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-   -   Second Floor Corridor (

Cassirin 01-05-2010 02:27 AM

Second Floor Corridor
So many a door and so many a chore are found on this, the second floor.

Cedric 01-06-2011 05:07 AM

Classes hadn't quite started yet, and so Elliott was still in the processing of exploring Hogwarts. It was huge and he really hadn't gotten very far, considering the size of the school. Hence, onward with exploring. He leisurely walked down the corridor of the second floor, thinking and wandering and looking about. Maybe he'd run into a student or two, get to know some more of his fellow Hogwartians. Perhaps..

Rosa Chispa Princessa 01-06-2011 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Cedric (Post 10083681)
Classes hadn't quite started yet, and so Elliott was still in the processing of exploring Hogwarts. It was huge and he really hadn't gotten very far, considering the size of the school. Hence, onward with exploring. He leisurely walked down the corridor of the second floor, thinking and wandering and looking about. Maybe he'd run into a student or two, get to know some more of his fellow Hogwartians. Perhaps..

Chloe happened to be exploring some of the lower floors of the castle when she came across a familiar face from the feast. She turned down the seccond floor corridor where she noticed the face. as she got closer she realized it was Elliot. She approached him and said, "Hey Elliot. Fancy meeting you here.".

Cedric 01-06-2011 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Herminny (Post 10083700)
Chloe happened to be exploring some of the lower floors of the castle when she came across a familiar face from the feast. She turned down the seccond floor corridor where she noticed the face. as she got closer she realized it was Elliot. She approached him and said, "Hey Elliot. Fancy meeting you here.".

Aha, and he had been right. Surely a student was bound to come wandering, too, through the corridor and here was one of them. Chloe, it was. Yes, he had met her at the start-of-term feast. He smiled at the fellow Gryffindor and gave a nod hello. "Hey, Chloe." He stopped from his walking so that he could talk properly to her.

"So, what are you up to?" Exploring the school as well? Maybe a nice, stroll away from crowds of students.

Rosa Chispa Princessa 01-06-2011 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Cedric (Post 10083750)
Aha, and he had been right. Surely a student was bound to come wandering, too, through the corridor and here was one of them. Chloe, it was. Yes, he had met her at the start-of-term feast. He smiled at the fellow Gryffindor and gave a nod hello. "Hey, Chloe." He stopped from his walking so that he could talk properly to her.

"So, what are you up to?" Exploring the school as well? Maybe a nice, stroll away from crowds of students.

"Just exploring. There is so much to see around here. Every new corridor brings a new adventure. Wanna come along for the ride? We can talk and get to know each better along the way.", Chloe asked hoping he would.

Cedric 01-06-2011 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by Herminny (Post 10083776)
"Just exploring. There is so much to see around here. Every new corridor brings a new adventure. Wanna come along for the ride? We can talk and get to know each better along the way.", Chloe asked hoping he would.

That was for sure. Somehow he had a feeling it'd be a very long time before he discovered all the intricacies of Hogwarts. On second thought, that was probably never going to happen. "It does, doesn't it?" He smiled. And then she offered to walk together. Why not? They were both aimlessly meandering, might as well have some company. "Sure, that sounds good."

His feet started up again. "So, have you always gone to Hogwarts?" He had heard that there were quite a few transfers this year, though.

Rosa Chispa Princessa 01-06-2011 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Cedric (Post 10083832)
That was for sure. Somehow he had a feeling it'd be a very long time before he discovered all the intricacies of Hogwarts. On second thought, that was probably never going to happen. "It does, doesn't it?" He smiled. And then she offered to walk together. Why not? They were both aimlessly meandering, might as well have some company. "Sure, that sounds good."

His feet started up again. "So, have you always gone to Hogwarts?" He had heard that there were quite a few transfers this year, though.

"No actually. I started last year. I previously went to quite a few schools of magic in Australia, then the Caribbean, then the states and finally here. You see my arents are aurors so they travel a lot for their job. My aunt came along for the ride as my caretaker. My parents finally got a permanant base in England and I am glad for that. Uprooting so often was not easy. I like permancy here and I really love Hogwarts", Chloe said with a smile as her cought sight of a familiar talking portrait, "That portrait up there is of the famous Arithmancer Bridget Wenlock". "Anyway what about you. How long have you been going to Hogwarts? Did you go to a different school before hand.", Chloe asked curiously.

city_girl_95 01-06-2011 09:48 PM

Sheridan bopped down the stairs, her workman boots clacking off the floor, her bright blue jeans making it impossible to run from Hendricks. Grrr, she carried on jogging, stacking slightly on the stairs. She had to of missed the kickbox session didn't she!

OW! She cried, banging into a red head girl, who looked younger than her. Only slightly though, sorry about that she said, from the ground. She'd fallen over in the process, her jeans ripped at the knees. Typical. She leaned back against the ground, inwardly cursing at the rips

ria1305 01-06-2011 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by city_girl_95 (Post 10085516)
Sheridan bopped down the stairs, her workman boots clacking off the floor, her bright blue jeans making it impossible to run from Hendricks. Grrr, she carried on jogging, stacking slightly on the stairs. She had to of missed the kickbox session didn't she!

OW! She cried, banging into a red head girl, who looked younger than her. Only slightly though, sorry about that she said, from the ground. She'd fallen over in the process, her jeans ripped at the knees. Typical. She leaned back against the ground, inwardly cursing at the rips

Lily-anne had been walking down the corridor when a girl around her age bumped into causeing them both to fall to the floor. she rubbed her head where it had hit the ground "ooo". that was painful.

she looked at the girl a little surprised as she appologised. Gettting up Lilly-anne offeried her a a hand.
"no it was equally my fault" she said pulling the girl up, as she did she noticed that both the knees in the girls jeans were ripped luckily hers had withstanded the fall "oh no your jeans, i'm so sorry"

city_girl_95 01-08-2011 03:16 PM

Sheridan muled it over in her brain, she could either stay on the floor, or...stay on the floor. Yeah then she wouldn't have to be slick. She looked up at the girl as she winced, and she herself rubbed her head, the blood was still rushing around her head but it was slowly settling down.

Okaai...eqaually? Seriously who was the girl, she should take more of the blame- no, that wasn't a nice thought, not a pretty thought, and one that could gain her enemies. Shutting her mouth before she could vomit the words and would then proceed in removing her foot from her mouth. And that would take a while too. Oh and the girl was dragging her arm out of it's socket. Well uh that had hurt more than the fall tbh but she wasn't going to say anything, smiling at the girl she looked at them, then shrugged, meh, it makes me look tougher she grinned, adjusting her layered tanktops, her workman boots caked in mud. Ah well, she could always smear them on his hair. That would upset him

MuggleDinosaur 01-09-2011 07:51 PM

Melrose waited for Justin to come. She was mad at Sebastian for asking her if she liked anyone. Did he know that she likes him or was it just something different? It had to be because he knew but still he shouldn't know because she was the only one that knows she likes him besides now it will be two people that will know about her feelings about Sebastian but the guy she is about to tell, she likes him also and that's just hard on her. Frown. Melrose slouched down on the stone floor and leaned against the stone wall and waited again for Justin to come and find her here.

Lilly94 01-09-2011 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by ImaBRE! (Post 10094645)
Melrose waited for Justin to come. She was mad at Sebastian for asking her if she liked anyone. Did he know that she likes him or was it just something different? It had to be because he knew but still he shouldn't know because she was the only one that knows she likes him besides now it will be two people that will know about her feelings about Sebastian but the guy she is about to tell, she likes him also and that's just hard on her. Frown. Melrose slouched down on the stone floor and leaned against the stone wall and waited again for Justin to come and find her here.

Justin strode down the corridor slowly, guitar at hand as usual. He wondered what was so important that he had to meet Melrose here. O well. He met her anyway. Making his way further down the corridor, Justin came across Melrose slouched against the wall on the floor. Slouching down opposite, Melrose he propped his guitar against the wall. "Hey" he said smiling at Melrose softly still curious as to what she wanted.

MuggleDinosaur 01-09-2011 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by frankluva101 (Post 10094668)
Justin strode down the corridor slowly, guitar at hand as usual. He wondered what was so important that he had to meet Melrose here. O well. He met her anyway. Making his way further down the corridor, Justin came across Melrose slouched against the wall on the floor. Slouching down opposite, Melrose he propped his guitar against the wall. "Hey" he said smiling at Melrose softly still curious as to what she wanted.

Melrose saw Justin and she smiled at him. then he joined her. Still sitting on the floor she hugged him. "I am a big idiot sometimes." Melrose told him. It was true she had the beauty but she tended to be like her brother, Beck and sometimes that didn't work out in her favor. How was she going to tell Justin about Sebastian? How, how, how? She needed to talk to him about it and soon.

Lilly94 01-09-2011 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by ImaBRE! (Post 10094698)
Melrose saw Justin and she smiled at him. then he joined her. Still sitting on the floor she hugged him. "I am a big idiot sometimes." Melrose told him. It was true she had the beauty but she tended to be like her brother, Beck and sometimes that didn't work out in her favor. How was she going to tell Justin about Sebastian? How, how, how? She needed to talk to him about it and soon.

Justin smiled when Melrose hugged him and returned the hug. Did this mean they were close enough friends to confide in one another? He hoped so. She looked like she needed to confide in someone though. "Tell me what's wrong" he urged seeing that she wanted to say something. And it seemed like something she wanted advice or help with.

MuggleDinosaur 01-09-2011 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by frankluva101 (Post 10094720)
Justin smiled when Melrose hugged him and returned the hug. Did this mean they were close enough friends to confide in one another? He hoped so. She looked like she needed to confide in someone though. "Tell me what's wrong" he urged seeing that she wanted to say something. And it seemed like something she wanted advice or help with.

"There's this stupid kid that is in Gryffindor that wants to know who I like and so what if I like him a bit. It's not anything bad and why should he had to know if I like him or if I don't like him." Melrose told Justin. "But I didn't tell him that I like him. I just said that it's someone in Hogwarts that he doesn't know and now I feel like an idiot for saying that to him."

Lilly94 01-10-2011 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by ImaBRE! (Post 10094775)
"There's this stupid kid that is in Gryffindor that wants to know who I like and so what if I like him a bit. It's not anything bad and why should he had to know if I like him or if I don't like him." Melrose told Justin. "But I didn't tell him that I like him. I just said that it's someone in Hogwarts that he doesn't know and now I feel like an idiot for saying that to him."

Justin cocked an eyebrow at Melrose and looked confused at her. Well that was a mouthful that he had to take in. How the hell was he going to respond to that? "So let me get this straight, you like this Gryffindor?" he asked. There was so much information there to take in that he hadn't quite got to grips with the rest of it. "It's normal to want to keep something a secret and wait, who were you implying as the guy you like?" he asked. Now he was very confused. Did she like the Gryffindor? Who was she implying was the guy she liked? And were they really close friends now? "Another thing I'm confused about, are we close enough friends to confide in each other now then?" He had to ask even with this matter at hand.

MuggleDinosaur 01-11-2011 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by frankluva101 (Post 10097664)
Justin cocked an eyebrow at Melrose and looked confused at her. Well that was a mouthful that he had to take in. How the hell was he going to respond to that? "So let me get this straight, you like this Gryffindor?" he asked. There was so much information there to take in that he hadn't quite got to grips with the rest of it. "It's normal to want to keep something a secret and wait, who were you implying as the guy you like?" he asked. Now he was very confused. Did she like the Gryffindor? Who was she implying was the guy she liked? And were they really close friends now? "Another thing I'm confused about, are we close enough friends to confide in each other now then?" He had to ask even with this matter at hand.

Melrose looked at him. "Well his name is Sebastian." Melrose said. "He's Italian and he's new to Hogwarts. I'm not to fond of Italian's reall and he's a sixth year." Melrose smiled. Does that mean they are close friends? Well yes that meant that they are close friends maybe even best friends. "Yes that does mean that we are close friends maybe even best friends. We can confide in each other." Mel nodded.

Lilly94 01-13-2011 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by ImaBRE! (Post 10100414)
Melrose looked at him. "Well his name is Sebastian." Melrose said. "He's Italian and he's new to Hogwarts. I'm not to fond of Italian's reall and he's a sixth year." Melrose smiled. Does that mean they are close friends? Well yes that meant that they are close friends maybe even best friends. "Yes that does mean that we are close friends maybe even best friends. We can confide in each other." Mel nodded.

Justin looked confused. Mel wasn't fond of Italians but she liked Sebastian? That made sense. But he probably has the traits she looked for in a boy. "So I'm guessing it's his personality you're falling for?" he asked trying to clear up his confusion. He felt like some sort of imbisil trying to figure this out. Prat. But at least he and Mel were close enough to confide in each other. It was good to have at least one friend like that, right? "Happy to hear it" he smiled. He really was happy that he and Mel had become so close.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 01-21-2011 06:50 PM

Vashti had been wandering around the corridors of Hogwarts for awhile today, searching for a place to just sit and be alone. Being alone was probably not the best thing for her, as she already felt completely abandoned, but she couldn't bring herself to seek out her friends and ask to hang out with them. She figured they had better things to do anyway.

Soon she found a somewhat secluded, empty corner in the corridor and since no one was around for the moment, she sat down in it, her back against the wall, pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Hopefully if anyone came down the hall they wouldn't notice her. But if they did, she figured she could just make up something to explain why she was there. She didn't know what, but when - if - the time came, hopefully she would.

Chelliephone 01-21-2011 07:02 PM

It seemed things were getting harder and harder to keep his little secret to himself, sure it was nice having Seb to talk to on occasion, but he couldn't always rely on his best mate to be there. Seb had a life too, he didn't need Anakin trailing along behind because he was scared he'd screw things up when talking to someone different. What did it matter anymore if people knew anyways? Sure they might avoid him, but he wasn't doing a lot to befriend people now was he?

Roaming down the second floor corridor, as it was the most deserted he'd heard, he glanced around on the ground, checking for feet, not caring if he appeared rude should someone try to speak to him. He didn't really care at the moment. And then he spotted a pair of shoes and took a quick glance at the person sitting with they're knees to they're chest, and he stopped, recognizing the familiar face. "Vashti?" He always seemed to find her in a similiar sort of position. He wasn't going to believe this time that everything was 'fine'.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 01-21-2011 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Chelliephone (Post 10126861)
It seemed things were getting harder and harder to keep his little secret to himself, sure it was nice having Seb to talk to on occasion, but he couldn't always rely on his best mate to be there. Seb had a life too, he didn't need Anakin trailing along behind because he was scared he'd screw things up when talking to someone different. What did it matter anymore if people knew anyways? Sure they might avoid him, but he wasn't doing a lot to befriend people now was he?

Roaming down the second floor corridor, as it was the most deserted he'd heard, he glanced around on the ground, checking for feet, not caring if he appeared rude should someone try to speak to him. He didn't really care at the moment. And then he spotted a pair of shoes and took a quick glance at the person sitting with they're knees to they're chest, and he stopped, recognizing the familiar face. "Vashti?" He always seemed to find her in a similiar sort of position. He wasn't going to believe this time that everything was 'fine'.

Oh Merlin, really? Today was really just not her day. Not only did someone happen to come down the corridor right after she'd sat down, but that someone was, once again, Darth Vader Anakin. Was he always going to find her like this?

"Oh," she said as she looked up, trying to smile. "Hey Anakin. What brings you here?"

Chelliephone 01-21-2011 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru (Post 10126995)
Oh Merlin, really? Today was really just not her day. Not only did someone happen to come down the corridor right after she'd sat down, but that someone was, once again, Darth Vader Anakin. Was he always going to find her like this?

"Oh," she said as she looked up, trying to smile. "Hey Anakin. What brings you here?"

Anakin watched the girl, before gesturing towards the spot on the floor next to her, deciding this time it would be better to ask permission before seating himself. She appeared deep in thought, and he didn't want to bother her. "Mind if I join you?"

He noticed the rather weak smile she attempted to give him, and he didn't even bother returning it. What brought him this way? "Thinking." It was true. He'd been a little too lost in thought to really realize where he was headed. "What about you?" He wasn't going to ask if everything was okay, because it didn't appear to be.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 01-21-2011 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Chelliephone (Post 10127006)
Anakin watched the girl, before gesturing towards the spot on the floor next to her, deciding this time it would be better to ask permission before seating himself. She appeared deep in thought, and he didn't want to bother her. "Mind if I join you?"

He noticed the rather weak smile she attempted to give him, and he didn't even bother returning it. What brought him this way? "Thinking." It was true. He'd been a little too lost in thought to really realize where he was headed. "What about you?" He wasn't going to ask if everything was okay, because it didn't appear to be.

Did she mind? Vashti wasn't really sure. A part of her didn't mind and actually really wanted some company, but the other part of her wanted to wallow in her lonely misery. The first part won out though, and she answered, "You can sit if you like."

She shrugged at his next question. "Same." Perhaps she wasn't the only one having a bad day and wandering around the castle because of it. Of course it was possible he was actually having a good day and was thinking happy thoughts because of it, but Vashti was in a miserable and selfish enough mood to think that it was impossible for anyone to have a good day today.

Chelliephone 01-22-2011 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru (Post 10127160)
Did she mind? Vashti wasn't really sure. A part of her didn't mind and actually really wanted some company, but the other part of her wanted to wallow in her lonely misery. The first part won out though, and she answered, "You can sit if you like."

She shrugged at his next question. "Same." Perhaps she wasn't the only one having a bad day and wandering around the castle because of it. Of course it was possible he was actually having a good day and was thinking happy thoughts because of it, but Vashti was in a miserable and selfish enough mood to think that it was impossible for anyone to have a good day today.

Anakin lowered himself down to the ground beside her, stretching his legs out in front of him, and turning his head to watch her. The last couple of times he'd seen her, she'd seemed pretty upset, which was sort of worrisome. Not that he knew her all that well of course, but Vashti seemed a cool person, and he'd like to be able to call her friend. And he just hated seeing people down anyways. There was too much misery in the world already.

Watching her merely shrug, and seeing her lips form the respone of 'same', Anakin gave a nod, glancing across at the wall opposite them. "I guess it's just a thinking day huh?" Before he turned back to her. Watching in silence for a second. "Do you...wanna talk about it? I can be a pretty good listener." He refused to accept the irony of those words.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 01-22-2011 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by Chelliephone (Post 10128374)
Anakin lowered himself down to the ground beside her, stretching his legs out in front of him, and turning his head to watch her. The last couple of times he'd seen her, she'd seemed pretty upset, which was sort of worrisome. Not that he knew her all that well of course, but Vashti seemed a cool person, and he'd like to be able to call her friend. And he just hated seeing people down anyways. There was too much misery in the world already.

Watching her merely shrug, and seeing her lips form the respone of 'same', Anakin gave a nod, glancing across at the wall opposite them. "I guess it's just a thinking day huh?" Before he turned back to her. Watching in silence for a second. "Do you...wanna talk about it? I can be a pretty good listener." He refused to accept the irony of those words.

Thinking day? Well sure. Vashti supposed it could be called that. It just wasn't a good kind of thinking day. But she nodded anyway, glancing at him for a moment before looking away. She stared at the floor as he offered to listen if she wanted to talk about what was on her mind, and she was silent for several seconds, trying to decide whether she would finally, actually talk about this with someone or whether she would continue to keep it bottled up. She wasn't sure how much longer she could take keeping it all inside though. Some days were worse than others, sure, but the worse days kept getting worse each time, and she knew deep down that it was because she was trying to do it all alone. Maybe it was fine to do over the summer when it had only very recently happened and she didn't want to break down crying in front of her mum, just as she knew her mum didn't want to cry in front of her. But she wasn't at home anymore, and grieving alone on the inside just wasn't helping anything anymore.

"Yeah, I would like to, actually, if you don't mind," she answered in a small voice, biting her lip after when she felt her eyes start to burn a little.

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