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Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
SPOILER!!: Marie and Rae
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Evelyn hadn't found who had done this either. That was not what she wanted to hear right now. She wanted to hear the name of the person that was going to wish they never messed with her. That is once they had changed her hair back to blonde. Marie then glared at Evelyn even more when she giggled. "I'm glad you think this is funny Ev." Really. She looked like am easter egg and all her friend could do was laugh at her. Some friend she was. Marie would never laugh at Ev if this was her. Okay, maybe she would laugh a little but she would have made a little more effort at helping her friend find who had done this to her. "Look for the people who look guilty. Gee, why didn't I think of that." she hissed.
Just then someone else sat next to them. Oh great, it was Rae. She glared over at her too when she said something about a nice change. Really? Marie having a hood over her head so no one could see her hair was a nice change? Wait. What? Dye her hair. How did Rae know? Narrowing her eyes at the girl she was just about to ask her that very question when she glanced down and noticed there was some pink sticking out of her hood.
She quickly tucked the hair back into hiding before anyone else could see it... especially Finn if he should happen to walk in. "I didn't. But apparently someone thought it would be a funny thing to do while I was sleeping last night." Then it hit her. Rae did it. Of course. The girl was obviously trying to get back at Marie for refusing to be her friend. "YOU did this didn't you!" And she wondered why Marie didn't want to be her friend. Oh the girl was gonna pay dearly for this. If she thought Marie didn't like her before... just wait until she got done with her now.
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys
Okay, Marie obviously wasn't happy about the hair. Maybe Rae should have pretended not to notice. But then......
Woah.... what? "Me? Uh... Marie, I couldn't do that. I'm horrible at charms. You'd be more likely to see my stomach contents than see me perform charms."
And, she would never do that to Marie anyways. Whether the girl wanted to be her friend or not. Marie and Rae shared the same best friends, so drama was not something Rae wanted with Marie.
Oh Merlin, Marie should noooot have said that. It only made her giggle even mooooore! But really, Evelyn tried very VERY hard not to laugh. It was just too giggle worthy. It just got even better when Marie tried to blame Rae for this. Bwahahahaha! Charms? Oh Rae. If only you knew that it wasn't charms that did this.
"Relax Marie. I'm sure we can fix it sooner or later." Though it'd just have to be LATER. "Besides...I figured whoever did this would be one of the ones who'd sit farthest from us." 'Cause, you know, who wants to be near Marie when she's angry? Evelyn herself was having a hard time right now, debating whether or not she should visit the Gryffie table, or even the Huffie table, but the pink...it was just too good. Even though Marie hid that piece of hair that showed the world just why she was wearing a hood...Evelyn could still SEE it. In her mind.
Freya giggled when Cass said that she had to shrink all her clothes. "Yeah me too. I was thinking bringing another trunk next term." she chuckled. "Ready for summer?" she asked. She couldn't believe that it was the end of her second year.
"Yeah I guess. But I still got like 5 years before I graduate." she groaned. "What could I say?I'm a Slytherin after all." she chuckled. "Well, there's Cass party and then going to Bulgaria with my father." she grinned. "What about you?Any summer plans beside your wedding?" she asked.
Freya looked up when someone was calling her name. "Heya Caroline." she smiled and waved back to her. "Do you have any plans for summer?" she asked the older Slytherin.
" Yes, but you will feel the same way I do about graduate" Rex told Freya." You are a good girl and a good Slytherin" Rex said to Freya. Well, that's great a party ad a vacation" Rex smiled. " No plans at this time for Rene and myself" Rex explained to Freya.
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
Fee walked to the Slytherin table and smiled to herself.This term had been so cool and it was such a pitty that it was over yet.But then again the blonde would be 14 next term and she felt like she was growing up much too fast. Looking around for some of her friends the Slytherin noticed Kurumi with a box of cookies there.Oh how sweet she brought cookies.
Approaching her friend the smile one Fee's face got bigger.It was awesome to see Kurumi again,unfortunately the two didnt meet up too much.School,homework,different houses."Heey Kurumi",the almost third year waved,"whats up?"
Fee smiled when she heard a very familiar voice.Reeex.But then her smile faded,this would be the last time she would see him for a very long time.Damn you graduation.Making her way to him she put her arms around him from behind as she was close enough."I will miss you so much.",she whispered a tear running down her cheek silently.Siiigh this was terrible.
When Fee turned around she noticed Freya there too.Oh yaaay a lot of her friends on one place how cool was that?Somehow the girl smiled a lot today.Hehe."Heyyy Freyaaa",the blonde waved,"whats going ooon?" Cute how everyone was looking for her.She felt loved.
As the blonde saw her bestie she waved happily and smiled.This feast was going to be amazing.Apart from Rex leaving.But they should all have a good time together now."heey caasssyyy",the girl smiled.
" I will miss you too" Rex told Fee. "Come on, no crying, my graduation is a happy day" Rex said to Fee." We will be together a lot when you visit Rene and I at our place and at Jason's " rex explained to Fee. "Do you know what will make you happy?" Rex asked Fee. " This" he laughed as he glittered her hair and her face.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Aww. End of term feast. Something Finn really wasn't looking forward too that much, although his summer was going to be really dun. He had considred that maybe he should've been sitting at the Ravenclaw table, seeing as he was the prefect, but the slytherin table really was much more appealing to him now. Hence why he was headed it that direction, nodding to the slytherins. Yup he was so cool.
Though...when he got to where he wanted to be it was Marie that he had recognised, but actually her friends....seeing as Marie had her hood up. That struck him as a little odd. "Hey Girls..." He pondered, as he eyed his girlfriend. "Marie....whats with the hood?" He asked, as he sat down next to her. She didn't look like the wanted to be very social.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
Alex was prepared to see a lot of crying girls in the Great Hall, mainly because well girls did cry a lot but also, people were leaving. They were graduating. Fortunately for Alex, he didn't know that many people who were about to graduate. Well, apart from Hyun.
He frowned a little making his way to Slytherin table, so Hyun was graduating. Who would be his best guy friend in Slytherin now? He sighed and plopped down on a bench by the table. Staring at the food for a few seconds he finally grabbed some chicken and stuffed into his mouth. He enjoyed the Quidditch practises with Hyun, he could always mess around with him. Well if the captain wasn't looking that was, ahem. He hadn't even seen him to say goodbye. Hyun was probably glad to go back to Durmstrang but for Alex it wasn't a good thing. Not at all.
He continued to shove chicken in his mouth, thinking about his girlfriend, that he'd be a fourth year the next term and that there would be loads of cute witto firsties running around that he could take care of. That brightened his mood.
A little.
Last feast at Hogwarts.
A year ago, Hyun would have jumped , ran and shouted that he could FINALLY leave this place. But now...
He entered the Great Hall with an odd feeling in his stomach. It wasn't like he was hungry *growl* ....yes he was. But also another feeling, something he can't describe , the same feeling when he had talked to Ellie at the Pathways.
He scanned the room with students , laughing, talking maybe even crying. He would never see it again. With a deep sigh he joined the other snakes at the long table. Hyun looked around before his eyes landed on Alex who sat alone. He felt sorry for the guy, and Hyun feeling sorry is weird.
Without saying anything, he sat on the bench next to Alex and absentmindly stared at the delicious looking food in front of him. He didn't say anything. He didn't know how...How do you say goodbye forever?
Cass entered the great hall and looked around for her friends as she made her way towards the Slytherin Table. She couldn't believe that the term is already over. She would be in third year next term...Wow.
Levi wandered into the Great Hall, looking a little morose. He couldn't believe how fast the term had gone. It seemed like he had just gotten here and soon he'd be heading back home. He figured he could catch up with his friends one more time before they got on the train. He had saved his best exchange for last. He sidled up behind Cass and surprised her with a hug.
"Hey!" the dark-skinned boy said with a smile. "I got you a couple chocolate frogs. I figured I owed you since you gave me that candy in the library." He waved at Fee, remembering her from the grounds.
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
Last feast at Hogwarts.
A year ago, Hyun would have jumped , ran and shouted that he could FINALLY leave this place. But now...
He entered the Great Hall with an odd feeling in his stomach. It wasn't like he was hungry *growl* ....yes he was. But also another feeling, something he can't describe , the same feeling when he had talked to Ellie at the Pathways.
He scanned the room with students , laughing, talking maybe even crying. He would never see it again. With a deep sigh he joined the other snakes at the long table. Hyun looked around before his eyes landed on Alex who sat alone. He felt sorry for the guy, and Hyun feeling sorry is weird.
Without saying anything, he sat on the bench next to Alex and absentmindly stared at the delicious looking food in front of him. He didn't say anything. He didn't know how...How do you say goodbye forever?
Alex noticed someone sitting down next to him on the bench, he looked to the side once absently but had to do a double-take when he saw it was his friend. His friend he would probably never see again after that night. He focused his eyes on the chicken on the plate and continued to eat it slowly not saying anything for a couple of moments. What was he supposed to say?
"Do they play Quidditch at Durmstrang?" he asked totally randomly not taking his eyes off the chicken he now held in his hands.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
Alex noticed someone sitting down next to him on the bench, he looked to the side once absently but had to do a double-take when he saw it was his friend. His friend he would probably never see again after that night. He focused his eyes on the chicken on the plate and continued to eat it slowly not saying anything for a couple of moments. What was he supposed to say?
"Do they play Quidditch at Durmstrang?" he asked totally randomly not taking his eyes off the chicken he now held in his hands.
After a long, awkward silence, Alex started to speak. Hyun was happy that he did because he didn't know what to say. He sighed at the question though. "I..yes, they do, i was a beater there.." he answered awkwardly. Hyun shoved a bowl of soup towards him and grabbed his spoon that layed next to him on the table. He drank the chickensoup slowly, not wanting this feast to end. He would miss playing quidditch more importantly the fun times he had with his friends. People who could see past his cold surface.
Suddenly, he let out a loud nervous laugh.
"I can't believe i said i hated Hogwarts at first.." he placed his spoon down and looked at Alex with an smile..an ACTUAL smile! This whole year, Hyun had NEVER smiled. "You're a good kid, Alex." he said. "Weird, crazy, Ellie obsessive..but good " he said with his tongue out and then looked back at his bowl again, feeling embarrased about what he was going to say. "Thanks for being an awesome friend, Alex." And he meant it, Alex was the first person he had met in Diagon Alley, the first person who dared to speak up to him, the first person who dared to call him Hyunny Bunny...-_-; the first person who he knew at quidditch practise and in the team. Yes, he would miss him.
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
All her bags were packed and she was ready to go.
As soon as the term ended and she ate a whole bowl of potatoes to herself, of course. It would be FOREVER before she would be able to eat them again, so she had to make the best of them while she could. Plus she was really, really hungry.
Walking into the Great Hall, Destiny immediately scanned the Slytherin table for her friends. It shouldn't have been THAT hard considering Marie was now donning a new hair color. Hehe, PINK! But, the table being sooo full, she couldn't..oh! There they were. And Marie was being a party pooper with her hood up. Quickening her pace, which ultimately lead to skipping, she snatched a cinnamon stick out of the unsuspecting hands of a firstie and reaching her friends, squeezed in real close to Evelyn. No way was she going to sit next to Pinky Lee. Besides, Finn was over there.
Giving the Ravenclaw a wassup type of nod, because he was a boy and that's what THEY do, she turned to Rae and.. "Where's my niffler?" Hmm, hmm, HMM!?
But anways, back to the Pinkinator. Hehe.
"You know it is considered RUDE to wear your hood up indoors?" And just to get her point across, Destiny waved her cinnamon stick in Marie's direction.
____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________ ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
After a long, awkward silence, Alex started to speak. Hyun was happy that he did because he didn't know what to say. He sighed at the question though. "I..yes, they do, i was a beater there.." he answered awkwardly. Hyun shoved a bowl of soup towards him and grabbed his spoon that layed next to him on the table. He drank the chickensoup slowly, not wanting this feast to end. He would miss playing quidditch more importantly the fun times he had with his friends. People who could see past his cold surface.
Suddenly, he let out a loud nervous laugh.
"I can't believe i said i hated Hogwarts at first.." he placed his spoon down and looked at Alex with an smile..an ACTUAL smile! This whole year, Hyun had NEVER smiled. "You're a good kid, Alex." he said. "Weird, crazy, Ellie obsessive..but good " he said with his tongue out and then looked back at his bowl again, feeling embarrased about what he was going to say. "Thanks for being an awesome friend, Alex." And he meant it, Alex was the first person he had met in Diagon Alley, the first person who dared to speak up to him, the first person who dared to call him Hyunny Bunny...-_-; the first person who he knew at quidditch practise and in the team. Yes, he would miss him.
Alex was about to say that Durmstrang would be happy to have a Quidditch player like Hyun, when he continued talking. Alex glanced at him when he smiled. It wasn't a grin, it wasn't a smirk, it wasn't a 'Good luck winning the Quidditch Cup without me next year'- smirk, it was a smile. A genuine smile. Alex swallowed the piece of chicken that seemed to be stuck in his throat and nodded his head slowly. "Anytime." he grinned. "And.. Er.. Right back at you." he added awkwardly. Right back at you, you amazing friend who leaves all of the sudden. He poked around his food, suddenly not at all that hungry anymore. "And thanks for not killing me when I called you HyunnyBunny." he added absently scratching his neck. He had said it infront of the whole team after all.
He looked down at his food with a frown. "It won't be the same without you, you know?"
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: dingDong
Originally Posted by dingDong
The whole matter was behind him, really. He just wanted to, you know, throw food at that Anna Greingoth look-alike and it was done! It was done. Over. But he couldn't help but glance back at his work... you know, she did deserve it... in a way. But he eyed one other Slytherin boy who looked as though he saw the Cameron Karsten throw the food but no, he didn't... not... at... all... But his gaze--almost as if entertained. Oh. Were they in the same position?
Did Anna Greingoth reject his undying love for her? Did Anna Greingoth just decide to ignore and never use his sock puppet he made with his PASSIONATE hands, ALL FOR HER? Did Anna Greingoth PROCEED TO MARRY SOME WIG-WEARING, NO GOOD, YEAR-OLDER-THAN-HER MAN--IMBECILE... and NEVER AT ONCE give this poor other Slytherin boy a chance? At all? Well if so, yes, they were in the same position.
And no, he was not jealous, nor hormonal, nor teen angst about anything. Hmph. Not at all.
Wait why was he even thinking all of this? Cam wasn't going to waste his time thinking about this woman on the final day of Hogwarts. Nope, she wasn't going to ruin his last minute here at all. So he presumed back to nonchalantly stabbing and stabbing... and then eating his food. Nomnomnomnomnommmm. He missed Hogwarts food, oh so much. It was muy muy muy muuuuuuy delicioso. He was about to conjure up a plan to abduct a House-Elf from Hogwarts, use him as his chef, and never have to worry about missing the food here at all. But as he was daydreaming about this mastermind plan, he caught something out of the corner of his eye.
What was that?! EW Ew ew ewwwww. Oh wait... it was a piece of meat. That piece of meat. It was her. Miniature Anna Greingoth. How dare she? How. Dare. She. Another reason to hate this woman that he once loved.
Well, if they were going to play some tricks and magic with this... He quickly took out his wand from his pocket, aimed it beneath the table (you know, he didn't want to cause a ruckus all of a sudden) and whispered, "Aguamenti." A jet of water gushed out of his wand, straight towards her legs. There was no doubt it might have sprinkled to a few other people's legs as well... but it wasn't that strong of a jet. Just enough to look as if...
This miniature Anna Greingoth peed her pants. Teehee. "Thanks," and he went ahead, taking a bite out of his chicken, returning her smirk with a smirk of his own.
With a loud gasp, Sierra released the fork she'd been eating with, letting it drop to her plate with a loud klang. She stiffened in shock and anger as she felt the water drench her legs. What was wrong with this kid?! If he was even still a kid! He looked so, so much older than her--way too old to be sending cold jets of water down the house table.
What was he doing this for anyway?! "Have you gone mad?!" she asked him, whipping out her wand and using a drying charm to repair the damage. Really, she was a witch. Did he think she'd just stand from the table and let the whole school see what he'd done to her?! Never! Not a chance!
With her wand still in her hand, she was of a good mind to hex him so badly he wouldn't even be able to see his food. She thought better of it, though. She didn't know this boy. What if he was an expert dueler, or something?! Or a St. Mungo's escapee? Either might fit the bill at this point. She stuffed her wand back into its holster and stood up from her seat. "What--what are you doing!?" she asked him, curious to know why in the name of Merlin he'd thrown food at her and drenched her with Aguamenti. "Who are you anyway?"
...because when she hexed him to oblivion later on, she'd at least like the satisfaction of knowing who she put in their place.
Oh Cameron was just having a little bit of fun. You know, this was his last dining at the Slytherin table. But he just kept staring at her, still quite a bit awestruck by the similarities she had with that woman.
But her reaction was funny. He giggled. HE LAUGHED. OHHHH THE HILARITY.
He stopped his fits of laughter though to respond to this... this GIRL. "ME?! Have--HAVE I gone mad? How dare you!" He took his chicken leg and then pointed it towards her. Was she really the victim here? NO. HE was the victim. The victim of angst and rejection! Did SHE ever lose her love to another person?! NO! NEVER! How could a piece of his chicken and some water on her leg be more hurtful... THAN A BROKEN HEART?! Wait, no, that was all years ago. He honestly didn't know what made him do this. Probably the need for closure. Who knows?! But he was blaming aaaaalll of his past love troubles on this little first year.
But no... this WASN'T a little girl. This was Anna Greingoth. "I thiiiiiiink you owe me a little apology, Anna. How could... HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? But I want to be the one who did it... but we're done. It's over. OVER. WE ARE BREAKING UP." And yes, that was the closure. The almighty closure. But too the small little Slytherin girl, he was probably the most paranoid man ever.
Wait no. He was the most paranoid man ever.
______________________________________________lola jones currently in america
Last edited by highjinx; 04-05-2011 at 11:12 PM.
Reason: grammar. GRAMMAR PPL.
Freya looked up when someone was calling her name. "Heya Caroline." she smiled and waved back to her. "Do you have any plans for summer?" she asked the older Slytherin.
Caroline smiled back. "Yeah, I'm going to see my sister in New York" She was very excited about that, and the fact that she had invited her friends to her house, maybe she shoulf invite Freya and Cass as well, like she invited Kyle, so that they could become better friends. "I've invited some friends to come over to my house this summer, you can stop by sometime this summer."
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou
Just after Georgiana's unexpected appearance, there was someone else. Caroline. "Hey," Helena said, another smile spreading over her face. She had all the reasons to be happy now, because her best friends were there.
Aaaand she had to remind her that it's the last day of this term. But she'll have to cheer up. "I did," the girl said, then looked for a moment at Georgiana and back at Caroline. "Tell me more about it!"
Caroline nodded, "I really hope you can make it." She smiled. " You can stop by whenever you want." She said to her younger snake sister. She couldn't to see her friends this summer. It was the only thing she was loooking forward to, that and New York to visit her sister, and spending time with Carter. Now if she could find him, so they could talk. She looked around over at Gryffindor table. No sign of him.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Helena, now with her head propped in her hand, suddenly felt something touch her back. She gasped and turned around quickly to see who it was. But that voice sounded familiar... "Georgiana!" The girl said all of a sudden, seeing her cheerful friend. But then... Her smile faded just as quick as it spread across her face. "Not really," she said, placing her head against her palm once again. It was the most awkward day. Having to leave soon.
But enough about that. "Where have you been?" Helena asked with a faint smile. "It's a long time since I've last seen you."
Georgiana saw a glimpse of sadness in Helena. "Hey cheer up!" she said giving her a gentle push. I know it was sad to leave but they'll see each other soon. "Oh I have been here and there you know" said giggling, yeah she kinda disappeared and it was funny since both were first years and slytherins but Georgiana had been sick and the whole finals thing left her really tired so she wanted to relax away from the common room. "But i won't disappear again" said winking "So what are you going to do in vacations?" asked Georgiana fixing her wavy hair.
Originally Posted by PureBlood64
Katie sat there quietly, the year was over. ALREADY! Time had went by so fast. Nothing much had happened really this term, no excitement like the last, but being here was the best thing she could do, and at least she had Luke with her, the best boyfriend in the world, she hoped to see him soon, ask him how his first year was, in her opinion his first year was awesome, but then again, she didn't really knew what had happened to him in that year, due to the fact she hadn't seen him much. She looked around hoping to see some of her friends, she had a feeling about something, she was worried about this Summer.
Why was the year over??
She had made so many friends this year, like her awesome partner in crime, Caroline, speaking of her, where was she? Katie wanted to ask her how her year had been, random, but awesome question it was. She looked down at her pink diamond ring, and necklace that Luke had given her, they represented the year really, she didn't know why, she just felt like it was.
"Hello Katie" Georgiana appeared from behind. Hoping she hasn't scared her, it has been a really long time since they haven't talk "How was your year?" knowing Katie a little bit, Georgiana waited for something like "IT WAS GREAT" and a lot of hyperness, that's why she liked her, Katie was always cheerful.
Originally Posted by Saraie
She saw two of her younger Slytherins girls, Helena and Georgiana. She moved over to where they were. "Hey Helena, Hey Georgiana!" She said to them as she approached them. "Last day of term, Ladies!" Where did this term go? It seem tha this term she had made friends with a ton of first years, but these to were by far two of her favorites. "You guys got my invition for the summer right?"
While talking with Helena, Georgiana heard a familiar voice and glanced around to see...Caroline! "Heey!" said waving at the blonde girl. She did felt weird, it was like months ago, she was sitting here in this same table just that it was the beginning of the term and now it was ending. Merlin time flies!
She liked Caroline a lot it was a great friend of hers and was looking forward to spend sometime with her in vacations "I did! thanks! I can't wait, I'll send you an owl to tell you if my parents gave me permission" which they will have to! "It's gonna be great" said excited. Georgiana expected the best for this summer holidays.
Originally Posted by mellamaet
Cass turned at the sound of someone calling her name. She smiled widely when she saw that it was Rex. She smiled at him and waved "Rex! Oh my God! I haven't seen you ages!"
Then she turned once more when she heard her name being called once again, this time by an unfamiliar voice. When she saw that it was a girl, maybe a year younger than her, she smiled at her and replied "Hello. I'm Cass Prewett." Then she held out her hand to shake and added "And you are?"
She smiled and shake her hand "Well I already said my name" said laughing,maybe she didn't said it too loud, "I'm Georgiana, nice to meet you"
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
SPOILER!!: Rae, Ev, Finn, Destiny
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys
Okay, Marie obviously wasn't happy about the hair. Maybe Rae should have pretended not to notice. But then......
Woah.... what? "Me? Uh... Marie, I couldn't do that. I'm horrible at charms. You'd be more likely to see my stomach contents than see me perform charms."
And, she would never do that to Marie anyways. Whether the girl wanted to be her friend or not. Marie and Rae shared the same best friends, so drama was not something Rae wanted with Marie.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
SPOILER!!: Marie and Rae
Oh Merlin, Marie should noooot have said that. It only made her giggle even mooooore! But really, Evelyn tried very VERY hard not to laugh. It was just too giggle worthy. It just got even better when Marie tried to blame Rae for this. Bwahahahaha! Charms? Oh Rae. If only you knew that it wasn't charms that did this.
"Relax Marie. I'm sure we can fix it sooner or later." Though it'd just have to be LATER. "Besides...I figured whoever did this would be one of the ones who'd sit farthest from us." 'Cause, you know, who wants to be near Marie when she's angry? Evelyn herself was having a hard time right now, debating whether or not she should visit the Gryffie table, or even the Huffie table, but the pink...it was just too good. Even though Marie hid that piece of hair that showed the world just why she was wearing a hood...Evelyn could still SEE it. In her mind.
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Aww. End of term feast. Something Finn really wasn't looking forward too that much, although his summer was going to be really dun. He had considred that maybe he should've been sitting at the Ravenclaw table, seeing as he was the prefect, but the slytherin table really was much more appealing to him now. Hence why he was headed it that direction, nodding to the slytherins. Yup he was so cool.
Though...when he got to where he wanted to be it wasn't Marie that he had recognised, but actually her friends....seeing as Marie had her hood up. That struck him as a little odd. "Hey Girls..." He pondered, as he eyed his girlfriend. "Marie....whats with the hood?" He asked, as he sat down next to her. She didn't look like she wanted to be very social.
Originally Posted by Destiny
All her bags were packed and she was ready to go.
As soon as the term ended and she ate a whole bowl of potatoes to herself, of course. It would be FOREVER before she would be able to eat them again, so she had to make the best of them while she could. Plus she was really, really hungry.
Walking into the Great Hall, Destiny immediately scanned the Slytherin table for her friends. It shouldn't have been THAT hard considering Marie was now donning a new hair color. Hehe, PINK! But, the table being sooo full, she couldn't..oh! There they were. And Marie was being a party pooper with her hood up. Quickening her pace, which ultimately lead to skipping, she snatched a cinnamon stick out of the unsuspecting hands of a firstie and reaching her friends, squeezed in real close to Evelyn. No way was she going to sit next to Pinky Lee. Besides, Finn was over there.
Giving the Ravenclaw a wassup type of nod, because he was a boy and that's what THEY do, she turned to Rae and.. "Where's my niffler?" Hmm, hmm, HMM!?
But anways, back to the Pinkinator. Hehe.
"You know it is considered RUDE to wear your hood up indoors?" And just to get her point across, Destiny waved her cinnamon stick in Marie's direction.
Marie did NOT believe a word that was coming out of Rae's mouth. For all she knew, the girl was really good at charms and she was just lying now because she was too much of a coward to admit what she did. "Yeah. Right. Not good at charms. Not like that matters anyway. If this was done by a simple charm I would have been able to reverse it myself. As you seen though, I wasn't able to. So why don't you just tell me what it is that you did." Then she could get rid of the easter egg color on her head... right before she slowly kills tortures her for what she did.
Relax? Was Evelyn crazy or what? "I will NOT relax Evelyn. I want to find out who did this to me so I can make them pay for it." And pay they would. "You just figured that huh? Well did you ever think maybe they would sit right next to me to try and throw me off?" She glared at Evelyn and Rae. She was starting to get the feeling that maybe they were in on this together.
She was just about to pick something up and throw it at Evelyn when she heard it. The voice of her boyfriend. The very boyfriend who had not yet seen her hair. Feeling the color drain from her face she pulled her hood tighter around her head as Finlay sat next to her. "Bad hair day." She said in almost a whisper. Not even looking over at him she just stared at the table. This was more than a bad hair day. A bad hair day would have been a little frizz. No, what this was was a disastrous hair day. There was NO way she could let Finn she her hair.
Destiny was there. Maybe she had better luck at finding the culprit. "Did you find out who..." What the hell. "You know WHY I'm wearing my hood Destiny." She hissed at her other so called best friend. She then snatched that stupid cinnamon stick out of Destiny's hand. "And don't YOU know it's RUDE to point at people?" After breaking the cinnamon stick in half she threw it at Destiny.
She was seriously starting to think maybe she needed to get some new best friends. Maybe she should go find Mia and sit with her.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: dingDong
Originally Posted by dingDong
Had he gone too far?
Oh Cameron was just having a little bit of fun. You know, this was his last dining at the Slytherin table. But he just kept staring at her, still quite a bit awestruck by the similarities she had with that woman.
But her reaction was funny. He giggled. HE LAUGHED. OHHHH THE HILARITY.
He stopped his fits of laughter though to respond to this... this GIRL. "ME?! Have--HAVE I gone mad? How dare you!" He took his chicken leg and then pointed it towards her. Was she really the victim here? NO. HE was the victim. The victim of angst and rejection! Did SHE ever lose her love to another person?! NO! NEVER! How could a piece of his chicken and some water on her leg be more hurtful... THAN A BROKEN HEART?! Wait, no, that was all years ago. He honestly didn't know what made him do this. Probably the need for closure. Who knows?! But he was blaming aaaaalll of his past love troubles on this little first year.
But no... this WASN'T a little girl. This was Anna Greingoth. "I thiiiiiiink you owe me a little apology, Anna. How could... HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? But I want to be the one who did it... but we're done. It's over. OVER. WE ARE BREAKING UP." And yes, that was the closure. The almighty closure. But too the small little Slytherin girl, he was probably the most paranoid man ever.
Wait no. He was the most paranoid man ever.
Suddenly, Sierra was extremely glad she'd put her wand away. Why? Ohhh, maybe because she'd just mentally confirmed that this young man was definitely, without a shadow of a doubt mad. She didn't mean the angry type of mad either. She meant the crazy type of mad. There was no telling what he was capable of!
She blinked as he waved a chicken leg in front of her face. What was it with this guy and food?! Had all his Defense classes dealt with attacks by means of food!? First he'd thrown meat at her, and now he was dangling a chicken leg in front of her as he...
...did he just call her Anna?
"You know my older sister?" she questioned. "I'm not Anna, and I'm certainly apologizing to you." She'd done nothing wrong after all. He'd started it all--everything!"Did you--date my sister?" This person, whoever he was, seemed really young to have dated Anna. Of course he wasn't really young now, not really, but he was a lot younger than Anna.
So he was right. See, the resemblance was just uncanny. But she was a blood relative. Which obviously meant, in a way, she was Anna... and in another way, she was not. "Anna," he started out of instinct, but paused. What was her name? She looked like... a Hannah? And so be it--Hannah was her name for now. "Hannah, you probably do know me. Oh Anna must have talked about me so much... before she BETRAYED me flat-out and rejected me and broke my heart and--and--..." WAIT. It was a lie. He fixed his sentence, "I mean... before I broke us up... just now!"
Merlin's beard that must have meant they were together for... yeaaaaars. "See, I'm Ca-meee-RON Kaa-rrr-stennnn." He enunciated his whole name, just for little Hannah! How wonderful this seventh year man was. "And yes I did date your sister. We were proposed... but you know," he scoffed, "I think I'm too good for her."
He was not a liar.
And yes, right now he expected a series of tales from this Hannah... tales of how Cameron Karsten was her older sister's knight in shining armor... how Anna would brag about his good looks DAY and NIGHT... how she would secretly oh... He didn't know, but this little girl MUST have known him right? Right?
______________________________________________lola jones currently in america
The term is coming to and end and Dianna has never felt so old in her life. Her friend, Selena left and most of her friends seem to have disappeared. She didn't always mind being alone but this was the end of term feast and it did matter to her that she was alone. The third year wandered around at first and gave up looking for anyone. Pfft. she sat down with the rest of the Slytherins and waited for the feats to end. At least she had her fellow Slythies for company.. even if they're not really socializing with her.
Err... Rae didn't even know what she could say to try and change Marie's mind. "I didn't do it, I don't know what other than a charm can turn your hair pink... And I can't do charms...." She wasn't much for arguing with Marie right now, luckily Destiny came by
"Hey... Where's.... Dessi? I dunno... Did you leave her somewhere?" Rae was almost positive she saw the little trouble maker around the dorm somewhere.
'Cause I saw the moon fall I watched the colors
Fade from everything, as winter stays...
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Originally Posted by Saraie
Caroline nodded, "I really hope you can make it." She smiled. " You can stop by whenever you want." She said to her younger snake sister. She couldn't to see her friends this summer. It was the only thing she was loooking forward to, that and New York to visit her sister, and spending time with Carter. Now if she could find him, so they could talk. She looked around over at Gryffindor table. No sign of him.
"I already told my parents," Helena said, while a biiiig smile was making its way on her face now. And yes, she was quick. "I can't wait." She didn't have any great plans for this summer, so... of course she wanted to go. Or else she'll probably spend the whole summer at home.
The girl also noticed that Caroline was scanning a particular house table, and she knew who she was looking for, but didn't say anything. Hehe.
Originally Posted by WeasleyGirl
Georgiana saw a glimpse of sadness in Helena. "Hey cheer up!" she said giving her a gentle push. I know it was sad to leave but they'll see each other soon. "Oh I have been here and there you know" said giggling, yeah she kinda disappeared and it was funny since both were first years and slytherins but Georgiana had been sick and the whole finals thing left her really tired so she wanted to relax away from the common room. "But i won't disappear again" said winking "So what are you going to do in vacations?" asked Georgiana fixing her wavy hair.
"Uh... okay," Helena managed to say, after Georgiana's attempt of cheering her up. It was good to have friends like this, ready to cheer you up anytime you needed.
So... okay. Cheer up. Smile.
As for this looooong summer vacation... "Nothing, really," she shrugged. "I'll most probably visit Caroline, then spend the rest of the summer at home, as usual." Not that they couldn't afford something, but Helena simply didn't feel like leaving somewhere. Buuut maybe she'll ask for something this summer. "How about you?"
While talking with Helena, Georgiana heard a familiar voice and glanced around to see...Caroline! "Heey!" said waving at the blonde girl. She did felt weird, it was like months ago, she was sitting here in this same table just that it was the beginning of the term and now it was ending. Merlin time flies!
She liked Caroline a lot it was a great friend of hers and was looking forward to spend sometime with her in vacations "I did! thanks! I can't wait, I'll send you an owl to tell you if my parents gave me permission" which they will have to! "It's gonna be great" said excited. Georgiana expected the best for this summer holidays.
Caroline smiled it had been a long time since she had seen georgiana. Far too long. It had seem like just yesterday or so that they had met. And yet so much had happened in between that time. Actually these past five years at Hogwarts had flown by to Caroline, She'd only have two more years left.
"That sounds great. I hope they give you permission" SHe grinned and held a hand up with her fingers crossed. It was going to be a great summer. She nodded "You have any other plans?"
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou
"I already told my parents," Helena said, while a biiiig smile was making its way on her face now. And yes, she was quick. "I can't wait." She didn't have any great plans for this summer, so... of course she wanted to go. Or else she'll probably spend the whole summer at home.
The girl also noticed that Caroline was scanning a particular house table, and she knew who she was looking for, but didn't say anything. Hehe.
"YAY!" She squealed so loud that she was suprised that the great hall didn't go silent and stare at her or something. Well on the bright side Caroline was finally getting her hyperness on. She smiled "I know it's going to be so much fun!" She was so glad that Helena would be coming to her house this summer. "So all in all how was your first year here?"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: Dotterkins
Originally Posted by dingDong
Older sister? OLDER SISTER?!
So he was right. See, the resemblance was just uncanny. But she was a blood relative. Which obviously meant, in a way, she was Anna... and in another way, she was not. "Anna," he started out of instinct, but paused. What was her name? She looked like... a Hannah? And so be it--Hannah was her name for now. "Hannah, you probably do know me. Oh Anna must have talked about me so much... before she BETRAYED me flat-out and rejected me and broke my heart and--and--..." WAIT. It was a lie. He fixed his sentence, "I mean... before I broke us up... just now!"
Merlin's beard that must have meant they were together for... yeaaaaars. "See, I'm Ca-meee-RON Kaa-rrr-stennnn." He enunciated his whole name, just for little Hannah! How wonderful this seventh year man was. "And yes I did date your sister. We were proposed... but you know," he scoffed, "I think I'm too good for her."
He was not a liar.
And yes, right now he expected a series of tales from this Hannah... tales of how Cameron Karsten was her older sister's knight in shining armor... how Anna would brag about his good looks DAY and NIGHT... how she would secretly oh... He didn't know, but this little girl MUST have known him right? Right?
First Anna? Now Hannah?!
What was with this kid?! Er...young man.
With a deep, almost defeated sigh, Sierra rolled her eyes and then took a nearby seat. Why was she sitting so close to this weirdo?! Certainly not because she was looking for a friend. Oh, no. Not her.
...and if she was, she certainly wouldn't seek out this guy.
Not after the way he'd acted toward her---throwing meat at her, casting water on her, and now yelling at her in front of all of Slytherin house about something that supposedly happened years ago between he and Anna. "Okay, look. My name isn't Anna, and it isn't even Hannah. It's Sierra," she corrected. "Sierra Greingoth." Although, if the last ten minutes were any indication, she had a feeling her words were just falling on deaf ears. She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "My sister dated you... How old are you?" she asked.
Then with a slight smirk on her face, she added, "Funny, but I've never heard her mention a Cameron Karsten before..."
Last edited by Anna Banana; 04-06-2011 at 04:28 AM.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
SPOILER!!: Marie, Destiny, Finn, and Rae
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Marie did NOT believe a word that was coming out of Rae's mouth. For all she knew, the girl was really good at charms and she was just lying now because she was too much of a coward to admit what she did. "Yeah. Right. Not good at charms. Not like that matters anyway. If this was done by a simple charm I would have been able to reverse it myself. As you seen though, I wasn't able to. So why don't you just tell me what it is that you did." Then she could get rid of the easter egg color on her head... right before she slowly kills tortures her for what she did.
Relax? Was Evelyn crazy or what? "I will NOT relax Evelyn. I want to find out who did this to me so I can make them pay for it." And pay they would. "You just figured that huh? Well did you ever think maybe they would sit right next to me to try and throw me off?" She glared at Evelyn and Rae. She was starting to get the feeling that maybe they were in on this together.
She was just about to pick something up and throw it at Evelyn when she heard it. The voice of her boyfriend. The very boyfriend who had not yet seen her hair. Feeling the color drain from her face she pulled her hood tighter around her head as Finlay sat next to her. "Bad hair day." She said in almost a whisper. Not even looking over at him she just stared at the table. This was more than a bad hair day. A bad hair day would have been a little frizz. No, what this was was a disastrous hair day. There was NO way she could let Finn she her hair.
Destiny was there. Maybe she had better luck at finding the culprit. "Did you find out who..." What the hell. "You know WHY I'm wearing my hood Destiny." She hissed at her other so called best friend. She then snatched that stupid cinnamon stick out of Destiny's hand. "And don't YOU know it's RUDE to point at people?" After breaking the cinnamon stick in half she threw it at Destiny.
She was seriously starting to think maybe she needed to get some new best friends. Maybe she should go find Mia and sit with her.
Originally Posted by Destiny
All her bags were packed and she was ready to go.
As soon as the term ended and she ate a whole bowl of potatoes to herself, of course. It would be FOREVER before she would be able to eat them again, so she had to make the best of them while she could. Plus she was really, really hungry.
Walking into the Great Hall, Destiny immediately scanned the Slytherin table for her friends. It shouldn't have been THAT hard considering Marie was now donning a new hair color. Hehe, PINK! But, the table being sooo full, she couldn't..oh! There they were. And Marie was being a party pooper with her hood up. Quickening her pace, which ultimately lead to skipping, she snatched a cinnamon stick out of the unsuspecting hands of a firstie and reaching her friends, squeezed in real close to Evelyn. No way was she going to sit next to Pinky Lee. Besides, Finn was over there.
Giving the Ravenclaw a wassup type of nod, because he was a boy and that's what THEY do, she turned to Rae and.. "Where's my niffler?" Hmm, hmm, HMM!?
But anways, back to the Pinkinator. Hehe.
"You know it is considered RUDE to wear your hood up indoors?" And just to get her point across, Destiny waved her cinnamon stick in Marie's direction.
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys
Err... Rae didn't even know what she could say to try and change Marie's mind. "I didn't do it, I don't know what other than a charm can turn your hair pink... And I can't do charms...." She wasn't much for arguing with Marie right now, luckily Destiny came by
"Hey... Where's.... Dessi? I dunno... Did you leave her somewhere?" Rae was almost positive she saw the little trouble maker around the dorm somewhere.
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Aww. End of term feast. Something Finn really wasn't looking forward too that much, although his summer was going to be really dun. He had considred that maybe he should've been sitting at the Ravenclaw table, seeing as he was the prefect, but the slytherin table really was much more appealing to him now. Hence why he was headed it that direction, nodding to the slytherins. Yup he was so cool.
Though...when he got to where he wanted to be it was Marie that he had recognised, but actually her friends....seeing as Marie had her hood up. That struck him as a little odd. "Hey Girls..." He pondered, as he eyed his girlfriend. "Marie....whats with the hood?" He asked, as he sat down next to her. She didn't look like the wanted to be very social.
Alright, if it wasn't the pink hair image that was still getting to her, it was the fact that Marie was blaming Rae for this. Really, had Marie seen her in charms class? If she wasn't looking green, she was looking at the professor. Professor French Fry.
Before she knew it though, now SHE was being yelled at. Meep!?
Her smile faded into nothingness as she stared at Marie. Raising a brow, Evelyn scoffed before crossing her arms. "Well if you don't want my help, just say so." Goodness, a little pink made Marie into a monster. A very...PINK...haired monster. Yes, FINN! Calm down the Pink haired monster! She was putting Evelyn in a bad mood. Teehee. Or take off her hood.
Like Destiny mentioned. Awful manners to be wearing hoods indoors. Unless of course it was raining indoors for some reason, then it was perfectly acceptable. Staring wide eyed at the Slytherin as she took Destiny's cinnamon stick and broke it in half, Evelyn may have flinched slightly when it was thrown back at her. Don't throw it! She was sitting RIGHT NEXT to Destiny! It could have hit her...
"What?" she asked, glancing towards Rae. "You're giving her a Niffler?" Or..she already gave her the niffler? Awwww. Evelyn wanted a niffler. She missed Orion. How come she didn't know about this?
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
With all the ruckus at the Slytherin table, Hecate wasn't sure if coming to the table, or just hexing it with an aguamenti charm would be more appropriate. "What is..." wait... was Salazar's hair... pink? "...going on?" She said and looked about the table.
Caroline smiled it had been a long time since she had seen georgiana. Far too long. It had seem like just yesterday or so that they had met. And yet so much had happened in between that time. Actually these past five years at Hogwarts had flown by to Caroline, She'd only have two more years left.
"That sounds great. I hope they give you permission" SHe grinned and held a hand up with her fingers crossed. It was going to be a great summer. She nodded "You have any other plans?"
Of course they have to! it is not like Georgiana didn't have anything to do during vacations buuut... who didn't like to be with friends? "They will" said with confident *grin*.
Any other plan? mmm nope not really, anyway her siblings would come out with something to do, so no problem. "So..sixth year?" she said grinning, this were Caroline's last 2 years, very sad. Georgiana didn't wanted her to leave, it is not like it was happening but still time flies, sadly.
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou
"Uh... okay," Helena managed to say, after Georgiana's attempt of cheering her up. It was good to have friends like this, ready to cheer you up anytime you needed.
So... okay. Cheer up. Smile.
As for this looooong summer vacation... "Nothing, really," she shrugged. "I'll most probably visit Caroline, then spend the rest of the summer at home, as usual." Not that they couldn't afford something, but Helena simply didn't feel like leaving somewhere. Buuut maybe she'll ask for something this summer. "How about you?"
Georgiana wasn't pleased with this kind of mood Helena was having right now, "I said cheer up!" and started to tickle her. The wavy haired girl didn't like to see a friend so sad and tried to do anything to cheer them, "You can't be like that! i know you are going to miss Hogwarts but you'll be back here in less than I tried to figure out some runes" she was awful in that subject.
She was going to Caroline's place for the summer too? YAY! "I'm going to!" yes, even if she hadn't asked her parents yet hehe. "Well I don't have to do anything important either " except sleeping a lot "We could do something together, what do you think?" said excited about the idea.
"Yes, our paths have not passed in a long time" Rex told Cass. "So are you ready to take off for a while from HogWarts?' Rex asked Cass.
"Yeah, I think so." Cass said uncertainly. At least she would coming back next term. Then she smiled at Rex "How about you? Ready to leave Hogwarts and get married?" She hoped she was right about him getting married, she just heard it from Fee and Freya, it would be embarrassing if she got it wrong
Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass
Freya giggled when Cass said that she had to shrink all her clothes. "Yeah me too. I was thinking bringing another trunk next term." she chuckled. "Ready for summer?" she asked. She couldn't believe that it was the end of her second year.
"Bringing another trunk? Wouldn't that be too much of a hassle?" She asked. Having to deal with one trunk was enough for her, much less two?! Then she grinned at the mention of summer "Oh definitely. I can't wait for summer to get started. After the party, mother is taking me to France.. You? What are your plans for the summer?
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
As the blonde saw her bestie she waved happily and smiled.This feast was going to be amazing.Apart from Rex leaving.But they should all have a good time together now."heey caasssyyy",the girl smiled.
Cass smiled brightly at Fee as she waved the blonde over. "Hey darling." She said with a hug "All finished packing?"
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
Alex was prepared to see a lot of crying girls in the Great Hall, mainly because well girls did cry a lot but also, people were leaving. They were graduating. Fortunately for Alex, he didn't know that many people who were about to graduate. Well, apart from Hyun.
He frowned a little making his way to Slytherin table, so Hyun was graduating. Who would be his best guy friend in Slytherin now? He sighed and plopped down on a bench by the table. Staring at the food for a few seconds he finally grabbed some chicken and stuffed into his mouth. He enjoyed the Quidditch practises with Hyun, he could always mess around with him. Well if the captain wasn't looking that was, ahem. He hadn't even seen him to say goodbye. Hyun was probably glad to go back to Durmstrang but for Alex it wasn't a good thing. Not at all.
He continued to shove chicken in his mouth, thinking about his girlfriend, that he'd be a fourth year the next term and that there would be loads of cute witto firsties running around that he could take care of. That brightened his mood.
A little.
Cass turned and saw Alex enter the great hall. "Hey Alex!" Cass called out as she waved at her cousin. He was smiling again. What was going on?"So, your first year at Hogwarts just finished. How was it?" she asked with a smile.
Originally Posted by Rockywizardia
Levi wandered into the Great Hall, looking a little morose. He couldn't believe how fast the term had gone. It seemed like he had just gotten here and soon he'd be heading back home. He figured he could catch up with his friends one more time before they got on the train. He had saved his best exchange for last. He sidled up behind Cass and surprised her with a hug.
"Hey!" the dark-skinned boy said with a smile. "I got you a couple chocolate frogs. I figured I owed you since you gave me that candy in the library." He waved at Fee, remembering her from the grounds.
Cass suddenly turned when she felt someone hug her from behind and she found herself face-to-face with Levi.
She blushed lightly at the proximity before removing herself from the hug and straightening her green robes and fluffing her curls self consciously.
"Hey Levi!" Cass said with a smile, surprise evident in her voice. She was totally not expecting him here. Then she looked down at the chocolate frogs in his hands. "Thanks." She said with a smile as she took one. She better not have too much chocolate...she might go hyper. Alex might not like that. "So, are you ready for summer?"
Originally Posted by WeasleyGirl
She smiled and shake her hand "Well I already said my name" said laughing,maybe she didn't said it too loud, "I'm Georgiana, nice to meet you"
"Oh you did?" Cass said in surprise. Maybe she wasn't listening again? "I'm sorry, I probably didn't catch it..." Then she smiled as she repeated her name "Nice to meet you Georgiana. So, what year are you in?"
Originally Posted by Dianna Malfoy
The term is coming to and end and Dianna has never felt so old in her life. Her friend, Selena left and most of her friends seem to have disappeared. She didn't always mind being alone but this was the end of term feast and it did matter to her that she was alone. The third year wandered around at first and gave up looking for anyone. Pfft. she sat down with the rest of the Slytherins and waited for the feats to end. At least she had her fellow Slythies for company.. even if they're not really socializing with her.
Cass saw an older snakey standing there looking around. She walked over to her and said with a smile "Hey, Dianna, right? I think I met you in the dorms, I'm not sure, but either way, nice to meet you, I'm Cass."