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Simon waited patiently as Selina thought over what she would ask him. He wasn't real worried on the topics and it wasn't like he had any secrets or information that he would be tight lipped about if the girl was to ask about it. The sixth year absently nodded as she finally spoke up once more, waiting until she was done before supplying a response.
"Yep nice and simple. One sibling...an older brother named Jonathan," he answered with a smile, the question quite managable."What about you? do you have any siblings yourself?" the captain asked returning the favor. It wouldn't be polite not showing interest in his companion in return.
"Does he go to Hogwarts or did he graduate?" Selina questioned. She was not familiar with this Johnathan character so she was assuming he had either graduated or he was not in Gryffindor.
When he posed the question back to her Selina shook her head no, "No siblings. I'm an only child..." It was not something Selina was very happy about. Although she was quiet around the older student because of her admiration Selina was not a quiet person in general. She was actually quite talkative and energetic. So her lack of a sibling was not one of the most pleasant topics Selina talked about, "But I have ten older male cousins. If that counts."
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Sebastian had owled Selena earlier that day for her to meet him in the Fifth Floor Corridor. It was urgent, like a huge emergency. And he needed her like now!
Sebastian had owled Selena earlier that day for her to meet him in the Fifth Floor Corridor. It was urgent, like a huge emergency. And he needed her like now!
Selena was with the owl treats again. TallPerson was definitely lying to her about the no owl thing because it was the same pretty owl. Selena walked slightly faster than usual, but only because he said it was an emergency. But c'mooooon. How big of an emergency could it really be.
She huffed as she finally managed to reach the fifth floor. Finally arriving she scowled, seeing TallPerson looking... tall. "Where's the owl?" Selena asked, looking around him. WHERE WAS THE OWWWLL?!
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Originally Posted by xiiWishiWasYours
Selena was with the owl treats again. TallPerson was definitely lying to her about the no owl thing because it was the same pretty owl. Selena walked slightly faster than usual, but only because he said it was an emergency. But c'mooooon. How big of an emergency could it really be.
She huffed as she finally managed to reach the fifth floor. Finally arriving she scowled, seeing TallPerson looking... tall. "Where's the owl?" Selena asked, looking around him. WHERE WAS THE OWWWLL?!
Before he knew it, Selena was up on the Fifth Floor, rushing towards him asking about the dang owl. He rolled his eyes and smacked his head. "It's not my owl, Sel. It's one of my friend's." He said, looking down at the owl treats in her hand. "Just feed them all to the owl before it flies away then."
"Okay, why I told you to come here is because I'm leaving, Sel!" He said throwing his hands up in the air. Agh, parents were horrible and this was proof. This was definitley proof! "I mean that I'm leaving the last week of term and I might move again. So I broke up with Sophie today, which I really didn't want to do. And now I'm asking Evan, Sophie, Bonnie and you to come meet me at the Whomping Willow tomorrow to have a picnic." He said, rushing through his words.
"What am I going to do?" He whined, sliding against the wall of the corridor, sitting down on the floor as he put his head in his hands.
Last edited by JeshieRAWR; 03-27-2011 at 03:09 AM.
Reason: and doneee
Before he knew it, Selena was up on the Fifth Floor, rushing towards him asking about the dang owl. He rolled his eyes and smacked his head. "It's not my owl, Sel. It's one of my friend's." He said, looking down at the owl treats in her hand. "Just feed them all to the owl before it flies away then."
"Okay, why I told you to come here is because I'm leaving, Sel!" He said throwing his hands up in the air. Agh, parents were horrible and this was proof. This was definitley proof! "I mean that I'm leaving the last week of term and I might move again. So I broke up with Sophie today, which I really didn't want to do. And now I'm asking Evan, Sophie, Bonnie and you to come meet me at the Whomping Willow tomorrow to have a picnic." He said, rushing through his words.
"What am I going to do?" He whined, sliding against the wall of the corridor, sitting down on the floor as he put his head in his hands.
Selena grinned when she saw the owl. "YAY! The owl's here," she giggled feeding the owl the treat. Then it bit her. "OW. I don't like this owl. He bit me," Selena scowled, pocketing the bag of owl treats. Hmph. She'd find a nicer owl later... one that wouldn't bite her.
Selena listened as intently as she could then gasped when he announced he was leaving. She continued to listen, feeling terrible. Buuut. He was TallPerson! He couldn't leaaveee. Selena watched as he slumped down onto the floor. Honestly, she had never seen him like that before and it made her feel terrible. Selena bit her lip and then took a seat on the stone floor besides him.
"Well, if it makes you feel any better... I'm moving away at the end of this term too... my mother disapproves of my being here," Selena offered. "Besides, you're TallPerson, kinda hard to forget the person who towers over you by like... a million feet," Selena said with a shrug a smirk. So maybe she was degrading herself. BUT. In her defense, he was miserable. She'd get back at him later.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Originally Posted by xiiWishiWasYours
Selena grinned when she saw the owl. "YAY! The owl's here," she giggled feeding the owl the treat. Then it bit her. "OW. I don't like this owl. He bit me," Selena scowled, pocketing the bag of owl treats. Hmph. She'd find a nicer owl later... one that wouldn't bite her.
Selena listened as intently as she could then gasped when he announced he was leaving. She continued to listen, feeling terrible. Buuut. He was TallPerson! He couldn't leaaveee. Selena watched as he slumped down onto the floor. Honestly, she had never seen him like that before and it made her feel terrible. Selena bit her lip and then took a seat on the stone floor besides him.
"Well, if it makes you feel any better... I'm moving away at the end of this term too... my mother disapproves of my being here," Selena offered. "Besides, you're TallPerson, kinda hard to forget the person who towers over you by like... a million feet," Selena said with a shrug a smirk. So maybe she was degrading herself. BUT. In her defense, he was miserable. She'd get back at him later.
Sebastian's mouth slightly turned upwards as the owl bit ShortPerson. At least that would amuse him for a bit. He watched as the owl flew away and he sighed. Before he knew it, she was sitting next to him, trying to comfort him.
"You're not really helping." He said with a bit of a laugh, then looking over at his friend. "You shouldn't move either, this is practically our home. But anyways, I don't know what to do anymore. My parent's divorce is affecting all of this and I'm losing everybody." He complained.
Sebastian's mouth slightly turned upwards as the owl bit ShortPerson. At least that would amuse him for a bit. He watched as the owl flew away and he sighed. Before he knew it, she was sitting next to him, trying to comfort him.
"You're not really helping." He said with a bit of a laugh, then looking over at his friend. "You shouldn't move either, this is practically our home. But anyways, I don't know what to do anymore. My parent's divorce is affecting all of this and I'm losing everybody." He complained.
Agh, he felt like a baby.
Selena smirked. "Well, you were smiling and you just laughed. So I think I am," she said, dropping her panda bag in her lap and opening up it's back. She rummaged through it and found her candy stash. Don't worry, it was in another bag. "Alright, everything always looks happier when you're hyper, start eating. I didn't pack any chocolate, so you're safe," Selena sighed.
Ugh. She felt like such a good person.
"Yeah well... this is the only place I consider home and my mother is taking it away from me. My whole family is trying to get me to give up on my boyfriend because they think he's a bad influence just because he gave me a promise ring. They think I'm abandoning my studies, they also think I'm hanging out around all the wrong people, so yeah. I think my mother has ruined my life more than both of yours. And it's just a divorce. So you'll get used to it. As long as if you keep in touch with both of them. I think my father's dead, he hasn't owled back since first day of first year," Selena ranted. Oh wait. She was making this about her now. Eh. Whatever. "So if you compare the two, my life is probably worst than yours," Selena concluded with a shrug.
She unwrapped a lollipop and started nomming on it. "Do you wanna hug my panda?" Selena offered, holding up the stuffed animal backpack thingy. "It'll make you feel better," she said with a giggle.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
It seemed that the Hunt was now affecting Jacob like it had affected Patroclus on the level previously, enducing hysteria and manic ranting and raving. The symptoms sounded very familiar; Patrolcus sworn he had had read about it in some adventure novel, "I think what we are both experiencing is Acute Jungle Fever......hold on" Wait they weren't in a junlge?
"OK something like that, or maybe it's Loo-less Fever!"
Yeah that sounded much better! Offering a hand down to his falling brother in arms, Patroclus sighed, "Next level?" he asked, "I am thinking that maybe we missed it?"
If the two of them had to start over, Patroclus would probably crawl into a ball and cry!
Jacob was gonna collapse if they didn't find the bathroom... he was getting really annoyed. Jungle Fever was taking over... Great!
Jacob feet stepped off the stair case and onto the fifth floor. He moved down the corridor, and moved to one side, giving Patroclus the other. He pressed his ear against the uneven rough wall. And moved down the corridor trying it Pats way, listening for Plumbing.
He was around 10 steps in and was about to say it wasn't there, but he heard something. "Pat! You hear that?" he asked, was it on his side too? he it better be something worth while, and not just his imagination. "It sounds like running water"... maybe, it could be.
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
SPOILER!!: ShortPerson
Originally Posted by xiiWishiWasYours
Selena smirked. "Well, you were smiling and you just laughed. So I think I am," she said, dropping her panda bag in her lap and opening up it's back. She rummaged through it and found her candy stash. Don't worry, it was in another bag. "Alright, everything always looks happier when you're hyper, start eating. I didn't pack any chocolate, so you're safe," Selena sighed.
Ugh. She felt like such a good person.
"Yeah well... this is the only place I consider home and my mother is taking it away from me. My whole family is trying to get me to give up on my boyfriend because they think he's a bad influence just because he gave me a promise ring. They think I'm abandoning my studies, they also think I'm hanging out around all the wrong people, so yeah. I think my mother has ruined my life more than both of yours. And it's just a divorce. So you'll get used to it. As long as if you keep in touch with both of them. I think my father's dead, he hasn't owled back since first day of first year," Selena ranted. Oh wait. She was making this about her now. Eh. Whatever. "So if you compare the two, my life is probably worst than yours," Selena concluded with a shrug.
She unwrapped a lollipop and started nomming on it. "Do you wanna hug my panda?" Selena offered, holding up the stuffed animal backpack thingy. "It'll make you feel better," she said with a giggle.
"Psh, I'm just faking a smile." Sebastian lied. Her failness always seemed to make him laugh or such. Silly munchkins these days. He looked over at her bag and raised an eyebrow. "A panda?" He chuckled. Weirdo. Then she started taking out candy and saying that when he is hyper everything is happier. What was she now? A psychologist or something?
"What's happened to you?" Seb asked, grabbing onto the girl's shoulders and shaking her a bit. "Where is Selena! What have you done with her?" He gasped, and then laid down on the floor, laughing. Ahahahahaha, yes she couldn't be nice!
Then he listened as ShortPerson explained why she was moving and such and he sighed. "We'll have to hang out sometime this summer then." He said leaning over to hug her. It then felt awkward and he patted her back once and pulled back. Yes, very awkward. "Let's not do that again." He stated, staring at the wall of the corridor, blank minded.
"Psh, I'm just faking a smile." Sebastian lied. Her failness always seemed to make him laugh or such. Silly munchkins these days. He looked over at her bag and raised an eyebrow. "A panda?" He chuckled. Weirdo. Then she started taking out candy and saying that when he is hyper everything is happier. What was she now? A psychologist or something?
"What's happened to you?" Seb asked, grabbing onto the girl's shoulders and shaking her a bit. "Where is Selena! What have you done with her?" He gasped, and then laid down on the floor, laughing. Ahahahahaha, yes she couldn't be nice!
Then he listened as ShortPerson explained why she was moving and such and he sighed. "We'll have to hang out sometime this summer then." He said leaning over to hug her. It then felt awkward and he patted her back once and pulled back. Yes, very awkward. "Let's not do that again." He stated, staring at the wall of the corridor, blank minded.
Selena rolled her eyes, and nudged him slightly. "You're attempting to lie to a Slytherin... you fail," she said, sticking out her tongue and smirking. She looked down at her fuzzy bag and shrugged, hugging it. "It's cool, don't be jealous," she said as she snuggled with it. It was soft and furry. What wasn't to love about it. "Actually, on second thought, do be jealous," she said giggling.
"Owwwwwh..." Selena complained as he shook her. She scowled and glared at him. "You're seriously getting old, I'm right here, duh," Selena said, rolling her eyes once more. She gave him an odd look. "Uhm... and you call me weird?" she asked as she looked around for a stick. Ugh. No stick. She pulled out a pencil and poked him.
Selena nearly gagged when he hugged her. "Ewwwh... you have cooties," Selena said frowning as she very reluctantly hugged him back before pulling away quickly. Ewwh. "We're definitely not doing that again," Selena agreed.
"ON THE BRIGHT SIDE..." Selena exclaimed, recovering quickly. Oh wait... she couldn't think of a bright side... "let me figure this out first..." Selena said thinking hard.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Jacob was gonna collapse if they didn't find the bathroom... he was getting really annoyed. Jungle Fever was taking over... Great!
Jacob feet stepped off the stair case and onto the fifth floor. He moved down the corridor, and moved to one side, giving Patroclus the other. He pressed his ear against the uneven rough wall. And moved down the corridor trying it Pats way, listening for Plumbing.
He was around 10 steps in and was about to say it wasn't there, but he heard something. "Pat! You hear that?" he asked, was it on his side too? he it better be something worth while, and not just his imagination. "It sounds like running water"... maybe, it could be.
Struggling up the steps, Patroclus could really take no more; he would pee behind a statue if he had too!
Dragging his feet, he followed suit and leaned his ear to the wall, the one that Jacob was not on, obviously! Taking the opportunity he paused and shut his eyes, knowing that sleep would come easy after all the walking.....if only he didn't need to pee!
But then there was a development!
Jacob had heard something!
Snapping his eyes, opening the boy ran over and facing Jacob placed his ear to the wall as well, "Oh my Merlin!" he smiled, "I hear it too!"
Like a bloodhound with the smell of meat, Patroclus took off, his ear planted to the wall, him running closer and closer to the sound of water!
Having been grading the latest lot of homeworks she had received, Isabelle felt in the need of some fresh air. So she locked up her office and made her way down the old moving staircase, finding herself on the fifth floor. With all the coming and going she'd been doing, it was rare that she had the chance to stop and admire the portraits, or even talk to them. But as most of them seemed to be occupied as she passed, Isabelle merely gave them a nod, smile and quick hello, not wishing to interrupt their business.
Stuffing her hands into her robe pockets, she wandered along to the next staircase, carrying on her mission to reach the grounds.
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
So this was pretty much it?
In a matter of weeks, days even, Trixie wouldn't be able to step foot in this school ever again? Her life, the only memories that could actually stay with her would be only that. The Head Girls eyes welled slightly at the thought, her face sombre and emotionless, though it was clear that there was something up with her. It was pretty obvious what it was as well.
With a sigh and a moments thought, Trixie made her way through the corridors and staircases that overwhelmed the school. She wasn't ready to say goodbye, she couldn't ever be ready. The Eighteen year old arrived on the fifth floor, not expecting to stay, but the appearance of a professor, the Transfiguration one to be exact, stopped her from going any further.
"Professor" she announced her arrival with a small timid smile, very unlike the young blonde. "Its a shame I haven't got to know you better since you've been here" she told the older woman. It was true, she had attended a few of her lessons but never had the opportunity to talk.
In a matter of weeks, days even, Trixie wouldn't be able to step foot in this school ever again? Her life, the only memories that could actually stay with her would be only that. The Head Girls eyes welled slightly at the thought, her face sombre and emotionless, though it was clear that there was something up with her. It was pretty obvious what it was as well.
With a sigh and a moments thought, Trixie made her way through the corridors and staircases that overwhelmed the school. She wasn't ready to say goodbye, she couldn't ever be ready. The Eighteen year old arrived on the fifth floor, not expecting to stay, but the appearance of a professor, the Transfiguration one to be exact, stopped her from going any further.
"Professor" she announced her arrival with a small timid smile, very unlike the young blonde. "Its a shame I haven't got to know you better since you've been here" she told the older woman. It was true, she had attended a few of her lessons but never had the opportunity to talk.
Isabelle saw the girl coming towards her, the slightly sad body language and facial expressions telling her that someone wasn't happy about the impending end of term. The shiny Head Girl badge on the front of her robes might explain why that was - if indeed it was the reason for the way the Slytherin looked. Isabelle was just assuming at this stage.
But it seemed her evident sadness didn't stop her being polite. Then again, she was HG for a reason, eh? "Miss Malfoy." Issy greeted, smiling warmly, perhaps hoping it might cheer the girl up. "I must say the same about you. How have you been getting on in your last year?" Judging by the face, not well right now.