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Stryker has changed a large potion of the lake into a sheet of ice suitable for skating on. He has also set up some tall boards around the outer edge of the ice, so as to prevent people from falling off and into the water.
So, bring your skates and your friends! Don't know how to skate? That's okay! Mr. Stryker can give you hand or perhaps one of your friends. Come on down!
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Originally Posted by LilyLunaGinnyPotter
Bonnie beamed and her eyes shone. "A professional?!" WOAH. "When did you learn?" She held onto his hand loosely and gazed in amazement at him. "Who taught you?" Crazed!Girl squeezed his hand and skated clumsly a little.
"Oh crap." When he stopped she skidded and fell flat on her face. She pushed herself up and brushed her clothes down. Like she thought earlier. Stupid ice. *GROWL* She looked at him straight in the eye and said in a very sweet voice, "Merely making polite conversation, Crab-Cakes. Guess who came back to Hogwarts? Beck Salvatore! I told you about him didn't I?"
"Noooo, I'm not a professional. I just learned when I was a child when I lived in Alaska." Sebastian said with a nod. From his parents actually, his mother to be exact, due to his father being at work. It was quite fun really. "My mother taught me." He stated, trying to balance Bonnie and himself.
Yeah, balancing out the two didn't quite work out the way he wanted to and she fell down again. "Are you okay?" He asked, helping the blonde up. He hoped she wasn't hurt. Oh okay, just 'merely making polite conversation', mhmm, he knew what that trick was. Wait a second, did she just say...
Chad chuckled. "I do not mean to toot my own horn...but...yeah." He laughed and shrugged gently. "Come on. I promise not to let you fall." He smiled at her, hoping she would change her mind. Skating with a buddy was always fun.
Hehe, hoot his horn. That was odd. Silly frenchman.
She turned her head and was sort of looking at him better with one wide eye. It did look quite fun, except for the falling on your butt part.
...she didn't have any skates though, never had a reason to get a pair. "Well, allright then..." she pursed her lips and started wringing her gloved hands together.
"May I borrow a pair of ice-skates, señor?" Seriously, she wasn't even sure she could summon a pair...
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
Originally Posted by Emms
She smiled and chuckled softly. "Okay, it's okay! Don't worry. Well the first step is for you to put on your skates. It's just like wearing normal shoes except you have to do the laces up in a weird way." she explained. This was one Muggle sport she was allowed to do. "And then we'll go onto the ice. And you can hold on to my hand.. for support of course." she added. Smooth Emma.... Oh wait.. bad idea.. He could pull them both onto the ground if he lost his balance. Oh wells.
The blonde watched excitedly as he opened it. She blushed as he gave her a big bear hug. She was very.. no.. extremely glad that he liked it. "I'm glad you like it. Well remember when we were hanging out by the Pathways when term just started? Well we were both thinking about getting some dinner and I asked you what time it was, and you said that you didn't have a watch... SO I decided to get you one." she explained, laughing slightly and then winking at him.
She blushed as he told her about hanging with his partner and amazing gifts. Aww.. He was way to sweet. Too bad.."Those are some awesome things to be doing! Hey, what are you doing over Winter Vacation?" she asked.
Alex looked suspiciously at his skates, he would have to wear them? He made a face. "Emma, I don't want to..." he whined. He needed all his legs so he could join in on the afterparty after the mathc, to celebrate Slytherin's win over the Puff's. But, he had promised and so he let out a big sigh and just plopped down on the ground. He held one skate infront of his face. Now, to put them on... How did one do that? Did he hold them upside-down? Blink. "I'll definitely need to hold your hand." he mused absently still inspecting the skate. Would it attack?
He grinned at her happily. "Of course I remember. Did you know you just took away my perfect 'late for class excuse'? That I don't have a watch?" he chuckled.
Why did she blush? Alex had no idea he just stood there watching with a grin on his face. Because he was just cool like that. Winter vacation? "Uh.. I don't know." he said surprised with cheeky grin. "Whyyy? What are you doing?"
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
Hyun was about to get up on his knees when he saw in the corner of his eyes that Ellie was running towards him , no doubt to help , when a force knocked him on the ice again. He groaned when he layed flat on his back and a few seconds later he gasped for air when another figure fell on top of him.
"Cant...breath.." he gasped and was glad when he felt them roll off. Taking a deep inhale of air, Hyun sat upright on the ice and watched Ellie and Alex speak. Hyun rolled his eyes at the mention of Alex that he could skate. yeah right and he was a world dominator, *cue eye roll*
But then..finally...FINALLY! he heard Alex admitting to Ellie that he was a horrible skater and...wait... TEACH HIM? bwahahaaha!
Trying to catch Alex's eyes, Hyun grinned at him from behind Ellie and held two thumbs up.
Alex noticed Hyun's look and decided it was uncomfortable. He had heard him admitting to Ellie, great just great. And he gave him two thumbs up?
Whaaaa! Embarrassing.
"Just shut it." he muttered with a grin and throw some snow at Hyun's face. Wipe that smirk off your face Mr. Kim.
“Me a beginner?” Patroclus asked, his face wearing a mock display of surprise!
Pushing off and gathering speed, then quickly turning so he was skating backwards facing her, the LionBoy smiled at Katie, “I’m a pro!” Just a bit of a klutz sometimes….
He knew he had seen her around somewhere, “Ahh yes the Abraxan Stables, Now I remember,” he nodded, “so many names and faces, sometimes it’s hard to remember them all, but I won’t forget now, seeing as thought you stopped me from breaking my neck!”
Continuing to skate backwards, his hands clasped behind his back, he answered the Hufflepuff girl, “I haven’t skated for a while, but I did quite a bit of it when I was a lot younger, what about you?” Katie seemed to have a natural rhythm to her skating, but he had to make sure…..she could after all just be a natural at it.
Katie supposed not after all, when he skated ahead only to turn and continue to skate backwards, facing her. It took a little more than a beginning to be able to do that and not land flat on your back as a result.
Too many names and faces was more like it. Katie didn't know how the professors could keep track of everyone and remember their names, too. The Hufflepuff's nose wrinkled at the mention of breaking any bones. "I would have thought you'd be more likely to break a leg or something before your neck, ice skating and all.." Unless he was really going to fall head first into the solid ice? Then yeah.. no, all thoughts related were pushed from her mind. Anyway..
Slipping her hands into her pockets to keep them warm, Katie stayed in a careful rhythm, not really focused on being careful so much as it was a natural for her to be aware of how close or far she was from the other skater, in this case that being Patroclus. "You say a lot younger like you're old or something," She remarked, mostily out of curiosity than anything. She nodded ever so slightly, listening. "I learned to skate when I was around the age of two, and I haven't quit since. It's kind of my life now," Katie admitted, a small smile playing on her lips. "Who taught you to skate? Or did you teach yourself?"
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
Alex looked suspiciously at his skates, he would have to wear them? He made a face. "Emma, I don't want to..." he whined. He needed all his legs so he could join in on the afterparty after the mathc, to celebrate Slytherin's win over the Puff's. But, he had promised and so he let out a big sigh and just plopped down on the ground. He held one skate infront of his face. Now, to put them on... How did one do that? Did he hold them upside-down? Blink. "I'll definitely need to hold your hand." he mused absently still inspecting the skate. Would it attack?
He grinned at her happily. "Of course I remember. Did you know you just took away my perfect 'late for class excuse'? That I don't have a watch?" he chuckled.
Why did she blush? Alex had no idea he just stood there watching with a grin on his face. Because he was just cool like that. Winter vacation? "Uh.. I don't know." he said surprised with cheeky grin. "Whyyy? What are you doing?"
Emma frowned for a minute. "But Aleeeeeex, you promised Fee and I. Fee's already on the ice!" exclaimed Emma, pouting. She laughed as he looked at his ice skating boot. "Okay, so first, you should loosen up the skates. Like this." said Emma, grabbing one of his skates and pulling the laces out a bit. "Then put your foot in. And then you tighten up the laces." She smiled when he agreed with her. She smirked again as she watched Alex inspect the ice skate. "Don't worry, it won't bite you."
She beamed him a smile before smirking. "Whoops. I did? Sorry partner. Well just don't wear you're watch." she began and winked at him. Hehehe. That could be his excuse.
The blonde smiled. "Oh, I'm not doing anything except going back to Malfoy Manor. My parents said that I could have some friends over the break. So I was going to see if you, Fee, Rex, Di, Brae, and Sel wanted to come over to Malfoy Manor." she explained, smiling widely, and blushing very very slightly.
*interferes to make Twinneh happy* Emma,Ellie,Hyun and of course Alex <3
Walking down to the frozen part of the lake,Fee looked out for Emma and Alex.She was supposed to meet them there and of course she was late. Why so ever she couldnt find her skates this morning. Pfff. And then she tried this new hairstyle. The bin looked really good though. But now she had to find her new sister and her best friend. Where the hell where they?!
Sitting down at the edge of the frozen part the blonde put on her pretty white and pink ice skates and sighed. It would be horrible if she ddnt find her friends because doing this alone was no fun.
Dallin smiled softly, kind of surprised by her determination. Obviously he wasn't going to get her to forget about his birthday. He spun around a few times, grinning when a small spray of ice came up with the blade on his skates. He had just looked up to grin at Satine when he saw her lose her balance. He watched carefully as she regained it, reaching out a hand incase he needed to catch her.
He waited for a moment after she spoke to make sure she was fine, and then laughed. "Of course. It was very graceful of you." He winked before skating in a circle around her. He was getting bored, and wanted to move. So, when he was once again at her side, he offered a hand. "Care to skate with me?" he asked, trying his best to sound like a gentlemen. Of course, it didn't work at all.
Satine giggled and moved from her pose as Dalling skated around her in circles. "Wow...impressive...are we showing off..." she said with a wink..."maybe just a little..." she said holding up her gloved right hand and making a little space between her pointer and thumb to show little.
Did he just ask her to skate with him...she cocked her head to the side and took a deep breath in as she took his hand...just breathe....just breathe...why was she getting like this I mean Dallin was just a fourthie...right...She pushed all of her thoughts behind her and decided to just have fun.
Through little giggles she said, "I'd love to skate with you...but only if you can handle me showing you up..." she said with a little shoulder shrug.
Originally Posted by Tailzerr
Chad stepped out onto the ice, joining with the rest of the students. "Hogwarts is treating me well," he grinned, slowly starting to skate. "I am still alive, so I guess that is a good sign, yes?" He laughed and shrugged, fixing his cloak as he skated. "What about you? Treating you well?"
Satine smiled at the groundskeeper. "Well that's great to hear..." she said glancing over her shoulder watching everyone falling and slipping...she was sure she could just sit on the side and be entertained. "So far so good...I don't have any major complaints anyways...not yet atleast..." she said with a little wink.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by Zebragirl
Emily laughed when Nika jumped. Woops. "Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you! But actually, how do you know it isn't the voices? Can you hear them now?"Emily, pft! She has completly normal, the voices in her head only spoke ot her when she was alone
"I've been skating a couple of times. It's not too hard." After you had fallen down as many times as she had. "We can always do a cushioning charm if we fall. I'm quite good at them." She liked to think she was anyway.
Emily watched the people on the ice. Where had they got those skates anyway? "We could always try..." she held up her hand "Accio two pairs of Skates!" Two pairs of skates flew towards her. Well those can out of nowhere! "Want the black or the white?" she asked. She didn't care, she just wanted to get on the ice!
"Cushioning charm, sounds good." Nika was glad that Emily was so smart. Why hadn't she thought of using a cushioning charm. "No, the voices are goon now." And a relief too, she wasn't completely mental. Nika watched as Emily summoned to pairs of skates. "Wow you're really good at magic!" Nika felt a little embarrassed, though she didn't show it. Everyone knew loads of magic already and all she knew were the things they learned in class. All of the magical raised kids had an advantage over her. "Ohhh pretty! Can I have the white ones please!" Nika looked over at the ice skating looked like a lot of fun!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Ah. *pokes snowstorm* It's just really windy here. :P
Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo
Originally Posted by Lezleighd
Satine giggled and moved from her pose as Dalling skated around her in circles. "Wow...impressive...are we showing off..." she said with a wink..."maybe just a little..." she said holding up her gloved right hand and making a little space between her pointer and thumb to show little.
Did he just ask her to skate with him...she cocked her head to the side and took a deep breath in as she took his hand...just breathe....just breathe...why was she getting like this I mean Dallin was just a fourthie...right...She pushed all of her thoughts behind her and decided to just have fun.
Through little giggles she said, "I'd love to skate with you...but only if you can handle me showing you up..." she said with a little shoulder shrug.
Dallin just smirked at Satine, winking once back at her. "Me?" he shook his head. "I would never show off ever." Heh. At least, he wouldn't call it showing off. It was more like... flaunting his talent. Yeah, that was it.
He smiled as she took his hand, and started to slowly move his feet forward. He couldn't help but think that he was holding hands with a sixth year. And a very pretty sixth year, at that. But... really, it was no big deal. They were just skating.
...Anyway. He chuckled at her reply, and cocked an eyebrow. "I'm sure I can handle it," he replied confidently, one side of his mouth raising up in a half-smirk, half-smile.
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by Team Potter
As the wind whipped her braids around her face, Elyon stared down at her feet. "Well, actually there is... Normally I'm just getting bullied by Muggle kids or mean wizards and witches who laugh at me, but that doesn't bother me at all. It's my family that's upsetting me.... we're not exactly going through the easiest time right now....." She trailed off looking up at him with a sad smile. She knew she would have to talk about it, then the pain would lessen. She had felt better after she'd confided in Selina about it.
"That's nice! I've never been there, what's it like? I live in Seaport. Small little coastal town. I'm sorry about your lake house.... Why'd you have to get rid of it?" Elyon's parents would never have been able to afford a lakehouse! Maybe his parents were going through money troubles too. How sad!
Adam didn't really here what she had been saying- for his mind was on rewind, now thinking if it was best to tell her.
"My dad.....he got a .....promotion. To Mexico City. And I'm forced to go with them at the end of the school year- I won't be back forever..."He said in a slow and quiet voice.
YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi
SPOILER!!: Ian <33
Originally Posted by RobinBoyWonder
Aaron Anderson you need to get outside....
Oh, that poor child. Stuck in your dorm for months crafting the perfect Slytherin team. What ever is a work ridden child to do?
Bahaha..... Oh, i make me laugh...
You're so not funny.
Quiet... Let me live in my world...
Aaron has had no time to get to Hogsmeade, or relax on the grounds, or do anything all year... Being a 6th year was tough. He was preparing for his NEWT's and that was a lot of work by itself. Not to mention he was SLYTHERIN. QUIDDITCH. CAPTAIN. It's the dream come true! ... But it was A LOT more work than Aaron remembered. The boy respected his former captains a lot more now....
Ah, well. Time for the cold.
Aaron was out on the grounds. He had heard about the ice skating rink and he DEFINITELY wanted to check it out. No, there were no skates in his possession... but he'd think of a spell or something to cast on his shoes... Or something...
The Captain had his Chicago Cubs hat on from when he was a second year. It was large back then, but now it was perfectly fit. His brown hair poke out of the sides and it curled up in bush in the back. He was wearing a, erm, puffy coat... And his shoes... Were shoes...... *ahem* SO!
He approached the lake. And.... "Woah."
Yeah. Hogwarts you are AWESOME! Every year there's something amazing... And well, they didn't let this boy down.
Aaron made his way down the lake... Oh! There's Fallon.......... Flirting with some boy. Right... Oh and there's Satine....... Being all popular and social as usual.... Don't want to disturb her..... Ah! There's my gal....
Any normal human being would just approach Iris with a nice 'Hello.' Ha. Aaron Anderson was not normal.
He reached down into the snow and scooped up a snow ball. 'Time for round two, Beaumont,' the boy thought to himself remembering their previous snow ball fight. And from 15 feet away, he chucked the snow ball at Iris...
Iris had been stood at the edge of the lake for about 15 minutes, watching the skaters, before she decided that she WAS going to get out on the ice.
Just as she was about to turn around and troop up to the groundskeeper man to ask for some skates, when something whacked her in the back of the head.
The cold of the snow ball made it sting more than the impact did. Iris's hand found it's way to her head, clutching onto her scalp. "What the - ?" Turning round, Iris frowned, trying to spot out the person who'd thrown the snow ball at her.
Then she saw that red cap.
Well, mystery solved.
The prefect's frown almost instantly turned into a grin when she saw Aaron. Y'know, even if he HAD just pelted a snowball at her. Now, there was two things she could do. One, she could make a snow ball the Muggle way... which would give Aaron PLENTY of time to hide. OR, she could use her wand, conjure one up and send it flying at him...
Smiling innocently, with her hands behind her back, Iris begun to walk towards her boyfriend. As she walked, she conjured up a snowball in her hands. "Heeeeeeeeey! What was that snowball for?!" She called out to him, about 10 feet away. Her wand was tucked safely away back in its wrist holster. Half skipping, half jogging; Iris grinned as he reached Aaron, pulling him into a tight hug. As she hugged him, Iris kissed his cheek and stuffed the snowball down the back of his collar, so the snow fell down the inside of his coat. Pulling away, the prefect had a small smirk on her face. It wasn't a mean smirk though... because she was too happy to see Aaron properly, away from the common room to be able to conjure up a harsh smirk.
Adam didn't really hear what she had been saying- for his mind was on rewind, now thinking if it was best to tell her.
"My dad.....he got a .....promotion. To Mexico City. And I'm forced to go with them at the end of the school year- I won't be back forever..."He said in a slow and quiet voice.
Elyon slowed to a stop. It seemed that her family wasn't the only one with problems. She gave his hand a squeeze and gave him a small, reassuring smile. "You're not alone. You have so many friends to support you and write to you. You'll always be in their hearts, even if you can't come to Hogwarts. It's so unfair how parents do things like these to their children.... Isn't there another way for you to come? Or are your parents like my mum and hate magic?"
Elyon gave him a mini-hug, still smiling. "I know exactly how you feel. I'm going through something similar."
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
Walking down to the frozen part of the lake,Fee looked out for Emma and Alex.She was supposed to meet them there and of course she was late. Why so ever she couldnt find her skates this morning. Pfff. And then she tried this new hairstyle. The bin looked really good though. But now she had to find her new sister and her best friend. Where the hell where they?!
Sitting down at the edge of the frozen part the blonde put on her pretty white and pink ice skates and sighed. It would be horrible if she ddnt find her friends because doing this alone was no fun.
Aha and then she spotted her little sister (not real sister even though Emma wished she was), Fee. A happy smile worked its way on to her face. "FEE! Over here!" she cried, waving her hand quickly and beaming. Hopefully, Fee would see them.
Lacing up her skates, Ava Jade stepped out onto the smooth ice. It had been a while since she'd been able to skate, but it felt good to be back on the ice. She'd never taken lessons or skated for more than pleasure, but she was good at most athletics, and ice skating was no exception. Feeling a little more sure of her balance, she tried swerving side to side a bit, careful not to hit the others on the ice, but finally resumed a simple line and found a comfortable gliding speed. Ahhh...this was definitely a stress reliever.
Long live the walls we crashed through
While the kingdom lights shined just for me and you
I was screaming long live all the magic we made
and bring on all the pretenders...one day we will be remembered
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by Team Potter
Elyon slowed to a stop. It seemed that her family wasn't the only one with problems. She gave his hand a squeeze and gave him a small, reassuring smile. "You're not alone. You have so many friends to support you and write to you. You'll always be in their hearts, even if you can't come to Hogwarts. It's so unfair how parents do things like these to their children.... Isn't there another way for you to come? Or are your parents like my mum and hate magic?"
Elyon gave him a mini-hug, still smiling. "I know exactly how you feel. I'm going through something similar."
"There is no way. They aren't allowing me to live with my friends-which makes it harder..."He explained. "And as much as I hate it, and them, they are my parents- and sometimes you can't leave parents behind-besides it'd be obvious to them I am sneaking around at my friends houses..."He went further into detail.
"They hate the fact that I am magical...They call me freak- and usually never talk to me during the summer.
No one is going through what I am....To leave you guys..."Adam said in a slightly raised voice.
Dallin just smirked at Satine, winking once back at her. "Me?" he shook his head. "I would never show off ever." Heh. At least, he wouldn't call it showing off. It was more like... flaunting his talent. Yeah, that was it.
Satine smiled and answered back with a sarcastic..."O ya...never you!"
Originally Posted by Syd (:
He smiled as she took his hand, and started to slowly move his feet forward. He couldn't help but think that he was holding hands with a sixth year. And a very pretty sixth year, at that. But... really, it was no big deal. They were just skating.
...Anyway. He chuckled at her reply, and cocked an eyebrow. "I'm sure I can handle it," he replied confidently, one side of his mouth raising up in a half-smirk, half-smile.
Satine smiled and glanced around the lake to see how crowded it was and to figure out what their path would be that would have the least road bumps of bodies along the way. She smiled back at him and started to match his stride as best she could. "Well I sure hope so or else you're going to be one embarrassed man." she said smiling.
She glanced around to make sure it was clear and then said, "Here give me your other hand and let's see if we can spin together..." she suggested hopefully.
She smiled at him and decided to ask THE question, "So, have you met any cutey patootie girls over the last few weeks?"
"There is no way. They aren't allowing me to live with my friends-which makes it harder..."He explained. "And as much as I hate it, and them, they are my parents- and sometimes you can't leave parents behind-besides it'd be obvious to them I am sneaking around at my friends houses..."He went further into detail.
"They hate the fact that I am magical...They call me freak- and usually never talk to me during the summer.
No one is going through what I am....To leave you guys..."Adam said in a slightly raised voice.
Elyon sighed. "I'm so sorry to hear that, Adam. I can't say I have many friends to contact with, but I know how you feel. My mum hates that I'm magical too. She actually hates everything about my brother and I. She makes sure to tell us that any chance she can. She pushes us down stairs and hits us, Adam, it's awful. My dad doesn't know, nor do we plan on telling him."
She smiled sadly as she continued. "My dad's sick. Really sick, actually. He probably won't make it past March, and this will be our last Christmas together. Since Mum hates us, she's already let us know that if Dad goes, so do we. Some orphange in Scotland. She's already got the adress number written down. I don't know how I'll be getting back here either." She skated around in small circles, still keeping her eye contact. He was one of her only friends and she had no problem in sharing this with him. It was a lot easier to talk about than it was with Selina and Chris. She'd learn to accept it and just go with God's plan for her.
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by Team Potter
Elyon sighed. "I'm so sorry to hear that, Adam. I can't say I have many friends to contact with, but I know how you feel. My mum hates that I'm magical too. She actually hates everything about my brother and I. She makes sure to tell us that any chance she can. She pushes us down stairs and hits us, Adam, it's awful. My dad doesn't know, nor do we plan on telling him."
She smiled sadly as she continued. "My dad's sick. Really sick, actually. He probably won't make it past March, and this will be our last Christmas together. Since Mum hates us, she's already let us know that if Dad goes, so do we. Some orphange in Scotland. She's already got the adress number written down. I don't know how I'll be getting back here either." She skated around in small circles, still keeping her eye contact. He was one of her only friends and she had no problem in sharing this with him. It was a lot easier to talk about than it was with Selina and Chris. She'd learn to accept it and just go with God's plan for her.
Adam was gonna have some heated comment- about after hearing Elyon and Chris could lose their dad by March was devastating. Then the fact that, in case their father dies, their mother has the cruel intention to send them to an orphange! There was no need for that. He wished he could help- but he would be millions of miles away by the 4th day of summer.
"There is no need to get you and Chris sent to an orphange just cause your dad might go away..."He said quietly. He couldn't see the reasoning behind Elyon's mother.
"If you don't mind, my asking- what is it your dad has?"
Evangeline didn't quite know why she was here. She had just ended up here, somehow. But there was no way she was going on that ice, having never skated on ice before in her life. She was all for trying things, just not when it entailed public embarrassment, which surely it would. And Evangeline just didn't do that. So instead, she leant against a tree, watching the people skate around on the ice.
Rene told Rex to meet her at the ice-skating rink. She needed to tell him something important. Rex is scared of the ice.
"Hey sweetheart" Rene said walking up to Rex and placing her hadn on his shoulder. "You ready to go ice skating." She sat down and put on her skates. She couldn't wait to tell Rex her news. "Guess what? I made the hufflepuff quidditch team and our first match is this saturday." she said her tone a bit higher from the excitement
Adam was gonna have some heated comment- about after hearing Elyon and Chris could lose their dad by March was devastating. Then the fact that, in case their father dies, their mother has the cruel intention to send them to an orphange! There was no need for that. He wished he could help- but he would be millions of miles away by the 4th day of summer.
"There is no need to get you and Chris sent to an orphange just cause your dad might go away..."He said quietly. He couldn't see the reasoning behind Elyon's mother.
"If you don't mind, my asking- what is it your dad has?"
"I'd rather go away than stay with her," Elyon said in a small voice. She couldn't take much more of home life than she'd already had for summer, which was only about two months. Mothers shouldn't torture their children. Physically or emotional- something her mother did quite often.
"Acute myelocytic leukemia." She sighed. She wished her dad weren't leaving her behind. He loved magic and always supported her and everything she did. He was her best friend, as geeky as it was.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
Alex turned his head to face Ellie and rolled his eyes. "Oh puh-lease, I so know how to do it." he nodded. Which was why he was lying on the ice...
Perhaps he should give up, he sighed and threw up his arms in the air. "Fine! You win! I'm horrible at it, I've never skated before and now I will fall and break all my cute tiny bones in my body." he cried out dramatically.
"Unless... You teach me?"
Ellie raised an eyebrow. Funny how someone who claims to know how to skate is laying on his face on the ice. She turned her head to face Alex and laughed. "Ha! I told you!" Internal victory daaance!
He wanted her to teach him? Hmmm, tempting. She laughed a little and began to sit up. "Y'know I was gonna say that I wasn't any better than you, but... You're kinda hard to beat." She teased with a wink.
She slowly stood up and outstretched her arm for Alex to hold. "Come on, let's try." She said with a grin. This could be interesting...
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
Hyun was about to get up on his knees when he saw in the corner of his eyes that Ellie was running towards him , no doubt to help , when a force knocked him on the ice again. He groaned when he layed flat on his back and a few seconds later he gasped for air when another figure fell on top of him.
"Cant...breath.." he gasped and was glad when he felt them roll off. Taking a deep inhale of air, Hyun sat upright on the ice and watched Ellie and Alex speak. Hyun rolled his eyes at the mention of Alex that he could skate. yeah right and he was a world dominator, *cue eye roll*
But then..finally...FINALLY! he heard Alex admitting to Ellie that he was a horrible skater and...wait... TEACH HIM? bwahahaaha!
Trying to catch Alex's eyes, Hyun grinned at him from behind Ellie and held two thumbs up.
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
Alex noticed Hyun's look and decided it was uncomfortable. He had heard him admitting to Ellie, great just great. And he gave him two thumbs up?
Whaaaa! Embarrassing.
"Just shut it." he muttered with a grin and throw some snow at Hyun's face. Wipe that smirk off your face Mr. Kim.
I. Do. Not. Like. Ellie.Yeah right.
Ellie noticed Hyun sit up from the corner of her eye. Oh good, he wasn't dead. Phew. Then she noticed Alex look past her and to Hyun and he told him to "shut it". Ellie raised her eyebrows and looked at Hyun just as a pile of snow hit is face.
"What was that all about?" She asked with a laugh, looking back and forth between Alex and Hyun. Boys will be boys...
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
Walking down to the frozen part of the lake,Fee looked out for Emma and Alex.She was supposed to meet them there and of course she was late. Why so ever she couldnt find her skates this morning. Pfff. And then she tried this new hairstyle. The bin looked really good though. But now she had to find her new sister and her best friend. Where the hell where they?!
Sitting down at the edge of the frozen part the blonde put on her pretty white and pink ice skates and sighed. It would be horrible if she ddnt find her friends because doing this alone was no fun.
Ellie looked up just in time to see Fee putting on her skates at the edge of the lake. "Fee!" She called out, waving her arm with a grin. "Over here!" She invited her to join her, Alex and Hyun.
Satine smiled and answered back with a sarcastic..."O ya...never you!"
Satine smiled and glanced around the lake to see how crowded it was and to figure out what their path would be that would have the least road bumps of bodies along the way. She smiled back at him and started to match his stride as best she could. "Well I sure hope so or else you're going to be one embarrassed man." she said smiling.
She glanced around to make sure it was clear and then said, "Here give me your other hand and let's see if we can spin together..." she suggested hopefully.
She smiled at him and decided to ask THE question, "So, have you met any cutey patootie girls over the last few weeks?"
Dallin just grinned at her. He had no doubt that he could show her up, if she wanted to. After all, he was just lucky that he was doing so well at skating. He was bound to really embarrass himself, at some point. Hopefully no one else would be around to see him when that time came.
At her suggestion, he held out his other hand to grab hers. When he did that, his feet spun, making him lose his balance. His eyes widened and he let go of Satine's hand in case he fell. After flailing around for a bit, he caught his balance and smiled sheepishly at the sixth year. Holding out his hands again, he laughed a bit embarrassed and said, "Let's try that again?"
And then... what was with girls and asking questions like that? She was the second to ask him something along those lines... but the way she worded it, he actually had an answer. He bit his lip, looking away from her as he thought of how to answer the question. Looking back up, he replied with, "Um, yeah, I sure have. Depending on what your definition of 'cutie patootie' is." Heh.
Dallin just grinned at her. He had no doubt that he could show her up, if she wanted to. After all, he was just lucky that he was doing so well at skating. He was bound to really embarrass himself, at some point. Hopefully no one else would be around to see him when that time came.
At her suggestion, he held out his other hand to grab hers. When he did that, his feet spun, making him lose his balance. His eyes widened and he let go of Satine's hand in case he fell. After flailing around for a bit, he caught his balance and smiled sheepishly at the sixth year. Holding out his hands again, he laughed a bit embarrassed and said, "Let's try that again?"
Satine eyes were huge as Dallin tried to keep his balance. She wasn't sure is she should laugh or try to help....but if she tried to help then they'd prolly end up both on their butts on the ice. So she decided just to push back a little bit and just be ready if she needed to help him up. But luckily he didn't fall, just flailed alot. She pushed closer to him with her hands out in front of her laughing hard as she came close to him, "Wow, I don't know if I can trust you. " she said with her head cocked to the side as she grabbed his hands and started leading him into a really really slow motion turn together.
Originally Posted by Syd (:
And then... what was with girls and asking questions like that? She was the second to ask him something along those lines... but the way she worded it, he actually had an answer. He bit his lip, looking away from her as he thought of how to answer the question. Looking back up, he replied with, "Um, yeah, I sure have. Depending on what your definition of 'cutie patootie' is." Heh.
Satine looked at his face and was instantly scared that she had said something wrong..maybe she had overstepped that line....especially when he turned away from her....way to go Satine...She perked back up when he looked back....ooooo good question.... "You know just girls that rock your world, are interesting, and cute...of course..." wow that sounded lame...way to go Satine...she thought as she glanced away kicking herself mentally for even bringing up the subject.