-   Term 27: January - April 2011 (
-   -   History of Magic II (

DH Vixen 02-27-2011 05:00 AM

History of Magic II
[INDENT]The History of Magic classroom once again looks like it usually does. All the desks and chairs in neat rows. The only real difference is around the simple blackboard in the front of the room, Professor Welton has cleared an area with a few cushions and pillows. The area is not all that large, but allows students to pick whether they would like to sit there or at a desk.

Seating atop one of the cushions, Welton quietly looks through the small book in her gloved hands. Carefully turning the pages, her eyes scanned the words as memories were slowly reawaken in her mind.

Above her on the board a simple message is written:
OOC: Class has started now. Please DO NOT announce your late arrive and please make sure that you are aware of the class rules. Late arrivals will result in lost of points. If you are just join us, please just act as you have been present the whole time.

HaRoHeGiNeLu 02-27-2011 05:07 AM

ZOMG! You have no idea how spastically excited I am!
Ellie walked into the classroom and looked around her. Of course, her eyes immediately found the cushions up front. And she rushed toward them, claiming one right near Welton cuz, once again, the closer to the Professor, the sooner you got the candy.

But wait. Was that a BOOK? Was that....Beedle the Bard's book? The...Oh my Merlinnnn!

"STORYTIME!" Heck yeah! This was amazing.


"Do we get popcorn?! CHOCOLATE COVERED POPCORN?!"

Storytime was the BEST, man.

Mell 02-27-2011 05:09 AM

So many things happening at Hogwarts. Mia could barely keep up with it all. She was tiiiiiiiired and it showed...again.

Her hair was all over the place and her robes were in slight disarray. That's what happens when you decide to have a nap and then almost sleep in. She dragged her feet into the classroom and paused by the Professor's desk.

"Good day Professor." She said doing her best to stifle a yawn before spotting the book in the Professor's hands. "Oooh that looks ominious." Mia remarked before heading off to find a seat. Which wasn't hard seeing how she seemed to be one of the first one's here.

Roselyn 02-27-2011 05:13 AM

...History of Magic. So, not her moooost favorite subject in the world, but it was interesting she had to admit. Which was why she kept showing up to the lessons. Just...just no muggles or talk of statues.


"Good day, Professor Welton." she said, eying the cushions and pillows on the floor. She mentally claimed three of those. For herself. Mwaha! Taking one more glance to the Professor, she spied the book for a moment before shrugging her shoulders and moving over to claim those pillows and cushions.

And a waaaave to Mia! Or, no, she should just scoot these cushions over to her. 'Twas a better idea.

sweetpinkpixie 02-27-2011 05:18 AM

Kurumi rushed into the classroom with her hair a bit frizzy considering she had overslept a bit that morning. She blamed Walnut. It was all his fault for keeping her up half the night chasing Momotaro and ruining her favorite pillow.

Upon entering the classroom, Kurumi saw Professor Welton holding a rather creepy looking book. "H-H-Hello, Professor," she said shyly taking her seat in the front.

Holmesian Feline 02-27-2011 05:21 AM

Thankfully it was time for a more calm subject for History of magic didn't involve a field trip or spells at least not most of the time. Simon entered the classroom, the sixth year noticing the slight change in arrangement but not thinking to much on it. Still it meant some comfort in his eyes. "Hello professor," he greeted politely as he moved to take a seat on one of the pillows up front, a nice change from sitting on hard surfaces most of the day.

pundantic 02-27-2011 05:28 AM

Selina ran into the classroom with her bag full of books crashing into her sides as she ran. When she came to a screeching halt she blew a stray strand of red hair out of her face. As she adjusted her tie she started, "Sorry I'm late-" Looking around the room she was one of the first students who had arrived. She was going to hunt down the fellow first year Hufflepuff who had told her that she was late for History of Magic.

"Hello Professor." Selina said blushing. She had made a fool of herself. It was becoming an awful habit.

When she went to go and sit she saw Simon and waved. Then she saw Kurumi and took a seat next to her. "Hey... what happened to you?"

BillyR 02-27-2011 05:29 AM

Cass enters the room and finds a seat in a back corner and places his bag on the besides the chair as he greets the professor. "Good day, Professor Welton." At which he sits down and waits quietly for class to start.

Mordanyes 02-27-2011 05:37 AM

"Hello Professor." K-Lee said with a smile, as she all but ran for one of the cushion seats.

Oooo, squishy! She sat herself near enough to the teacher so she'd hear everything, but not so close that the teacher expected her to listen constantly, because really, who really listens to everything in HOM?

She peered at the book in the teachers hands, but K-Lee just couldn't tell what it was. Though if it was storytime like one of the others had said, K-Lee didn't care if it was a boring book. It meant less work on her part.

sweetpinkpixie 02-27-2011 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by fanficfanatict (Post 10202633)
Selina ran into the classroom with her bag full of books crashing into her sides as she ran. When she came to a screeching halt she blew a stray strand of red hair out of her face. As she adjusted her tie she started, "Sorry I'm late-" Looking around the room she was one of the first students who had arrived. She was going to hunt down the fellow first year Hufflepuff who had told her that she was late for History of Magic.

"Hello Professor." Selina said blushing. She had made a fool of herself. It was becoming an awful habit.

When she went to go and sit she saw Simon and waved. Then she saw Kurumi and took a seat next to her. "Hey... what happened to you?"

Kurumi moaned as Selina sat down next to her and, if it was possible, her hair frizzed a bit more. "I didn't get much sleep..." she said looking at her friend with obvious bags under her eyes. "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalnut kept me up," she yawned.

She hadn't even had time for breakfast...or any of Sophia's coffee.

DH Vixen 02-27-2011 05:46 AM

Hearing the sound of the entering students, she looked up and smiled. Happy, be it slightly sleepy, students were usually a good sign.

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu (Post 10202614)
Ellie walked into the classroom and looked around her. Of course, her eyes immediately found the cushions up front. And she rushed toward them, claiming one right near Welton cuz, once again, the closer to the Professor, the sooner you got the candy.

But wait. Was that a BOOK? Was that....Beedle the Bard's book? The...Oh my Merlinnnn!

"STORYTIME!" Heck yeah! This was amazing.


"Do we get popcorn?! CHOCOLATE COVERED POPCORN?!"

Storytime was the BEST, man.

"Yes, storytime today." she laughed softly. It was clear that she wasn't alone in enjoying a good story from time to time. Setting the book down carefully, she nodded. "Treats will be passed out later. Once everyone has arrived and the lesson is under way."

Originally Posted by aussiegirl (Post 10202616)
So many things happening at Hogwarts. Mia could barely keep up with it all. She was tiiiiiiiired and it showed...again.

Her hair was all over the place and her robes were in slight disarray. That's what happens when you decide to have a nap and then almost sleep in. She dragged her feet into the classroom and paused by the Professor's desk.

"Good day Professor." She said doing her best to stifle a yawn before spotting the book in the Professor's hands. "Oooh that looks ominious." Mia remarked before heading off to find a seat. Which wasn't hard seeing how she seemed to be one of the first one's here.

"Good day, Mia." she replied before looking at the book in her hands. It was a bit ominious, but she didn't let on she felt the say way.

Originally Posted by Roselyn (Post 10202620)
...History of Magic. So, not her moooost favorite subject in the world, but it was interesting she had to admit. Which was why she kept showing up to the lessons. Just...just no muggles or talk of statues.


"Good day, Professor Welton." she said, eying the cushions and pillows on the floor. She mentally claimed three of those. For herself. Mwaha! Taking one more glance to the Professor, she spied the book for a moment before shrugging her shoulders and moving over to claim those pillows and cushions.

And a waaaave to Mia! Or, no, she should just scoot these cushions over to her. 'Twas a better idea.

"Good day, Evelyn. Do make yourself comfy." She was pretty sure that most of the student would get a bit too comfy and perhaps fall asleep again, but it was a risk that she know would be taken. She'd allow them to maybe rest a bit before the lesson began.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 10202624)
Kurumi rushed into the classroom with her hair a bit frizzy considering she had overslept a bit that morning. She blamed Walnut. It was all his fault for keeping her up half the night chasing Momotaro and ruining her favorite pillow.

Upon entering the classroom, Kurumi saw Professor Welton holding a rather creepy looking book. "H-H-Hello, Professor," she said shyly taking her seat in the front.

"Hello Kurumi." she replied, taking notice of the reaction she was getting just holding the book currently in her hands. Strange, she didn't think it would cause a reaction like this.

Originally Posted by Macavity (Post 10202630)
Thankfully it was time for a more calm subject for History of magic didn't involve a field trip or spells at least not most of the time. Simon entered the classroom, the sixth year noticing the slight change in arrangement but not thinking to much on it. Still it meant some comfort in his eyes. "Hello professor," he greeted politely as he moved to take a seat on one of the pillows up front, a nice change from sitting on hard surfaces most of the day.

"Hello Simon."

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict (Post 10202633)
Selina ran into the classroom with her bag full of books crashing into her sides as she ran. When she came to a screeching halt she blew a stray strand of red hair out of her face. As she adjusted her tie she started, "Sorry I'm late-" Looking around the room she was one of the first students who had arrived. She was going to hunt down the fellow first year Hufflepuff who had told her that she was late for History of Magic.

"Hello Professor." Selina said blushing. She had made a fool of herself. It was becoming an awful habit.

When she went to go and sit she saw Simon and waved. Then she saw Kurumi and took a seat next to her. "Hey... what happened to you?"

Hearing the sound of rushed footsteps, Welton looked up. "Hello Selina. You are right on time. In fact, you have time to spare." she replied with a small laugh.

Originally Posted by BillyR (Post 10202634)
Cass enters the room and finds a seat in a back corner and places his bag on the besides the chair as he greets the professor. "Good day, Professor Welton." At which he sits down and waits quietly for class to start.

"Good day to you as well, Cass."

Originally Posted by Mordanyes (Post 10202640)
"Hello Professor." K-Lee said with a smile, as she all but ran for one of the cushion seats.

Oooo, squishy! She sat herself near enough to the teacher so she'd hear everything, but not so close that the teacher expected her to listen constantly, because really, who really listens to everything in HOM?

She peered at the book in the teachers hands, but K-Lee just couldn't tell what it was. Though if it was storytime like one of the others had said, K-Lee didn't care if it was a boring book. It meant less work on her part.

"Hello K-Lee."

It was still a bit early, but the turnout so far was a good sign. Carefully, she again opened the book and looked down at it briefly before looking back up.

"Everyone please get comfy. We will wait for the others before we start so take a load off and if you want lay down."

HaRoHeGiNeLu 02-27-2011 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by DH Vixen (Post 10202646)
Hearing the sound of the entering students, she looked up and smiled. Happy, be it slightly sleepy, students were usually a good sign.
"Yes, storytime today." she laughed softly. It was clear that she wasn't alone in enjoying a good story from time to time. Setting the book down carefully, she nodded. "Treats will be passed out later. Once everyone has arrived and the lesson is under way."

"Everyone please get comfy. We will wait for the others before we start so take a load off and if you want lay down."


But...ugh.. Didn't she understand that she'd have to SHARE once everyone got here? If she gave them out now however, she'd only have to share with a FEW people. Meaning, Ellie'd get A LOT. Yumm.

But still...there were treats involved, so you couldn't complain much.

"What ARE we reading?" It totally looked like Beedle's book. Fountain of Fair Fortune for the win!

sweetpinkpixie 02-27-2011 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by DH Vixen (Post 10202646)

"Everyone please get comfy. We will wait for the others before we start so take a load off and if you want lay down."

Nodding in acknowledgement to the Professor's greeting, Kurumi quickly turned her head to look at Selina. "Wake me up when class starts?" she begged with her eyes as she rested her head in her arms.

She could already feel her eyelids drooping.

Anna Banana 02-27-2011 05:50 AM

With a small yawn, Sierra Greingoth made her way into the History of Magic classroom. She hoped they had an exciting lesson planned for today. She'd just woken up not too long ago and could very likely fall back asleep oh so easily.


Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu (Post 10202614)
Ellie walked into the classroom and looked around her. Of course, her eyes immediately found the cushions up front. And she rushed toward them, claiming one right near Welton cuz, once again, the closer to the Professor, the sooner you got the candy.

But wait. Was that a BOOK? Was that....Beedle the Bard's book? The...Oh my Merlinnnn!

"STORYTIME!" Heck yeah! This was amazing.


"Do we get popcorn?! CHOCOLATE COVERED POPCORN?!"

Storytime was the BEST, man.


Well, that had just woken her up. Sierra narrowed her eyes at the overly-happy girl and then turned to look for an empty desk. She really didn't want to sit on a pillow, but when she happened to notice that Evelyn had already claimed one, she decided to join her friend on the floor.

"Hello, Professor," she said, greeting Welton before sitting down near Evelyn.

pundantic 02-27-2011 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by DH Vixen (Post 10202646)
Hearing the sound of the entering students, she looked up and smiled. Happy, be it slightly sleepy, students were usually a good sign.
"Yes, storytime today." she laughed softly. It was clear that she wasn't alone in enjoying a good story from time to time. Setting the book down carefully, she nodded. "Treats will be passed out later. Once everyone has arrived and the lesson is under way."

Hearing the sound of rushed footsteps, Welton looked up. "Hello Selina. You are right on time. In fact, you have time to spare." she replied with a small laugh.

It was still a bit early, but the turnout so far was a good sign. Carefully, she again opened the book and looked down at it briefly before looking back up.

"Everyone please get comfy. We will wait for the others before we start so take a load off and if you want lay down."

Selina smiled at the Professor and tried to fix her hair by putting it up in a pony tail. "Right, ma'am I knew that."


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 10202642)
Kurumi moaned as Selina sat down next to her and, if it was possible, her hair frizzed a bit more. "I didn't get much sleep..." she said looking at her friend with obvious bags under her eyes. "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalnut kept me up," she yawned.

She hadn't even had time for breakfast...or any of Sophia's coffee.

Selina nodded in understanding as Kurumi spoke. Poor thing looked awful tired and her yawn was contagious. Her lips and soft pallet followed in suit with Kurumi's as she yawned. The two sat in their seats both yawning: one due to actual exhaustion and the other because of the curse of the yawn.

When she was done with her yawn she pulled out her bag. Out of her bag she produced a muffin she had snagged from breakfast. Selina was hoping to eat it later, but it looked like Kurumi needed it more than she did.

"Here, take it. My guess is you didn't eat anything this morning."

BillyR 02-27-2011 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by DH Vixen (Post 10202646)
Hearing the sound of the entering students, she looked up and smiled. Happy, be it slightly sleepy, students were usually a good sign.
"Yes, storytime today." she laughed softly. It was clear that she wasn't alone in enjoying a good story from time to time. Setting the book down carefully, she nodded. "Treats will be passed out later. Once everyone has arrived and the lesson is under way."

"Good day to you as well, Cass."

It was still a bit early, but the turnout so far was a good sign. Carefully, she again opened the book and looked down at it briefly before looking back up.

"Everyone please get comfy. We will wait for the others before we start so take a load off and if you want lay down."

Cass gave the professor a small smile at her return greeting and the relaxed in his chair, waiting and listening as the professor greeted the other students as they arrived. He did wonder what the treats would be, and the lessons seemed to be rather different than last year so far.

jengirls109 02-27-2011 06:11 AM

Jaina entered into the classroom and noticed the cushions. She could so do that. She sat down and greeted the teacher, "Good day, Professor." She pulled out her sketch pad and worked on her abraxan sketch until class began.

HaRoHeGiNeLu 02-27-2011 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by Anna Banana (Post 10202655)
Well, that had just woken her up. Sierra narrowed her eyes at the overly-happy girl and then turned to look for an empty desk. She really didn't want to sit on a pillow, but when she happened to notice that Evelyn had already claimed one, she decided to join her friend on the floor.

"Hello, Professor," she said, greeting Welton before sitting down near Evelyn.

Eyyyy. She saw that!


Ellie understood how ickle firsties could be unexcited about storytime. It was obviously because they were soooo ickle and had still been read to every night before they came to Hogwarts. They just wouldn't appreciate a good story unless they'd been without one for a few years. Or had been the story reader for the past couple years. Being read to was a nice change.

Ellie BEAMED over at the girl. Be happy, little one. Enjoy life.

sweetpinkpixie 02-27-2011 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by fanficfanatict (Post 10202656)
Selina nodded in understanding as Kurumi spoke. Poor thing looked awful tired and her yawn was contagious. Her lips and soft pallet followed in suit with Kurumi's as she yawned. The two sat in their seats both yawning: one due to actual exhaustion and the other because of the curse of the yawn.

When she was done with her yawn she pulled out her bag. Out of her bag she produced a muffin she had snagged from breakfast. Selina was hoping to eat it later, but it looked like Kurumi needed it more than she did.

"Here, take it. My guess is you didn't eat anything this morning."

Kurumi picked her head up for just a moment to see a delicious looking muffin being handed to her by Selina. Her eyes were open, but her brain had essentially turned off. "Oh, you know the muffin man?" she asked with her left eye a little droopy, but still able to focus enough to manage to take the muffin and tear of a piece. She threw it into her mouth and chewed sloooooooooooooowly.

nogoodforyou 02-27-2011 06:16 AM

Helena entered the History of Magic classroom. Before she had the chance to say something, she noticed a tiiiny difference in the room; there were cushions in the front. "Hello, professor," she said, smiling at professor Welton.

She glanced around, then made herself comfortable on a cushion. She also noticed a curious looking book in professor Welton's hands. Story time? Or something like that?

Mell 02-27-2011 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Roselyn (Post 10202620)
...History of Magic. So, not her moooost favorite subject in the world, but it was interesting she had to admit. Which was why she kept showing up to the lessons. Just...just no muggles or talk of statues.


"Good day, Professor Welton." she said, eying the cushions and pillows on the floor. She mentally claimed three of those. For herself. Mwaha! Taking one more glance to the Professor, she spied the book for a moment before shrugging her shoulders and moving over to claim those pillows and cushions.

And a waaaave to Mia! Or, no, she should just scoot these cushions over to her. 'Twas a better idea.

Waving back to Evelyn, Mia beckoned the Slytherin girl over with her hand. It would be nice to sit with one of her friends during class and also Evelyn had lots of cushions with her.

Yes Evelyn, bring those cushions over here.

Mia was still sleepy.

pundantic 02-27-2011 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 10202687)
Kurumi picked her head up for just a moment to see a delicious looking muffin being handed to her by Selina. Her eyes were open, but her brain had essentially turned off. "Oh, you know the muffin man?" she asked with her left eye a little droopy, but still able to focus enough to manage to take the muffin and tear of a piece. She threw it into her mouth and chewed sloooooooooooooowly.

Selina laughed as Kurumi's head went back down, "No Kurumi, I know the Great Hall. You know the place where people eat breakfast when their cats don't keep them up all night. And I know you aren't going to be happy with me, but you should sit up and eat that. Better to wake up now so you aren't so groggy when the lesson starts."

itsjustjesse 02-27-2011 07:55 AM

Kyle Manning walked into the classroom, she saw Kurumi there and gave her a quick wave. Then walking to a desk she took a seat, not before saying a quick cheery hello to Professor Welton.

"Hello Professor Welton, beautiful day is it not?" She smiled.

Hera 02-27-2011 08:47 AM

Emily entered the HoM classroom.
"Hi Professor", she greeted as she made her way to her usual seat at the front of the class. After placing her bag on the floor she took out her things and waited patiently for the lesson to begin.

itsjustjesse 02-27-2011 09:41 AM

Kyle saw Emily Browne and smiled, she smiled - as both she and Emily always seemed to sit near the front of the class. Ravenclaw thing maybe?

"Hey Emily Browne right?" She smiled, "I'm Kyle Manning, its a pleasure to meet you!"

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