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Con_Stripes 12-05-2010 10:44 AM

Futhark Magic: A Study of Ancient Runes
Chapter One: The Elder Futhark Runes
Chapter Two: An Introduction to the Elder Futhark
Chapter Three: A Brief History of the Elder Futhark
Chapter Four: The Elder Futhark and Norse Mythology
Chapter Five: Rune Symbolism and Esoteric Meanings
Chapter Six: Runic Transliteration and Transcription
Chapter Seven: Galdr

Please note that this thread is under construction
SPOILER!!: sources and credits

All information in this thread has been gathered from the following sources and all content belongs to original authors:
Runes, Alphabet of Mystery
Runes - Oswald the Runemaker
Ancient Scripts: Futhark
Tara Hill Designs
The Rune Site
Little Giant Encyclopedia: Runes by Sirona Knight

Con_Stripes 12-08-2010 09:20 AM

Chapter 1: The Elder Futhark Runes
The Elder Futhark Fehu (Cattle) Uruz (Auroch) Thurisaz (Thorn or Giant) Ansuz (Odin) Raidho (Journey) Kenaz (Torch) Gebo (Gift) (Joy) Hagalaz (Hail) Nauthiz (Need) Isa (Ice) Jera (Harvest) Eihwaz (Yew) Perthro (Dice Cup) Algiz (Protection) Sowilo (Sun) Tiwaz (Tyr) Berkano (Birch) Ehwaz (Horse) Mannaz (Man) Laguz (Water) Ingwaz (Ing) Dagaz (Day) Othala (Property)

Con_Stripes 12-08-2010 09:23 AM

Chapter 2: An Introduction to the Elder Futhark

An Introduction to the Elder Futhark

The runes are magical symbols that convey the story of creation, life, destruction and rebirth. These forces constantly occur on many levels of being and are present in all aspects of magic. Runes provide an outlet for natural magic, though the magic itself is limited by the symbolic meaning of any individual rune, or the meaning of any one rune in relation to another set in ligature. The Elder Futhark runes were initially a series of sounds, incantations and postures used to communicate with others, connect with nature and the elements, and to focus magical intent. Gradually people identified these sounds, incantations and postures with specific signals or symbols which became concepts that could be transcribed or written down, or invoked with lasting magical power.

Rune comes from the root run- meaning "secret" or "whisper". In Old Norse, run means "mystery." In old Irish and Scotch Gaelic, run means "secret" or "mysterium," as does rhin in Middle Welsh. The root run- can also be found in the Baltic languages meaning "speech". In Lithuanian, runoti has two meanings: "to cut (with a knife)" or "to speak". The word "Rune" is to "Futhark" as "Letter" is to "Alphabet". That is, a Rune is one of the symbols that make up the Futhark, just as a letter is one of the symbols that makes up the Alphabet. The name "Futhark", like the word "Alphabet", is derived from the first few letters in the runic sequence. This sequence is different from that of the Latin Alphabet and is unique in its own right compared to other writing systems.

Consisting of 24 runes, beginning with F and ending with O, the Elder Futhark was used by the Germanic tribes of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Northern Germany. The best known runic systems are the Elder Futhark, the Anglo-Saxxon Futhorc, and the Younger Futhark. Runes were eventually replaced with the Latin alphabet and have only been 'rediscovered' by mugglekind as recently as 1865 when Norewegian Scholar Sophus Bugge managed to decipher Elder Futhark inscriptions. While some Muggles are nominally aware of the magical nature of the Elder Futhark runes, their non-magical blood cannot truly activate the magic, much as they are unable to use a wand for magical purposes.

The use of the Elder Futhark Runes is threefold; Communication, Divination and Invocation. These three uses of Runes are covered in later chapters.

Con_Stripes 12-08-2010 09:28 AM

Chapter 3: A Brief History of the Elder Futhark
A Brief History of the Elder Futhark

The Elder Futhark is the oldest known version of the Runic Alphabet and was used in the parts of Europe which were home to Germanic peoples, including Scandinavia. Rune-like symbols appear as cave markings as early as the late Bronze Age circa 1300 BC, but the first Runic inscriptions that have survived to the modern day dated from around 200 CE, about the same time the Runemal, or art of runic interpretation was wide-spread in Northern Europe. The rune carvings discovered spread across Europe illustrate that the runic forms were well established and had been in use for some centuries before the time the earliest written inscriptions were found. Likewise the meaningful names and symbols attached to each rune confirms they held magical and religious significance long before they emerged as a writing system for records and messages.

Proto-Germanic Linguistics and language history suggest the time of Futhark's creation to the 1st millennium BCE, about the same time that wand use became more widespread amongst wizardkind. The resemblance to Mediterranean scripts suggests the Futhark may have been adapted from the Greek or Etruscan alphabets, or that it originated from the same Semitic language sources that influenced the development Greek and Etruscan alphabet. The earliest Futhark inscriptions don't have a fixed writing direction, but instead can be written either left-to-right or right-to-left, which was a feature of very archaic Greek or Etruscan alphabets before the 3rd century BCE. If the Futhark and the Greek and Etruscan alphabets came from the same origins, it is possible that the Futhark was developed as far back in history as 2000 BC.

Most Runic texts are found on hard surfaces such as rock, wood, and metal. This is the reason Runes are made up of straight lines, as it is much easier to carve a line than it is to carve a curve, especially in wood where the direction of the grain must be taken into account. The Elder Futhark runes do not contain any horizontal or curved lines. The vertical and diagonal lines used to make up the rune symbols are easier to cut across the grain in wood and if you attempt to cut a line horizontally along the grain, the cut will close up as the rune dries and the line will disappear. The less sophisticated tools available at the time the Elder Futhark was first established are yet another reason simple lines were used for runic forms.

The Elder Futhark was used mostly before the 9th century CE. After this time it was adapted into other Futhark forms as languages changed and more Germanic groups adopted it for their own needs. The runes changed to fit the language shifts but the Elder Futhark form remained the common ancestor. An early offshoot of Futhark was employed by Goths, and so it is known as Gothic Runes. It was used until 500 CE when it was replaced by the Greek-based Gothic alphabet. The Anglo-Saxons brought Futhark from continental Europe in the 5th century CE and modified it into the 33-letter Futhorc to accommodate sound changes that were occurring in Old English. In Scandinavia, Futhark also evolved around the 9th century CE. Instead of 24 letters, the Scandinavian Younger Futhark had 16 letters. Nine of the original Elder Futhark letters were dropped and a new one was created. There were two major varieties of Younger Futhark, Danish and Swedish-Norwegian.

The Futhark started to decline with the spread of the Latin alphabet. In England, Anglo-Saxon Futhorc started to be replaced by the Latin alphabet by the 9th century CE, and did not survive much more past the Norman Conquest of 1066. Futhark continued to be used in Scandinavia for centuries longer, but by 1600 CE, it had become nothing more than a curiosity, and by the time the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy was established in 1692, the magical elements of the runes were almost completely forgotten by Mugglekind and fell out of favour with many Witches and Wizards, who preferred to use their wands for all magic and spellwork.

Con_Stripes 12-08-2010 09:30 AM

Chapter 4: The Elder Futhark and Norse Mythology
The Elder Futhark and Norse Mythology

Each of the 24 Runes of the Elder Futhark is associated with a figure in Norse Mythology; God, Goddess or Wight. To begin with, the Norse deities are divided into two major groups, the Æsir and the Vanir. The Æsir ("eye-seer") is the collective name of the Old Norse Gods of the family of which Odin was the patriarch. The Æsir are the gods of the sky and of consciousness, while the Vanir are the gods of the earth, nature, fertility and the subconscious.

The Æsir call Asgard home. Asgard is the Norse 'heaven' and seat of Odin. There are two heaven's beyond Asgard. There was, in antiquity, war between the Æsir and Vanir, because Odin and Thor did not wish to recognise the Vanir as full gods. When an agreement for peace was finally reached, the two tribes exchanged hostages as a surety. Those Vanir gods and goddesses who relocated to Asgard were 'adopted' as Æsir.

The Gods are powerful, beautiful and larger in stature than ordinary people. They are long-lived, but they are not immortal. Each God has a specialty and an affinity for different areas of knowledge. Mostly they are benevolent and helpful towards humans, particularly those who know how to ask for their aid.

The Norse myth of Odin and the World Tree is credited with being the central myth surrounding the creation of the Elder Futhark runic system. The Runes were discovered by Odin and taught to mankind by Heimdall. Odin, impaled on his own spear, hung from Yggdrasil the world tree for nine days and nights in order to gain the knowledge of runes. His sacrifice was rewarded when the runes appeared below him. He reached for the Runes and took them up, and the runic knowledge gave him great power. The story of this is detailed in the Havamàl, which is part of the Poetic Edda. It is known as the Runatal, the discovery of the runes.

SPOILER!!: Runatal excerpt

Excerpt from the Havamàl - 'The Words of the Most High'
Runatal -In which Odin aquired runic knowledge through sacrifice, trial and tribulation

Wounded I hung on a wind-swept gallows
For nine long nights,
Pierced by a spear, pledged to Odin,
Offered, myself to myself
The wisest know not from whence spring
The roots of that ancient rood.
They gave me no bread,
They gave me no mead,
I looked down;
With a loud cry
I took up runes;
From that tree I fell.

Nine lays of power
I learned from the famous Bolthor, Bestla' s father:
He poured me a draught of precious mead,
Mixed with magic Odrerir.

Waxed and throve well;
Word from word gave words to me,
Deed from deed gave deeds to me.

Runes you will find, and readable staves,
Very strong staves,
Very stout staves,
Staves that Bolthor stained,
Made by mighty powers,
Graven by the prophetic God.

For the Gods by Odin, for the Elves by Dain,
By Dvalin, too, for the Dwarves,
By Asvid for the hateful Giants,
And some I carved myself:
Thund, before man was made, scratched them,
Who rose first, fell thereafter.

Know how to cut them,
know how to read them,
Know how to stain them,
know how to prove them,
Know how to evoke them,
know how to score them,
Know how to send them,
know how to send them.

Better not to ask than to over-pledge
As a gift that demands a gift.
Better not to send
Than to slay too many.
-W. H. Auden and P. B. Taylor translation of the Havamàl

There are many translations available, in both prose and verse, and the Havamàl goes on to detail the rune charms Odin learned.

The Norse Deity Associations of the Aettir

The 24 runes of the Elder Futhark are divided into three groups of eight, known as an ætt (singular of ættir, meaning 'families' or 'groups'), which are said to be ruled over by both a god and goddess. The first ætt is ruled over by Frey and Freyja, the deities of fertility. The second ætt is ruled over by Heimdall and Mordgud, and the third and final ætt is ruled over by Tyr and Zisa. Mordgud and Zisa are often left out in modern texts and it is generally correct to refer to the first ætt as Frey's Aett, the second ætt as Heimdall's ætt and the third as Tyr's ætt. The first ætt is associated with creation, the second with humanity and the third with divine status.

Con_Stripes 12-22-2010 09:37 AM

Chapter 5: Rune Symbolism and Esoteric Meanings
Chapter 5: Rune Symbolism and Esoteric Meanings
Each rune can be said to have three types of meanings; language, divination and magic. The phonetic value and letter equivalent meaning is covered in another chapter. The magical and divinatory meanings in the quick reference list below is not exhaustive, and often the meanings may overlap. The form of each rune often relates to its meaning, suggesting that the meanings and symbolism came first and the writing system came afterwards. The position of each rune in its Aett also has a symbolic meaning and the runes serve as a key to the Norse understanding of the physical and spiritual world and the journey of life, death and rebirth.

First Aett Fehu
Divinatory Meanings:
Wealth, Hard earned wealth or possessions, rewards, luck, abundance, hope, success, energy, future financial stability, domestic cattle (symbol of wealth), prosperity, karma, realisation of goals, self-worth
Magical Uses:
Luck, abundance, money, business success, luck for financial endeavors, finding a job, beginning a new journey, entrepreneurship, acheiving goals, fruitful endeavours, hardwork paying off. Uruz
Divinatory Meanings:
Energy, Passion, speed, physical prowess, vitality, instinct, strength, rites of passage, unrestrained freedom, wildness, fertility, the unconscious, irrationality, sudden and unexpected changes
Magical Uses:
Strength, energy, speed, vitality, courage, understanding, Freedom through physical strength, dedication, willpower, hunting, bravery Thurisaz
Divinatory Meanings:
Hardship, a painful event, introspection, focus, discipline, knowledge, reactive force, conflict
Magical Uses:
Regenerative catalyst, study aid, self-discipline, concentration in spite of distractions, purging the negative, focus, thorns. Ansuz
Divinatory Meanings:
Authority figure, leader, balance of body and mind, health, justice, seer, clairvoyant, a revealing message, insight, communication, inspiration,
Magical Uses:
communication, messages, signals, truth, wisdom, good health, words and naming power, leadership, success, wise decisions Raidho
Divinatory Meanings:
journey, pilgrimage, change, destiny, quest, progress, life lessons, seeing a larger perspective, relocating, movement, travel, vacation
Magical Uses:
protection for travellers, movement, rhythm, dance, reconnecting, to make change easier, catalyst for change and movement Kenaz
Divinatory Meanings:
wisdom, insight, solution to a problem, creativity, inspiration, enlightenment, vision, technical ability, power of light, understanding
Magical Uses:
fire, regeneration, passion, inspiration, study aid, dispelling anxiety and fear, energy, heat, light, beacon signals, vision Gebo
Divinatory Meanings:
gifts, sacrifice, generosity, exchanges, balance, contracts, relationships, partnerships, love, marriage, unexpected fortune
Magical Uses:
to find or strengthen a relationship, luck, giving, fertility, success through partnership, balance, contract Wunjo
Divinatory Meanings:
success, recognition of achievements, reward, joy, achievement of goals, contentment
Magical Uses:
completion of tasks, motivation, success in any in any endeavour, joy, success, harmony, prosperity, ecstasy, going over the top


The Second Aett Hagalaz
Divinatory Meanings:
Sudden loss, ordeal, destruction, disaster, clearance, testing, karmic lesson, drastic change testing, trial, controlled crisis, leading to completion, inner harmony.
Magical Uses:
Wrath of nature, destructive, uncontrolled forces, dangerous weather, removing unwanted influences, breaking destructive patterns Nauthiz
Divinatory Meanings:
poverty, hardship, responsibility, discontent, obstacle, frustration, facing your fears, self-initiated change, a time for patience, recognition of fate.
Magical Uses:
Representation of a need to be filled, obstacles, frustration, delays, restriction, endurance, survival, determination, necessity Isa
Divinatory Meanings:
inactivity, blockage, stagnation, potential, patience, reflection, withdrawl, rest , a challenge, a frustration, psychological blocks
Magical Uses:
Ice, reflection, obstacles, freezing, reinforcement of other magics, blockages Jera
Divinatory Meanings:
The results of earlier efforts are realized, a time of peace and happiness, fruitful season, change, cycle turning, reward, motion, productivity, inevitable development
Magical Uses:
Break through stagnation, harvest, to bring change, growth, fruition, cycles, life and growth Eihwaz
Divinatory Meanings:
change, initiation, confrontation of fears, turning point, death, transformation, strength, reliability, dependability, trustworthiness
Magical Uses:
defense, protection,to bring about profound change, to ease a life transition, transformation Perthro
Divinatory Meanings:
rebirth, mystery, magic, divination, fertility, new beginning, prophecy, uncertain meaning, a secret matter, a mystery
Magical Uses:
Fertility, easing childbirth, to aid in divination and magic, enhancing psychic abilities, knowledge of the future, secrets, uncertainty Algiz
Divinatory Meanings:
Protection, assistance, defence, warning, support, a mentor, an ethical dilemma.
Magical Uses:
A shield, protection, guardian, a ward against evil, channeling energies Sowilo
Divinatory Meanings:
Success, positive energy, increase, power, activity, fertility, health, wholeness, power, elemental force, sword of flame, cleansing fire
Magical Uses:
energy, strength, success, healing, elemental force, cleansing fire, life energy


The Third Aett Tiwaz
Divinatory Meanings:
Duty, discipline, honour, responsibility, self-sacrifice, justice, conflict, strength, wounds, victory or success in competition, leadership, authority
Magical Uses:
Protection, victory in competition, strength, strengthening the will, healing a wound, analysis Berkano
Divinatory Meanings:
Birth, fertility, mental growth, physical growth, personal growth, liberation, health, clearance and permission, the time is right, plenty
Magical Uses:
regeneration, encouraging love and desire, liberation, healing (especially infections), starting anew Ehwaz
Divinatory Meanings:
transportation, motion, assistance, energy, power, communication, will, recklessness, travel, confirmation of other runes
Magical Uses:
movement, energy in motion, momentum, power, communication, will, 'sending' a spell Mannaz
Divinatory Meanings:
Self, family, community, relationships, social concerns
Magical Uses:
Intelligence, forethought, create, skill, ability, social order, cooperation of others, manpower Laguz
Divinatory Meanings:
Emotions, fears, unconscious mind, things hidden, revelation, intuition, counselling
Magical Uses:
Enhancing psychic abilities, confronting fears, stabilizing mental or emotional disorders, uncovering hidden things, flow, water, sea, a fertility source, the healing power of renewal Ingwaz
Divinatory Meanings:
Work, productivity, bounty, groundedness, balance, connection with the land.
Magical Uses:
Connection with natural things, balance, groundedness, general health, farming, growth, common sense, nurture, tying up loose ends, gestation, strengthening, influencing environment Dagaz
Divinatory Meanings:
Happiness, success, activity, a fulfilling lifestyle, satisfaction, clarity of daylight, breakthrough, awakening, awareness, transformation, opposites meeting, point of balance
Magical Uses:
Positive outcome, sunlight, clarity, breakthrough, awareness, transformation, awakening Othala
Divinatory Meanings:
property, land, inheritance, home, permanence, legacy, synthesis, sense of belonging, ancestral home
Magical Uses:
aquisition, permanence, property, valuables, heritage, ancestral connection

Con_Stripes 01-02-2011 08:53 AM

Chapter 6: Runic Transliteration and Transcription
Chapter 6: Runic Transliteration and Transcription Fehu ("fay-who")
F -- f as in fire Uruz ("oo-rooze")
U -- oo as in choose or oo as in book Thurisaz ("thoor-ee-saws")
TH -- th as in thorn, never th as in the Ansuz ("awn-sooze")
A -- a as in call or add Raidho ("rye-though")
R -- r as in ride Kenaz ("kane-awze")
K or C -- k as in kick, hard c as in can. Gebo ("ghay-bow")
G -- g as in good, ch as in loch but softer Wunjo ("Woon-yoh" or "Vun-yoh")
W or V -- w as in wax, v as in van Hagalaz ("Har-ghawl-arz")
H -- h as in hat Nauthiz ("Now-these")
N -- n as in now Isa ("Ee-saw")
I -- i as in sit Jera ("Year-ah")
J -- j as in jump and y as in year Eihwaz (eye-was")
I (long) or EI -- i as in pride and y as in style Perthro ("perth-row")
P -- p as in pat Algiz ("Awl-gheeze")
Z -- z as in zone, s as in cousin Sowilo ("soe-wee-low" or "so-veal-oh")
S -- s as in sun, c as in nice Tiwaz ("Tea-wahz")
T -- t as in top Berkano ("Bear-kawn-oh")
B -- b as in bite Ehwaz ("Ay-wahz")
E -- e as in end, ee as in sheep Mannaz ("Mah-nawz")
M -- m as in man Laguz (Lah-gooze")
L -- l as in life Ingwaz ("Ing-wahz")
NG -- ng as in finger or singer Dagaz ("Daw-ghawz")
D - d as in dog, dth as in breadth, th as in the Othala ("Oath-awe-law")
O -- o as in old, o as in cot, o as in oat

Rune Name of Rune ("Pronunciation of name")
Alphabet equivalent - Phonetic Value

Con_Stripes 01-16-2011 07:05 AM

Chapter 7: Galdr
Chapter 7: Galdr

A Galdr is a chant for calling and invoking the magic of the Elder Futhark runes. Each galdr has a rhythm, and is 'sung' to the rune in question, while keeping the intent and the magical properties of that rune in mind. Galdr comes from Old Norse and means 'spell' or 'incantation'. The Old Norse word galdr is derived from a word for singing incantations, gala. The Old English forms were gealdor 'spell', galdor 'enchantment', ȝaldre 'witchcraft' and the verb galan meant 'sing' or 'chant'. The German forms were Old High German galstar and Middle High German galster 'song' or 'enchantment' and survive in Modern German Galsterei 'witchcraft' and Galsterweib 'witch'.

Galdr are made up of the sounds of the runes and do not have to follow any set pattern or standard incantation. Galdr is naming magic, it is the intent behind the sounds that is instrumental to correctly performing a galdr chant, and the power comes from the name of the rune itself. Galdr can be made up of several runes and their sounds, and uniquely combined to create spells customized to the individual and to the magic being made. Any word can be used as a galdr if it is broken down phonetically and the rune equivalents are identified both as sounds and for the associated meanings.

Basic Galdr
These basic Galdr, created by Edred Thorsson, can be used when invoking any individual runes. As you can see the sounds making up the name of each rune are broken down. You can play with these sounds, make them neutral, closed, sustained or stressed based on your individual preference. These galdr do not have to be used in their entirety, but most will find it easier to focus their intent if they take the time to chant the entire galdr and repeat it if necessary.

SPOILER!!: Basic Galdr

fehu fehu fehu
f f f f f f f f f
fu fa fi fe fo
of ef if af uf
f f f f f f f f f

uruz uruz uruz
u u u u u u u u u
u u u u u u r r r r r r
u u u u u u u u u

thurisaz thurisaz thurisaz
th th th th th th th th th
thur thar thur ther thor
thu tha thu the tho
th th th th th th th th th

ansuz ansuz ansuz
aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw
aw aw aw aw aw aw s s s s s s
aw aw aw aw aw aw
aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw

raidho raidho raidho
r r r r r r r r r
ru ra ri re ro
rudh radh ridh redh rodh
(rut rat rit ret rot)
or er ir ar ur
r r r r r r r r r

kenaz kenaz kenaz
ku ka ki ke ko
kun kan kin ken kon
ok ek ik ak uk

gebo gebo gebo
gu ga gi ge go
gub gab gib geb gob
og eg ig au ur
g a a a f f f f f

wunjo wunjo wunjo
wu wa wi we wo
wun wan win wen won
wo we wi wa wu
w w w u u u n n n

hagalaz hagalaz hagalaz
h h h h h h h h h
hu ha hi he ho
hug hag hig heg hog
(hul hal hil hel hol)
oh eh ih ah uh
h h h h h h h h h

nauthiz nauthiz nauthiz
n n n n n n n n n
nu na nu ne no
nudh nadh hudh nedh niodh
(nut nat nit net not)
un an in en on
n n n n n n n n n

isa isa isa
i i i i i i i i i
i i i i i i s s s s s s
(s s s s s s i i i i i i)
i i i i i i i i i

jera jera jera
j j j e e e r r r a a a
j j j j j j j j j
ju ja ji je jo
(jur jar jir jer jor)
j j j e e e r r r a a a

eihwaz eihwaz eihwaz
(iwaz iwaz iwaz)
ə ə ə ə ə ə ə ə ə
iwu iwa iwi iwa iwu
iwo iwe iwi iwa iwu
e e e e e e e e e

perthro perthro perthro
pu pa pi pe po
purdh pardh pirdh perdh pordh
po pe pi pa pu
p p p e e e r r r th th th r r r o o o

algiz algiz algiz
z z z z z z z z z
uz az iz ez uz
oz ez iz az uz
z z z z z z z z z

sowilo sowilo sowilo
s s s s s s s s s
s s s o o o l l l
su sa si se so
(sul sal sil sel sol)
us as is es os
si se su sa su
s s s s s s s s s

tiwaz tiwaz tiwaz
t i i i i i r r r r r
tu ta ti te ter tor
tur tar tir ter tor
ot et it at ut
(Tyr Tyr)
T i i i i i r r r r r

berkano berkano berkano
bu ba bi be bo
b e e e e e r r r r r
(burk bark birk berk bork)
ob eb ib ab ub
b e e e e e r r r r r

ehwaz ehwaz ehwaz
e e e e h w a a a z
ehwu ehwa ehwi ehwe ehwo
ehwo ehwe ehwi ehwa ehwu
e e e e h w a a a z

mannaz mannaz mannaz
m m m a a a a a a n n n
mu ma mi me mo
mun man min men mon
um am im em om
mon men min man mun
m m m a a a a a a n n n
m m m m m m m m m

laguz laguz laguz
l l l l l l l l l
lu la li ke lo
(lug lag lig leg log)
ul al il el ol
lo le li la lu
l l l a a a g g g u u u
l l l l l l l l l

ingwaz ingwaz ingwaz
i i i i n n n n g g g g
ung ang ing eng ong
ong eng ing ang ung
i i i i n n n n g g g g

dagaz dagaz dagaz
dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh
d d d a a a g g g a a a z z z
du da di de do
dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh
odh edh idh adh udh
od ed ud ad ud
d d d a a a g g g a a a z z z

othala othala othala
o o o o o o o o o
o o o o o o
othul othal othil othel othol
othol othel othil othal othul
o o o o o o

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