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Boys' Dormitory If you chose the tunnel to the right, you will soon find yourself inside the boy's dorms. Each year has a room of its own, and if this is your first time here at Hogwarts, there will always be someone there to help you find your way. The rooms are spacious and actually bigger than they look like they should be. Magic, perhaps? Come inside and make yourself at home, get to know your fellow roommates, but don't stay up too late, you wouldn't want to miss any of your classes! There are absolutely no girls allowed in the boy's dorms. Should a curious female wander into the tunnel, her path will be blocked off immediately, and no spell she may try will remove the obstacle. Best to keep to yourself ladies, I wouldn't bother trying if I were you. |
Aierikk walked in, and sighed; a sign of relief. He was at home, at Hogwarts once again. |
Preston was headed straight to bed now. He could feel his eyes beginning to start droop and he wasn't sure if he could stay up much longer. Preston could begin to feel his feet start dragging as he finished the last leg of the journey to his bed that he had been looking forward to sleeping in that day. Finally coming up to the door with 2nd years written on it, Preston gave a goofy grin, that was his room. Giving a content sigh he opened the door and walked in, leaving the door wide open behind him he took the few steps left to his bed where his trunk lay awaiting him at the foot of the bed. He was home away from home now. |
Yeah boy, Fletcher was HOMEEEEEE! Well, his That was kind of sad, but not enough to keep away Fletcher's happy mood. "I LOVE THIS PLACE!" he shouted, practically dancing over to his bed and tearing off his tie as he strutted. Yeah, it had been a good feast. Yeah, some of the new staff choices were weird. But yeah, Fletcher was too stuffed to care. He collapsed onto his bed with a several happy noises and spread his arms out like he was making a snow angel. "Ahhhh. Now this is the life." Wait, wait, what was he sitting on? Or was there was a lump in his pocket...?! The boy half-froze and took a second to dig the object out of his pants pocket before nestling the chocolate-frog shaped gold in the crook of his neck. All settled in for now, Fletcher contentedly closed his eyes. "Theeeeeere." HOORAH FOR BEING HOME! |
SPOILER!!: Fletcher... Preston had just been about to plop onto his bed and relax for a few moments when he saw someone pass by the open door to the second year room's. It was a few moments later when he heard someone yell a few doors down. No doubt, the same kid who had passed by. Walking out of the room, Preston headed down the hall to where he thought the yell had come from. Opening the door ever so careful and slowly Preston stuck his head in to see what was going on. "Hey." Preston greeted, still hiding behind the door from the outside, only his head visible. "H-Happy t-to b-b-be b-back?" Preston asked with a chuckle. |
Jake was, understandably, rather annoyed. He'd been to see who needed to be seen and had said what needed to be said. As it was now, he grumped into the seventh year boys' dormitory and didn't even bother taking his glasses or shoes off before falling forward onto his bed. Fletcher was looking far too happy and content, though, so Jake wrenched a pillow from under his face and launched it straight at the boy. Take that, Happy. |
aww I <3 my fellow Puffies! yayyyyy :D Quote:
"Hey," he lifted his head up slightly from his comfy spot, still smiling an awful lot. "I'm stoked, man, absolutely excited. It's my last year you know." Or maybe the younger Puff didn't know? "Wanna come in? I'm Fletcher, by the way, just Fletcher." Quote:
"HEY DUDE," he bolted up from his bed, "THAT'S NOT COOL." Whoever did that was going to get a Hufflejock fist to the face if he didn't find his precious wherever it had rolled to. |
Jake kept quiet even though he was the only other person actually inside the room and with a pillow missing. Flicking his wand into his hand, Jake wordlessly sent another pillow across the room from another bed. Using magic of course. "Is the happiness gone yet?" he called to Fletcher, the words muffled as he was talking into his remaining pillow. |
"WHAT THE HELL?" Fletcher spat, grabbing a pillow in either hand as he glared wildly around the room. He noticed that, out of the many empty beds there, only that weird Jake kid's was missing a pillow. All right, one other bed was missing a pillow too but only Jake had the guts to talk to Fletcher. Standing up from the bed with pillows in tow, Fletcher strided across the room and didn't even stop when his foot kicked something solid under his bed. "No, Jake Upwhatever," he slammed one pillow down on top of the other seventh year's head, "you can't squash my happiness! So HA!" Down went the other pillow with a soft extinguishing of feathers. Yeah, Fletcher was mildly peeved, but he was still happy overall. And this wasn't a pillow fight, noooo. Just a little.... Hufflepuff Man Bonding! |
LOL! Sooooo a pillow fight. A manly one. Quote:
Awesome. But those visions were, of course, hit away by a pillow hit from Jake's fellow 'puff. He gave a strangled yelp, not unlike a puppy who's just woken himself up by his own fart, and flailed off the bed. On purpose of course... totally. Scrambling to some pillows that had fallen on the floor, Jake soon found himself swinging one at Fletcher's legs before backing underneath the other boy's bed. He wasn't interested in vanquishing fun anymore... this was bloody hilarious. Jake drew his wand again and sent another pillow from his bed flying at Fletcher. Baha. "Victory is mine!" Fletcher may be the Triwizard Champion, not that Jake knew that, but Jake was Champion of pillow fights. |
Champion v. Champion, eh? ;) ;) Quote:
With a pillow attacking his long legs, Fletcher almost lost his balance and only managed to stay upright by grabbing onto the bed's comforter. It wasn't his fault he was so busy laughing at how Jake had fallen off his own bed that he could hardly stand up straight anymore! "Who said we could use mag---" Jake's latest assault could have knocked loose one of the Glitterpuff's teeth. As it were, some feathers escaped.. but hey, they didn't taste so bad ya know. Not as good as fresh-from-floor sandwiches, but not bad. Feathers were kinda... crunchy. Huh. Whodathunkit? But back to the battle. Fletcher regained his balance by actually allowing himself to tip onto the bed and squirm over its other side, so that there was a mattress and comforter between himself and Jake. "Surrender now or forever... er... regret your choice!" He whipped his own wand out of his pocket and pointed it at the other 'Puff, causing all of his own pillows, blankets and sheets to dump from his bed and onto/in front of Jake's hiding spot. And just for good measure, Fletcher whipped the topmost layer off the bed closest to him and tied it around his neck like a cape. SUPERGlitterPuff style. Check it. |
The cape? That CRACKED me up XD Quote:
And then... Well... somewhat trapped. Jake bellowed out a "NEVARRRRHHH!" as he cast a spell on the bed-ware which affected it almost like a giant gust of wind, blowing it away so that Jake could dash out and leap over his own bed, pulling the mattress and stuff with him, leaning it up against the wall like half a tent. THAT was some good cover, right there. Eyeing a sheet on the floor nearby, Jake pointed his wand at it and cast a spell which made it twist itself into the form of a giant butterfly (or moth, whichever was scarier) which then flapped towards Fletcher, whilst Jake snicker-giggled from inside his half-mattress!tent protection, holding a pillow ready to launch at Fletcher. He vaguely remembered there being another kid outside the door. Yes, small child. This is what being a seventh year is all about. |
And Fletcher thought it was awesome. He had never really met a crazy person before, unless one counted crazy girls who liked to slap his face, and he had NEVER met a person like Jake. "Niiiiiiice," he actually complimented his fellow Puff, peeking over his bed to watch his sheets blow away. He was a little rusty when it came to thinking on his feet but Jake, apparently, was not. "Can you get it to make itself too?" He sucked at those housekeeping spells. Just ask Rae. He also sucked at... catching butterflies, or whatever that thing flapping towards him was supposed to be. "YOUR CHOICE!" the Glitterpuff hollered back, popping up dramatically from behind the bed and pointing his wand toward the sheet!moth. A stream of real, live, hot fire burst forth from the tip and ignited just the fancily-folded sheet. Heh. That worked. Good thing there were no Muggle fire alarms here. |
Nice? Why yes... yes it was. "Oh yes," the young man called back as though they were discussing politics over a nice cup of tea rather than doing what appeared to be re-staging the Battle of Hogwarts. Sniff. Sniffsniff. SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIFF. Was that FIRE?! Since when was this a battle of the elements?! Jake, of course, was one to freak out at bizzare moments, but this was far from one of those times. There was now a flying moth... butterfly... freak thing which was on FIYAH! "AGUAMENTI!" Jake yelled, pointing his want out of the gap of his cover and let forth a burst of water not unlike a firehose... which miiiiight have caught Fletcher. Hey, HE could be on fire! Using that as somewhat of a distraction, Jake let the now soaked sheet fly straight at Fletcher, whilst at the same time bursting from his hiding place, leaping over the bare bed and bringing the pillow around at the other seventh year as he LEAPT through the air. ... wet feathers did not smell pleasant. |
...and to top it all off, he had also accidentally-on-purpose DRENCHED the Glitterpuff! The water was too much for Fletcher; he was so shocked by the icy blast that Jake's pummeling pillow-rolling-whatever in the air wasn't even felt. "C'mon now," he grumped, batting the other boy off with his left hand as he lazily cast a disintegrating charm on the charred, still-floating, sheet. "The flying buttfirefly was cool, and you had to go and ruin it all with your stupid water." Plus now he'd have to go dry his hair or something before he ever got a nap in. THANKS, JAKERS. |
"Fire is a leeeeettle too deadly for me. What with all the mattresses, curtains, pillows, blankets and WOOD in here," Jake pointed out. Plus, Fletcher would be better drying off than un-charring and stuff. Plus his hair would be ruined. Speaking of which, Jake raised his wand and super duper helpfully cast a simple little spell which sent a blast of warm arm a Fletcher to dry him off. Not looking to see if it had worked, Jake looked around the room. Oh. "Oh." Then he just burst into slightly amused laughter. |
Then Jake decided to rectify his water spell with some sort of hot air charm and Fletcher got a nice taste of the sheet!cape as a result. "Thanks. Really. We've traded moods now. I think you're good." He made a hmmph-ing sound as he got to his feet and slowly stared from the madly-laughing Jake to the source of the laughter. "Hehhh." Grumpy Glitterpuff cracked a half-grin at the sight of the mess they had made. "We should go fetch ourselves some house-elves, dude." |
He grinned at the remark. Well duhhhhh... of course he was good. "Yeeeahhhh... let's do that," Jake agreed. He wanted to sleep and house elves good fix this stuff super quickly. The young man couldn't stop a teeeeeeny tiny smirk, however. "I totally won that, though." But yeah... best clean up before some square reported the noise to Moretti. |
haha XD Quote:
But it was that kid from the feast. Jake glanced at Fletcher before looking back at the kid. He was just being nosy, it was cool. "Depends. What's up?" |
But what White said intrigued the young man. "Off? What's off about who?" It was probably just the weird ones being themselves, but how did Jake know? He blew a couple of feathers off of his shoulder and looked back to the kid. |
He probably would have done the same if someone fainted in his presence when he was in the middle of something. Well, unless it was Wesley... maybe Neptune. Possibly Sylvie. Or his parents. But then that was just him. "Someone did faint when I was talking to them, once. I found it rather rude," Jake noted, flipping his now bare mattress onto the bed. "Also... people can be friends with dodgy people. The guy might not even be dodgy." Maybe. May. Be. |
*Walking in Matty just wanted to go to bed. After this long day he was ready for a new one. But when walking in he saw... feathers?* "Bloody 'ell... when did the bird mugging go down?" *Walking over to his bed he saw the little second year.* "Hey Michael, feeling better?" *Last time Matty saw him it looked like someone had run over his pet puppy or something.* *Nodding to Jake he laughed a little.* "You lost us points the first night huh? Sorry to hear that, what'd you do?" |
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