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Flying Basics When: 17 JAN @ 1pm EST Where: The Quidditch Pitch Who Can Attend: First years and anyone who
wishes to brush up on their basic flying skills.
School brooms will be provided.
Basic Rules:
1. Do not announce that you're late for class
2. Respect others in the RP
3. No intentional injuries that require the service of the school nurse
4. No one is perfect - be creative and have fun; mistakes are expected
Jaina put her feet back down since she was still hovering over the ground. "Ok, I'll try it again!" she giggled. She kicked up with all of her might and flew into the air. "YIPPEE!" she was doing it! She wasn't clutzy about it! This was awesome! "Look it, Belle! I'm officially flying!" Even if she was still in one spot, the point was she was at least a meter off the ground!
Belle looked at Jania and gasped, "OMG YOU ARE FLYING, I AM SOO HAPPY!" she said excitedly. Her smile widened and she was so proud of her. "See isn't it fun? and you don't need books or spells to help you out in flying." she said as she flew around in circles and trying different directions.
With her body still leaning forward and her focus on the goal post ahead, Sierra continued on, her eyes occasionally flickering to her surroundings to watch for other students. If this was a Quidditch match, she'd be unstoppable! She just knew it! Or she hoped so, really. Then again, it may be just the fact that this was more of a leisure ride and less of a strenuous match that gave her so much confidence.
A Hufflepuff flying into her line of vision distracted her from the goalpost she was so close to. She sat upright on her broom and focused her attention completely on the boy flying straight towards her. He was going to veer off to the left or right, wasn't he? Wasn't he?!?!
Move kid!
They were about to collide, so with her eyes wide open in horror, Sierra steered her broom to the left and hoped to Merlin she'd get away from him in the right amount of time. "Steer to your left! Steer to your left!" she called out, her voice possibly getting carried away in the wind.
Left? LEFT? Which way was left? Oh that's right, the hand he had at the front. He suddenly swerved to the left. Coming to a sudden halt. Darn. A little to much turning. He closed his eyes, and held his breath. How he hoped she had missed him. Don't crash. Don't crash.
"I'm Conan," he called, to the passing girl. Well why not? It was a meeting after all. Even if it was a collision.
It looks like I'm not ginger after all Charlie Tudor - 1st Year Slytherpuff
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Super Spaz
Left? LEFT? Which way was left? Oh that's right, the hand he had at the front. He suddenly swerved to the left. Coming to a sudden halt. Darn. A little to much turning. He closed his eyes, and held his breath. How he hoped she had missed him. Don't crash. Don't crash.
"I'm Conan," he called, to the passing girl. Well why not? It was a meeting after all. Even if it was a collision.
Sierra wasn't sure, but she may have let out a little EEP as she braced herself for a possible collision. When seconds passed and no one had rammed into her, knocking her to the ground and to her possible death, she steered her broom around to face the Hufflepuff who'd nearly given her an early death.
She wanted to yell at him. Really, she did--and she may have, had it not been for the fact that the professor likely had his eyes currently locked right on them. So she settled for a slight glare before drawing in a deep breath and introducing herself in return.
"Sierra Greingoth," she remarked. "First year Slytherin." Her eyes traveled to his broom, and it occurred to her that before he flew off again, she may want to teach him how to come to a good stop. "Do you remember how to stop?" she asked. "You just pull back on the broom a little," she said, demonstrating as she talked, "...and then the broom starts slowing down. If something's in your line of flight, you just steer your broom in the opposite direction."
To show this, she turned her broom first to left and then to the right.
Vindictus pulled out his wand and placed it against his throat. Quietly, he cast the Sonorus spell so that everyone could hear him.
"You are all doing a splendid job!" he said. "Now it's time to practice flying around various obstacles that will appear in the sky."
He ended the spell and now pointed his wand at the sky. Suddenly, a gigantic cupcake appeared - it was of such a massive proportion that it seemed like Vindictus stole a giant's tasty treat.
Yes, it was a REAL cupcake floating above the center of the pitch. And it smelled good, too!
Check out the non-HP topics in the Leaky Cauldron today!
Sierra wasn't sure, but she may have let out a little EEP as she braced herself for a possible collision. When seconds passed and no one had rammed into her, knocking her to the ground and to her possible death, she steered her broom around to face the Hufflepuff who'd nearly given her an early death.
She wanted to yell at him. Really, she did--and she may have, had it not been for the fact that the professor likely had his eyes currently locked right on them. So she settled for a slight glare before drawing in a deep breath and introducing herself in return.
"Sierra Greingoth," she remarked. "First year Slytherin." Her eyes traveled to his broom, and it occurred to her that before he flew off again, she may want to teach him how to come to a good stop. "Do you remember how to stop?" she asked. "You just pull back on the broom a little," she said, demonstrating as she talked, "...and then the broom starts slowing down. If something's in your line of flight, you just steer your broom in the opposite direction."
To show this, she turned her broom first to left and then to the right.
Conan smiled, "You related to Alex? He is in my house." Greingoth couldn't be a common name. It was a name that had stuck with him. Hearing people talk about him or to him, in the common room.
He shook his head. "I don't think I am gonna start up again. I am happy just floating here. Less chance of a crash, if people can see me for a while." Yep. Plus, the collision wouldn't hurt as much.
He watched her fly though. She was a natural. Or she had been doing it for years. Maybe he should grow long hair, so it flew like that in the wind. That would be a good look.
A CUPCAKE!!!! Conan wanted it. Even if it was floating, and obviously a magic cupcake. He wanted it none the less. And he had to fly to get it. Ok. Screw staying still. He had to get that cupcake. How did you go up again? He pushed off the ground. Ok that was up. Leaning forward made you go forwards. Ok. He was going up and forwards. Mmmmmm cupcake.
It looks like I'm not ginger after all Charlie Tudor - 1st Year Slytherpuff
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Adam saw the cupcake and was instantly reminded of Katie.
He grabbed the handle and moved forward, his broomstick also facing the sky-kicking off the grass he caught some air but not enough to get up to the sweet.
What to do now?
Again he kicked even harder but nothing had happened?
"Professor- I think my broom is defected can you help me out, sir?"Adam asked.
Adam saw the cupcake and was instantly reminded of Katie.
He grabbed the handle and moved forward, his broomstick also facing the sky-kicking off the grass he caught some air but not enough to get up to the sweet.
What to do now?
Again he kicked even harder but nothing had happened?
"Professor- I think my broom is defected can you help me out, sir?"Adam asked.
Vindictus walked over to the boy. "The broom isn't defective. Push off from the ground as if you're jumping," he suggested.
Check out the non-HP topics in the Leaky Cauldron today!
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Adam listened intently to Professor Vindictus.
Putting his mind soul and effort into the kick Adam connected his body to the grass and smacked it with his foot.Instantly he hovered higher up in air, before he ever had done.Smiling brightly Adam told the professor,"Thanks Prosseor Vindictus."
He leaned forward and pointed his broomstick facing the blue sky so that when he leaned he fly through the air and swerved the sugar delight.
Kurumi looked to the side to see Selina flying gracefully next to her. "Uh...yeah..." she mumbled as she began to fumble around for better balance. It wasn't easy stearing her broom from the brush end and flying backwards. "Could I, um, hold on to your shoulder for a second. I am going to try and turn myself around..." Kurumi looked down at the ground. Not too far off it now, still flying at at most 10 feet so she would probably just break a bone if she fell funny.
Not waiting for Selina to respond, Kurumi reached her left arm out and rested it on the red-head's shoulder while keeping her right one on the brush. How was she going to managed this? Stand on her broom!? That did not sound like a good idea, but it seemed like her best option at the moment.
Every so slowly, Kurumi lifted her left leg and put it on the handle. She really just wanted to curl up into a ball right now right there on her broom. Okay, step one done. Leg is on the broom. Now to push off...
Kurumi was now standing on her broom, flying backwards, and with her right leg dangling in the air. Her and Selina probably looked like some sort of strange circus act. "Okay, I am going to try and turn around now..."
With a jump turn perhaps?
Selina was slightly taken aback by the small asian girl who had taken the initiative to grab onto her shoulder. She somehow thought that with support she could jump off her broom and turn herself around. As she prepared to do so Selina flinched, "NO, NO, NO!"
Selina held fast to her friend's upper arm. She made sure her grasp was firm so Kurumi could not move, "How about we not try to kill ourselves? There is no shame in landing and remounting the broom." Selina reasoned.
"Once you are safe we can try again and I will help you fly. You just cannot have a suicide mission."
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: Super Spaz and demented_death_eater
Originally Posted by Super Spaz
Conan smiled, "You related to Alex? He is in my house." Greingoth couldn't be a common name. It was a name that had stuck with him. Hearing people talk about him or to him, in the common room.
He shook his head. "I don't think I am gonna start up again. I am happy just floating here. Less chance of a crash, if people can see me for a while." Yep. Plus, the collision wouldn't hurt as much.
He watched her fly though. She was a natural. Or she had been doing it for years. Maybe he should grow long hair, so it flew like that in the wind. That would be a good look.
A CUPCAKE!!!! Conan wanted it. Even if it was floating, and obviously a magic cupcake. He wanted it none the less. And he had to fly to get it. Ok. Screw staying still. He had to get that cupcake. How did you go up again? He pushed off the ground. Ok that was up. Leaning forward made you go forwards. Ok. He was going up and forwards. Mmmmmm cupcake.
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
Vindictus pulled out his wand and placed it against his throat. Quietly, he cast the Sonorus spell so that everyone could hear him.
"You are all doing a splendid job!" he said. "Now it's time to practice flying around various obstacles that will appear in the sky."
He ended the spell and now pointed his wand at the sky. Suddenly, a gigantic cupcake appeared - it was of such a massive proportion that it seemed like Vindictus stole a giant's tasty treat.
Yes, it was a REAL cupcake floating above the center of the pitch. And it smelled good, too!
Deep down inside, Sierra was rolling her eyes at this boy. She absolutely hated for people to inquire about Alex seconds after hearing her last name. It made her think that she was known by some because of who her brother was, and not because of who she was. This boy was a Hufflepuff, though, so she guessed she should have expected as much.
"Yeah, he's my twin brother, actually," she said. She shrugged her shoulders a little when he mentioned how he wouldn't be moving around the pitch anymore. Well if just sitting there suited him just fine, then so be it. "Alright, then. I'll see ya around. Good luck," she said. Then she steered her broom around, took off, and...
...came face to face with the most enormous baked good she'd ever seen before in her whole life. She pulled up on her broom handle, coming to a sudden stop just beside the cupcake. It looked--tasty. Yes, tasty. Too bad it'd likely eat her before she could eat it! On that note, Sierra took off in the opposite direction, not wanting to be next to the cupcake in case anyone crashed.
When she reached the pitch, she turned and headed back in the direction of the cupcake. Time to see if she could dodge the pastry while flying at a normal speed. As she flew closer and closer, the only thing she could really think about was how good that icing looked. It was almost too much of a distraction. Almost. Sierra steered her broom to the right, grazing past the side of the cupcake as she headed toward the opposite end of the pitch.
Deep down inside, Sierra was rolling her eyes at this boy. She absolutely hated for people to inquire about Alex seconds after hearing her last name. It made her think that she was known by some because of who her brother was, and not because of who she was. This boy was a Hufflepuff, though, so she guessed she should have expected as much.
"Yeah, he's my twin brother, actually," she said. She shrugged her shoulders a little when he mentioned how he wouldn't be moving around the pitch anymore. Well if just sitting there suited him just fine, then so be it. "Alright, then. I'll see ya around. Good luck," she said. Then she steered her broom around, took off, and...
...came face to face with the most enormous baked good she'd ever seen before in her whole life. She pulled up on her broom handle, coming to a sudden stop just beside the cupcake. It looked--tasty. Yes, tasty. Too bad it'd likely eat her before she could eat it! On that note, Sierra took off in the opposite direction, not wanting to be next to the cupcake in case anyone crashed.
When she reached the pitch, she turned and headed back in the direction of the cupcake. Time to see if she could dodge the pastry while flying at a normal speed. As she flew closer and closer, the only thing she could really think about was how good that icing looked. It was almost too much of a distraction. Almost. Sierra steered her broom to the right, grazing past the side of the cupcake as she headed toward the opposite end of the pitch.
"Oh," Conan smiled. But his smile quickly turned to a frown as she took off. It wasn't that stupid of a question surely? He had never even spoken to Alex anyway. He just knew of him. Sigh. He would find her later. When they weren't flying.
Though now his main aim was to eat that cupcake. He felt like he hadn't eaten for like a decade. And this was a cupcake. This was one way to get over his fear of magic. Float a giant cupcake in front of a starving boy. Maybe there was magic that made stuff come to you. Like this giant cupcake. He would have to ask someone.
He was nearly at the cupcake as he urged on his broom. Why wasn't it going faster? Hmmmm. His mind quickly went over calculations and came to the conclusion that he wasn't being very aerodynamic. He clung closer to the broom. This was all just physics. Just without the gravity. Which was horrible. He needed gravity.
He sped up. Not a good thing to happen as you get closer to a giant baked good. He went SPLAT! into the soft doughy base. Mmmmmm.
It looks like I'm not ginger after all Charlie Tudor - 1st Year Slytherpuff
Jamie looked at the humongous cupcake and flew around it. What was it going to do fling frosting at her. She flew around it twice wondering if she would be allowed to eat it. She leaned forward just a bit to see if it was actually real frosting when she felt her self sliding forward on the broom. "No. No. No. NO!" She flailed trying to regain her balance but it was too late. She fell and with a resounding splat landed in the frosting face first.
Rowan Firestorm-Smithson l Jamie Smithson l Sisters Until The End
Whenever you need, you can call on me Cause you are my sister
Oh my sister You're my best friend
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Oooh a cupcake. Ooooh it's a GIANT cupcake. Nika was easily distracted by the huge cupcake that appeared in the middle of the air. She was no longer paying much attention to where she was flying. She crashed into someone flying near by and it all happened so fast that she didn't even catch a glimpse of the person she flew into. Nika was tumbling down at a great speed. She didn't have a tight hold on the broom so it wasn't very hard to let it go. Nika fell down on the ground with a great big thud. It's a good thing that the professor had put a cushioning charm on the ground. If he had not Nika wouldn't have made it out of the field without at least five broken bones. As soon as she fell she looked around to see if anyone was on the ground because she flew into them. "I sure hope no one is hurt because of me." She said more to herself than to anyone else.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
giant cupcake, meet Kurumi!
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Selina was slightly taken aback by the small asian girl who had taken the initiative to grab onto her shoulder. She somehow thought that with support she could jump off her broom and turn herself around. As she prepared to do so Selina flinched, "NO, NO, NO!"
Selina held fast to her friend's upper arm. She made sure her grasp was firm so Kurumi could not move, "How about we not try to kill ourselves? There is no shame in landing and remounting the broom." Selina reasoned.
"Once you are safe we can try again and I will help you fly. You just cannot have a suicide mission."
It wasn't like Kurumi wanted to be on her broom backwards. It just happened to be that way after she had tried to get back on it after her horizontal wall climbing. "It's okay, I think I can manage," Kurumi laughed balancing herself on her broom again and avoiding all eye contact with the ground. Falling wasn't really an option for her. Sure, it was the smart thing to do, but Kurumi just couldn't bring herself to not be able to fix this problem as it was. She began tugging her arm to release herself from Selina's impressively strong grip. "If----you----will----just---let----go---" Kurumi pulled with all her strengh, which was a very bad idea, and ended up slipping on her cloak and falling off her broom...
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
Vindictus pulled out his wand and placed it against his throat. Quietly, he cast the Sonorus spell so that everyone could hear him.
"You are all doing a splendid job!" he said. "Now it's time to practice flying around various obstacles that will appear in the sky."
He ended the spell and now pointed his wand at the sky. Suddenly, a gigantic cupcake appeared - it was of such a massive proportion that it seemed like Vindictus stole a giant's tasty treat.
Yes, it was a REAL cupcake floating above the center of the pitch. And it smelled good, too!
Kurumi had falling right into the middle of the giant cupcake.
Suddenly, Kurumi's world was rather moist and smelled a little too sweet. Oh dear! Had she died!? Was this what heaven was like? She didn't mind the strong smell of sugar, it was rather pleasant actually. She licked her fingers. Heaven tasted pretty good too.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
|Nevilles Nerdy Girl|Auntie Chloees Niecey Kassie| |Penguins<3|Oh, It Is Love|
Ama LOVED cupcakes, but she wasn't so fond of this flying thing. Curiosity gave her the courage to fly more than 2 feet off the ground. Just as she reached the point that her broom was high enough so her feet couldn't touch the ground she wobbled and fell over sideways. Geez. She wasn't very good at this. She sat there and looked up at the cupcake from the ground, her stomach growled.
Are There Cookies Involved? I Hope So! I Really Really Really Love Cookies! And Pie! Is There Pie?? Please Say Yes! Say Yes to Cookies and Pie!
It wasn't like Kurumi wanted to be on her broom backwards. It just happened to be that way after she had tried to get back on it after her horizontal wall climbing. "It's okay, I think I can manage," Kurumi laughed balancing herself on her broom again and avoiding all eye contact with the ground. Falling wasn't really an option for her. Sure, it was the smart thing to do, but Kurumi just couldn't bring herself to not be able to fix this problem as it was. She began tugging her arm to release herself from Selina's impressively strong grip. "If----you----will----just---let----go---" Kurumi pulled with all her strengh, which was a very bad idea, and ended up slipping on her cloak and falling off her broom...
Kurumi had falling right into the middle of the giant cupcake.
Suddenly, Kurumi's world was rather moist and smelled a little too sweet. Oh dear! Had she died!? Was this what heaven was like? She didn't mind the strong smell of sugar, it was rather pleasant actually. She licked her fingers. Heaven tasted pretty good too.
Selina reached her hand out to grab Kurumi but it was too late. The Asian girl was too convinced that she could handle anything, that any class was hers to conquer. Unfortunately Quiddich or flying as they dubbed it was not one of those classes that if you studied enough the art of it you would be successful. Flying was all about trial and error with a practiced player as a guide. And her lack of admittance to this landed her right in a... Gigantic Cupcake?
Suppressing a giggle Selina called down, "You alright, Kurumi? Maybe next time we should listen to someone who has been flying since they were two."
She then dived down to meet her friend who now looked like a seasoned old Saint Nick with all of her white frosting. Outstretching a hand she said, "Here, let me get you down on the Pitch."
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
Vindictus pulled out his wand and placed it against his throat. Quietly, he cast the Sonorus spell so that everyone could hear him.
"You are all doing a splendid job!" he said. "Now it's time to practice flying around various obstacles that will appear in the sky."
He ended the spell and now pointed his wand at the sky. Suddenly, a gigantic cupcake appeared - it was of such a massive proportion that it seemed like Vindictus stole a giant's tasty treat.
Yes, it was a REAL cupcake floating above the center of the pitch. And it smelled good, too!
Okay, now that looks weird, thought Helena, looking at the gigantic floating cupcake. And yes, it looked weird, even for the wizarding world. She sighed. And I thought I won't have to fly again today.
She mounted the broom again and gently pushed herself from the ground. She hovered a little, them leaned closer to the broom and started flying towards the cupcake. What if she simply flew through it? Everyone would laugh at her for the rest of her Hogwarts years.
Helena was getting closer and closer, then leaned to the left. She avoided the cupcake! But yes, she flew to the left a little bit too much. Oh well, she had to practice that more.
Belle looked at Jania and gasped, "OMG YOU ARE FLYING, I AM SOO HAPPY!" she said excitedly. Her smile widened and she was so proud of her. "See isn't it fun? and you don't need books or spells to help you out in flying." she said as she flew around in circles and trying different directions.
"YEAH ME!" Jaina was so happy. She was clutzy on the ground, but okay in the air on a broom! She saw that the professor had made a giant cupcake. "Awesomesauce, Belle! A cupcake!!! Can you reach the frosting??" Jaina was hoping that she could get close enough to taste somefrosting without falling into the cupcake like everyone else. Just the edge would do!
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Selina reached her hand out to grab Kurumi but it was too late. The Asian girl was too convinced that she could handle anything, that any class was hers to conquer. Unfortunately Quiddich or flying as they dubbed it was not one of those classes that if you studied enough the art of it you would be successful. Flying was all about trial and error with a practiced player as a guide. And her lack of admittance to this landed her right in a... Gigantic Cupcake?
Suppressing a giggle Selina called down, "You alright, Kurumi? Maybe next time we should listen to someone who has been flying since they were two."
She then dived down to meet her friend who now looked like a seasoned old Saint Nick with all of her white frosting. Outstretching a hand she said, "Here, let me get you down on the Pitch."
Oh no! Had Selina died with her! This was terrible! Kurumi rubbed her eyes, geting some of the sweetness of Heaven in them which made her eyes sting. She shouldn't have tried to stand up on her broom like that! She had taken Selina with her! Talk about irony. Here she was losing focus on reality a bit because Adam was leaving and she had managed to leave him. "Selina!" Kurumi pawed at the air with her eyes closed from the icing caked on them. "I'm so sorry! I ki----" Huh? Kurumi managed to remove the icing over her right eye so that she now looked like some sort of pirate and saw Selina perfectly fine and still on her broom. "You're alive!"
It was then that Kurumi finally looked around to see white cake...and lots of it. Wait, was Heaven made out of cake? Peering over the edge, Kurumi saw the pitch just as it always was and their Professor still on the ground staring up at all them. She was still in Flying class? She hadn't died and gone to cupcake Heaven? This was fantastic!
She looked up and waved at Selina.
Oh, was the fiery red-head scolding her? She couldn't really blame her. She had ignored the girl's instructions and gone ahead and tried to put herself back on her broom properly. Now, she was going to smell like vanilla frosting for weeks. Which wasn't such a bad thing really.
"Yeah, sorry," Kurumi blushed as some of the icing on top of her head fell off and into her lap. "I'll keep that in mind next time." Trial and error, right? She had tried, and made a major error.
"Thanks," she laughed as she grabbed onto the girl's arm. It was a bit slippery from all the icing, but she had a decent enough grip to pull herself back on her feet.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
"that's a huge one!". Edlyn said excitedly after seeing the giant cupcake floating above the center of the pitch.
She inched a little forward and smelled it. "Oooh. It really smelled good!". She said happily.
She started flying around it trying really hard not to look at the cupcake. Moments later, she found herself face to face with the cupcake, and is now going to bump on it. Luckily, she managed to steer her broom at the opposite direction. "Whoo..that's a close one!." Edlyn said trying to catch her breath.
She's now more focused on flying and.. she made it! She flew without being hit on the huge cupcake!. "Oh yeah!". Edlyn cheered!.
Last edited by Hermiedlyn Granjoy; 01-19-2011 at 11:11 AM.
Raven heard a voice, magnified voice of Professor Vindictus, and the suddent appearance of what, a giant cup cake. "It's huge, really big, and look delicious" Raven say. Raven is approaching the cup cake at modified speed, he didn't want to clash with that, looking tasty cup cake, he stop near it and spread his free hand to grab some, "hmmm, it's yummy", nice professor, knows how to treat his student. Raven took another round before flying to Professor direction, he lean forward, the broom accelerate, Raven full the handle toward him, like horses, the broom decelerate and smoothly halt in nice distance within Professor position. "Hello again, Professor, you're treat is amazingly delicious", Raven said while cleaning up his lip of cupcake residue
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Time was passing by and Lara was absolutely enjoying her time, Flying is just the thing for her. She steered the handle to the left and the broom obeyed and moved flexibly , and now to the right…yeh it’s getting more amusing! A little bit higher…Wow it’s different from the sky … huh! But it’s much cooler. Lara leaned over the broom to increase the speed………and that was marvelous, seriously why do they move on feet when they’re brooms!
However, there was one thing Lara didn’t practice….. getting off the broom>___> but what did the Professor say about it?! Lara was busy preparing for taking off! Oh that lousy memory of hers. No no she can remember he said to try to let you feet touch the ground and get control…yup that’s it! Now let’s give it a try.
Getting closer to the ground , and slowing down ,Lara took a deep breath and moved her foot the stirrups and WoooW.. she was losing her balance… Well, that was a try, let’s give it another one.
Again she managed to stick her feet out the stirrups and yup they touched the ground , as she got off she felt like something was pushing her forward as she made a couple of fast steps on the ground, And of course that’s what the Professor said, he mentioned something about jogging! Yeah she knew that she’ll remember after all. ^__^
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
Vindictus pulled out his wand and placed it against his throat. Quietly, he cast the Sonorus spell so that everyone could hear him.
"You are all doing a splendid job!" he said. "Now it's time to practice flying around various obstacles that will appear in the sky."
He ended the spell and now pointed his wand at the sky. Suddenly, a gigantic cupcake appeared - it was of such a massive proportion that it seemed like Vindictus stole a giant's tasty treat.
Yes, it was a REAL cupcake floating above the center of the pitch. And it smelled good, too!
It seemed that the Professor had lots of ideas for this lesson, but a giant cupcake *____* that’s was a splendid idea indeed . Luckily, she had some food before she came here, but still the cupcake was irresistible! At least it wasn’t muffins because in that case she would eat it all!
Now, she should get on her broom again and have a journey round this delicious desert! Lara got on the broom and leaned over the handle in order to make it go faster and it did. She’s now facing the tasty cupcake.
Well, Lara didn’t mind running into it, but nah…… that would be embarrassing! So Lara steered the handle of the broom to the right so she’ll start her journey round the cupcake……that’s something you don’t say it everyday (; huh!
It would have been easier if she kept some distance from the cupcake, but this is more challenging. And wow it was hard as most of the students were doing the same but it’s more amusing! Lara then slowed down because the smell of the cupcake was making her feel dizzy….. and as she was turning around it’s no good for her to make it very fast.
And finally the journey was over and the cupcake was still one piece up till now but there’s no guaranties as all the students seemed to be glaring at it
Effy relaxed as she floated on her broom. She started going higher and realized that flying was really fun. She had been concerned that the height might bother her with nothing but a broom to support her, but it didn't. The wind blew through her hair, and she felt a rush of adrenaline as she sped up. Effy let out a yell of excitement. This was so much fun!
She watched the professor make a giant cupcake appear and her eyes widened. That cupcake look delicious. She watched the other students start flying towards it, and noticed Annabelle with a girl in her year and house that she hadn't met yet. Effy hadn't gotten to talk to Annabelle much since the feast, and decided to fly over.
Keeping my fingers crossed I won't break my nose :)
would u risk it 4 a chocolate biscuit?
Alice had been very nervous about the flying. Luckily she hasn't fallen off yet,which was quite an achievement,for Alice.
Ooh this professor was sneaky! This was the perfect way to get Alice in the air. Nothing like the powers of sugar to make her forget her fear of leaving the ground. She didn't mind heights,she was just extremely frightened of falling off of them.
"Come on Alice,be a Griffindor" she thought to herself. She carefully kicked off and hovered a few feet. Then gathering up all her courage she half flew,half rocketed into the sky towards the GIANT cupcake.
She remembered how to slow down just in time and only half of her crashed into the cupcake. Ick,her hair was going to be very sticky! And yummy tasting. Deciding not to waste she carefully licked off the icing that was on her face.
After she was less cupcake-ish she flew around the cupcake,this time keeping her distance. After going around the cupcake a few times,she felt comfortable enough to remove her one hand from the broom,finger ready for some icing collecting. She loves her icing
This turned out to be a bit of a mistake. Just after she had some icing on her finger,her broom began to dive down, as she was paying most of her attention to the icing. Luckily she wasn't to close to the ground and managed to swerve up.
A bit shaken,Alice carefully went lower much slower. She was glad to feel the ground under her feet. It wasn't that she didn't like flying,it's just she enjoyed not being injured more. At last she was off the broom and on solid land!
"Professor,I think I'm just gonna have a quick break" Alice wheezed(she isn't very fit.) "I think I'm safer on the ground sir." she said just before falling over the broom. "Or at least as safe as I'll ever be!" she grinned,glad that things were back to how she was used to them.
Oh no! Had Selina died with her! This was terrible! Kurumi rubbed her eyes, geting some of the sweetness of Heaven in them which made her eyes sting. She shouldn't have tried to stand up on her broom like that! She had taken Selina with her! Talk about irony. Here she was losing focus on reality a bit because Adam was leaving and she had managed to leave him. "Selina!" Kurumi pawed at the air with her eyes closed from the icing caked on them. "I'm so sorry! I ki----" Huh? Kurumi managed to remove the icing over her right eye so that she now looked like some sort of pirate and saw Selina perfectly fine and still on her broom. "You're alive!"
It was then that Kurumi finally looked around to see white cake...and lots of it. Wait, was Heaven made out of cake? Peering over the edge, Kurumi saw the pitch just as it always was and their Professor still on the ground staring up at all them. She was still in Flying class? She hadn't died and gone to cupcake Heaven? This was fantastic!
She looked up and waved at Selina.
Oh, was the fiery red-head scolding her? She couldn't really blame her. She had ignored the girl's instructions and gone ahead and tried to put herself back on her broom properly. Now, she was going to smell like vanilla frosting for weeks. Which wasn't such a bad thing really.
"Yeah, sorry," Kurumi blushed as some of the icing on top of her head fell off and into her lap. "I'll keep that in mind next time." Trial and error, right? She had tried, and made a major error.
"Thanks," she laughed as she grabbed onto the girl's arm. It was a bit slippery from all the icing, but she had a decent enough grip to pull herself back on her feet.
Selina laughed and smiled at Kurumi. "Yes Kurumi I am still alive." The girl was hysterical from her fall, who could blame her. Falling off the broom for what she assumed was the first time was always a traumatic event. She still remembered the first time she fell from her broom. Then again she did not fall head first into a cupacake.
As Kurumi grabbed for her she seemed to slip and slid in the icing. Her quick Quidditch reflexes had her fast grip on the girl in a matter of seconds. She was not going to let her fall into even more frosting- if it was possible.
Then she reached out to her friend and hoisted her up on the back of her broom side saddle. She had rarely ever flown with two people on a broom, her father said that it could be quite tricky. So as gently as she could she lowered the pair to the ground keeping a strong steer on the broom. Finally the pair touched ground and she helped Kurumi down. Looking over at the Professor she whispered to Kurumi, "You may want to explain to him why you just face planted into his cupcake."