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I kid you not, this is one tree you don’t want to mess with. It's best you keep a safe distance from the Whomping Willow’s tree limbs or you may end up with a few broken limbs yourself.
As Fee heard someone caling her name the girl turned her head to see who it was. "Heeeey Selina",she smiled,"havent seen you in soomloong.Whats going on?"Really it was freaky how long it took younto see all of your friends once shool had started again.The firstie seemed to be excited about something and Fee couldnt wait to find out .Hehe.
" I am sorry",Fee giggled,"yes Glitter!Boy."God if others overheard their conversation they would think the two were freaks.But who cared they were in their own little world.Shaking her head at her best friend the blonde laughed."Ohh man Rex tahts it i totally agree",she said.So she was up first. But wait, with throwing orn reading?!"Do you want me to read yours?",she smiled at her malie.
" Oh yes, I am "Glitter Boy" Rex told Fee." Well if you want me to throw first, I am ok with it" Rex said to Fee." Glad we are popular" Rex smiled. Rex threw his Chiang-Teng sticks on the ground.
As Fee heard someone caling her name the girl turned her head to see who it was. "Heeeey Selina",she smiled,"havent seen you in soo loong.Whats going on?"Really it was freaky how long it took you to see all of your friends once shool had started again.The firstie seemed to be excited about something and Fee couldnt wait to find out .Hehe.
Selina was so excited to see Fee. It was strange that she had seen Fee's boyfriend more than Fee. She was so thrilled for the two of them. When Hugo had told her she was astatic. They were obviously very into one another, it was only a matter of time until they started to date.
"I made the Quidditch team! I'm the only first year Chaser and one of the only two first years on the team!"
Oh this one was a joker, wasn't he? Letting out a small smile of amusement Josephina pulled her head up and away from her legs. It was rather lovely out for a November day, she decided, as she breathed in the fresh air.
Centre-stage? Raising an eyebrow at him peculiarly, she hadn't quite caught onto what he was talking about . . . Weirdness was ... he was in the center of the weirdness? OH! WAIT ... WHAT?! Well sure he wasn't a bad looking guy, but she guessed looks weren't the first things she noticed. Teenage girls chased him though? Interesting .... She only recalled having one teenage male who seemed attracted to her. "My condolences. If you ever need another hideaway spot, especially with the cold months coming upon us, my office is only located right on the third floor. I've got a puppy and a kitten for you to play with too." You know, just offering. Being the friendly colleague she knew she could be.
Josephina looked mildly confused for a moment there, and Jared took that moment to contemplate why that might be. Weirdness did not just lurk round the corners, here, it took centre-stage. Practically. Finding nothing puzzling about that comment, he dismissed the thought.
"Thank you," he said neutrally. "I might take you up on that offer." He noted that she, too, had a duo of pets. Like at least two other professors he had come to know.
Salute? Jared gave her a polite half-smile. "Of course," he agreed, as the pause in the conversation seemed to fade away. He excelled in several other subjects himself. Care of Magical Creatures, for one. Defense too, but he supposed he ought not to say that out loud too often, in case a certain Gryffindor somehow heard it and found reason to further stretch his theories about him being here to take over Tate's job.
He nodded at her explanation, a light nod. "You've been quite the traveller, then?" he asked. She had, after all, mentioned South Africa and several other countries.
"You think it's been proven." she replied, eyebrows going up a bit at his comment. "But you've never actually seen it happen." Or did he? Because it would be pretty awesome if he did! "For all you know it's a peaceful tree, wrongly portrayed in all aspects." She grinned to show that she was only kidding. Even Melanie knew better than that. The girl was firmly convinced that the Whomping Willow had whomped on quite a few people in its time... Unless the name was meant to be ironic...
It liked her? "Well, if liking someone is the same thing as not attacking someone, it must like you pretty well too." she stated, laughing lightly.
Now this was just one touchy lady... or girl 'cause it fits more perfectly, yep. Cedric was... well, emotionless; his face bore a very pleasant expression, very pleasant looks, indeed, that tells you Ah-Okay or I'm-Not-Interested or best, When-Would-You-Stop-Talking. After Melanie had finished her speech, he cocked his head to one side and his gaze started to wander which soon fell upon the tree that was said to whomp anyone and anything. The tree looked harmless, indeed... but would it still be when he or Melanie or anyone step just a bit, bit more closer to it? Hah! That he would quite relish to see.
Cedric's senses was suddenly woke by Melanie's little laugh. Was he actually staring at the tree for too long? Ugh. No. Can't be! Shall be pretty embarrassing in his part! "Ah, yeah, I guess so." Cedric mumbled, red spots starting to flare on his cheeks.
she dreamed of para-para-pardise ♥ ily MY Sara x Sams twinny x Kake/Anastopher/Chalie
Originally Posted by sarahkbarrett
Ellie wandered her way through the grounds and eventually found herself near the Whomping Willow. She looked at the letter in her hand she had received from her insane mother. She rolled her eyes and plopped down on the ground. She set the papers down on the grass and adjusted her skirt.
Suddenly, a light gust of wind started to blow her letter away. EEP. She began to crawl towards it (she was too lazy to use her feet) when another gust blew it farther. Ellie groaned. Come on, really?
Katie had deiced not to wear her ring to the whomping willow, just in case it smashed it, and Katie did not want that to happen. Katie had no idea why she was here actually, she could break a bone and then *le gasp* No Quidditch! And Katie was beater, that would be sad, Katie turned around and saw a girl chasing a piece of paper, Katie quickly grabbed the paper as it flew off next to her, "Here" Katie said handing it to the girl smiling, she then said "I think you nearly lost this"
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by PureBlood64
Katie had deiced not to wear her ring to the whomping willow, just in case it smashed it, and Katie did not want that to happen. Katie had no idea why she was here actually, she could break a bone and then *le gasp* No Quidditch! And Katie was beater, that would be sad, Katie turned around and saw a girl chasing a piece of paper, Katie quickly grabbed the paper as it flew off next to her, "Here" Katie said handing it to the girl smiling, she then said "I think you nearly lost this"
Phew. A girl handed Ellie her letter. "Oh. Thank you." She said with a exasperated laugh, grabbing the letter from the girl's hand. She stood up and brushed the grass off her knees. "Yeah, that would have been bad if I lost that. Thanks." She said again.
Hmmm, how could she repay her..? Ellie dug her hand in her pocked and pulled out two lemon drops. "Want one?" She asked, holding one out for the girl and popping one in her own mouth.
she dreamed of para-para-pardise ♥ ily MY Sara x Sams twinny x Kake/Anastopher/Chalie
Originally Posted by sarahkbarrett
Phew. A girl handed Ellie her letter. "Oh. Thank you." She said with a exasperated laugh, grabbing the letter from the girl's hand. She stood up and brushed the grass off her knees. "Yeah, that would have been bad if I lost that. Thanks." She said again.
Hmmm, how could she repay her..? Ellie dug her hand in her pocked and pulled out two lemon drops. "Want one?" She asked, holding one out for the girl and popping one in her own mouth.
Katie smiled YUMMY! CANDY! "Your welcome and thank you" Katie said as she took a lemon drop and popped it in her mouth, yum! "I'm Katelyn Star by the way, people call me Katie though" She said putting out her hand for the girl o shake.
"You have to use your wand to write a message. If someone else uses their wand or even your own and pretends to be you it wont work. It's charmed to know your touch and only your touch."
*Matty passed it to Em so she could see it.*
"My uncle invented them, he post loads of protection spells on them and un see-able charms. The bad thing is that they are about 75 Gallions... each... and that would be the cheap one's... but... I can get a few of the older models. They only hold up to three contacts and can only send WNB's if the other user has you in their book."
*Looking over to Mikey he asked.*
"Would that work?"
Originally Posted by Michael White
looking at the book how much are the ones that can have like 10 contacts"looking back to Em and the rest "well guys "
Originally Posted by Gabben
*Looking up and thinking for a moment he thought about it.*
"Umm... around 450-500 each. That one-"
*Matty pointed to his that was being passed around.*
"-can hold up to twenty contacts. But that was made special by my uncle."
Originally Posted by Michael White
running the calculations in his head "so like 5000 ,and can you use it when we are not in school "meaning is it in violation of the underage use of magic laws
Originally Posted by Gabben
"Oh yeah, like I said it would just look like your writing in it. The newer ones can talk if you want but I turn mine off... after my howler. Anyway that is the price when they are out to the public. All I can get now is the three contact but I might be able to do some work on them... bump them up to 5 or 8 contacts."
*Matty rubbed the back of his neck unsure. He wasn't even sure that he uncle would let him have the notebooks.*
"You should be fine out side of school."
Originally Posted by Michael White
biteing his lip and looking to the outhers " has he got Beta testers ?" a small devlish smile playing at his lips " I am thinking if any one can use these for things they not suppose to it will be us , like sending macical art work" looking to Britt and the outhers
Originally Posted by Gabben
*Raising an eyebrow at Mikey Matty looked very confused. Beta? Wasn't that a fish? Or was that bata? No that was what you said at those muggle baseball games.*
"Beta what now?"
*Ohhh testers! Matty wasn't sure. He would have to talk it over with him.*
"I'm not sure... I can ask him though when I tell him about our findings. He's also sending me another book on the... knights."
*Matty looked around at the others not sure what they knew. Sitting down on a near by stump he pulled his pack off. It had gotten very heavy with books and his notes but he didn't want to leave anything out.*
Emmaleigh frowned at the conversation. Even if she was willing to use the money Michael had pulled out, 75 galleons was way too much. Only one notebook would be rather useless. "Three contacts?" she muttered to herself as she though about that. It could work, but it would be incredibly difficult, and work in a chain like fashion. As she though, Michael continued with his barrage of questions. 5000? hearing michael say such a high figure, the girl gave him a hard look. They could not afford anything for that much. Hearing the question about underage magic, she decided to speak up. "But you would still have to use magic to make it work wouldn't you?" of coarse, if they were at home during the summer, some of them could communicate using a phone or computer. She nodded as she mentioned working to make them hold more contacts. "That would be great." She looked questioningly at the older boy when he mentioned a book. "What are the knights?" she asked.
So many things are possible
just as long as you don't know they're impossible
Emmaleigh frowned at the conversation. Even if she was willing to use the money Michael had pulled out, 75 galleons was way too much. Only one notebook would be rather useless. "Three contacts?" she muttered to herself as she though about that. It could work, but it would be incredibly difficult, and work in a chain like fashion. As she though, Michael continued with his barrage of questions. 5000? hearing michael say such a high figure, the girl gave him a hard look. They could not afford anything for that much. Hearing the question about underage magic, she decided to speak up. "But you would still have to use magic to make it work wouldn't you?" of coarse, if they were at home during the summer, some of them could communicate using a phone or computer. She nodded as she mentioned working to make them hold more contacts. "That would be great." She looked questioningly at the older boy when he mentioned a book. "What are the knights?" she asked.
*Matty smirked and pointed to the notebooks again.*
"That's just it, your not really using magic at all. Your just brushing your wand around on the paper. No spell or magic is being done at all. But in case your wand is spell happy you can use a quill. It's will just take a few more seconds to clear."
*At the mention of the knights Matty smiled and looked over to Mikey then back to Em.*
"The Knight were mentioned in DADA class but when I went to the library they had nothing on them. So I asked my uncle and he sent me a few books. I believe... Albert... has something to do with them."
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by PureBlood64
Katie smiled YUMMY! CANDY! "Your welcome and thank you" Katie said as she took a lemon drop and popped it in her mouth, yum! "I'm Katelyn Star by the way, people call me Katie though" She said putting out her hand for the girl o shake.
Lemon drops were Ellie's favorite since she was little. Her mother always told her her teeth would rot out... Needless to say, Ellie didn't care. "You're welcome." Ellie said with a smile.
"Nice to meet you, Katie. I'm Ellie." She introduced and shook the girl's hand. "I'm in Ravenclaw, you?"
*Matty smirked and pointed to the notebooks again.*
"That's just it, your not really using magic at all. Your just brushing your wand around on the paper. No spell or magic is being done at all. But in case your wand is spell happy you can use a quill. It's will just take a few more seconds to clear."
*At the mention of the knights Matty smiled and looked over to Mikey then back to Em.*
"The Knight were mentioned in DADA class but when I went to the library they had nothing on them. So I asked my uncle and he sent me a few books. I believe... Albert... has something to do with them."
Emmaleigh nodded at this, and was glad you didn't have to use a wand. it would look weird to do that in the muggle world.
"Oh" The girl said sheepishly. "Those Knights. Theres nothing on them? that seems odd." She thought a moment about his last comment. "You may be right. It would explain his outburst in class."
So many things are possible
just as long as you don't know they're impossible
Cass walked towards the Whomping Willow with a sad expression on her face. It was Christmas again and she was all alone. Fee had Hugo, Freya had Elliot, and she was pretty sure that even Heather had Ed. and where was she? She was nowhere...
She tightened her Slytherin scarf around her and sighed...some Christmas this was turning out to be...
Panda Princess || Show the panda love | | lazy artist at work || strawberry milkshake <3
Originally Posted by mellamaet
Cass walked towards the Whomping Willow with a sad expression on her face. It was Christmas again and she was all alone. Fee had Hugo, Freya had Elliot, and she was pretty sure that even Heather had Ed. and where was she? She was nowhere...
She tightened her Slytherin scarf around her and sighed...some Christmas this was turning out to be...
Heather had been looking all over the place for Cass. Amidst the white snow, and people by the whomping willow, she found the familiar head of blonde hair and waved her left hand. "CASS!" she called out and began to walk fast towards her best friend. she had to be careful not to slip in the snow. "Hey Cass!"
Heather had been looking all over the place for Cass. Amidst the white snow, and people by the whomping willow, she found the familiar head of blonde hair and waved her left hand. "CASS!" she called out and began to walk fast towards her best friend. she had to be careful not to slip in the snow. "Hey Cass!"
Cass turned around when she heard a familiar voice calling out to her. At first she shrugged it off merely as the blow of the wind. It wouldn't be the first time that she heard voices...
But then the voice wouldn't stop calling her! She finally turned around, annoyance clear on her face. "What?!" She started to say, but then it had died down when she saw that it was Heather calling her. Her frown disappeared as she waited for her best friend to reach her. "What's wrong Heather?" She asked
Panda Princess || Show the panda love | | lazy artist at work || strawberry milkshake <3
Originally Posted by mellamaet
Cass turned around when she heard a familiar voice calling out to her. At first she shrugged it off merely as the blow of the wind. It wouldn't be the first time that she heard voices...
But then the voice wouldn't stop calling her! She finally turned around, annoyance clear on her face. "What?!" She started to say, but then it had died down when she saw that it was Heather calling her. Her frown disappeared as she waited for her best friend to reach her. "What's wrong Heather?" She asked
Finally! after a certain incredible amount of time, she had reached Cass. Heather, though panting, smiled at Her best friend. "Where have you been all day? I wanted to hang with you, and tell you something." she said a little bit innocent-looking.
Finally! after a certain incredible amount of time, she had reached Cass. Heather, though panting, smiled at Her best friend. "Where have you been all day? I wanted to hang with you, and tell you something." she said a little bit innocent-looking.
"Well, I've been in the Slytherin Common room." Cass said, still a bit confused to why Heather was looking for her. Then she raised an eyebrow at her and asked a bit rhetorically "Do you think that I would hang out in the cold all day?"
Panda Princess || Show the panda love | | lazy artist at work || strawberry milkshake <3
Originally Posted by mellamaet
"Well, I've been in the Slytherin Common room." Cass said, still a bit confused to why Heather was looking for her. Then she raised an eyebrow at her and asked a bit rhetorically "Do you think that I would hang out in the cold all day?"
"well...no...but it's just that i haven't seen you in awhile...not since you pulled me away from edward." Heather tried her best to not blush upon saying Edward's name. She shook her head and wet back to Cass. "hey cass, i was going to tell you something. You know, i think i'm on the road to a full recovery soon...so i have to be more careful from now on." she said with a smile and noticed a faint confused look on cass's face. OH RIGHT! she has no clue yet about what happened to heather! "oh, sorry cass....you didn't know. it's been like months now, but suring the summer holidays i sort of got into an accident playing quidditch with my dad's friend's kids." She smiled awkwardly. She was pretty sure Cass would ask her how THAT happened knowing how much Heather loved to go on a broom and is actually a good flier herself...
"well...no...but it's just that i haven't seen you in awhile...not since you pulled me away from edward." Heather tried her best to not blush upon saying Edward's name. She shook her head and wet back to Cass. "hey cass, i was going to tell you something. You know, i think i'm on the road to a full recovery soon...so i have to be more careful from now on." she said with a smile and noticed a faint confused look on cass's face. OH RIGHT! she has no clue yet about what happened to heather! "oh, sorry cass....you didn't know. it's been like months now, but suring the summer holidays i sort of got into an accident playing quidditch with my dad's friend's kids." She smiled awkwardly. She was pretty sure Cass would ask her how THAT happened knowing how much Heather loved to go on a broom and is actually a good flier herself...
Cass eyed her curiously, silently ordering her to keep on talking before she even asked
Panda Princess || Show the panda love | | lazy artist at work || strawberry milkshake <3
Originally Posted by mellamaet
Cass eyed her curiously, silently ordering her to keep on talking before she even asked
ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. Heather knew very well that look Cass was giving her.
"well...........we were playing quidditch ad i took the position of beater." she grinned. "during the game, i didn't see the bludger, and it hit my..." heather pointed to her right arm. "...my arm. To double that, i lost my balance and fell of my broom and landed on the same arm that was hit." She moved her right arm a bit, showing it to cass. "but i'm getting better now....see? i just need to be more careful."
Now this was just one touchy lady... or girl 'cause it fits more perfectly, yep. Cedric was... well, emotionless; his face bore a very pleasant expression, very pleasant looks, indeed, that tells you Ah-Okay or I'm-Not-Interested or best, When-Would-You-Stop-Talking. After Melanie had finished her speech, he cocked his head to one side and his gaze started to wander which soon fell upon the tree that was said to whomp anyone and anything. The tree looked harmless, indeed... but would it still be when he or Melanie or anyone step just a bit, bit more closer to it? Hah! That he would quite relish to see.
Cedric's senses was suddenly woke by Melanie's little laugh. Was he actually staring at the tree for too long? Ugh. No. Can't be! Shall be pretty embarrassing in his part! "Ah, yeah, I guess so." Cedric mumbled, red spots starting to flare on his cheeks.
Melanie, being Melanie, assumed he was just shy. In the girl's eyes, that was the only thing that could account for such a dull response on his part. Of course, she assured herself, it couldn't possibly have anything to do with her random rambling a few moments ago. She wasn't sure how to answer him so she just sorta nodded before turning her head back to the tree. Melanie didn't have anything else to say, really. Perhaps Cedric had a better topic in mind. If not, silence was fine by her. She wasn't going to say something else, for the fear of another short reply.
" So how do you like HogWarts?" Rex asked Justin. "Dangerous is a good descrotion of this tree" Rex said to Justin. " Very incredible that you use music and life together" Rex told Justin.
" The perfect team sounds good" Rex told Fee. " Not only best friends, the best of best friends" Rex said to Fee. "We do match well" Rex smiled. " Have you done the Arithromancy or Transfiguration homework?" Rex asked Fee.
"I love it. It's pretty awesome. And filled with some amazing people too" replied Justin. Was he referring to one particular person? Maybe! Ok, yes he was but he wasn't about to tell him that, was he? "Certainly is" Hey, he replied without looking up at it. Miracle! "It's the only way I can write an effective song. Plus, it makes it easier to relate to"
I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier;
I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night, feel my tears as they dry;
I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier
"I love it. It's pretty awesome. And filled with some amazing people too" replied Justin. Was he referring to one particular person? Maybe! Ok, yes he was but he wasn't about to tell him that, was he? "Certainly is" Hey, he replied without looking up at it. Miracle! "It's the only way I can write an effective song. Plus, it makes it easier to relate to"
" I am so happy when boys and girls love HogWarts" Rex told Justin. " Very amazing people" Rex agreed with Justin." I admire your writing of songs" Rex explained to Justin.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,103
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
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Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy
Emmaleigh nodded at this, and was glad you didn't have to use a wand. it would look weird to do that in the muggle world.
"Oh" The girl said sheepishly. "Those Knights. Theres nothing on them? that seems odd." She thought a moment about his last comment. "You may be right. It would explain his outburst in class."
"I actually wondered the same thing," Kurumi said scratching her head. "Headmaster Tate was trying to make us all look at Dark Wizards in a different light. You know, break down the stereotype image that we have of them all being like Voldemort. Mr. Iken--- erm, Albert, mentioned that he was on the losing side of history..." Kurumi paused for a moment hoping that her next comment wouldn't make anyone want to tear her apart limb from limb. "I don't think he is all that bad. People are always afraid of new and different things, but that doesn't mean they are bad..." He had served her delicious green tea after all!
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
"I actually wondered the same thing," Kurumi said scratching her head. "Headmaster Tate was trying to make us all look at Dark Wizards in a different light. You know, break down the stereotype image that we have of them all being like Voldemort. Mr. Iken--- erm, Albert, mentioned that he was on the losing side of history..." Kurumi paused for a moment hoping that her next comment wouldn't make anyone want to tear her apart limb from limb. "I don't think he is all that bad. People are always afraid of new and different things, but that doesn't mean they are bad..." He had served her delicious green tea after all!
Emmaleigh listened to Kurumi's comments. "I'm afraid I was rather confused during the lesson, and I still can't make heads or tails of it. Like, I don't understand why only teaching purebloods would be a good idea. And what is the losing side? I didn't get that either."
"Its not that he's new," Emmaleigh said in earnest. "Mean, we have alot of new professors, and I like them well enough. Sure, all the lessons are a little odd, but I don't think that is a coincidence." She paused, "Its well, its that he's creepy. Didn't you notice that he just appeared from no where. And it seems like he can read minds." She whispered the last bit, because that was absolutely terrifying. "And lets not forget his less than spectacular introduction to the school." Everything that had happened at the feast, and what she had seen since then showed the girl that he was a very suspicious character that she couldn't trust.
So many things are possible
just as long as you don't know they're impossible
"I don't trust him... My uncle knows almost all the people in security at the Ministry of Magic and he's never heard of him. Also the way he went on about purebloods having a responsibility... At the pub he was buying drinks and dishing out chocolate frogs like father Christmas but it all seemed so fake... the way he was acting."
*Matty had tried to give them man the benefit of the doubt at the pub, but the more they talked the more he had worried him. Matty was just glad he didn't eat or drink anything the man had given him. That was one of the first things his uncle had told him. Don't trust the person then don't trust the food.*