-   Term 27: January - April 2011 (
-   -   Fourth Floor Corridor (

Cassirin 05-19-2010 12:44 AM

Fourth Floor Corridor
Look. A corridor!

PureBlood64 01-06-2011 05:59 AM


Katie gave Vixy a pat and put her on the ground so she could run around, she wondered where her sister was, she knew that hadn't made a date or anything but still, where was she?

samthehpfreak 01-06-2011 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by PureBlood64 (Post 10083806)

Katie gave Vixy a pat and put her on the ground so she could run around, she wondered where her sister was, she knew that hadn't made a date or anything but still, where was she?

Sammy skipped down the corridor. She liked skipping, and she was in a "skipping" mood. SO SHE SKIPPED!


a sister?

Why it is a sister. "TEE!" she squealed, giving her sister a hug. "how are you darling?" she asked, before noticing Vixy. She squealed again. "sorry but Mog's having a nap, but I have Hayden" she said putting them small ball of purple fluff, which was Hayden, on the floor near Vixy. "I'm not sure if it's a guy or a girl yet though" she said, tilting her head over so slightly.

PureBlood64 01-06-2011 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by samthehpfreak (Post 10083861)
Sammy skipped down the corridor. She liked skipping, and she was in a "skipping" mood. SO SHE SKIPPED!


a sister?

Why it is a sister. "TEE!" she squealed, giving her sister a hug. "how are you darling?" she asked, before noticing Vixy. She squealed again. "sorry but Mog's having a nap, but I have Hayden" she said putting them small ball of purple fluff, which was Hayden, on the floor near Vixy. "I'm not sure if it's a guy or a girl yet though" she said, tilting her head over so slightly.


She still called her Tee didn't she?

Why Tee?

"Sammy!" Katie said as she gave her sister hug back :glomp: "Well, I have been feeling dizzy lately to be honest, and I fainted on the train" Katie sighed, just thinking of dizziness was actually making her a bit dizzy, she had been worse though, AWWW! Katie looked at Hayden, it was sooo cute! "Its so cute, where did you get it?" Katie asked, she wanted one! :x3:

Vixy started circling the fluffy purple thing and eyed it, 'I'm cuter' she thought.

samthehpfreak 01-06-2011 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by PureBlood64 (Post 10083926)

She still called her Tee didn't she?

Why Tee?

"Sammy!" Katie said as she gave her sister hug back :glomp: "Well, I have been feeling dizzy lately to be honest, and I fainted on the train" Katie sighed, just thinking of dizziness was actually making her a bit dizzy, she had been worse though, AWWW! Katie looked at Hayden, it was sooo cute! "Its so cute, where did you get it?" Katie asked, she wanted one! :x3:

Vixy started circling the fluffy purple thing and eyed it, 'I'm cuter' she thought.

"that's a bit odd, are you alright now?" Sammy asked, concerned ... HER BABY SISTER WAS SICK! A normal sensible sister, would've suggested to go see the nurse, but she was terribly afraid of doctors of any kind, mainly muggle ones. So she kept her mouth shut. "In Diagon Alley, just before school started again. Sel helped me pick it out" she said happily.

Then she felt as if something had hit her hard on the back of the head. Her hand flew immediately to the spot and muttered a small "ouch". then blinking a couple of times. Unless you were paying attention, you wouldn't have noticed her eyes turn from a bright green to a very pale blue. Almost ghostly.

She coughed into her hand a couple of times, then looked straight at TEE! "Katelyn, deary? Is that you?" she said in a completely different voice. Older, MUCH older. Then letting out a bit of a cackle.


Hayden rolled around hopelessly. STUPID THING NOT HAVING ANY LEGS!

PureBlood64 01-06-2011 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by samthehpfreak (Post 10083970)
"that's a bit odd, are you alright now?" Sammy asked, concerned ... HER BABY SISTER WAS SICK! A normal sensible sister, would've suggested to go see the nurse, but she was terribly afraid of doctors of any kind, mainly muggle ones. So she kept her mouth shut. "In Diagon Alley, just before school started again. Sel helped me pick it out" she said happily.

Then she felt as if something had hit her hard on the back of the head. Her hand flew immediately to the spot and muttered a small "ouch". then blinking a couple of times. Unless you were paying attention, you wouldn't have noticed her eyes turn from a bright green to a very pale blue. Almost ghostly.

She coughed into her hand a couple of times, then looked straight at TEE! "Katelyn, deary? Is that you?" she said in a completely different voice. Older, MUCH older. Then letting out a bit of a cackle.


Hayden rolled around hopelessly. STUPID THING NOT HAVING ANY LEGS!

"I don't know, I feel dizzy actually" She said swaying left to right, ughh, now she was feeling the worst today, Katie was feeling bad, she looked back up at Sammy, "Really? Maybe Sellie could help me" Katie giggled, not her best giggle, as she was dizzy.

Katie then stared at Sammy, ughhh, her eyes were changing color? Was that normal?!?!?! "Umm, Sammy, is it normal for your eyes to change color?" Katie said putting a arm around her shoulder, she was worried.

WHAAA?!?! :whaa: No one called her Katelyn, unless they were people who didn't know her nickname, but Sammy knew her nick names, she was Tee! :( "Uhh, yeah?" Katie said, that wasn't Sammy's voice... THAT WASN'T SAMMYS VOICE :x3:

Vixy "Meow"ed at the puffball and some how giggled like a cat watching it roll around.

samthehpfreak 01-06-2011 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by PureBlood64 (Post 10084009)
"I don't know, I feel dizzy actually" She said swaying left to right, ughh, now she was feeling the worst today, Katie was feeling bad, she looked back up at Sammy, "Really? Maybe Sellie could help me" Katie giggled, not her best giggle, as she was dizzy.

Katie then stared at Sammy, ughhh, her eyes were changing color? Was that normal?!?!?! "Umm, Sammy, is it normal for your eyes to change color?" Katie said putting a arm around her shoulder, she was worried.

WHAAA?!?! :whaa: No one called her Katelyn, unless they were people who didn't know her nickname, but Sammy knew her nick names, she was Tee! :( "Uhh, yeah?" Katie said, that wasn't Sammy's voice... THAT WASN'T SAMMYS VOICE :x3:

Vixy "Meow"ed at the puffball and some how giggled like a cat watching it roll around.

Sammy raised her eyebrow. She had broken her arm the last time she felt dizzy, But that was a house elf's fault. "Maybe you should sit down" she suggested. Then shook her head. "no, she'll take the cutest one for herself," she said, horrified. Even though she knew Sel had only been joking. Then Whispering "She tried to take Hayden from me"

-evil time-

She blinked a couple of times. Who was she? She wasn't Sammy. Not at all. NOPE NOPE NOPE! In the back of her mind though, there was a small part of her mind, fighting to get out. That was Sammy. WHO WAS THIS! "I don't know what you're talking about, are my eyes not usually this colour?" she drawled slowly. She looked down at Sammy's hands, then survayed her outfit. Of course, I'm in Samantha's body-IT'S SAMMY NOW GET OUT OF MY HEAD! GEEEEEETTTTT OOOOUUUUUTTTT- oh do shut up

She smiled, pushed Sammy's voice where she couldn't hear it and blinked a few more times. "sorry love, I just ... well I guess I just feel a bit different, like something's nagging in the back of my mind" she said with a small sigh. She hadn't seen Sammy since she was a baby, how did she act? "so how's..." she looked around quickly "that little ball of fluff?" she asked pointing at Hayden.


Hayden let out a small squeak in reply. Meaning "please don't eat me". Then rolled again, landing on his face

PureBlood64 01-06-2011 08:07 AM

Katie's Confused XD

Originally Posted by samthehpfreak (Post 10084052)
Sammy raised her eyebrow. She had broken her arm the last time she felt dizzy, But that was a house elf's fault. "Maybe you should sit down" she suggested. Then shook her head. "no, she'll take the cutest one for herself," she said, horrified. Even though she knew Sel had only been joking. Then Whispering "She tried to take Hayden from me"

-evil time-

She blinked a couple of times. Who was she? She wasn't Sammy. Not at all. NOPE NOPE NOPE! In the back of her mind though, there was a small part of her mind, fighting to get out. That was Sammy. WHO WAS THIS! "I don't know what you're talking about, are my eyes not usually this colour?" she drawled slowly. She looked down at Sammy's hands, then survayed her outfit. Of course, I'm in Samantha's body-IT'S SAMMY NOW GET OUT OF MY HEAD! GEEEEEETTTTT OOOOUUUUUTTTT- oh do shut up

She smiled, pushed Sammy's voice where she couldn't hear it and blinked a few more times. "sorry love, I just ... well I guess I just feel a bit different, like something's nagging in the back of my mind" she said with a small sigh. She hadn't seen Sammy since she was a baby, how did she act? "so how's..." she looked around quickly "that little ball of fluff?" she asked pointing at Hayden.


Hayden let out a small squeak in reply. Meaning "please don't eat me". Then rolled again, landing on his face

Katie smiled as she sat on the floor next to Vixy, she giggled, that was Sel for yoou "I could imagine" She smiled brightly, she still loved Sel though, cause Sel was her fake sis.

Maybe Katie was imagining things, maybe Sammy's eyes were always pale blue? Katie must be really sick, for sure, "Ughhh, I don't know" She sighed, really, Katie should go to the nurses, take Luke's advice, she needed to rest at least, yeah, that sounded like a good plan :) But first she should keep talking to Sammy and see whats up with her.

WHHHAAAA?!?! :whaa: No one called her Love ANND The so called 'Little Ball of Fluff' was hers so why would she be asking about it? "Are you alright Sammy? Maybe you should see the nurse?" Katie said looking at Sammy worriedly, she hoped Sammy will get better, "Umm, Hayden's yours" Katie said as she pated Hayden on the head.

Vixy smiled in her cat-like way and "Meow"ed which meant 'Eat you? The only thing I eat is cat food'

samthehpfreak 01-06-2011 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by PureBlood64 (Post 10084090)
Katie smiled as she sat on the floor next to Vixy, she giggled, that was Sel for yoou "I could imagine" She smiled brightly, she still loved Sel though, cause Sel was her fake sis.

Maybe Katie was imagining things, maybe Sammy's eyes were always pale blue? Katie must be really sick, for sure, "Ughhh, I don't know" She sighed, really, Katie should go to the nurses, take Luke's advice, she needed to rest at least, yeah, that sounded like a good plan :) But first she should keep talking to Sammy and see whats up with her.

WHHHAAAA?!?! :whaa: No one called her Love ANND The so called 'Little Ball of Fluff' was hers so why would she be asking about it? "Are you alright Sammy? Maybe you should see the nurse?" Katie said looking at Sammy worriedly, she hoped Sammy will get better, "Umm, Hayden's yours" Katie said as she pated Hayden on the head.

Vixy smiled in her cat-like way and "Meow"ed which meant 'Eat you? The only thing I eat is cat food'

Sammy banged on her little prison of a mind she was being kept in. DON'T BELIEVE HER TEE! she screamed, kicking her conversed shoes on anything she could, she wanted to cause this imposter PAIN! But the problem was, with ever kick she only injured herself. DON'T BELIEVE THE IMPOSTER! she screamed before blacking out, in her own mind.

"You must be imagining things then" She said calmly. Would this small Katie ever be smart? *groan* anyways. THe ignorant child in the back of her mind wasn't giving in easily, oh wait? Had she given in? Lovely. "Sammy?" she asked, before remembering that she was in Sammy's body. Then she blacked out at the same time as the child in her mind had.

Sammy slapped her face. She was back. HAZAR! CAN'T TAME ME! Then spinning to face TEE! Her eyes a bright green again. "Nurse?" she whispered horrified. "Where?!" and ran behind TEE looking over her shoulder. She was absolutely terrified of doctors AND nurses. Then remembering where she had just come from.

Leaping out from behind TEE she ran to the end of the corridor and back "WHERE IS SHE?!" she wailed. "I'LL KILL HER!" then falling into a sitted position. To anyone that wasn't Sammy or the RUDE lady in her head.

Sammy probably looked like she was going nuts

Well according to some cats I am cats food Hayden squeaked before rolling a bit more.

PureBlood64 01-06-2011 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by samthehpfreak (Post 10084135)
Sammy banged on her little prison of a mind she was being kept in. DON'T BELIEVE HER TEE! she screamed, kicking her conversed shoes on anything she could, she wanted to cause this imposter PAIN! But the problem was, with ever kick she only injured herself. DON'T BELIEVE THE IMPOSTER! she screamed before blacking out, in her own mind.

"You must be imagining things then" She said calmly. Would this small Katie ever be smart? *groan* anyways. THe ignorant child in the back of her mind wasn't giving in easily, oh wait? Had she given in? Lovely. "Sammy?" she asked, before remembering that she was in Sammy's body. Then she blacked out at the same time as the child in her mind had.

Sammy slapped her face. She was back. HAZAR! CAN'T TAME ME! Then spinning to face TEE! Her eyes a bright green again. "Nurse?" she whispered horrified. "Where?!" and ran behind TEE looking over her shoulder. She was absolutely terrified of doctors AND nurses. Then remembering where she had just come from.

Leaping out from behind TEE she ran to the end of the corridor and back "WHERE IS SHE?!" she wailed. "I'LL KILL HER!" then falling into a sitted position. To anyone that wasn't Sammy or the RUDE lady in her head.

Sammy probably looked like she was going nuts

Well according to some cats I am cats food Hayden squeaked before rolling a bit more.


"I'm not imaging things Sammy, your eyes just turned green again" Katie said surprised, Katie was even more surpirsed, she was feeling better actually, how odd, she felt more the better, she felt GREAT, but what was making her feel this way? She couldn't have possible changed from really sick to great? Could she? Maybe she did? It is possible, Katie guessed... Wait, did Sammy even know her name or was she just hearing Sammy's name from her mouth?

Katie smiled, this seemed more like the really Sammy, but what had happened before? Sammy had never been like that? Something was up, Katie giggled anyway as she watched, "There is no nurse, I just think you should see one, you were acting odd before" Because being crazy was normal for Sammy so it was good she was crazy again.

Why on earth would Sammy want to hurt someone? Was it Adam? Well its not like she wanted to kill him, he was a boy and besides, she already planned to throw a pie at him so there was no need to hurt him, and as Sammy said, it was a girl, duh! "Who?" She asked confused, She watched as Sammy was looking around, maybe her dizziness and what had happened were related? No, it couldn't be, could it?

Vixy poked the puff ball so it would stop moving, she meowed 'I guess you could say I'm a vegetarian then' because the puff ball was too fulffy to eat.

samthehpfreak 01-06-2011 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by PureBlood64 (Post 10084180)

"I'm not imaging things Sammy, your eyes just turned green again" Katie said surprised, Katie was even more surpirsed, she was feeling better actually, how odd, she felt more the better, she felt GREAT, but what was making her feel this way? She couldn't have possible changed from really sick to great? Could she? Maybe she did? It is possible, Katie guessed... Wait, did Sammy even know her name or was she just hearing Sammy's name from her mouth?

Katie smiled, this seemed more like the really Sammy, but what had happened before? Sammy had never been like that? Something was up, Katie giggled anyway as she watched, "There is no nurse, I just think you should see one, you were acting odd before" Because being crazy was normal for Sammy so it was good she was crazy again.

Why on earth would Sammy want to hurt someone? Was it Adam? Well its not like she wanted to kill him, he was a boy and besides, she already planned to throw a pie at him so there was no need to hurt him, and as Sammy said, it was a girl, duh! "Who?" She asked confused, She watched as Sammy was looking around, maybe her dizziness and what had happened were related? No, it couldn't be, could it?

Vixy poked the puff ball so it would stop moving, she meowed 'I guess you could say I'm a vegetarian then' because the puff ball was too fulffy to eat.

Sammy looked up at TEE! "what are you talking about? I never said you were imagining anything" she said, rather confused. HER SISTER WAS NUTS! Her eyes hadn't changed colour, the kid was seeing stuff. You'd think evil girl would've been smart enough to keep the eye colour the same but NOOOOOO.

"NO!" Sammy, near screamed. "I am NOT seeing any nurse." she said in the same loud tone. Then in a very small voice she said "They're scary" before getting up of the floor. Wait, was SHE going around the bend? No, she'd been around the bend for years.

I'LL KILL HER! TAKING OVER MY BODY LIKE THAT! WITHOUT WARNING! RUDE! she screamed mentally, but TEE was probably nearly as confused as she. Nearly. "WHOEVER JUST TOOK OVER THIS" she said, indicating her whole body as she said "this". Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil

Hayden, rolled one more time. "well, one can never be too careful" he tried to say bravely

PureBlood64 01-06-2011 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by samthehpfreak (Post 10084209)
Sammy looked up at TEE! "what are you talking about? I never said you were imagining anything" she said, rather confused. HER SISTER WAS NUTS! Her eyes hadn't changed colour, the kid was seeing stuff. You'd think evil girl would've been smart enough to keep the eye colour the same but NOOOOOO.

"NO!" Sammy, near screamed. "I am NOT seeing any nurse." she said in the same loud tone. Then in a very small voice she said "They're scary" before getting up of the floor. Wait, was SHE going around the bend? No, she'd been around the bend for years.

I'LL KILL HER! TAKING OVER MY BODY LIKE THAT! WITHOUT WARNING! RUDE! she screamed mentally, but TEE was probably nearly as confused as she. Nearly. "WHOEVER JUST TOOK OVER THIS" she said, indicating her whole body as she said "this". Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil

Hayden, rolled one more time. "well, one can never be too careful" he tried to say bravely

Was Sammy back to her weird version again? Maybeee, she seemed to not believe her like the other one, "Uhh, well your eyes were green, then pale blue and then green!" Katie said pointing to Sammy's eyes, she was starting to get scared, IF THIS WAS SOMEONE'S IDEA AS A JOKE ITS NOT FUNNY!

Katie blinked a few times, she pated her on the head, awww, scared of nurses, "Thats alright, I'm scared of Lafay" Katie said, hehe. wasn't everyone scared of her though? With her meanness and weirdness and scariness it was hard not to be scared of her, "Are you sure you don't want to see one though?" She asked making sure, Sammy was acting really weird before.

So someone had taken over Sammy?.... Katie thought, interesting, who would want to take over Sammy? It's not like it was fun taking over people, unless they were sick people, "Someone took over you?" Katie said to make sure, she didn't want to investigate finding out Sammy was just in a bad mode.

Vixy rolled her eyes, 'you don't have to act brave, I know your not' she meowed still circling it, she was pretty much following the puff ball.

samthehpfreak 01-06-2011 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by PureBlood64 (Post 10084248)
Was Sammy back to her weird version again? Maybeee, she seemed to not believe her like the other one, "Uhh, well your eyes were green, then pale blue and then green!" Katie said pointing to Sammy's eyes, she was starting to get scared, IF THIS WAS SOMEONE'S IDEA AS A JOKE ITS NOT FUNNY!

Katie blinked a few times, she pated her on the head, awww, scared of nurses, "Thats alright, I'm scared of Lafay" Katie said, hehe. wasn't everyone scared of her though? With her meanness and weirdness and scariness it was hard not to be scared of her, "Are you sure you don't want to see one though?" She asked making sure, Sammy was acting really weird before.

So someone had taken over Sammy?.... Katie thought, interesting, who would want to take over Sammy? It's not like it was fun taking over people, unless they were sick people, "Someone took over you?" Katie said to make sure, she didn't want to investigate finding out Sammy was just in a bad mode.

Vixy rolled her eyes, 'you don't have to act brave, I know your not' she meowed still circling it, she was pretty much following the puff ball.

Sammy was beyond confused now. Her eye colour changed? Well, THAT'S perfectly normal. NOT. "so ... my eye colour changed?" she asked, just to make sure. She knew you could change eye colour with some spell, but Sammy didn't know it.

She glared. Just a little. Well she couldn't help being in a bad mood, her BODY was just taken over by someone else and NOW her own sister was suggesting going to a NURSE?! SAMMY'S BOGGART IS A DOCTOR! "no, 'm not going to a nurse, I'm fine" she said, still sitting on the floor.

DID SHE NOT BELIEVE HER?! But then again, who would? She was acting crazy. Well her body had been taken over, whatever. She nodded. "I couldn't say anything, someone else was speaking and pushing me into the back of my mind" she said quietly, with a small shudder.

Hayden rolled about half a metre away now. "I wasn't acting brave, just because I'm small and fluffy, doesn't mean I'm not brave" he squeaked angrily

PureBlood64 01-06-2011 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by samthehpfreak (Post 10084436)
Sammy was beyond confused now. Her eye colour changed? Well, THAT'S perfectly normal. NOT. "so ... my eye colour changed?" she asked, just to make sure. She knew you could change eye colour with some spell, but Sammy didn't know it.

She glared. Just a little. Well she couldn't help being in a bad mood, her BODY was just taken over by someone else and NOW her own sister was suggesting going to a NURSE?! SAMMY'S BOGGART IS A DOCTOR! "no, 'm not going to a nurse, I'm fine" she said, still sitting on the floor.

DID SHE NOT BELIEVE HER?! But then again, who would? She was acting crazy. Well her body had been taken over, whatever. She nodded. "I couldn't say anything, someone else was speaking and pushing me into the back of my mind" she said quietly, with a small shudder.

Hayden rolled about half a metre away now. "I wasn't acting brave, just because I'm small and fluffy, doesn't mean I'm not brave" he squeaked angrily

Katie knew how Sammy felt, re asking questions, this was starting to scare Katie, this wasn't normal for people to change eye color or get dizzy this often, maybe it was a sister thing? "Yes, it was quite odd actually" Katie said confusedly, she was glad that wasn't happening to her.

Katie understood and shook her head yes, she understood Sammy was scared or doctors, like Katie was scared of Oranges, as she was allergic, tis sad actually, "Okay" Katie said, she gave Sammy a hug, it was the time, she needed to give Sammy a hug, she also wanted a hug, she hoped the sisters were alright, because this wasn't normal.

WHAAT?!?! How could this happen? This was impossible, well I guess he signed up for this when she entered the magical world, she would do anything to stop this, she didn't want this happening to her sister, never, "You have to be kidding me, its impossible! It's.." Katie sighed, it was true, she didn't have the guts to say it was, it was just to unbelievable.

Vixy starred at it, 'Don't even bother' She meowed pointing her paw at the puff ball.

samthehpfreak 01-06-2011 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by PureBlood64 (Post 10084564)
Katie knew how Sammy felt, re asking questions, this was starting to scare Katie, this wasn't normal for people to change eye color or get dizzy this often, maybe it was a sister thing? "Yes, it was quite odd actually" Katie said confusedly, she was glad that wasn't happening to her.

Katie understood and shook her head yes, she understood Sammy was scared or doctors, like Katie was scared of Oranges, as she was allergic, tis sad actually, "Okay" Katie said, she gave Sammy a hug, it was the time, she needed to give Sammy a hug, she also wanted a hug, she hoped the sisters were alright, because this wasn't normal.

WHAAT?!?! How could this happen? This was impossible, well I guess he signed up for this when she entered the magical world, she would do anything to stop this, she didn't want this happening to her sister, never, "You have to be kidding me, its impossible! It's.." Katie sighed, it was true, she didn't have the guts to say it was, it was just to unbelievable.

Vixy starred at it, 'Don't even bother' She meowed pointing her paw at the puff ball.

Sammy was creeped AND confused now. Well she had been for ages but whatever. Her eyes had changed colour? She wasn't a metamorphagus. So she couldn't just change her apperance. Although that would be fun. "sounds weird" she said, screwing her face up a little. HER EYES HAD CHANGED COLOUR! THE WORLD IS ENDING

She still didn't think TEE understood that doctors ARE EVIL *glare* scared the living daylights out of her. But she hugged her sister back anyway. She needed a hug, she was scared. SOMEONE HAD TAKEN OVER HER BODY AND HER EYES HAD CHANGED COLOUR! Wait, IDEA! "maybe we should write a letter to mum and dad" she suggested. They were parents, parents were supposed to comfort their kids, right?

"I'm not kidding, it just happened for petes sake" she said, a tad annoyed. Who is pete anyway? "it sounds impossible, but it happened so obviously it's not" she said. She wasn't exactly one with brains as her brightest feature, but she HATED it when people didn't believe her. Don't most people?

Hayden rolled over to Sammy now. He was fed up with this cat-like creature. It was just being plain old rude now. IGNORE.

PureBlood64 01-07-2011 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by samthehpfreak (Post 10085481)
Sammy was creeped AND confused now. Well she had been for ages but whatever. Her eyes had changed colour? She wasn't a metamorphagus. So she couldn't just change her apperance. Although that would be fun. "sounds weird" she said, screwing her face up a little. HER EYES HAD CHANGED COLOUR! THE WORLD IS ENDING

She still didn't think TEE understood that doctors ARE EVIL *glare* scared the living daylights out of her. But she hugged her sister back anyway. She needed a hug, she was scared. SOMEONE HAD TAKEN OVER HER BODY AND HER EYES HAD CHANGED COLOUR! Wait, IDEA! "maybe we should write a letter to mum and dad" she suggested. They were parents, parents were supposed to comfort their kids, right?

"I'm not kidding, it just happened for petes sake" she said, a tad annoyed. Who is pete anyway? "it sounds impossible, but it happened so obviously it's not" she said. She wasn't exactly one with brains as her brightest feature, but she HATED it when people didn't believe her. Don't most people?

Hayden rolled over to Sammy now. He was fed up with this cat-like creature. It was just being plain old rude now. IGNORE.

Katie was so confused at that time, Sammy didn't know she had changed eye color, but you think she would have, this seemed ever so odd, REALLY odd, maybe they should investigate this, Detective Katie is on the case, dun nun dun nun dun nun dun nun SUPER KATIE!

Katie smiled, "Good thinking Sammy, shall we go to the tower?" Katie asked, but then again she remembered Luke saying that as well, but that was because her father didn't say goodbye to her, that was odd for her dad, well, there dad but of course Katie knew him better.

"But how though?" Katie said, she believed Sammy but she couldn't see how it happened, it hasn't happened to Katie and there isn't a magic- wait, magic, thats one way, there were in the magical world, maybe it was a joke that someone was playing IT AIN'T FUNNY MISTER!!!

Vixy rolled her eyes cat like and still followed it, as if the puff ball wasn't brave enough it hides behind its owner to scared to stand up for itself.

samthehpfreak 01-07-2011 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by PureBlood64 (Post 10086606)
Katie was so confused at that time, Sammy didn't know she had changed eye color, but you think she would have, this seemed ever so odd, REALLY odd, maybe they should investigate this, Detective Katie is on the case, dun nun dun nun dun nun dun nun SUPER KATIE!

Katie smiled, "Good thinking Sammy, shall we go to the tower?" Katie asked, but then again she remembered Luke saying that as well, but that was because her father didn't say goodbye to her, that was odd for her dad, well, there dad but of course Katie knew him better.

"But how though?" Katie said, she believed Sammy but she couldn't see how it happened, it hasn't happened to Katie and there isn't a magic- wait, magic, thats one way, there were in the magical world, maybe it was a joke that someone was playing IT AIN'T FUNNY MISTER!!!

Vixy rolled her eyes cat like and still followed it, as if the puff ball wasn't brave enough it hides behind its owner to scared to stand up for itself.

Sammy nodded "yea- oh this means I have to get up" she groaned. She's a lazy girl sometimes and she knew it. But the stone flooor was ... comfortable? Anywhoooooo, "help me up please" she said putting her hands towards TEE, hoping that she would help her up.

"I don't know" Sammy said, almost hysterically. She was getting dramatic now ... OHNOES! "only dark DARK magic could do something like that, and it's unlikely that anyone in Hogwarts knows how to do ANYTHING like that." ... *wail*

Hayden turned around. He was sick of this cat-thing. It was being annoying and not to mention RUDE. "can I help you?" he squeaked, facing the rude cat-thing.

Nordic Witch 01-08-2011 08:18 AM

Evan, Sebastian & Lily!
It was in the middle of the first week and Sophie had a free period between classes. Instead of studying like she normally would have the prefect found herself wandering the corridors of the school. Dressed in her lion uniform and with a diadem with a small rawring lion on the top of her head the brunette picked up a tune and walked onwards.

A few days ago she had had a nice date stroll in the pathways with Evan where they had talked about various things whilst exploring the grounds to see if the new Groundskeeper Stryker had put up any new things. A football field had straight away caught Evan's eye and excitement. Sophie found playing football fun but it wasn't something she played often.

Spotting a sunny uplit niche under a window Sophie sat down on the floor under it and drew out a big sized Jane Austen novel from her backpack and started to read. Nothing was more fitting she felt as there was a lot of love in the air at Hogwarts!

StarShine 01-08-2011 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Nordic Witch (Post 10090004)
It was in the middle of the first week and Sophie had a free period between classes. Instead of studying like she normally would have the prefect found herself wandering the corridors of the school. Dressed in her lion uniform and with a diadem with a small rawring lion on the top of her head the brunette picked up a tune and walked onwards.

A few days ago she had had a nice date stroll in the pathways with Evan where they had talked about various things whilst exploring the grounds to see if the new Groundskeeper Stryker had put up any new things. A football field had straight away caught Evan's eye and excitement. Sophie found playing football fun but it wasn't something she played often.

Spotting a sunny uplit niche under a window Sophie sat down on the floor under it and drew out a big sized Jane Austen novel from her backpack and started to read. Nothing was more fitting she felt as there was a lot of love in the air at Hogwarts!

Humming a tune of Tom Jones' one of love songs, Evan walked the corridors for somewhere to read. He was pretty bored down in the common room, and had left there with his Four-Four-Two magazine. This month it was talking about Chelsea and how they were successful, so he needed complete peace to read it. And, considering the weather was still nice, he figured corridors would be silent. And he was right. Looking for a window-side, the blond was halfway down the fourth floor corridor when he saw...

"Sophie!" he exclaimed with a wide grin spreading across his face. "What're you doing?" Bending down, he read the title out loud "Jane... Austen. Nice!" So he wasn't the only one to seek the peace of corridors... Sitting across her, he showed her his magazine, waiting for a sign of recognition of the Muggle title.

Nordic Witch 01-08-2011 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Deniiz (Post 10090725)
Humming a tune of Tom Jones' one of love songs, Evan walked the corridors for somewhere to read. He was pretty bored down in the common room, and had left there with his Four-Four-Two magazine. This month it was talking about Chelsea and how they were successful, so he needed complete peace to read it. And, considering the weather was still nice, he figured corridors would be silent. And he was right. Looking for a window-side, the blond was halfway down the fourth floor corridor when he saw...

"Sophie!" he exclaimed with a wide grin spreading across his face. "What're you doing?" Bending down, he read the title out loud "Jane... Austen. Nice!" So he wasn't the only one to seek the peace of corridors... Sitting across her, he showed her his magazine, waiting for a sign of recognition of the Muggle title.

The common room was half full and on the grounds people where occupying the still vacant trees since it was after all a nice day outside. Sophie wanted some peace and quiet, all though it probably went against her new responsibilities as prefect. A prefect was supposed to be in the thick of things right, not choose solace inside. Anyway the brunette was so consumed in the events of her book that she didn’t hear the Tom Jones tune or the approaching footsteps.

When Evan exclaimed her name Sophie jumped literally in her seated position causing her book to slap itself shut. Getting over the initial shock she mumbled "Hey, Evan!" Fixing her hair and opening up her book again she said "I’m reading, Jane Austen. I love the romance in them." Err, why had she just admitted that and to a boy she liked? As Evan sat down across from her she noticed the magazine with its muggle title."That’s a football magazine right?"

city_girl_95 01-08-2011 09:23 PM

Sheridan had slipped out of the common room hubub and was currently avoiding all teachers who had seen "the fight" on the seventh floor outside the room of requirment. Her defence "he scared me", had fallen on deaf ears, and they'd both skedadled before they could give them a detention. Stupid teachers.

She flopped down on the floor, examining her nails, she had no idea what she was meant to do to kill time, at least before she saw Alex. It really was cape time. He would pay for the broken nose. *Glare*

Syd 01-08-2011 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by city_girl_95 (Post 10091567)
Sheridan had slipped out of the common room hubub and was currently avoiding all teachers who had seen "the fight" on the seventh floor outside the room of requirment. Her defence "he scared me", had fallen on deaf ears, and they'd both skedadled before they could give them a detention. Stupid teachers.

She flopped down on the floor, examining her nails, she had no idea what she was meant to do to kill time, at least before she saw Alex. It really was cape time. He would pay for the broken nose. *Glare*

Dallin was wandering. He had absolutely no purpose as he walked through the castle, down random corridors and up and down moving staircases. Honestly, he was lost. Of course there was no way he would admit that to anyone. He was prepared to use "exploring" as an excuse if anyone asked him.

As much as he could guess, he was on one of the lower floors. He had passed the library at some point on this floor, but he couldn't remember anyone ever telling him what floor the library was on. As he contemplated this, Dal looked around, trying to look as if he actually had a purpose. He just about tripped over something when he looked down and saw a familiar girl. A familiar girl named... oh no.

"Heyyy," he said cheerfully, drawing out the word as he tried to remember her name. "Nice to see you again..." Dang. He knew her name was different, because he'd told her it was cool. Ugh. Anyway, moving on...

He sat down beside her with a smile. "Hey." He said simply.

city_girl_95 01-08-2011 09:53 PM

Sheridan felt someone nearly stack over her. If it was a first year she would kill she thought, looking up. Oh no wait, not a first year, it was beach boy. With the surf board....Dave, Duag, Dan, Dal? Nope it had gone, oh well, no doubt he'd forgotten too. She'd only met him once after all.

Haiii she grinned, waving at him from the floor before grinning, yep, he was in the same forgetful boat as her. Sheridan she nodded, as she sat down, hey...DALLIN! Dallin she nodded as the name popped into her head. Hopefully she'd kept her cool, but to be honest, she was never sure

Syd 01-08-2011 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by city_girl_95 (Post 10091644)
Sheridan felt someone nearly stack over her. If it was a first year she would kill she thought, looking up. Oh no wait, not a first year, it was beach boy. With the surf board....Dave, Duag, Dan, Dal? Nope it had gone, oh well, no doubt he'd forgotten too. She'd only met him once after all.

Haiii she grinned, waving at him from the floor before grinning, yep, he was in the same forgetful boat as her. Sheridan she nodded, as she sat down, hey...DALLIN! Dallin she nodded as the name popped into her head. Hopefully she'd kept her cool, but to be honest, she was never sure

He smiled sheepishly when she told him her name again. Sheridan. He'd remember that now, because it was embarrassing when you didn't know peoples' names.

"How're you?" he asked, smiling now. "What house did you end up in?" He hadn't seen her in his common room, so he was willing to bet that she wasn't a Ravenclaw.

sarahlooo 01-08-2011 11:40 PM

Ellie wandered aimlessly through the castle. The fourth floor to be exact. Wait, this was the fourth floor, right? She looked around. Eh, whatever, they all looked the same. She'd been doing this pretty much all day. Just meandering around, not really doing anything productive. Which was just fine with her.

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