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The staff are seated at a long table, stretching across a dais at the front of the room. Feel free to come up and greet them after the feast has started.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Colley ♥
Lily clapped encouragingly after Casey gave his SPEECH, and then she pushed back her seat and stood, walking to the middle of the table, and leaned down just a bit, to be at the man's height. Though, that wasn't hard because even when he was sitting, and she was standing, she didn't have to try very hard.
"How is your shoulder?" HMMM? He could give her all the disapproving, 'Merlin, Moretti' looks that he wanted to, she was only doing her JOB.
"Sore. Old. Like me," he grumbled and gave the shoulder a little jab with his fingertips. "I should be back to normal, Lil, not grunting and wincing like some arthritic old man."
And it wasn't so much that it was her fault as that he had confidence that she could fix it and was choosing not to do so.
Originally Posted by Harry174
Simon smiled when he had finished listening to the Headmaster speech, he hoped that the headmaster didn't mind him coming to say goodbye to him and see you next term. "Headmaster, I just thought I'd come and say I hope that you have a great summer and that I'll see you next term." Simon smiled, he hadn't seen the headmaster much this term, saying that the headmaster must be busy.
"Thank you," Tate nodded at the young man. "And you also. Have a safe, enjoyable summer."
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
Trixie made her way up to the staff table shortly after Headmaster Tates speech, her LAST ever speech. The Slytherin sighed, a clear look of sorrow on all her features as she slumped over to speak to the Professors, who she wouldn't ever see again.
Yes this was more depressing then she thought.
"I just wanted to thank you all, for being such amazing teachers whilst I've been here, every single one of you. Without you I don't think I'd ever have done as well as I have done" she wibbled. Don't. Cry.
"And Headmaster, I wanted to thank you for choosing me to be Head Girl this year. I honestly didn't think I'd get the opportunity and I've loved every second of it" she stated truthfully.
"I think I chose wisely. Your party thing was a rousing success. You leave big shoes to fill." Tate gave the Slytherin girl another polite nod. Polite polite. He was so so polite.
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
Max was the first to begin the applause and ceased once Tate sat back down. "Three tickets is no problem and they'll be the best seats in the stadium so you'll arrive within two hours of the game starting," he said and acted as if their conversation wasn't interrupted by the speech. "Hope you don't mind the Kalahari Desert. It's the sand that's the real pain about playing down there . . . it gets into places where sand doesn't belong."
Then something that Tate said in his speech finally clicked in his mind.
"That's it - don't die! I was trying to remember your number one golden rule when planning the Herbology lessons. Well, at least no one died or lost a limb."
"I suppose I better be sure Cari actually likes sand and things before I drag her off to the desert," Tate growled a bit over the idea. Not of asking the woman's permission, but of taking her somewhere she would be uncomfortable. The boy was fine... he deserved to be uncomfortable occasionally, but Cari didn't need the stress.
"How can you forget that? It's... the whole point of things." Don't die was more than just a rule. It was a mantra. A lifestyle.
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"Sore. Old. Like me," he grumbled and gave the shoulder a little jab with his fingertips. "I should be back to normal, Lil, not grunting and wincing like some arthritic old man."
And it wasn't so much that it was her fault as that he had confidence that she could fix it and was choosing not to do so.
Sigh. Men. They really were her worst patients. They either never admitted to the pain, or they WHINED about it. Sigh.
"Even with magic, healing depends on how cooperative your body is, and I suppose your body is just as stubborn as you are." She grinned. It was all in good nature, though.
The woman produced a potion bottle and held it out to him, "I'm so nice that I brought this for you, it will make you feel better." She barely managed to keep away from the baby talk, and gave the good shoulder a pat.
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Tate gave his speech after cavorting with his testosterone friend. This was boy's club, if it wasn't Vindictus, it was Truebridge... Ugh...
Originally Posted by McFeisty
Inside the bag was a little card that read: Thanks for a fun term, I hope you all enjoyed it as well. There was also a little bit of more personal messages on them, that well everyone could read themselves yeah?
There was also a nice little assortment of candies, muggle & magical lemon drops, chocolate frogs, cauldron cakes, the works anything you could imagine and everything you could imagine was magically in the bag. Well after all it had an undetectable extension charm on it.
The Ravenclaw girl smiled, "There's a Staff member's name on each of the bags...hope you enjoy" she smiled, her big blue eyes glistening happily as she stood there in front of the staff table with a load of different things in each bag. Yes, even some (well most) of the bouncy ball collection she'd started over the year. Who couldn't use a little bit of fun eh?
"Thank you," she said taking her bag. Could have been something potion related in it.
Originally Posted by Maxilocks
"Thank you, Kyle." He gave the Ravenclaw a faint but definite smile. "This is some excellent charm-work."
Yeah... the charms professor was very pretty... very pretty indeed...
Originally Posted by Hera
Emily approached the staff table, a huge grin on her face. It had taken some time, but she was coming to terms with graduating. She would still miss the castle, the grounds, quidditch! the classes and of course the Professors... it had been such an.... interesting term.
She wanted to thank each of the Professors in turn, though having reached the table she realised they were all quite... busy and preoccupied. But she still had to say something, so she started with Lafay.
"Hello Professor Lafay", she greeted. "I just wanted to come and say thank you... for everything you've done for me over the past year. I really appreciate it."
Emily paused, then continued. "I have some good news.... I was accepted into the Youth Auror Training Initiative."
She was excited about this. All the hard work, effort and late nights studying had paid off.
"Congratulations Miss Browne. I know you will make us proud."
Rae made her way up to the table where once again, Prof Chaud, and Professor Bishop were sitting next to each other. Sigh, brush it off Rae, brush it off. She gave a short nod to Professor Bishop and a small smile, letting her know she was acknowledged and they were still on good terms for now. Then to Prof Chaud it was more of a WIIIIIDDDDEEE grin. Hey hey there good lookin' Rae had to quiet her thoughts down, because of course she couldn't say that aloud. "Hi Prof Chaud! I'm sorry I wasn't too great with my Charms this year, but I'm REALLY hoping for some Charms help before I take my NEWTs next year.... I guess I'll have to step it up and put in some hard labor to get a good grade.. Don't worry Prof Chaud, I'm really gonna try. You can expect me in your classroom everyday if that's what it takes!" Heh, yeah, and that's what it will take all right. You've been forewarned Prof Chaud... Everyday.
'Cause I saw the moon fall I watched the colors
Fade from everything, as winter stays...
Kyle smiled to Professor Lafay, "Your welcome Professor" she smiled brightly the girl was happy really happy and oddly enough she was of the breed of girl who always gave a teacher something at the end of the year.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Sucking in deep breaths of air, Emily managed to relax a little. YATI! YATI! YATI! she thought to herself. Yes she would miss Hogwarts but there were always going to be other things, possibly better things that she could fit into her life. .. Graduating wasn't the end of the world... it was the beginning of the next chapter. And Emily knew the next chapter was already going to be brilliant, she could feel it.
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
Awww. Why was this girl so...emotional? She wanted to make her go away. No one made Maya cry. "You are most welcome, Miss Browne. Good Luck on your future endeavors. I am sure you will do great." Good student. Yes.
She turned to Professor Saylen, she had been a terrific Care of Magical Creatures professor. She would miss the classes, though she couldn't say the same for digging around in poop....... hhmmm "Thank you Professor Saylen, I really enjoyed your classes this term, they were brilliant. I hope you have a great summer and good luck for next term."
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
"Thank you, Emily," he nodded in appreciation and wondered why she didn't mention Quidditch or his famous flying lessons. Hmmm. "Good luck with the next step in your education."
Emily smiled, good... things were good. "Thank you Professor, I'm sure it wont be long till you're reading about my successes in the Daily Prophet." She smilled mischeviously. Oh yes... she had ambitions. Sensing the professor was taken aback by her comment about herbology.. of all the subjects he taught , she added. "I thought I should also mention, your flying lessons were great this term to.... Sir I was just thinking... promise me you'll keep an eye out for Jacob... I think the win has gone to his head a bit. I wouldn't want him to hurt himself- or anyone else for that matter."
Originally Posted by Droo
"Congratulations Miss Browne. I know you will make us proud."
"Thank you Professor... I will certainly do my best. Hope you have a good summer break and goodluck for next term."
Next Emily greeted the rest of staff. "I just wanted to thank you all for everything you've done over this last term in perticular. I've enjoyed all of your lessons, they've been really insightful and inspriring... I'll miss you all".
Originally Posted by McFeisty
Kyle smiled as Professor Descoteaux said she had used excellent charms work on the bags. "Thank you Professor"
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley
" I really appreciate your send away" Rex told the professor."Well, I hope you have a great summer' Rex said to the professor." I am sure you will find a lot of things todo" Rex smiled. "Godbye professor" Rex smiled again.
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
Selecting a couple pieces of roast chicken, as well as some of the mashed potatoes that weren't already on Josefina's plate, Renée slipped Selina's gift into her robe pocket for the time being before turning to Jared again. She hoped he didn't mind waiting for a response. "Touché, Monsieur Descoteaux," she said with a grin, in response to his words about meaning. That seemed to be more accurate when it came to the two of them than she hoped could be attributed to everyone else. She did still believe there was innocence in the world, even if it was rare.
The other comment was much more interesting. "I never said they couldn't overlap," she pointed out, before he was distracted by others.
The staff table had become a tad crowded, as several more students arrived. Selecting a dish, Jared spooned some of the contents into his plate. Emily chose this moment to address the staff in general, and he nodded to the Ravenclaw as he replaced the ladle.
"Good luck in your future endeavours, Emily."
He gave Kyle a light smile as she thanked him, before turning his attention to Rex. "I don't doubt it," he grinned, as the Gryffindor expressed his certainty that Jared would find a lot of things to do. That he would, even if he did not accept a certain, standing offer. "Enjoy the feast." He gave the young man a light nod as he took his leave.
Now that the crowd around his side of the table had thinned a little, Jared finally applied himself to the contents of his food. His and Renée's conversation had a rather halting touch to it, punctuated as it was by a series of other conversations but, bearing the start-of-term feast in mind, Jared hadn't expected anything else. He supposed she hadn't, either; and, as she spoke, he found himself grinning at her two-word remark.
"You never said they could, either," he pointed out. "Omissions can be dangerous, mademoiselle." The grin continued to lurk.
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu
Ellie still beamed. She couldn't help it. She'd caught him. He'd just have to admit defeat.
"How am I supposed to get an authentic candid shot if you know about it?" Seriously.
Besides, there was nothing he could do about it now.
"One more?" And now she asked because she wanted a smiling one...well, a Little Professor smile, she supposed. He hardly ever TRULY smiled. She just couldn't imagine him doing so for a picture, especially.
The Little Human had a victorious little glint in her eyes.
Best not ask himself why.
"I don't think you're supposed to take authentic candid shots of your professors," Jared pointed out. Professors beings professors and all.
One more? He hadn't expected that question, and it came as a mild surprise. Jared considered it.
"Only if you admit it's possible to fall off the top of Mount Everest."
Originally Posted by Droo
Yeah... the charms professor was very pretty... very pretty indeed...
Catching Hecate's gaze, Jared raised his goblet to the Potions Mistress - a greeting being out of the question, considering the distance and din.
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys
Rae made her way up to the table where once again, Prof Chaud, and Professor Bishop were sitting next to each other. Sigh, brush it off Rae, brush it off. She gave a short nod to Professor Bishop and a small smile, letting her know she was acknowledged and they were still on good terms for now. Then to Prof Chaud it was more of a WIIIIIDDDDEEE grin. Hey hey there good lookin' Rae had to quiet her thoughts down, because of course she couldn't say that aloud. "Hi Prof Chaud! I'm sorry I wasn't too great with my Charms this year, but I'm REALLY hoping for some Charms help before I take my NEWTs next year.... I guess I'll have to step it up and put in some hard labor to get a good grade.. Don't worry Prof Chaud, I'm really gonna try. You can expect me in your classroom everyday if that's what it takes!" Heh, yeah, and that's what it will take all right. You've been forewarned Prof Chaud... Everyday.
Given all that had happened during the term, he ought to have been prepared for this. But, Jared - being Jared - had hoped nothing of this sort would occur and hence, was not. One of his faint smiles returned Rae's gigantic grin. He'd gotten used to the nickname, but that might have been the only thing he had gotten used to; because, by the time the Slytherin had finished speaking, his smile had disappeared.
Must. Remain. Calm.
Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.
"I'm pretty sure you'll be able to tackle the syllabus if you concentrate, Rae." There. That sounded normal enough.
*eyes Hecate, then bursts into giggles* Not entirely related. xD But she's mentioned.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Originally Posted by Hera
Next Emily greeted the rest of staff. "I just wanted to thank you all for everything you've done over this last term in perticular. I've enjoyed all of your lessons, they've been really insightful and inspriring... I'll miss you all".
Oh no... not again... Emily bit her tongue, she could feel the tears welling in her eyes again. NO! No tears!!! die!!!.............. she was NOT going to cry in front of staff.
Finally managing to eat a bit of her chicken, Renée had continued wtaching as the table was visited from all sorts of students, both graduating and otherwise. It seemed Patroclus was having a panic attack not far from where she and Jared were seated, due to the conversation between Josephina, Isabelle and Professor Saylen, but she stayed quiet. That only reminded her that she'd not gotten to know her colleague very well and now the woman was leaving. It was upsetting. hearing the voice of Emily was oddly calming, though, and she turned to the Ravenclaw with a smile. Swallowing her food first, of course. "You're very welcome, Emily," she replied, sensing the emotion in the girl welling up and hoping they could ease it all. End of term was always stressful, especially for the graduating students. "I'll miss you as well, and I hope you do amazingly in whatever you go on to do."
Originally Posted by McFeisty
Kyle smiled as Professor Descoteaux said she had used excellent charms work on the bags. "Thank you Professor," and then turning to Professor Bishop she smiled.
"Thank you, and I will tell her your thanks." She smiled, "well enjoy, I'm off to eat finally." She smiled and walked back off to her table. Where she was planning to immediately eat whatever she possibly could find - anything non garlic that is. Even though she loved garlic.
And then Renée turned as Kyle took her leave, smiling at the girl again. "Yes, go enjoy your meal," she said with a slight laugh. The goody bag had been spirited off to her robe pocket as well, to be investigated at a later time. Hopefully the other students hadn't devoured it all before Kyle could get back. She doubted it, but there were a few students who might try. Perhaps she'd be able to enjoy her own food as well, if the visits truly tapered off because of it all. She had her doubts as to that as well.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
"Thank you so much for making this term wonderful! I really loved your class!" Nika glanced over at Selina as she gave a present to Professor Bishop. She gave herself a mental slap on the forehead. Presents. Why didn't she think of that. Eh, maybe next term. "I know I wasn't very good at divination, but it was my favorite class!" And one of the more interesting classes at that. Who wants to learn about pointless things like History of Magic anyways.
Renée wasn't about to dismiss those who had already come over quite easily, though. They had every right to be speaking with her and the other professors, even if the praise and gratitude made her feel on the spot again. as such, she smiled at Nika as the little Gryffie continued with her excited speech. The chicken could wait a tiny bit longer. "That's nice to hear, Nika. I'm glad you enjoyed them, and I'll hope to see you again next term," she replied. When she'd hopefully have come up with more interesting topicss regarding Divination to discuss. It would take some thought. "All you need to do is focus and practice, and you should do fine." In any subject. It was good advice, given quite graciously, and she hoped the girl took it to heart.
Text Cut: Jared + Rae xD
Originally Posted by Maxilocks
The staff table had become a tad crowded, as several more students arrived. Selecting a dish, Jared spooned some of the contents into his plate. Emily chose this moment to address the staff in general, and he nodded to the Ravenclaw as he replaced the ladle.
"Good luck in your future endeavours, Emily."
He gave Kyle a light smile as she thanked him, before turning his attention to Rex. "I don't doubt it," he grinned, as the Gryffindor expressed his certainty that Jared would find a lot of things to do. That he would, even if he did not accept a certain, standing offer. "Enjoy the feast." He gave the young man a light nod as he took his leave.
Now that the crowd around his side of the table had thinned a little, Jared finally applied himself to the contents of his food. His and Renée's conversation had a rather halting touch to it, punctuated as it was by a series of other conversations but, bearing the start-of-term feast in mind, Jared hadn't expected anything else. He supposed she hadn't, either; and, as she spoke, he found himself grinning at her two-word remark.
"You never said they could, either," he pointed out. "Omissions can be dangerous, mademoiselle." The grin continued to lurk.
The Little Human had a victorious little glint in her eyes.
Best not ask himself why.
"I don't think you're supposed to take authentic candid shots of your professors," Jared pointed out. Professors beings professors and all.
One more? He hadn't expected that question, and it came as a mild surprise. Jared considered it.
"Only if you admit it's possible to fall off the top of Mount Everest."
Catching Hecate's gaze, Jared raised his goblet to the Potions Mistress - a greeting being out of the question, considering the distance and din.
Given all that had happened during the term, he ought to have been prepared for this. But, Jared - being Jared - had hoped nothing of this sort would occur and hence, was not. One of his faint smiles returned Rae's gigantic grin. He'd gotten used to the nickname, but that might have been the only thing he had gotten used to; because, by the time the Slytherin had finished speaking, his smile had disappeared.
Must. Remain. Calm.
Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.
"I'm pretty sure you'll be able to tackle the syllabus if you concentrate, Rae." There. That sounded normal enough.
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys
Rae made her way up to the table where once again, Prof Chaud, and Professor Bishop were sitting next to each other. Sigh, brush it off Rae, brush it off. She gave a short nod to Professor Bishop and a small smile, letting her know she was acknowledged and they were still on good terms for now. Then to Prof Chaud it was more of a WIIIIIDDDDEEE grin. Hey hey there good lookin' Rae had to quiet her thoughts down, because of course she couldn't say that aloud. "Hi Prof Chaud! I'm sorry I wasn't too great with my Charms this year, but I'm REALLY hoping for some Charms help before I take my NEWTs next year.... I guess I'll have to step it up and put in some hard labor to get a good grade.. Don't worry Prof Chaud, I'm really gonna try. You can expect me in your classroom everyday if that's what it takes!" Heh, yeah, and that's what it will take all right. You've been forewarned Prof Chaud... Everyday.
It seemed more students had spoken to Jared than herself, but Renée chose that as time to eat a bit more of her meal. She was listening to everything, though, out of habit. Especially when it came to jared, as anything could end up as part of their conversations. She knew he was aware of that, but there was no need to tip the students off. So, eating. At least until the next time she was addressed, and that came rather soon. She grinned at Jared, letting him have his unsaid point. "Very true," she replied, taking a moment to glance over as he'd raised his glass and smiling at Hecate down at the other end of the table. There was another colleague she hadn't spoken to much, but she figured that had more to do with being at opposite ends of the castle. She hadn't speant much time below the first floor, and beyond meals, she hadn't seen Hecate above them often. Other than reportedly in the grounds, but never wherever she'd been wandering.
Turning back to Jared, she'd grinned again. "Now, where were we? Omissions being dangerous, I think," she continued, setting her fork down again. She could go back to her food in a second. "They could be, but then, when have we been afraid of that?" At least metaphorically. She knew he didn't exactly have a track record for avoiding dangerous situations, at least. "But anyway," she added, intending to ask him about what he hadn't been saying to Rex about his summer. But it seemed that conversation needed to pause, as Rae had chosen that moment to appear. Interesting, she thought, returning the girl's nod with a smile, choosing to stay silent for now. It was much more amusing watching the girl give Jared a bit of a panic attack, and she found herself lightly resting a hand on his arm to hopefully ground him, before going back to her meal. Shortly before he'd spoken to Rae, and she had to hide another smile. He'd handled that rather well, even if she knew it wouldn't affect Rae's crush much. The girl would hang around if she wanted, and it had little to do with Charms.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Benjamin reluctantly walked into the Great Hall and headed straight for the Professor's and other staff table. For once, he wasn't nervous as he walked up to Professor Lafay.
"Good eve, Professor. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate all that you've done for me over the year. If it hadn't been for you, I'd still be the freak with all the dark runes covering my body. And I probably would've still been too closed and pent up inside that I never made any friends. So, thank you very much." He bowed to her and stood up straight. "Oh! I almost forgot. I have this for you." He stuck his hands in his pockets and pulled a small vial out of his robes and laid it on the table in front of her. "This is for all of those potions you had us make. I went above and beyond the boundaries of a first year and made you the Draught of Living Death. It's in this vial. I figured you'd like to have something back to remember a student during the vacation. I'll see you next term." He smiled a little and walked back out of the Great Hall to pack his belongings.
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Nika skipped towards the staff table in hopes to talk to Professor Bishop. She looked around the table and yet The gryffindor couldn't find her. Hmph maybe she's running late? Nika walked towards her other professors and almost jumped back as the saw Lafay. Nika put on her best cute-little-first-year smile and waved sweetly." thanks professor Lafay for making my first year awesome." Well it really had nothing to do with Lafay or her class for that matter but oh well.
"You are welcome." she said.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
"You're welcome, Professor Lafay," Kurumi said bowing a bit. "Will you be continuing the Potions for Muggles Club next term as well?"
She ought to receive a gold star for not stuttering in front of the woman.
"I am not sure, Miss Hollingberry. We'll see next term." She said shrugging.
Originally Posted by Lislchen
This year and well didn't really go together well in a sentence for Jeremy. "I would have to lie if I agreed with you there." He replied truthfully, keeping his voice even so as to not sound like he was complaining. There HAD been ups too after all and he just wasn't one to whine to other people about his own life.
Muggle Studies? At this he narrowed his eyes at her slightly. He wasn't sure if he liked that smirk on her face. "You really don't want to know." Vague answer but he really didn't want to go into detail, especially not with Hecate. "Why, how was Potions? Set any more students on fire?" Yes, he had heard about that even though it had been before his time here.
She smirked. That's where this conversation, was going was it?
"Not this term, Jeremy."
And turning to the other professors, she left it at that.
Originally Posted by Tailzerr
Chad looked in surprise over the rim of his mug towards Lafay. Well, well, well. "Madame Lafay," he replied, lowering his mug to the table with a small 'clunk!'. "Yes, the grounds are good. The dungeons are there?" Kids and potions. You never knew.
"Dungeons are perfectly prim." She said with a shrug.
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
Isabelle chuckled, and tilted her head to one side as she looked at Maya... "I'm so sorry that you're leaving, Maya."
... She was?
Originally Posted by Colley ♥
Lilyan Moretti settled herself into the same seat she'd occupied for... what? 50 3 years now? Though another term had come and gone, and the children would all come back a year older, and some of them wouldn't be back at all, there was admittedly, one thing on her mind. Summer tiiiiiiime. Summer tiiiime! HEHE. Lily almost giggled, but managed not to. She kept her composure rather well.
No one would ever know. Ahem.
"Healer Moretti," She said with a nod.
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
Oh, another question. "Yes, it is true. Oh, don't look so sad, Jeremy, I'm sure you'll have a quieter term without this Mexicana." Yes because her being a 'Mexican Fire Cracker', as someone put it, made this school so unruly. Ofcourse she was joking, and therefore a wink was in order. Hehe.
"Well, Maya, we'll certainly miss you..." Hecate said without looking at the woman.
Originally Posted by McFeisty
Kyle smiled to Professor Lafay, "Your welcome Professor" she smiled brightly the girl was happy really happy and oddly enough she was of the breed of girl who always gave a teacher something at the end of the year.
Hecate inclined her head towards the student.
Originally Posted by Hera
"Thank you Professor... I will certainly do my best. Hope you have a good summer break and goodluck for next term."
"And to you, in the auror office." She said.
Originally Posted by Maxilocks
Catching Hecate's gaze, Jared raised his goblet to the Potions Mistress - a greeting being out of the question, considering the distance and din.
She blushed and looked away. It was true. Just because she was on a diet didn't mean she couldn't look at the menu, but it was when the menu looked back that she got nervous.
Originally Posted by Orion Black
Benjamin reluctantly walked into the Great Hall and headed straight for the Professor's and other staff table. For once, he wasn't nervous as he walked up to Professor Lafay.
"Good eve, Professor. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate all that you've done for me over the year. If it hadn't been for you, I'd still be the freak with all the dark runes covering my body. And I probably would've still been too closed and pent up inside that I never made any friends. So, thank you very much." He bowed to her and stood up straight. "Oh! I almost forgot. I have this for you." He stuck his hands in his pockets and pulled a small vial out of his robes and laid it on the table in front of her. "This is for all of those potions you had us make. I went above and beyond the boundaries of a first year and made you the Draught of Living Death. It's in this vial. I figured you'd like to have something back to remember a student during the vacation. I'll see you next term." He smiled a little and walked back out of the Great Hall to pack his belongings.
... "You did, did you?" She took the vial. "Next time go above and beyond a second year's boundaries and earn more points for your house." She said pocketing the vial.
]Ohmygosh, what was that??
The smile she'd been giving the young girl dropped when Patroclus appeared by the table. She was speechless. Not in a million years did she think students would actually care.
Errr, what to say... "Mister Hudson..." WHAT. Something witty, something to joke it away, something to make him annoyed at her and forget what he had said.
Buuut nothing came. "Oh, I shall miss you, Mister Hudson. But I will expect you to look after the creatures when I'm away." Not that the new CoMC wouldn't be great...but she'd seen the boy taking care of his Abraxan, and it was clear he had a passion. Not to mention the big heart he had.
Patroclus couldn't believe it, nay he wouldn't believe it!
"Yo no quiero que te vayas..." For some reason Saylen had reminded him of his mother, and losing her was hurting him in a way he hadn't expected from a teacher.
"Pieros will be lost without you, I will be lost without you!" He had helped rear the abraxan, but only so much! "What do I do next?! When will he fly?!" The boy felt a panic attack coming on, but he didn't want it to happen, he wanted to say goodbye, the right way!
"I will miss you very much Professor Saylen!" he would....the school would feel weird without her, like it had when he returned to find Professor Carlton gone, Lawson and Trubridge the first time........ "I hope you will come to vist us again!"
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Originally Posted by Lislchen
- was saved by the bell. Or something just as effective. "Legend!" Jeremy greeted the Gryffindor with a smile, glad for a distraction. It was only then that he realized that he didn't actually know if the boy's love life had ever cleared up. But he couldn't ask him about that here right? Why he had come to HIM for advice on that he still didn't know.
"You looking forward to summer break already?" He bet he was. However, it would be his last year at Hogwarts afterwards so he probably had mixed feelings about that. Jeremy did anyway.
Professor Zoo was awesome (even if he didn't want them to play Rugby). Legend didn't know why but he had half the mind to say he was cooler than Hadley. Not in front of the woman of course, Legend was smart enough to know that females were crazy. And she would not react nicely to that. So, he just kept his thoughts about Zoo being the best teacher in his head. "Professor!" He said in the same exactly tone, with a small smirk. He couldn't help himself! Mocking was just in his nature.
"Yeah! It's gonna be awesome. I gotta get refreshed for my last year here. But like always it's gonna be weird going back in the Muggle world." Extremely weird. At least they had good sports! "What about you? Are you coming back next year?" He hoped the man stayed. Legend hated when Professors that he liked left. Looking over at the Headmaster as he gave his speech, Legend nodded his head slowly. Yeah. The term had been strange. But at least Tate had managed to somehow stop Descoteaux from taking over his job. Or he had in Legend's mind at least.
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
With that thought, Renée turned as she heard two voices, and smiled at Selina and Nika. Both young Gryffindors had seemed to connect to her somehow, even if she couldn't really explain how. Well, Selina was easier to understand than her housemate, as she'd actually provided the redhead with a lot of support when she'd needed it. At least she thought she had. "Hello, Selina, Nika," she replied to them, before an inquisitive look crossed her face as Selina continued. Glancing down the table, she'd seen that a few others of the professors had gotten gifts as well, which made her feel a bit more comfortable about the situation. But it was still unexpected, and the miniature speech had only made her more, well, honored that the girl had thought of her that way. "Well, thank you," she said, giving the redhead another smile as she slid the gift towards her. "I hope you can continue moving ahead with things. Understanding is always better than the alternative," she added, hoping the girl would understand that she was talking about her skills without revealing them. And then she opened the gift. "It's beautiful," she said, looking up again. "I wish I had something to give you in return, now." That could go on her list of things to look for over the summer, however. Provided Selina came back next term.
"No the best gift you could give me is being her next term to help me some more. I know my... condition isn't the easiest to relate to but I really appreciate the fact that you did. So many people I feel wouldn't understand, I don't even understand, but you did. Truly ma'am you inspired me this term to keep moving forward." Selina said shyly. Bishop in a way was the small girl's hero. She understood her like no one else and tried to make her feel comfortable with her ability. Although it would be some time before Selina could accept her role on her ability having a helping hand was always a positive.
Looking down at her feet and squeaking her shoes Selina said, "Ma'am please stop me if this is too forward, but uh if I need any assistance over summer holiday could I owl you? Purely for school sake of course."
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by McFeisty
Kyle walked up to the Staff table, her own lovely table, smiling she placed a little box filled with enough little goody-bags for every person in the house. She had planned it all year long as she had seen everyone loved feeling special. And she loved helping people feel special. Slipping on a bit of slightly - damp stone and catching her balance she felt her cheeks flush.
Photos!: goodies
Inside the bag was a little card that read: Thanks for a fun term, I hope you all enjoyed it as well. There was also a little bit of more personal messages on them, that well everyone could read themselves yeah?
There was also a nice little assortment of candies, muggle & magical lemon drops, chocolate frogs, cauldron cakes, the works anything you could imagine and everything you could imagine was magically in the bag. Well after all it had an undetectable extension charm on it.
The Ravenclaw girl smiled, "There's a Staff member's name on each of the bags...hope you enjoy" she smiled, her big blue eyes glistening happily as she stood there in front of the staff table with a load of different things in each bag. Yes, even some (well most) of the bouncy ball collection she'd started over the year. Who couldn't use a little bit of fun eh?
She reached into the box and put Headmaster Tate and Deputy Headmaster (and Professor) Vindictus's bags infront of them. In Vindictus there was a little special thing - the mock up of the first broom she ever planned to design. Yes Mrs. Quite-Blond was planning to live out her dream of a broom designer - and this broom was only well...two inches long right now but you could collapse it out to full size. What she called a pocket-broom only problem was the possible expansion - luckily it was in a bag with an undetectable extension charm on it. There were little personalized things for each Professor depending on the class they taught - a little cauldron for a certain Potions Professor, miniature hedge clippers things she'd found around and thought would bring a smile to anyones faces.
Ooh! Another student bearing gifts? Were these students trying to get ahead and be on good terms for NEXT year or were they genuinely being nice? HMM... Josephina watched as the blond Ravenclaw handed out the bags, taking her own as well. She was about to say thank you when the girl had headed back to her house table to enjoy the feast. Instead, she sent a brief smile in the girl's direction before turning back to the bag. Debating on opening it to see what was included in her own bag, she instead set it beside the fortune cookie. More things to do after food.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
"Yeah you will see me for sure! I wouldn't miss class for anything," Nika then looked around the table before whispering "Even potions class" She looked around once more to make sure Lafay want listening to her.
Excellent. At least she had one student guaranteed in her lessons next term, but she knew there would be more. At least she hoped so. "Excellent. Have a great summer, Miss Adler!" Because you could bet your numbers that Josephina was going to!
Originally Posted by Maxilocks
Text Cut: Renée + Fina <3
Renée's answer caused Jared's lips to tug up, into a smile. "Meaning is not in words, meaning is within words," he pointed out.
He might have tweaked that quote a little, to suit his own needs.
He inclined his head a notch, to acknowledge her following remark. "True. But I've yet to see two entirely different concepts that cannot overlap." Coincidences had, after all, a far higher chance than a certain mademoiselle's remarks did, of being innocent. Selina had arrived at the staff table before he could say so, however, and as she addressed Renée, he turned to Josephina, a faint smile playing around his lips as his colleague responded to his greeting.
"Good evening." Survived. She could not have chosen a more appropriate term, and Jared found that mildly amusing. "Surprisingly, yes," he grinned. Irrespective of his decision, at least he could look forward to two months of no oggling, eyelash-batting, scary female students. That'd be a relief.
Surprisingly? Actually, on second thought, was that just a FLASH of LIGHT?!? Josephina glanced downward to see a familiar brilliant shade of red hair that could only belong to Ellie Stone. Oh well that explained everything for Jared. He had scary, underage females, crushing on him. Similar to her underage male problem, but she imagined his end of the deal was worse. Hormone-induced teenage females were VICIOUS!
"So any plans for the summer?" Besides the obvious famous professor pastime of sleeping.
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
Renée hadn't necessarily expected Josephina to speak to her, even though the likelihood of the Arithmancy professor not saying anything when she had replied to Jared's greeting was slim. She knew the slightly older woman to not be rude, at least, which made sense given her school years and the house she'd been in. But she still returned the friendly smile. "Josephina," she said simply, before the smile turned a bit brighter at the subsequent comment. "It certainly seems that way. But I have to say, Hogwarts students really didn't seem that much more difficult than others." Of course, that was to be expected, given the stereotypes about New York and its people. Even with the few issues she'd had over the term, things had gone much better this time around.
That was true; Renee certainly had a good point. Hogwarts students weren't all that much more difficult, particular if you had taught before. And she was almost sure the seemingly soft-spoken Divination Professor had, though she hadn't seen her full out resume so she couldn't be sure. Hehe. "Most aren't," she said, agreeing at her with a nod as the woman seemed to have taken liking to the chicken judging from what she added to her plate. Fina decided she'd stick with her potatoes, however, as she was trying a new thing of no meat. "So any plans for the summer?" Like what's in the tarot cards?
Originally Posted by Hera
Next Emily greeted the rest of staff. "I just wanted to thank you all for everything you've done over this last term in perticular. I've enjoyed all of your lessons, they've been really insightful and inspriring... I'll miss you all".
Oh no... not again... Emily bit her tongue, she could feel the tears welling in her eyes again. NO! No tears!!! die!!!.............. she was NOT going to cry in front of staff.
Aww! We are so going to miss you, Emily Browne Fina thought as the seventh year Eagle approached her professors and such. Stifling back a few sniffles, Fina willed herself not to cry. Cause you know, she wasn't supposed to get attached and all that. It made things easier. Right?
"Thank you, Miss Browne. And I'm sure wherever your life leads you, you will be fine." Hadley said to the girl, inhaling deeply afterward. Yup. Be good, she told herself. You could handle this.
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay
It was a good job the subject changed, because Issy was practically on the verge of some tears. And that would NOT have looked good. At all. "Oh, Alastair has promised a trip to South Africa for a safari. Whether that will happen remains to be seen," she chuckled. Not that he was prone to lying, more that the Ministry would get busy with all the changes taking place. "Yourself?"
Was that a note of teasing in the Arithmancy Professor's voice? Had she heard what Issy and Jeremy had been saying about the table? Heh. Turning her attention to another of her new found friends, Isabelle's eyes crinkled in a warm smile. "Fina. Ah well, it makes a change, eh? Although it's not much different from the other end, I've noticed." In other words - it was equally awesome. "How are you this evening?"
Tapping Jeremy on the shoulder, Isabelle pointed in the direction of their boss. He seemed to about to make his speech, and she thought it a good idea they were seated first. "Talk to you later, Maya, yes? Have a proper goodbye. We'd best get to our seats, Jeremy, Tate looks ready to speak." Giving Fina and Maya a broad grin and squeeze of the shoulder as she passed, she mouthed her goodbyes and strode back down her own end of the table.
Overhearing the Transfiguration professor speaking of something about South Africa, Fina tilted her head that way and looked toward Issy. She would have to catch up with the women later it seemed. "If you do go to South Africa, do let me know, Issy dear. I did spend two years there." You know she could offer some useful tips and perhaps some names up for good hospitality.
Mm. And now she was heading back with Jeremy to the other end. Smiling at them, she waved. "Catch up with you both later." Yup, yup. Cause time to continue enjoying the feast now and chat more with Maya . . . for the last time at Hogwarts. Sniffle.
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
Relaxing? Oh, it was more than just relaxing. Hehe.
And it seem Josephina had the same plans. See, great minds think alike.
So she was thinking about going to Italy. "You totally should, unless you have some other fantastic plans." Was Maya willing to visit? It was as if asking her if she liked her tortillas to be made of corn. "Oh, I would love to visit you there." Invitation? Again? Accepted. "Having you as a tour guide will surely be interesting." Maya smiled, already feeling the warm 'Italian' sun on her face.
Oh, what? "I'm sorry?" Had she said something else? Bah, could everyone in here be quiet, exept for Fina, Maya wanted to know what she said. Shhhhhhhhh. Hehe. "The trip to Italy would be nice, or else I would miss you too much."Wink.
Other fantastic plans? Naw . . . her life path wasn't derived of fantastic plans. It was what she made of something ordinary that made it fantastic. "I don't try to make fantastic plans," Fina said solemnly. "But I do try to make anything fantastic." If that made sense. Haha. "Excellent. We shall be in touch then about timing and whatnot for you to come see my hometown." And her artwork of course too! Meet the familia.
Aw shucks. "Hmm?" Sniffle. "I just said ... I'm really gonna miss seeing you up here. So yes, please do come to Italy with me." She smiled at the women. Besides it would totally be better facing the parents with a colleague even if her mother would still be nagging her about why she wasn't married yet.
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
Trixie made her way up to the staff table shortly after Headmaster Tates speech, her LAST ever speech. The Slytherin sighed, a clear look of sorrow on all her features as she slumped over to speak to the Professors, who she wouldn't ever see again.
Yes this was more depressing then she thought.
"I just wanted to thank you all, for being such amazing teachers whilst I've been here, every single one of you. Without you I don't think I'd ever have done as well as I have done" she wibbled. Don't. Cry.
"And Headmaster, I wanted to thank you for choosing me to be Head Girl this year. I honestly didn't think I'd get the opportunity and I've loved every second of it" she stated truthfully.
AWW... The Head Girl was SO sweet! And being soo... sentimental. Was she gonna cry or something? Because if she cried then Hadley was afraid of what might happen. No, she was strong, she wasn't getting attached. Right? Except maybe to the current batch of third years who were first years when it was her first year teaching No attachments.
"Thank you, Miss Malfoy, for a term well-served as Hogwarts Head Girl. I am sure that you will do wonderfully, wherever life leads you. But good luck in your future endeavors." She smiled at the seventh year.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Turning back to Jared, she'd grinned again. "Now, where were we? Omissions being dangerous, I think," she continued, setting her fork down again. She could go back to her food in a second. "They could be, but then, when have we been afraid of that?" At least metaphorically. She knew he didn't exactly have a track record for avoiding dangerous situations, at least. "But anyway," she added, intending to ask him about what he hadn't been saying to Rex about his summer. But it seemed that conversation needed to pause, as Rae had chosen that moment to appear. Interesting, she thought, returning the girl's nod with a smile, choosing to stay silent for now. It was much more amusing watching the girl give Jared a bit of a panic attack, and she found herself lightly resting a hand on his arm to hopefully ground him, before going back to her meal. Shortly before he'd spoken to Rae, and she had to hide another smile. He'd handled that rather well, even if she knew it wouldn't affect Rae's crush much. The girl would hang around if she wanted, and it had little to do with Charms.
She had a point there, but Jared saw no reason to admit it. The facetious side of things did happen to be far more amusing than simple agreement. "I'd be less concerned about being afraid, and more concerned about a certain mademoiselle's reasons for failing to mention certain things." He grinned, feigning certainty that the omission had been purposeful, not accidental, and the reason was anything but innocent.
It didn't escape Jared's notice that Renée had given Rae a smile. Someone else might have taken that as just another simple gesture but, knowing Rae's semi-animosity towards his colleague, he had a feeling those two had patched things up - or at least, Rae had patched things up, Renée never having treated the Slytherin any differently than the rest of her students - or at least, tried to. Feeling the light touch on his shoulder, he gave Renée a light smile. He fully expected to be teased about the situation later; but, for now at least, she'd chosen to offer comfort.
He could always do with some, in Rae's case.
Originally Posted by Droo
She blushed and looked away. It was true. Just because she was on a diet didn't mean she couldn't look at the menu, but it was when the menu looked back that she got nervous.
Hecate Lafay, blushing. Ellie ought to have photographed that. Jared grinned lazily, before returning his attention to his meal.
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu
Hmm. "I don't remember ANYTHING about that." Truth.
Ellie chewed on her lip, thinking over this TOUGH...challenge. Should she accept? And admit it?
But...it WASN'T possible. Just wasn't.
"It's possible to fall down Mount Everest." He totally didn't notice the change there, right?
"It's supposed to be general knowledge." Jared resisted the urge to ruffle the Little Human's hair.
Your tricks shall not bamboozle us, Little One.
"And off the top of," he grinned.
Text Cut: Doodles and JESH <3
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Legend hated when Professors that he liked left. Looking over at the Headmaster as he gave his speech, Legend nodded his head slowly. Yeah. The term had been strange. But at least Tate had managed to somehow stop Descoteaux from taking over his job. Or he had in Legend's mind at least.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Surprisingly? Actually, on second thought, was that just a FLASH of LIGHT?!? Josephina glanced downward to see a familiar brilliant shade of red hair that could only belong to Ellie Stone. Oh well that explained everything for Jared. He had scary, underage females, crushing on him. Similar to her underage male problem, but she imagined his end of the deal was worse. Hormone-induced teenage females were VICIOUS!
"So any plans for the summer?" Besides the obvious famous professor pastime of sleeping.
Setting down his fork for the moment, Jared noticed a familiar figure. Legend Chosen. Perhaps the fact that Tate continued to be Headmaster had convinced the Gryffindor, by now, that Jared's objective had never been to overthrow Tate? He did not get to pursue that line of thought, however, as Josephina spoke again. He gave her a light nod.
"Pursuing an old career, for starters." Having said that out loud, Jared realized he had not just made the decision, but made the right decision. He picked up his fork again. "And may I ask yours?"