-   Term 27: January - April 2011 (
-   -   History of Magic I (

DH Vixen 02-04-2011 03:00 PM

History of Magic I
Upon entering the History of Magic classroom, it looks like it usually does. All the desks and chairs are in neat rows. A simple blackboard in the front of the room and Professor Welton sitting at her desk. Nothing too out of the ordinary is in sight.

A simple message written on the board:
Please take your seats and the lesson will begin shortly.
OOC: Class has started now. Please DO NOT announce your late arrive and please make sure that you are aware of the class rules. Late arrivals will result in lost of points. If you are just join us, please just act as you have been present the whole time.

Felixir 02-04-2011 03:08 PM

Here it was... most probably the favourite subject of Jake's, seeing as it was his best subject.

With a smile, Jake took a seat.

"Hey Sy- AHEM... Professor."

Close one.


Hera 02-04-2011 03:09 PM

Emily entered the History of Magic classroom. It was simplistic, but that was the way she liked it. She walked down one of the rows and took a seat not far from the front of the class.
"Morning Professor Welton"
, she said as she began to take her things out her her bag. Emily arranged her quill, ink and parchment on the desk in a particular manner, she was fond of neatness. After that she pulled out her text book and placed it to the left of her parchment.

jengirls109 02-04-2011 03:12 PM

Jaina entered into the classroom. Here is where she would get caught up on the wizarding world, and if she was lucky, she would get to study with Benjamin. "Good day, professor," she said as she took her seat. She stuck her blue messenger bag in the chair next to her hoping that Benjamin would sit there with her. She pulled out her journal and writing implements. She also pulled out the book she had gotten for Benjamin and opened up back to the drawing she was making for Benjamin in his new book. She hadn't decided when to give it to him, but she would.

ooc: would personally like to thank the kind person who drew this and put it on photobucket. :)

nogoodforyou 02-04-2011 03:13 PM

History of Magic. Helena couldn't wait for this one to start! History was just... fascinating.

Entering the classroom, she spotted the professor, sitting at her desk. "Hello, professor," she said, rather happily. She had no idea why, but she felt happy. Or... relieved? Well, yes. No charms, no potions, no nothing. Just history. She sat down at the nearest desk and waited for the lesson to start.

Jean1210 02-04-2011 03:15 PM

JP was excited for this class.
Waving to the professor. He took his seat and waited for the class to start.

Erindipity 02-04-2011 03:15 PM

Lexi entered the HoM classroom and smiled brightly at the Professor. "Good day, Professor Welton!" she called out as she took a seat near the door. Mhm. Lovely spot to sit. She could see everyone as they entered. Hehe.

SHe could only hope this class didn't go on about Muggles to the extent that the others had... it WAS History of Magic after all... Surely there wasn't THAT much Muggle involvement to be discussed.

HaRoHeGiNeLu 02-04-2011 03:17 PM

History of Magic...? Was not necessarily one of Ellie's favorite classes. However, unlike the majority of her once-favorite classes, Welton still taught it! This was a MAJOR plus because Welton had FOOD. And Ellie was ravenous.

"What do we get today?" Brownies? Cookies? FUDGE?!

Fudge sounded best about now. Totally.

She continued into the classroom and took a front row, nearly center seat. She'd get the food first, see, being closest to the Professor.

SarcasticStrawberry 02-04-2011 03:19 PM

Caroline came into the history of magic classroom. As she walked into the nornal classroom, She scanned the room for a seat. This was the first History of Magic class of the term and wanted to make a good new term impression. Where you says alot about the kind of student you are. She walked to the last row and sat in the front. "Good Morning, Professor Welton" she said brightly and smile. She took her book out of her bag along with a quill and parachment. She looked around the room and waited for class to start.

Daemon 02-04-2011 03:28 PM

And here she was. With a sigh, Chyler entered the classroom and took a seat towards the front. She'd give this lesson ONE CHANCE. Before the term had started Chyler had had no intention of attending History of Magic - simply because it was a chore to study and not really relevant to her life - but it was the one subject Sam could really know properly and he'd begged her to take it and then tell him all about it during the holidays. At first she'd been reluctant but the boy was so excited for this prospect that she hadn't had the heart to say no.

With an unreadable expression, Chyler began taking out her things and arranging her table, eying the classroom for any sign of the stupid Slytherin guy who'd taken a fancy to annoying her. Well... Up until now, he wasn't here and she hoped it would stay that way. Looking up, she nodded to the professor then waited for the rest of the students to come in and for class to begin. ONE chance.

Weasley174 02-04-2011 03:45 PM

Simon was still feeling down but he wasn't going to miss the lesson from one of his favourate professor and so he walked into the History of Magic classroom. "Hello Professor, I hope you are well." Simon said as he looked at the Professor, he wondered what they were going to do in the class.

Tazenhani 02-04-2011 04:02 PM

History of Magic. Hopefully it would stay as such and not tailor towards another discussion on muggles. He loved muggles and in many ways he found himself considering himself a muggle more than any sort of wizard, but lately there had been too much talk about the Statue, too much deviation and confusion put forward by its morality. Would they do it here too? Turn History of Magic into the history of the Statue? In many ways he hoped not.

With a small sigh, Sabel moved into the room, giving his normal, silent nod and smile to the professor. Not particularly wanting to sit alone at the moment, he moved over to Lexi and plopped down in the seat beside her, shoving his bag under his desk. "Hey."

imaginarynumb3rs 02-04-2011 04:26 PM

Wesley was in an excellent mood. She had made progress on all her assignments, and had slept well, and had ate THREE, count 'em, THREE pieces of toast for breakfast. With jam.

About ready to burst like a puffapod, Wesley decided to skip the formal beginning and get straight to the name. "Professor Welton!"

Then she sat down, in the back, as per usual.

PatInTheHat 02-04-2011 04:33 PM

Arya was positive that if this class wasn't so close to her common room, she would have opted to skip it in favor of doing something else, but it was close and so she was attending. She only hoped that there wouldn't be a lot of statue talk, really didn't want to have another lesson talking about that.

There was a light bounce in her step as she entered the room, eyes scanning the classroom lazily before settling on the professor long enough for greetings. "Hey Professor." The young Hufflepuff had spotted Sabel sitting near the door, and gave him a smile, but chose a seat near the front of class. Sitting by the door wasn't her thing. Sliding into a seat by the front, she let her bag drop to the floor, and waited for the lesson to begin.

Lauralicious 02-04-2011 05:05 PM

Entering the classroom, Fee smiled.Professor Welton was really coool and after the talk at her office she only liked her more. Besides the lessons were always fun.Somehow that woman managed to make history of magic more interesting.

Looking around for a free seat the girl coildnt find any of her friends and just walked to one nect to the window.That were always the best places.Placing her things on the table she wacved at the professor."Good morning",the slytherin said happily.

DH Vixen 02-04-2011 05:22 PM

♥ Glomps you all, my lovelies!
Glancing through some notes, Sylvie waited for the arrive of the students. Apart of her a little worried, but overall rather pleased with things.


Originally Posted by Zoerawrr (Post 10163645)
Here it was... most probably the favourite subject of Jake's, seeing as it was his best subject.

With a smile, Jake took a seat.

"Hey Sy- AHEM... Professor."

Close one.


Hearing the footsteps coming from the hall, she looked up and smiled bright as she saw the first students entering.

"Hello Jake." she replied with a wink, as she noticed his quick save.

Originally Posted by Emily_Potter (Post 10163646)
Emily entered the History of Magic classroom. It was simplistic, but that was the way she liked it. She walked down one of the rows and took a seat not far from the front of the class.
"Morning Professor Welton"
, she said as she began to take her things out her her bag. Emily arranged her quill, ink and parchment on the desk in a particular manner, she was fond of neatness. After that she pulled out her text book and placed it to the left of her parchment.

"Good morning, Emily."

Originally Posted by jengirls109 (Post 10163647)
Jaina entered into the classroom. Here is where she would get caught up on the wizarding world, and if she was lucky, she would get to study with Benjamin. "Good day, professor," she said as she took her seat. She stuck her blue messenger bag in the chair next to her hoping that Benjamin would sit there with her. She pulled out her journal and writing implements. She also pulled out the book she had gotten for Benjamin and opened up back to the drawing she was making for Benjamin in his new book. She hadn't decided when to give it to him, but she would.

ooc: would personally like to thank the kind person who drew this and put it on photobucket. :)

"Good day to you as well, Jaina."

Originally Posted by nogoodforyou (Post 10163650)
History of Magic. Helena couldn't wait for this one to start! History was just... fascinating.

Entering the classroom, she spotted the professor, sitting at her desk. "Hello, professor," she said, rather happily. She had no idea why, but she felt happy. Or... relieved? Well, yes. No charms, no potions, no nothing. Just history. She sat down at the nearest desk and waited for the lesson to start.

"Hello, Helena."

Originally Posted by Pinky (Post 10163653)
Lexi entered the HoM classroom and smiled brightly at the Professor. "Good day, Professor Welton!" she called out as she took a seat near the door. Mhm. Lovely spot to sit. She could see everyone as they entered. Hehe.

SHe could only hope this class didn't go on about Muggles to the extent that the others had... it WAS History of Magic after all... Surely there wasn't THAT much Muggle involvement to be discussed.

"Good day to you too, Lexi."

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu (Post 10163657)
History of Magic...? Was not necessarily one of Ellie's favorite classes. However, unlike the majority of her once-favorite classes, Welton still taught it! This was a MAJOR plus because Welton had FOOD. And Ellie was ravenous.

"What do we get today?" Brownies? Cookies? FUDGE?!

Fudge sounded best about now. Totally.

She continued into the classroom and took a front row, nearly center seat. She'd get the food first, see, being closest to the Professor.

"Why hello, Ellie." she replied with a slight giggle. Apparently her tendency to always have treats was what she was going to be remembered for.

"I do have some treats in my desk, but they are for later." she explained as she pulled open a drawer and removed said treats.

Originally Posted by Saraie (Post 10163658)
Caroline came into the history of magic classroom. As she walked into the nornal classroom, She scanned the room for a seat. This was the first History of Magic class of the term and wanted to make a good new term impression. Where you says alot about the kind of student you are. She walked to the last row and sat in the front. "Good Morning, Professor Welton" she said brightly and smile. She took her book out of her bag along with a quill and parachment. She looked around the room and waited for class to start.

"Good morning, Caroline."

Originally Posted by fire_faerie (Post 10163664)
And here she was. With a sigh, Chyler entered the classroom and took a seat towards the front. She'd give this lesson ONE CHANCE. Before the term had started Chyler had had no intention of attending History of Magic - simply because it was a chore to study and not really relevant to her life - but it was the one subject Sam could really know properly and he'd begged her to take it and then tell him all about it during the holidays. At first she'd been reluctant but the boy was so excited for this prospect that she hadn't had the heart to say no.

With an unreadable expression, Chyler began taking out her things and arranging her table, eying the classroom for any sign of the stupid Slytherin guy who'd taken a fancy to annoying her. Well... Up until now, he wasn't here and she hoped it would stay that way. Looking up, she nodded to the professor then waited for the rest of the students to come in and for class to begin. ONE chance.

Another student, a quick one. She did like quiet students as well. Returning the nod, she turned her attention to the other entering students.

Originally Posted by Harry174 (Post 10163672)
Simon was still feeling down but he wasn't going to miss the lesson from one of his favourate professor and so he walked into the History of Magic classroom. "Hello Professor, I hope you are well." Simon said as he looked at the Professor, he wondered what they were going to do in the class.

Smiling again, she stopped Simon. "Hello Simon. I'm quite well. I hope you are as well." she replied. She did worry about him since their last meeting, but maybe she would have to catch back up with him later, after the lesson.

Originally Posted by Tazenhani (Post 10163683)
History of Magic. Hopefully it would stay as such and not tailor towards another discussion on muggles. He loved muggles and in many ways he found himself considering himself a muggle more than any sort of wizard, but lately there had been too much talk about the Statue, too much deviation and confusion put forward by its morality. Would they do it here too? Turn History of Magic into the history of the Statue? In many ways he hoped not.

With a small sigh, Sabel moved into the room, giving his normal, silent nod and smile to the professor. Not particularly wanting to sit alone at the moment, he moved over to Lexi and plopped down in the seat beside her, shoving his bag under his desk. "Hey."

As she noticed the seventh year Gryffindor enter, she gave him a nod and small smile. The events of last month, the furthest thing on her mind.

Originally Posted by imaginarynumb3rs (Post 10163708)
Wesley was in an excellent mood. She had made progress on all her assignments, and had slept well, and had ate THREE, count 'em, THREE pieces of toast for breakfast. With jam.

About ready to burst like a puffapod, Wesley decided to skip the formal beginning and get straight to the name. "Professor Welton!"

Then she sat down, in the back, as per usual.

Letting out a small giggle, Sylvie nodded as she noticed the excited Hufflepuff Prefect.

"Hi, Wesley."

Energy, yes it was a good thing to have.


Originally Posted by grangerfan8 (Post 10163723)
Arya was positive that if this class wasn't so close to her common room, she would have opted to skip it in favor of doing something else, but it was close and so she was attending. She only hoped that there wouldn't be a lot of statue talk, really didn't want to have another lesson talking about that.

There was a light bounce in her step as she entered the room, eyes scanning the classroom lazily before settling on the professor long enough for greetings. "Hey Professor." The young Hufflepuff had spotted Sabel sitting near the door, and gave him a smile, but chose a seat near the front of class. Sitting by the door wasn't her thing. Sliding into a seat by the front, she let her bag drop to the floor, and waited for the lesson to begin.

"Hello Arya. Very nice to see you today," she replied as she stood from her chair and moved to the front of the board.

Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 10163779)
Entering the classroom, Fee smiled.Professor Welton was really coool and after the talk at her office she only liked her more. Besides the lessons were always fun.Somehow that woman managed to make history of magic more interesting.

Looking around for a free seat the girl coildnt find any of her friends and just walked to one nect to the window.That were always the best places.Placing her things on the table she wacved at the professor."Good morning",the slytherin said happily.

Seeing the young Slytherin, she smiled and gave a small wave in return.

"Good morning, Fee."

Giving the room a look, she looked to the door and then back to the students present.

"The lesson shall begin soon. Let's give the stragglers a few more minutes to join us."

pundantic 02-04-2011 05:36 PM

Selina walked into History of Magic. The little redhead smiled at her Professor and said, "Good morning, Professor. Enjoying your year so far?"

She then took her seat next to Violet and pulsed out her parchment. She was ready.

Felixir 02-04-2011 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by imaginarynumb3rs (Post 10163708)
Wesley was in an excellent mood. She had made progress on all her assignments, and had slept well, and had ate THREE, count 'em, THREE pieces of toast for breakfast. With jam.

About ready to burst like a puffapod, Wesley decided to skip the formal beginning and get straight to the name. "Professor Welton!"

Then she sat down, in the back, as per usual.


Wesley seemed happy.

That made Jake feel... guilty or something? The last they'd spoken, she'd ended up upset. He hadn't even seen her since, and now she was happy. Jake connected the dots... but he missed one of his best friends.

Even if he was kind of upset about it all. Well... really upset.

The young man looked at Wesley, tried to smile but felt his facial muscles not do anything... before looking to the front of the room after a moment.


Originally Posted by DH Vixen (Post 10163809)
Hearing the footsteps coming from the hall, she looked up and smiled bright as she saw the first students entering.

"Hello Jake." she replied with a wink, as she noticed his quick save.

Ah, it was cool... she wasn't mad at his almost slip-up. Huh. He should go visit Welton at one point soon. So much had just been going on.

Whilst he waited around, Jake began to doodle on his parchment.

Erindipity 02-04-2011 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Tazenhani (Post 10163683)
History of Magic. Hopefully it would stay as such and not tailor towards another discussion on muggles. He loved muggles and in many ways he found himself considering himself a muggle more than any sort of wizard, but lately there had been too much talk about the Statue, too much deviation and confusion put forward by its morality. Would they do it here too? Turn History of Magic into the history of the Statue? In many ways he hoped not.

With a small sigh, Sabel moved into the room, giving his normal, silent nod and smile to the professor. Not particularly wanting to sit alone at the moment, he moved over to Lexi and plopped down in the seat beside her, shoving his bag under his desk. "Hey."

Lexi smiled at her friend and gave him a little nod as he plopped into a seat near her. "Smile," she said quietly and then pressed her lips together to keep from laughing.

Luinevaug 02-04-2011 05:48 PM

Luin walked into the classroom with a few books in her hands. She was interested in this subject and so couldn't wait to get started, she had just gone to the library and checked out a couple of interesting books on wizarding history. She walked by the professor and said, "Hello Professor." she smiled and then walked to a desk at the front. She quickly put her books to the side, next to her bag, then took out her parchment and quill and waited for the class to resume.

Tazenhani 02-04-2011 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Pinky (Post 10163844)
Lexi smiled at her friend and gave him a little nod as he plopped into a seat near her. "Smile," she said quietly and then pressed her lips together to keep from laughing.

Sabel had to blink at Lexi after returning the Professor's small smile. For a moment he just sort of stared at her blankly, trying to work in her reasoning amongst the thoughts about the statue and the upcoming class. Then it hit him, he was supposed to smile more. Or at least try.

So, he gave her his best, slight smile. If such a thing was possible. The giggling from her helped though, and he couldn't help but shake his head a little.

hermionesclone 02-04-2011 06:01 PM

Kita hurried into the classroom, hoping she wasn't late. After all, there had been enough embarrassment for her today. "Hello Professor," she said, smiling, as she walked past the Professor's desk and towards a desk in the middle in the classroom. She had always loved History of Magic. There was no doubt about it. Upon reaching the desk, she sat down and turned her attention back to the Professor.

hpluvr037 02-04-2011 06:02 PM

Keefer sprinted towards the classroom. He didn't want to be late. He turned the corner and slowed down as he walked through the doorway. Seeing that class was yet to start, he put on a smile and greeted the professor. "Hullo, Professor Welton. You're looking well, today."

Sauntering to one of the seats in front, he placed his bag down by his feet and sat down. Pulling out quill and parchment, Keefer consciously turned on his brain to learning mode.

DH Vixen 02-04-2011 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by fanficfanatict (Post 10163827)
Selina walked into History of Magic. The little redhead smiled at her Professor and said, "Good morning, Professor. Enjoying your year so far?"

She then took her seat next to Violet and pulsed out her parchment. She was ready.

Sylvie smiled as she noticed another student and nodded.

"Good morning, Selina. Yes, it's been a rather good year so far."

Things weren't terrible at least and that made it a good year for the moment.


Originally Posted by Luinevaug (Post 10163854)
Luin walked into the classroom with a few books in her hands. She was interested in this subject and so couldn't wait to get started, she had just gone to the library and checked out a couple of interesting books on wizarding history. She walked by the professor and said, "Hello Professor." she smiled and then walked to a desk at the front. She quickly put her books to the side, next to her bag, then took out her parchment and quill and waited for the class to resume.

"Hello Luin."

Originally Posted by hermionesclone (Post 10163882)
Kita hurried into the classroom, hoping she wasn't late. After all, there had been enough embarrassment for her today. "Hello Professor," she said, smiling, as she walked past the Professor's desk and towards a desk in the middle in the classroom. She had always loved History of Magic. There was no doubt about it. Upon reaching the desk, she sat down and turned her attention back to the Professor.

"Morning Kita."

Originally Posted by hpluvr037 (Post 10163883)
Keefer sprinted towards the classroom. He didn't want to be late. He turned the corner and slowed down as he walked through the doorway. Seeing that class was yet to start, he put on a smile and greeted the professor. "Hullo, Professor Welton. You're looking well, today."

Sauntering to one of the seats in front, he placed his bag down by his feet and sat down. Pulling out quill and parchment, Keefer consciously turned on his brain to learning mode.

"Hello and thank you, Keffer."

Glancing at her watch, she nodded once again before taking a deep breath.

"Okay class. Today's lesson will be beginning now. I've been hearing things lately and I thought it would be wise to maybe revisit a lesson that was taught not too long ago."

She was pretty sure that most of the older students had been present for that lesson, as it was only four terms ago, but for the new students it would be a new lesson.

"What can you all tell me about the International Confederation of Wizards and what they do for us?"

hermionesclone 02-04-2011 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by DH Vixen (Post 10163896)
Sylvie smiled as she noticed another student and nodded.

"Good morning, Selina. Yes, it's been a rather good year so far."

Things weren't terrible at least and that made it a good year for the moment.

Glancing at her watch, she nodded once again before taking a deep breath.

"Okay class. Today's lesson will be beginning now. I've been hearing things lately and I thought it would be wise to maybe revisit a lesson that was taught not too long ago."

She was pretty sure that most of the older students had been present for that lesson, as it was only four terms ago, but for the new students it would be a new lesson.

"What can you all tell me about the International Confederation of Wizards and what they do for us?"

Kita frowned slightly. Now, what was it that she had read about the International Confederation of Wizards? "The International Confederation of Wizards... they're like the Muggle United Nations," she said, "They help hide the magical community from muggles." Or something like that. "Oh!" she started, having remembered something, "The leader is called the..." Super? No. "Supreme... Mugwump?"

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