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The Milky Way Galaxy contains anywhere between 200 and 400 billion stars. A tiny fraction of those can be viewed right here, in the Hogwarts Observatory. This circular room was locked for a long time, but Professor Antares opened it again two terms ago - complete with a huge telescope that was a new addition then. As it is difficult to operate, students need permission from the professor before they are allowed to use it, but a number of smaller telescopes that anyone and everyone is free to use are stowed away in cupboards lining the rounded walls along with empty potion vials and other astronomy items.
Large star charts are pinned up on the walls as well. Not all of these belong to the school. Those that do not have a great number of notes and calculations added to them - although Professor Antares is first and foremost a teacher now, he is still able to supply colleagues with data and measurements. You are, of course, free to study his charts, but make very sure not to remove or misplace anything.
Stargazing, naturally, is an activity best pursued at night, and as such, the Observatory usually remains unlocked. Of course, there are superseding school rules that limit the hour at which students can still be out of bed. If you desire to study the wonders of the cosmos later than that, you need a note from Professor Antares. Should a student be found without such a note (or, alternatively, a creative excuse), he or she can expect... trouble.
In the same way that a library is more than just a building where books are stored, the Observatory is as much a place of scientific inquiry as it is a shrine to the grandeur and beauty of the Universe. Professor Antares, when he doesn't use the telescope for work, often comes here to think to himself, or for some peace and quiet. Please respect him and any other teacher or student spending his or her time here in this way by not running around or shouting.
Renée found their conversation too entertaining to resort to simple responses. If that was even possible, but it seemed Jared brought that out in her easier than most others. She wondered if he knew that, but still kept prodding her to continue because he found it amusing as well. She grinned at the laugh, however. Even though its arrival made their little conversation less likely to stay discreet. Most people were probably nowhere near the observatory at this hour anyhow, or at least she hoped so. "That could be turned back on a certain Charms professor as well," she replied wryly. Just because the risk was there didn't mean she wasn't about to continue the amusement.
She'd kept an eye on Bowie, though, as her crup seemed to be making himself comfortable in Jared's lap. Well, until the laughter, at which point the wiggling started up again. She smiled as it elicited pets, once again thinking that the kitten would have no trouble winning him over. Not if her crup managed it. The smile turned into more of an enigmatic grin at his response to her question. It seemed their understanding of each other went further than she'd have thought, but that made things no less interesting. Or made her more likely to change. "Perhaps. It seems we may never find out," she teased, shifting her position on the floor a little. Stone floors were never too comfortable.
As he continued, though, she grinned yet again, before finding her gaze going to the view outside the tower for a moment. "It truly does seem ever-present," she said, feigned thoughtfulness in her tone. At least, most seemed rather ubiquitous when one remained a bit of a mystery. She couldn't quite decide how long they'd been talking from the sky, but then that was why she'd never considered astronomy one of her better subjects. They probably should head down rather soon, anyhow. The attempts at staying quiet seemed to have failed already a little, so if they let time get away from them that would only be made worse.
Jared's lips tugged up into a smile at her statement - and a true statement at that - but a second later, the smile had disappeared, as he feigned surprise. "And do I know this certain Charms professor?" He asked, looking around as if some hitherto unknown Charms professor might have been lurking in the shadows, all this time.
Not missing Renée's smile as he petted her crup, Jared couldn't help but feel that her mind might be on the kitten, once more. He didn't have time to reflect over that, though, as Renée spoke again. The remark had the same enigmatic quality as the grin accompanying it did, and that made Jared smile a lazy, amused sort of smile. "That sounds," he said. "Like the end of a particularly mysterious novel." She had shifted her position then, just a tad, and that made him realize that they had lost, like pretty much every time they met, track of time. They must have been sitting here for a considerable time and it seemed, as Renée's dark gaze moved to the view that streamed inside, that she had the same thought on her mind.
"The night doth grow old, my lady," Jared said, the amusement in his eyes trickling into his voice, and vice versa.
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by princess of*hp*
He listened intently, swishing around his drink as Braeden described his attire. It was obvious that he was flustered, almost like a little kid whose mum had always told him how nice it would be for him to eat his vegetables and once he finally did it, he felt peculiar and... icky. But that was what made them so different; Braeden was always the laid-back, calm kid who always had a joke to crack or a rock to trip over while Amadeus was the ever-prim, ever-proper gentleman of the two, holding doors open and burying his nose in a book as often as he could. "Well, you're quite deserving of compliments tonight." Taking a quick look at Braeden's shoes, the blonde admired the shiny, freshly-polished leather. It made his heart swell as the words very special date were spoken. His ego needed no inflating; yet, it had already begun to swell to the point of exploding. "Really, mate, if someone had told me an hour ago that Braeden Stonem would be wearing a suit and tie... not just that, but actually know how to do the tie and lace his dress shoes, I would have laughed and thought they had escaped from St. Mungos. Apparently, they would have proven me wrong." A quick thought occurred to Amadeus; where exactly had he gotten his attire?
"But I must know... have you really had that suit lying around all year? Or... did you get it owled to you from mummy dearest?" He snickered, poking fun and doing what he did best. Plucking a few grapes from their stem, he popped them into his mouth and chewed, waiting for an answer. "But in all seriousness foo', you do look quite dapper. I'm surprised you didn't have any ladies, like Caroline or Charlene, clinging to you on your way here."
Braeden let out a hearty laugh at Deus's words and disbelief at the idea of meeting an all-dressed-up Braeden for their picnic date. "You make me sound hopeless, mate!" complained the Gryffindork, though he was very obviously amused; it was easy to see from that large, ear-to-ear smile he had on his face. "Though… well, to be honest, I had some help from my wand with the bow-tie…" the boy confessed as his right hand came up and fidgeted with the accessory tied around his neck. "When I tried to put it on myself I almost ended up choking myself to death…" he confessed with a slightly sheepish chuckle. Typical Braeden.
As Deus continued with his teases, this time asking where the suit had come from, Braeden narrowed his brown eyes at his friend. "Mum might have sent it…" he confessed, his cheeks turning just the lightest shade of pink. It was a little embarrassing to admit that his mother had sent him a suit, dress shoes and a bow-tie just to go to a date. "Though with slightly different intentions… She had sent orders that I dress up 'nicely' and take my new lady friend on a proper date. That never happened, though, obviously… So I've just had this in the trunk for a couple weeks now waiting for the right chance to use it," explained Braeden.
The poor, dorky boy seemed rather flustered and embarrassed after this confession, his brown eyes suddenly seeming to find the fruit in the basket to be the most interesting and fascinating sight on earth. He looked up again, though, as Deus complimented his attire. At his words, Braeden grinned, then laughed aloud as the Ravenclaw went on to list a couple ladies he was surprised not to find on the Gryffindor's presence. "Well, this is what happens when you get sick. The ladies forget about you, mate," said Braeden with a shrug. The only lady that paid any attention to him during his time of sickness had been the nurse, and Merlin… he would've much rather been completely alone.
"Besides," added the boy suddenly, amusement returning to his features, "I couldn't risk it and bring a girl to hog you all up on one of the last days I get to see you at school!" he said, chuckling softly for a moment before asking, "Are you going to go ahead with the plan, then? Taking over the family business?"
Lady Lem|DJ Melfoy|Braedeus ♥ Stumble|Bebé Melón|B2|Andee & Melsse|Melephone
Originally Posted by Gryffindoll
Braeden let out a hearty laugh at Deus's words and disbelief at the idea of meeting an all-dressed-up Braeden for their picnic date. "You make me sound hopeless, mate!" complained the Gryffindork, though he was very obviously amused; it was easy to see from that large, ear-to-ear smile he had on his face. "Though… well, to be honest, I had some help from my wand with the bow-tie…" the boy confessed as his right hand came up and fidgeted with the accessory tied around his neck. "When I tried to put it on myself I almost ended up choking myself to death…" he confessed with a slightly sheepish chuckle. Typical Braeden.
As Deus continued with his teases, this time asking where the suit had come from, Braeden narrowed his brown eyes at his friend. "Mum might have sent it…" he confessed, his cheeks turning just the lightest shade of pink. It was a little embarrassing to admit that his mother had sent him a suit, dress shoes and a bow-tie just to go to a date. "Though with slightly different intentions… She had sent orders that I dress up 'nicely' and take my new lady friend on a proper date. That never happened, though, obviously… So I've just had this in the trunk for a couple weeks now waiting for the right chance to use it," explained Braeden.
The poor, dorky boy seemed rather flustered and embarrassed after this confession, his brown eyes suddenly seeming to find the fruit in the basket to be the most interesting and fascinating sight on earth. He looked up again, though, as Deus complimented his attire. At his words, Braeden grinned, then laughed aloud as the Ravenclaw went on to list a couple ladies he was surprised not to find on the Gryffindor's presence. "Well, this is what happens when you get sick. The ladies forget about you, mate," said Braeden with a shrug. The only lady that paid any attention to him during his time of sickness had been the nurse, and Merlin… he would've much rather been completely alone.
"Besides," added the boy suddenly, amusement returning to his features, "I couldn't risk it and bring a girl to hog you all up on one of the last days I get to see you at school!" he said, chuckling softly for a moment before asking, "Are you going to go ahead with the plan, then? Taking over the family business?"
"I apologize, in that case," Amadeus continued to chuckle as Braeden admitted his dressing downfalls. "I didn't mean to point out what has been obvious since the start of the term." He laughed lightheartedly, his chortles dying down. To tell the truth, it would frighten Amadeus if Braeden ever started to dress exactly as the Ravenclaw did. Braeden would live in trainers, jeans, flannels, and cotton shirts until the day that he died, and Amadeus was just fine with that. Now, to only find that silly hat and Hawaiian shirt of Brae's and incendio them into oblivion; that would make everything perfect.
Placing the rim of the glass to his lips, the blonde began to take a sip before spluttering, nearly ruining his suit. Diving for a clean linen napkin, the seventh year cleaned himself up before looking straight at Brae, his incredulous emotion evident with the raising of his eyebrows nearly to his hairline. "A girl hogging me up? You're quite hilarious tonight, Brae," he answered, placing his drink on the checkered cloth. "I might have beaten the Hufflepuffs with the help of my team, but you beat... whatever in Merlin's name you gave yourself, on your own. The power of your own antibodies and all." He knew he was becoming a bit too analytical, but who cared? The lion-haired kid would be used to this manner of speech by now. "Girls always go for sob stories in the end." Picking another grape from the stem, he popped it into his mouth and set the grapes back in the fruit bowl.
Sighing as words of his future plans reached his ears, the soon-to-be Hogwarts alumnus nodded. "That's the plan. Same ol', same old." His parents would be undyingly proud and all that jazz but as the real world neared and the minutes ticked away, Amadeus was coming to discover that maybe going into the wand-making business and rising the ranks to eventually make the big galleons wasn't what he desired after all. A talk was in order with his folks, but not now. He would save it for after graduation. These last days were to be spent relishing each and every moment with his friends and the stone corridors of the castle.
Leaning over, he dug into the wicker picnic basket until his hands chanced upon a metal box. Grinning, he pulled it out and set it on top of the basket, fiddling with the knobs and antenna for a minute until he had gotten them just right. How the muggles fixed up these silly boxes with ease was a mystery to the pureblood. Flicking a switch and turning a dial, Deus turned to face his friend with a large grin. "I figured that you wouldn't mind music. I borrowed this from the kitchens." It nearly made him blush to remember how ridiculously Braeden had been dancing around, house elves and everyone else present, during their last get-together.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Text Cut: hehe Now I'm back thinking about the tea party
Originally Posted by Maxilocks
Jared's lips tugged up into a smile at her statement - and a true statement at that - but a second later, the smile had disappeared, as he feigned surprise. "And do I know this certain Charms professor?" He asked, looking around as if some hitherto unknown Charms professor might have been lurking in the shadows, all this time.
Not missing Renée's smile as he petted her crup, Jared couldn't help but feel that her mind might be on the kitten, once more. He didn't have time to reflect over that, though, as Renée spoke again. The remark had the same enigmatic quality as the grin accompanying it did, and that made Jared smile a lazy, amused sort of smile. "That sounds," he said. "Like the end of a particularly mysterious novel." She had shifted her position then, just a tad, and that made him realize that they had lost, like pretty much every time they met, track of time. They must have been sitting here for a considerable time and it seemed, as Renée's dark gaze moved to the view that streamed inside, that she had the same thought on her mind.
"The night doth grow old, my lady," Jared said, the amusement in his eyes trickling into his voice, and vice versa.
All the feigned surprise and innocence that was coming out of their conversation was highly amusing to Renée, and it wasn't like her and Jared seemed to settle quite often into the playful side of conversations. It made the idea of more serious conversations a little difficult to comprehend, but that wasn't quite an issue tonight. No, they'd gotten the only erious thing discussed already, and as it seemed she wasn't being turned in, she could relax back into the mischievous. "I would imagine you do, but then, I could always be wrong," she replied with a grin, continuing to watch him with Bowie. That just made things even more amusing, adding her cruppy's antics into the mix.
She did know he'd figured she still had his kitten on her mind, but as he hadn't brought the subject up again, she was content to let it rest for now. She might keep thinking about the little creature, but she didn't have to mention it until he was comfortable. With the topic, at least. She did still have to meet the little one, anyhow. The comment he did make, however, was met with a raised eyebrow, albeit an amused one. As far as she knew, he had no idea how accurate that could be. "The mysterious always has its place," she replied enigmatically, letting herself get distracted once more by the sky. Glancing at him again surreptitiously, it seemed he'd started contemplating the time as well, and she wondered if he'd had the same thought as she. That they seemed to always get into this dilemma,but at least they were inside the castle this time.
Unfortunately, he'd have a bit further distance to go to get back before they were noticed, but sneaking him into her office was just as bad. He'd still have to find a way down before anyone noticed his disappearance. Now, or later, that trip would have to happen. It came down to how much risk he wanted right now. But she couldn't help but grin at his statement. "It doth, my lord," she agreed, trying to contain the amusement at his slipping into proper-speak again. They probably should head down soon. If Bowie would let them.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
All the feigned surprise and innocence that was coming out of their conversation was highly amusing to Renée, and it wasn't like her and Jared seemed to settle quite often into the playful side of conversations. It made the idea of more serious conversations a little difficult to comprehend, but that wasn't quite an issue tonight. No, they'd gotten the only erious thing discussed already, and as it seemed she wasn't being turned in, she could relax back into the mischievous. "I would imagine you do, but then, I could always be wrong," she replied with a grin, continuing to watch him with Bowie. That just made things even more amusing, adding her cruppy's antics into the mix.
She did know he'd figured she still had his kitten on her mind, but as he hadn't brought the subject up again, she was content to let it rest for now. She might keep thinking about the little creature, but she didn't have to mention it until he was comfortable. With the topic, at least. She did still have to meet the little one, anyhow. The comment he did make, however, was met with a raised eyebrow, albeit an amused one. As far as she knew, he had no idea how accurate that could be. "The mysterious always has its place," she replied enigmatically, letting herself get distracted once more by the sky. Glancing at him again surreptitiously, it seemed he'd started contemplating the time as well, and she wondered if he'd had the same thought as she. That they seemed to always get into this dilemma,but at least they were inside the castle this time.
Unfortunately, he'd have a bit further distance to go to get back before they were noticed, but sneaking him into her office was just as bad. He'd still have to find a way down before anyone noticed his disappearance. Now, or later, that trip would have to happen. It came down to how much risk he wanted right now. But she couldn't help but grin at his statement. "It doth, my lord," she agreed, trying to contain the amusement at his slipping into proper-speak again. They probably should head down soon. If Bowie would let them.
Given that it'd been him that she had been referring to, Jared found her remark amusing. Not knowing himself could pose a bit of a problem for him, after all. "Curiouser and curiouser," he said, grinning lazily.
Bowie had settled into his lap now and Jared, glancing down as the crup made himself comfortable, didn't quite know how to take that. He didn't think anyone could deny Renée's little critter was the epitome of adorable and friendliness, but even so, the crup taking to him this much and this quickly, was almost surprising. The green eyes looked upwards, amused, as Renée's voice broke the silence. "Isn't that how Divination came in existence?" he asked, as Boiwe decided to inspect his gloved hand or, more likely, glove.
Faint starlight still streamed inside and, on first glance, one could not have told if the night had indeed "grown older," since they had begun to talk. On closer look, though, you couldn't ignore the fact that it had gotten both darker and quieter. It seemed Renée agreed, and her response elicited a grin. "Shall we head back, my fair lady?" Jared asked, not quite giving up the facetiousness of the moment just yet.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Text Cut: bwaha *grins* <33
Originally Posted by Maxilocks
Given that it'd been him that she had been referring to, Jared found her remark amusing. Not knowing himself could pose a bit of a problem for him, after all. "Curiouser and curiouser," he said, grinning lazily.
Bowie had settled into his lap now and Jared, glancing down as the crup made himself comfortable, didn't quite know how to take that. He didn't think anyone could deny Renée's little critter was the epitome of adorable and friendliness, but even so, the crup taking to him this much and this quickly, was almost surprising. The green eyes looked upwards, amused, as Renée's voice broke the silence. "Isn't that how Divination came in existence?" he asked, as Boiwe decided to inspect his gloved hand or, more likely, glove.
Faint starlight still streamed inside and, on first glance, one could not have told if the night had indeed "grown older," since they had begun to talk. On closer look, though, you couldn't ignore the fact that it had gotten both darker and quieter. It seemed Renée agreed, and her response elicited a grin. "Shall we head back, my fair lady?" Jared asked, not quite giving up the facetiousness of the moment just yet.
The fact she knew she'd amused Jared with her easy response only amused Renée more, and she grinned at him before he'd spoken. Only to lightly raise an eyebrow at his response. "I wouldn't have taken you to be one to quote classic children's literature," she replied idly, continuing to keep an eye on her quickly settling cruppy as she spoke. Of course, Alice in Wonderland wasn't exactly completely innocent, if you truly read it, but the words coming from Jared's mouth was amusing as an idea.
She could tell that he wasn't entirely certain of how to take how easily Bowie was settling in, but that only put another wry grin on her face. She'd always thought her pet had the ability of telling who was trustworthy, even if that person didn't generally consider themselves as such. It brought back her musings about why she'd trusted Jared so quickly, but if her cruppy was okay, obviously she wasn't completely crazy. She was distracted as he'd spoken again though, and sent him a shrug. "You could look at it that way. Divination can't solve all mysteries, though." No, if that was the case, she wouldn't have as many questions in her mind. Even if the main one had ultimately been useful to herself, fictitiously at least.
She could tell immediately that he'd most likely gone to the same place in their memories at the discussion of the lateness, and she grinned back at him before responding to his comment. It was hard to really let the facetious acting lapse. "We shall," she replied, shifting slightly to start boosting herself back up off the floor as she tried to get Bowie's attention again. He'd need to move to let Jared up, even if the glove was the most fascinating thing ever.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥