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Colley 12-03-2010 09:07 AM

Waiting Room for Patients and Visitors
Banner by: Gryffindoll
OOC: If your character is ill or injured, please post in the check in area first.

Once you've notified Healer Moretti that you are in the Hospital Wing and in need of medical attention, you will be escorted into the Waiting Room. There is only one Healer, but no need to worry your pretty head, everyone will receive the proper amount of attention.

Take a seat and relax, no need to aggravate your condition, the Healer will see you soon.

OOC: Please keep in mind that there may be many people in the hospital wing at the same time. Inevitably, time lines overlap, and I will try my best to get to you as soon as I possibly can. Also, Let's keep the chatting to a minimum.

Nabs 01-06-2011 08:28 AM

No Healer, no School Nurse, nothing, nada, ZILCH!

Sally was going to have to write to his mother about this atrocious service. Upon completing his registration, he fell back into one of the seats and released a heavy-hearted sigh before closing his eyes slowly and then covering his mouth with his handkerchief once more.

Two seconds before he would start whining for the nurse.

Colley 01-06-2011 12:25 PM

Lilyan had been in her office, but was notified of a student waiting, when his sign in appeared in her book.

Great. Another one of those.

What a way to start out the term, right? She made her way into the waiting room and smiled at the boy, who kind of looked like a bit of a drama queen.... "Let's head into Room One, shall we?" She gestured to the long hall.

Felixir 01-06-2011 07:35 PM

After checking in, Jake sat in a chair, sunglasses still on. He hoped he wasn't asked to take them off because behind the shades his eyes were red and bloodshot. He hadn't spoke yet, but when he did, it was quite thickly. Jake hated those telltale signs.

Once more regretting that stupid outburst, Jake waited, not paying attention to much else, ignoring his throbbing hand.

Colley 01-06-2011 09:36 PM

As she waited for the first boy, Lily watched the Hufflepuff walk in and sit down.

He was wearing sunglasses.


She didn't comment.

"Jake, why don't you head into Room Two? I'll be there soon." Yes, she had remembered his request to not use his last name, and she'd told him she would honor it.

So she did.

Felixir 01-06-2011 10:25 PM

Wanting to respond verbally but not quite able to make a voice... happen, Jake nodded and stood again, heading into room two but not before glancing at that other boy.

Now he really did feel uncomfortable about being rude... but then again, he'd have to talk soon.

So... yeah.

Nabs 01-07-2011 02:14 AM

"Oh," Sally looked up forlornly at the Healer lady, the amount of woe injected into that one syllable was enough to make even the most perky Hufflepuff want to weep, "Alright...."

He pulled himself out of the chair, stumbling slightly on his first step before making a valiant effort to pull himself together and walk towards his assigned room. As he passed by the older boy, he cast the full effect of his miserableness on him, "All the best, Jake..."

He played nice, because after all... in sickness, who did they have but each other?

In truth, Salmandrius Beaugustus Malfoy just craved the attention, and he looked like a right git walking across the waiting room at the pace of a flobberworm. Such was the effect of having an overly-doting mother.

MoviegoerKinz 01-07-2011 07:58 PM

Rafe filled out the form and took a seat. His lip had stopped throbbing, but there still was a little bit of blood. Rafe took in a deep breath. He was wondering if his brother dearest would be showing up a little later too. Rafe did give him quite a pounding, but actually went a little easy on Derian considering the circumstances. A little punch to the face was nothing. He was just tired of all the scars he accumulated over the years from his wolf brothers. He figured there was nothing much he could do, they were given to him by a magical being, so the chances of them going away were limited.

RedRabbit 01-08-2011 04:10 AM

*Walking over to an empty chair Matty sat down pinching his nose. He still had blood running down his chin with no stop in sight. Thankfully he used a charm that kept the blood under control. Now all he had to do was wait.*

sarahlooo 01-08-2011 07:01 PM

After signing the up at the podium, Ellie took a seat in the waiting room. Ohh, her sock was turning pretty red. Eughh.

DuckyLinJi 01-08-2011 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by sarahkbarrett (Post 10091235)
After signing the up at the podium, Ellie took a seat in the waiting room. Ohh, her sock was turning pretty red. Eughh.

Hyun followed the girl in to the waiting room and took a seat next to her.
He looked down at her ankle and frowned as her sock turned red. Well it would be stupid to ask if she was OK because she obvliously wasn't! "Uhm... i'm Hyun" he said nodding his head but without a smile. Hyun never smiled, except when he was with his kitten, so why should he know? He leaned back in his chair and waited for the nurse.

Colley 01-08-2011 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by MoviegoerKinz (Post 10088226)
Rafe filled out the form and took a seat. His lip had stopped throbbing, but there still was a little bit of blood. Rafe took in a deep breath. He was wondering if his brother dearest would be showing up a little later too. Rafe did give him quite a pounding, but actually went a little easy on Derian considering the circumstances. A little punch to the face was nothing. He was just tired of all the scars he accumulated over the years from his wolf brothers. He figured there was nothing much he could do, they were given to him by a magical being, so the chances of them going away were limited.

"Room Two." Lilyan said to the boy as she walked past.


Originally Posted by Gabben (Post 10089559)
*Walking over to an empty chair Matty sat down pinching his nose. He still had blood running down his chin with no stop in sight. Thankfully he used a charm that kept the blood under control. Now all he had to do was wait.*

"Room Four." She continued past, a very very busy woman.


Originally Posted by sarahkbarrett (Post 10091235)
After signing the up at the podium, Ellie took a seat in the waiting room. Ohh, her sock was turning pretty red. Eughh.


Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF (Post 10091254)
Hyun followed the girl in to the waiting room and took a seat next to her.
He looked down at her ankle and frowned as her sock turned red. Well it would be stupid to ask if she was OK because she obvliously wasn't! "Uhm... i'm Hyun" he said nodding his head but without a smile. Hyun never smiled, except when he was with his kitten, so why should he know? He leaned back in his chair and waited for the nurse.

"I'll be with you two as soon as I can." She added to the newcomers as they made their way inside the room, "Just sit tight." Then she magicked a small cloth and handed it to the girl, "For the blood."

And then she was off again.

MoviegoerKinz 01-08-2011 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Colley ♥ (Post 10091279)
"Room Two." Lilyan said to the boy as she walked past.

Rafe was a little surprised to be called in so soon, but without a word he went to room two.

RedRabbit 01-08-2011 07:58 PM

*With a sigh of thankfulness Matty nodded to her. His eyes full of water and blood still came down. Standing up drops of blood fell to the floor. Pulling out his wand he cleaned up his mess as he went.*
"tank ou-"

sarahlooo 01-08-2011 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF (Post 10091254)
Hyun followed the girl in to the waiting room and took a seat next to her.
He looked down at her ankle and frowned as her sock turned red. Well it would be stupid to ask if she was OK because she obvliously wasn't! "Uhm... i'm Hyun" he said nodding his head but without a smile. Hyun never smiled, except when he was with his kitten, so why should he know? He leaned back in his chair and waited for the nurse.

Hi Hyun." She said as he sat down next to her. "It's er... nice to meet you. Even under these very odd circumstances." She muttered that last bit. It wasn't every day save help a guy who's been attacked by a magical tree...


Originally Posted by Colley ♥ (Post 10091279)
["I'll be with you two as soon as I can." She added to the newcomers as they made their way inside the room, "Just sit tight." Then she magicked a small cloth and handed it to the girl, "For the blood."

And then she was off again.

Ellie watched the others in front of her go to their rooms and waited patiently for her turn. The nurse gave her a cloth for her ankle. "Oh, thank you." she said with a polite smile, tending her ankle. She frowned. Hmm, where was her handkerchief? Must have left it at the tree...

city_girl_95 01-08-2011 09:05 PM

Sheridan stomped into the hospital waiting room, trying not to lead a trail of mud into the room, before flopping down on the uncomfortable chair and leaning back, remembering the dripping red that came from her nose, she put her hand to it and leant back. That was what you were supposed to do right?

She wouldn't touch her hair, she'd already been scared out of her wits by the lump of blonde hair that had come loose and falling out on the blonde hair, and besides she was sure that her hair would go red if she touched it with her bare hand that was now covered in blood. Her eyesight had gone a bit haywire too, her eye just wanted to close and she wouldn't let it. Instead she planned how to kill Hendricks. Slowly and painfully she decided maliciously.

jengirls109 01-09-2011 05:49 AM

After signing in, Jaina took a seat in the waiting room. She felt fine like she had for all these years, but the prefect really thought that the nurse could help. She waited patiently to be called back and hoped that she would soon learn what was wrong with her.

Colley 01-10-2011 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by sarahkbarrett (Post 10091433)
Hi Hyun." She said as he sat down next to her. "It's er... nice to meet you. Even under these very odd circumstances." She muttered that last bit. It wasn't every day save help a guy who's been attacked by a magical tree...

Ellie watched the others in front of her go to their rooms and waited patiently for her turn. The nurse gave her a cloth for her ankle. "Oh, thank you." she said with a polite smile, tending her ankle. She frowned. Hmm, where was her handkerchief? Must have left it at the tree...

Lily returned to the room and the two children who had come in together, "You two, if you don't mind going to Room Two together?"

After all, they had come in together and they had obvious injuries, nothing that would be considered private.

Plus she needed the extra room.


Originally Posted by city_girl_95 (Post 10091531)
Sheridan stomped into the hospital waiting room, trying not to lead a trail of mud into the room, before flopping down on the uncomfortable chair and leaning back, remembering the dripping red that came from her nose, she put her hand to it and leant back. That was what you were supposed to do right?

She wouldn't touch her hair, she'd already been scared out of her wits by the lump of blonde hair that had come loose and falling out on the blonde hair, and besides she was sure that her hair would go red if she touched it with her bare hand that was now covered in blood. Her eyesight had gone a bit haywire too, her eye just wanted to close and she wouldn't let it. Instead she planned how to kill Hendricks. Slowly and painfully she decided maliciously.

"Room Four dear!" Lily called to the girl who didn't look so very pleased.

jengirls109 01-10-2011 05:17 AM

Jaina decided that this would be a good time to start penning a letter to best friend back home. She pulls out her stationary that Joshua gave her and begins to write:

"Dear Joshua, I miss you so much! This place is so cool and I'm so sorry that you can't be here "....

city_girl_95 01-10-2011 08:24 PM

Heh? Oh, room 4, right she pulled herself up, her head still tilted back, and made her way over to room 4, praying her nose and eye could be fixed by the end of the hour

ThePastelBookworm 01-10-2011 10:17 PM

joey waited with her head hurting and bones floppy.she did not know what she did but she was hurting.

Colley 01-13-2011 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by jengirls109 (Post 10093081)
After signing in, Jaina took a seat in the waiting room. She felt fine like she had for all these years, but the prefect really thought that the nurse could help. She waited patiently to be called back and hoped that she would soon learn what was wrong with her.

"Room Two."


Originally Posted by gothicravenclaw (Post 10098112)
joey waited with her head hurting and bones floppy.she did not know what she did but she was hurting.

"Room Three."

jengirls109 01-13-2011 05:29 AM

[QUOTE=Colley ♥;10104523]"Room Two."

"Yes ma'am" Jaina said. She got up and walked back to room 2.

ThePastelBookworm 01-13-2011 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Colley ♥ (Post 10096002)
Lily returned to the room and the two children who had come in together, "You two, if you don't mind going to Room Two together?"

After all, they had come in together and they had obvious injuries, nothing that would be considered private.

Plus she needed the extra room.

"Room Four dear!" Lily called to the girl who didn't look so very pleased.

okay ma'ma

Walrus 01-13-2011 11:01 PM

Jacob sat down in a chair, flinching when his bottom touched surface. A Burnt Bottom was not good, but Jacob didn't want to go to the nurse. He would much rather go to Lafay for a potion... She might set him on fire, but he'd already set himself on fire and Lafay wouldn't send him to the Nut house. Miss Nurse on the other hand was gonna ship him off to the Looney pen. It was all a giant plan, and they were all in on it. Vindictus, Tate, Miss Nurse, Ellie, His Own Wand!

But Ivory wouldn't let them take Jacob... Unless she was in on it too!

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