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The staff are seated at a long table, stretching across a dais at the front of the room. Feel free to come up and greet them after the feast has started.
Straight from the Hufflepuff table, Jake had strolled up to the Staff table, tucking his glasses into the collar of his shirt. He gave Vindictus a nod, he gave Tate a nod, and he gave this guy... a look.
Jake would have to remember to go see Tate later; make sure he got the paperwork about his sixth year and ask him a leeeeeettle question.
Back to this guy though, the one Lexi had told him about, who had apparently been rude to the Quidditch professor, whom all Quidditch players looked up to.
"Who are you?" he said simply. Not rudely, but not politely... just inquisitively.
He could be the start of some interesting interactions. Hehe.
Hufflepuffs. Ikenna Gevrik knew not of them.
His gaze slowly focused on the features of the student in front of him, who had to be one of the older ones if his height was any indication. His manners hardly seemed indicant of his age but from their first eye contact, Ikenna could sense troubled waters beneath the boy's confident veneer.
"Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
One eyebrow slowly raised in question as Ikenna's gaze locked on Jake's. "And you are..?"
Hmm. A boy with one too many surnames?
Hunger, revenge, to sleep are petty foes...
But only death the jealous eyes can close.
His gaze slowly focused on the features of the student in front of him, who had to be one of the older ones if his height was any indication. His manners hardly seemed indicant of his age but from their first eye contact, Ikenna could sense troubled waters beneath the boy's confident veneer.
"Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
One eyebrow slowly raised in question as Ikenna's gaze locked on Jake's. "And you are..?"
Hmm. A boy with one too many surnames?
That was a name Jake wasn't even going to attempt to repeat.
He didn't for ONCE consider that the man had any power pertaining to eye contact or whatever, even though he knew of legilimancy and the like... after all, why would he?
Jake's eyes hadn't been locked on the man's at first, but kind of darting around his face and stuff... he wasn't good with eye contact at all, and glanced over at Truebridge a couple of times as well, but once his they made eye contact he stuck with it as a matter of principle, no matter how much eye contact with anyone made Jake feel nervous and anxious.
"Jake," he responded simply, no physical indication of any emotions or difficulties or a need to put his sunglasses back on. He left out his surname.
But back to the matter at hand. "So... you're here as a member of security," Jake spoke, the statement just verging on a question. "Not as the deputy head?"
Jake glanced over at Vindictus, and then at Truebridge again, before looking back at... Ikea or whoever he was.
"Why do we need security?"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
"Will do," Max replied in a low voice and then he abruptly changed the topic. "Oh, look! The Grey Lady is visiting the students seated at the Ravenclaw Table. Isn't that delightful!"
"Delightful," Tate responded without even glancing in that direction. What was he on about? Ghosts and eagles?
Originally Posted by Ikenna Gevrik
"Pardon me," Ikenna dipped his head toward Tate. "But I wouldn't consider myself a Ministry employee, exactly." He smiled politely and flicked his gaze toward the still slowly-rotating chair that had been something of a....joke.
"I don't do happy faces, Tate," he addressed the Headmaster as if they were old acquaintances, even if they were the polar opposite. "I happened to find your choice of deputy headmaster incredibly entertaining, if that is any consolation. I wonder if a few of the students enjoyed it as well."
"Sent by the Ministry to be a glorified babysitter? Call it what you want... that's a Ministry employee. I'm not paying you and nothing I ask of you will direct you one way or the other."
Tate shoved back from the table a bit more violently than he intended and glanced at the professors who were chatting amicably. What was the matter with this lot? Didn't they care at all about what was going on in the world?
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr
Straight from the Hufflepuff table, Jake had strolled up to the Staff table, tucking his glasses into the collar of his shirt. He gave Vindictus a nod, he gave Tate a nod, and he gave this guy... a look.
Jake would have to remember to go see Tate later; make sure he got the paperwork about his sixth year and ask him a leeeeeettle question.
Back to this guy though, the one Lexi had told him about, who had apparently been rude to the Quidditch professor, whom all Quidditch players looked up to.
"Who are you?" he said simply. Not rudely, but not politely... just inquisitively.
He could be the start of some interesting interactions. Hehe.
"Mr. Upstead, welcome back. I suggest you address our guest with a sir, just as you would with the rest of the staff."
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
Truebridge headed up to the staff table, eyed the few empty seats and took one near the centre, next to Maximus Vindictus who looked somewhat agrieved.
This particular seat worked for him, not because it was next to Max and he knew the man, more because it was his actual former seat... his first seat. From when he had first began at Hogwarts as a professor.
He nodded politely at Casey, and from behind his dark glasses he glanced towards the dark skinned man who had taken Max's chair and then to Max.
"Hello." He spoke calmly, as if he'd never left and had last seen the man yesterday rather than over a year ago.
It was just his way.
Was it odd that he felt some relief knowing he had Ethan back at Hogwarts? Tate raised an eyebrow and nodded a greeting in the man's direction as he took a seat.
"Good to have you back with us, Ethan. I hope Annie is well."
Originally Posted by Ikenna Gevrik
"Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
One eyebrow slowly raised in question as Ikenna's gaze locked on Jake's. "And you are..?"
Hmm. A boy with one too many surnames?
Tate snorted a bit and studied the table top, refusing to make eye contact with anyone until he had collected himself. Nope. Not collecting himself any time soon.
"At your leave, Mr. Ikenna... can we proceed with the speech?"
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
She was second.
"Thank you, if you truly mean that welcome, Hecate." Ethan pushed his sunglasses up into his hair, and watched her seriously, his hazel-green eyes calm and detached.
"I am hurt, Ethan, that you would think I wouldn't mean it." She said to him... She'd meant it the first time.
Originally Posted by Ikenna Gevrik
"Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
One eyebrow slowly raised in question as Ikenna's gaze locked on Jake's. "And you are..?"
Hmm. A boy with one too many surnames?
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr
Jake glanced over at Vindictus, and then at Truebridge again, before looking back at... Ikea or whoever he was.
"Why do we need security?"
"Is that what you are Mister Gevrik," She said with a smirk, pretending not to know the man. "And Master Morgan, is it? Now? Seems to have a good question." She said, "Why DO we need security...?"
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"Sent by the Ministry to be a glorified babysitter? Call it what you want... that's a Ministry employee. I'm not paying you and nothing I ask of you will direct you one way or the other."
Tate shoved back from the table a bit more violently than he intended and glanced at the professors who were chatting amicably. What was the matter with this lot? Didn't they care at all about what was going on in the world?
"Oh, Headmaster, isn't that the way you came to Hogwarts? As a glorified babysitter?" She smiled at him, "Look where it got you..." She may have to watch her step around Truebridge, but Tate should be worried about his job around Ikenna...
"Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
Max overheard the stranger state his name to Jake and he turned slightly in his chair so that his back was towards the Ministry employee.
"Did he just say his name was Ikea Garlic?" he snickered in a low voice to Ethan but it was loud enough for only Tate and Lafay to overhear. "No wonder he's angry at the world."
Check out the non-HP topics in the Leaky Cauldron today!
you live your life just once, so don't forget about a thing called love.
Chad looked into his glass. Hmmm, it was empty and the pitcher was away from him slightly. This involved talking to people, didn't it? Oh well, better time than ever!
"Mmm, Mademoiselle?" He leaned around one woman, in order to address the next one. Unfortunately, he didn't know her name, though he could swear she was like...Head of something.
Guess who just got back today. Them wild-eyed boys that had been away.
Haven't changed that much to say. But man, I still think them cats are crazy.
They were askin' if you were around. How you was, where you could be found....
"Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
One eyebrow slowly raised in question as Ikenna's gaze locked on Jake's. "And you are..?"
Hmm. A boy with one too many surnames?
Special Security Liason? Overhearing that, Ethan Truebridge frowned slightly.
Why, after so many years of trouble, was the ministry only JUST getting around to something like that? Especially since, at least to his knowledge, the past few terms had been relatively peaceful. Did this have something to do with the Quidditch Pitches?
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr
That was a name Jake wasn't even going to attempt to repeat.
He didn't for ONCE consider that the man had any power pertaining to eye contact or whatever, even though he knew of legilimancy and the like... after all, why would he?
Jake's eyes hadn't been locked on the man's at first, but kind of darting around his face and stuff... he wasn't good with eye contact at all, and glanced over at Truebridge a couple of times as well, but once his they made eye contact he stuck with it as a matter of principle, no matter how much eye contact with anyone made Jake feel nervous and anxious.
"Jake," he responded simply, no physical indication of any emotions or difficulties or a need to put his sunglasses back on. He left out his surname.
But back to the matter at hand. "So... you're here as a member of security," Jake spoke, the statement just verging on a question. "Not as the deputy head?"
Jake glanced over at Vindictus, and then at Truebridge again, before looking back at... Ikea or whoever he was.
"Why do we need security?"
He returned Jake's look calmly, but was curious to hear the man's answer too. Ethan sipped his water and nudged his sunglasses down again, relaxing into his chair.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"Sent by the Ministry to be a glorified babysitter? Call it what you want... that's a Ministry employee. I'm not paying you and nothing I ask of you will direct you one way or the other."
Was it odd that he felt some relief knowing he had Ethan back at Hogwarts? Tate raised an eyebrow and nodded a greeting in the man's direction as he took a seat.
"Good to have you back with us, Ethan. I hope Annie is well."
Tate snorted a bit and studied the table top, refusing to make eye contact with anyone until he had collected himself. Nope. Not collecting himself any time soon.
"At your leave, Mr. Ikenna... can we proceed with the speech?"
"Yes. She's... she's well." Zan answered quietly. Hmm. Was it just him or was Gaellen Tate just a little put out by their 'security' guest?
Yeah he was getting just a touch better at reading the man.
Originally Posted by Droo
"I am hurt, Ethan, that you would think I wouldn't mean it." She said to him... She'd meant it the first time.
"Oh, Headmaster, isn't that the way you came to Hogwarts? As a glorified babysitter?" She smiled at him, "Look where it got you..." She may have to watch her step around Truebridge, but Tate should be worried about his job around Ikenna...
"Hurt?" He glanced at Lafay. "I don't hurt anyone intentionally, Hecate."
But the Slytherin side of his brain pointed out that accidents, oh so unfortunately, happened.
Hmm? A glorified babysitter? She had a point there.
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
Max overheard the stranger state his name to Jake and he turned slightly in his chair so that his back was towards the Ministry employee.
"Did he just say his name was Ikea Garlic?" he snickered in a low voice to Ethan but it was loud enough for only Tate and Lafay to overhear. "No wonder he's angry at the world."
"Ike..." Ethan half murmured a repetition and thought about it seriously. No. he hadn't said that but...
"I like Garlic." Truebridge commented quietly, eyes flicking to Tate from behind his stunna shades.
That was a name Jake wasn't even going to attempt to repeat.
He didn't for ONCE consider that the man had any power pertaining to eye contact or whatever, even though he knew of legilimancy and the like... after all, why would he?
Jake's eyes hadn't been locked on the man's at first, but kind of darting around his face and stuff... he wasn't good with eye contact at all, and glanced over at Truebridge a couple of times as well, but once his they made eye contact he stuck with it as a matter of principle, no matter how much eye contact with anyone made Jake feel nervous and anxious.
"Jake," he responded simply, no physical indication of any emotions or difficulties or a need to put his sunglasses back on. He left out his surname.
But back to the matter at hand. "So... you're here as a member of security," Jake spoke, the statement just verging on a question. "Not as the deputy head?"
Jake glanced over at Vindictus, and then at Truebridge again, before looking back at... Ikea or whoever he was.
"Why do we need security?"
Perhaps the ones dressed in yellow were a nervous lot, Ikenna noted. They certainly weren't the 'brainy' group.
"Not just a member of security," he corrected Jake in a slow, warning tone. No, he was not the deputy headmaster either. Keep going, boy, you'll get there.
Now why did they need security? Gevrik didn't seem to blink or move his head yet he knew precisely who the Hufflepuff was looking toward, and that small movement made him smirk.
Ethan Alexander Truebridge would have his turn.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"Sent by the Ministry to be a glorified babysitter? Call it what you want... that's a Ministry employee. I'm not paying you and nothing I ask of you will direct you one way or the other."
Tate shoved back from the table a bit more violently than he intended and glanced at the professors who were chatting amicably. What was the matter with this lot? Didn't they care at all about what was going on in the world?
"Mr. Upstead, welcome back. I suggest you address our guest with a sir, just as you would with the rest of the staff."
Tate snorted a bit and studied the table top, refusing to make eye contact with anyone until he had collected himself. Nope. Not collecting himself any time soon.
"At your leave, Mr. Ikenna... can we proceed with the speech?"
For now, he still had to deal with the less-mature children at the table. Surprisingly, they were the ones allowed to sit there.
"Tate," Ikenna would not give Gaellen 'Casey' Tate his respect until the man actually earned it. "is correct, Jake Upstead...Lawson...Morgan? Take a moment to think upon why Hogwarts might need an upgrade...or two...in security."
He finally turned his head to glare squarely at Tate's profile. "Mr. Gevrik, actually. I would appreciate it if you introduced me correctly." That would included NOT pronouncing his name as Garlic.
Originally Posted by Droo
"Is that what you are Mister Gevrik," She said with a smirk, pretending not to know the man. "And Master Morgan, is it? Now? Seems to have a good question." She said, "Why DO we need security...?"
"Oh, Headmaster, isn't that the way you came to Hogwarts? As a glorified babysitter?" She smiled at him, "Look where it got you..." She may have to watch her step around Truebridge, but Tate should be worried about his job around Ikenna...
Ikenna covered the sound of his chuckle with a fake cough. "Ah, hello again, Potions Mistress Lafay." His bitter expression was softening slightly as he looked from Hecate back toward Jake. Vindictus really was ageing if he thought he wouldn't be overhead by the Ghost.
"Since a few of you seem to be...confused at the moment, I think it would be best if everyone calmly returned to their seats and refrained from saying anything they will regret later."
He stood up next to Tate. "It's time for the speech."
Hunger, revenge, to sleep are petty foes...
But only death the jealous eyes can close.
"Mr. Upstead, welcome back. I suggest you address our guest with a sir, just as you would with the rest of the staff."
"Thank you," Jake said simply, before adding with the slightest curiosity, "With all due respect, sir, I wouldn't address all the staff as 'sir'."
The boy looked to Lafay and then to Welton and then gave a glance at the other female staff, being genuinely sincere and NOT a smart alek.
Originally Posted by Droo
"Is that what you are Mister Gevrik," She said with a smirk, pretending not to know the man. "And Master Morgan, is it? Now? Seems to have a good question." She said, "Why DO we need security...?"
"It's Morgan," Jake nodded and spoke sharply. Did he really need reminding of the summer? Meanwhile, Jake looked back to Ikea for his answer.
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
Max overheard the stranger state his name to Jake and he turned slightly in his chair so that his back was towards the Ministry employee.
"Did he just say his name was Ikea Garlic?" he snickered in a low voice to Ethan but it was loud enough for only Tate and Lafay to overhear. "No wonder he's angry at the world."
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
He returned Jake's look calmly, but was curious to hear the man's answer too. Ethan sipped his water and nudged his sunglasses down again, relaxing into his chair.
"Ike..." Ethan half murmured a repetition and thought about it seriously. No. he hadn't said that but...
"I like Garlic." Truebridge commented quietly, eyes flicking to Tate from behind his stunna shades.
Easy, man.
He couldn't help it... it couldn't be helped. Jake grinned slightly and looked between Vindictus and Truebridge. He knew that Ikea's name wasn't really Ikea Garlic, but he actually got the joke, if it was a joke and not a simple mistake.
Truebridge's words were just the icing on the cake. Jake was glad the bloke was back... made him feel a lot better about Hogwarts. Safer, for sure.
Originally Posted by Ikenna Gevrik
Perhaps the ones dressed in yellow were a nervous lot, Ikenna noted. They certainly weren't the 'brainy' group.
"Not just a member of security," he corrected Jake in a slow, warning tone. No, he was not the deputy headmaster either. Keep going, boy, you'll get there.
Now why did they need security? Gevrik didn't seem to blink or move his head yet he knew precisely who the Hufflepuff was looking toward, and that small movement made him smirk.
Ethan Alexander Truebridge would have his turn.
For now, he still had to deal with the less-mature children at the table. Surprisingly, they were the ones allowed to sit there.
"Tate," Ikenna would not give Gaellen 'Casey' Tate his respect until the man actually earned it. "is correct, Jake Upstead...Lawson...Morgan? Take a moment to think upon why Hogwarts might need an upgrade...or two...in security."
He finally turned his head to glare squarely at Tate's profile. "Mr. Gevrik, actually. I would appreciate it if you introduced me correctly." That would included NOT pronouncing his name as Garlic.
Ikenna covered the sound of his chuckle with a fake cough. "Ah, hello again, Potions Mistress Lafay." His bitter expression was softening slightly as he looked from Hecate back toward Jake. Vindictus really was ageing if he thought he wouldn't be overhead by the Ghost.
"Since a few of you seem to be...confused at the moment, I think it would be best if everyone calmly returned to their seats and refrained from saying anything they will regret later."
He stood up next to Tate. "It's time for the speech."
"You didn't answer my question," Jake said quickly and without really thinking. He had no idea what was happening, the dude would need to spell it out... Jake did not understand tones of voice, even warning tones, and he didn't do reading between the lin-
He said his names. He KNEW his names. Jake hid the surprise but his mind suddenly raced with surprise, anger and some genuine sadness. He heard about the speech and took a step back, pushing his sunglasses back onto his eyes and sitting at the end of the Huffie table closest to the Staff Table.
He would get his answer, he supposed. But for now... he'd watch the man.
"Sir," Jake added under his breath to himself. Had to be 'polite', he supposed.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
Max overheard the stranger state his name to Jake and he turned slightly in his chair so that his back was towards the Ministry employee.
"Did he just say his name was Ikea Garlic?" he snickered in a low voice to Ethan but it was loud enough for only Tate and Lafay to overhear. "No wonder he's angry at the world."
She smirked at the name. "I don't think he's angry... I think Mr. Gevrik has quite the smile." She said.
Originally Posted by Tailzerr
Chad looked into his glass. Hmmm, it was empty and the pitcher was away from him slightly. This involved talking to people, didn't it? Oh well, better time than ever!
"Mmm, Mademoiselle?" He leaned around one woman, in order to address the next one. Unfortunately, he didn't know her name, though he could swear she was like...Head of something.
She turned to the man and then looked at Tate again, then back at the man... "No one told me we were having another tournament..." Why else would there be a french man here. "But it is nice to make your aquantance."
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
"Hurt?" He glanced at Lafay. "I don't hurt anyone intentionally, Hecate."
But the Slytherin side of his brain pointed out that accidents, oh so unfortunately, happened.
Hmm? A glorified babysitter? She had a point there.
He was going there...
"No. You do not." And dropped it there, now in her mind she was thinking of saying, You're the one who abandons ship and leaves the students who she was such a danger to at her mercy. She smirked.
Originally Posted by Ikenna Gevrik
Ikenna covered the sound of his chuckle with a fake cough. "Ah, hello again, Potions Mistress Lafay." His bitter expression was softening slightly as he looked from Hecate back toward Jake. Vindictus really was ageing if he thought he wouldn't be overhead by the Ghost.
She smiled at Ikenna. "Mr. Gevrik, welcome to Hogwarts. If there is anything I can do for you, please... let me know." She smiled. Maybe he was here because Ethan was back... he was an ex-convict...
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr
[B]"It's Morgan," Jake nodded and spoke sharply. Did he really need reminding of the summer? Meanwhile, Jake looked back to Ikea for his answer.
"Morgan. Back to your seat, the Headmaster is giving his speech." She said pointing to the Hufflepuff table.
you live your life just once, so don't forget about a thing called love.
Originally Posted by Droo
She turned to the man and then looked at Tate again, then back at the man... "No one told me we were having another tournament..." Why else would there be a french man here. "But it is nice to make your aquantance."
"I am sorry? What tournament?" Was it some sort of Groundskeeper Tournament? Him versus the Monsieur that was Groundskeeper before him for the coveted title of 'Supreme Groundskeeper', if there was such a thing?
How the heck could you make a tournament out of Groundskeeping anyways? 'Let us see who can cut grass the fastest with a tiny pair of safety scissors.'
Guess who just got back today. Them wild-eyed boys that had been away.
Haven't changed that much to say. But man, I still think them cats are crazy.
They were askin' if you were around. How you was, where you could be found....
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
The ever-soothing voice managed to keep his panicking away. And he was grateful for that.
He smiled, again, and it seemed that it was the only thing he did whenever Moretti was around. Even if someone was dying at the tournament, he was smiling.
Oh, and she went to Hawaii? "I'm glad you did," he said, still smiling, yes, "You must have looked beyond beautiful there," and that's when he noticed what he said, "I mean--not you, the landscaping you know, you must have looked at pretty beautiful sights in there," and now the Hufflepuff was blushing only a bit.
He'd never been to that side of the World, but he'd seen the pictures, the Muggle ones, and it was beautiful.
Now, he could stay here forever, honestly. Who needed the Hufflepuffs? Actually, the Hufflepuffs didn't need a Lockhart, right? They already had a Fletcher. Soooo, he won't be missed if he stayed here...or at the Hospital Wing the whole year.
He placed his elbow on Ellie's shoulder and totally leaned on her. Yes, he was comfortable, or as comfortable as one could be when that shoulder was at the same height as your own. Except, he had no idea he was leaning on Ellie. He even crossed his right leg in front of the left one as he did so.
Man! That wall was comfy, the one he was leaning on.
...Uh...huh. Lily smiled at Treyen. She had caught his slip up there, but he was a child, she would not be embarrassing him infront of the whole staff and, well, the whole school.
"Yes, we did. Miss Carlton and I, that is. I'm thinking about putting some of the pictures in the hospital." Pretty scenery was always a calming thing, and her Hawaii pictures would look fabulous with the "special" yellow walls, courtesy of Casey Tate. "Beautiful is definitely the right word."
Originally Posted by quidditch_captain
Nymphy saw the Professor that his friend had pointed out to him and walked up to her. "Sorry to interupt. My name is Nymphy Smith. Someone told me tha you were the new Head of Hufflepuff House. I just wanted to meet you and introduce myself" he said, smiling warmly.
Lily trailed her eyes to the newcomer, "Oh, did they now?" She laughed and nodded, "Well, they were right. I am, and it is lovely to meet you Mr. Smith."
"I did, yes." Lily pushed her glass out of the way to lean a bit on the table, looking at both Treyen and Ellie, "Hawaii is lovely, especially during the summer time."
Lily visibly paused after Ellie's question. How was she to tell this child who was already upset about one professor leaving, that the one she was asking about had ALSO left...?
"L- Professor Carlton." Who, actually wasn't a professor anymore, but that was better than her almost first name slip, "Won't be returning, but I will be sure to personally tell her that you were asking about her, she will be happy to know it, I'm sure."
Ellie smiled. Hawaii had always seemed lovely. She should go there. But apparently, she needed to get some gelato in Italy first.
Talk about a blow to the stomach. Really.
And Ellie had only just started to like Carlton. Well, she had always liked her, but she was starting to feel more..relaxed around her. And then she LEAVES.
"Please do," Send a letter, that is. Ellie couldn't send one to her herself. Reyn, however, was getting a letter as soon as she'd gotten to the common room.
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
Treyen's eyes widened ever so slightly when he heard what Ellie was replying back the newly appointed Professor. Had Ellie been that attached to Nolan? Yes.
"Ellie, that's enough," he said, keeping his voice low. It was almost a whisper, honestly. He was actually worried about Ellie gaining a detention or something.
But, hey, if it helped with the NO tears strategy, then he was all up for it.
His face was turned to Ellie when she spoke next. Another post. She was forever smart for saying that, but why did it feel like she was doing that so he'll feel better?
There was no answer from his side, though he was blinking, at least. Even if he was terrified of knowing the truth if it meant that Kingsley was gone.
Terrified. So, yes, he was close to panicking now, AGAIN.
The ever-soothing voice managed to keep his panicking away. And he was grateful for that.
He smiled, again, and it seemed that it was the only thing he did whenever Moretti was around. Even if someone was dying at the tournament, he was smiling.
Oh, and she went to Hawaii? "I'm glad you did," he said, still smiling, yes, "You must have looked beyond beautiful there," and that's when he noticed what he said, "I mean--not you, the landscaping you know, you must have looked at pretty beautiful sights in there," and now the Hufflepuff was blushing only a bit.
He'd never been to that side of the World, but he'd seen the pictures, the Muggle ones, and it was beautiful.
Now, he could stay here forever, honestly. Who needed the Hufflepuffs? Actually, the Hufflepuffs didn't need a Lockhart, right? They already had a Fletcher. Soooo, he won't be missed if he stayed here...or at the Hospital Wing the whole year.
He placed his elbow on Ellie's shoulder and totally leaned on her. Yes, he was comfortable, or as comfortable as one could be when that shoulder was at the same height as your own. Except, he had no idea he was leaning on Ellie. He even crossed his right leg in front of the left one as he did so.
Man! That wall was comfy, the one he was leaning on.
It was enough? Treyen was right. Meanie professor wasn't worth that much energy.
And then Treyen made a rather odd comment to Moretti.
Ellie bit her lip to keep her from laughing out loud. Treyen was truly...a BOY. She eyed him a bit, too, kind of...shocked that he slipped. But it was FUNNY.
And she'd have to keep an eye on him.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Droo
"Oh, Headmaster, isn't that the way you came to Hogwarts? As a glorified babysitter?" She smiled at him, "Look where it got you..." She may have to watch her step around Truebridge, but Tate should be worried about his job around Ikenna...
Keep smirking, Lafay. The governors could keep her here, but they didn't have to keep her as Head of House or in the position she currently enjoyed.
"I guess we're all moving up into positions beyond our own expectations, Professor. I would ask you to mind your house and not my business, though." They typically required more attention than he did from the woman.
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
[COLOR=#336600] "Yes. She's... she's well." Zan answered quietly. Hmm. Was it just him or was Gaellen Tate just a little put out by their 'security' guest?
Yeah he was getting just a touch better at reading the man.
"Well. Send her my love. And Cari's." That should get the woman's dander up, even if it was well intentioned. She didn't want love or anything else from Caroline.
"And... keep your eyes open. Join Max and I for drinks later."
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr
"Thank you," Jake said simply, before adding with the slightest curiosity, "With all due respect, sir, I wouldn't address all the staff as 'sir'."
The boy looked to Lafay and then to Welton and then gave a glance at the other female staff, being genuinely sincere and NOT a smart alek.
"You didn't answer my question," Jake said quickly and without really thinking. He had no idea what was happening, the dude would need to spell it out... Jake did not understand tones of voice, even warning tones, and he didn't do reading between the lin-
"Sir," Jake added under his breath to himself. Had to be 'polite', he supposed.
"I think my point was made, Mr. Upstead, regardless of semantics. But you're being unaccountably rude, and now it is time to return to your seat. I'm sure you are free to visit me after the feast if required."
Originally Posted by Ikenna Gevrik
Perhaps the ones dressed in yellow were a nervous lot, Ikenna noted. They certainly weren't the 'brainy' group.
"Not just a member of security," he corrected Jake in a slow, warning tone. No, he was not the deputy headmaster either. Keep going, boy, you'll get there.
Now why did they need security? Gevrik didn't seem to blink or move his head yet he knew precisely who the Hufflepuff was looking toward, and that small movement made him smirk.
Ethan Alexander Truebridge would have his turn.
For now, he still had to deal with the less-mature children at the table. Surprisingly, they were the ones allowed to sit there.
"Tate," Ikenna would not give Gaellen 'Casey' Tate his respect until the man actually earned it. "is correct, Jake Upstead...Lawson...Morgan? Take a moment to think upon why Hogwarts might need an upgrade...or two...in security."
He finally turned his head to glare squarely at Tate's profile. "Mr. Gevrik, actually. I would appreciate it if you introduced me correctly." That would included NOT pronouncing his name as Garlic.
Ikenna covered the sound of his chuckle with a fake cough. "Ah, hello again, Potions Mistress Lafay." His bitter expression was softening slightly as he looked from Hecate back toward Jake. Vindictus really was ageing if he thought he wouldn't be overhead by the Ghost.
"Since a few of you seem to be...confused at the moment, I think it would be best if everyone calmly returned to their seats and refrained from saying anything they will regret later."
He stood up next to Tate. "It's time for the speech."
"Excellent advice, Mister Gevrik," Tate gave the man an oddly formal bow before he rose lazily from his own seat. He swept out his hands for silence, enjoying the way students stopped chattering at his gesture.
You see that, Lafay? If he was just a figurehead, they wouldn't acknowledge him. These students weren't idiot pawns to be played in someone else's game.
"If I can have your attention, students... if you can bear with me for a few moments of business chatter, there is a bountiful feast as reward on the other side. I welcome you back to Hogwarts once again. To returning students, you will see new faces at the staff table. Please make every effort to welcome staff members and students to our home. To new students... the rules at Hogwarts are simple and we will make every effort to make them clear. First and foremost, make good choices and do not die."
Always always... do not die.
"In addition to our new staff, we also welcome Mr. Ikenna Gevrik to Hogwarts. He will be serving as... a special security consultant and is very interested in making the school as safe as possible. It is my desire that you make him welcome and listen to everything he has to say. It is, of course, your own responsibility to way those things you hear against your own conscience and make decisions that are right for yourself."
Satine smiled at the Professor as he hesitated looking at the licorice wands, "Miss Satine...Satine Farris...Sixth Year..." she said with a little nod. "It's nice to meet you sir, but trust me these licorice wands are nice and innocent but are just scrumdiliuptuos. I'm def not one of the students you shoudl worry about..." she said glancing at the girl down the way announcing that she was going to be good this term...yah okay...insert sarcasm here... she smiled back at the professor, "I'm almost always point leader in the Ravvies and pretty much just harmless."[/B] she finished with a her infamous sparkling smile....yes and boring...she thought to herself.
"But sir, I better head back to the sea of blue before the food gets here or I might run the risk of missing out with all these hungry peeps running around...it was very nice to meet you." she said with another little nod before turning towards the Ravvie table.
Could this girl read minds? Bad cliché, Jared observed, given how that could not make much of a difference in this situation. He'd assume he'd let his facial expressions give his thoughts away, though having always found it not just easy, but natural, to maintain a neutral expression in circumstances such as this, that surprised him.
"I'll take you on your word, Satine." He gave her an easy smile. Head back? Ah. "Enjoy the rest of the evening."
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
Oh. Maya raised an eyebrow. And he speaks spanish, too. The corners of her lips twitched, but didn't say anything as they moved on. Ma'am? To say the Mexicana was not used to hearing that word was correct. This man was fun, she was realising. "Bueno, Jared."Descoteaux. Hehe.
What gave her that idea...let's see. "Hmmm..." Grabbing the water jug, she poured some into her goblet, pretending to look him over as if he had a sign on him that gave her the answer. "Oh, I don't know... You seem like someone who cares about...the things around him." Eh? Then she narrowed her eyes a little and spoke in a lower voice, "Although, looks can be decieving."Smirk.
Taking a sip of her water, she waited for the man to respond with a curious glance.
Jared smiled, an easy half-smile, and raised his goblet to her.
Times like these, Jared mused why he he had never attempted to learn Legilimency. The reason came back to him a millisecond later, and he dropped his train of thought at once. "Should I take that to mean that you chase students away from pumpkins, and let owls loose in the classroom?" Since she looked like the type to care, too. "Although -" He half-smiled again - "looks can be deceiving."
Lazy grin.
Originally Posted by Colley ♥
As she thought, Lilyan noted the look of another male professor. What subject was he teaching, then? She offered a polite smile at him, since he was looking, and because she was not the type to yell at people across a table.
There would be plenty of time to get acquainted later on.
The Healer, Jared noted in a detached, distant sort of fashion, was beautiful. He raised his goblet to her.
"Enchanté," he said lightly, she being seated too far for a proper introduction.
Originally Posted by Ikenna Gevrik
Ikenna covered the sound of his chuckle with a fake cough. "Ah, hello again, Potions Mistress Lafay." His bitter expression was softening slightly as he looked from Hecate back toward Jake. Vindictus really was ageing if he thought he wouldn't be overhead by the Ghost.
"Since a few of you seem to be...confused at the moment, I think it would be best if everyone calmly returned to their seats and refrained from saying anything they will regret later."
He stood up next to Tate. "It's time for the speech."
Oh look. Free entertainment, resumed. Jared's lips twitched but, if he had any thoughts on the matter, he kept them to himself.
Plenty of time ahead.
Text Cut: Tatertot
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"If I can have your attention, students... if you can bear with me for a few moments of business chatter, there is a bountiful feast as reward on the other side. I welcome you back to Hogwarts once again. To returning students, you will see new faces at the staff table. Please make every effort to welcome staff members and students to our home. To new students... the rules at Hogwarts are simple and we will make every effort to make them clear. First and foremost, make good choices and do not die."
Always always... do not die.
"In addition to our new staff, we also welcome Mr. Ikenna Gevrik to Hogwarts. He will be serving as... a special security consultant and is very interested in making the school as safe as possible. It is my desire that you make him welcome and listen to everything he has to say. It is, of course, your own responsibility to way those things you hear against your own conscience and make decisions that are right for yourself."
And... did Gevrik want to say anything? Hmm?
There was a lull in conversation as Tate rose to his feet, and Jared fell into an easy silence as he listened to the man's speech. His mouth curved into an amused smile at the sentence that preceded the first real pause - do not die - but, other than that, he maintained a neutral expression on his face.
Last edited by Maxilocks; 01-04-2011 at 04:01 AM.
Reason: Missed Ern's post. ^__^
A bit of dirt under his nails and his hair a bit rumpled, Charlie finally managed to make it to the feast. Somehow, he'd lost track of time, digging out on the grounds, blissfully ignorant of the boats and carriages carrying his new pupils up to the castle.
So much to do, and such little time!
Picking absently at his cuticles, he wrinkled his nose in an attempt to push his glasses up further without using his hands, as he climbed the dias and settled into a chair, not making eye contact with the other staff near by.
Wonderful first impression, Charlie, he chastised himself as it became abundantly clear that he'd just entered right after the speech.
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind
You can float across a rainbowsky
to once upon a time
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
for my favorite Dragon Lady XD - oops, didn't see the speech beginning...
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Kurumi swallowed hard and carried the box of cookies towards Dragon Lady. Did she even like sugar? As Head of Slytherin House, the woman would probably think she had poisoned them or put something in them to have them explode - that seemed to be the trend with everyone else at the Slytherin Table anyway.
Knowing that a stuttering greeting would likely grant her a one-way trip into a scary nightmare, Kurumi calmed herself down as best she could before addressing the Potions Mistress.
"G-Good evening, Professor Lafay," Kurumi said nervously, but with not as much stuttering as she usually had when addressing her. She slowly held the cookies out in front of her, you know, just in case she had missed her rather awkward introduction previously. "Thank you for everything you taught me last term. I," she swallowed before finishing her thought. She was being polite, didn't have to mean she was 100% serious. "...I'm looking forward to another term of potions." And to finish things off, a nice deep bow.
Now, to see if Dragon Lady hexed her or made the cookies explode herself.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 01-04-2011 at 04:27 AM.
She definitely should! And he could even help her do so if she wanted to...but for now he only nodded and smiled yet again. Yup, she could hang any pictures she wanted in the Hospital Wing, after all, that was her territory, no?
It wasn't until Ellie spoke that he noticed who he was leaned on to, and slightly blushed, straightening himself.
"Er, yeah, you should do so," he said, to the Healer, and heard the 'speech' word not too far away. "I'll see you around, Healer Moretti," there was only one nod and then he eyed Ellie.
Mmmm....time to go, yes?
And why was Ellie eying him like that, anyway? "What?" he shrugged, did she not like being used as a wall? She should say so if she didn't. "We should go," he said, gesturing toward their tables.
Resident Ghost of Slytherin | Hot-Tempered & Not Amused
The Slytherin house ghost went and stood behind the headmaster. That's where his support was going... he then turned to the end of the table and nodded to Lafay. He was Head. He saw Truebridge and nodded to him... and then to Max.
The Slytherin house ghost went and stood behind the headmaster. That's where his support was going... he then turned to the end of the table and nodded to Lafay. He was Head. He saw Truebridge and nodded to him... and then to Max.
Charlie shivered as the Baron settled and nodded - not from any sense of cold.
Just a sense of the creeps.
Swallowing hard, Charlie watched out of the corner of his eye. "Always hated that ghost," he muttered under his breath, recalling, more fondly, his experiences with the Grey Lady.
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind
You can float across a rainbowsky
to once upon a time
Resident Ghost of Slytherin | Hot-Tempered & Not Amused
Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe
Charlie shivered as the Baron settled and nodded - not from any sense of cold.
Just a sense of the creeps.
Swallowing hard, Charlie watched out of the corner of his eye. "Always hated that ghost," he muttered under his breath, recalling, more fondly, his experiences with the Grey Lady.
He grumbled and glared at the man who came in looking like he'd just been on the field of battle. Which side was he on?
"If I can have your attention, students... if you can bear with me for a few moments of business chatter, there is a bountiful feast as reward on the other side. I welcome you back to Hogwarts once again. To returning students, you will see new faces at the staff table. Please make every effort to welcome staff members and students to our home. To new students... the rules at Hogwarts are simple and we will make every effort to make them clear. First and foremost, make good choices and do not die."
Always always... do not die.
"In addition to our new staff, we also welcome Mr. Ikenna Gevrik to Hogwarts. He will be serving as... a special security consultant and is very interested in making the school as safe as possible. It is my desire that you make him welcome and listen to everything he has to say. It is, of course, your own responsibility to weigh those things you hear against your own conscience and make decisions that are right for yourself."
And... did Gevrik want to say anything? Hmm?
Now that was SHORT.
Did Tate leave the real speech on his desk?
The silence that followed irked Max and so he decided to liven up the place a bit. So he put his hands together rather loudly.
But Tate should be proud of Vindictus - the man refrained from whistling and shouting 'Tell 'em like it is, Tatertot!'
Applause was harmless. Now could we eat?
Check out the non-HP topics in the Leaky Cauldron today!
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by Lezleighd
Satine then shifted her attention to the next professor, "You are very welcome, Professor Hadley." she said with a smile and a small nod. "Yes I plan on seeing you in class, I also recieved an O in Arthmancy." she said with pride.
This girl was sweet ... particularly with those special coffee cups. Speaking of which, she should take one and see what her favorite color was today. Because like all things in life, the favorite color was not permanent. It was reflective over a combination of things, mostly centered around your numbers. Upon the cup touching her finger tips, it changed to a light pink color. Interesting...
"Outstanding? Wow! You can certainly bet I look forward to seeing you in class then." Josephina said as she watched the chatter taking place at the student tables. Let them enjoy the feast now, because the Arithmancy professor had feelings the jolly banter wouldn't last past the month.
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
Worth it? Eeeeeeeeeh... Maya's 'explorer' side debated wether or not it was worth the sometime annoying children. But, she did enjoy being a teacher...when she wasn't out looking for creatures that might not have been seen for years. "If the students find themselves with more knowledge, then, yes it is." Hopefully they weren't standing at the front of the classroom in vain. "Ah, Italy. I hear it's a beautiful country." So Josephina was Italiana, eh? "I also visited my family... It is wonderful how being home can be so... invigorating."
"The fact that several students continue to bear successful scores on the exams is probably a strong indicator that either they learned something or the exams are too lazy." And Josephina honestly did NOT want to place her bets on the latter. She definitely preferred to believe, at least until proven otherwise. "Italy is a beautiful country. Perhaps you could come for a visit sometime." And that was Fina's strange way of inviting her colleague to travel with her. "Invigorating ... yes. That's one of putting it." Especially with the news headlines and all. Much was happening...
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
"Thank you Professor Hadley," Kurumi smiled finding a bit of her Lion Confidence returning. "I am looking forward to Artimancy very much." It was true, Kurumi had taken a rather keen interest in the subject probably because it involved stable things like numbers and calculations.
Her smile turned into a slight frown and she turned her attention back to Professor Hadley.
"Um...Professor, I mean no disrespect when I say this, not to the new professors or anything, but..." She paused for a moment to try and stop her babbling. "Where are Professors Markovic and Carlton?" She hadn't heard that they were leaving. Not to mention that one of the new male professors had hardly acknowledged her presence at the table.
If Kurumi hadn't been looking forward to her subject than well, grades were misleading and Hadley would have been far too disappointed. She smiled at the young Gryffindor. "Of course, no problem."
And then after some silence and more glancing around at her discretion - listening in on other students as they approached the other professors - Josephina heard the Gryffindor speak again, except this time about her former colleagues. Sniffles. "Professors Markovic and Carlton, I suppose have decided to leave employment at Hogwarts and move onto pursuing other opportunities." And wherever they were, Josephina truly did hope that they were content.
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
"It certainly is. One day I think I'm going to go back," she said idly as he continued to reveal his bias for France. It didn't bother her in the least, as it just added a layer to the man. If she really wanted to learn about him, that was. Time would tell, as emotions seemed to be heightened by the excitement of the start of term. And at that point she caught the smile of the Arthmancy professor from beyond Jared, and she returned it with one of her own. She'd have to talk to her a bit later.
Whoever that new Professor was - and judging by her sitting in Nolan's seat, she gathered it was Divination - Josephina liked her already. There was something about her smile and quiet tone that offered her a sense of comfort. Perhaps she might even prove usefulness . . .
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Ooooh, so she had noticed him. Heh. Reaching for his glass he raised it in a rather exaggerated way of toasting with a grin before taking a sip. Only to almost choke on said sip as he very uncharacteristically snorted into his drink at Fina's next move. Coughing a couple of times, he couldn't help but continue to chuckle which didn't exactly do any good to the few drops of pumpkin juice which had somehow ended up in his trachea.
After finally having managed to regain a normal pace of breathing and gotten a grip of himself, he rolled his eyes at her with a still highly amused grin plastered across his face. Silly Fina.
In reply to her little eyebrow-show he grinned before flapping his arms vigorously at his sides to show his excitement. Not really. xD
Apparently she almost made him choke on his juice. OH dear! But hey, she wasn't the one who told him to take a drink before looking in her direction! That was his own fault. Shaking her head at him and sighing subtly in relief when he regained control of his respiratory system she returned the grin with a sheepish one of her own and mouthed a quick, I'm sorry to him.
The sorry for that laughing fit and perhaps also because of a certain Ikenna.
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
Truebridge headed up to the staff table, eyed the few empty seats and took one near the centre, next to Maximus Vindictus who looked somewhat agrieved.
This particular seat worked for him, not because it was next to Max and he knew the man, more because it was his actual former seat... his first seat. From when he had first began at Hogwarts as a professor.
He nodded politely at Casey, and from behind his dark glasses he glanced towards the dark skinned man who had taken Max's chair and then to Max.
"Hello." He spoke calmly, as if he'd never left and had last seen the man yesterday rather than over a year ago.
It was just his way.
Though the addition of another Professor taking a seat at the dias distracted Fina momentarily from Ikenna and Jeremy. Mostly because she knew him; Ethan Truebridge. He had taught Defense in her first year teaching at Hogwarts.
And he was back. Something that Fina was sure that the Headmaster was pleased about as well.
"Welcome back, Ethan." Josephina greeted, albeit late compared to some of the other professors. So had Tate decided Defense was too much for him or was Ethan multi-talented and taking up post in one of the other subject areas?
Only time will tell.
Originally Posted by Ikenna Gevrik
Hufflepuffs. Ikenna Gevrik knew not of them.
His gaze slowly focused on the features of the student in front of him, who had to be one of the older ones if his height was any indication. His manners hardly seemed indicant of his age but from their first eye contact, Ikenna could sense troubled waters beneath the boy's confident veneer.
"Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
Security at Hogwarts? Josephina raised an eyebrow at the man, which was probably because in her connections with him, he hadn't mentioned much about being at Hogwarts this term. Then again, he hadn't mentioned much at all, come to think of it.
So perhaps Special Security was rather fitting then.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"Excellent advice, Mister Gevrik," Tate gave the man an oddly formal bow before he rose lazily from his own seat. He swept out his hands for silence, enjoying the way students stopped chattering at his gesture.
You see that, Lafay? If he was just a figurehead, they wouldn't acknowledge him. These students weren't idiot pawns to be played in someone else's game.
"If I can have your attention, students... if you can bear with me for a few moments of business chatter, there is a bountiful feast as reward on the other side. I welcome you back to Hogwarts once again. To returning students, you will see new faces at the staff table. Please make every effort to welcome staff members and students to our home. To new students... the rules at Hogwarts are simple and we will make every effort to make them clear. First and foremost, make good choices and do not die."
Always always... do not die.
"In addition to our new staff, we also welcome Mr. Ikenna Gevrik to Hogwarts. He will be serving as... a special security consultant and is very interested in making the school as safe as possible. It is my desire that you make him welcome and listen to everything he has to say. It is, of course, your own responsibility to way those things you hear against your own conscience and make decisions that are right for yourself."
And... did Gevrik want to say anything? Hmm?
And just like that ... it was speech time, which meant something else was near: FOOD! Oh yea, and you couldn't go wrong some delicious potatoes or pasta or rice or ... oh soooo many possibilities with food and it was all so yum!
Listening to the Headmaster speak, at his close she tilted her head slightly. Own responsibility to way those things you hear against your own conscience and make decisions that are right for yourself. Truer words could honestly not have been spoken. They could speak whatever they wanted but the students would ultimately be the ones to either take those words to heart or toss them in the garbage and form their own words.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
As a masterful, focused man often does, Ikenna ignored those around him still trying to address him and waited for Casey Tate's introduction. He stiffly returned the 'bow', or whatever that awkward jerking was, and then turned out toward the students.
"Thank you for that welcome, Headmaster Tate. I am, as he said, Mr. Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison to the School." He extended a warm smile toward the assembled students and bowed in their direction as well, though at the same time he swept his arms out, he also cast a nonverbal sticking charm at Vindictus' hands in mid-clap.
With the clapping stopped and a dead silence in the Hall, Ikenna straightened back up with a genuinely friendly expression.
"Those of you who can recall events of the past, from a flooding school to an underground fight club, will find it easy to see why the Ministry of Magic has concerns about security around its most precious asset: the bodies and minds of our future leaders. Those of you who may be younger will at the least realize that a heightened sense of safety and security around the castle will not only allow everyone to sleep better at night, but it will also pre-empt any future warnings from your professors, such as orders to 'do not die.'"
Gevrik's beetle-like eyes glittered for a moment with amusement as he cracked a smile, and then he continued onward in a most amicable tone.
"Perhaps some of your good, safe choices this year will lead to good rewards, not only for you, your professors or your house-mates, but perhaps also for the betterment of all mankind. The times are changing swiftly and as the Headmaster said, I can only ask that you lend me your ears and remain open-minded this school year, for you will all find that I am not your typical dose of Ministry intervention."
No, Ikenna Gevrik could be something much more sinister...but he did not drop the smile from his face or the friendliness in his tone...yet.
"Again, I appreciate Hogwarts opening its doors to me and I can only hope that you will all also open your minds and hearts, for I hold the safety and security of us all very dear in mine."
He bowed his head once more to signify the end of his speech and then smoothly slid back down into his seat.
Hunger, revenge, to sleep are petty foes...
But only death the jealous eyes can close.
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Originally Posted by Tailzerr
"I am sorry? What tournament?" Was it some sort of Groundskeeper Tournament? Him versus the Monsieur that was Groundskeeper before him for the coveted title of 'Supreme Groundskeeper', if there was such a thing?
How the heck could you make a tournament out of Groundskeeping anyways? 'Let us see who can cut grass the fastest with a tiny pair of safety scissors.'
Oh... woops. "Nothing. Nevermind..." Obviously she had been wrong. "I'm Potion Mistress and Slytherin Head of House Hecate Lafay... and you are..." French obviously...
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Keep smirking, Lafay. The governors could keep her here, but they didn't have to keep her as Head of House or in the position she currently enjoyed.
"I guess we're all moving up into positions beyond our own expectations, Professor. I would ask you to mind your house and not my business, though." They typically required more attention than he did from the woman.
She simply nodded at the Headmaster. She wasn't going to let his words affect her. She was keeping an eye at the table, even if she didn't need to. She had a great pair of prefects, a wonderful head girl, and a talented quidditch captain. We may be moving into positions beyond expectations, but he couldn't say she wasn't doing a fine job. Both years she was Head of House, both years, Slytherin got the house cup.
She whispered to Truebridge, "They are doing great you know. My snakes. And I don't even need to deduct 50 points from the lot of them at the feast to make them behave..."
... famous last words...
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"If I can have your attention, students... if you can bear with me for a few moments of business chatter, there is a bountiful feast as reward on the other side. I welcome you back to Hogwarts once again. To returning students, you will see new faces at the staff table. Please make every effort to welcome staff members and students to our home. To new students... the rules at Hogwarts are simple and we will make every effort to make them clear. First and foremost, make good choices and do not die."
Always always... do not die.
"In addition to our new staff, we also welcome Mr. Ikenna Gevrik to Hogwarts. He will be serving as... a special security consultant and is very interested in making the school as safe as possible. It is my desire that you make him welcome and listen to everything he has to say. It is, of course, your own responsibility to way those things you hear against your own conscience and make decisions that are right for yourself."
And... did Gevrik want to say anything? Hmm?
Well said... she clapped. As was customary.
Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe
A bit of dirt under his nails and his hair a bit rumpled, Charlie finally managed to make it to the feast. Somehow, he'd lost track of time, digging out on the grounds, blissfully ignorant of the boats and carriages carrying his new pupils up to the castle.
So much to do, and such little time!
Picking absently at his cuticles, he wrinkled his nose in an attempt to push his glasses up further without using his hands, as he climbed the dias and settled into a chair, not making eye contact with the other staff near by.
Wonderful first impression, Charlie, he chastised himself as it became abundantly clear that he'd just entered right after the speech.
Who. What. Was. That! Who in their right mind would show up to dinner, let alone a FEAST like that! Probably the new groundskeeper. Someone needed to hose him down... now... where was her wand. Potions Lab. Right.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi swallowed hard and carried the box of cookies towards Dragon Lady. Did she even like sugar? As Head of Slytherin House, the woman would probably think she had poisoned them or put something in them to have them explode - that seemed to be the trend with everyone else at the Slytherin Table anyway.
Knowing that a stuttering greeting would likely grant her a one-way trip into a scary nightmare, Kurumi calmed herself down as best she could before addressing the Potions Mistress.
"G-Good evening, Professor Lafay," Kurumi said nervously, but with not as much stuttering as she usually had when addressing her. She slowly held the cookies out in front of her, you know, just in case she had missed her rather awkward introduction previously. "Thank you for everything you taught me last term. I," she swallowed before finishing her thought. She was being polite, didn't have to mean she was 100% serious. "...I'm looking forward to another term of potions." And to finish things off, a nice deep bow.
Now, to see if Dragon Lady hexed her or made the cookies explode herself.
Well well well... hear THAT Headmaster? The girl, and NOT a Slytherin, was thanking her for everything that she taught, and was looking forward to classes. "Thank you, Miss Hollingberry. Cookies... Lovely. Please return to your seat now, and I'll see you in class soon" She said nodding to the child. Oh Oh Oh... whipped cream on the ice cream that was today? "Headmaster? Would you care for one of the cookie my Gryffindor student gifted me?"
Originally Posted by Bloody Baron
The Slytherin house ghost went and stood behind the headmaster. That's where his support was going... he then turned to the end of the table and nodded to Lafay. He was Head. He saw Truebridge and nodded to him... and then to Max.
"Baron, always a pleasure." She said to the ghost.
Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe
Charlie shivered as the Baron settled and nodded - not from any sense of cold.
Just a sense of the creeps.
Swallowing hard, Charlie watched out of the corner of his eye. "Always hated that ghost," he muttered under his breath, recalling, more fondly, his experiences with the Grey Lady.
Originally Posted by Bloody Baron
He grumbled and glared at the man who came in looking like he'd just been on the field of battle. Which side was he on?
"I don't think he's fond of you either..." Hecate said not looking up from her glass.
Originally Posted by Ikenna Gevrik
As a masterful, focused man often does, Ikenna ignored those around him still trying to address him and waited for Casey Tate's introduction. He stiffly returned the 'bow', or whatever that awkward jerking was, and then turned out toward the students.
"Thank you for that welcome, Headmaster Tate. I am, as he said, Mr. Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison to the School." He extended a warm smile toward the assembled students and bowed in their direction as well, though at the same time he swept his arms out, he also cast a nonverbal sticking charm at Vindictus' hands in mid-clap.
With the clapping stopped and a dead silence in the Hall, Ikenna straightened back up with a genuinely friendly expression.
"Those of you who can recall events of the past, from a flooding school to an underground fight club, will find it easy to see why the Ministry of Magic has concerns about security around its most precious asset: the bodies and minds of our future leaders. Those of you who may be younger will at the least realize that a heightened sense of safety and security around the castle will not only allow everyone to sleep better at night, but it will also pre-empt any future warnings from your professors, such as orders to 'do not die.'"
Gevrik's beetle-like eyes glittered for a moment with amusement as he cracked a smile, and then he continued onward in a most amicable tone.
"Perhaps some of your good, safe choices this year will lead to good rewards, not only for you, your professors or your house-mates, but perhaps also for the betterment of all mankind. The times are changing swiftly and as the Headmaster said, I can only ask that you lend me your ears and remain open-minded this school year, for you will all find that I am not your typical dose of Ministry intervention."
No, Ikenna Gevrik could be something much more sinister...but he did not drop the smile from his face or the friendliness in his tone...yet.
"Again, I appreciate Hogwarts opening its doors to me and I can only hope that you will all also open your minds and hearts, for I hold the safety and security of us all very dear in mine."
He bowed his head once more to signify the end of his speech and then smoothly slid back down into his seat.
Also well put. She clapped again and nodded knowingly.