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Lislchen 02-03-2011 07:13 PM

Muggle Studies Lesson 1
There is nothing in Muggle Studies Classroom which would make it look different from any other classroom. There is not even anything special on the teacher's desk which might indicate what today's lesson was going to be about. Nothing. Just Professor Zookara sitting at his desk, turning a piece of chalk in his hands absently, waiting for the first students to arrive.

Not even the professor's facial expression gives away any hints to help you figure out today's topic. It is neither particularly excited, nor openly annoyed. It is just rather...indifferent. Indifferent, yet friendly and welcoming.

OOC: Class has now officially started, so please no late arrivals, no chatting and make sure you're familiar with the Classroom Rules. If you haven't posted your character arriving, you can just pretend like they have been there all along. ^__^

GrapehSarah 02-03-2011 07:22 PM

Fallon skipped uber-excited towards the Muggle Studies classroom. Professor Zookara was awesome in her eyes, which she learned from that time she went to his office LONG ago. When she got to the classroom, she was dumbfounded to find that there was nothing pertaining to the lesson. Nothing.

She gave the professor a nice warm smile. "Hello Professor Zookara! How are you today?" Yes Fallon was a little hyper. She'd eaten lotssome chocolate before class and it definitely showed. She took a seat near the front of the room. Ready for her favorite class to begin.

Zebragirl 02-03-2011 07:22 PM

Emily walked into the room excited. Being a half-blood she got the best of both worlds and hoped she could answer some questions in this class. She had gone to a muggle school for 7 years of her life, so there had to be some questions she could answer. Not like in other lessons.

"Good day professor" she said smiling at the teacher then looked around the class. Where was everybody?!
She took a seat near the front and looked around the classroom. There was nothing to tell her what the lesson might be about. Oh, Mystery...

nogoodforyou 02-03-2011 07:27 PM

Muggle studies. Okay, Helena. Breathe. You don't know anything about muggles. But breathe. You're going to need that. Well, this was going on in Helena's mind, the moment she stepped in the classroom. She knew what muggles are, at least. That was a good step.

"Hello, professor," she said shyly, then looked for an empty seat. She'll do great, right? Even though she knew nothing about... Okay, stop thinking about that.

Holmesian Feline 02-03-2011 07:30 PM

Remembering the notice for the first muggle studies lesson of the term, Simon headed down to the classroom with his schoolbag of supplies. Entering the room he spotted the professor and a few students but no one familiar to him and no clue as to what the lesson was to be about. "Hello Professor," he greeted with a polite nod before moving to take a seat to await class to begin.

DuckyLinJi 02-03-2011 07:31 PM

Pleeeeaaase remind him why he had to take this lesson?

He didn't even LIKE muggles let alone having to LEARN about them!

Hyun slowly and a bit reculantly entered the classroom.Yes, he was slightly just slightly curious about the subject. He had never had muggle studies before but then again...MUGGLES! blegh!

The classroom didn't look out of the ordinary , which he found strange because classes at Hogwarts were suppose to be weird. This place lacked...Magic you know? Shuffling his feet further in to the room, Hyun noticed the Professor sitting on his desk , waiting for the students to come in. "Hello Professor" he said in greeting, and tried to put on a smile but failed miserably. Mweh atleast he had said an Hello he had only done it because he was afraid he would be kicked out of the quidditch team. Because you had to have *manners* or something.. Ah Quidditch! He couldn't wait till the upcoming match against the Huffies! Shaking his head because he realised he had been dozing off, Hyun quickly took a seat and leaned back in his chair.

Jason Potter Weasley 02-03-2011 07:33 PM

Rex is waiting for instructions from the professor.

Felixir 02-03-2011 07:35 PM

Jake... didn't know this guy.

Like, at all.

So when he entered, the young man stared at the man at the front of the room for a moment or two, and then went to sit. He was still remembering his last Muggle Studies lesson and who was teaching that one. And how much he missed him.


Enough of that, Jake sat at the nearest desk and waited in silence.

Weasley174 02-03-2011 07:36 PM

Simon walked into the classroom, he was hoping that this lesson would be fun, he looked at the professor. "Good day Professor, I hope you are well." Simon said as he walked towards an empty seat, he couldn't believe how normal the classroom looked.

PatInTheHat 02-03-2011 07:36 PM

The teenage Hufflepuff was excited about the first Muggle Studies lesson. What they would be doing today, she didn't know, but this was never a class to disappoint, and it was the not knowing that had her eve more excited. Skipping into the classroom, her bright eyes scanned the room for anything that would hint to what they would be doing today, and when finding nothing, she allowed them to settle on the professor.

"Hey, Professor! How are you?" The man got grins as she moved to the front of class and slipped her bag off her shoulder, making herself comfortable in the seat as she waited for the lesson to start. Or a hint as to what they would be doing.

Yaya 02-03-2011 07:37 PM

Annie's footsteps could sound from a hall away. The boots she was wearing were obvious, they were those soldier boots she loved to wear along her school uniform. The lesson plan was still not clear to Annie; in fact, when she arrived, there were no signs of what the professor would be teaching for the day. "Good day, Professor Zookara." She greeted with a small grin and went to sit immediately, at one of the desks on the left end of the room, right in the middle of the row.

potterobsessionist 02-03-2011 07:44 PM

Alex had half jogged to the classroom but when he arrived he find that there were only a few students there already.


For once he was on time, he walked in like it was the most natural thing in the world and that he wasn't at all extremely proud of himself for attending. On time and all.

"Good day Professor." he smiled and inclined his head slightly before plopping down in an empty seat. He had to admit he was kind of excited. Perhaps he would get to know about compluters or telebisions or something, those things that muggles found interesting.

Or you know, why they all liked to poke his side. O.o

Anna Banana 02-03-2011 07:47 PM

Muggle Studies class--right. The one class Sierra fully expected to fail. She knew absolutely nothing about the muggle way of life, and because most of the classes so far had dealt with muggles and the wizarding world's involvement with them, Sierra had very little hope for being successful with today's lesson.

It didn't help that the professor's mere presence seemed sort of mysterious. Maybe it was just because he was so still and quiet, or maybe it was just because Sierra had built herself up to believe this class was going to lead to doom for her. With her already large eyes even wider with suspicion, Sierra greeted the man the best she could. "Hello, Professor," she said.

She quickly slid by him and into a nearby desk, where she busied herself with getting her book bag situated on the floor.

Tazenhani 02-03-2011 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by grangerfan8 (Post 10161620)
The teenage Hufflepuff was excited about the first Muggle Studies lesson. What they would be doing today, she didn't know, but this was never a class to disappoint, and it was the not knowing that had her eve more excited. Skipping into the classroom, her bright eyes scanned the room for anything that would hint to what they would be doing today, and when finding nothing, she allowed them to settle on the professor.

"Hey, Professor! How are you?" The man got grins as she moved to the front of class and slipped her bag off her shoulder, making herself comfortable in the seat as she waited for the lesson to start. Or a hint as to what they would be doing.

He had seen Arya bounce into the class ahead of him, and while he admired the girl's enthusiasm, he couldn't really share in it. Part of him was dreading what the lesson was going to be about. So far every class had addressed muggles in one way or another, though usually there was a good deal of negativity towards them in one respect or another. Hopefully, given this was muggle studies, things would be different.

Giving a polite smile and nod of his head to the Professor, Sabel slipped into the seat beside Arya, depositing his bag at his feet.

Emzily 02-03-2011 08:49 PM

Ella dragged her feet along as she entered the Muggle Studies classroom. She really had no emotion towards this lesson. She was a witch, so anything muggle related was pretty irrelevant to her. But, ehhh. The more exams she took, the better. Alas, why she actually turned up.

She took a moment to observe the classroom and the professor. Bleh. It looked so boring and so regular. Based on this very first impression, Ella knew she'd be on the verge of sleeping during this lesson."Hi, Professor." She said with a smile, then headed straight to the back of the classroom where she could easily hide behind the heads in front of her.

Ella hated school.

Yourenodaisy 02-03-2011 08:53 PM

Muggle Studies. Hadn't every class this term been muggle studies? But well, at least this class was supposed to be about muggles. That, and she loved this class. Walking in, the girl smiled at the professor. "Good morning, Sir." hmmm, Its a little odd not seeing any crazy things around the room the girl though as she found herself a seat.

hermionesclone 02-03-2011 08:59 PM

Kita walked into the Muggle Studies classroom and stopped. A frown formed on her face and became more pronounced as her brown eyes searched the classroom. There was something wrong with the class. There didn't seem to be anything weird here. Nothing that showed what the lesson might be about. This was weird... Maybe this was the weird part of the lesson. That there was nothing weird in the classroom.

Shrugging, she started walking again. "Hello Professor," she said, as she walked past the Professor's desk and towards a desk in the middle of the classroom. She sat down and took another look around.

sarahlooo 02-03-2011 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by potterobsessionist (Post 10161649)
Alex had half jogged to the classroom but when he arrived he find that there were only a few students there already.


For once he was on time, he walked in like it was the most natural thing in the world and that he wasn't at all extremely proud of himself for attending. On time and all.

"Good day Professor." he smiled and inclined his head slightly before plopping down in an empty seat. He had to admit he was kind of excited. Perhaps he would get to know about compluters or telebisions or something, those things that muggles found interesting.

Or you know, why they all liked to poke his side. O.o

Ellie walked into the classroom and smiled at the professor. She'd never met him before. "Good day, Professor." She said to him.

She spotted a particular Slytherin boy sitting by himself. Smiling, she walked over to him. "Hey stranger. Is this seat taken?" She asked Alex, hoping the answer was no.

Walrus 02-03-2011 09:11 PM

After a few leaps in the practice pitch, and a nice hot shower, Jacob had remembered he had to get to muggle studies, not like every class up 'til now had nothing to do with muggles.

Jacob walked into the room, it was abnormally normal... What is this maddness?!

In all Jacobs days at hogwarts, he had hardly seen a classroom that didn't have a giant curtain, or some picinic baskets, or whatever, even History of Magic usually had something out of the ordinary... but now anything out of the ordinary was ordinary

Jacobs hair still slightly wet from the shower, he took a seat. "Hello professor" he said simply.

Was it going to be a lecture lesson, Jacob didn't like lectures... No Lecture For Jacob! please.

jengirls109 02-03-2011 09:11 PM

Jaina was elated that she was taking Muggle Studies! A class that she would be able to help her friends in, FINALLY! She was the only one that was muggleborn in the bunch so this was the perfect time to help them. After all, they helped her out in all the other classes. "Good day, Professor," she said with a smile. She pulled out her journal, quill, and ink. She watched the students come in to see if she could spot any of her friends and Benjamin.

Steelsheen 02-03-2011 09:17 PM

Salander strode casually into the classroom and gave the Muggle Studdies Professor a nonchalant, two-fingered salute "Hey Professor Z wazup?" he grinned as he took a seat by the corner near the front.

Nixy! 02-03-2011 09:21 PM

Iris made her way to the Muggle Studies classroom on her own. She kinda hoped that Someone would already be there. Like, a friend. Opening the door and slipping in, Iris smiled and nodded at the professor. "Hullo Professor!" She added, cheerfully.

Seeing Fallon, Iris grinned and made a beeline for her. "Heeey. You okay?" She asked; their conversation from the night before still on her mind. Iris dumped her bag on the table and then sat down next to her best friend.

PattyH. 02-03-2011 09:38 PM

Muggles.....they seemed to be the topic of the term.

But now it was time for Muggle Studies, the offical Muggle appriecation class. Arriving at the door, Patroclus followed the other arriving students into the classroom. Seeing the Professor at his desk, the Prefect couldn't help but say "Hello Professor Zookara!"
Patroclus rather liked the man!

Finding a desk, he sat himself down and prepared to be taught.


hpluvr037 02-03-2011 10:00 PM

Keefer bounced into the classroom. Muggle studies was always an interesting lesson. Seeing Professor Zookara, he turned and walked up to him. "Top o' the morning, Sir!" He turned and took his seat, eager for the lesson to begin.

noodles 02-03-2011 10:04 PM

So this.. this was the lesson where they studied muggles?

Freddie had a deep set frown on his face as he entered the classroom. The classroom appeared stark to what he had envisaged. No telephones or record players or video consoles or old radios or anything remotely muggle in sight. It was a little disappointing to be honest. The lad missed his world. The things he took for granted just weren't a part of the Wizarding world.

But... if what Trixie had told him were true, there was nothing to be worried about. This class, apparently, was going to be a piece of case for his muggleborn self. He nodded at the professor, grunting a half-hearted greeting before heading straight to the back of the room and taking a seat.

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