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As per the announcement made earlier, the second Charms lesson of the term is to take place, not on the room on the third floor, but in an enclosure in the grounds. This enclosure looks small but is, inside, much larger than a regular classroom. The roof is a mild cream-white and, once you step through the archway that serves as a door, you will see darker desks lining all four walls, leaving most of the space inside the room vacant.
The are large French windows set in each wall, letting light pleasantly flood in. The Professor's desk stands at the front of the classroom, and Jared is standing by it, gloved hands tucked into the pockets of deep black robes, as he waits for the students to start trickling in. Despite the weather outside, the insides of the temporary classroom are pleasantly warm, not too hot but certainly not too cold either.
OOC: Helloooo! Sowwee for the delay. You can RP your charries arriving, but the lesson will probably reaaaally start in five to ten hours. ^__^
Simon looked at the Professor. "How about the Locomotor Spell?" Simon would love to use that spell, he thought that it came in handy when you needed to move something, but saying that he wasn't sure it affected the movement of the target.
Leaning against his desk, Jared turned his attention to the class as a whole. "Today, we're going to practice two charms, both effecting the movement of the target - and both that muggles might find quite useful." If they could use them. Which they couldn't. "Any guesses?"
On the charms. Obviously.
A charm to effect the movement of a target? "Impediment?" Emily suggested "To slow things down?"
That probably wasn't it. "Or Tarantallegra? That effects movement... kind of."
Well she was trying at least!
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Maxarry Me
Leaning against his desk, Jared turned his attention to the class as a whole. "Today, we're going to practice two charms, both effecting the movement of the target - and both that muggles might find quite useful." If they could use them. Which they couldn't. "Any guesses?"
On the charms. Obviously.
Sierra frowned as over half the class started spewing out answers left and right. Her gaze traveled around the room as she listened to her classmates. She wanted to try to say something no one else had, but that was sort of impossible since everyone's answers seemed to be running together as one.
How the professor heard them all was beyond her. Finally, she raised her hand. "Ascendio and Descendo?" she suggested. It'd help with moving up and down staircases, at least. Or maybe there was some other use for it, too. Maybe.
Leaning against his desk, Jared turned his attention to the class as a whole. "Today, we're going to practice two charms, both effecting the movement of the target - and both that muggles might find quite useful." If they could use them. Which they couldn't. "Any guesses?"
On the charms. Obviously.
Hmmmm both spells effecting movement of the target?Oh oh oh yeeees. Before the blonde could forget about them she raised her hand."What about Engorgio and the Hover charm?"Muggle could really use them. It would make their life easier.Especialls with the hover charm actually.Good, she has got them put before she could froget it.The Slytherin had so much on her midn these days.Siiigh.
Leaning against his desk, Jared turned his attention to the class as a whole. "Today, we're going to practice two charms, both effecting the movement of the target - and both that muggles might find quite useful." If they could use them. Which they couldn't. "Any guesses?"
On the charms. Obviously.
Luin thought about the charms that could be pertinent to this discussion, most of the others had other put out answers that were along her lines of thought. She decided to voice them anyways, might as well participate in the class and let him know that she did know what most of the charms do. She raised her hand, "Perhaps the Confundus Charm and the Braking Charm? Although those would be useful, they wouldn't have positive effects on the person who was cast with the Charm."
Gevrik would have a field day, if he could hear that answer.
"Good thinking, Patroclus. Take two points for Gryffindor."
Leaning against his desk, Jared turned his attention to the class as a whole. "Today, we're going to practice two charms, both effecting the movement of the target - and both that muggles might find quite useful." If they could use them. Which they couldn't. "Any guesses?"
On the charms. Obviously.
Smiling at the kudos he had just recieved from Professor D. Patroclus was a little slow on the up take about the next question.......as answers were being called out to the professor Left, right and center, the Lion Boy quickly scanned his brain for a possible answer
"Perhaps Immobulous Sir?" Patroclus was unsure whether anyone had said it, it could have been, he had been off with the Kudos fairies after all, so he suggested another, "Or perhaps the whipping slash rope spell Carpe Retractum"
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Originally Posted by Maxarry Me
Leaning against his desk, Jared turned his attention to the class as a whole. "Today, we're going to practice two charms, both effecting the movement of the target - and both that muggles might find quite useful." If they could use them. Which they couldn't. "Any guesses?"
On the charms. Obviously.
Hmm.... charms that affect movement that Muggles will find useful-- "Locomotor-- will be really helpful for muggles to move stuff around, and Immobulus or the Freezing charm-- stops stuff from moving or falling."
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Jaina was excited! More charms! If they learned how to move stuff, she could move stuff around her room! AND the next time she accidentally drops something here, she could stop it! AWESOMESAUCE!
Satine flipped through her notes trying to figure out a charm they hadn't learned in the past. She raised her hand, "What about Excelsiosempra professor? It makes an object float in the air out of your reach...." she could see lots of uses for that with muggles.
''Professor'' so Josh stood up automatically as a reaction once he snapped out of his frozen and shocked state to try his chance though he knew he was not going to be able to deceive a professor. Yet he had to try, had not he? ''Isn't this too little for what i have done? Why don't you throw me into that certain dungeon?'' Merlin! Let's hope he'd get that.
Too little? "No," Jared said, tones neutral. "I don't think it is."
Dungeon? Did the Gryffindor mean detention?
"I don't believe a dungeon can do more good than a simple conversation, Joshua." And a "simple" conversation they were going to have, once the boy brought that essay. He paused, and added, "I expect the essay in my office tomorrow morning."
That was all.
Text Cut: Guessesguesses <3
Originally Posted by Gabben
*Raising his hand Matty said.*
"A growth charm sir?"
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Eh Mia could actually only think of two charms that might be what the Professor is referring to. She raised her hand in the air. "Would it be the summoning charm, 'Accio' and the levitation charm, 'Wingardium Leviosa.'"
Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lovebird
"Maybe the Impediment jinx? It makes the object in question travel slowwww," he explained as he raised his hand. "And, erm...I'm assuming if we're studying that one, we'd also be studying a charm to make stuff faster as well?" he suggested.
Originally Posted by McFeisty
Kyle Raised her hand almost immediately, "Well, Wingardium Leviosa is a hovering charm" Kyle smiled tapped her finger on her desk softly as she answered - she was nervous and had never actually gotten her house points before. Then it dawned on her, "One thing muggles could use in hospitals, and medical instances is both the Mobiliarbus charm which moves any object with your wand but there is a striking resemblance to the Mobilicorpus spell...of course there's also Accio"
Originally Posted by princess of*hp*
Amadeus turned his head to a girl who had taken the words straight from his mouth, one that was clothed in Hufflepuff robes. "You read my mind," He spoke. Turning back to the professor, he added, "Well, besides those two, mobiliarbus sounds plausible as well."
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
"My older brothers were always wishing they could just use Accio to have the TV remote come to them," Kurumi mused. She had had no idea what they had been talking about before, so she had always been the one to get off the couch and grab it for them. "I also think that non-magical people would find the Mending Charm very useful." It was a bit of a long shot, but it did have to do with an object moving in the direction of fixing itself.
Originally Posted by mellamaet
"uhm, well Accio can move its target.." Cass offered "While Aresto Momentum can stop its target from moving." She added. She thought it would be useful for muggles, they do tend to fall down on stuff a lot.
Originally Posted by Pinky
"Would Impedimenta be an example, sir? It slows down a moving target or whatever," she said with her hand raised. She wasn't RAELLY sure it was a charm, but it was worth a shot. Meh.
Originally Posted by HP_princess
Viola raised her hand and said, "Well, what about the Mobiliarbus charm? It helps to move any object from one place to another." With the help of a wand, obviously. "It will definitely be of great use to the muggles." Viola seemed quite pleased with her answer.
Originally Posted by Harry174
Simon looked at the Professor. "How about the Locomotor Spell?" Simon would love to use that spell, he thought that it came in handy when you needed to move something, but saying that he wasn't sure it affected the movement of the target.
Originally Posted by Zebragirl
A charm to effect the movement of a target? "Impediment?" Emily suggested "To slow things down?"
That probably wasn't it. "Or Tarantallegra? That effects movement... kind of."
Well she was trying at least!
Originally Posted by Sweetie?Banana
How the professor heard them all was beyond her. Finally, she raised her hand. "Ascendio and Descendo?" she suggested. It'd help with moving up and down staircases, at least. Or maybe there was some other use for it, too. Maybe.
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
Hmmmm both spells effecting movement of the target?Oh oh oh yeeees. Before the blonde could forget about them she raised her hand."What about Engorgio and the Hover charm?"Muggle could really use them. It would make their life easier.Especialls with the hover charm actually.Good, she has got them put before she could froget it.The Slytherin had so much on her midn these days.Siiigh.
Originally Posted by Luinevaug
Luin thought about the charms that could be pertinent to this discussion, most of the others had other put out answers that were along her lines of thought. She decided to voice them anyways, might as well participate in the class and let him know that she did know what most of the charms do. She raised her hand, "Perhaps the Confundus Charm and the Braking Charm? Although those would be useful, they wouldn't have positive effects on the person who was cast with the Charm."
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Hmm.... charms that affect movement that Muggles will find useful-- "Locomotor-- will be really helpful for muggles to move stuff around, and Immobulus or the Freezing charm-- stops stuff from moving or falling."
"Close, but not close enough," Jared grinned. Some of the spells mention had not been charms but, for now, he let that pass.
For the moment.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
"What about the banishing charm?" she asked after raising her hand.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
"Umm a summoning charm and a banishing charm?" Nika guessed.
"The Banishing Charm," Jared acknowledged. "That's the first one."
Originally Posted by dan arjay
He raised his hand and said, "One possible answer is Immobulus." he uttered and then cleared his throat.
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr
Hmmm... a charm... and...
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Finlay had to think about that for a few seconds, because he had a lot of knowledge in his head....well a little anyway. "I think Immobulus is a good charm that muggles could use, because like it would stop things, which could make their lives easier."
Originally Posted by PattyH.
Smiling at the kudos he had just recieved from Professor D. Patroclus was a little slow on the up take about the next question.......as answers were being called out to the professor Left, right and center, the Lion Boy quickly scanned his brain for a possible answer
"Perhaps Immobulous Sir?"
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Hmm.... charms that affect movement that Muggles will find useful-- "Immobulus or the Freezing charm-- stops stuff from moving or falling."
"... and that's the second."
Right then. "The two charms that are going to be practiced in this lesson are the Freezing and Banishing Charms. Now then, books away and wands out." He gave the students a minute to do so, before continuing.
"The incantation for the Freezing Charm is Immobulus." He repeated it. "Invented by an English charmscientist, this charm renders the target immobile. The wand movement is two shorts flicks of the wand." He demonstrated the charm. Flick, flick, incantation. "Go ahead and give it a try on those."
Several small, super soft balls appeared in front of each student, bouncing up and down at a medium sort of speed.
OOC: Go ahead and have your characters practice the charm. Remember, not everyone succeeds at the first try and it's okay to fail.
Lady Lem|DJ Melfoy|Braedeus ♥ Stumble|Bebé Melón|B2|Andee & Melsse|Melephone
Quickly shuffling his parchment into his satchel, corking his ink bottle and grabbing his eagle-feather quill, tossing them into the lot, Amadeus grasped his wand and stared warily at the ball that moved up and down in front of him. This couldn't be too hard, especially for a seventh year. Concentrating, he murmured, "Immobulus," flicking his wand twice as he aimed it at the ball. It stopped in mid-bounce directly in front of the Ravenclaw and remained suspended in mid-air. Grinning to himself as he gazed at his handiwork, Deus remarked, "Easy."
Just as he made to place his wand back onto his desk, the ball looked as if it twitched. Suddenly, it began bouncing up and down again. Time to try again.
Right then. "The two charms that are going to be practiced in this lesson are the Freezing and Banishing Charms. Now then, books away and wands out." He gave the students a minute to do so, before continuing.
"The incantation for the Freezing Charm is Immobulus." He repeated it. "Invented by an English charmscientist, this charm renders the target immobile. The wand movement is two shorts flicks of the wand." He demonstrated the charm. Flick, flick, incantation. "Go ahead and give it a try on those."
Several small, super soft balls appeared in front of each student, bouncing up and down at a medium sort of speed.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Two great charms! This was gonna be a great lesson!
As Emily watched the ball bounce up and down and moved her wand with it. Wait, did it have to hit the target?
Flick, flick "Immobulus!" and the ball froze in mid air. Cool!
Then she raised her hand "Sir, does the spell have to hit the target exactly? Just because it the target is moving fast, it would be hard to hit it."
She hoped that made sence and she didn't come across as an idiot.
Jake raised his eyebrow at the term 'charmscientist'. Sounded to him like SOMEONE wanted to sound more qualified than they really were.
He knew this spell... of course he did; he was a seventh year, and he'd been tutored this stuff already. The young man pointed his wand at the bouncing softball and he gave two short flicks of his wand, before nonverbally casting 'Immobulus' at the softball.
It stopped.
Jake smiled and leaned back.
"Like a boss."
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Right then. "The two charms that are going to be practiced in this lesson are the Freezing and Banishing Charms. Now then, books away and wands out." He gave the students a minute to do so, before continuing.
"The incantation for the Freezing Charm is Immobulus." He repeated it. "Invented by an English charmscientist, this charm renders the target immobile. The wand movement is two shorts flicks of the wand." He demonstrated the charm. Flick, flick, incantation. "Go ahead and give it a try on those."
Several small, super soft balls appeared in front of each student, bouncing up and down at a medium sort of speed.
Jacqueline was very excited about these two charms! She carefully watched the how the ball froze in the air. Now,give it a try.
She held her wand,very tight,saying the charm numerous od times.Immobulus,Immobulus,Immobulus........and remembering the movementm.Two,flicks. Ok,now go for it.
She focused. Flick,flick ''Immobulus!" and it stopped. It actually froze! That was so amazing. She was very proud on herself,that was pretty good. Practice,practice!!!!!!
Jaina started bouncing the ball. "Immobulus!" she stated, but the ball bounced faster. Hmmm, she thought, I don't think I'm concentrating enough."Immobulus!" she said flicking her wand several times. The ball bounced faster and away from Jaina and hit Belle in the back of the head! "Oh my gosh!! Belle I'm so sorry!!!" she ran over to see if she was all right. "Immobulus!!!!" she shouted at the ball and it finally froze in the air. She let out a sigh of relief. "Are you ok, Belle?"
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Ellie stared intently at the bouncing ball infront of her desk. She followed the movement with her wand and quickly said, "Immobulus!" and hit the ball center on. It froze in mid-air. Succeeeeess.
Ellie grinned at her accomplishment and gave Professor Descoteaux a thumbs up. She was glad to be back in Charms class again.
Right then. "The two charms that are going to be practiced in this lesson are the Freezing and Banishing Charms. Now then, books away and wands out." He gave the students a minute to do so, before continuing.
"The incantation for the Freezing Charm is Immobulus." He repeated it. "Invented by an English charmscientist, this charm renders the target immobile. The wand movement is two shorts flicks of the wand." He demonstrated the charm. Flick, flick, incantation. "Go ahead and give it a try on those."
Several small, super soft balls appeared in front of each student, bouncing up and down at a medium sort of speed.
Luin quickly jotted down on her parchment the names of the charms and then wrote the directions on how to do them beneath the name. She looked at the ball bouncing in front of her and then gave the charm a try....flick, flick, "Immobulus" the ball still bounced, unperturbed. She frowned. Maybe concentrating a bit more would be good...flick, flick, "Immobulus" the ball slowed down a bit but didn't stop completely, it looked like it was in some kind of time-slowing thing or something. She cocked her head at it, finding it quite interesting. She then tried the charm again, flick, flick, "Immobulus!" and the ball stopped in midair. She smiled, finally, only took a few tries. Hmm...definitely would need to practice this one though.
Right then. "The two charms that are going to be practiced in this lesson are the Freezing and Banishing Charms. Now then, books away and wands out." He gave the students a minute to do so, before continuing.
"The incantation for the Freezing Charm is Immobulus." He repeated it. "Invented by an English charmscientist, this charm renders the target immobile. The wand movement is two shorts flicks of the wand." He demonstrated the charm. Flick, flick, incantation. "Go ahead and give it a try on those."
Several small, super soft balls appeared in front of each student, bouncing up and down at a medium sort of speed.[/COLOR]
*Putting his books away and pulling out his wand Matty practiced before charming the little red ball in front of him. After a minute he pointed to the bouncing ball, did a flick, flick with his wand then said Immobulus. The ball slowed down but kept bouncing only in slow motion.*
"Hmm... almost.*
Jaxon took out his want and tapped the books with it, within second the books came flying neatly inside his backpack that is on the floor.
Then the professor conjured some bouncing balls where they will be supposed to practice the freezing charm...
Jaxon remembers this charm correctly because he always uses it to his sister whenever she's gonna tackle him... He grinned at the memories but snapped back to reality in just one moment...
He whispered to himself, two flicks of the wand.
He pointed at the bouncing ball and midair, he flicked his wand two times and uttered Immobulus.
The ball suddenly dropped into the floor and stopped bouncing.
I see trees of green,
Red roses too.
I see 'em bloom for me and for you.
And I think to myself, What a wonderful world.
Right then. "The two charms that are going to be practiced in this lesson are the Freezing and Banishing Charms. Now then, books away and wands out." He gave the students a minute to do so, before continuing.
"The incantation for the Freezing Charm is Immobulus." He repeated it. "Invented by an English charmscientist, this charm renders the target immobile. The wand movement is two shorts flicks of the wand." He demonstrated the charm. Flick, flick, incantation. "Go ahead and give it a try on those."
Several small, super soft balls appeared in front of each student, bouncing up and down at a medium sort of speed.[/COLOR]
Awww sweet!
Patroclus had always wanted to learn the banishing spell, but first of all he would have to master the Freezing charm!
So all that he needed to do, was flick flick Immobulus.....easy....right. Wrapping his fingers around his Griffin Claw wand, Patroclus swallowed then flicked his wand, twice.
Flick flick, "Immobulus!"
The bouncing ball before him, froze for a moment in the air, however then once again continued to bounce.
Trying again, Patroclus flicked harder, and instilled more emphasis into the incantation, Flick flick, "Immobulus!"
The ball stopped, and remained frozen.....awww hells yeah!
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Originally Posted by Maxarry Me
Right then. "The two charms that are going to be practiced in this lesson are the Freezing and Banishing Charms. Now then, books away and wands out." He gave the students a minute to do so, before continuing.
"The incantation for the Freezing Charm is Immobulus." He repeated it. "Invented by an English charmscientist, this charm renders the target immobile. The wand movement is two shorts flicks of the wand." He demonstrated the charm. Flick, flick, incantation. "Go ahead and give it a try on those."
Several small, super soft balls appeared in front of each student, bouncing up and down at a medium sort of speed.
OOC: Go ahead and have your characters practice the charm. Remember, not everyone succeeds at the first try and it's okay to fail.
Oh yeah! Least he got one guess right heh.
As the Slytherin lad took out his wand he watched the Professor demo the wand movement and showed how the charm worked. He nodded silently. He has used this charm before. Just not as often. He was never all that quick with the wand anyway, and much less using any magic to keep things from crashing.
His eyes focused on the bouncing ball that suddenly materialized in front of him. Bounce... bounce.... bounce.... bounce... this could get hypnotic uhuh.
With a flick-flick of his wand he aimed-- ON the ball.
The ball bounced off his wand and flew against the far wall. It rebounded then careened back, slamming on his head.
Charms class Salander. Not baseball.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Lady Lem|DJ Melfoy|Braedeus ♥ Stumble|Bebé Melón|B2|Andee & Melsse|Melephone
After his initial failed attempt, Amadeus impatiently flicked his wand twice once more and spoke more forcefully. "Immobulus!" The ball stopped in midair. Amadeus remained still, his wand still pointing at the frozen ball as he waited for it to defy his will as it had once before. When it remained still, he gave a sigh of relief and set down his wand on his desk.
Oh well that sucked. Her two guesses had been wrong. Well not wrong exactly, she just didn't know what the Professor had been thinking. Mia put her quill and parchment back into her bag and then pulled out her wand.
Now she had been getting better at magic but she still wasn't fully confident just yet. She listened carefully as the Professor spoke and then turned to face her bouncing ball.
She could do this.
A couple of flicks of her wand and just say the incantation. How hard could that be?
Taking a deep breath, Mia opened her mouth to say the incantation while she gave her wand a flick. Only problem was, she flicked her wand too hard and it flew back and...
She just smacked herself in the face with her wand. "Ouch." She muttered as she rubbed her nose with her hand. Merlin, she sucked at this.
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astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Maxarry Me
Right then. "The two charms that are going to be practiced in this lesson are the Freezing and Banishing Charms. Now then, books away and wands out." He gave the students a minute to do so, before continuing.
"The incantation for the Freezing Charm is Immobulus." He repeated it. "Invented by an English charmscientist, this charm renders the target immobile. The wand movement is two shorts flicks of the wand." He demonstrated the charm. Flick, flick, incantation. "Go ahead and give it a try on those."
Several small, super soft balls appeared in front of each student, bouncing up and down at a medium sort of speed.[/COLOR]
Kurumi returned to her parchment for a moment to write down a few notes before taking her wand out of its turquoise holster and grabbing a yellow squishy ball. Returning to her desk, she remained standing and bounced the ball a few times on top of it. Yes, this would do nicely. Giving it a little harder throw, the ball bounce up...and down....and up....and down on her desk.
"Visualize, visualize," she commanded herself as she pointed her wand at the ball. Up...and down....up....and down...
Once she thought she had memorized the timing of the ball, Kurumi gave her wand two quick flicks. "Immobulus!"
The ball's movement was altered by a slight breeze that entered the classroom and her spell missed it by mere centimeters. Frowning a bit, Kurumi then gasped wondering just where her spell had hit. Clearly, seeing as the ball was still bouncing up and down on her desk, she had not immobilized her ball...
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes