictus (demented_death_eater)
House Moderator - Prof. Charlie Mugwort (AmbiguouslyMe)
House Prefects – Finlay Carmicheal (RachieRu), Ivory Erised (Ivy Nienna)

:slyth: Slytherin
House Ghost - The Bloody Baron
Head of House - Prof. Prof. Hecate S. Lafay (Droo)
House Moderator - Prof. Jeremy Zookara (Lislchen)
House Prefects – Evan Cartwright (Deniiz), Iris Beaumont (Nixy!)

Gobstones – Prof. Risu Antares (Antarctica!), Prof. Josephina F. Hadley (PhoenixRising)

:snitch: Quidditch
Quidditch Official - Prof. Maximus O. Vindictus (demented_death_eater)
Gryffindor Captain - Simon Bennett (Macavity)
Hufflepuff Captain - Melanie Lockhart (Lindzers)
Ravenclaw Captain - Jacob Blunt (Walrus)
Slytherin Captain – Aaron Anderson (RobinBoyWonder)

demented_death_eater 01-04-2011 04:48 AM

Headmaster Tate has given his speech:

"If I can have your attention, students... if you can bear with me for a few moments of business chatter, there is a bountiful feast as reward on the other side. I welcome you back to Hogwarts once again. To returning students, you will see new faces at the staff table. Please make every effort to welcome staff members and students to our home. To new students... the rules at Hogwarts are simple and we will make every effort to make them clear. First and foremost, make good choices and do not die."

Always always... do not die.

"In addition to our new staff, we also welcome Mr. Ikenna Gevrik to Hogwarts. He will be serving as... a special security consultant and is very interested in making the school as safe as possible. It is my desire that you make him welcome and listen to everything he has to say. It is, of course, your own responsibility to weigh those things you hear against your own conscience and make decisions that are right for yourself."

Very short and to the point.

Lislchen 01-04-2011 11:06 AM

Also the newly appointed creepy Mr. Gevrik, responsible for security at the school, has taken the time to give a speech.


Originally Posted by Ikenna Gevrik (Post 10079407)
As a masterful, focused man often does, Ikenna ignored those around him still trying to address him and waited for Casey Tate's introduction. He stiffly returned the 'bow', or whatever that awkward jerking was, and then turned out toward the students.

"Thank you for that welcome, Headmaster Tate. I am, as he said, Mr. Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison to the School." He extended a warm smile toward the assembled students and bowed in their direction as well, though at the same time he swept his arms out, he also cast a nonverbal sticking charm at Vindictus' hands in mid-clap.

With the clapping stopped and a dead silence in the Hall, Ikenna straightened back up with a genuinely friendly expression.

"Those of you who can recall events of the past, from a flooding school to an underground fight club, will find it easy to see why the Ministry of Magic has concerns about security around its most precious asset: the bodies and minds of our future leaders. Those of you who may be younger will at the least realize that a heightened sense of safety and security around the castle will not only allow everyone to sleep better at night, but it will also pre-empt any future warnings from your professors, such as orders to 'do not die.'"

Gevrik's beetle-like eyes glittered for a moment with amusement as he cracked a smile, and then he continued onward in a most amicable tone.

"Perhaps some of your good, safe choices this year will lead to good rewards, not only for you, your professors or your house-mates, but perhaps also for the betterment of all mankind. The times are changing swiftly and as the Headmaster said, I can only ask that you lend me your ears and remain open-minded this school year, for you will all find that I am not your typical dose of Ministry intervention."

No, Ikenna Gevrik could be something much more sinister...but he did not drop the smile from his face or the friendliness in his tone...yet.

"Again, I appreciate Hogwarts opening its doors to me and I can only hope that you will all also open your minds and hearts, for I hold the safety and security of us all very dear in mine."

He bowed his head once more to signify the end of his speech and then smoothly slid back down into his seat.


littledhampir 01-08-2011 05:11 PM

^ the dude mentioned above is leaving strange gifts to some of the professors.

Here Here

...I thought there was one more...maybe not.

Lezleighd 01-09-2011 12:14 AM

Here's the other gift....

Healer's Desk


Felixir 01-28-2011 01:57 AM

SO MUCH STUFF, links may be edited in later.

Soooooo... a bunch of classes have been centred around the statute/muggles. For example, Transfiguration, Potions, Care of Magical Creatures (like, mention of the statute in the latter).

Also, there's been talk of the Statute in the office of Ikenna Gevrik. Probably other offices? (iFail at stalking)

Ikenna Gevrik is holding a Meet and Greet in the Hogs Head.

A witch and a wizard have sprung up on the streets of Hogsmeade. One with a bowtruckle who is certainly not named Stanley.

Characters' differing opinions are starting to show now :xd:

Anna Banana 01-30-2011 04:21 AM

Hmm, this was one interesting speech to read:


Originally Posted by Ikenna Gevrik (Post 10148587)
"Students, professors, patrons - everyone gathered here today." Ikenna slowly allowed his arms to fall. "Thank you for coming. As promised, today is a meet-and-greet party, not just for all of you to meet me," he smiled around at them all, the corners of his eyes crinkling with warmth, "but also for you to get to know each other. We have some brilliant minds here, both younger and older, and I can only hope that such brilliant minds will continue to work together the same way you all have gotten to know each other in the pub today."


"Now then, it seems we have some confusion on why exactly I am vital to Hogwarts, the Ministry, and to all of you, and why exactly my presence in this very pub should necessitate a gathering." Ikenna allowed himself a cheerful chuckle and brought his hands back together in a loose clasp. "I will again be honest in informing you that I am a high-ranking 'employee' in the current British Ministry of Magic, and, should these things matter to you, I also possess a unique skill set in the arts of counter-intelligence and security. It is because of my abilities and my connections that I am here today."

Gevrik's tone was gradually beginning to take on the pacing of a well-practised discourse. It made him sound all the more trustworthy, like a new and easily likeable professor.

"Who these connections are will be made more clear to you in time. If you would like answers now, please seek out a copy of the Quibbler magazine or get into contact with one of my colleagues here today."

Ikenna glanced toward Josephina, Hecate and Isabelle, flashing them all smiles before he continued.

"It is true that I do possess certain beliefs considered 'controversial' by a few, but it also these strong convictions of mine that make me so adept at securing Hogwarts. I have friends in high places, friends that have been working in the knight to bring our widely-accepted views to light, and friends that are currently working on the very streets of Hogsmeade right now."

He smiled even more broadly, half-nudging his head toward the street where there was a witch and a wizard acquaintance of his working to solicit students at this very moment.

"We all have friends, eh? As you continue your educational journey at Hogwarts and beyond, I hope that you feel you can rely on me as you would your friends.

"I assure you, if you cooperate with me and open your mind to my ideas, not just about security but also about using magic to broaden the connection between wizards and Muggles, to save the environment, and to strike real change into the hearts of ineffective leaders, then only good things will happen to you.

"I am not a hard man to contact or connect to - just look at my generosity with the drinks and chocolate! - so as I said before, please, enjoy them all now.

"Things can only change for the better from here."

Gevrik brought his hands together and tapped his throat again to remove the speaking charm. He bowed his head politely to signify the end of his speech and then gave a general wave toward the crowd and those sympathetic to his cause in particular.

Then he was gone, disappearing into the crowd of the pub and perhaps even those out on the street, just like a Ghost.

Felixir 02-09-2011 06:29 PM

Everything... EVERYTHING... appears to be about muggles in class. I mean... despite a couple of exceptions... everything is just mugglecentric D:

Maybe this is to be noted?

Far too many links/quotes to even TRY and put in here.

ALSO... I meant to put this in here ages ago but I couldn't remember where I'd read it, and I just remembered today XD So... it's obvious now and quite possibly linked to... *points up at what I just said*


Originally Posted by Cassirin (Post 10121370)
Yet? So he might be back to complain LATER?


"I received the papers, and you're cleared to complete your seventh year. I sincerely doubt you've studied exactly what is expected, but because of the recent change to curriculum from the Ministry... well. You'll be in the same boat as everyone else," Tate studied his hands for a moment before making eye contact with the boy.

A request? Hmmm. "Requests are conditional. What is it you'd like?"

The bolded, yo =P

Luna Laufghudd 02-13-2011 02:46 PM

Young Wizards Hunting Organisation meeting has started!
Go check it out and see what YOU can do *wink*


The Perfect Prefect High Tea party has started. The theme is 'English History' so hurry up and find a costume and enjoy the many foods and entertainment set up for you!

Nordic Witch 02-24-2011 05:44 PM

Some post owl's have delivered invitations to three school professors; Headmaster Tate, Professor Hadley and Healer Moretti.


Originally Posted by Mangig the Scops Owl (Post 10194525)

The tiny owl had pinged his way up the hallway, bouncing back and forth between the walls and leaving a trail of confused people in his wake, only to be stopped by the door of the hospital wing being closed.

He was an impatient owl. Those two minutes had been the longest two minutes of his owly little life.

But finally, some student had opened the door, and he'd flown through that one and directly into the next, managing to make it inside just before some kid who was leaving could snap it shut.

Luckily his feathers were unscathed.

Now, the tiny owl circled the office in a frenzy, head turning as he flew so he could stare at the woman who was supposed to be taking the letter and package off his leg.

If she could. Mangig hadn't seemed to quite have grasped the idea that people had to catch him to do that.

SPOILER!!: your letter and package, once you catch me. ;)

Small box of posters and a quick note: Use these as you see appropriate.

Why have only these staffer's been especially invited to the gathering in Diagon Alley?:shifty::erm:

demented_death_eater 02-25-2011 05:17 AM

Headmaster Tate interrupted Professor Vindictus's class and asked the Deputy Headmaster to teach Herbology.


Originally Posted by Tate (Post 10198887)
"I apologize for interrupting your class. I was hoping to catch you in your office, but my timing seems to be off. How do you feel about... erm... Herbology?" And maybe, if he was lucky, the man wouldn't ask any clarifying questions in front of the students.


Originally Posted by Vindictus
"Herbology? It's a cool subject. Enjoyed it back in my student days here at Hogwarts and at university. I always enjoyed the lessons on lawn care, weed eradication, and fertilizer," he grinned and folded his arms. "Did you know that the best fertilizer to use on a pitch is dragon dung? That's why Hogwarts' pitch is picture-perfect!" Out of habit, he clicked his tongue against his teeth, winked and flashed his winning smile.


Originally Posted by Tate (Post 10198897)
"Good. Very good. You're teaching it until I can... figure some things out," he patted his pockets for a moment before realizing there was no classroom key to hand over. "The greenhouses are unlocked. Erm. Good luck."


Originally Posted by Vindictus
"Um . . . I'm W-WHAT?" he stammered. "Former professional athlete here. I don't do classes that have textbooks weighing more than 1 pound."


Originally Posted by Tate (Post 10198910)
"Please, Max," Tate dropped his voice, his expression serious. "We're in a bind here. Mugwort is gone, and he isn't coming back. We have a hole to fill, and I'm not interested in letting Gevrik do it. Who knows who he'd put into the school?"


Originally Posted by Vindictus
"Mugwort is gone? Did he even show up?" Vindictus asked but he stopped his questioning when Tate mentioned Gevrik. He didn't like the man at all. "Okay. I'll do it until you find a replacement."

Lezleighd 03-03-2011 02:14 AM

A few select professors AND students have been invited to a special event for the new Undersecretary of the Ministry, and former Hogwarts Professor, Bertie Botts, Berty Borr.


Felixir 03-07-2011 10:28 PM

Uh-oh? o.o


Originally Posted by Herjenmie the Eagle Owl (Post 10213125)
Owls, as a whole, can be very good at being silence. Their wings are built in such a way that flight is soundless, their beats unheard as they approach their prey. Their hoots are quiet, muted even, to avoid attention.

Herjenmie was really not a normal owl.

He did not often opt for silence; in fact, as he arrived at the castle, he'd let out a few loud hoots on his way through the courtyard, just so the few students there would realise he was present. After all, one did not get treats by being silent, did they?! (Herjenmie also staunchly ignored the fact that other owls seemed to do fine on the treat front without being loud.) As he swooped through the window, he stretched out one leg and tapped his talons against the window.

It was only polite to knock before entering, wasn't it.

Wings spread wide, making him possibly appear to be quite the intimidating, large creature, Herjenmie approached the desk, not immediately folding his wings upon landing and instead choosing to flail them about a bit before tucking them against his body. Head cocked, he stared at the headmaster dude for a moment, big eyes thoughtful.

Hop. Hophop. He moved closer to the man, spreading his wings a little again when he held up his leg with the letter attached. Wobbling, he ended up hopping back a step or two on the desk, knocking things askew as he flopped onto his back and flailed around momentarily to right himself.

Herjenmie had bad balance after long flights.


To Headmaster Gaellen Tate,

It has come to the Minister's attention that you are not following the curriculum set by the British Ministry of Magic and approved by the International Confederation of Wizards. As you are well aware, this curriculum change was set by the Hogwarts Board of Governors and you were instructed to lead the way in this, as is required by your position as headmaster of Hogwarts School.

This is serious misconduct and as it directly effects the education of the children of Wizarding Britain, you will be held accountable. The severity of this offence requires immediate action. I myself will arrive shortly to visit with you on this matter, and we shall discuss the next step.

Please await my arrival in your office.

Martel D'Isigny

Erindipity 03-14-2011 03:50 AM

Is it just me... or does it look like the Muggle Repelling spells have fallen...

Muggles have enteres the FRONT GATES

littledhampir 03-15-2011 12:37 AM

Now the Muggles are at the Whomping Willow. Hopefully they don't touch it.

potterobsessionist 03-15-2011 12:46 AM

Some staff members now know the students aren't alone! phew

Profesor Bishop found out ,Professor Zookara is on his way and the Groundskeeper Chad Stryker is also informed.

But when will the party guests arrive? :shifty: Along with the Headmaster?

Lezleighd 03-23-2011 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by Berty Borr (Post 10235113)

"I see the children of Hogwarts are preparing to go. I think we all should take a page from their book and GET BACK TO WORK. CHILDREN? Are you listening?" Lord Borr paused generously to await for their small brains to catch up. "I am very proud of you, in spite of your melodic shortcomings. Even still, I want you to go away with something. I want you to take back a GIFT to your fellow students and you can tell them that YOU - and me - are responsible for the gift."

Lord Borr paused again for dramatic emphasis and for gaseous bowel rumbling relief.

"I have canceled all NEWTs and OWLs for this year! YOU'RE WELCOME! Tell all your peers what we did for them!"

Lord Borr clapped for himself and the students of Hogwarts. "Finish your plates and conversations, then get back to WORK! Get ready for change!"

Lord Borr just announced that he canceled all NEWTs and OWLS for the year!!!

demented_death_eater 03-26-2011 10:00 PM

Quidditch Results, Term 27
:hoops:Term 27 Leader Board:hoops:

Blocked Shots
1. Amadeus Kipling (R) - 11
2. Sierra Greingoth (S) - 8
3. Carter Phillips (G) - 5
4. Treyen Lockhart (H) - 4
4. Melanie Lockhart (H) - 4

Goals Scored
1. Patroclus Hudson (G) - 8
2. Aaron Anderson (S) - 7
3. Vashti Greenwell (R) - 5
3. Emily Browne (R) - 5
3. Melanie Lockhart (H) - 5
5. Simon De Simpson (H) -4

Bludger Hits
1. Amadeus Kipling (R) - 5
1. Freya Salvatore (S) - 5
3. Jacob Blunt (R) - 3
4. Isobel VonHue (H) - 2
5. Elliot Humphrey (S) - 1
5. Derian Lycaon (G) - 1
5. Joshua Carter (G) - 1
5. Kaia Barnard (H) - 1

Snitch Captures
1. Ellie Stone (R) - 6
1. Jakers Morgan (H) - 6
3. Evelyn Flores-Shepard (S) - 5
4. James Wilkes (R) - 3
5. Lea Sinclair (G) - 2

Final Team Standings
1. Ravenclaw
2. Hufflepuff
3. Slytherin
4. Gryffindor

PhoenixRising 03-31-2011 02:02 PM

Gobstones Results, Term 27
Gobstones Leader Board

Final Standings
1st: Slytherin
2nd: Hufflepuff
3rd: Ravenclaw
4th: Gryffindor

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