Ancient Runes Homework: X Please head up your homework with your username, member number, house, character name and year.
X Please include the questions as headings and provide your answers beneath the appropriate question.
X Please don't hurt your brain by overdoing things; if it asks for a sentence, give a sentence, if it asks for a paragraph, give a paragraph. You're welcome to do more but you won't get any points for it. Also take note of the points assigned to that question. If its weighted at one point the answer only needs to be simple. The more points assigned to the question, the more detailed your answer needs to be.
X Please list your references and links to your sources where possible.
X Some of these questions may relate to the associated lesson lesson, while others are preparation for the next.
X Homework should, as usual, be PMd to me
Con_Stripes before the due date.
X Extra credit IS available... but I'm not telling you how to get it.

Runes Homework 1
Member Number:
Character Name and Year:
1. In your own words, explain one of the Three Uses of Runes and give an example.
2. why are runic characters comprised of only vertical and diagonal lines?
3. What is an Aett and how many Aetts are there?
4. 1. Write
one paragraph on one of Freyr, Freyja Heimdall, Mordgrud, Tyr or Zisa. Who are they? What are the Runes in the Aett they are associated with?
/4 Due: By 10pm GMT 9th Feb (10am on the 10th for me).