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Located on a flat grassy area between the Castle and the Stadium, a brilliant white tent has been erected. The latest music hits can be heard coming from the WWN and the music gets louder once inside. Blue and bronze balloons float overhead while tiny magical white stars sparkle as they flutter harmlessly towards the ground. Tables and chairs are scattered about. There's even an open area for dancing. Along one side of the tent stretches a buffet table laden with tasty treats, drinks, and even a massive cake in the shape of a Golden Snitch. Above the buffet is a large banner congratulating Ravenclaw on their victory.
Come on in and celebrate the end of the Quidditch season with all of your friends. Even a few staff members might decide to join in on the festivities.
Dallin blinked, staring at Ellie's crossed arms. He rocked forward on his toes, clasping his hands behind his back sort of awkwardly.
"I sorta need a partner." He said blankly. There was probably a better way to ask her to dance with him, but honestly he was a bit intimated and scared nervous that she'd laugh at him.
Which she probably would anyway.
..Whyyy was he staring at her?
Oh! Uhm... Ellie looked around for a free girl.
"You know, I think...someone...Deus? or someone said that Vashti also needed a partner." Dallin could dance with her.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Things were starting to look up. Emily seemed distracted by Finlay, and Deus was off doing some kind of dance moves - which meant neither of them were paying attention to Vashti now. So...was she free?
She was definitely taking the chance while it lasted.
Maybe she could get away from the dance floor if she just snuckk away slooooowly and without drawing attention to herself...
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Mhmm. He shouldn't even had mentioned the fact that he could dance. He looked around half-heartedly, not really looking for anything.
Aaand okay, she brought it on herself. Dallin couldn't help it, now. "Do you want to dance with me?"
He wasn't sure what he expected. Laughing? Giggling? A blank stare? Nothing?
Ellie chewed on her lip some, considering his question.
"But, Dallin, how am I supposed to see you dance, if I'm dancing with you?" And that was the question. Whether he could show her that he could dance or not.
Oh! Wait! Camera!
She could ask Spike or...even Jacob or someone to take a picture. Then she could see and dance at the same time!
Ellie spun around to face the table, to pick up her camera...
It..wasn't there. Of course it wasn't there.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Ellie chewed on her lip some, considering his question.
"But, Dallin, how am I supposed to see you dance, if I'm dancing with you?" And that was the question. Whether he could show her that he could dance or not.
Oh! Wait! Camera!
She could ask Spike or...even Jacob or someone to take a picture. Then she could see and dance at the same time!
Ellie spun around to face the table, to pick up her camera...
It..wasn't there. Of course it wasn't there.
He scrunched his eyebrows together, wondering what she was doing. He leaned sideways to look at the table she was looking at but didn't see anything. Huh.
"Well, if you dance with me, you'll be able to tell that I'm a good dancer." Nod. At least, it was obvious when people couldn't dance, so it was probably just as obvious when they could.
He scrunched his eyebrows together, wondering what she was doing. He leaned sideways to look at the table she was looking at but didn't see anything. Huh.
"Well, if you dance with me, you'll be able to tell that I'm a good dancer." Nod. At least, it was obvious when people couldn't dance, so it was probably just as obvious when they could.
"You don't have to, it was just a suggestion..."
By now, Ellie was looking out of the tent, in the direction of the locker rooms. That was where her camera was. And she wanted it. Needed it.
But she couldn't leave the party to go get it. Nope. She'd summon it, sure, but her wand was also in the locker room. Shows her to not change before coming to the party. Maybe Emily did have the right idea.
"No, no," she said, turning back to Dallin, "I'll dance. Sure." Right.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
This was a bad idea, most likely. Ellie was sick, a little weary, and definitely not walking straight. But she came anyway. She had too, her witto Alex was feeling lonely and so was she and she wanted to share what small amount of energy she had with someone.
So she came to the party. Well, stumbled to the party is more like it. She made it to the pitch and wandered around, tripping over random little things that may or may not have been there. Where was that boy? Or anyone she knew? She was feeling a little dizzy, but she kept wandering around trying her hardest not to look drunk, because she wasn't!
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Hmmm, what? Perhaps she had something wrong but…she was getting a slight negative vibe here. Then again, she was near people she didn’t know so that could have been the problem too. More than likely it was. However, this wasn’t the best place to discuss it? Discuss WHAT though? "Well…we can go somewhere else I suppose." She said, shrugging her shoulders some as she glanced around the room. What was Mia looking at? "Whenever of course. Up to you."
Yet, her attention was turned to not only one hufflepuff boy, but two hufflepuff boys. Meh, no, she was not going to be dancing. "Yes." She nodded, smiling ever so slightly at Treyen. Oh. Ohhhhh. Huh. Yea. "Thank you." Hmmm. "Do you by any chance…know…who did that to me?" Having been stuck in her common room and failed to remember to ask anybody until now, the Slytherin girl was rather INTERESTED in knowing who gave her a gash on her head.
On another note, regardless of her moody attitude about Slytherin not winning the quidditch cup, she was rather happy that Marie was up and about. "Does Destiny know that you're okay?" she asked, raising a brow. Did Stalker Dude know!? Had Marie told ANYONE that she was alright!? Or was Evelyn the last person to know?
"You went to the dais by yourself in front of the whole Ministry of Magic? To sing impromptu?" And Neptune wasn't invited WHY? That would have been a sight to see. Neptune totally would have sang for this Borr fellow, too. "I bet Mr. Tate has a pretty singing voice. Unexpectedly pretty." Just an observation. "I bet Mr. Vindictus does too...."
Neptune was still giving Lexi.... skeptical looks. She'd REALLY done all that? Gryffindors lead such peculiar lives.
"Well.... " yeah, Neptune could do with food. But Jim was guarding the table like a toll bridge troll. "....maybe I'm not all that hungry. I could just snack off your plate." Leave Neptune where she was, send Lex to pay the toll and bring back the goods.
Could trolls be handsome? Hmmm.
Lexi nodded her head and turned a sliht tinge of pink about the cheeks. RARE occasion, that was. "Yeah I did. It was quite silly of me, really. And oh dear Merlin... Tate's singing voice is atrocious! Simply terrible," she said with a slight cringe.
"Anything in particular you want me to grab then?" Lexi said with a little smile as she came to a full stop. She SAW Jimmy over there. She was hoping Tuney would just come with her. She could force the two to speak to one another perhaps.
The life? Really? It's not like he traveled that much. And...well, he'd rather go to many more places each summer, but there wasn't much time to spare between Quidditch games and getting ready for Hogwarts, right?
He failed to comment, because he could blush very easily if he said something about it. The traveling part.
But, oh, Australia! "Oh, no, I know where we went, we have pictures and all, it was...Canberra, Sydney and Wagga Wagga." Like, the Wagga Wagga Werewolf story, yes, that one. Unfortunately, he couldn't remember if he'd like any of those best.
He didn't even know that Mia had a boyfriend, haha, but if Russia was something like Romania, then he wouldn't like it as much. Not that it mattered, since Mia was the one going over there this summer, "Oh, I didn't know you had a boyfriend, I'm assuming he doesn't study here at Hogwarts, right?" it was a simple 'Yes' or 'No' kind of question, so, in reality, he wasn't meddling or anything. "Well, I hope you have a great time, in that case," though, it was perfectly clear that she WILL be having a good time, no? Whether she liked Russia or not.
Did she say something else? Probably not. It was just a cough, no?
Oh he did remember where he went. "Ah so you visited the Capital of Australia and the Capital of New South Wales. Nice." Not sure why he would want to go to Wagga though but each to their own. "How did you enjoy those places? If you can you should try going to Queensland. Much, much nicer." Of course she was biased since that's where she lived but they did have the best weather and perfect lifestyle. Well if you were a muggle anyway.
Why was he looking at her like that?
Oh. Right. Mia shook her head at his question. "No he graduated last year. And he went to Durmstrang...well except for last year when he came to Hogwarts for the TWT." That should just about explain it all.
"Thank you Treyen. And I hope you enjoy your holiday in England."
SPOILER!!: Marie
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Marie sorta laughed at Evelyn. The girl was acting as if she thought Marie was dead. It had only been a slight case of Dragon Pox... no big deal. "Yeah thanks, I'm glad I'm better too." Cuz yeah, she could get out and about now.
Marie wrinkled her nose when Mia mentioned the house cup. The mere thought of losing to Gryffindor made her cringe. "Maybe I should go do some homework or something, you know to try and get my house at least one cup this term." Sure the end of term was near but that didn't mean she couldn't still get her house some points.
Looking back to Treyen she smiled... again. "Well you guys did play a good game today." Although Jake was way off his game. She had never seen a match where the boy didn't get at least one snitch.
When her friends started talking amongst themselves she took the opportunity to look around. Maybe she would find some of her other friends and go chat with them...
Or maybe the first person her eyes would land on would be Jim and Neptune. Only thing, Neptune was hanging on Finn. Well that's not how it's supposed to go. She didn't break up with Jim so Neptune could hang on Finlay. She was tempted to go over there and thump both of them in the head. It was so obvious how they felt about each other, why were they being so damn stubborn about it?
Oh, now Neptune was hanging on... Lexi. Yeah, Marie would just stay where she was... even though she still wanted to congratulate Finn and Jim too on his team winning the cup. Oh well, she would just find him later, or maybe sneak in a hug and congratulations when he wasn't surrounded by all those people.
Was she serious?
And wasn't that something Evelyn would say?
"You want to give up being able to relax and have a good time to go back and do more study. Marie, you alone won't be able to win Slytherin the cup." So like chill. "So how did things go with James?"
She had noticed the look on the Ravenclaw's face and his poor attempt at flirting with the girls.
SPOILER!!: Evelyn
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Hmmm, what? Perhaps she had something wrong but…she was getting a slight negative vibe here. Then again, she was near people she didn’t know so that could have been the problem too. More than likely it was. However, this wasn’t the best place to discuss it? Discuss WHAT though? "Well…we can go somewhere else I suppose." She said, shrugging her shoulders some as she glanced around the room. What was Mia looking at? "Whenever of course. Up to you."
Yet, her attention was turned to not only one hufflepuff boy, but two hufflepuff boys. Meh, no, she was not going to be dancing. "Yes." She nodded, smiling ever so slightly at Treyen. Oh. Ohhhhh. Huh. Yea. "Thank you." Hmmm. "Do you by any chance…know…who did that to me?" Having been stuck in her common room and failed to remember to ask anybody until now, the Slytherin girl was rather INTERESTED in knowing who gave her a gash on her head.
On another note, regardless of her moody attitude about Slytherin not winning the quidditch cup, she was rather happy that Marie was up and about. "Does Destiny know that you're okay?" she asked, raising a brow. Did Stalker Dude know!? Had Marie told ANYONE that she was alright!? Or was Evelyn the last person to know?
Frown-y face.
Of course Mia immediately regretted her attitude towards Evelyn but it felt like she was forever listening to others and trying to help them but not really getting much in return.
She just wanted to go home.
Nodding her head at the Slytherin, Mia gestured with her hand and pointed outside. "I think I a nice walk outside would be good. In say about an hour?" That was enough time for her to have something to eat and show her support for Hufflepuff.
seeing the huffs just standing around "Treyen ... Come on get the girls to dance ... you spent 1/2 the match smashing into them so you cant do any more damage to them by dancing.Besides yall did great this year you should be celebrating " looking to the slythering girl and Mia that he was talking too" go on ladies he is all yours "
His name was voiced by someone, and his eyes followed the direction in which it came, only he'd decided to ignore whatever Mike was proposing. Er, no, there was only girl he could dance with, and whilst she was in this same tent, she was none of the Slytherins nor the Hufflepuff he was currently standing next to.
If there was only one girl he'll be interested in dancing with, then what was he doing here? Oh, that's right, she seemed busy with...who was that boy?
Text Cut: Marie
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Marie sorta laughed at Evelyn. The girl was acting as if she thought Marie was dead. It had only been a slight case of Dragon Pox... no big deal. "Yeah thanks, I'm glad I'm better too." Cuz yeah, she could get out and about now.
Marie wrinkled her nose when Mia mentioned the house cup. The mere thought of losing to Gryffindor made her cringe. "Maybe I should go do some homework or something, you know to try and get my house at least one cup this term." Sure the end of term was near but that didn't mean she couldn't still get her house some points.
Looking back to Treyen she smiled... again. "Well you guys did play a good game today." Although Jake was way off his game. She had never seen a match where the boy didn't get at least one snitch.
When her friends started talking amongst themselves she took the opportunity to look around. Maybe she would find some of her other friends and go chat with them...
Or maybe the first person her eyes would land on would be Jim and Neptune. Only thing, Neptune was hanging on Finn. Well that's not how it's supposed to go. She didn't break up with Jim so Neptune could hang on Finlay. She was tempted to go over there and thump both of them in the head. It was so obvious how they felt about each other, why were they being so damn stubborn about it?
Oh, now Neptune was hanging on... Lexi. Yeah, Marie would just stay where she was... even though she still wanted to congratulate Finn and Jim too on his team winning the cup. Oh well, she would just find him later, or maybe sneak in a hug and congratulations when he wasn't surrounded by all those people.
Marie's voice managed to make him turn his eyes from Ellie and whoever that boy was.
He chuckled, rather loudly, he was not in the mood to act nicely about this, "You're being polite, thanks for that. But, no, really, I don't know what happened to us today." Because he had played awful. Only ONE shot he managed to block. Quidditch skills were lost thanks to the great idea of wishing Ellie good luck.
Though...it was totally worth it.
Text Cut: Rose
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Hmmm, what? Perhaps she had something wrong but…she was getting a slight negative vibe here. Then again, she was near people she didn’t know so that could have been the problem too. More than likely it was. However, this wasn’t the best place to discuss it? Discuss WHAT though? "Well…we can go somewhere else I suppose." She said, shrugging her shoulders some as she glanced around the room. What was Mia looking at? "Whenever of course. Up to you."
Yet, her attention was turned to not only one hufflepuff boy, but two hufflepuff boys. Meh, no, she was not going to be dancing. "Yes." She nodded, smiling ever so slightly at Treyen. Oh. Ohhhhh. Huh. Yea. "Thank you." Hmmm. "Do you by any chance…know…who did that to me?" Having been stuck in her common room and failed to remember to ask anybody until now, the Slytherin girl was rather INTERESTED in knowing who gave her a gash on her head.
On another note, regardless of her moody attitude about Slytherin not winning the quidditch cup, she was rather happy that Marie was up and about. "Does Destiny know that you're okay?" she asked, raising a brow. Did Stalker Dude know!? Had Marie told ANYONE that she was alright!? Or was Evelyn the last person to know?
Frown-y face.
Aha. Back to the scary Slytherin.
He smiled back, and nodded as a way of saying 'You're welcome'. He didn't have to talk too much to this girl, right? They seemed to be getting along just with nods, that was brilliant.
Oh, wait, who'd done it? Should he say? Because he knew. Everyone knew. After that awesome fight on the Pitch. "First thing you need to know is...that it was an accident," yes, because this girl could kill the Gryffindor Keeper anytime, "But it was the Gryffindor Keeper, yes, Carter something or Something Carter." There was a slight shrug to his shoulders as he mentioned the name with the same neutral tone as he'd said 'Hey'. Clearly, he didn't see in problem in...accusing.
Text Cut: Mia =)
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Oh he did remember where he went. "Ah so you visited the Capital of Australia and the Capital of New South Wales. Nice." Not sure why he would want to go to Wagga though but each to their own. "How did you enjoy those places? If you can you should try going to Queensland. Much, much nicer." Of course she was biased since that's where she lived but they did have the best weather and perfect lifestyle. Well if you were a muggle anyway.
Why was he looking at her like that?
Oh. Right. Mia shook her head at his question. "No he graduated last year. And he went to Durmstrang...well except for last year when he came to Hogwarts for the TWT." That should just about explain it all.
"Thank you Treyen. And I hope you enjoy your holiday in England."
He nodded, yes, exactly, that's where they'd gone to. Except, he wasn't smiling so much now, "I was probably five, I don't really remember...but hey! That's an opportunity for me to visit back, no?" and gain new memories of the country, or in this case, just memories. "Next time I go there, I'll visit Queensland then." He wanted to travel so badly. Like, this summer. Yet, he knew that wasn't happening. At least no new places for him this time around.
He'd been right. The boy didn't go to Hogwarts. And he'd graduated? Well, that was...interesting. Mia still had only a couple years left.
Durmstrang? And how did Mia know...? Oh, really? Last year? Haha. He shouldn't ask, but he had a feeling his question would be right again, "It's the winking fellow, right?" Nikolai something, no? The one that stayed in the Common Room. And...winks a lot. More than Gilderoy.
Enough of it, though.
"Thanks." He'll make sure he does.
And...his eyes wandered off to Ellie and the boy she was talking to. He should be there, dancing with her, or at least talking to her. But...why wasn't he moving?
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Finny was saying no.
He was saying, No Neptune, I will not parade you around to look for missing Hufflepuffs. She whined a little and let his arm go. HE was like rubbing her leg with a bad bread roll or some such nonsense anyway.
Neptune stomped her foot once before looking up at Finny, "I hate when you say no. But have fun. I'm going ... " about. Somewhere. She waved at him and wandered towards Lexi.
Finlay kind of stared at Neptune as she whined. Oh mann. Was there a time when she didn't moan. "But Tuneeyy! I'm having fun here!" It was totally not fair. Just because he didn't want to parade her around. Finn eyed her carefull, atching as she went over to Lexi.
"Suit yourself Tune..." Yeah. 'Cause he was totally going to stay and party with his team. It was called celebrating. He didn't want to go talk to some hufflepuffs....no actually he wanted to eat, because that was what guys did. Giving her a little wave, he took another bite of the bread roll, still not really getting why Jimmy had warned him about them.
Originally Posted by Hera
"Don't you worry Finlay Charmichael.. I'm about to rock your world", she said jokingly as she placed her arms around his neck, ready to boogey the... evening?... away.
Oooohhhhh! was that a snide bread roll comment?! She knew it was going to happen sooner or later- but she did preffer later. She looked at Finn to see his reaction :-\
She turned her head slightly to see how Deus and Vashti were progressing. "Ooohh yes the twist! forgot about that one!" she said excitedly. Uh-oh... it didn't look like Vashti wanted a partner? why ever not? they were so much fun... she flashed a smile at Finlay as they moved to the beat, his hands secured around her waist.
"Oh...." Finlay smirked, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I bet I'll rock your world more..." Because Finlay Carmicheal was a total epic person, he rocked everyones world. Well apart from like people who didn't like him, but that was there problem not his. Totally.
Twist....she wanted to do the twist? "Totally...." He laughed, rocking along to the beat. Nope. He was quite content with this nice....close...dance, because it seemed that Emily was moving in closer and closer. Not that Finn minded in the slightest. She was pretty, and it did pretty much make him happy, and make up for him not playing in the game. Yup. Definetly.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by RachieRu
"Oh...." Finlay smirked, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I bet I'll rock your world more..." Because Finlay Carmicheal was a total epic person, he rocked everyones world. Well apart from like people who didn't like him, but that was there problem not his. Totally.
Twist....she wanted to do the twist? "Totally...." He laughed, rocking along to the beat. Nope. He was quite content with this nice....close...dance, because it seemed that Emily was moving in closer and closer. Not that Finn minded in the slightest. She was pretty, and it did pretty much make him happy, and make up for him not playing in the game. Yup. Definetly.
Emily rolled eyes... as if he could rock her world more than she'd rock his! Who did he think he was? gods gift to women?... Emily grinned, he was quite epic, but not epic enough for that. Then again perhaps he'd prove her wrong. "Oh yer?" she replied curiously, "How do you plan on doing that?" she said grinning mischeviously.
She continued to dance and move to the beat. She was looking forward to the 'after-party'... she didn't really know many students outside of Ravenclaw, and the ones that she did know weren't here. Still as long as she had her team she would be satisfied.
Out of the corner of her eye she saw Vashti trying to sneak off... "Oi!" she said giving her a hard look... but she started giggling- there was no way she could stay mad at Vashti for too long. "It's ok, I'll forgive you if you don't want to dance anymore". she said. After all she still had a Mr Carmichael to entertain her.
because miss Nina asked so nicely :P (whoever's by the food hehe)
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Renée couldn't exactly admit to being much of a Quidditch fan, seeing as the fact she'd been horrible at flying had kept her from the sport when she'd been in school, but she still paid attention. Especially now that she was back at Hogwarts, with all her memories of back when she'd been a Ravenclaw. So, once she'd heard they had won the championship again, she'd headed down to the celebration she knew had to be occurring. In the back of her mind, she acknowledged that there would be at least one person there who probably would like to see her the least of anyone, but it was her former house, not to mention her current students. She needed to congratulate them.
Stepping into the tent, she bobbed her head as the music hit her, and glanced around to see who was in attendance. It looked to be a good turnout, with at least one person from each house. That was always nice to see, given all the old stereotypes. Noticing a familiar redhead over by the dance floor, she veered in the opposite direction toward the food with an enigmatic smile on her face. She'd have to deal with Ellie's antagonism eventually, but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy the party for the time being. And congratulate whomever she ran into, while she enjoyed the music from afar.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Lexi nodded her head and turned a sliht tinge of pink about the cheeks. RARE occasion, that was. "Yeah I did. It was quite silly of me, really. And oh dear Merlin... Tate's singing voice is atrocious! Simply terrible," she said with a slight cringe.
"Anything in particular you want me to grab then?" Lexi said with a little smile as she came to a full stop. She SAW Jimmy over there. She was hoping Tuney would just come with her. She could force the two to speak to one another perhaps.
Neptune noted the blush and patted Lexi again. No need for that. Probably no one even remembers, right? Pat pat pat. "We all do silly things, Lex. But I think I would, in the future, not refer to Ministry officials as... what did you call him? A big bag or whatever? When you do things like that, your House turns into verb."
She Gryffindor'd.
Giggle. PAT PAT PAT.
Friendly advice over and done with, Neptune looked to the foooooood again. "The cake looks good...." like a snitch.
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
Marie's voice managed to make him turn his eyes from Ellie and whoever that boy was.
He chuckled, rather loudly, he was not in the mood to act nicely about this, "You're being polite, thanks for that. But, no, really, I don't know what happened to us today." Because he had played awful. Only ONE shot he managed to block. Quidditch skills were lost thanks to the great idea of wishing Ellie good luck.
Though...it was totally worth it.
Neptune's eyes kept landing on a Puffy Quidditch player.Trey. Not the one she was.... looking.... for....
He was talking to the Ex. Sigh. Another reason to absolutely not follow Lexi to food.
She stomped her foot again out of pure agitation and restlessness. If Jacob Dale didn't show up soon she was leaving. Quidditch was stupid anyway and she could get her own cake in the Great Hall.
By now, Ellie was looking out of the tent, in the direction of the locker rooms. That was where her camera was. And she wanted it. Needed it.
But she couldn't leave the party to go get it. Nope. She'd summon it, sure, but her wand was also in the locker room. Shows her to not change before coming to the party. Maybe Emily did have the right idea.
"No, no," she said, turning back to Dallin, "I'll dance. Sure." Right.
Whoa, she actually said yes. "Cool." Dallin smiled, starting to listen to the song again. It was almost over, so hopefully the next one would be okay to dance to, too.
"Do you know how?" he asked, then instantly regretted it. He held out a hand and half-smiled, waiting for her to grab it. They would waltz, because that was what he was better at doing. The song that was playing ended and a slightly faster one started, but that was fine.
"Follow my voiiiiice." Jim suggested in what was supposed to be a 'disimbodied voice' sort of tone. Or something.
"I'm staking out the buffet." He said this bit between bites.
Spike laughed, from behind the trophy. "You're definitely real, Jimmy?" As in, not a ghost. Because that voice had momentarily sounded quite ghost-like. And with the current state of his eyes, Spike thought it best to check.
...There again, if Jimmy was eating, then he had to be real. Spike gave a sigh of relief at his own realisation. Wasn't much good being a ghost, and not being able to touch and hold things. Or have proper food.
Food. His stomach gurgled again.
"Can you direct me to something good?" Sausages maybe. Or a decent sandwich. It was all just a foody blur to Spike, and he had no desire to have a handful of dip.
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu
"How're you going to enjoy the party if you have a death grip on it?" For real. It would be hard to eat with it. And it would get heavy after a while, wouldn't it?
Heh. He was SO cute, though. Just...so cute.
Ellie eyed him a bit. "Good." Be cheered. Eat.
Her appetite hadn't come back, yet. Hopefully it would before the party was over, though. The food looked amazing.
She released Spike. "Seriously. Go get something to eat. I promise the trophy will still be here when you get back." Promise.
"Easily," replied Spike determinedly. For a start, it gave him something to do other than make polite conversation or dance. Two things he never allowed to do when his parents were entertaining. Not that he'd want particularly to do either - and he wasn't sure that this celebration was quite like that, but still...he knew the drill, and it was a great diversionary tactic if necessary.
"And I don't have a death grip on it..." he added after a moment's thought. Though he might admit it would get heavy at some point later though, especially if he hugged it against his bruised ribs too much. But then, he was only little, and maybe one of the big strong boys would give him a piggy back to help? Cos that'd be fun, being so big and tall and above everyone whilst holding the trophy. He'd be the tallest in the room!
"I'm goingggg..." Spike replied to Ellie with a sigh. "But the trophy is coming with me. I'll manage." Somehow.
Originally Posted by princess of*hp*
Amadeus grinned at Finlay as he joined them all on the dance floor. He stopped his ridiculous running man as the music changed. "Well," He addressed Vashti, "You could always do the twist." He smirked, knowing that there would be no way for her to refuse to dance now. Hm. Maybe it was a partner that she needed? "Spike!" Deus called to him, waving his hand at the braveheart of the Ravenclaw team. The curly-headed kid didn't look too privy to dancing, but a lightbulb flicked on in the blonde's head that would probably be a surefire way to get most everyone dancing. "Vashti needs a partner!" It was hard to keep the smirk from his lips.
Although it was true that he was a solo dancer, he didn't mind it one bit. It was too irksome to have to lead someone in the ways of the jig, and even more irritating to have to follow another's lead.
Huh? he was just about get food, and he heard Amadeus somewhere in the group of dancers. He returned a wave with a smile, before he realised the 'Spike' and 'Vashti needs a partner' bits were connected.
He shook his curls. "Maybe later? My stomach is telling me food is order right now." Perfect excuse. For now, at least. "Sorry Vashti," he added, in case the lacking of a partner was a problem.
Originally Posted by Hera
Hearing Spikes voice from amongst the crowd, peering over Finlay's shoulder Emily saw a black eyed Spike clutching the trophy to his chest- at least it was in safe hands. "Don't worry Spike, I have an extra special hug for you later", she said winking at him. He really was a wonderful little kid, he had guts.
"I'll be waiting..." he replied with a grin.
Now. Food. For real, this time. Where were the sausages? Or cake? He could quite easily just skip to the cake part.
Renée couldn't exactly admit to being much of a Quidditch fan, seeing as the fact she'd been horrible at flying had kept her from the sport when she'd been in school, but she still paid attention. Especially now that she was back at Hogwarts, with all her memories of back when she'd been a Ravenclaw. So, once she'd heard they had won the championship again, she'd headed down to the celebration she knew had to be occurring. In the back of her mind, she acknowledged that there would be at least one person there who probably would like to see her the least of anyone, but it was her former house, not to mention her current students. She needed to congratulate them.
Stepping into the tent, she bobbed her head as the music hit her, and glanced around to see who was in attendance. It looked to be a good turnout, with at least one person from each house. That was always nice to see, given all the old stereotypes. Noticing a familiar redhead over by the dance floor, she veered in the opposite direction toward the food with an enigmatic smile on her face. She'd have to deal with Ellie's antagonism eventually, but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy the party for the time being. And congratulate whomever she ran into, while she enjoyed the music from afar.
Oh, but this time his eyes lay on someone else. And after muttering a quick 'Excuse me' to the Slytherin girls and Mia, Treyen started to walk in her direction with a smile on his face.
So, he could walk towards Bishop...but not towards Ellie? Weird.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Neptune's eyes kept landing on a Puffy Quidditch player.Trey. Not the one she was.... looking.... for....
He was talking to the Ex. Sigh. Another reason to absolutely not follow Lexi to food.
She stomped her foot again out of pure agitation and restlessness. If Jacob Dale didn't show up soon she was leaving. Quidditch was stupid anyway and she could get her own cake in the Great Hall.
On his way over he noticed the gaze of a Neptune Bott. One of the Botts. And...wasn't she one with Jake? Because on various lesson it had seemed that they were now ONE person, clearly not during Quidditch practices and Treyen was very grateful for that.
So, he didn't get to where Bishop was, BUT...he did get to where Neptune was, and he bowed a bit with a smile and a simple, "Miss Neptune," oh-so-gentleman-like. Neptune, apparently, brought that stuff on him.
"You know, Jake kind of apologized to you before I helped him get to the Hospital Wing." He decided those were news to share, especially with Neptune.
Neptune noted the blush and patted Lexi again. No need for that. Probably no one even remembers, right? Pat pat pat. "We all do silly things, Lex. But I think I would, in the future, not refer to Ministry officials as... what did you call him? A big bag or whatever? When you do things like that, your House turns into verb."
She Gryffindor'd.
Giggle. PAT PAT PAT.
Friendly advice over and done with, Neptune looked to the foooooood again. "The cake looks good...." like a snitch.
Lexi nodded her head and then let out a peal of laughter. Okay. Gryffindoring was a lovely image, really. Hehehe. Patting Neptune back she giggled. "Thanks, I needed that. And in the future if a Ministry official does something that warrants me telling him something like that... I will be sure to say it a bit quieter," she said with a wink as she slid her arm out of Neptune's and starting making her way to the food table.
Grabbing a plate she slid up beside Jimmy and nudged him gently. "What's good over here?" she asked with a grin. I mean, Jim CLEARLY knew... he had not moved from the table since she walked in. Little piggy.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
So far, so good...
Originally Posted by Hera
Out of the corner of her eye she saw Vashti trying to sneak off... "Oi!" she said giving her a hard look... but she started giggling- there was no way she could stay mad at Vashti for too long. "It's ok, I'll forgive you if you don't want to dance anymore". she said. After all she still had a Mr Carmichael to entertain her.
She'd been spotted!
Vashti froze as if she were a prisoner caught in the act of escaping her prison cell which, in a way, she was. But then Emily started giggling and said she was okay with her not wanting to dance. Instantly, the fourth year relaxed, sighing in relief.
"Thanks, Em," she replied, sending the girl a smile. "You're the best."
Originally Posted by hermygirl
Huh? he was just about get food, and he heard Amadeus somewhere in the group of dancers. He returned a wave with a smile, before he realised the 'Spike' and 'Vashti needs a partner' bits were connected.
He shook his curls. "Maybe later? My stomach is telling me food is order right now." Perfect excuse. For now, at least. "Sorry Vashti," he added, in case the lacking of a partner was a problem.
Just as she started heading for the food table (all that talk about dancing had really brought her appetite back), Vashti heard Spike's reply to Amadeus's "search" for her partner. "It's okay, Spike, no worries," she answered with a grin. Though it sort of looked like he needed a partner - not to dance with, but to help him get to the food table without tripping. "D'you need any help?"
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Lady Lem|DJ Melfoy|Braedeus ♥ Stumble|Bebé Melón|B2|Andee & Melsse|Melephone
Originally Posted by sarahkbarrett
This was a bad idea, most likely. Ellie was sick, a little weary, and definitely not walking straight. But she came anyway. She had too, her witto Alex was feeling lonely and so was she and she wanted to share what small amount of energy she had with someone.
So she came to the party. Well, stumbled to the party is more like it. She made it to the pitch and wandered around, tripping over random little things that may or may not have been there. Where was that boy? Or anyone she knew? She was feeling a little dizzy, but she kept wandering around trying her hardest not to look drunk, because she wasn't!
Amadeous considered his silly dancing, not paying much attention to who was around him or what part of the tent he was in. That was until he bumped into somebody from behind while moonwalking like a BOSS. Stopping his nonsensical dance moves, he turned around to apologize when he noticed who it was. "Ellie!" He spoke in surprise. Why was it so surprising? That she was here? She was a Ravenclaw, so why was it so odd that she would want to attend the party?
"You look..." To be honest, she didn't look too swell. She looked a bit pale, as if she needed a trip to the hospital wing. "You look lovely." Deus managed to finish the sentence without the awkward feeling that he felt about nearly running her over. "Sorry about that," He finally apologized. "I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have."
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Of course Mia immediately regretted her attitude towards Evelyn but it felt like she was forever listening to others and trying to help them but not really getting much in return.
She just wanted to go home.
Nodding her head at the Slytherin, Mia gestured with her hand and pointed outside. "I think I a nice walk outside would be good. In say about an hour?" That was enough time for her to have something to eat and show her support for Hufflepuff.
A walk outside? In an hour. "That's fine with me." she smiled, nodding once more. Eh, hopefully it was none of that really super serious talks that require actual opinions and...comfort. Evelyn wasn't good with those things.
Actually, she wasn't good with any talks. Why would Mia need to talk to her?
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
Aha. Back to the scary Slytherin.
He smiled back, and nodded as a way of saying 'You're welcome'. He didn't have to talk too much to this girl, right? They seemed to be getting along just with nods, that was brilliant.
Oh, wait, who'd done it? Should he say? Because he knew. Everyone knew. After that awesome fight on the Pitch. "First thing you need to know is...that it was an accident," yes, because this girl could kill the Gryffindor Keeper anytime, "But it was the Gryffindor Keeper, yes, Carter something or Something Carter." There was a slight shrug to his shoulders as he mentioned the name with the same neutral tone as he'd said 'Hey'. Clearly, he didn't see in problem in...accusing.
Carter was a dead Gryffindor now. However, first thing was first.
"Of course." she smiled, looking quite understanding. "I won't lay a finger on him. You're right, it was an accident." No, she won't lay a finger on him, but she can hex the living daylight out of him. There was a complete difference. "Stuff happens. Anyway, thanks. For telling me."
Something was wrong. She just thanked the same Huffie twice in less then five minutes.
Lexi nodded her head and then let out a peal of laughter. Okay. Gryffindoring was a lovely image, really. Hehehe. Patting Neptune back she giggled. "Thanks, I needed that. And in the future if a Ministry official does something that warrants me telling him something like that... I will be sure to say it a bit quieter," she said with a wink as she slid her arm out of Neptune's and starting making her way to the food table.
Grabbing a plate she slid up beside Jimmy and nudged him gently. "What's good over here?" she asked with a grin. I mean, Jim CLEARLY knew... he had not moved from the table since she walked in. Little piggy.
Neptune watched Lexi allllllll the way to the table. Of course she wasn't getting food and only went over to talk to Jim. Of course.
Total traitor. She better not be Gryffindoring.
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
On his way over he noticed the gaze of a Neptune Bott. One of the Botts. And...wasn't she one with Jake? Because on various lesson it had seemed that they were now ONE person, clearly not during Quidditch practices and Treyen was very grateful for that.
So, he didn't get to where Bishop was, BUT...he did get to where Neptune was, and he bowed a bit with a smile and a simple, "Miss Neptune," oh-so-gentleman-like. Neptune, apparently, brought that stuff on him.
"You know, Jake kind of apologized to you before I helped him get to the Hospital Wing." He decided those were news to share, especially with Neptune.
Neptune was SO into the bowing and "Miss Neptune"-ing. SO into it. She was about half way into offering him her hand as a reward for such good behavior...
... when he .... told her what she had been wondering. Where Jake was. IN the HOSPITAL wing.
She hadn't even CONSIDERED that possibility... not with a big party going on and all these people here having a good time. She had thought he was avoiding her, mostly, probably already back in the library. "Treyen...," Neptune laid a hand on his forearm, hoping to keep his undivided attention, "why is Jake in the Hospital Wing...?" Had he even played in the game? Sick?
Because SURELY he hadn't gone and got hurt FLYING after all that....