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Cassirin 07-24-2010 09:39 PM

Ravenclaw House Table
Eat, drink, and be merry, O Eagles, for tomorrow the term begins.

PhoenixIncarnation 01-02-2011 02:19 AM

Alice was super excited to be sorted into Ravenclaw, she supposed it might have been because she had spent her entire life living as a Victorian child. As a child all she had done was read, play outside, and help her parents give historical tours of their house on Prince Edward Island. Her Raven Percival Stayed perched on her shoulder, she wore her fall uniform but felt incredibly uncomfortable in the modern clothing. She was used to wearing Victorian Style dresses, which covered up a whole lot more than what she wore now which by modern standards was quite modest.

Alice sat down at the long table and smiled silently, playing with her long blonde wavy hair.

GlassXRose 01-02-2011 02:23 AM

Ah. Nice and early. A perk of sitting at the front of the train. Even though she was unsure about trusting her cello with someone else, she allowed it to be taken to the dorm so she was free at the table.

She was wearing dark skinny jeans and her knee-high converse boots. She wore a longsleeved white dress-shirt and a black vest with her Ravenclaw tie. And, of course, her black sunglasses. Of course. In her right hand, her wand was held, pointing downwards, instead of her white cane.

She sat, sighing at the start of her last year. Tucking her wand into a side-pocket of her vest, she listened as the table filled around her.

sarahlooo 01-02-2011 02:24 AM

rp anyone? :)
Ellie walked into the great hall excitedly. She was one of the first in, so she took a seat at the table and looked around while others took their seats. Most of her friends were in Slytherin sadly. She hoped she could make some new Raven friends this year.

Lauralicious 01-02-2011 02:25 AM

Fee walked to the Ravenclaw table.Maybe she would find Ellie,Hugo or Eino here.Finally they were back at Hogwarts and the start of term feast was on.This was just fab.The only thing she was waiting for was her bestie.Hopefully Alex would get sorted into Slytherin, otherwise fee would be more than sad.They had already planned their common room evenings.


Originally Posted by sarahkbarrett (Post 10072748)
Ellie walked into the great hall excitedly. She was one of the first in, so she took a seat at the table and looked around while others took their seats. Most of her friends were in Slytherin sadly. She hoped she could make some new Raven friends this year.

As she flipped her hair back looking around in the hall,the blonde noticed Ellie.Hah what a nice coincedence again.Getting up from her seat she walked over to her friend.And best friend's crush. "Heeey Ellie",she smiled,"i cant believe we finally arrived."How awesome it was to be back. The Slytherin couldnt describe how happy that simple fact made her.

sweetpinkpixie 01-02-2011 02:27 AM

Hoping to run into either Eino, Hugo, or Jenny, Kurumi made her way to the Ravenclaw table hold box number three of her Hogwarts edition cookies. The blueberry Ravenclaw cookies had been especialyl difficult in making. Mostly because the proper mixing of ingredients to make the bronze colored icing bronze had taken much creativity. Who knew that almonds mixed with caramelized brown sugar would have that effect? Setting the blue box of cookies on the table, Kurumi looked around to see if she knew anyone.

dramachick626 01-02-2011 02:30 AM

Alysiana wheeled into the Great Hall filled with anticipation and anxiousness. She hoped people would look past her wheelchair and she sat at the end of the table hoping that she would make friends soon.

*AiryFairy* 01-02-2011 02:33 AM

Alice was feeling anxious, as usual, as she made her way to the table. She had expected to be in Ravenclaw as she was not cunning and she was certainly not brave but she did love to learn...well as long as the subject was interesting. She was now wearing her robes and was, to be honest , feeling a little silly. As usual her mum had bought them a size too big incase she grew and they were very very different to the jeans and top she had been wearing when she had got on the train. She reached the table and sat down, brushing her slightly frizzy brown hair out her face.

lilithpotter 01-02-2011 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by PhoenixIncarnation (Post 10072723)
Alice was super excited to be sorted into Ravenclaw, she supposed it might have been because she had spent her entire life living as a Victorian child. As a child all she had done was read, play outside, and help her parents give historical tours of their house on Prince Edward Island. Her Raven Percival Stayed perched on her shoulder, she wore her fall uniform but felt incredibly uncomfortable in the modern clothing. She was used to wearing Victorian Style dresses, which covered up a whole lot more than what she wore now which by modern standards was quite modest.

Alice sat down at the long table and smiled silently, playing with her long blonde wavy hair.

"Hello Alice" She said "Congrats on making a claw."

Saz Hale 01-02-2011 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by Proffesor Snape (Post 10072743)
Ah. Nice and early. A perk of sitting at the front of the train. Even though she was unsure about trusting her cello with someone else, she allowed it to be taken to the dorm so she was free at the table.

She was wearing dark skinny jeans and her knee-high converse boots. She wore a longsleeved white dress-shirt and a black vest with her Ravenclaw tie. And, of course, her black sunglasses. Of course. In her right hand, her wand was held, pointing downwards, instead of her white cane.

She sat, sighing at the start of her last year. Tucking her wand into a side-pocket of her vest, she listened as the table filled around her.

Arabella-Marie wandered over to the Ravenclaw table to make some new friends and saw an older girl sitting herself and made her way over to where she was sitting and said "Hi may i join you?"

PhoenixIncarnation 01-02-2011 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by dramachick626 (Post 10072777)
Alysiana wheeled into the Great Hall filled with anticipation and anxiousness. She hoped people would look past her wheelchair and she sat at the end of the table hoping that she would make friends soon.

Alice smiled as people came into the great hall and she saw more people sit down a tthe table, she was near the end of the table when she saw a girl about her age come to the very end. Alice decided to make friends here and now and slid herself on the bench to the very end next to the girl.

"Hello!" Alice said cordially and held her hand out to the girl. Alice's Raven, Percival, gave a click with his beak for a hello. "My name is Alice Matthew, I'm a first year, and you?"


Originally Posted by lilithpotter (Post 10072801)
"Hello Alice" She said "Congrats on making a claw."

"Hello, thanks very much!" Alice said smiling.

sarahlooo 01-02-2011 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 10072752)
Fee walked to the Ravenclaw table.Maybe she would find Ellie,Hugo or Eino here.Finally they were back at Hogwarts and the start of term feast was on.This was just fab.The only thing she was waiting for was her bestie.Hopefully Alex would get sorted into Slytherin, otherwise fee would be more than sad.They had already planned their common room evenings.

As she flipped her hair back looking around in the hall,the blonde noticed Ellie.Hah what a nice coincedence again.Getting up from her seat she walked over to her friend.And best friend's crush. "Heeey Ellie",she smiled,"i cant believe we finally arrived."How awesome it was to be back. The Slytherin couldnt describe how happy that simple fact made her.

Ellie saw Fee walk over to her table and smiled. Long time no see. she thought sarcastically. They had just gotten off the train together, but she was happy to see her friend. "Hey giirl!" She said. "I know I'm so excited! I can't believe we're all here now again." She grinned. She looked around, looking for Alex. She wanted to know where he got sorted, though she pretty much already knew it would be Slytherin.

GlassXRose 01-02-2011 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 10072805)
Arabella-Marie wandered over to the Ravenclaw table to make some new friends and saw an older girl sitting herself and made her way over to where she was sitting and said "Hi may i join you?"

Ari heard a voice over her shoulder--a voice she didn't know--but smiled anyways and gestured to the open bench. "Absolutely. Sit right down." She subconsiously touched a hand to her black sunglasses and held out the other hand slightly, "I'm Arienna Malone. Seventh-year." For some reason, Ari was always big on introductions...


Anyway, she was pleased with herself for already meeting, what, four people now? And this was the first day! The first day of her last year...

dramachick626 01-02-2011 02:47 AM

[QUOTE=PhoenixIncarnation;10072818]Alice smiled as people came into the great hall and she saw more people sit down a tthe table, she was near the end of the table when she saw a girl about her age come to the very end. Alice decided to make friends here and now and slid herself on the bench to the very end next to the girl.

"Hello!" Alice said cordially and held her hand out to the girl. Alice's Raven, Percival, gave a click with his beak for a hello. "My name is Alice Matthew, I'm a first year, and you?"

"Hi! I'm Alysiana and I'm a first year,too.", said Alysiana as she gave Alice and her raven, Percival a warm smile. "Your raven is really cute."

Syd 01-02-2011 02:48 AM

Anybody? :D

Dal was... well, to say that he was excited was an understatement. He was beaming as he made his way over to the table full of blue clad people. He felt a little out of place without the blue tie and Ravenclaw badge on his robes, but he'd get those very, very soon, so he wouldn't worry about it.

AND THE SCHOOL. It was seriously ten times cooler than his old school. A CASTLE. How cool was that?! Too bad he didn't get to be in the firstie-ride-to-the-school-across-the-lake thing, but the horseless carriages weren't bad either.

He took a seat right smack in the middle of the table, looking around at the room. The roof - was it a roof? - was awesome, and it was so... cool. Yeah, he was definitely going to like it here.

HaRoHeGiNeLu 01-02-2011 02:51 AM

Ellie walked to the Great Hall. She was good. Really. She'd been reminded of Quidditch on the train, and was just SO excited.

She walked to the Ravenclaw table and...cookies? Cookies were there? There wasn't usually food until Tate made his speech...

But, she wasn't gonna complain. Nope.

The third year...yes, THIRD year... took a cookie, and looked around for some familiar faces.

harrypottterbroadway 01-02-2011 02:52 AM

RP anyone?
Keeley skipped into the great hall, feeling, well, great. She was in her fifth year, all growed up. Of course there were the OWLs, but time to think about that later, right? Whatever, now was the time for merriment. Adjusting her brown and gold fedora, the girl plopped herself down onto a random bench.

Grumble grumble.

Gah, she was hungry. Huungry hungry. Heh, hungry hungy hippos. That was a cool game. But really, the main thing on her mind at the moment wasn't ancient board games. It was mainly how freaking awesome it was to be back here. I mean, ancient magical castle boarding school with a bunch of adventures? Pretty cool. But still, she was hungry, seeing as she was too cheap to buy candy on the train. Gah! She wanted food naow!

PhoenixIncarnation 01-02-2011 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by PhoenixIncarnation (Post 10072818)
Alice smiled as people came into the great hall and she saw more people sit down a tthe table, she was near the end of the table when she saw a girl about her age come to the very end. Alice decided to make friends here and now and slid herself on the bench to the very end next to the girl.

"Hello!" Alice said cordially and held her hand out to the girl. Alice's Raven, Percival, gave a click with his beak for a hello. "My name is Alice Matthew, I'm a first year, and you?"

"Hi! I'm Alysiana and I'm a first year,too.", said Alysiana as she gave Alice and her raven, Percival a warm smile. "Your raven is really cute."

Alice smiled "Thank you kindly Alysiana!" Alice said smiling, "So where are you from?"

Saz Hale 01-02-2011 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Proffesor Snape (Post 10072847)
Ari heard a voice over her shoulder--a voice she didn't know--but smiled anyways and gestured to the open bench. "Absolutely. Sit right down." She subconsiously touched a hand to her black sunglasses and held out the other hand slightly, "I'm Arienna Malone. Seventh-year." For some reason, Ari was always big on introductions...


Anyway, she was pleased with herself for already meeting, what, four people now? And this was the first day! The first day of her last year...

Arabella-Marie took a seat beside Arienna and said "Nice to meet you Arienna, i am Arabella-Marie Kingston, second year Gryffindor but i am called Arabella for shortness"

sarahlooo 01-02-2011 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Syd (: (Post 10072870)

Dal was... well, to say that he was excited was an understatement. He was beaming as he made his way over to the table full of blue clad people. He felt a little out of place without the blue tie and Ravenclaw badge on his robes, but he'd get those very, very soon, so he wouldn't worry about it.

AND THE SCHOOL. It was seriously ten times cooler than his old school. A CASTLE. How cool was that?! Too bad he didn't get to be in the firstie-ride-to-the-school-across-the-lake thing, but the horseless carriages weren't bad either.

He took a seat right smack in the middle of the table, looking around at the room. The roof - was it a roof? - was awesome, and it was so... cool. Yeah, he was definitely going to like it here.

Ellie was looking around when a boy around her age plopped down in front of her. Odd, he didn't have Ravenclaw robes on. That could only mean one thing. "Hey. Are you new here?" she asked with a warm smile. "My name is Ellie." she said smiling. She extended her hand out for him to shake.

FarieAislin 01-02-2011 02:57 AM

Chrys could not stop staring at the grand ceiling as she made her way to a seat. All her short life she had never seen something so amazing and spectacular, and one of her first thoughts was that she wanted to learn how to charm her ceiling the same way when she returned home. Taking a seat Chrys pulled her robes tighter around as she started to take in the rest of the hall, and all the other students. To say she was excited to start this chapter of her life would be a major understatement!

Star-Lord 01-02-2011 02:57 AM

For anyoneeee (:
Whistling an unknown tune, Stephen walked into the Great Hall. The very place where Lexi and him had spent many times just pigging out and joking about different things that came to mind. But now she was nowhere to be found and Stephen was kind of getting used to it already. But for now, he just sat down, wondering what to eat first.


Poisonedbyyou 01-02-2011 02:59 AM

For anyone -- Just throwing Charisa out there! :)
WOW. Charisa walked to the Ravenclaw table and found a seat ruhllllfast.

She sat, alone for now, but she was bound to meet some other new Ravenclaws, or even maybe, GASP, older Ravenclaws. Heh. She looked around and rocked very slightly, listening to the mingling words and conversations of the Great Hall and to the quietly conspicuous rumbling of her belly.

A feast here would be a nice change from Mama's usual Russian dish favorites.

GlassXRose 01-02-2011 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 10072892)
Arabella-Marie took a seat beside Arienna and said "Nice to meet you Arienna, i am Arabella-Marie Kingston, second year Gryffindor but i am called Arabella for shortness"

Ari's heart started to race when the girl introduced herself, but kept a calm face. "Ravenclaw," she chuckled, "They call me Ari for short," she nodded, then ran a hand through her very short reb-brown hair that was ruffled, not unlike feathers. While sub-consiously she memorised the girl's name and voice, she consiously leaned over slightly, her panic audible in her slightly ragged breathing. "Can I ask you something, miss Arabella-Marie Kingston?", she whispered to her.

Vargaroth 01-02-2011 03:00 AM

Draven walked into the great Hall, he waved to Tay as she went to her house table. Draven didnt know where to go, he hadnt been sorted yet even though he would be deemed a second year because of his age. There were a lot of students starting to pile in so he didnt know exactly where to go. His gut had told him he would be a Ravenclaw so he went towards their table trying to blend in.

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