-   Term 27: January - April 2011 (
-   -   Arithmancy Two {Journey to a Room of Legends and Glory} (

PhoenixRising 03-09-2011 03:11 AM

Arithmancy Two {Journey to a Room of Legends and Glory}
As promised, after a trek up one flight of stairs from the Arithmancy classroom, we have arrived at the destination. Right outside of a room that has such a tremendous amount of prestige: The Trophy Room.

Wait for your classmates to catch up and then feel free to browse at the numerous names on trophies and plaques earned by students over the centuries...

ArianaBlack 03-09-2011 03:17 AM

Nika plopped the mint into her mouth and ran to catch up with her professor. She looked around as they walked into the corridor. She waited for Emily and the rest of her friends to finish up and hurry in here as well. She took time to look over the numerous trophies, wishing that one day she could see her name on one.

HaRoHeGiNeLu 03-09-2011 03:18 AM



This was NOT what Ellie had expected. This was going to be the death of her. Hadley was going to make them calculate the family number of every award in this room, wasn't she? Wasn't she?

Pouting, she continued to suck on the peppermint. She was not doing this.

Hera 03-09-2011 03:21 AM

Emily came to a stop just outside the trophy room... it wasn't exactly what she had expected, but nonetheless she would keep her mind open. Professor Hadley had after all promised that this part of the lesson would be... exciting....

She waited for the rest of the class to catch up to them.

Lockhartian 03-09-2011 03:30 AM

Haha. He took TWO peppermints, because, well, that's why he liked Hadley, no? Because she too liked peppermint...and...she'd known Nolan from his Hufflepuff years.

Still, the boy walked with the rest of the class to the marvelous...third floor.

Yeah, that was such a long way from the classroom, seriously, Saylen should take tips from Hadley. No Apparitions, especially no Side-Along ones. But, yes, now they wait, no?

Walrus 03-09-2011 03:32 AM

Jacob stood at the door with the professor... he wanted to do his thing... Comeon... Let him do his thing.

Jacob started to tap his foot impatiently... "I want in." he said out loud... oops that wasn't supposed to come out... oh well who really cares... Jacob certainly didn't... the little problem causeing, solver child

PhoenixRising 03-09-2011 04:56 AM

They all seemed to be eagerly awaiting what was going to be happening in this part of the lesson; probably expecting some series of calculations they would have to do or something. BUT no... Not exactly what Professor Hadley had in mind. Actually it was more ... philosophical ...

"I didn't bring you here to do any calculations..." Hadley waited for the huge sighs of relief. "But rather to show you the greatness that has come from so many differing family names. Some of the family names are the same family name number, others may be different. They all led different paths. So I brought you here to share some of the greatness that has been through this school over the centuries... Feel free to browse the trophy room and reflect about your own family name numbers and what it could mean for you... for your future."

Luinevaug 03-09-2011 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 10215267)
They all seemed to be eagerly awaiting what was going to be happening in this part of the lesson; probably expecting some series of calculations they would have to do or something. BUT no... Not exactly what Professor Hadley had in mind. Actually it was more ... philosophical ...

"I didn't bring you here to do any calculations..." Hadley waited for the huge sighs of relief. "But rather to show you the greatness that has come from so many differing family names. Some of the family names are the same family name number, others may be different. They all led different paths. So I brought you here to share some of the greatness that has been through this school over the centuries... Feel free to browse the trophy room and reflect about your own family name numbers and what it could mean for you... for your future."

Luin looked around the trophy room, as she caught up to the class. She heard the professor say that they would not be doing calculations and she was somewhat disappointed, but shrugged it off, and then looked around at the trophy room. She wandered off to look at some of the quidditch trophies nearby. She looked down at them, thinking of how many of them would have the same family name number as she did, mentally calculating some of them in her head.

scarsandtetris 03-09-2011 05:50 AM

Charley walked around the room, mesmerised. A few times she noticed names she knew: her parents, aunt, brother and other family members.
And now the pressure really begins to build....
She continued looking around and chatting a bit with Jaina as they waited for the rest of their class to arrive.

Lissy Longbottom 03-09-2011 05:51 AM

Blehhh. Families. Alex was not exactly a fan of all that family inherited glory...stuff. He knew it was only because HIS family definitely had a sense of pride when it came to stuff like this, and he was...well, just the black sheep. Whatever. It might be nice to take a look at the trophies. Yeah. That'd be fun.

He wandered around, hands in the pockets of his slacks as he viewed the names on the trophies. He wondered if his family had made it onto the plaques anywhere...hmmm.

Lockhartian 03-09-2011 05:58 AM

SPOILER!!: Hadley

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 10215267)
They all seemed to be eagerly awaiting what was going to be happening in this part of the lesson; probably expecting some series of calculations they would have to do or something. BUT no... Not exactly what Professor Hadley had in mind. Actually it was more ... philosophical ...

"I didn't bring you here to do any calculations..." Hadley waited for the huge sighs of relief. "But rather to show you the greatness that has come from so many differing family names. Some of the family names are the same family name number, others may be different. They all led different paths. So I brought you here to share some of the greatness that has been through this school over the centuries... Feel free to browse the trophy room and reflect about your own family name numbers and what it could mean for you... for your future."

Treyen looked up at Hadley as she spoke, and then frown only a little. No calculations? Well, Arithmancy had turned out to be quite different than what he first thought it was about.

'They all led different paths'. He could've so easily chuckled at that. His father had a twin brother, after all, and they led VERY different paths from day one. Not to mention the fact that all Lockharts seem to have the same family number, but they were all...well, alike in some ways, but their interests and drive were certainly different. Especially the one exception that didn't seem to mind privacy one bit.

The boy started to wander around the room as soon as Hadley said it was okay for them to do so and completely grinned when he saw the 'Duncan Fletcher' trophy. He knew that one of his relatives had been a Mundungus Fletcher and he kind of wondered what their family number was, for he truly believed Fletcher to be entirely different from that Mundungus. Kind of like Gilderoy and Kaika.

But then he froze at the sight of one plaque that said 'Amelia Rose'. That was Aaron's sister. Aaron. The Rose that was NOT here at this very moment to be looking at both their sisters plaques over there in the Trophy Room. His eyes got a bit watery at the thought, because one of his best friends was not around for this. And Aaron could've gotten a plaque of his own in that wall, because Treyen had been certain that he was going to become a Quidditch Captain like his sister.

sweetpinkpixie 03-09-2011 06:01 AM

Still holding onto the peppermint, Kurumi arrived in the trophy room and listened as Professor Hadley spoke. She wasn’t sure that this was all going to cheer her up, but at least walking about the castle had helped cleared her mind a bit.

Approaching some trophies related to Quidditch, Kurumi looked over the names, but hardly recognized any of them. Tilting her head to the side, Kurumi then moved onto an area that was reserved for special clubs and groups. Bending at the knees, Kurumi looked on the bottom shelf that looked like it hadn’t been dusted any time soon and saw a moving picture of three men and a young lady. Upon further inspection, Kurumi saw that one man was holding a pair of drumsticks, another a guitar, and one a microphone. Something about the way the man with the guitar smiled made her peer in a bit closer and she nearly gasped when she recognized the green eyes.

It was her father, still with the same shoulder length strawberry red hair.

Then, her eyes followed the edge of the frame until they fell on a plaque that read: the Winged Horsemen. Members: Kaishu Shiradou, Leonard Hoppkins, Charles Gaunt.

The fact that it was that name on the plaque did not bother her at the moment. She was just happy to see that her father was there smiling at her.

Mordanyes 03-09-2011 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 10215267)
They all seemed to be eagerly awaiting what was going to be happening in this part of the lesson; probably expecting some series of calculations they would have to do or something. BUT no... Not exactly what Professor Hadley had in mind. Actually it was more ... philosophical ...

"I didn't bring you here to do any calculations..." Hadley waited for the huge sighs of relief. "But rather to show you the greatness that has come from so many differing family names. Some of the family names are the same family name number, others may be different. They all led different paths. So I brought you here to share some of the greatness that has been through this school over the centuries... Feel free to browse the trophy room and reflect about your own family name numbers and what it could mean for you... for your future."

No calculations? YES! A big grin on she face, K-Lee looked around the room. She understood what Hadley had said, but wasn't sure why they were looking at the trophies.

Ignoring it, she did it anyway. Walking over to some dusty trophies, K-Lee looked for some familiar names.

Oooo, a Soler! She couldn't make out the first name though, or date...

Hera 03-09-2011 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 10215267)
They all seemed to be eagerly awaiting what was going to be happening in this part of the lesson; probably expecting some series of calculations they would have to do or something. BUT no... Not exactly what Professor Hadley had in mind. Actually it was more ... philosophical ...

"I didn't bring you here to do any calculations..." Hadley waited for the huge sighs of relief. "But rather to show you the greatness that has come from so many differing family names. Some of the family names are the same family name number, others may be different. They all led different paths. So I brought you here to share some of the greatness that has been through this school over the centuries... Feel free to browse the trophy room and reflect about your own family name numbers and what it could mean for you... for your future."

Emily entered the Trophy room... wandering around looking at all the trophies and plaques. She noticed her mother and fathers names came up a couple of times along with her grandparents' names as well. She was a part of a very successful family, she was raised to learn, to have an appetite and curiosity for knowledge. Emily wondered what the Family name numbers were of the other people in the trophy room.

Would she get her name in here?... it was probably too late, she was after all in her final year. Though regardless of what happened here... it was out in the real world that she would make her mark. She would become a very successful Auror... she was sure of it.

Emily continued to pace around the room again, occasionally stopping at a name and calculating its family name number in her head.

Zebragirl 03-09-2011 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by ArianaBlack (Post 10215093)
Nika plopped the mint into her mouth and ran to catch up with her professor. She looked around as they walked into the corridor. She waited for Emily and the rest of her friends to finish up and hurry in here as well. She took time to look over the numerous trophies, wishing that one day she could see her name on one.

Emily walked with the rest of the class, then spotting Nika, stood next to her.
"Fun lesson?" she whispered. She'd agree with this actually. But it was also personal... shame she didn't like mint.


Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 10215267)
They all seemed to be eagerly awaiting what was going to be happening in this part of the lesson; probably expecting some series of calculations they would have to do or something. BUT no... Not exactly what Professor Hadley had in mind. Actually it was more ... philosophical ...

"I didn't bring you here to do any calculations..." Hadley waited for the huge sighs of relief. "But rather to show you the greatness that has come from so many differing family names. Some of the family names are the same family name number, others may be different. They all led different paths. So I brought you here to share some of the greatness that has been through this school over the centuries... Feel free to browse the trophy room and reflect about your own family name numbers and what it could mean for you... for your future."

They were... allowed to wonder around and look at trophys? :woot:
Emily walked over to some Quidditch trrophys, hopeing Nika was in tow.
She glanced at a couple, then double taked.
"Nika! Nika!" she squealed "Nika that's my sister!" She pointed to a picture of a quidditch team. Her sister was sitting at the front with a mischevious grin, her long brown hair in a poytail coming down her back.
Her sister had only been on the team for a year, but she'd never told her that she was in the trophy room! Rachel was gonna get an ear full when she got home!

Roselyn 03-09-2011 04:28 PM

They were going to what? They were here to see trophies that EVERYONE ELSE had gotten? Meh, why would she want to do that!? Surprisingly, there came a time when she did not enjoy an arithmancy class. Well, she supposed there was a first time for everything.

Popping the mint into her mouth, after everyone else had entered the trophy room, the Slytherin girl leaned against the door frame, just staring at all the accomplishments. After a moment or so, she went on to look at them, curious to see who's names were there. Pausing by the prefect section, she smiled slightly when she saw Raiden's name there.

However, just beyond the prefect section was the gobstones section, and then...then the quidditch section. Seeing all those Hufflepuff and Gryffindor It made her nervous. Moving onward then! To whatever else there was. Pffft.

Felixir 03-09-2011 04:37 PM

"There are no Blacklys here," Jake mused, perusing the plaques as he strolled. "No Lawsons... no Morgans..."

Then he stopped at one of the Slytherin prefect plaques. "Reese. Prefect." Ugh. That had sincerely disappointed Jake. "She was my sister," he added, and then went over to look at the Hufflepuff plaques.

Lottiepot 03-09-2011 04:55 PM


Yeah. Why had she bought her here?! There was one name on two of those plaques... Oliver Greenwood. Trix had managed to contain herself for most of the term, she hadn't seen her best friend in a very long time and suddenly his name was right in FRONT of her?

The Blonde allowed a tear to roll down her cheek.. She WANTED her bestie now!!!1!! HMPH. It was one of the reasons she was sort of looking forward to graduation, she could spend a lot of time with the person who changed her in the 2 years that she knew him. It was clear the Head Girl adored him and even with her boyfriend, she couldn't help but miss Oliver like crazy!! The seventeen year old glanced down at her snake bracelet which hadn't been removed from her wrist ever since being at Hogwarts. With a sigh she moved into the middle of the room away from the plaques.


She was going to sulk now.

RachieRu 03-09-2011 05:11 PM

The trophy room? Well. Yes he had been here before, with Cosette at the beginning of last term. That had been quite interesting, but Finn was pretty sure that he wasn't here to remember the girls that he had snogged. So...he decided to go for a bit of walk around the trophies looking at them. Hmm. There were some for the prefects, not that Finn really knew any of them, mainly because he had only started at the school the term before. He didn't see any Carmicheal's maybe he was the first prefect in his family. Now that....would be pretty cool.

The quidditch trophies did get his attention though. They were pretty cool. It kind of made him want to like win the championship....they needed to get there first though. Hmm. Maybe he should go like practice a bit more.

ArianaBlack 03-09-2011 08:58 PM

SPOILER!!: Professor!!

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 10215267)
They all seemed to be eagerly awaiting what was going to be happening in this part of the lesson; probably expecting some series of calculations they would have to do or something. BUT no... Not exactly what Professor Hadley had in mind. Actually it was more ... philosophical ...

"I didn't bring you here to do any calculations..." Hadley waited for the huge sighs of relief. "But rather to show you the greatness that has come from so many differing family names. Some of the family names are the same family name number, others may be different. They all led different paths. So I brought you here to share some of the greatness that has been through this school over the centuries... Feel free to browse the trophy room and reflect about your own family name numbers and what it could mean for you... for your future."

Nika looked at her professor with a confused expression. huh? What could it mean about her future exactly? Well Nika thought back to her family name number. It was 22 which meant leadership and endurance. "Maybe something that has to do with leadership?" Nika smiled maybe she would be put in some sort of leadership position when she got older. Maybe even a prefect!

SPOILER!!: Emily

Originally Posted by Zebragirl (Post 10215391)
Emily walked with the rest of the class, then spotting Nika, stood next to her.
"Fun lesson?" she whispered. She'd agree with this actually. But it was also personal... shame she didn't like mint.

They were... allowed to wonder around and look at trophys? :woot:
Emily walked over to some Quidditch trrophys, hopeing Nika was in tow.
She glanced at a couple, then double taked.
"Nika! Nika!" she squealed "Nika that's my sister!" She pointed to a picture of a quidditch team. Her sister was sitting at the front with a mischevious grin, her long brown hair in a poytail coming down her back.
Her sister had only been on the team for a year, but she'd never told her that she was in the trophy room! Rachel was gonna get an ear full when she got home!

"Yeah fun lesson." She nodded her head in agreement. "Woah your sister is in the trophy room!" Nika smiled at Emily. She's probably very proud of her sister.

jengirls109 03-09-2011 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by scarsandtetris (Post 10215315)
Charley walked around the room, mesmerised. A few times she noticed names she knew: her parents, aunt, brother and other family members.
And now the pressure really begins to build....
She continued looking around and chatting a bit with Jaina as they waited for the rest of their class to arrive.

Jaina didn't recognize any of the names. She sighed heavily. It would have been nice to know one name. She looked at Charley. "I bet it must be really cool to see someone you know on these trophies and plaques," she frowned. "I'd like my name on one, even if it's a tiny one, so that if I have kids that go here, they'd know I did something great for the school." She looked down at her shoes. If she did get a trophy, it would be a VERY tiny one for creating the MOST problems in classes by getting her classmates into trouble.

Mordanyes 03-09-2011 09:06 PM

Still looking at the trophy, she sighed as she realised it didn't say Soler. "Awww!" She couldn't see any of her family names in here! There were a few familiar ones, but non really she knew personally.

Maybe she could become the first Soler in here? It was a good idea if she could manage it.

Walrus 03-09-2011 09:25 PM

Now I can do it.
Jacob didn't even listen to what the professor was telling them... and when the group went in, Jacob followed going straight to the oldest trophies.

When he reached oldest looking trophies, he pointed at one, Jacob'll start he and move to the newer ones. He stared at the name... "Dead." he moved to the next and pointed. "Dead." and again. "Dead... Dead... Dead" he reached one where the name was barely visible. "Henery Govr- Dead." he didn't even need to read it... just the dirt on it told him that the person was dead. "Certainly Dead... Dead... Probably Dead." he reached another name, which he couldn't read. "Alive?....... Nope, Probably Dead." He reached one that looked rather clean. "Professor... is Wenston Kilt-a-poodle dead?" Jacob had to sound it out, and the name still sounded stupid... Why would Wenston Kill a poodle? Why Wenston? Why?!

Fira 03-09-2011 09:26 PM

Lazily walking in the Trophy Room, Josh at first seemed to be interested in all those shiny and cool trophies so he approached to the part with Gryffindor Prefects part and examined the names on them. Of course, there were some he knew among them. Then he moved to the Quidditch part and it was after that he started to feel like he was losing his interest.

Okay. Trophies were cool and congrats to whoever had managed to get them proudly. But just staring at them was BORING. He even preferred cleaning the drawers of Lafay's desk. Stopping before the Triwizard Tournament cup, the Gryffindor eyed it some remembering how he could not put his name in the goblet. That was a total fail. Not his though, it was the school's problem because they probably had missed the chance of seeing the greatest champion they could ever see.

Hehehe... least he was sure he would have done his best.


Originally Posted by Roselyn (Post 10215697)
They were going to what? They were here to see trophies that EVERYONE ELSE had gotten? Meh, why would she want to do that!? Surprisingly, there came a time when she did not enjoy an arithmancy class. Well, she supposed there was a first time for everything.

Popping the mint into her mouth, after everyone else had entered the trophy room, the Slytherin girl leaned against the door frame, just staring at all the accomplishments. After a moment or so, she went on to look at them, curious to see who's names were there. Pausing by the prefect section, she smiled slightly when she saw Raiden's name there.

However, just beyond the prefect section was the gobstones section, and then...then the quidditch section. Seeing all those Hufflepuff and Gryffindor It made her nervous. Moving onward then! To whatever else there was. Pffft.

As he was about to move away from the Triwizard Cup, his brown eyes potted that certain Slytherin girl again, this time just randomly. It would have been interesting to know what she was thinking about the trophies and if there was any belonged to her family. She was coming from a royal-like pureblood family, was not she?

With that usual confident smile of his, Josh approached slowly from her back and stopped right next to her, his arm slightly touching her shoulder as he moved. Then without looking at her, he just stood there and spoke ''There's no Carter here. There cannot be because that is a Muggle family. But i am sure you are also aware, as i am, of the fact that there will be one soon. Not a prefect, gobstone or quidditch one either. That one will be epic. And it even maybe for two of us. Would not that look'' he looked around and indicated an empty part on the wall at the top of other cups ''...there''

Smiling wider, finally he gazed at her and gently patted on her shoulder. ''Don't worry. I am just kidding. Just wanted to make sure that you are not bored. So...'' he nodded at her in a respectful manner and took a step away. ''...see you whenever you want again.'' and with a quick wink, the lion boy walked towards that Hufflepuff prefect trophies.

Sherri 03-09-2011 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 10215267)
They all seemed to be eagerly awaiting what was going to be happening in this part of the lesson; probably expecting some series of calculations they would have to do or something. BUT no... Not exactly what Professor Hadley had in mind. Actually it was more ... philosophical ...

"I didn't bring you here to do any calculations..." Hadley waited for the huge sighs of relief. "But rather to show you the greatness that has come from so many differing family names. Some of the family names are the same family name number, others may be different. They all led different paths. So I brought you here to share some of the greatness that has been through this school over the centuries... Feel free to browse the trophy room and reflect about your own family name numbers and what it could mean for you... for your future."

Well that's a relief, she thought to herself. She entered the room; the mint half dissolved. She couldn't believe all the trophies, there were so many. "Professor, this may be a dumb question but what do you mean by numbers?" She suddenly felt like she shouldn't have asked and spoke before she thought that through.


Originally Posted by Hera (Post 10215348)
Emily entered the Trophy room... wandering around looking at all the trophies and plaques. She noticed her mother and fathers names came up a couple of times along with her grandparents' names as well. She was a part of a very successful family, she was raised to learn, to have an appetite and curiosity for knowledge. Emily wondered what the Family name numbers were of the other people in the trophy room.

Would she get her name in here?... it was probably too late, she was after all in her final year. Though regardless of what happened here... it was out in the real world that she would make her mark. She would become a very successful Auror... she was sure of it.

Emily continued to pace around the room again, occasionally stopping at a name and calculating its family name number in her head.

Witsy wasn't exactly sure what to look for but noticed the accomplishments of one student's family. "Wow, have you come from a line of Aurors? Maybe you'll make the wall," she added encouragingly, "You never know."

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