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Honestly, it wasn't Josephina's top preference to teach this subject but she'd done reasonably adept in it during her school days, so she figured why not? Minus the fact that she totally missed Antares already; he always seemed like such the gentlemen at the feasts. Quiet and more the observational type, but nice.
Nonetheless, she'd agreed to help out and give the kids some type of astronomy lesson this term so here she was. After the long walk up to the tower and now some deep breathing, she opened the classroom door and practically collapsed into the large chair at the front of the room. Don't worry kids, lesson will begin as soon as the substitute professor catches her breath. She's not used to those stairs
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Watching each student walk into the door and stop in their tracks was actually quite amusing to Riley. It was as if they came to an ivisible wall blocking their way and infact it was just the sight of Hadley that was having the effect on them.
Riley waved a hand at Evelyn and followed her with his head as she took her token seat at the back of the room and then watched as Kurumi, his fellow Gryffindor friend and known-know-it-all entered the room with a curious look at the Professor. "Hey Kurumi! Sit by me!" he said pointing to the desk next to him.
Like she was going to sit anywhere but the front...NOT!
Just as she was walking by, she waved back to Riley before taking her seat and taking out her Astronomy notebook.
Alright, so she PERHAPS had to blow off some dust from it from not having been opened in awhile, but really, it looked completely new normal! Just...with a crease in the edge. OMG there was a crease in the edge! This book, was not note worthy now! How could she write notes...when that crease was going to distract her the whole lesson? HMM!? HHMMMMMMMMMM!? She'd like to know.
SPOILER!!: Patroclus and Destiny
Originally Posted by PattyH.
Strolling into the classroom, Patroclu like many others was taken back by the presence of Professor Hadley, but he made no mention of it, instead moved to the back of the room and sat with Evelyn, smiling at the professor as he past her, "Lovely to see you Professor Hadley!"
Patroclus had to admit, he was rather happy to see her here, Antares was a lovely man, however he confused the LionBoy like there was no tomorrow!
Cross fingers for a straighforward lesson!
Originally Posted by Destiny
Destiny was having a hard time breathing by the time she had made it to the Astronomy Tower. After five very long years at Hogwarts, she would have SWORE the steps wouldn't have bothered her. But they did. And it seemed like they bothered her with the more chocolate she ate as she got older. It was true then. Older people's bones become more brittle and that is the reason Grandmum Tole walks around with a cane.
It helps her walk and she likes to hit Destiny people over the head with it. Destiny couldn't wait until she got a cane of her own.
Dragging her VERY tired feet into the classroom, she spotted Professor Hadley instead of whatshisname. Sweet Merlin, this lesson better not have anything to do with numbers! "Hello, Professor!" she wheezed at greeted the woman as she continued to drag her VERY tired feet to the empty seat next to Evelyn.
Hiiiiiii, Evelyn!
"Patroclus!" she exclaimed, glancing over to the Gryffindor Prefect Lemur Boy with a rather horrified expression on her face. HORRIFIED! "Do you see this!?" This...this crease! There was a line going through her notes! Did he see that?!
Having been too concerned with her notebook and having Patroclus look at it as if he was able to fix it, the Slytherin girl may have jumped a little when she heard her name on the other side of her. Oh. "Hi Destiny." Hmmm.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Running a little later then he had planned, Simon rushed up the steps to the classroom in the Astronomy Tower. Thankfully the trek up to his common room gave him the experience and the team the endurance but still he was a little winded. So much for practice not interupting classes. He stopped in his tracks as he spotted Professor Hadley there in the classroom instead of the professor he was used to teaching the rather heady subject. "Uh, hello Professor Hadley," he greeted politely pushing the thoughts as to why she was there instead before moving to take a seat.
Caroline legs were tired, its a long walk up to the Astronomy tower from the dungeons. But Astronony was one of her favorite subjects. She walked into the class room Slowly. "Hello, Professor Hadley!" She said. She found a seat and waited for class to start.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
McKensie, as usual, had retreated to her own little world of sunshine, rainbows, sunflowers and glitter-covered unicorns. It wasn't a hard thing to do given that Greer did it all the time, and it was especially easy given by how most people seemed to prefer to sit anywhere but in the front of the class with her.
This quickly changed, however, when Lulu arrived and shattered her small fantasy. A small crease formed in the blonde's brow, and she pursed her pink lips. "Lulu," Hissed the Gryffindor second year back, "You are being very rude. You didn't even greet--" What's-Her-Name-Arithmancy-Teacher "--the professor. And it's not the only thing you would be able to beat on a race is a seventy-year old slug!"
And OOOOHH Sabel Dakest, who may or may not be a Veela had joined the class. Golden-brown eyes sparkling, McKensie wriggled her fingers at him as a form of greeting, and turned back to look at Lulu.
At first, it took him a moment to recognize that the waggling fingers in the corner of his eyes was directed at him. And then it took another moment for him to recognize the girl. When he did, as the strange encounter at the feast, his expression was a mixture of surprise and a happy amusement.
Shaking his head, he gave the girl a small wave. Strange thing she was.
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Astronomy was a boring class. Legend really didn't see why they still taught it in school. It was the same thing as Divination except more about stars...sort of. He never did pay attention in both classes. The sixth year walked in with his head held high. This was going to be a guaranteed napping class.
His eyes fell upon the teacher up at the front of the class. Wait...this wasn't right. "Er...is this a dream?" Legend asked loudly. He was used to mixed classes or whatever but not the wrong Professor teaching a class. "Hadley you can't teach Astronomy. You teach Arthimancy. Stars and...numbers...too different things. You are probably rubbish at this. We should all just leave."
And then there was Legend. Even more strange than the Veela-announcing girl. Several blinks left him at the boy's words and he couldn't stop from reaching out and giving the Gryffindor's sleeve a firm tug in an attempt at steering him into a seat.
"Legend..." What was he doing? The kid had guts and skill, but he was definitely misplacing his guts. "Arthimancy and Astronomy have numerical correlation." Now sit. Please? He liked the kid. He didn't want to see him in detention.
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Arthimancy and Astronomy have numerical correlation. Legend blinked, how did Sabel know this? "Huh..I didn't know that. Maybe that's why I'm doing so bad in this class." Legend shrugged and made his way over to an empty seat. There had been a boy who had said something about giving Hadley a chance, but Legend had basically ignored him. He wasn't NOT giving her a chance! He was simply voicing his opinion. "Honestly though Professor. If you let us all go you'd get a free day too. No one would tell on you."
Free Day. COME ON!
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
Lulu was being highly rude, but Greer McKensie was now in an exceedingly good mood. So much that the second year instead of doing her usual pouting, put an arm around her friend and gave her a brief but tight excuse. Just as she was letting go of Lulu, Legend Chosen waltzed in the classroom declaring things that... were not right. They were funny, though, sort of but still not right.
Greer was pretty sure this was bad enough to get the older boy in detention. But she didn't have time to worry (not that Greer did such thing as worrying) because Sabel Dakest was waving at her.
The second year comically linked her hands together and cupped them under her chin. A small grin was on her face when Janie arrived, and only became bigger for her. "Janiieeeeeeee," Greer whispered happily. She had the half-mind to inquire about the well-being of that bird house Janie belonged to, supposedly, but decided against it. She was pretty sure the other Ravenclaw hens wouldn't like to hear her call their chicken house... well, a chicken house.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by Destiny
Destiny was having a hard time breathing by the time she had made it to the Astronomy Tower. After five very long years at Hogwarts, she would have SWORE the steps wouldn't have bothered her. But they did. And it seemed like they bothered her with the more chocolate she ate as she got older. It was true then. Older people's bones become more brittle and that is the reason Grandmum Tole walks around with a cane.
It helps her walk and she likes to hit Destiny people over the head with it. Destiny couldn't wait until she got a cane of her own.
Dragging her VERY tired feet into the classroom, she spotted Professor Hadley instead of whatshisname. Sweet Merlin, this lesson better not have anything to do with numbers! "Hello, Professor!" she wheezed at greeted the woman as she continued to drag her VERY tired feet to the empty seat next to Evelyn.
Hiiiiiii, Evelyn!
Originally Posted by Mordanyes
K-Lee strolled into Astronomy, expecting to see the usual teacher, stopping dead as she saw... Professor Hadley? What was going on? Another professor teaching a subject they don't usually teach?
"Hello Professor Hadley." K-Lee said. She was confused, but might as well go with the flow. Something was definitely up. She quickly sat down on a seat in the middle of the classroom.
More stragglers... figured they were Slytherins; as they had to come all the way from like the bottom-most level so she supposed she didn't blame them from running behind.
"Hello Destiny. K-Lee." Hadley said, wishing she'd brought a water bottle with her ... HMM... Doesn't Antares keep any glasses up here?! She could at least then conjure some water for thirsty self.
Originally Posted by Wenzlebug
Cedric walked into the classroom, panting a little bit as was expected. Who wouldn't pant during their hike to this tower? His muddy brown eyes wandered about the classroom and soon fell on a certain professor. Hmm. "Good day, Professor Hadley," he greeted, a frown later forming on his forehead. "You're... teaching... Astronomy?" This was weird. It was like seeing an unlikely apparition of a dead person.
His usual seat would be in front but this time could be the best time to seat near the back. And so he tottered toward the back of the classroom, and jammed himself into one of the seat of the last row.
He was lounging... lounging on his seat. The seat in the back was comfortable, you know. It was far from people's scrutinizing gazes and he couldn't be seen being a little bit jittery about the sight of Professor Hadley in the Astronomy tower. Cedric eyed this Gryffindor boy who JUST told them that they should leave. Really? Maan, he would be sorry if Professor Hadley break down and cry because they boycott her class! "We should all give Professor Hadley a chance. A chance would never hurt." Cedric uttered, authoritatively.
Hmm ... what?! If one more student asked that, then she was seriously gonna through a gasket!! Seriously; if she wasn't teaching Astronomy, she wouldn't have climbed the stairs!! So why so surprised?! Pfft... and you're a prefect too, Leone.
"Yes, yes." She said, still rummaging through the drawers in Antares' desk. "Good morning."
Originally Posted by Crystal Ball
Janie Hartford was going to be an awesome astronomer. It even sounded good, she thought to herself as she sort of ran up the stairs to her class. Now, Janie didn't know...anything about astronomy, but she was in Ravenclaw. Cleverest of the clever, smartest of the smart. How could she NOT be amazing at astronomy?
The door was open and she trotted through, giving a quick greeting to the professor. " Hello Professor, "She said, her demeanor calm...for the moment. The moment she spotted Lulu and Greer, she sort of forgot a sense of propriety and scrambled over, shoving herself into a seat nearest to them.
Janie's mouth opened wide in preparation for her usual greeting but at the last moment she remembered they were in a classroom, so she sounded a bit awkward. " HE--hey," She began and then trailed off as she watched Greer staring at that BOY. Casting a worried glance at Lulu, she then stared down Greer. " Just what are you doing wavingathimheisaboydon'tyouknowthattheyaretheenemy ?!?!" All of this was delivered in a quick whisper, with a stare puncuating the sentence.
Another new girl ... well not new, but new to Hadley, since she didn't take Arithmancy. But clearly the triage she didn't know all knew each other; they had probably all planned accordingly to purposefully avoid her classes. Well fine then.
"Hello," she said in greeting. At least this one and the first were polite. Figures the second one was a Slytherin. All they needed now was a Hufflepuff to their group.
Originally Posted by Macavity
Running a little later then he had planned, Simon rushed up the steps to the classroom in the Astronomy Tower. Thankfully the trek up to his common room gave him the experience and the team the endurance but still he was a little winded. So much for practice not interupting classes. He stopped in his tracks as he spotted Professor Hadley there in the classroom instead of the professor he was used to teaching the rather heady subject. "Uh, hello Professor Hadley," he greeted politely pushing the thoughts as to why she was there instead before moving to take a seat.
Originally Posted by Saraie
Caroline legs were tired, its a long walk up to the Astronomy tower from the dungeons. But Astronony was one of her favorite subjects. She walked into the class room Slowly. "Hello, Professor Hadley!" She said. She found a seat and waited for class to start.
"Hello Captain Bennett and Miss Scott too. Great to see you both made it." Mmhm. Especially the latter, you know, being all the way on the bottom floor and making it up to one of the lessons in the tower.
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Astronomy was a boring class. Legend really didn't see why they still taught it in school. It was the same thing as Divination except more about stars...sort of. He never did pay attention in both classes. The sixth year walked in with his head held high. This was going to be a guaranteed napping class.
His eyes fell upon the teacher up at the front of the class. Wait...this wasn't right. "Er...is this a dream?" Legend asked loudly. He was used to mixed classes or whatever but not the wrong Professor teaching a class. "Hadley you can't teach Astronomy. You teach Arthimancy. Stars and...numbers...too different things. You are probably rubbish at this. We should all just leave."
Um what ... !?!
Legend Chosen. Just because YOU don't want to be in lessons doesn't mean anyone else feels the same way?! Seriously.
Thank goodness for your older housemate to speak up before we did...
Originally Posted by Tazenhani
And then there was Legend. Even more strange than the Veela-announcing girl. Several blinks left him at the boy's words and he couldn't stop from reaching out and giving the Gryffindor's sleeve a firm tug in an attempt at steering him into a seat.
"Legend..." What was he doing? The kid had guts and skill, but he was definitely misplacing his guts. "Arthimancy and Astronomy have numerical correlation." Now sit. Please? He liked the kid. He didn't want to see him in detention.
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Arthimancy and Astronomy have numerical correlation. Legend blinked, how did Sabel know this? "Huh..I didn't know that. Maybe that's why I'm doing so bad in this class." Legend shrugged and made his way over to an empty seat. There had been a boy who had said something about giving Hadley a chance, but Legend had basically ignored him. He wasn't NOT giving her a chance! He was simply voicing his opinion. "Honestly though Professor. If you let us all go you'd get a free day too. No one would tell on you."
Free Day. COME ON!
"What Mr Dakest said is correct. Both subjects have a few correlations, and whilst Arithmancy is one of my specialties, that does not make me incompetent to teach another subject." Hadley said, using her stern voice that basically was saying, 'Quiet, Chosen, or else you AND your house will be sorry'.
"There will be no 'free day', Mr Chosen, however, if you don't wish to partake in today's lesson then go. I'm not stopping you and your last name does have the word chose in it." She stared at him, as if daring him to say something to contradict her. "But if you choose to stay, please, settle into a chair so we can begin." Yup. The start of the lesson remained on you, Legend Chosen. And no, if you don't sit, we're still starting the lesson.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Hmm what?! "Hello, hello. Nope. I don't usually teach two classes, but well Professor Antares seems to have disappeared suddenly, so I've been asked to teach a lesson or two in his subject matter." Not exactly her specialty, but she'd so her best to make it interesting. "So Yes, I'll be teaching this subject this term, but my standard teaching something is first and foremost, Arithmancy."
Nika nodded her head. "Oh, that makes sense." Nika raised an eyebrow when Professor Hadley mentioned that the old professor disappeared. Very strange. And suspicious..."So the old professor disappeared?!?! And you don't have any idea where he or she is?" First the herbology teacher and now this. Maybe disappearing is normal in the wizarding world? Nika smiled as her professor mentioned Arithmancy, but on the inside she felt a twinge of pain. Numbers. Math. Not her best subject.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Sabel just had to shake his head at Legend. Kudos for being honest, but perhaps not the best time. Then again, he was one to talk. Perhaps it was simply that time of year; nearly the end. With a small smile, he took out his books, laying them on the table. This was certainly going to be an interesting class.
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Nika nodded her head. "Oh, that makes sense." Nika raised an eyebrow when Professor Hadley mentioned that the old professor disappeared. Very strange. And suspicious..."So the old professor disappeared?!?! And you don't have any idea where he or she is?" First the herbology teacher and now this. Maybe disappearing is normal in the wizarding world? Nika smiled as her professor mentioned Arithmancy, but on the inside she felt a twinge of pain. Numbers. Math. Not her best subject.
Hadley shook her in return. No idea where Antares went; unfortunately. Because if she did have an inkling about it, then she'd totally be right there behind him dragging him back to resume his teaching position.
Okay... she guessed it was time to begin the lesson. Might as well, anyway. "For those of you who don't know who I am, I'm Professor Hadley and can normally be found on the second floor as I teach the Arithmancy lessons here at Hogwarts." She paused for a moment. "But due to some peculiar circumstances and the mysterious disappearance of Professor Antares, I'm here to teach you Astronomy as well this term. Forgive me for the perhaps informality of the lesson, compared to what you may be used to. I may be a tad rusty with this material, but I did fair well in this subject matter so have no fear."
Introductions aside ... let the lesson begin? "I'd like to start by you all sharing your expectations of Astronomy. As in, what sort of topics you might hope to cover in this lesson, future lessons, your whole Astronomy studies at Hogwarts? Feel free to jot ideas down in your notebook and then share them out loud. Also feel free to include what you think the subject entails? Be as specific as you like."
ooc: take your time. Unfortunately I've got work in the morning until about 5pm EST, so expect the lesson to start for REALZ / continue sometime shortly after that. ihope
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Jaina beamed with pride! If there was one thing she liked, it was looking at the stars! "Professor Hadley, will we get to discuss constellations and and planets? I know lots about constellations and the stories behind them. One of my favorites is about Orion," she smiled. Yes, Jaina was in her element if there was a story involved----somehow!
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Okay... she guessed it was time to begin the lesson. Might as well, anyway. "For those of you who don't know who I am, I'm Professor Hadley and can normally be found on the second floor as I teach the Arithmancy lessons here at Hogwarts." She paused for a moment. "But due to some peculiar circumstances and the mysterious disappearance of Professor Antares, I'm here to teach you Astronomy as well this term. Forgive me for the perhaps informality of the lesson, compared to what you may be used to. I may be a tad rusty with this material, but I did fair well in this subject matter so have no fear."
Introductions aside ... let the lesson begin? "I'd like to start by you all sharing your expectations of Astronomy. As in, what sort of topics you might hope to cover in this lesson, future lessons, your whole Astronomy studies at Hogwarts? Feel free to jot ideas down in your notebook and then share them out loud. Also feel free to include what you think the subject entails? Be as specific as you like."
From the back of the room, Helena looked curiously at professor Hadley. Already two professors gone? What if the headmaster was the next one? Or what if... SHE was the next one? Or anyone else.
The girl shook her head slightly, then felt her cheeks turn pink. It was a bit weird, seeing the Arithmancy professor, because... she didn't take Arithmancy this year. Well, it was her first year, and she didn't want to take too many classes. And this was soooo embarrassing.
But anyway.
She took her quill and started to write down a few ideas for some possible future lessons, or something like that.
1. Learn about the phases of the moon.
2. Milky Way galaxy or any other interesting galaxy.
3. Solar/lunar eclipse.
Done. Or... did she say to share them out loud as well? She raised her hand. "I was wondering if we could discuss about some interesting galaxies. I mean... whatever galaxy you think it's..." worth talking about? Every galaxy was worth talking about. "The best to learn about. I also wrote here," she glanced at her notes, "the phases of the moon and the both eclipses."
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Emily loved Astronimy... well she loved the stars at least. They were pretty and shiny. Glorious balls of gas.
Taking out her notebook Emily made a short list of everything Astronomy that interested her.
Astronomy List:
Allignments of planets
solar/luna eclipse
solar flares?
phases of stars- from beginning to end
Raising her hand Emily stated her top three interests in Astronomy. "Professor I'd love to learn more about constellations and the stories behind them, and also moons- the different moons of each planet. Also I'd love to learn more about stars... sort of like the phases of them, so how they come to exist and how they change until they... well die."
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Still catching his breath, because the Astronomy tower was waaaay up and his common room was waaaay down, Hyun sat on one of the chairs in the middle of the class. He listened how everyone was suprised about the real Astronomy Professor dissapearance and honestly he didn' t even know he had an differend professor for this subject.....
Feeling slightly stupid, Hyun listened when class started and grabbed a quill and a piece of paper out his bag.
Originally Posted by Questions
Blackholes ...can we win the quidditch match?! YUSH we can! Go Snakes Go~!
He made some doodles which was quidditch related on his parchment and then remembered he was in class...
Sighing, Hyun held his hand up in the air. "Professor, i would like to know more about Constellations or blackholes?" He wasn't sure if they had already had those lessons.
Introductions aside ... let the lesson begin? "I'd like to start by you all sharing your expectations of Astronomy. As in, what sort of topics you might hope to cover in this lesson, future lessons, your whole Astronomy studies at Hogwarts? Feel free to jot ideas down in your notebook and then share them out loud. Also feel free to include what you think the subject entails? Be as specific as you like."
Emily shook her head. Teachers going missing? That didn't sound good.
But on the up side, Professor Hadley was one of her favourite teachers, and she really had been looking forward to her first Astronomy lesson.
She got out her quill and wrote:
I'm most interested in stars and their constellations. Star signs and that.
Also, the planets. My favourite is saturn.
"I think constellations sound the most interesting!" she piped up.
She was a Leo. The lion. Obviously! Rawr!
Oh man she was actually good at Astronomy!? He was hoping to have a sub that would have been a little more rusty, but she could still be fun to watch he supposed. Listening to her say they could write a few things down that they would want to learn about the Gryffindor pulled out his notebook and began to scribble a few things:
Riley's Notebook
*The Milky Way Galaxy
*Ancient Civilizations and Astronomy
He didn't want to write anymore...so four was enough. He raised his hand and then spoke to the Professor. "Ms. Hadley, I think it would be cool to learn about how ancient civilizations studied and interpretted Astronomy." He was actually really curious about that.
Student of St. Vladmirs | I <3 TENNIS! | Spirit User | X-treme Horcrux Slayer!
Maybelle shook out of her daydreams. She wasn't so bad about it, but, well, happens to the best of us. She looked around slightly, trying to figure out what to do. Maybelle saw that they were writing, and sharing, what they want to learn. Maybelle took her notebook out and began to write.
What to learn:
How the Universe was made (Big Bang Theory)
Planets Shooting stars Meteorites
Maybelle raised her hand, a lot of people said constellations, should she? Well, she decided to anyways. "Professor Hadley, I believe we should learn about Constellations and the Big Bang Theory, or how the Universe started. And possibly shootin-erm, falling meteorites." Maybelle said smiling, she was proud with her choices.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by jengirls109
Jaina beamed with pride! If there was one thing she liked, it was looking at the stars! "Professor Hadley, will we get to discuss constellations and and planets? I know lots about constellations and the stories behind them. One of my favorites is about Orion," she smiled. Yes, Jaina was in her element if there was a story involved----somehow!
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou
From the back of the room, Helena looked curiously at professor Hadley. Already two professors gone? What if the headmaster was the next one? Or what if... SHE was the next one? Or anyone else.
The girl shook her head slightly, then felt her cheeks turn pink. It was a bit weird, seeing the Arithmancy professor, because... she didn't take Arithmancy this year. Well, it was her first year, and she didn't want to take too many classes. And this was soooo embarrassing.
But anyway.
She took her quill and started to write down a few ideas for some possible future lessons, or something like that.
Done. Or... did she say to share them out loud as well? She raised her hand. "I was wondering if we could discuss about some interesting galaxies. I mean... whatever galaxy you think it's..." worth talking about? Every galaxy was worth talking about. "The best to learn about. I also wrote here," she glanced at her notes, "the phases of the moon and the both eclipses."
Originally Posted by Hera
Emily loved Astronimy... well she loved the stars at least. They were pretty and shiny. Glorious balls of gas.
Taking out her notebook Emily made a short list of everything Astronomy that interested her.
Raising her hand Emily stated her top three interests in Astronomy. "Professor I'd love to learn more about constellations and the stories behind them, and also moons- the different moons of each planet. Also I'd love to learn more about stars... sort of like the phases of them, so how they come to exist and how they change until they... well die."
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
Still catching his breath, because the Astronomy tower was waaaay up and his common room was waaaay down, Hyun sat on one of the chairs in the middle of the class. He listened how everyone was suprised about the real Astronomy Professor dissapearance and honestly he didn' t even know he had an differend professor for this subject.....
Feeling slightly stupid, Hyun listened when class started and grabbed a quill and a piece of paper out his bag.
He made some doodles which was quidditch related on his parchment and then remembered he was in class...
Sighing, Hyun held his hand up in the air. "Professor, i would like to know more about Constellations or blackholes?" He wasn't sure if they had already had those lessons.
Originally Posted by Zebragirl
Emily shook her head. Teachers going missing? That didn't sound good.
But on the up side, Professor Hadley was one of her favourite teachers, and she really had been looking forward to her first Astronomy lesson.
She got out her quill and wrote:
"I think constellations sound the most interesting!" she piped up.
She was a Leo. The lion. Obviously! Rawr!
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Oh man she was actually good at Astronomy!? He was hoping to have a sub that would have been a little more rusty, but she could still be fun to watch he supposed. Listening to her say they could write a few things down that they would want to learn about the Gryffindor pulled out his notebook and began to scribble a few things:
He didn't want to write anymore...so four was enough. He raised his hand and then spoke to the Professor. "Ms. Hadley, I think it would be cool to learn about how ancient civilizations studied and interpretted Astronomy." He was actually really curious about that.
Originally Posted by snelly0217
Maybelle shook out of her daydreams. She wasn't so bad about it, but, well, happens to the best of us. She looked around slightly, trying to figure out what to do. Maybelle saw that they were writing, and sharing, what they want to learn. Maybelle took her notebook out and began to write.
Maybelle raised her hand, a lot of people said constellations, should she? Well, she decided to anyways. "Professor Hadley, I believe we should learn about Constellations and the Big Bang Theory, or how the Universe started. And possibly shootin-erm, falling meteorites." Maybelle said smiling, she was proud with her choices.
Watching everyone jot down some ideas in their notebook, Professor Hadley listened as she then suddenly turned and wrote "Constellations" on the board, before turning back to face the class.
"Yes. Many of you mentioned talking about constellations. We'll be discussing and sketching certain ones today, but before we begin, can anyone tell me what is a constellation?" Obviously they wouldn't, or couldn't rather, discuss all of them, because some of them only came out at certain times of the year.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Kurumi pondered for a moment. One thought had always crossed her mind when it came to Astronomy classes, not that this was a bad thing, but she had always found it so...practical- if that is even the right word. It was much more scientific and almost 'normal' compared to abstract classes like Divination. "Professor Hadley," Kurumi said raising her hand and hoping that her question wasn't going to offend anyone. "Why do we, as wizardingkind, study Astronomy? What is it's connection with magic?"
Then Kurumi heard Professor Hadley address the whole class and her hand shot up once more. "Constellations are an area of stars defined by boundaries. However, these constellations have been created, for lack of a better word, by humankind and have no real connection to each other. There are a total of 88 of them."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 03-13-2011 at 01:16 AM.
Reason: you posted right when I was!
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Simon raised his hand at the latest question hoping it was a good enough answer. "A constellation is a grouping of stars that people have linked together for reasons of both scientific, location and appearance sake," he supplied lowering his hand once he was through.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
She had noooo idea what she wanted to learn this term, so instead of answering, she busied herself with trying to straighten out the pages in her notebook. Ugh, this sooooo wasn't cool.
However, once they started on questions that didn't involve opinions, Evelyn reluctantly stopped and looked up towards the teacher. A constellation? "Those are those pictures you find in the stars, right?" She asked after raising her hand. Meh, astronomy wasn't her best subject.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Ellie still couldn't believe Professor Antares had disappeared. She had talked to him at the beginning of the year and he seemed just fine and peachy. He seemed like an awesome teacher too, but now that was out the window. So, Ellie just tuned in to Professor Hadley and the rest of the class. She took out her notebook and a pen.
Expectations 1. Constellations
2. Solar flares
3. Meteor showers
4. Black holes
5. The Milky Way
Ellie listened to the other students and wrote down more ideas. Her eyes widened when Kurumi piped up with her definition that sounded like it came straight from a dictionary.
Oh, and there were 88 of them. Let's not forget that. Show-off.
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Destiny didn't bother writing anything down in her notebook. She didn't hope to cover anything in Astronomy. The only thing she hoped was that she didn't die walking up the steps for their next lesson.
Quickly, though, she wrote down some things the other students said they would want to learn about and she even nodded her head like she agreed with them. She had no idea what they were talking about.
But she did know about constellations. And, of course, everyone who answered were WRONG. "A constellation is a letter of the alphabet that is not a vowel." she said proudly as she lowered her hand and glared at all the wrong students.
Destiny Shepard was, is and will always be a GENUIS!
Spelled wrong on purpose.
____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________ ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
Sabel frowned a little, tapping his quill off the parchment, not really sure what to write down. He didn't know what he expected to learn from the class, just something new and exciting. Perhaps no relation or focus on muggles either. Despite how much he loved them, a curriculum that wasn't focussed on how they would 'better' their lives would be nice. For one class.
His attention was refocused by Hadley's next question, and some of the answers. In particular Kurumi's question about why they studied Astronomy. "Constellations are groupings of stars that usually form an image or symbol. They're often used in navigation. And...if I may provide a suggestion for an answer to Miss Hollingberry's question..."
Shifting his weight, he turned a little to his fellow Gryffindor. "Constellations and astronomy used to be connected to rituals. Especially eclipses and equinox's. I'm not sure if thats simply in relation to muggle based magic or...our magic as well." Maybe? Perhaps?
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
Watching everyone jot down some ideas in their notebook, Professor Hadley listened as she then suddenly turned and wrote "Constellations" on the board, before turning back to face the class.
"Yes. Many of you mentioned talking about constellations. We'll be discussing and sketching certain ones today, but before we begin, can anyone tell me what is a constellation?" Obviously they wouldn't, or couldn't rather, discuss all of them, because some of them only came out at certain times of the year.
Riley raised a hand excitedly and looked around to see who else thought they could answer the question. "Professor constellations are a group of stars that are pulled together by gravity or appear to be in the same vicinity based on the point you are looking at them. Like we have a different point of view of the night sky as opposed to someone standing on the surface of Venus."
'That was a good point', the Gryffindor thought to himself. He added it to his notes.