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Having put the pieces of card on each individual desk, Isabelle had arranged them in a semi-circular fashion, for now at least. Depending on what they would be doing later on, they could be moved. It was easy enough. Having placed several boxes of bits and bobs on the large wall length table behind her desk, she was now leaning against her desk, arms crossed and a smile of greeting on her face.
As well as the professor, the first thing you see upon entering is the large blackboard behind her right shoulder. Upon it was a message for the incoming students:
Please write your name, house and year on the card provided and place it at the front of your desk. Thank you.
OOC: As this was meant to open 3 hours ago (*pets SS*), I will not start the lesson proper until about 8PM GMT now. Please have your character enter and take their seat, filling out their details too. You can chat, but please DON'T do it excessively.
Isabelle flinched slightly as the boy stretched up and put the watch to her ear. Ticking, yesss. It was meant to do that. Unless it was broken of course and --- He wanted her to make it stop? Riiiight. What a sweet kid. Even if he was uncomfortably close to her ear. "Stop it talking? Urr, okay, yes, I can do that for you, if you feel it would help," she stuttered, still unsure if he was being serious or taking the Michael. Of course she could have just taken out the battery, but figured that maybe he might be offended by that. So instead Isabelle tapped it with her wand and raised her eyebrows in a questioning manner. "Better?" Well it was silent anyway.
Eino picked up the watch and held it close to his ear for a few seconds. There was not tic-toc. He shook it a little and listened to it again very attentively. Nothing. His eyes brightened and he jumped up from his seat and wrapped his arms around the professor. "Thank you." He said releasing her and then took his seat. Finally, he would be able to practice his spell. He picked up his wand, which had been resting on his desk for all this while and referred to his notes on the incantation and wand movement. "Let's see," He said raising his wand slightly, followed by the wand movement and finally the incantation. "Comletia!" The watch trembled, then shot in the air and fell back on top of the table, still as a watch. "Comletia!" He said again and this time the watch spun uncontrollably. "Comletia!" He said only final time and finally the watch turned into a compass. He picked it up and examined his newly acquired object before he move onto the net portion of class.
don't blink | you will be upgraded | silence will fall | exterminate
K-Lee decided to keep practicing her compass. Quickly making the compass look like a watch again, K-Lee sat and thought for a moment. What did she want her compass to look like exactly...
Smiling, K-Lee pointed her wand at the watch. She had an idea for a pretty compass now. Focusing all her attention on the spell, K-Lee did the spell, looking closely at the watch now compass.
The compass was purple, shiny and absolutely just what she wanted. Grinning, K-Lee looked over her compass some more, before leaving it on the front of her desk on show.
Why did these incantations have to be so hard to pronounce? Mia stared blankly at the Professor for a moment before looking down at her pretty clock-watch thingy. Taking a deep breath, she began to practice the incantation. "Com...le...tia...Com...le...tia...Com...le...tia. " Well now that she had managed to sound like a spaz, it was time to actually bring the incantation together.
With another deep breath, Mia tried again. "Comle...tia." No that wasn't how you said it. "Com...er...comle...grrr...comtia...oh for Merlin's sake...come hither..." Oops that certainly wasn't right.
Heaving a deep sigh, Mia rubbed her hair with her hands so that the ends were sticking up all over the place and she tried again. "Comle...tia...Comlet...Comletia...Comletia...Coml etia...Comletia." Oh yay, she had finally got it and it wasn't so hard now that she had got the hang of it.
Mia listened to the Professor's next set of instructions and then pulled out her wand. Right so from top, to bottom, left, to right, a circle and then jab. She did this motion a few times until her wand flowed in one solid movement. And now came the hard part. Doing the wand movement and the incantation at the same time.
She pulled her watch over so that it was now in front of her and practiced the incantation under her breath while moving her wand. When she was ready, Mia cleared her throat. She moved her wand down in a line from the top of the watch to the bottom and then from left to right, circling the watch and then ending with a jab. While she was doing the wand movement, she said the incantation. "Comletia."
Looking down at the watch, Mia was not surprised to see that the spell had not worked. She would have been shocked if it had of. None of her spells work first time. So again she moved her wand from the top to the bottom, left to right, circle and then jab. And again while she did this, Mia said the incantation, "Comletia." When she looked down at the watch, she was surprised to see that it was now a compass.
Well look at that. She had done it.
"Reverto." She said reversing the spell so that she could practice it again. Mia repeated the wand motions and incantations for another six times until she was completely confident that she could do it.
Now for the next task.
Create a diagram using the following instructions, and your compass:
Line 1: Starting at the top (North) of your parchment draw a diagonal line in the direction of South West.
Line 2: Continuing from that line, draw a line from South West to North East.
Line 3: Draw a line from North East towards the West side of your parchment.
Line 4: Draw a line from West to South East.
Line 5: Draw a line from South East to North - finishing by connecting to the place you started in.
Taking out some parchment and using her newly transfigured compass, Mia positioned her desk facing north. Glancing at the instructions and then moving her desk to where the compass directed her. She drew a line on her parchment each time she moved her desk to the new position. When she had finished, she couldn't help but grin at her abysmal drawing.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Text Cut: Magnum PI :P
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMcKay
Oh a boy with a question. Goodo. Say what now? Non-verbal? "Why yes it can, most spells can, Cedric, you just need to make sure you have that extra bit on concentration. Doing a spell non-verbally is perhaps twice as hard, but by all means give it a try if you think you can." He looked old enough to manage it.
Chewing her bottom lip, Isabelle eyed the students as they worked. They certainly seemed to be enjoying it *snort*. Maybe she should move onto something else they can do? Sighing, she moved over towards the blackboard and cleared off all the writing that was already on it. Scribbling with the chalk, instead this time of using magic for it, she wrote out another set of instructions.
Turning her attention back to the class, she cleared her throat to get their attention. "Those of you that wish to continue practising, please do so. The rest of you - I want to know whether your compasses work, and if you concentrated enough on the spell to get an accurate compass."Grin. Oh yes, it wasn't just an appearance thing. If their needle was wrong, or their letters in the wrong places, this wouldn't be successful for them. "So this is a little task to complete before I finish the lesson."
"I am going to set up a walled grid at the back of the room to make this fair - don't want you all to just copy what the person next to you is doing. Each compartment will have enough space for you and your desk and chair." Isabelle stopped and looked at the kids to make sure they were paying attention, or if she wasn't making sense and they had questions. "Don't be alarmed when the walls go up. You will be able to move out of them, but you WON'T be able to see anyone around you. If you wish to do this task, please write down ALL the instructions I have placed on this board, soon you won't be able to see them."
Checking that they had all made note, as she asked, Isabelle went about setting up the classroom. With a flick of her wand several walls shot up, concealing a few of the desks at the back of the room, but leaving some near the front open. "Please make your way to the front if you wish to continue practise, and to the one of the cubicles if you want to do this task."
OOC: The classroom now looks a bit like this, for anyone that wants to know.
She gave them all enough time to move around as they chose, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth as she waited.
"Right then, those of you that are doing this task please find North and turn your desk to face that EXACT direction. If your compass is correctly transfigured the red arrow should point to magnetic North. Then please take out a separate piece of parchment, and WITHOUT drawing the compass lines on it, please follow the directions I gave you before to create the image I'm looking for." She knew what it was, but she wanted to see if they could read their new compass, and get the lines going in the right directions. "Use your compass to get your bearings on the paper. Once you have finished, just give me a shout and I will get rid of your cubicle walls. You can start, please."
OOC: If you don't want to do this, and just keep practising instead, that's fine. Everyone else - I will take a hand drawn diagram, or one done using a graphics program. I'll post what the image should look like later when people have completed theirs. And if you have ANY QUESTIONS, don't hesitate to ask me or Isabelle!
Oh, and please try not to copy any pictures anyone else posts first. *snuggles you all*
Well that kinda answers his question.
Looks like he has to test it himself.
After noting down the instructions, Salander proceeded towards one of the walled cubicles with writing materials in one hand, the transfigured clock-compass in another. Truthfully he was grateful for the privacy, because directions arent his thing. Yes he is one of those dependents on the GPS system. Not that he's gonna admit that out loud. And thats if he even remembers use it when its hanging right above his head.
Settling into a desk, he began squiggling a few lines and looked at his parchment-- it resembled like some kind of bow tie or a really squarish fish. Is that right? He tried again and his next attempt was starting to look like a pine tree when he stopped suddenly, crumpled up his parchment and re-read the instructions. Couldnt they have transfigured something into a GPS system? It will be helpful for everybody-- Muggles and Wizardkind
Heaving a deep sigh he read the instructions for the nth time when he realized something-- his table wasnt turned around to face north. "Huh...." well no duh. He dragged his table around-- now it was facing where the red N was. He took out a fresh parchment and started drawing again, pausing on each and every step.
When he was done he leaned back into his seat. Well would you look at that....
Text Cut: Salander's parchment
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Sierra was getting angry at her pocket watch. For one, it was pink, and two--it just refused to turn into a compass! "Work, you blasted idiot!" she silently scolded it. With determination, she aimed her wand at it, made a small cross shape (top to bottom, left to right), moved right on into a circle movement, and then finally jabbed toward the watch. "Comletia!" she called out.
...and then finally, after what felt like hours of practicing, the pocket watch transformed itself into a compass, leaving Sierra to just stare at it as if she definitely wasn't expecting that result at all. Which she wasn't, of course.
So with that out of the way, she turned her attention to a set of instructions the professor was saying would soon be wiped completely away. She hurried to copy them down, flailing about a little on the inside just thinking about how far behind she was getting. With that finished and out of the way, she made her way to the cubicles to attempt completion at this task. It sort of looked...well, difficult.
With the walls up around her, Sierra placed her parchment and compass on the desk. She slowly and carefully turned her desk around and around, watching the compass all the while so she'd know when to stop. When the compass clearly read 'North', Sierra stopped turning the desk.
...and now, she was ready to draw what she hoped was the exact shape the professor wanted. It took her a few minutes, but when she was done, she stood back and admired her work:
Text Cut: Sierra's first attempt
...wait just a minute. Something about that just didn't seem quite right. Her shape looked like a weird arrow, and Sierra was sure the professor wasn't looking for anything like this. She made a face at her parchment, then reached for a fresh sheet and started over.
Sierra tried her hardest this time, constantly checking with her compass to make sure she was creating her lines in all the right directions. When she'd completed all the steps, she at least had a shape which definitely looked like something noticeable.
Text Cut: Sierra's second attempt
"Professor?" she hesitantly called out. "I think I'm done now. ...I think. I sort of didn't so well on my first try, though."
"Comletia!" and with an added cross, circle and jab her watch turned into a compass once more. Thinking hard, she thinks she's ready for the task the Professor has set up for them to work on.
Line 1: Starting at the top (North) of your parchment draw a diagonal line in the direction of South West.
Line 2: Continuing from that line, draw a line from South West to North East.
Line 3: Draw a line from North East towards the West side of your parchment.
Line 4: Draw a line from West to South East.
Line 5: Draw a line from South East to North - finishing by connecting to the place you started in.
She repeated them over and over in her head as she made her way to the cubicles. When she was ready, Di precisely followed the instructions and was slowly connecting each line with each other. When she was done she raised her paper for her eyes to see.
SPOILER!!: Dianna's work
It's not that bad she thought to herself. Now she just waited for her paper to be checked on.
Ahh her first student who was going to try the task. Inwardly, and outwardly actually, Isabelle was smiling as she watch the boy move seats. She was of course going to be walking around the room to see how they were getting on. She didn't really like to sit down for long, and the kids that were practising seemed to be alright on their own for now.
Walking behind Riley's desk as he drew, she nodded to herself. He had done well with his directions. Obviously a working, and readable compass. "Well done, Riley," she smiled, flicking her wrist and removing his walls. Collecting his drawing, she gave him a pat on the shoulder. "You can continue to try and get different styles for your compass if you wish."
Riley was pretty excited and was glad to see that he had done the drawing correct and was even more estatic that he got the spell to work and make a working compass. "Thanks Professor Magnus." he said with a wide grin at the Professor as she removed his work. "I think I will try to change up the compass a bit, this design is a bit dreary and boring." he grinned at her again and then turned to his compass with his wand. "Reverto!"
The dull compass turned back into a watch and laid unmoving on the desk, the one hand turning back into two and fixing at the correct time. Now it was time for a fancier compass worth this fancy Gryffindor. *chuckle*
Ok concentration now. 'North, south, west, east, and circle.' "Comletia!" The watch turned slowly into a round compass with a silver face and a black obsidien setting.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Charlotte (Charley) Isabelle Kelley
First Year
The Ones Who Love Us Never Really Leave Us R.I.P. Susan aka Mum, Douglas, and Chantice
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMcKay
"I don't appreciate scheming in my lessons, girls. Or idle chatter for that matter." Isabelle walked up behind the girl that had just spoken, and the one she was talking to. She crossed her arms and gave them a warning look. "If you want to talk about non-class related things, please wait until you are in your free time. I will take points the next time I hear it - and I don't want to be forced to do that." No she didn't. Because generally she was very nice.
Making her way back to the front, Isabelle turned to face the class and leant against her own desk. "I'll be closing the lesson soon, but for now I'll give you all some more time to practise, or try your hand at the task I set if you wish. If you want any help, just ask me."
OOC: It's my bedtime soon, but I'll leave the lesson open until tomorrow afternoon GMT. You can try the task if you want, practise only, or even both - I don't mind. I'll post the drawing I did tomorrow as well, but you've all done well with that. Don't chat too much please, I won't be here, but Magnus will be. Thanks.
ooc: I actually didn't talk; I sent her a note on parchment. I'll just assume you walked up and took the note from her instead, to use your statements.
"Yes, professor. And don't worry, you won't need to take any points from us." Charley replied, trying to cover for both herself and her friends as best she could. She became worried when she noticed how much like her mother she sounded. I'm getting quite a bit of practise with that, am I not?
After the professor moved on to her other students, she continued with the task, trying to retain the confidence she projected when she'd spoken, or at least hoped she had.
Your flavour is chewing gum. You're a risk-taker and like to swim against the current.
You face risk like it's an everyday thing and embrace the challenges set
before you. You set your own path and conformity isn't in your vocabulary. ♥
Ohhh a task. Sakura tended to suck at drawing, like she wasn't even good with straight lines, but this could be an opportunity to earn points, and also she'd get to check out if her compass really was working properly. She hoped it was working properly or it would be rather embarrassing. Not that anyone but the professor would know since the walls were up around her.
Sighing Sakura pulled the piece of parchment in front of her and twirled her quill a little as she looked at the compass. She was for once glad that her brother had made her learn how to read a compass. Now if only she could remember exactly what everything meant.
Blinking in slight confusion Sakura decided that she understood the first instruction at least, so therefore she could start drawing.
It took her fifteen minutes before she was happy that she'd drawn the thing correctly. If she hadn't she could always try again before the lesson ended. Hopefully. If she could be bothered because she really did hate drawing...
SPOILER!!: Sakura's attempt
The problem was however that she was also a perfectionist, so if it wasn't done properly, or it didn't look good enough, which her current one certainly didn't in her opinion, she'd have to force herself not to be finicky about it. Which she was currently doing by pushing her quill and ink as far away from herself as they could go.
"Professor, I'm pretty sure I'm done," she called, playing with her fingers to stop herself from doing anything while she waited for the professor to come and check her work.
Selina looked around her at all of the students who were choosing to go inside the isolated areas to attempt to draw. She was afraid to be the only first year who wanted to try it. It seemed like everyone else in her year was sitting by and practicing the spell. But Selina knew she should attempt. She was an artist and was decent enough at magic for her age. What was the harm.
Enhaling deeply she stepped forward and took her place in isolation. Drawing out her parchment she began to draw her interpretation of the task. She was... to say the least nervous.
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMcKay
"Oh course it is, dear. If you'd prefer to just keep practising you can." Isabelle smiled at the young girl who had spoken. She didn't expect them all to do it, if they didn't want to. "But if you need something explaining just ask me."
Helena smiled back. "Okay, I will," she said as she took her compass and started working at it's colour.
Patroclus usually had a great sense of direction, but it seemed that this spell was designed to help others not just one’s self. With ‘Comletia’, unlike ‘Point Me’, the compass was a result of an object other than the wand, meaning it could be kept at all times, freeing ones wand from the job of Pointing Me.
Plus on the upside, as the lesson had started on the topic, the Prefect could give the compass to muggles, who needed help too!
Listening carefully, Patroclus absentmindedly began to move his mouth in time with Professor Magnus; it had become quite the trait of his to copying the Professor’s mouth when learning an incantation. “Com-LET-e-a” the prefect enunciated, clearly and loudly. Then stringing the syllables together he gave a solid go at the whole incantation, “Comletia!” Happy with his pronunciation, it did after all come quite easily to him, spells that was, Patroclus watching intently at the wand demonstration.
Compass Cross, Circle, then jab.
It seemed simple enough, four points and a smooth connecting circle, with a jab directed at the object in question, but making sure not to touch it. After practising the movement a couple of times, to ensure fluidity, Patroclus thought it was time to try it with the watch. Picking up a watch from the box, and returning to his table, the Lion Prefect cracked his fingers, cleared his throat and took up his wand.
“Comletia” he announced, his wand moving smoothly and with determination. Instantly the numbers of the watch disappeared, to be replaced by the cardinal points of a compass, however there was one too many hands for a compass. “Reverto!” with the watch reinstated once more, Patroclus tried again. “Comletia!” this time it was perfect, the watch strap vanished, the twelve numerals became four letters and there was one hand, pointing towards what Patroclus could only assume was North. Spying on the one Magnus had shown Evelyn Patroclus was certain the needle was pointing north, and was now ready to move onto the task she had placed on the board.
Quickly taking down the instructions, Patroclus placed his compass on the parchment, and took up his quill. Moving the tip, the boy followed the instructions, the ink leaving a trail and slowly revealing an image. Once he had returned to the originally north position, Patroclus sat back and smiled, “I think I am done Professor!”
Nervously, Emmy took a watch from the box, then sat back at her desk.
She knew the incantation, 'Comletia', and she knew the wand movement.
Now it was just a case of combining the two.
"Comletia!" Wand cross, circle to join, then jab at the watch - but don't touch.
Loking down, she saw a beautiful red compass gleaming before her.
Suddenly, walls appeared round her desk! She let out a small 'oh!' of shock, then regained her composure.
She could just remember the instructions on the board...
North to SouthWest...SouthWest to NorthEast...NorthEast to West...West to SouthEast...SouthEast to North.
A little shaky, but there it was - a pentacle.
Alice was way too confused by the drawings instructions to even try so she went to the front to practise. First she silently mouthed "Comletia" a few times untill she was comfortable with it.
Next the wand movement. First from North to South then...ehh East to West? She wasn't sure what the directions were called but she knew which way her wand had to go first. She completed the wand movement with a jab.
Now for the real deal. With a "Comletia!" she turned the wristwatch into a compass. She examined her compass closely and saw that the directions weren't filled in(you know,the north south stuffies). It seemed that as she didn't know the directions,her compass didn't either.
Raising her hand,Alice asked "Professor,which way is East and West? I always get confused with those two."she sighed.
Last edited by harry potter freak; 01-23-2011 at 09:53 AM.
Reason: spelling mistake!
"Thank you for all the votes, it would appear that the majority of you have chosen the compass spell. A useful one for those that don't want to constantly use Point Me! And want something more permanent." Muggles for instance. And the kids did seem to think they got lost alot, so why not learn this? Plus the fact you could use it then keep your wand free for other things. Anyway, moving on.
Walking to the table behind her desk, Isabelle took a deep breath and picked up one of the many boxes. "In here I have a range of watches - wrist ones, pockets ones, big, small. I'll pass them out to you all then we can concentrate on getting the incantation correct, along with the wand movement." Placing the box down on her desk, Issy lazily flicked her wand and watch after watch made it's way to a students desk. "Once you have had a chance to get the feel of your watch, you can try the proper pronunciation of the spell. WITHOUT wands first." She emphasised that bit. Didn't wand them to blow something up because they didn't do the right wand movement.
"Alright everyone. The incantation for this spell, as you can see on the board, is Comletia, and it is pronounced thus: Com-LET-e-AH. Have a go at getting that right, then we'll move to wands."
OOC: I'll be back a little later, feeling a bit ill right now. Please just have your character inspecting their watches and practising the incantation - NO WANDS YET. No excessive chatting please, just keep it to the learning. Thanks.
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMcKay
"Right everyone," she smiled from her position by the window. "It would seem that you are all set with the incantation, now onto the wand movement." Isabelle took out her own wand again and held it in front of her for them all to see. "Firstly you make a small cross shape - top to bottom, left to right. Then you carry that through to a small circle shape finished by a gentle jab at the item you are changing. But you do not need to touch it." She demonstrated what she meant by applying it to the watch she had left on her desk. Cross shape, circle, jab. "One long, fluid movement, no stopping and starting or it won't work correctly.... Comletia!" With a poof the watch became a bright red compass, similar colouring to what the watch had been. She held it up for them to see.
"Now if you wish to change the appearance even further, beyond merely making it a compass, you need to concentrate even harder, and more completely on what you wish the final object to look like." Placing the new compass back down on the desk, Issy leant her bum against it as she looked at the kids. "Concentration and intent are key to making sure you get the exact thing you are aiming for. Now please practice the wand movement without the incantation, and once you feel you have mastered it, move on to doing the two together."
Feeling the cool air blow on her face, Isabelle closed her eyes and smiled. It was helping. "If you make any mistakes, or simply want to keep practising more than the once - which I hope you do - I shall revert the compass back for you to a watch, or you can ask one of the older students for help with that. I'm sure they'd be more than willing." Right? "You may begin."
OOC: I'm going to have get an early night, I'm sorry. Just continue practising, first with just wands, then with wands and incantation. You can chat a little, but please don't go overboard. I might not be here, but Professor Magnus is still in the room, and with her headache she will take points. So please have your character behave.
Lucy with a bit of practice she moved on with making the compass. As instructed by the professor she first made a small cross shape from top to bottom and then left to right. Then she carried that through to a small circle shape. As that was completed she gentle jab at the watch on her desk with only her wand.
As she completed practicing with that she moved on with the words and not the wand and said the incantation "Com-LET-e-AH, Com-LET-e-AH, Comletia" correctly. Ok, so that was good, let's practice it with the wand and the incantation she thought. Then she took her wand and made a fluid movement with the wand on the watch and said "Comletia" as she said those words a compass appeared in front of her. "Wow, this is awesome" she said happily.
SPOILER!!: Instructions
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMcKay
Chewing her bottom lip, Isabelle eyed the students as they worked. They certainly seemed to be enjoying it *snort*. Maybe she should move onto something else they can do? Sighing, she moved over towards the blackboard and cleared off all the writing that was already on it. Scribbling with the chalk, instead this time of using magic for it, she wrote out another set of instructions.
Turning her attention back to the class, she cleared her throat to get their attention. "Those of you that wish to continue practising, please do so. The rest of you - I want to know whether your compasses work, and if you concentrated enough on the spell to get an accurate compass."Grin. Oh yes, it wasn't just an appearance thing. If their needle was wrong, or their letters in the wrong places, this wouldn't be successful for them. "So this is a little task to complete before I finish the lesson."
"I am going to set up a walled grid at the back of the room to make this fair - don't want you all to just copy what the person next to you is doing. Each compartment will have enough space for you and your desk and chair." Isabelle stopped and looked at the kids to make sure they were paying attention, or if she wasn't making sense and they had questions. "Don't be alarmed when the walls go up. You will be able to move out of them, but you WON'T be able to see anyone around you. If you wish to do this task, please write down ALL the instructions I have placed on this board, soon you won't be able to see them."
Checking that they had all made note, as she asked, Isabelle went about setting up the classroom. With a flick of her wand several walls shot up, concealing a few of the desks at the back of the room, but leaving some near the front open. "Please make your way to the front if you wish to continue practise, and to the one of the cubicles if you want to do this task."
She gave them all enough time to move around as they chose, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth as she waited.
"Right then, those of you that are doing this task please find North and turn your desk to face that EXACT direction. If your compass is correctly transfigured the red arrow should point to magnetic North. Then please take out a separate piece of parchment, and WITHOUT drawing the compass lines on it, please follow the directions I gave you before to create the image I'm looking for." She knew what it was, but she wanted to see if they could read their new compass, and get the lines going in the right directions. "Use your compass to get your bearings on the paper. Once you have finished, just give me a shout and I will get rid of your cubicle walls. You can start, please."
OOC: If you don't want to do this, and just keep practising instead, that's fine. Everyone else - I will take a hand drawn diagram, or one done using a graphics program. I'll post what the image should look like later when people have completed theirs. And if you have ANY QUESTIONS, don't hesitate to ask me or Isabelle!
Oh, and please try not to copy any pictures anyone else posts first. *snuggles you all*
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMcKay
[B]Making her way back to the front, Isabelle turned to face the class and leant against her own desk. "I'll be closing the lesson soon, but for now I'll give you all some more time to practise, or try your hand at the task I set if you wish. If you want any help, just ask me."
OOC: It's my bedtime soon, but I'll leave the lesson open until tomorrow afternoon GMT. You can try the task if you want, practise only, or even both - I don't mind. I'll post the drawing I did tomorrow as well, but you've all done well with that. Don't chat too much please, I won't be here, but Magnus will be. Thanks.
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou
Helena smiled back. "Okay, I will," she said as she took her compass and started working at it's colour.
As Professor gave some more instruction on want is to be done further Lucy quickly wrote is down on her parchment so that she didn't lose it further. Then she took her quill and started to make the image as instructed by professor, she wished she got it right and slowly moving on with the image she figured it out to be like a star. As that was completed she raised her hand and said "Professor, I think I'm done." saying that she smiled.
SPOILER!!: Lucy's Parchment
A very HAPPY HOLI to all, Enjoy the festival of COLOURS! Interested in Bollywood stuff? PM me we need members for the Hindi forum
"Comletia!" ,Fee said pointing at her watch and with an added cross, circle and jab her watch turned into a compass. Okkkaaaay, so lets see how do get done with the task. Mhhh... come on you can make it girl.Taking a look at the instructions,the blonde read through them carefully.
Line 1: Starting at the top (North) of your parchment draw a diagonal line in the direction of South West.
Line 2: Continuing from that line, draw a line from South West to North East.
Line 3: Draw a line from North East towards the West side of your parchment.
Line 4: Draw a line from West to South East.
Line 5: Draw a line from South East to North - finishing by connecting to the place you started in.
She repeated them over and over in her head as she made her way to the cubicles. When she was ready, Di precisely followed the instructions and was slowly connecting each line with each other. When she was done she raised her paper for her eyes to see.
ooc: I actually didn't talk; I sent her a note on parchment. I'll just assume you walked up and took the note from her instead, to use your statements.
"Yes, professor. And don't worry, you won't need to take any points from us." Charley replied, trying to cover for both herself and her friends as best she could. She became worried when she noticed how much like her mother she sounded. I'm getting quite a bit of practise with that, am I not?
After the professor moved on to her other students, she continued with the task, trying to retain the confidence she projected when she'd spoken, or at least hoped she had.
Oh crud, Jaina thought. She mouthed sorry to Charley. Great, she had gotten one of her friends in trouble. "Reverto!" she said again. She had the hang of it, but was enjoying practicing this spell. "Comletia!" she said again. She felt bad about getting her friend in trouble. This would be something she would undertake on her own then. She would decode the mysterious Mr. Trevors...but only after class because this class was AWESOME!
Hogwarts RPG Name: Charlotte (Charley) Isabelle Kelley
First Year
The Ones Who Love Us Never Really Leave Us R.I.P. Susan aka Mum, Douglas, and Chantice
Originally Posted by jengirls109
Oh crud, Jaina thought. She mouthed sorry to Charley. Great, she had gotten one of her friends in trouble. "Reverto!" she said again. She had the hang of it, but was enjoying practicing this spell. "Comletia!" she said again. She felt bad about getting her friend in trouble. This would be something she would undertake on her own then. She would decode the mysterious Mr. Trevors...but only after class because this class was AWESOME!
Charley made sure that Professor Magnus was tending to other students, then mouthed "It's okay," back to Jaina. Then, as she was finished with the task, she directed her attention to Benjamin. He seems to be doing all right... Looks can be deceiving, Charlotte.
Charley cringed at her brother's voice. Don't. Call. Me. Charlotte. Even in my head. Calm down, Charley. Henry thought defensively. Is there some reason that you've only come during lessons? No particular one. I only drop in when my little free time is. Speaking of, I haven't got any left now. Be sure to write me! Am I not always sure to write you, Henry? Are you sure you're in Ravenclaw, not Slytherin like the rest of them? Yes, Henry. Now let me get back to my lesson, Charley replied again, becoming increasingly irritated. Yes, ma'am.
Charley let out a deep sigh, exhausted. She rubbed her palm on her forehead, and sat deep in thought for a few moments, Henry's words ringing violently in her eardrums.
Are you sure you're in Ravenclaw, not Slytherin like the rest of them?
Your flavour is chewing gum. You're a risk-taker and like to swim against the current.
You face risk like it's an everyday thing and embrace the challenges set
before you. You set your own path and conformity isn't in your vocabulary. ♥
Ellie looked up at the professor. Was her struggling that obvious? Heh.
She siggggghhhhhed. "It's the band, I swear. It's throwing me off." Totally.
She continued to turn the compass/watch thing around, watching the needle move. It still worked, seeeeee. She did....okay.
It never took her this long to get a spell in Kingsley's classes. But, unlike with Bishop, she wasn't going to blame this professor. She...she liked her. Yup.
Treyen was right with this one.
The girl put the compass/watch back on her desk so the professor could see it.
Ahhh yes, the strap. That could happen with those sort of watches. Pocket watches were much easier to transfigure with this spell, but giving them all one of those would have been too easy - wouldn't it? *evil cackle*
"Perhaps if you imagine the strap incorporated into the design of the compass? A leather casing maybe?" It was an idea, and it might help the girl. "Don't give up though, you'll get it how you want eventually," Isabelle smiled at her and nodded in encouragement.
Originally Posted by Tazenhani
Sabel couldn't help but jump a little as he felt, more than heard the teacher come up behind him. And even then, when he knew she was there, he jumped again when she put her hand on his back and guided him back into his chair. Clearly he was high strung. His eyes went up to her and he blinked at her suggestion, not sure if she meant practicing converting the watch or using the compass. Given the 'designs' bit, he figured perhaps it was the later and attempted to return her smile. It was a weak rendition and he knew it, so he nodded his head and quickly turned his attention to getting out a new piece of paper to focus his mind on coming up with some random designs. For some he used his compass in front of him, for others they were simply from the compass in his mind.
Text Cut: Sabel's Designs
Design 1: Triangle
1) Draw a line from North to Southeast
2) Draw a line from that point directly west
3) Draw a line from the west point Northeast to reconnect with the starting point.
Design 2: Arrow
1) Draw a line from North to South
2) Draw a shorter line directly east
3) Draw a line Southwest
4) Draw a line from that point Northwest
5) Draw a line east to the base of the first line you drew
Design 3: Pentagon
1) Draw a line from North to Southeast
2) Draw a line from there Southwest
3) Draw a line from that point directly west
4) Draw a line Northwest from there
5) Draw a line from that point Northeast to reconnect with your first point
Design 4: Heart
1) Draw a short line from North to Southeast
2) Draw a longer line from there Southwest
3) Draw an equal length line as before Northwest
4) Draw a short line (as in part 1) Northeast
5) Draw an equally short line Southeast
6) Draw another equally short line Northeast to reconnect with the first point
Isabelle had made her way around the whole class by now, and was on her second trip to see how the next lot of taskers were getting on. Walking past Sabel's desk it dawned on her that he was still drawing, after she had taken his finished task one away. Squinting down at the paper, she grinned. "Those are lovely, Sabel. Good designs all with the points of a well transfigured compass. I like it." Patting him on the shoulder, she moved on.
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr
... oh.
After quickly jotting down the instructions, Jake frowned slightly as he looked around at the walls that had suddenly sprung up. Mmmmmkay. He was more worried about the fact that he KNEW he hadn't been concentrating earlier.
Quickly looking around him and seeing only walls and the window, Jake picked up his wand again and cast a quick 'reverto' on his compass. It was immediately a pocket watch again. "Comletia!" he cast on the watch again, this time able to focus a bit and needing to, at that. He imagined a fully functional compass again on the pocket watch, and focused suuuuuuuuuuper hard.
And there it was.
Reading through his instructions again, Jake could SEE what the picture was in his mind's eye, but did the task anyway. It was worth seeing if the compass worked, right?
However, he didn't feel the need to move his desk at all. The needle was just pointing towards the front of the class and continued to point there as he turned the compass.
Figuring he had due North wrong already, Jake shrugged and got to work.
When he finally looked at it, Jake blinked. It looked... odd. Like... the instructions had confused him somewhat, so now he had some weird looking... thing. So, by labelling the edges of his parchment in a fixed position, he tried again.
Raising his hand, Jake called Magnus over.
"Professor... first time I tried it... I don't think it worked. Because if you go in those directions from the point you're at, you get this..." He pushed the first bit forwards.
SPOILER!!: weird
"But if you label certain points that line up with the compass from the middle of the page I got this... which is still a bit... weird."
SPOILER!!: rawrr
Jake ran a hand through his hair. "I think I'm just not focused toda-" Before he could finish his sentence, Jake suddenly burst into a coughing fit. He managed to put his hands over his mouth first, but it had that bleh sound to it, a deep and hollow grating noise, like a heavy wheeze.
When Jake called her over, Isabelle took a deep breath. She could tell from the look on his face that he wasn't sure about what he'd done, so she readied herself to see what it was on the page. Huh. Yeah. Not what she was after. "I notice you haven't moved your desk, Jake," she observed, leaning over the back of his chair to get a look at his compass and drawing. "The reason I asked you to do that was so you could get an accurate idea of the right directions."
His second attempt was...better. "That one," Issy said, pointing to the oddly bent star, "is more what I was looking for. Although you don't have to draw the line directly to the W of west, just in the direction. So the left side of the paper."
She was about to speak again, to tell him he did a good job - at the second attempt anyway - when he began coughing hard. Standing back a little to give him some room, Isabelle rested her hand on his back as he apologised. "Jake, please go and see Healer Moretti when class is finished. You are ill - go get cured." She gave him a pointed look, before collecting his papers and moving on.
SPOILER!!: Mystique
Originally Posted by Mystique
Finally. A new task, Alice smiled and looked at the board. She copied down the instructions the Professor instructed then watched as walls were built around her desk. "Well..Lets get started shall we?" she mumbled to herself and took a piece of parchment out. She quickly scribbled the answer to the assignment, Alice sighed and placed the quill back into the holder.
SPOILER!!: Task :3
Alice picked the parchment up from her desk and walked over to the Professor hoping she wasn't late for handing them in. "P...Professor.Magnus..I completed the task..I am not late..right?" she asked the Professor shyly and held the parchment out with both hands.
"Not late at all, Alice," Issy smiled, turning to see the face of the young Hufflepuff, and the paper she was handing her. It was correct, and very well drawn. "Thank you, it's perfect."
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
"Reverto," Kurumi commanded as the melted portion of her pocket watch was sucked back into it and it returned to looking as it had been before. "I'm alright, Professor." Kurumi nodded looking back at the pocket watch. "I tend to make the same mistake each time I try a new spell though. I put a little too much passion into it, and , well, things melt or explode..." she mumbled that last part through blushing cheeks. She smiled nervously and shrugged her shoulders at the professor before returning her attention to the watch.
Okay, once again, less passion. Kurumi closed her eyes for a moment. It probably would help if she created an image of a compass she knew in her head...too bad the only compass she could remember at the moment was the one from a muggle book series she had read. That was certainly not going to help her with directions... Then, she remembered a compass her other brother Takashi had had - gold ridges and a deep blue center. Here we go again!
Kurumi repeated the wand motion as well as the spell in as clear a voice as she could manage - without going overboard this time and watched at her pocket watched changed from, well, whatever shape that was into a circle. After a few moments, Kurumi had her compass
Taking out a fresh piece of parchment, Kurumi first wrote down the instructions on the board before moving to her own cubicle to start the activity. Kurumi set her compass down on the desk towards the top and put the parchment below it for easy reference. Kurumi slowly moved her desk as she kept a watchful eye on the compass to make sure that she was able to have it facing directly North. Picking up her quill, Kurumi then drew a line. She felt like she was back in calligraphy class in Japan. Looking up at the next set of instructions, Kurumi repeated to draw lines until she had completed the shape.
SPOILER!!: Kurumi's parchment
A pentagram? Well, there wasn't the circle encasing it, so it wasn't a proper one, but more like a star polygon. Representing five elements, the human star...was there a reason they were drawing one?
Kurumi rolled up her parchment and exited her cubicle so that the next student could use it.
Well - at least it only melted this time. Isabelle was immensely thankful for that. She didn't fancy having to clear up a damaged classroom and ferry students off to the hospital wing. Not in her first lesson anyway. There was still time for that later. Although hopefully it wouldn't happen. She'd have to keep an eye on this one. Fo 'sho.
"Right, well - if you're sure," Issy smiled. "Just hand in your parchment at the end if you choose to do the task."
Originally Posted by Starbreeze
Eino picked up the watch and held it close to his ear for a few seconds. There was not tic-toc. He shook it a little and listened to it again very attentively. Nothing. His eyes brightened and he jumped up from his seat and wrapped his arms around the professor. "Thank you." He said releasing her and then took his seat. Finally, he would be able to practice his spell. He picked up his wand, which had been resting on his desk for all this while and referred to his notes on the incantation and wand movement. "Let's see," He said raising his wand slightly, followed by the wand movement and finally the incantation. "Comletia!" The watch trembled, then shot in the air and fell back on top of the table, still as a watch. "Comletia!" He said again and this time the watch spun uncontrollably. "Comletia!" He said only final time and finally the watch turned into a compass. He picked it up and examined his newly acquired object before he move onto the net portion of class.
This required another O___________o.
Isabelle was glad he was now satisfied, and could get going with practise, but she was NOT expecting a hug for it. Putting her arms up as he grabbed her around the waist, she patted him on the head gently and chuckled. "Urrr, you're welcome, Eino." Yeah, what could you say to that? Nothing more, so she left him to practise.
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Why did these incantations have to be so hard to pronounce? Mia stared blankly at the Professor for a moment before looking down at her pretty clock-watch thingy. Taking a deep breath, she began to practice the incantation. "Com...le...tia...Com...le...tia...Com...le...tia. " Well now that she had managed to sound like a spaz, it was time to actually bring the incantation together.
With another deep breath, Mia tried again. "Comle...tia." No that wasn't how you said it. "Com...er...comle...grrr...comtia...oh for Merlin's sake...come hither..." Oops that certainly wasn't right.
Heaving a deep sigh, Mia rubbed her hair with her hands so that the ends were sticking up all over the place and she tried again. "Comle...tia...Comlet...Comletia...Comletia...Coml etia...Comletia." Oh yay, she had finally got it and it wasn't so hard now that she had got the hang of it.
Mia listened to the Professor's next set of instructions and then pulled out her wand. Right so from top, to bottom, left, to right, a circle and then jab. She did this motion a few times until her wand flowed in one solid movement. And now came the hard part. Doing the wand movement and the incantation at the same time.
She pulled her watch over so that it was now in front of her and practiced the incantation under her breath while moving her wand. When she was ready, Mia cleared her throat. She moved her wand down in a line from the top of the watch to the bottom and then from left to right, circling the watch and then ending with a jab. While she was doing the wand movement, she said the incantation. "Comletia."
Looking down at the watch, Mia was not surprised to see that the spell had not worked. She would have been shocked if it had of. None of her spells work first time. So again she moved her wand from the top to the bottom, left to right, circle and then jab. And again while she did this, Mia said the incantation, "Comletia." When she looked down at the watch, she was surprised to see that it was now a compass.
Well look at that. She had done it.
"Reverto." She said reversing the spell so that she could practice it again. Mia repeated the wand motions and incantations for another six times until she was completely confident that she could do it.
Now for the next task.
Taking out some parchment and using her newly transfigured compass, Mia positioned her desk facing north. Glancing at the instructions and then moving her desk to where the compass directed her. She drew a line on her parchment each time she moved her desk to the new position. When she had finished, she couldn't help but grin at her abysmal drawing.
SPOILER!!: Mia's Parchment
Isabelle had been watching the Hufflepuff from the other side of the room. She appeared to be struggling with the incantation. Feeling the urge to assist, Issy went to walk towards her when she realised that the girl had got it right. Beaming, she stopped as Mia went off and did the task.
Moving around the corner of the cubicle, she peered over her shoulder as the drawing came together. When finished, Isabelle nodded and vanished the walls. "Well done, Mia." Good job.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Well that kinda answers his question.
Looks like he has to test it himself.
After noting down the instructions, Salander proceeded towards one of the walled cubicles with writing materials in one hand, the transfigured clock-compass in another. Truthfully he was grateful for the privacy, because directions arent his thing. Yes he is one of those dependents on the GPS system. Not that he's gonna admit that out loud. And thats if he even remembers use it when its hanging right above his head.
Settling into a desk, he began squiggling a few lines and looked at his parchment-- it resembled like some kind of bow tie or a really squarish fish. Is that right? He tried again and his next attempt was starting to look like a pine tree when he stopped suddenly, crumpled up his parchment and re-read the instructions. Couldnt they have transfigured something into a GPS system? It will be helpful for everybody-- Muggles and Wizardkind
Heaving a deep sigh he read the instructions for the nth time when he realized something-- his table wasnt turned around to face north. "Huh...." well no duh. He dragged his table around-- now it was facing where the red N was. He took out a fresh parchment and started drawing again, pausing on each and every step.
When he was done he leaned back into his seat. Well would you look at that....
Text Cut: Salander's parchment
"Exactly what I was looking for, Mister Salander. Well done." Isabelle stepped up behind the chair of the Slytherin and looked over his shoulder. Flicking her wand, his walls disappeared and she took the paper off his desk. "You can carry on practising until the end of the lesson."
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Sierra was getting angry at her pocket watch. For one, it was pink, and two--it just refused to turn into a compass! "Work, you blasted idiot!" she silently scolded it. With determination, she aimed her wand at it, made a small cross shape (top to bottom, left to right), moved right on into a circle movement, and then finally jabbed toward the watch. "Comletia!" she called out.
...and then finally, after what felt like hours of practicing, the pocket watch transformed itself into a compass, leaving Sierra to just stare at it as if she definitely wasn't expecting that result at all. Which she wasn't, of course.
So with that out of the way, she turned her attention to a set of instructions the professor was saying would soon be wiped completely away. She hurried to copy them down, flailing about a little on the inside just thinking about how far behind she was getting. With that finished and out of the way, she made her way to the cubicles to attempt completion at this task. It sort of looked...well, difficult.
With the walls up around her, Sierra placed her parchment and compass on the desk. She slowly and carefully turned her desk around and around, watching the compass all the while so she'd know when to stop. When the compass clearly read 'North', Sierra stopped turning the desk.
...and now, she was ready to draw what she hoped was the exact shape the professor wanted. It took her a few minutes, but when she was done, she stood back and admired her work:
Text Cut: Sierra's first attempt
...wait just a minute. Something about that just didn't seem quite right. Her shape looked like a weird arrow, and Sierra was sure the professor wasn't looking for anything like this. She made a face at her parchment, then reached for a fresh sheet and started over.
Sierra tried her hardest this time, constantly checking with her compass to make sure she was creating her lines in all the right directions. When she'd completed all the steps, she at least had a shape which definitely looked like something noticeable.
Text Cut: Sierra's second attempt
"Professor?" she hesitantly called out. "I think I'm done now. ...I think. I sort of didn't so well on my first try, though."
Arriving at the desk of a young Slytherin, who had called her over, Isabelle looked down at the two pieces of parchment on the desk. "Hmm, yes. I think the first time you might have got the instructions around the wrong way at some point. But your second version is much better, good going, Miss Greingoth." Taking the correct version, Issy vanished the walls and gave the girl a warm smile.
Next person was...?
Originally Posted by Dianna Malfoy
"Comletia!" and with an added cross, circle and jab her watch turned into a compass once more. Thinking hard, she thinks she's ready for the task the Professor has set up for them to work on.
She repeated them over and over in her head as she made her way to the cubicles. When she was ready, Di precisely followed the instructions and was slowly connecting each line with each other. When she was done she raised her paper for her eyes to see.
SPOILER!!: Dianna's work
It's not that bad she thought to herself. Now she just waited for her paper to be checked on.
....Another Slytherin.
"Very good indeed, Miss Malfoy." Issy nodded her head as she studied the girl's work. Picking it up, she folded it with the others in her hand and smiled. "You can carry on practising for a few more minutes if you wish."
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Riley was pretty excited and was glad to see that he had done the drawing correct and was even more estatic that he got the spell to work and make a working compass. "Thanks Professor Magnus." he said with a wide grin at the Professor as she removed his work. "I think I will try to change up the compass a bit, this design is a bit dreary and boring." he grinned at her again and then turned to his compass with his wand. "Reverto!"
The dull compass turned back into a watch and laid unmoving on the desk, the one hand turning back into two and fixing at the correct time. Now it was time for a fancier compass worth this fancy Gryffindor. *chuckle*
Ok concentration now. 'North, south, west, east, and circle.' "Comletia!" The watch turned slowly into a round compass with a silver face and a black obsidien setting.
Isabelle nodded at Riley. She was glad to see the enthusiasm he had. "More colour perhaps?" she smiled. Could be doing with dreary and boring, could we?
Originally Posted by scarsandtetris
ooc: I actually didn't talk; I sent her a note on parchment. I'll just assume you walked up and took the note from her instead, to use your statements.
"Yes, professor. And don't worry, you won't need to take any points from us." Charley replied, trying to cover for both herself and her friends as best she could. She became worried when she noticed how much like her mother she sounded. I'm getting quite a bit of practise with that, am I not?
After the professor moved on to her other students, she continued with the task, trying to retain the confidence she projected when she'd spoken, or at least hoped she had.
OOC: I read it wrong, sorry. But yes take it as that.
"Good." Although Issy noted the tone the girl used on certain words. Perhaps she would keep an eye on them anyway - people that protested so emphatically usually were going to do something.
Originally Posted by Saiai
Ohhh a task. Sakura tended to suck at drawing, like she wasn't even good with straight lines, but this could be an opportunity to earn points, and also she'd get to check out if her compass really was working properly. She hoped it was working properly or it would be rather embarrassing. Not that anyone but the professor would know since the walls were up around her.
Sighing Sakura pulled the piece of parchment in front of her and twirled her quill a little as she looked at the compass. She was for once glad that her brother had made her learn how to read a compass. Now if only she could remember exactly what everything meant.
Blinking in slight confusion Sakura decided that she understood the first instruction at least, so therefore she could start drawing.
It took her fifteen minutes before she was happy that she'd drawn the thing correctly. If she hadn't she could always try again before the lesson ended. Hopefully. If she could be bothered because she really did hate drawing...
SPOILER!!: Sakura's attempt
The problem was however that she was also a perfectionist, so if it wasn't done properly, or it didn't look good enough, which her current one certainly didn't in her opinion, she'd have to force herself not to be finicky about it. Which she was currently doing by pushing her quill and ink as far away from herself as they could go.
"Professor, I'm pretty sure I'm done," she called, playing with her fingers to stop herself from doing anything while she waited for the professor to come and check her work.
Walking over to the next person that called, Isabelle looked down at the drawing the girl had done. "I would say you are, well done," she smiled, nodding as she scanned the picture. Taking it into the pile, she vanished the walls and moved on.
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Selina looked around her at all of the students who were choosing to go inside the isolated areas to attempt to draw. She was afraid to be the only first year who wanted to try it. It seemed like everyone else in her year was sitting by and practicing the spell. But Selina knew she should attempt. She was an artist and was decent enough at magic for her age. What was the harm.
Enhaling deeply she stepped forward and took her place in isolation. Drawing out her parchment she began to draw her interpretation of the task. She was... to say the least nervous.
Huh, a little off straight on the page, but when Isabelle turned the paper around so north was at the top, all was well. "Well done, Selina. A very pretty drawing, too." She was impressed.
Originally Posted by PattyH.
Compasses hey?
Patroclus usually had a great sense of direction, but it seemed that this spell was designed to help others not just one’s self. With ‘Comletia’, unlike ‘Point Me’, the compass was a result of an object other than the wand, meaning it could be kept at all times, freeing ones wand from the job of Pointing Me.
Plus on the upside, as the lesson had started on the topic, the Prefect could give the compass to muggles, who needed help too!
Listening carefully, Patroclus absentmindedly began to move his mouth in time with Professor Magnus; it had become quite the trait of his to copying the Professor’s mouth when learning an incantation. “Com-LET-e-a” the prefect enunciated, clearly and loudly. Then stringing the syllables together he gave a solid go at the whole incantation, “Comletia!” Happy with his pronunciation, it did after all come quite easily to him, spells that was, Patroclus watching intently at the wand demonstration.
Compass Cross, Circle, then jab.
It seemed simple enough, four points and a smooth connecting circle, with a jab directed at the object in question, but making sure not to touch it. After practising the movement a couple of times, to ensure fluidity, Patroclus thought it was time to try it with the watch. Picking up a watch from the box, and returning to his table, the Lion Prefect cracked his fingers, cleared his throat and took up his wand.
“Comletia” he announced, his wand moving smoothly and with determination. Instantly the numbers of the watch disappeared, to be replaced by the cardinal points of a compass, however there was one too many hands for a compass. “Reverto!” with the watch reinstated once more, Patroclus tried again. “Comletia!” this time it was perfect, the watch strap vanished, the twelve numerals became four letters and there was one hand, pointing towards what Patroclus could only assume was North. Spying on the one Magnus had shown Evelyn Patroclus was certain the needle was pointing north, and was now ready to move onto the task she had placed on the board.
Quickly taking down the instructions, Patroclus placed his compass on the parchment, and took up his quill. Moving the tip, the boy followed the instructions, the ink leaving a trail and slowly revealing an image. Once he had returned to the originally north position, Patroclus sat back and smiled, “I think I am done Professor!”
SPOILER!!: The Task
Ahhh another one was finished. These kids certainly had made some compasses that worked. So far they all pointed to North, considering all their desks were round the right way - except Jake, obviously.
"Very impressive, Patroclus. Thank you." Giving the Prefect a smile, Isabelle took the paper from him and removed his walls.
Originally Posted by harry potter freak
Alice was way too confused by the drawings instructions to even try so she went to the front to practise. First she silently mouthed "Comletia" a few times untill she was comfortable with it.
Next the wand movement. First from North to South then...ehh East to West? She wasn't sure what the directions were called but she knew which way her wand had to go first. She completed the wand movement with a jab.
Now for the real deal. With a "Comletia!" she turned the wristwatch into a compass. She examined her compass closely and saw that the directions weren't filled in(you know,the north south stuffies). It seemed that as she didn't know the directions,her compass didn't either.
Raising her hand,Alice asked "Professor,which way is East and West? I always get confused with those two."she sighed.
Walking up to the desk of a young Gryffindor, Isabelle listened to the question she had. East and West? Peering at the compass she had made, it dawned on the 40 year old that the girl hadn't filled in the directions. "Ahh well, East is on the right side, and West is on the left. With North and South, top and bottom," she smiled.
Originally Posted by vijaya
Lucy with a bit of practice she moved on with making the compass. As instructed by the professor she first made a small cross shape from top to bottom and then left to right. Then she carried that through to a small circle shape. As that was completed she gentle jab at the watch on her desk with only her wand.
As she completed practicing with that she moved on with the words and not the wand and said the incantation "Com-LET-e-AH, Com-LET-e-AH, Comletia" correctly. Ok, so that was good, let's practice it with the wand and the incantation she thought. Then she took her wand and made a fluid movement with the wand on the watch and said "Comletia" as she said those words a compass appeared in front of her. "Wow, this is awesome" she said happily.
As Professor gave some more instruction on want is to be done further Lucy quickly wrote is down on her parchment so that she didn't lose it further. Then she took her quill and started to make the image as instructed by professor, she wished she got it right and slowly moving on with the image she figured it out to be like a star. As that was completed she raised her hand and said "Professor, I think I'm done." saying that she smiled.
SPOILER!!: Lucy's Parchment
She was done? Looking down at the paper, Issy had to agree. Nicely drawn to boot. "It would appear you are, Lucy. Thank you very much." Taking the parchment, Issy removed the walls once more and smiled at the Gryffindor.
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
"Comletia!" ,Fee said pointing at her watch and with an added cross, circle and jab her watch turned into a compass. Okkkaaaay, so lets see how do get done with the task. Mhhh... come on you can make it girl.Taking a look at the instructions,the blonde read through them carefully.
SPOILER!!: Fee's work
Moving onto the next desk, Issy peered down at the parchment of the girl working at it. She had done well. In purple too, nice colour. Smiling, she picked it up when she saw the girl had finished. "Nice job, Fee."
"Right, I must say you all did extremely well with the task I set you. Your compasses found magnetic North perfectly - although maybe not always the first time," Issy gave a small smile in the direction of Jake. "The image I was looking for was a bottom heavy star, such as this..." Waving her wand a piece of parchment flew into her hand, and Issy held it up for the rest of them to see.
"...Which you all came up with for me. So thank you. I have collected them all and they shall adorn my office wall for now." Issy had a glint in her eye when she said that. With no kids of her own, why not put up pictures from other peoples? Heh. "If you could all finish up what you are doing, class is now over, so you can leave when you've cleared away. Please take the watches, or compasses - whichever form they currently take - as you will need them for homework. I will post that up the on board within the next few hours." With smile, Issy spread out her arms and nodded at the kids. "Class dismissed."
OOC: I will leave the thread open until tomorrow, and homework will be posted soon. Finish up your practise, then you can have your charrie leave. Thanks guys!
Well that hadn't been so bad. Mia was really starting to get the hang of this magic thing now. She placed her desk back in its original position, put her wand and quill back into her bag before standing up and hoisting her bag onto her shoulder.
"Great lesson Professor." She said as she walked passed the woman and headed out the door.
Fallon had practiced the spell quite a few times. Each time the watch turned into a compass faster and easier. She was starting to get bored with it and was glad when Professor Magnus called the end of class.
She gathered her things and put them back in her bag. "That was a great lesson Professor." Fallon smiled at her before leaving the room. She made a note to go talk to this professor outside of class as well.
When Jake called her over, Isabelle took a deep breath. She could tell from the look on his face that he wasn't sure about what he'd done, so she readied herself to see what it was on the page. Huh. Yeah. Not what she was after. "I notice you haven't moved your desk, Jake," she observed, leaning over the back of his chair to get a look at his compass and drawing. "The reason I asked you to do that was so you could get an accurate idea of the right directions."
His second attempt was...better. "That one," Issy said, pointing to the oddly bent star, "is more what I was looking for. Although you don't have to draw the line directly to the W of west, just in the direction. So the left side of the paper."
She was about to speak again, to tell him he did a good job - at the second attempt anyway - when he began coughing hard. Standing back a little to give him some room, Isabelle rested her hand on his back as he apologised. "Jake, please go and see Healer Moretti when class is finished. You are ill - go get cured." She gave him a pointed look, before collecting his papers and moving on.
"It told me I was already facing North," Jake said slowly, scowling at his compass. FEH. Evil thing.
Hm. "Oh, okay. Well... at least it was sort of right," the young man said before carefully clearing his throat. "In the end."
When they were finally allowed to leave, Jake wordlessly gathered up his stuff, putting his compass in his pocket. Unable to talk properly, Jake gave Magnus a small wave and took his leave, intending to go jump in the freezing lake.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Ahhh yes, the strap. That could happen with those sort of watches. Pocket watches were much easier to transfigure with this spell, but giving them all one of those would have been too easy - wouldn't it? *evil cackle*
"Perhaps if you imagine the strap incorporated into the design of the compass? A leather casing maybe?" It was an idea, and it might help the girl. "Don't give up though, you'll get it how you want eventually," Isabelle smiled at her and nodded in encouragement.
"Right, I must say you all did extremely well with the task I set you. Your compasses found magnetic North perfectly - although maybe not always the first time," Issy gave a small smile in the direction of Jake. "The image I was looking for was a bottom heavy star, such as this..." Waving her wand a piece of parchment flew into her hand, and Issy held it up for the rest of them to see.
"...Which you all came up with for me. So thank you. I have collected them all and they shall adorn my office wall for now." Issy had a glint in her eye when she said that. With no kids of her own, why not put up pictures from other peoples? Heh. "If you could all finish up what you are doing, class is now over, so you can leave when you've cleared away. Please take the watches, or compasses - whichever form they currently take - as you will need them for homework. I will post that up the on board within the next few hours." With smile, Issy spread out her arms and nodded at the kids. "Class dismissed."
OOC: I will leave the thread open until tomorrow, and homework will be posted soon. Finish up your practise, then you can have your charrie leave. Thanks guys!
A leather casing....That was SO SMART. And that should be much easier than trying to change the element of it, right? From leather to metal? At least it'll stay leather.
Right. So, "Reverto." Ellie took a moment to stare at the watch some. And this time, moreso than the last couple tries, she tried veeeerrrrryyyy hard to picture the compass. One needle, four points, leather casing...
Ellie decided on three. She'd give it three more tries, and then she was...not giving up, per se, but she'd practice after class. Later.
And try number one, "Comletia," up/down, left/right, circle, jab... No compass.
"Reverto." Try numbah two.
Ellie pictured a compass again. One, two, three, "Comletia," accompanied with the wand movement. Compass?
COMPASS! "Yes!" Hah. She did it.
Right, so. Now that she's got THAT. Time to move on.
Line 1: Starting at the top (North) of your parchment draw a diagonal line in the direction of South West.
Line 2: Continuing from that line, draw a line from South West to North East.
Line 3: Draw a line from North East towards the West side of your parchment.
Line 4: Draw a line from West to South East.
Line 5: Draw a line from South East to North - finishing by connecting to the place you started in.
She repeated them over and over in her head as she made her way to the cubicles. When she was ready, Di precisely followed the instructions and was slowly connecting each line with each other. When she was done she raised her paper for her eyes to see.
Okay...starting at North...Ellie looked down at her compass and turned her desk until the front was aligned with the compass's needle. So...this was North. She studied the instructions and the compass and came up with,
SPOILER!!: fail!star
It looked.....not very pretty. But...she glanced back up at the instructions, she though she did it all right...
Ellie put her hand up, "Professor..." Help.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
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Rather proud that she had done the activity properly - perhaps she should have added in the Northwest and other labels, but doing so now could possibly be considered cheating. Kurumi handed her parchment in to the Professor. "Thank you for today's lesson," she said with a slight bow. "Um, Professor, if there any particular reason why you chose for us to draw a pentagram?" Kurumi was probably over thinking things, again. Perhaps this was some sort of introduction for Arthimancy?
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
"Not late at all, Alice," Issy smiled, turning to see the face of the young Hufflepuff, and the paper she was handing her. It was correct, and very well drawn. "Thank you, it's perfect."
"Right, I must say you all did extremely well with the task I set you. Your compasses found magnetic North perfectly - although maybe not always the first time," Issy gave a small smile in the direction of Jake. "The image I was looking for was a bottom heavy star, such as this..." Waving her wand a piece of parchment flew into her hand, and Issy held it up for the rest of them to see.
"...Which you all came up with for me. So thank you. I have collected them all and they shall adorn my office wall for now." Issy had a glint in her eye when she said that. With no kids of her own, why not put up pictures from other peoples? Heh. "If you could all finish up what you are doing, class is now over, so you can leave when you've cleared away. Please take the watches, or compasses - whichever form they currently take - as you will need them for homework. I will post that up the on board within the next few hours." With smile, Issy spread out her arms and nodded at the kids. "Class dismissed."
OOC: I will leave the thread open until tomorrow, and homework will be posted soon. Finish up your practise, then you can have your charrie leave. Thanks guys!
As the Professor accepted the parchment and took it from Alice's hands she tried oh so hard not to smile or even grin. "T...Thank you Professor Magnus" she bowed a little then walked back to her desk. "She said it was perfect! She said it was perfect!" she yelled inside her head. This was probably the first time being praised by anyone except her parents but it wasn't the same feeling. Alice had the feeling of accomplishment and happiness.
By the time Alice walked back to desk the professor had announced that class was over and that she will be submitting homework on the notice board soon. She turned to face Jaina and gave her a small smile, "Hey Jaina. I'll be walking around the school and probably go grab something to eat on the way Did you want to come or do you have something planned already?". While waiting for Jaina's response Alice grabbed her messenger bag shaped like a huge panda's head from the floor, dusted anything dirty off and wore the bag.