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There is nothing in Muggle Studies Classroom which would make it look different from any other classroom. There is not even anything special on the teacher's desk which might indicate what today's lesson was going to be about. Nothing. Just Professor Zookara sitting at his desk, turning a piece of chalk in his hands absently, waiting for the first students to arrive.
Not even the professor's facial expression gives away any hints to help you figure out today's topic. It is neither particularly excited, nor openly annoyed. It is just rather...indifferent. Indifferent, yet friendly and welcoming.
OOC: Class has now officially started, so please no late arrivals, no chatting and make sure you're familiar with the Classroom Rules. If you haven't posted your character arriving, you can just pretend like they have been there all along. ^__^
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Oh. Wow. Lexi couldn't be serious about this...could she? After a few seconds of trying to keep the grin from breaking through, he had to realized that it was a lost battle. It just was too funny. "Would you like me to give you a cootie shot?" Jeremy teased lightly but before he could change the subject...
...all hell broke lose. Not really, but more and more people started to join the cootie discussion. Jeremy could only watch helplessly, still amused nonetheless, pushing himself up on the desk to sit on its top. "Guys, there are no-" But it was useless. They were too engrossed in deciding whether males or females were more likely to have cooties. This. Was. Crazy.
There was even a little boy who thought they were living things he could keep as pets. Erm. Moving up to Jake, Keefer and the little boy (Spike) with a small smile his eyes fell on the 'cootie shot' on Jake's hand. Would they all be singing circle, circle, dot, dot together soon? "Okay, okay, there ARE no cooties." Then with a small apologetic smile at the little Ravenclaw he added, "Sorry."
Oh thank heavens, thought Emily as the Professor put an end to the nonesense talk about cooties. Absolutely ridiculous, just thinking about it almost made Emily's blood boil. She would be very happy if she never heard the word 'cootie' uttered in her presence again. But with this lot she had a feeling it would come up again some time soon. She let out a mournful sigh.
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Another one who was feeling uncomfortable about the special Muggle focus in all the lessons. "Well, Emily, I'm afraid that it will still be present throughout the rest of the term." Jeremy replied with a small nod, and a sigh. Unless, there was some major showdown of some sorts between some people of course.
"Of course, I suspected as much", she said in a small voice. Any hope she had was gone. Perhaps she could start a protest? a rally?... then take on the ministry.. and she certainly would love to give Gervik a piece of her mind, a nice hex would do it. Though she imagined he wouldn't see the humurous side of it. Perhaps land herself in Azkaban for it.
.... Emily snapped out of her daydream, back to the lesson!
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Now, back to the lesson. "No more chatting please." He gave the few students who had taken the opportunity to have a nice personal chit-chat with their neighbor a pointed look. Not that he was particularly looking forward to it but there was probably no way around it. He was going to have to make the best of it. So, just get it over with and smile.
Running a hand through his hair, Jeremy went back to leaning against the teacher's desk, simply regarding the class for a moment. "Now, I asked the older students to bring their notes from last year. Somebody, I think it was Mia-" His hazel eyes flickered towards the girl for a moment with a smile on his lips. "- asked what the survival rate was for people who have had CPR performed on them." He wasn't sure whether they had still been taking notes then.
They better have had. "Anybody remember how many percent that was?" He glanced around the classroom, trying to keep his cheerfulness up while waiting for an answer.
Emily considered this question for some time, then raised her hand to answer. "Um Professor, wouldn't it depend on the circumstances?" she asked.
Then elaborating on her response she said, "I mean to say, the liklihood of survival would largely depend on timing and the severity of these incidents. A person treated with CPR soon after whatever incident took place would have a greater chance of survival than someone who has been left unattended for even a short period of time. Remembering in a matter of life and death every second counts. On the other hand, a person who has almost drowned or has enhaled a large quantitiy of water may still have a higher chance of surviving than somebody that has been bitten by a poisonous snake."
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Running a hand through his hair, Jeremy went back to leaning against the teacher's desk, simply regarding the class for a moment. "Now, I asked the older students to bring their notes from last year. Somebody, I think it was Mia-" His hazel eyes flickered towards the girl for a moment with a smile on his lips. "- asked what the survival rate was for people who have had CPR performed on them." He wasn't sure whether they had still been taking notes then.
They better have had. "Anybody remember how many percent that was?" He glanced around the classroom, trying to keep his cheerfulness up while waiting for an answer.
Older students, hmm. That wouldn't be Sierra, now would it? Seeing as she had no notes and likely couldn't come up with anything to say about last year's lesson, she settled for sinking down in her chair and wishing she would have left when she had the chance. She wanted out of Muggle Studies class!
Out, out, out right now.
CPR?! Wasn't that the way the muggles revived someone when they were in need of a healer?! From what she'd heard, it was far slower than the work any wand could do. At that rate, she'd just bet the survival rate was extremely low. She was just glad she didn't have to rely on CPR if and when she ever got knocked off her broom by a bludger...or something.
Selina looked at the Professor and nodded at his answer directed toward her and her fellow first year Slytherin. When he was done she picked up her phoenix feather quill and pulled out a piece of parchment to be ready for notes. The Professor began to rattle off statistics or a question about statistics and she payed close attention for the answer. She, personally, did not know the statistic with CPR. So Selina looked at Violet and shrugged her shoulders, she would know soon enough.
The one time he ever had to do CPR on the girl in the car wreck she had made it , but that was the first time his magical ability had ever shown it self, he knew his dad had a good track record "it is around 10% if every thing is on your side but it jumps up alot if your a medic and have all the equipment"
He simply nodded for a moment, trying to come up with a suitable reply. Though, there really wasn't much to say as the girl had only stated her opinion which he was of course going to accept. If he agreed with her or not. "Good point." As long as the focus was only on Muggles as such and not on a specific aspect or anything. He wasn't sure what the other professors taught in their lessons. Maybe it was just that.
Maybe it wasn't.
Now, back to the lesson. "No more chatting please." He gave the few students who had taken the opportunity to have a nice personal chit-chat with their neighbor a pointed look. Not that he was particularly looking forward to it but there was probably no way around it. He was going to have to make the best of it. So, just get it over with and smile.
Running a hand through his hair, Jeremy went back to leaning against the teacher's desk, simply regarding the class for a moment. "Now, I asked the older students to bring their notes from last year. Somebody, I think it was Mia-" His hazel eyes flickered towards the girl for a moment with a smile on his lips. "- asked what the survival rate was for people who have had CPR performed on them." He wasn't sure whether they had still been taking notes then.
They better have had. "Anybody remember how many percent that was?" He glanced around the classroom, trying to keep his cheerfulness up while waiting for an answer.
Luin shrugged as the professor moved on from her statement, then listened to the next question. She first stared at him quite dumbfoundedly, CPR what was that, obviously something.....not good....?? Students who knew were quoting some very low percentages of survivors, was it some sort of sickness. She looked around, noticed a couple of others were confused as well, and one other person had asked about it so she stayed quiet for the moment but waited on the professor to answer.
OOC: Sorry, I was sick. Back(ish) now. *waves at you all* You can still react to the Q&A part below.
Now, back to the lesson. "No more chatting please." He gave the few students who had taken the opportunity to have a nice personal chit-chat with their neighbor a pointed look. Not that he was particularly looking forward to it but there was probably no way around it. He was going to have to make the best of it. So, just get it over with and smile.
Running a hand through his hair, Jeremy went back to leaning against the teacher's desk, simply regarding the class for a moment. "Now, I asked the older students to bring their notes from last year. Somebody, I think it was Mia-" His hazel eyes flickered towards the girl for a moment with a smile on his lips. "- asked what the survival rate was for people who have had CPR performed on them." He wasn't sure whether they had still been taking notes then.
They better have had. "Anybody remember how many percent that was?" He glanced around the classroom, trying to keep his cheerfulness up while waiting for an answer.
Cass peered into her notes. She had written them in a terrible hurry. "uh, is it 50 percent?" She answered unsurely
Emmy riffled through her notes from the last year, eventually finding the page she needed.
Squinting slightly, she raised her hand, "Um, Professor? I think it's around 10%, depending on how quickly CPR is administered..."
Cripes! She could barely read her notes - someone seemed to have spilled a drink on them...
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Running a hand through his hair, Jeremy went back to leaning against the teacher's desk, simply regarding the class for a moment. "Now, I asked the older students to bring their notes from last year. Somebody, I think it was Mia-" His hazel eyes flickered towards the girl for a moment with a smile on his lips. "- asked what the survival rate was for people who have had CPR performed on them." He wasn't sure whether they had still been taking notes then.
They better have had. "Anybody remember how many percent that was?" He glanced around the classroom, trying to keep his cheerfulness up while waiting for an answer.
Destiny was not paying attention to everyone talking about Merlin knows what. It was ALL boring and she found herself slooooowly closing her eyes and wanting to fall asleep. She had never been so bored in Muggle Studies before, but she supposed there was a first time for everything.
Hearing Professor Zookara AKA the Professor with the spiders in his hair speak, she opened her eyes and..yeah. All she did was open her eyes. She had brought her notes, but she didn't have to answer the question, did she? After all, Patroclus everyone else did a fine job answering already.
The survival rate of CPR receivers was only five to ten percent.
"I still think slapping people in the face with gloves would work better than CPR."
____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________ ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
Annabelle didn't know the answer to what the percentage was, but she did know what CPR was, it did help save lives though. She learned that in the muggle world. She was still taking notes with her quill in her notebook.
Fallon had NOOOO idea what Zookara was talking about. She wasn't here last year. She had been home schooled. So she just sat there quietly and started to bounce her leg again. She also started to tap her quill on the desk. She didn't even notice the slight tapping sound coming from her direction. Fallon really shouldn't have had so much sugar AND caffiene.
Last edited by GrapehSarah; 02-10-2011 at 02:21 AM.
Reason: bad grammer >_<
Oh, Jaina knew this one....she thought. She raised her hand, "Professor, is it about 90%?" It had to be close! She knew CPR worked majority of the time. Only a first year and hoping to get an older students question correct!
Viola wasn't here last year so she didn't really know. I know what a CPR is but I don't know anything about the survival rate. Better to keep quiet than to say something wrong, she thought. She just sat quietly and started scribbling something on the parchment.
Quickly shuffling through the mountaneous collection of papers that were his notes from last term, Patroclus finally located the page he was looking for, After starring nostaglically at the page what detailed his role as Baseball Umpire
"Sir I believe you said it was 5 to 10 percent survival rate for CPR recipients"
Simply shaking his head at a few wrong guesses from the students, Jeremy turned to smile at Patroclus who was first to answer correctly. STRIKE TEN! "Exactly. The average survival rate is around 5 to 10 percent. Of course it still depends on other factors like if you get to the victim quickly, then there's a higher chance of survival of course." He replied with a nod, leaning back slightly.
With a sigh and rather sad shrug he added after a moment, "Unfortunately, this is not exactly a lot." Not really. Especially not in comparison to other people's suggestions of around 50%. But it was the truth.
Originally Posted by Destiny
"I still think slapping people in the face with gloves would work better than CPR."
Destiny. Destiny was, well,...special. In her own way. Jeremy couldn't help but grin at her suggestion, didn't choose to answer however. There was nothing to say. Hopefully Destiny would never have to perform CPR on anybody, or not in her case, of course. She would smack gloves into the victim's face. He didn't wish this upon anybody.
Okay, maybe there WERE some people.
Originally Posted by Mordanyes
Not knowing the answer, K-Lee asked a question instead. "I'm K-Lee Soler, a second year. I have a question. What exactly is CPR?"
As it seemed there were no more questions, Jeremy pushed himself off the desk, walked behind it and bent down to look for something in a box. It had to be somewhere. Still half-hidden behind the desk, he heard the girl's question about what CPR was. Well, what did he have older students in this class for? "Anybody care to briefly explain what CPR is to our new students?" He demanded absently, still rummaging around in his box.
Simply shaking his head at a few wrong guesses from the students, Jeremy turned to smile at Patroclus who was first to answer correctly. STRIKE TEN! "Exactly. The average survival rate is around 5 to 10 percent. Of course it still depends on other factors like if you get to the victim quickly, then there's a higher chance of survival of course." He replied with a nod, leaning back slightly.
With a sigh and rather sad shrug he added after a moment, "Unfortunately, this is not exactly a lot." Not really. Especially not in comparison to other people's suggestions of around 50%. But it was the truth.
Destiny. Destiny was, well,...special. In her own way. Jeremy couldn't help but grin at her suggestion, didn't choose to answer however. There was nothing to say. Hopefully Destiny would never have to perform CPR on anybody, or not in her case, of course. She would smack gloves into the victim's face. He didn't wish this upon anybody.
Okay, maybe there WERE some people.
As it seemed there were no more questions, Jeremy pushed himself off the desk, walked behind it and bent down to look for something in a box. It had to be somewhere. Still half-hidden behind the desk, he heard the girl's question about what CPR was. Well, what did he have older students in this class for? "Anybody care to briefly explain what CPR is to our new students?" He demanded absently, still rummaging around in his box.
STRIKE TEN indeed!
Patroclus smiled brightly at the Professor as his answer was deemed correct, howver the smile soon transforming into a huge laugh as he listened to the sweet beautiful poetry words that Destiny had said.
The boy let his mind wander, 'Destiny you can perform CPR on me anyday.......Awww what??
CPR....yeah back to that.....
"CPR Sir, the lion began, "Or Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a manual first aid manouver by which someone tries to spark the heart back into motion. By a conjunction of pressing on the chest, and blowing air into the lungs via the lungs, someone attempts to bring someone back who is on the brink of death....."
"CPR Sir, the lion began, "Or Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a manual first aid manouver by which someone tries to spark the heart back into motion. By a conjunction of pressing on the chest, and blowing air into the lungs via the lungs, someone attempts to bring someone back who is on the brink of death....."
Wow, this boy is good, Rowan thought to herself. She'd lived with muggles since she was 5 and couldn't have described it better. She wondered why he wasn't in Ravenclaw.
Of course... letters were still a little funny in his head. But everyone makes brain typos... right?
"Stands for... super... person revival."
But was the revival super... or the person?
Okay, he could see absolutely nothing down there which was why he got up and placed the box onto the desk, before continuing his rummaging. Where were they?! They weren't that small.
He paused his search for a moment, to glance at whoever had answered first...Jake. "No, sorry, Jake, it does have something to do with revival but this is not what the letters stand for. Besides, CPR is spelled with a C not with an S." He went to write it onto the blackboard for all to see how it was spelled.
Interesting suggestion though. Griiin.
Originally Posted by PattyH.
"CPR Sir, the lion began, "Or Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a manual first aid manouver by which someone tries to spark the heart back into motion. By a conjunction of pressing on the chest, and blowing air into the lungs via the lungs, someone attempts to bring someone back who is on the brink of death....."
Too many details but yes, absolutely correct. "Exactly, thank you, Patroclus. It's used on people who are in cardiac arrest, meaning that their heart is not pumping like it is supposed to, or not at all." Jeremy had gone back to moving things around in his box, and had only briefly glanced at Patroclus to give him a smile.
And there they we- OUCH! Of course, how could he have expected it otherwise, he pricked his finger with the needle of the pin he had been looking for. Sucking at his finger, he placed the pin (OOC: Look what I found. Rawrr. ) on the teacher's desk, and next to it a still rolled-up poster.
"Now, imagine somebody has lost a lot of blood and the doctors - I'm obviously talking about the Muggle World where doctors are the equivalent to Healers and Mediwizards - need to get some blood back into the victim's system in order for them to survive. Where do they get that blood from?" Jeremy asked, turning his attention back to the class, his finger still in his mouth to stop the 'bleeding'.
As it seemed there were no more questions, Jeremy pushed himself off the desk, walked behind it and bent down to look for something in a box. It had to be somewhere. Still half-hidden behind the desk, he heard the girl's question about what CPR was. Well, what did he have older students in this class for? "Anybody care to briefly explain what CPR is to our new students?" He demanded absently, still rummaging around in his box.
Oh oh. Viola knew the answer but..blah. She should have answered it.
Woah, that boy is really good, thought Viola. The answer is perfect. Anyway, she was back to scribbling on her parchment.
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Oh no. Not healers. Or muggle doctors. NO!
Okay, Helena will try this one. She raised her hand. "Some other donators with the same blood type? Or blood banks?" She suggested, but not exactly sure. She heard something about those weird things.
Rowan raised her hand. "The blood comes from a blood bank, a place where blood donated from other muggles is drawn, tested and then stored until it is needed. The blood is then given to the muggle in need through a transfusion." Yup. That's about right, she thought to herself.
Too many details but yes, absolutely correct. "Exactly, thank you, Patroclus. It's used on people who are in cardiac arrest, meaning that their heart is not pumping like it is supposed to, or not at all." Jeremy had gone back to moving things around in his box, and had only briefly glanced at Patroclus to give him a smile.
And there they we- OUCH! Of course, how could he have expected it otherwise, he pricked his finger with the needle of the pin he had been looking for. Sucking at his finger, he placed the pin (OOC: Look what I found. Rawrr. ) on the teacher's desk, and next to it a still rolled-up poster.
"Now, imagine somebody has lost a lot of blood and the doctors - I'm obviously talking about the Muggle World where doctors are the equivalent to Healers and Mediwizards - need to get some blood back into the victim's system in order for them to survive. Where do they get that blood from?" Jeremy asked, turning his attention back to the class, his finger still in his mouth to stop the 'bleeding'.
Slightly wincing as Zooky stabbed himself with the badge, Patroclus smiled and then added onto the end of the young Slytherin's answer, "Professor besides Blood banks and the donations they house, they can also sometimes use what is called Artifical Blood, a man-made.....well man-made in a Lab type man-made" after all blood was man-made, "substance that contains artifical blood products.....that mimic the usual affects of Blood." Patroclus knew quite a bit on blood donations....his father knew some modern Vampires.....
Jake shrugged. Meh. He was still catching up with all the weird letters and only hearing them made it harder but it was all good. BUTNOWHECOULDSEETHEM.
But he knew this one. "WE have the blood replenishing potion, or what ever it is... but with muggles, you can donate blood. And you know we have blood types, they then store it away, and they usually want some of each, because they can be rare. So you donate blood, then they keep it... somewhere. On ice, I guess... then they give you blood. Or... a transfusion? Or is it the same. I think... they give you O something if they don't know what you are, because that is figuratively like the colour black; goes with everything. Sometimes it can be bad if you get the wrong blood..."
He did wonder though... "Would that change what blood type you are?"
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astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
"From other people who have usually donated their blood through a blood transfusion," Kurumi said "You have to be able to match blood types however. Giving someone with a blood type A blood of type B would be very dangerous and could cause serious internal problems for the victim. O is the universal donor however."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes