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A great number of floor-to-ceiling bookshelves fill the library, creating rows and aisles of books available for students to read and check out. When returning books to the higher shelves, just hold up the tome and the shelves will take care of the rest; there's a spell on the shelves which summons the returned book to the correct place. Of course, when retrieving a book, they don't 'know' what you're looking for, so those who aren't yet accomplished in the use of the Summoning Charm may use one of the sliding ladders that move around from bookcase to bookcase.
In front of each set of shelves is a small desk with a jar of billywig stingers on it. Students can sit at these desks to complete homework or copy down notes and book references. Be aware that other students may need to access books above you… so mind your head.
You can find any book here that's appropriate for all school years, so browse to your heart's content.
(ooc :: You are welcome to RP socializing here. This is a chat thread especially for fun RPing)
Trailing behind a large stack of levitating books, Madam Donovan was absentmindedly returning each to its proper shelf. She was just rounding the next corner when... "Jeremy?" she said, lowering her wand and letting the books hang in midair.
'What was he doing here?' Did it matter?! She was so glad to see him. But he looked... upset. "Hi," she said softly.
Jeremy had stopped to actually look at one of the books more closely, trying to get his mind off things and to keep himself to actually stay were he was. A little voice inside his head had suggested for him to just leave again and let it be but he didn't want to obey so he was keeping himself busy with looking at the books.
And there she was. Now it was finally too late to leave again. "Kimber." Giving her a small yet warm smile, Jeremy had absolutely no clue what to say next. And neither did she apparently. "Hi." He echoed with a small grin, and just for the sake of saying something he added, "Can I help?" Running a hand through his hair absently, he nodded towards the pile of books behind her she was obviously returning to their respective shelves.
And there was the smile she loved so much. But still he looked distracted. "Thanks for coming," she said, moving forward. "I wasn't sure if you would." Of course he didn't necessarily have to be there to see her...
She looked over at the books and then back to him, shaking her head. "You don't have to," she said. "I was hoping we could talk."
Or maybe he'd just yell and call her stupid. Either way, things needed to be said.
His initial reaction would have been to say something along the lines of 'OF COURSE I came' but in the end Jeremy decided against it. He had just considered leaving again so it wouldn't have been completely true if he said that. Instead, he simply smiled at Kimber and with a small shrug replied, "Well, I am here." Obviously.
Talk? Oh yes, he had been hoping that too...and dreading it at the same time. "Well, we...can do both? Talk while we get those books back into their shelves?" Yes, he was trying hard to ignore the awkwardness and just go on with life as usual. Not that it was working too well but at least he was trying. Kudos for the effort.
Kimber returned his smile and dropped her head. He was being nice and she didn't deserve it. "It means a lot to me," she whispered, not meeting his eyes.
She smiled again at his offer and reached for one of the books to hand to him. But instead of giving it over, she held it to her chest and closed the distance between them. "Jeremy, I'm SO sorry," she murmured. "I messed up," she said, searching his eyes for a reaction. "If I could take it all back, I would."
And now this whole thing was awkward after all. Well, how could it not be really? Still, he had hoped that it wouldn't be. Though, he had had no clue what to expect either. Jeremy simply continued to regard her when she averted her eyes, with his head slightly cocked to the side. Well, there was nothing he could say without admitting that he had considered to just leave again. So, he didn't say anything for now.
Oh good, she seemed to have agreed to his suggestion. Jeremy was already reaching out to take the book to her when...she didn't hand it to him after all but rather hugged it to her chest. And then she was right in front of him. So close. "I..." Now it was his turn to avert his eyes down towards his hands, wishing HE was holding the book so that he would have something to occupy them with. "Well, what can I say?" He muttered, finally meeting her gaze with a small, slightly sad smile.
When she said that last sentence however, something changed within his hazel eyes. It was just a slight flicker but it was certainly there. "You would?" Not that she COULD.
Watching him avoid her eyes, Kimber realized that it was too late for apologies. The damage had already been done.
But maybe not looking at her was better... because when she saw that sad smile, she was sure she was going to cry. Tightening her grip on the book in her arms, she looked up into his eyes. "YES!" she said, her voice pratically pleading for him to understand. "Can't you see that?"
The look on her face made his stomach clench, made him want to just forget it all and hug her close and never let go. Biting his lip he gulped, and let his eyes flicker towards the book she was still holding, no, rather pressing towards her chest now. There should have been so many different thoughts going through his mind at the moment but apparently it had chosen to take the easiest way out, so all he could think of for a moment was how he hoped that she wasn't going to destroy the book.
But she COULDN'T! However, if he voiced that thought now he was probably going to kill her right then and there. Which was why all he did was meet her gaze steadily and with a rather half-hearted grin said, "Well, I guess I could...can...but I thought it might be wishful thinking." He gave her another small smile, rubbing the back of his neck absently.
Just watching his face made it clear to her that forgiveness was far too much to hope for. And let's be honest... hadn't she known that before she'd asked him here?
Dropping her eyes again, Kimber stared down at the book in her arms. "Jeremy, please don't give up on me," she breathed.
Like her, he wished that everything could just go back to how it used to be. Back to normal...even more than normal now. But it wasn't going to be that easy. As much as he wished it were it just wasn't.
Regarding her for a moment, Jeremy finally took another step forward and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. He just couldn't not do anything when she was so sad and devastated about it all. "I'm not, trust me." He whispered with a soft smile before pulling away again to add with a small grin, "Now, give me that book before you crush it completely." Yes, probably quite lame attempt to lighten the mood but it was worth a try.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru
Vashti shook her head slightly. "I don't mean that that Ikenna guy has anything to do with us breaking the Statute. I just wanted to look it up because it upset a friend who also found the Quibbler on the train, so I thought I'd research more of the history around it and see if I can get a better understanding of it and why it might upset someone," she clarified. She then paused when Ellie mentioned having heard of the Ministry interfering before, and she went into deep thought for a moment or two as well, wondering how often it was that the Ministry came to Hogwarts like this. Then Ellie was asking another question. Vashti shook her head. "Not yet. I only just came to the library a few minutes ago." And then she'd bumped into Ellie, so...yeah, nothing found so far.
Vashti shrugged. "I guess." It wasn't all that cool to her, but then, it was her name, and most people didn't think their name was cool. She had to laugh a little at Ellie's next comment though. "I know what you mean, except I feel like I meet someone from every year but fourth." And she really did. Everyone she meet was always older or younger than her. It was like her fellow fourteen-year-olds were avoiding her or something.
Ohh. Ellie nodded her head in understanding. "Ohh, I see now." She said quietly. Though she thought it was odd that anyone would be upset by the Statute of Secrecy. It was for the good of the people, muggles and wizards alike. No success yet. "Ah, and then we bumped into each other. Well I, er.. Hope you find what you're looking for then."
Ellie chuckled. "Yeah, it's odd isn't it...?" She had more third year Slytherin friends than anything. Buut, that didn't neccessarily bothered her.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by sarahkbarrett
Ohh. Ellie nodded her head in understanding. "Ohh, I see now." She said quietly. Though she thought it was odd that anyone would be upset by the Statute of Secrecy. It was for the good of the people, muggles and wizards alike. No success yet. "Ah, and then we bumped into each other. Well I, er.. Hope you find what you're looking for then."
Ellie chuckled. "Yeah, it's odd isn't it...?" She had more third year Slytherin friends than anything. Buut, that didn't neccessarily bothered her.
Vashti smiled a little. "Thanks." And then, of course, a thought occurred to her. "Would you like to help?" It would be easier to find something if there was more than one person looking, right? But of course, if Ellie didn't want to help, that was certainly fine. Vashti couldn't exactly force her, could she? And ideas of what shelves to check were already forming in her mind, so she'd hopefully find some things soon anyway.
The Ravenclaw nodded in agreement, still smiling just a little. "Yeah, it is."
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Like her, he wished that everything could just go back to how it used to be. Back to normal...even more than normal now. But it wasn't going to be that easy. As much as he wished it were it just wasn't.
Regarding her for a moment, Jeremy finally took another step forward and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. He just couldn't not do anything when she was so sad and devastated about it all. "I'm not, trust me." He whispered with a soft smile before pulling away again to add with a small grin, "Now, give me that book before you crush it completely." Yes, probably quite lame attempt to lighten the mood but it was worth a try.
Kimber had been so good at holding back the tears since the last time they spoke. Unfortunately, all that effort flew right out the window the moment he pulled her close. She clung to him as he hugged her and just let them fall. True, his words gave her hope that they might get past this... but... that didn't make her less scared.
"Jeremy..." she said softly, handing the book over. "I don't know if it matters anymore... but there is nothing going on with Chad and I." Truth was, that was over before it ever really began.
Kimber had been so good at holding back the tears since the last time they spoke. Unfortunately, all that effort flew right out the window the moment he pulled her close. She clung to him as he hugged her and just let them fall. True, his words gave her hope that they might get past this... but... that didn't make her less scared.
"Jeremy..." she said softly, handing the book over. "I don't know if it matters anymore... but there is nothing going on with Chad and I." Truth was, that was over before it ever really began.
Jeremy closed his eyes briefly as she pulled him closer and cried against his shoulder. Déja-vu all over. However this time it was a little different. Just a little. He couldn't quite figure out what it was but it was. And it was a good different. Not a all-is-well different but it was good nonetheless.
Smiling as he met her gaze, Jeremy wet his lips absently while listening to what she had to say. So it was over? Completely? "It does matter." He took the book out her hands and glanced down at for a moment without actually seeing or reading the title. "And...it does matter." He finally added, a sort of half-smile on his lips.
Jeremy closed his eyes briefly as she pulled him closer and cried against his shoulder. Déja-vu all over. However this time it was a little different. Just a little. He couldn't quite figure out what it was but it was. And it was a good different. Not a all-is-well different but it was good nonetheless.
Smiling as he met her gaze, Jeremy wet his lips absently while listening to what she had to say. So it was over? Completely? "It does matter." He took the book out her hands and glanced down at for a moment without actually seeing or reading the title. "And...it does matter." He finally added, a sort of half-smile on his lips.
"I should have told you sooner," she whispered, looking down at her now empty hands. "I just thought you wouldn't care." Or didn't care. Which was somehow worse.
Kimber looked back up at him, wanting to tell him all of the thoughts banging around in her head. Things had been put into perspective for her in more ways than one. "I meant what I said to you," was all she managed.
"I should have told you sooner," she whispered, looking down at her now empty hands. "I just thought you wouldn't care." Or didn't care. Which was somehow worse.
Kimber looked back up at him, wanting to tell him all of the thoughts banging around in her head. Things had been put into perspective for her in more ways than one. "I meant what I said to you," was all she managed.
Finally his hands had something to occupy themselves with, turning the book over, passing it from one hand to the other. Jeremy wasn't even aware of it all despite the fact that he was still gazing at them. It was just that he was trying so hard to figure out how to word this that he didn't actually pay attention to anything else.
"You honestly thought I wouldn't care?!" He finally replied, incredulity clearly audible in his voice, however this was rather to buy him some time than what was actually on his mind. Though, it DID hurt him a little that she apparently thought so little of him. Of course he cared.
Jeremy closed his eyes for a moment before upon reopening them he focussed his attention on Kimber again instead of the book in his hands. "Me too." Was all he replied, a small smile playing around his lips.
Conan was lost. He had managed to make it to the library. A mean feat in itself. And now he was lost amongst the shelves. What was arithmancy? And what on earth was palmistry? Was it to do with palm trees? Oh adults. He spotted them as he turned the corner of the bookshelf. He approached them cautiously. "Um hi. I'm lost. I am trying to find a book, and all these words are odd to me. Where is engineering?" Where was E even?
It looks like I'm not ginger after all Charlie Tudor - 1st Year Slytherpuff
Finally his hands had something to occupy themselves with, turning the book over, passing it from one hand to the other. Jeremy wasn't even aware of it all despite the fact that he was still gazing at them. It was just that he was trying so hard to figure out how to word this that he didn't actually pay attention to anything else.
"You honestly thought I wouldn't care?!" He finally replied, incredulity clearly audible in his voice, however this was rather to buy him some time than what was actually on his mind. Though, it DID hurt him a little that she apparently thought so little of him. Of course he cared.
Jeremy closed his eyes for a moment before upon reopening them he focussed his attention on Kimber again instead of the book in his hands. "Me too." Was all he replied, a small smile playing around his lips.
Kimber flinched over the anger in Jeremy's voice. "Yes," she answered truthfully. "After everything that was said..." she whispered, looking up at him with pleading eyes. She didn't deserve for him to care.
When she heard what he said next, she smiled through her tears and said, "Oh Jeremy, I've missed you so much."
She was just about to wrap her arms back around him when...
Originally Posted by Super Spaz
Conan was lost. He had managed to make it to the library. A mean feat in itself. And now he was lost amongst the shelves. What was arithmancy? And what on earth was palmistry? Was it to do with palm trees? Oh adults. He spotted them as he turned the corner of the bookshelf. He approached them cautiously. "Um hi. I'm lost. I am trying to find a book, and all these words are odd to me. Where is engineering?" Where was E even?
Kimber turned around with a confused look on her face. One that read, 'Oh right! There are students around!' Her cheeks burned red as she cleared her throat and said, "Right... engineering..." She grabbed a book at random from the closest shelf and plunged it into the boy's hands. "Here, read this."
Kimber flinched over the anger in Jeremy's voice. "Yes," she answered truthfully. "After everything that was said..." she whispered, looking up at him with pleading eyes. She didn't deserve for him to care.
When she heard what he said next, she smiled through her tears and said, "Oh Jeremy, I've missed you so much."
She was just about to wrap her arms back around him when...
Kimber turned around with a confused look on her face. One that read, 'Oh right! There are students around!' Her cheeks burned red as she cleared her throat and said, "Right... engineering..." She grabbed a book at random from the closest shelf and plunged it into the boy's hands. "Here, read this."
Originally Posted by Super Spaz
Conan was lost. He had managed to make it to the library. A mean feat in itself. And now he was lost amongst the shelves. What was arithmancy? And what on earth was palmistry? Was it to do with palm trees? Oh adults. He spotted them as he turned the corner of the bookshelf. He approached them cautiously. "Um hi. I'm lost. I am trying to find a book, and all these words are odd to me. Where is engineering?" Where was E even?
He probably really shouldn't care. At least according to Kimber. But he couldn't get himself not to care. Even after all that had happened, he just couldn't not care. "I'll always care." He admitted quietly, not actually looking at her but rather down at the book in his hands. Somehow it was scary how attached he was to her even though he initially told himself that he was never going to let anybody come that close ever again. Well, mission failed apparently.
Jeremy had already been leaning in slightly...only to hasten a step back again the next moment as if they were two students caught snogging behind a statue by the headmaster. Quickly getting back to his normal self again, he couldn't help but stare at the book which Kimber had handed the boy. A book which so wasn't on engineering.
"If you want to you can come find me in my office some time later...I have a good book on engineering." He offered with a smile, trying to end the conversation and make the boy leave. He was bound to notice that the book in his hands wasn't on engineering after all.
Kimber flinched over the anger in Jeremy's voice. "Yes," she answered truthfully. "After everything that was said..." she whispered, looking up at him with pleading eyes. She didn't deserve for him to care.
When she heard what he said next, she smiled through her tears and said, "Oh Jeremy, I've missed you so much."
She was just about to wrap her arms back around him when...
Kimber turned around with a confused look on her face. One that read, 'Oh right! There are students around!' Her cheeks burned red as she cleared her throat and said, "Right... engineering..." She grabbed a book at random from the closest shelf and plunged it into the boy's hands. "Here, read this."
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Text Cut: You two *giggles*
He probably really shouldn't care. At least according to Kimber. But he couldn't get himself not to care. Even after all that had happened, he just couldn't not care. "I'll always care." He admitted quietly, not actually looking at her but rather down at the book in his hands. Somehow it was scary how attached he was to her even though he initially told himself that he was never going to let anybody come that close ever again. Well, mission failed apparently.
Jeremy had already been leaning in slightly...only to hasten a step back again the next moment as if they were two students caught snogging behind a statue by the headmaster. Quickly getting back to his normal self again, he couldn't help but stare at the book which Kimber had handed the boy. A book which so wasn't on engineering.
"If you want to you can come find me in my office some time later...I have a good book on engineering." He offered with a smile, trying to end the conversation and make the boy leave. He was bound to notice that the book in his hands wasn't on engineering after all.
Conan smiled. He had seen them get closer. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything and just watched them. They wanted to hug. Maybe he could make them hug. By squidging them together in a group hug, and he could run away to the engineering section. But then the nice lady gave him a book. He looked down at it, and frowned. "This isn't about engineering. What's a sphinx? And what's wrong with their mating?" He wasn't even going to ask what mating was. He knew what a mate was though. Maybe the sphinxes had trouble making friends.
He smiled at the man, "You have a book on engineering?" He beamed. That would be easier. "Where is your office?" He didn't know where anyone's office was. Except the ones who taught him.
It looks like I'm not ginger after all Charlie Tudor - 1st Year Slytherpuff
He probably really shouldn't care. At least according to Kimber. But he couldn't get himself not to care. Even after all that had happened, he just couldn't not care. "I'll always care." He admitted quietly, not actually looking at her but rather down at the book in his hands. Somehow it was scary how attached he was to her even though he initially told himself that he was never going to let anybody come that close ever again. Well, mission failed apparently.
Jeremy had already been leaning in slightly...only to hasten a step back again the next moment as if they were two students caught snogging behind a statue by the headmaster. Quickly getting back to his normal self again, he couldn't help but stare at the book which Kimber had handed the boy. A book which so wasn't on engineering.
"If you want to you can come find me in my office some time later...I have a good book on engineering." He offered with a smile, trying to end the conversation and make the boy leave. He was bound to notice that the book in his hands wasn't on engineering after all.
Originally Posted by Super Spaz
Conan smiled. He had seen them get closer. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything and just watched them. They wanted to hug. Maybe he could make them hug. By squidging them together in a group hug, and he could run away to the engineering section. But then the nice lady gave him a book. He looked down at it, and frowned. "This isn't about engineering. What's a sphinx? And what's wrong with their mating?" He wasn't even going to ask what mating was. He knew what a mate was though. Maybe the sphinxes had trouble making friends.
He smiled at the man, "You have a book on engineering?" He beamed. That would be easier. "Where is your office?" He didn't know where anyone's office was. Except the ones who taught him.
Kimber smiled at Jeremy and took his hand away from their book and held it in her own. She listened as Jeremy spoke to the kid, hopefully taking care of whatever was his problem. She was far too flustered at the moment to be of much help.
"Sphinxes?" she repeated, giving them both a curious look. What the heck did Sphinxes have to do with engineering? Kimber was so lost.
She gave Jeremy's hand a gentle tug and leaned in to whisper in his ear, "Let's get out of here, okay? This kid is... weird." And he was freaking her out.
See? He had noticed pretty fast that this book wasn't on engineering but rather on...sphinxes and their mating techniques. Erm."Well, you should read it and find out then." Jeremy suggested with a small grin before adding, trying to keep his voice as innocent as possible, "And if you have any questions I suggest going to Professor Saylen who's teaching Care of Magical Creatures. I'm sure she can help you." Oh definitely. Heh.
Feeling Kimber's tug on his hand Jeremy just stared at her for a moment, considering explaining the situation to her for a moment. She had given the boy a book on mating Sphinxes after all. In the end he simply said, "Hang on." with a small smile before turning back to the boy again. "It's on the first floor. Next to the Muggle Studies classroom. You can come by-" His eyes flickered towards Kimber for a second. "-before dinner?" That would give them enough time to figure things out. Hopefully.
Conan frowned. Read it? It wasn't about engineering though. He wanted to read about his rollercoasters. Nothing like a good schematic of a LIM to excite a person. Conan was getting excited just thinking about it. Maybe rereading his book on California Screamin' again. After this book. Yes.
He nodded. "I will come see you then. Maybe I could bring my book to show you. It is fascinating." Yes yes it was.
It looks like I'm not ginger after all Charlie Tudor - 1st Year Slytherpuff
Still holding Jeremy's hand, Kimber watched as the young Hufflepuff left. She waited until he was gone from sight then pulled out her wand. "Shall we?" she said softly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. Already this day had taken on a rather surreal quality. But they had much to discuss and she was eager to get away.
Before leaving the aisle, she tapped her wand on the big stack of books she'd come in with and smiled as each one slipped past to return to its proper place.
Selina walked into the library. She was in a state of panic. After what had occurred in Divination today she was not sure what was happening to her. Now her feelings about Gervik were getting worse. With the Temperance card moment she knew that those feelings had some sort of backing, but what kind she did not know.
Looking through the shelves she landed on the book Foresight: The Art of the Psychic . She knew the concept was far fetched but she was desperate and with the Cycle coming up she had to make herself available to Demitri and Derian so the precious moments that could answer her questions were important.
She began to flip through when she heard a sound... she had a feeling that whoever it was was panicking as well.
Selina walked into the library. She was in a state of panic. After what had occurred in Divination today she was not sure what was happening to her. Now her feelings about Gervik were getting worse. With the Temperance card moment she knew that those feelings had some sort of backing, but what kind she did not know.
Looking through the shelves she landed on the book Foresight: The Art of the Psychic . She knew the concept was far fetched but she was desperate and with the Cycle coming up she had to make herself available to Demitri and Derian so the precious moments that could answer her questions were important.
She began to flip through when she heard a sound... she had a feeling that whoever it was was panicking as well.
Elektra has been bugging out all day. Ever since Divination class she has been having these weird...whispers. Well they weren't exactly whispers, but more like...hissing. Why? She really didn't know, but Elektra was sure now that she was losing her mind. She wondered if the library was going to have anything on what had happened to her today. Elektra started to panic a little bit that she began to talk out loud. "Elektra, just calm down. Just realx or people are going to start to think that you have gone bonkers."