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The classroom is bright and airy, very clean and comfortable. There are no desks in this classroom, rather there are several wooden tables which would fit between four and six students quite comfortably. The tables are arranged rather higgledy piggledy, all out of alignment with each other and yet there is plenty of room to weave through the tables and walk up to the front of the classroom, or down to the back. Each table has runes carved into them, some a little straighter and clearer than others, and all stained with red. They seem to thrum encouragingly when you sit down to work, but do not provide any distraction; on the contrary you feel far more focused and confident about learning when you sit at these tables and surround yourself in the runes carved by the students and by the professor.
The front of the classroom has a large blackboard, charmed to write on itself,and when it isn't taking notes it quite often it has something to say, though you'll need to transcribe it from runic to English to make any sense of it. Truebridge also has a desk at the front of the class, set to one side, and a perfect view of all the tables arranged haphazardly around the room.
At the back of the classroom, set to one side, there is the door out into the corridor. Along the back wall there is a large bookshelf almost overflowing with books, mostly old, all very well taken care of. You're welcome to look at any of these books but if any harm befalls the tomes, there will be a severe price to pay. A long and comfortable couch takes up the rest of the back wall, and this is a good place to curl up and read or work on some of your homework.
The windows along the remaining side, opposite the door and Truebridge's desk have soft white curtains that are almost transparent. When pulled they simply diffuse the light and ensure it is not too bright, allowing the room to stay bright and lit at all times. The window frames are the most interesting, if you go and inspect them, all of the exposed wood has been painstakingly carved with runes, mostly bindrunes and rune charms, set in ligature and carved then stained red. These have all been activated and almost thrum under your fingertips. No cold will pass these windows, no student will fall to their deaths. It is a barrier of safety and of comfort, and a good example of runic magic. The door into the classroom is similarly marked.
Truebridge opened the door to the classroom and waited for the students to arrive. There was no music playing today and there was a second blackboard set up at the front of the room. Aside from that the classroom was much as it had been left at the end of the last lesson, desks still crookedly placed around the room and the runes that had been carved were subtly beginning to work their magic.
The second blackboard had been divided up into quarters, with each house written up as a title.
"Take a seat wherever you like, we'll start class soon."
ooc class has begun, please see my latest post for most recent quiz question.
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Ah, it was over.
Uhh everyone seemed to be faster than Helena when it came to answering the questions. Oh well. She took her quill and thought of three questions. Maybe the textbook would help? Oooh, she knew one!
SPOILER!!: Question one
Who was the oldest one in Norse Mythology? Like... the first one?
Looking around the book...
SPOILER!!: Question two
What happened to Tyr when he lost his hand?
Okay, one more to go.
SPOILER!!: Question three
Were the golden apples the only 'sources of youth'?
Done. Her hand shot in the air the moment she placed her quill back on the table. "I'm done, professor."
"Some of you may be wondering what the point of all these questions are, and indeed why I chose to have an open book quiz at all. It is my belief that the point of a question is not the answer, it is to find more things to ask about, more things to learn about."
He tapped the board and it updated with the final quiz scores.
"Before you go today, I would like each of you to write three questions, based on the questions I asked in the quiz game today, write them on a piece of parchment and raise your hand as soon as you are done. You may of course use the textbooks to help form your questions." And of course they'd earn points based on their questions too.
Luin nodded to herself as he told them what should be done, smiling a bit at herself as she aw Ravenclaw had the most points, she was happy she was able to get some personally. She then settled down into her chair and started writing on her parchment. After awhile she had her three questions,
SPOILER!!: Three Questions
1. What significance does Audhumla the cow hold in Norse mythology?
2. Who discoverred the runes and how did s/he discover them? Where do we learn this?
3. What is the meaning of the name Yggdrasil?
Luin then raised her hand and said, "I have my questions, professor."
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
And the quizzing part of the class was done.
"Some of you may be wondering what the point of all these questions are, and indeed why I chose to have an open book quiz at all. It is my belief that the point of a question is not the answer, it is to find more things to ask about, more things to learn about."
He tapped the board and it updated with the final quiz scores.
"Before you go today, I would like each of you to write three questions, based on the questions I asked in the quiz game today, write them on a piece of parchment and raise your hand as soon as you are done. You may of course use the textbooks to help form your questions." And of course they'd earn points based on their questions too.
ooc: questions need to be done within 24 hours, and then class will end.
Emily glanced up at the board as the tally was adjusted. Yes!! Ravenclaw had won! she looked around at her peers... they did well.
Three questions? thought Emily after Pofessor Truebridge had given them further instructions... What were the questions going to be for?
Emily pulled out a second peice of parchment and began to jot down some questions....
"Ummm.... " Emily sucked on the end of her sugar quill hoping it would provide her with some inspriration. She flipped open her text book... "Hhhhmmm" she mumbled as she dipped her quill into her ink well.
What is the significance of mistletoe in Norse Mythology?
Emily tapped her fingers on her desk.. she had a feeling in her stomach that this wasn't going very well and that her questions were stupid... Oh well, she thought.
What is the legend that surrounds the golden apples of Idunna?
Again another stupid question..
Emily sighed as she dipped her quill into the ink once more... "One more questions"... she whispered to herself.
This time it was one that interested her... What happened to the Fenrir Wolf?
Emily raised her hand... "I'm done Professor"... "is this ok?" she asked still uncertain as to why they were forming questions.
"Some of you may be wondering what the point of all these questions are, and indeed why I chose to have an open book quiz at all. It is my belief that the point of a question is not the answer, it is to find more things to ask about, more things to learn about."
He tapped the board and it updated with the final quiz scores.
"Before you go today, I would like each of you to write three questions, based on the questions I asked in the quiz game today, write them on a piece of parchment and raise your hand as soon as you are done. You may of course use the textbooks to help form your questions." And of course they'd earn points based on their questions too.
*Right three questions. Looking over his book he tried to find them. Pulling out some parchment he wrote them down.*
SPOILER!!: Three Questions
1st Question:
The Norse deities are put into two major groups, what are the groups called?
2nd Question:
Where is the seat of Odin held?
3rd Question:
Why was there a war between the Æsir and Vanir?
Questions??? Jaina had TONS of questions, but only 3 she could choose....Not fair in her opinion, but then again it was fair to the teacher. He did have to read the ENTIRE classes questions. She tapped her quill a few times then wrote
Question #1:
Why was the Gleipnir made to hold the Fenrir wolf?
Hmmm..... Oh, she had another one!
Question #2:
Why was Audhumla made?
One last one....hmmmm.....
Question #3:
Who is Thor? Is he like the comic book character? Did he use his
hammer to help the mortals? Was he really a good guy? When was
he born? Where did he live?
Ok so that last one was a lot, but she knew who Thor the comic book character was! "Professor, I have my parchment here for you," Jaina said with her raised hand once she put her quill down.
__________________ "I'm just a Hufflepuff"
Last edited by jengirls109; 02-17-2011 at 07:37 PM.
Reason: forgot to raise my hand
"Some of you may be wondering what the point of all these questions are, and indeed why I chose to have an open book quiz at all. It is my belief that the point of a question is not the answer, it is to find more things to ask about, more things to learn about."
He tapped the board and it updated with the final quiz scores.
"Before you go today, I would like each of you to write three questions, based on the questions I asked in the quiz game today, write them on a piece of parchment and raise your hand as soon as you are done. You may of course use the textbooks to help form your questions." And of course they'd earn points based on their questions too.
Well that had certainly been an interesting class. Probably one of the more focussed classes thus far during the year, not being focussed on muggles or the statue and it was refreshing for that.
Drawing out a piece of parchment and a quill Sabel frowned a little at the instructions, tapping the tip of the quill against the paper. Three questions about the questions that had been asked. It had been easier last week, with the practical rune carving and the questions that had been brought up then. This required linking, without a visual aid to study and evaluate. Not the easiest thing.
Letting out a slow breath, he started with the first one that came to mind, the other two following within a span of a few minutes afterwards.
Text Cut: Sabel's Questions
1) What are the names of the nine worlds existing around Yggdrasil?
2) Does Yggdrasil base its existence off of another source or energy, as trees use water and soil to base themselves in?
3) Besides mistletoe, are there any other symbols in modern culture that are derived from Norse mythology & legend?
He spared another evaluating glance over the parchment before holding his hand up to indicate his completion.
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Nika looked around the room. Three questions!?! Only three... She had so many questions. She didn't really understand the whole concept of runes all together. Nevertheless she thought of three questions she could ask. Actually this was harder than she though. She sighed and took out her parchment and a quill and began to scribble her first question.
SPOILER!!: Question 1!
1. Is there a reason that the object that brings youth is the apple and not any other fruit?
Now, what else to ask?
SPOILER!!: Question 2
2. What is the importance of the world tree?
Nika thought hard and came up with another question. Her questions weren't very into depth and they were quite odd. Basically, you could tell they were done by a first year.
SPOILER!!: Question 3
3. Why did Heimdall decide to teach runes to mankind?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Coming out of her daze, Evelyn looked up from hearing the tap on the board. Aaaand they were to write three questions? Based on the questions? Well, that didn't seem too hard..
...And she was totally wrong. It was hard! At least in her opinion. Staring at her notebook, she thought over the questions that she remembered, trying to think of other questions that she could ask, based on those questions. Too much thinking. Hurt her brain. Finally though, she thought of a few she could possibly write down. Maybe.
SPOILER!!: Questions
Why was an Ash tree 'destined' to become the world tree, and not a tree that could be similar in qualities or as much sacred to others such as an Elder wood tree?
How was the feathercoat created?
How did the nine worlds of the Yggdrasil tree come to be?
Questions were doooooone, and hand was in the air. Woooot!
Last edited by Roselyn; 02-18-2011 at 07:08 AM.
Reason: forgot to have her raise her hand lol
Kurumi frowned at the points board. She knew she should have put the book back when she had had the chance. She had gotten so involved in all the mysteries that lay in its pages that she had zoned out for about half of the quiz questions. Still, she had contributed a fair amount, so she should be too sad.
Kurumi then took out a fresh piece of parchment and looked over at her notes from the quiz round.
SPOILER!!: question sheet
Ancient Runes II : Norse Mythology Kurumi Hollingberry / second year / Gryffindor
quiz tournament questions:
What was Gleipnir made from?"
From what was Audhumla created?"
What type of wood ‘courts the flash’?
What do the Norse gods and goddesses eat each year to keep them young?
Which figure in Norse Mythology has nine mothers?
Which runes does Zisa rule over?
What is a feathercoat?
What is ‘Freya’s Tears’ another name for?
What is the name for the groupof gods that rule earth, nature, fertility and the subconscious?
Which rune most represents the discovery of the runes?
What is also known as Baldr’s Bane?
What is the name of the poem that describes the discovery of the runes?"
How did Tyr lose his hand?
while he is associated with several, which rune is Odin most associated with?
What is Megingjardar?
Who is the the Guardian of Bifrost bridge?
Which Rune is Thor most often associated with?
The the deities of fertility rule which Aett?
Who rules the second Aett?
Who was killed by an arrow made of mistletoe?
Who calls Asgard home?
Who or what is Heidrun?
How many worlds exist around Yggdrasil?
Who taught mankind the runes?
Which god is associated with the rune that symbolises groundedness?
Which rune symbolises an Auroch?
How long did Odin hang from the world tree?
What kind of wood is the world tree made of?
Kurumi stared at the questions list for several minutes trying to find some sort of pattern or theme - something that showed up over and over again. The first thing that popped into her mind was the use of wood. It seemed to be something common, especially mistletoe and ash. Kurumi flipped through the crimson book on her desk and smiled when she read something useful.
"Oh, well that is interesting," she said as her eyes scanned the story of Norse goddess, Frigga, and her attempt to protect her son, Baldur, from all harm.
Kurumi turned to her parchment and began to write a question.
SPOILER!!: question #1
Now, we all know mistletoe as the 'kissing plant,' but how did this come to be? What is mistletoe's connection to Frigga?
Satisfied, Kurumi set her quill down and returned to the book. She supposed that she her first question was more like two questions, but there were too many connection waiting to be found, so Kurumi decided to ignore this for now. Still, thinking a bit more, Kurumi was curious about something, so she decided to write that thought down.
SPOILER!!: question #2
Why is wood such a prominent part of Norse Mythology?
It was a bit vague, but it was something that Kurumi was curious about.
Flipping through the book a bit more, Kurumi began to lose focus on the task at hand and leaned closer to the book as her interest grew and grew with each word she read of the various stories. She found it interesting how the sons and daughters of several of the gods and goddesses also shared their parent's runes. Did that mean the power of the runes was something hereditary? Like genes? Kurumi had to laugh at that last thought as she picked up her quill again and set to writing another question.
SPOILER!!: question #3
What rune is associated with Forseti?
Kurumi continued to read the book until she fell upon a story about a frost goddess whose beauty enchanted Freyr, god of sunshine and rain. The story was so tragic, had so much deception, yet it was beautiful at the same time. Then again, Kurumi just really loved mythology.
SPOILER!!: question #4
What rune (the only named one) does Gerðr get carved onto her by Skírnir?
Checking her parchment, Kurumi raised her hand for Professor Truebridge to come around and check her work. "Professor, I'm done."
"Good." Truebridge went around and stopped at Kurumi's desk to read over her work. "Good questions, Kurumi." He told her in his usual serious way.
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
Chocolate frogs was a messy eat. And if one wanted to eat the stuff without becoming covered in chocolate, which she did since she was in class, they would have to eat the chocolaty treat slowly. This, of course, left her unable to answer the rest of the questions, not that she minded, she had chocolate frogs.
When the questioning finally ended, and she'd finished her frogs, she listened up to what the professor had to say while pulling out a piece of parchment and her quill. Questions based on questions he'd asked them. Hm. That required a bit of thought on her part, and a few flipped pages to come up with three questions.
SPOILER!!: Questions
1) What exactly was Heimdall guarding at Bifrost bridge?
2) Why is it that Ansuz, and not Dagaz or Kenaz, most represents the discovery of the runes?
3) Do the nine worlds that exist around Yggdrasil feed off of the world tree or are they separate entities?
When she finished scribbling down her three questions, she stared at them for a moment, twirling her quill as she considered the three before raising her hand.
Truebridge went to Arya's table next and examined her questions. "Good work Arya. Interesting questions."
Originally Posted by Tegz
Jim was watching the professor out of the corner of his eye. He had a feeling he knew where this was going. After taking a good few minutes to think about it, he scribbled out his questions, wondering if anyone would make him justify his chosen questions.
SPOILER!!: questions
1. What is the significance of Ash and are the Norse representations of Ash and other woods similar to the symbolism of the Celtic representations?
2. What other epic magical items did the Norse gods and goddesses own?
3. What is the Norse significant of the number nine?
That'd do. He dropped his quill negligently and put his hand up.
This boy... Truebridge was wary of. He had a knack for runes but it was already clear he did not enjoy acknowledging it and yet during this lesson he had shown himself, his true ability and interest. He looked at James' questions and nodded. "Good."
Originally Posted by PattyH.
It seemed that either Patroclus was tooooooo slow, or Professor Truebridge and his students were just toooooo fast, for it seemed that the young lion Prefect, had missed all the questions.
The way it had panned out, seemed that Patroclus was always jotting down the question and answer from the previous round was asked, so he never really got a chance, but at least he was learning as Truebridge had said, that is the point of asking questions.....and now it seemed that it was there turn to do the asking.
Skimming back over his notes of the lesson, a thought occured to Patroclus; how do we know this? Yes it was all well and good, to sat that Baldr's Bane was mistletoe, but how do we know that?
So flicking through the pages of his text book, Patroclus decided on his first question
SPOILER!!: Question One.
What is/are the greatest source{s} of information on Nordic Mythology?
Continuing to flip through his book, Patroclus fumbled across a rather cool drawing of a man and a woman, and from that decided his next question,
SPOILER!!: Question Two.
Who are Líf and Lífþrasir?
It seemed like a god question, considering that they were studying Nordic Mythlogy, it only seemed right to ask a question that seemed to be the closest link from the gods, to the students who sat here studying them.
Looking at his previous questions and it’s relation to the end of the reign of the Æsir and the Vanir Patroclus thought it to be a simple link to ask something that related to the origin of the gods, however something kept popping up, so it formed his last question
SPOILER!!: Question Three.
What is the importance of the number Three to Norse Mythology?
“Fini Sir!” Patroclus smiled, with his hand raised.
"Good, Patroclus." Truebridge examined the Gryffindor prefect's questions carefully. They would be interesting to answer.
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou
Ah, it was over.
Uhh everyone seemed to be faster than Helena when it came to answering the questions. Oh well. She took her quill and thought of three questions. Maybe the textbook would help? Oooh, she knew one!
SPOILER!!: Question one
Who was the oldest one in Norse Mythology? Like... the first one?
Looking around the book...
SPOILER!!: Question two
What happened to Tyr when he lost his hand?
Okay, one more to go.
SPOILER!!: Question three
Were the golden apples the only 'sources of youth'?
Done. Her hand shot in the air the moment she placed her quill back on the table. "I'm done, professor."
Another had finished? Truebridge went to look and read the questions. "Great." He approved and moved to the next table.
Originally Posted by Luinevaug
Luin nodded to herself as he told them what should be done, smiling a bit at herself as she aw Ravenclaw had the most points, she was happy she was able to get some personally. She then settled down into her chair and started writing on her parchment. After awhile she had her three questions,
SPOILER!!: Three Questions
1. What significance does Audhumla the cow hold in Norse mythology?
2. Who discoverred the runes and how did s/he discover them? Where do we learn this?
3. What is the meaning of the name Yggdrasil?
Luin then raised her hand and said, "I have my questions, professor."
"Alright Luin." Truebridge went over to her and checked her questions. "Good questions."
Originally Posted by Emily_Potter
Emily glanced up at the board as the tally was adjusted. Yes!! Ravenclaw had won! she looked around at her peers... they did well.
Three questions? thought Emily after Pofessor Truebridge had given them further instructions... What were the questions going to be for?
Emily pulled out a second peice of parchment and began to jot down some questions....
"Ummm.... " Emily sucked on the end of her sugar quill hoping it would provide her with some inspriration. She flipped open her text book... "Hhhhmmm" she mumbled as she dipped her quill into her ink well.
What is the significance of mistletoe in Norse Mythology?
Emily tapped her fingers on her desk.. she had a feeling in her stomach that this wasn't going very well and that her questions were stupid... Oh well, she thought.
What is the legend that surrounds the golden apples of Idunna?
Again another stupid question..
Emily sighed as she dipped her quill into the ink once more... "One more questions"... she whispered to herself.
This time it was one that interested her... What happened to the Fenrir Wolf?
Emily raised her hand... "I'm done Professor"... "is this ok?" she asked still uncertain as to why they were forming questions.
"Those will do nicely, Emily." Truebridge approved as he went over to check. He headed over to the next student with their hand raised.
Originally Posted by Gabben
*Right three questions. Looking over his book he tried to find them. Pulling out some parchment he wrote them down.*
SPOILER!!: Three Questions
1st Question:
The Norse deities are put into two major groups, what are the groups called?
2nd Question:
Where is the seat of Odin held?
3rd Question:
Why was there a war between the Æsir and Vanir?
"I think you should change your first question Matty, you can do better. You already know the answer, you've included it in part of question three. Your questions need to be the kind that you do not know the answer to, the type of question that you are curious about from the limited information given from the quiz questions. Challenge yourself, Matty. I know you're capable of it." Truebridge commented after reading Matty's questions.
Originally Posted by jengirls109
Questions??? Jaina had TONS of questions, but only 3 she could choose....Not fair in her opinion, but then again it was fair to the teacher. He did have to read the ENTIRE classes questions. She tapped her quill a few times then wrote
Hmmm..... Oh, she had another one!
One last one....hmmmm.....
Ok so that last one was a lot, but she knew who Thor the comic book character was! "Professor, I have my parchment here for you," Jaina said with her raised hand once she put her quill down.
"Alright." Truebridge went to check and read Jaina's questions. "Good. Those will do nicely."
Originally Posted by Tazenhani
Well that had certainly been an interesting class. Probably one of the more focussed classes thus far during the year, not being focussed on muggles or the statue and it was refreshing for that.
Drawing out a piece of parchment and a quill Sabel frowned a little at the instructions, tapping the tip of the quill against the paper. Three questions about the questions that had been asked. It had been easier last week, with the practical rune carving and the questions that had been brought up then. This required linking, without a visual aid to study and evaluate. Not the easiest thing.
Letting out a slow breath, he started with the first one that came to mind, the other two following within a span of a few minutes afterwards.
Text Cut: Sabel's Questions
1) What are the names of the nine worlds existing around Yggdrasil?
2) Does Yggdrasil base its existence off of another source or energy, as trees use water and soil to base themselves in?
3) Besides mistletoe, are there any other symbols in modern culture that are derived from Norse mythology & legend?
He spared another evaluating glance over the parchment before holding his hand up to indicate his completion.
Seeing Sabel had his hand raised, Truebridge moved over to the other side of the room and looked at the Gryffindor's questions.
"Those are good questions." Good. He expected no less from Sabel.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Nika looked around the room. Three questions!?! Only three... She had so many questions. She didn't really understand the whole concept of runes all together. Nevertheless she thought of three questions she could ask. Actually this was harder than she though. She sighed and took out her parchment and a quill and began to scribble her first question.
SPOILER!!: Question 1!
1. Is there a reason that the object that brings youth is the apple and not any other fruit?
Now, what else to ask?
SPOILER!!: Question 2
2. What is the importance of the world tree?
Nika thought hard and came up with another question. Her questions weren't very into depth and they were quite odd. Basically, you could tell they were done by a first year.
SPOILER!!: Question 3
3. Why did Heimdall decide to teach runes to mankind?
Truebridge went over to check the firstie's questions. "The first one is alright but I think it will be hard to answer, you might want to change that one. The other two are very good questions."
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Coming out of her daze, Evelyn looked up from hearing the tap on the board. Aaaand they were to write three questions? Based on the questions? Well, that didn't seem too hard..
...And she was totally wrong. It was hard! At least in her opinion. Staring at her notebook, she thought over the questions that she remembered, trying to think of other questions that she could ask, based on those questions. Too much thinking. Hurt her brain. Finally though, she thought of a few she could possibly write down. Maybe.
SPOILER!!: Questions
Why was an Ash tree 'destined' to become the world tree, and not a tree that could be similar in qualities or as much sacred to others such as an Elder wood tree?
How was the feathercoat created?
How did the nine worlds of the Yggdrasil tree come to be?
Questions were doooooone, and hand was in the air. Woooot!
He finished the rounds with Evelyn and stopped to examine her questions.
"Good questions. Your second question will be difficult but I think it will be interesting to hear your theories."
Truebridge returned to the front of the room.
"Your homework will be to answer your three questions. The more effort you make with your answers and your research, the more points you will earn, up to a maximum of twelve points. If your questions raise more questions, feel free to explore those too, as long as you remain on the subject of Norse Mythology and in particular how it relates to Ancient Runes. You may use any books from here in the classroom, and you may help one another or work together to research your questions. Good work today. You can go when you are ready. More details on will be posted on the notice board."
ooc: Class is over now but feel free to have your charrie come over to Truebridge if they have any questions. Homework details will be up on the noticeboard soon. Those who did not write their questions in class can still do so for homework but won't get points for that part of the class participation.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Emily sighed... of course she should have seen it coming. Answering their own questions for home work was a bit obvious. Oh well, at least now she had something to look forward to.
Emily gathered her things and packed them into her bag.
Standing to leave the class room she looked back, "Thanks for the lesson Professor Truebridge", she said before leaving the room.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
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Second Year
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First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
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Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
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Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
"Good." Truebridge went around and stopped at Kurumi's desk to read over her work. "Good questions, Kurumi." He told her in his usual serious way.
"Thank you, Professor Truebridge," Kurumi smiled looking back down at her parchment. She still had a few more questions formulating in her head. Norse mythology was unfamiliar territory to her, but she found is fascinating nonetheless. She could even see a few similarities to the Shinto stories she had heard growing up.
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
Truebridge returned to the front of the room.
"Your homework will be to answer your three questions. The more effort you make with your answers and your research, the more points you will earn, up to a maximum of twelve points. If your questions raise more questions, feel free to explore those too, as long as you remain on the subject of Norse Mythology and in particular how it relates to Ancient Runes. You may use any books from here in the classroom, and you may help one another or work together to research your questions. Good work today. You can go when you are ready. More details on will be posted on the notice board."
Kurumi knew she should have seen this part coming. At least she had come up with some questions that did not seem too difficult to answer. Just a little bit of research and she should be able to come up with something. She patted the old crimson book still sitting on her desk before gathering her things together and putting them in her bag.
Holding the book under her right arm and swinging her bag over her left shoulder, Kurumi walked up to Professor Truebridge. "Professor, is it alright if I accept your offer and borrow this book for the assignment?" she asked shyly holding the book out for him to look at. It was rather old so she could understand him wanting to keep it in the Ancient Runes classroom
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
"Your homework will be to answer your three questions. The more effort you make with your answers and your research, the more points you will earn, up to a maximum of twelve points. If your questions raise more questions, feel free to explore those too, as long as you remain on the subject of Norse Mythology and in particular how it relates to Ancient Runes. You may use any books from here in the classroom, and you may help one another or work together to research your questions. Good work today. You can go when you are ready. More details on will be posted on the notice board."
The frown on her face was almost instant as she heard what they would be doing with the questions they'd picked, her eyes going to her parchment. How had she not seen this coming? If she'd seen this coming, she would have picked easier questions instead of ones she was actually curious about. Not that there was such a thing in this class.
Packing her things, she decided not to worry herself over the homework. He had said they could work together, and she had friends that were good in this class, so she needn't worry. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she glanced over to Truebridge with a smile. "See you later, professor. And thanks for the candy." That, in her opinion, was the best part of the lesson. Weaving through the classroom, she made her way to the corridor where she waited for her friends.
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
Another had finished? Truebridge went to look and read the questions. "Great." He approved and moved to the next table.
Truebridge returned to the front of the room.
"Your homework will be to answer your three questions. The more effort you make with your answers and your research, the more points you will earn, up to a maximum of twelve points. If your questions raise more questions, feel free to explore those too, as long as you remain on the subject of Norse Mythology and in particular how it relates to Ancient Runes. You may use any books from here in the classroom, and you may help one another or work together to research your questions. Good work today. You can go when you are ready. More details on will be posted on the notice board."
The homework was... answering your own questions? If Helena only knew... She would've written some easier questions at least. Oh well.
She packed her stuff and got up. "Goodbye," she said, smiling, then left the classroom.
"Good, Patroclus." Truebridge examined the Gryffindor prefect's questions carefully. They would be interesting to answer.
Truebridge returned to the front of the room.
"Your homework will be to answer your three questions. The more effort you make with your answers and your research, the more points you will earn, up to a maximum of twelve points. If your questions raise more questions, feel free to explore those too, as long as you remain on the subject of Norse Mythology and in particular how it relates to Ancient Runes. You may use any books from here in the classroom, and you may help one another or work together to research your questions. Good work today. You can go when you are ready. More details on will be posted on the notice board."
Nodding his appreciation of Truebridges affirmations, Patroclus started to open several books, to get to work on his questions, when the professor began to dismiss the class.
Taking down the assignment, and listening to it's description, the young prefect began to already layout the answers, with what he alreadly knew or what he thought he already knew.
Packing his things, and getting to his feet, Patroclus grinned at the Professor, "Thanks for another awesome lesson Sir!" it had been awesome despite the boy's lack of responses, "See you round!"
Jaina gathered up her stuff into her messenger bag. Well, not a total failure AND she had made up her own homework questions! This would be great! She could do her research in the library with Benjamin! He knew lots of stories...maybe he knew the Norse ones too!
"Thank you, Professor!" Jaina said, "May we also come to you if we have a question that we can't find an answer to? Also," she held out her small bag of lemon drops, "would you care for a lemon drop before I leave?" She smiled proudly at him.
"Alright Luin." Truebridge went over to her and checked her questions. "Good questions."
Truebridge returned to the front of the room.
"Your homework will be to answer your three questions. The more effort you make with your answers and your research, the more points you will earn, up to a maximum of twelve points. If your questions raise more questions, feel free to explore those too, as long as you remain on the subject of Norse Mythology and in particular how it relates to Ancient Runes. You may use any books from here in the classroom, and you may help one another or work together to research your questions. Good work today. You can go when you are ready. More details on will be posted on the notice board."
Luin smiled at the professor and then created another space on her parchment for the homework. She quickly jotted it down as well and then started to pick up her stuff, she quickly packed everything up and then got up to go, stopping by the professor's desk on the way out, "Thank you professor, good class. Bye." she then headed out the door.
"Your homework will be to answer your three questions. The more effort you make with your answers and your research, the more points you will earn, up to a maximum of twelve points. If your questions raise more questions, feel free to explore those too, as long as you remain on the subject of Norse Mythology and in particular how it relates to Ancient Runes. You may use any books from here in the classroom, and you may help one another or work together to research your questions. Good work today. You can go when you are ready. More details on will be posted on the notice board."
ooc: Class is over now but feel free to have your charrie come over to Truebridge if they have any questions. Homework details will be up on the noticeboard soon. Those who did not write their questions in class can still do so for homework but won't get points for that part of the class participation.
Well that was an interesting homework assignment. Technically, they just made up their homework. A small smile touched the corners of his lips at that. Good tact.
Packing his things, he shouldered his bag and gave Truebridge a respectful nod. "Great lesson Professor." And with that he was moving out the door and into the hall.
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
Truebridge went over to check the firstie's questions. "The first one is alright but I think it will be hard to answer, you might want to change that one. The other two are very good questions."
Truebridge returned to the front of the room.
"Your homework will be to answer your three questions. The more effort you make with your answers and your research, the more points you will earn, up to a maximum of twelve points. If your questions raise more questions, feel free to explore those too, as long as you remain on the subject of Norse Mythology and in particular how it relates to Ancient Runes. You may use any books from here in the classroom, and you may help one another or work together to research your questions. Good work today. You can go when you are ready. More details on will be posted on the notice board."
ooc: Class is over now but feel free to have your charrie come over to Truebridge if they have any questions. Homework details will be up on the noticeboard soon. Those who did not write their questions in class can still do so for homework but won't get points for that part of the class participation.
Nika looked up at her professor and gave it another shot. She needed to change her first question. Nika thought about it some more and then scribbled down another question. She raised her hand and waved it in the air trying to catch her professor's attention."Err Professor is this question alright?"
SPOILER!!: New Question
Why do we use Runes? And how does it benefit us to use them?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
"Good." Truebridge went around and stopped at Kurumi's desk to read over her work. "Good questions, Kurumi." He told her in his usual serious way.
Truebridge went to Arya's table next and examined her questions. "Good work Arya. Interesting questions."
This boy... Truebridge was wary of. He had a knack for runes but it was already clear he did not enjoy acknowledging it and yet during this lesson he had shown himself, his true ability and interest. He looked at James' questions and nodded. "Good."
"Good, Patroclus." Truebridge examined the Gryffindor prefect's questions carefully. They would be interesting to answer.
Another had finished? Truebridge went to look and read the questions. "Great." He approved and moved to the next table.
"Alright Luin." Truebridge went over to her and checked her questions. "Good questions."
"Those will do nicely, Emily." Truebridge approved as he went over to check. He headed over to the next student with their hand raised.
"I think you should change your first question Matty, you can do better. You already know the answer, you've included it in part of question three. Your questions need to be the kind that you do not know the answer to, the type of question that you are curious about from the limited information given from the quiz questions. Challenge yourself, Matty. I know you're capable of it." Truebridge commented after reading Matty's questions.
"Alright." Truebridge went to check and read Jaina's questions. "Good. Those will do nicely."
Seeing Sabel had his hand raised, Truebridge moved over to the other side of the room and looked at the Gryffindor's questions.
"Those are good questions." Good. He expected no less from Sabel.
Truebridge went over to check the firstie's questions. "The first one is alright but I think it will be hard to answer, you might want to change that one. The other two are very good questions."
He finished the rounds with Evelyn and stopped to examine her questions.
"Good questions. Your second question will be difficult but I think it will be interesting to hear your theories."
Truebridge returned to the front of the room.
"Your homework will be to answer your three questions. The more effort you make with your answers and your research, the more points you will earn, up to a maximum of twelve points. If your questions raise more questions, feel free to explore those too, as long as you remain on the subject of Norse Mythology and in particular how it relates to Ancient Runes. You may use any books from here in the classroom, and you may help one another or work together to research your questions. Good work today. You can go when you are ready. More details on will be posted on the notice board."
ooc: Class is over now but feel free to have your charrie come over to Truebridge if they have any questions. Homework details will be up on the noticeboard soon. Those who did not write their questions in class can still do so for homework but won't get points for that part of the class participation.
"um professor," said maisie in a very small voice. "um, well-i erm..have a question." she said as she looked up at her profesor.
ooc: sorry for delay in posting, there was a serious natural disaster in my country.
The Eye of Sauron | Zan-y | Snake Charmer
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
"Thank you, Professor Truebridge," Kurumi smiled looking back down at her parchment. She still had a few more questions formulating in her head. Norse mythology was unfamiliar territory to her, but she found is fascinating nonetheless. She could even see a few similarities to the Shinto stories she had heard growing up.
Kurumi knew she should have seen this part coming. At least she had come up with some questions that did not seem too difficult to answer. Just a little bit of research and she should be able to come up with something. She patted the old crimson book still sitting on her desk before gathering her things together and putting them in her bag.
Holding the book under her right arm and swinging her bag over her left shoulder, Kurumi walked up to Professor Truebridge. "Professor, is it alright if I accept your offer and borrow this book for the assignment?" she asked shyly holding the book out for him to look at. It was rather old so she could understand him wanting to keep it in the Ancient Runes classroom
"Of course, Kurumi." Truebridge paused and gave her serious looks, "But any harm that befalls that book will be paid back three-fold." Spine for spine, hide for hide. Truebridge was serious about his tomes.
Originally Posted by jengirls109
Jaina gathered up her stuff into her messenger bag. Well, not a total failure AND she had made up her own homework questions! This would be great! She could do her research in the library with Benjamin! He knew lots of stories...maybe he knew the Norse ones too!
"Thank you, Professor!" Jaina said, "May we also come to you if we have a question that we can't find an answer to? Also," she held out her small bag of lemon drops, "would you care for a lemon drop before I leave?" She smiled proudly at him.
"Of course. Come see me in my office any time. And no thank you." Truebridge refused the offer of a lemon drop politely but matter of factly.
They were too... round.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Nika looked up at her professor and gave it another shot. She needed to change her first question. Nika thought about it some more and then scribbled down another question. She raised her hand and waved it in the air trying to catch her professor's attention."Err Professor is this question alright?"
SPOILER!!: New Question
Why do we use Runes? And how does it benefit us to use them?
"Its better but remember to relate the question to the subject of today's lesson: Norse Mythology." Truebridge encouraged.
Originally Posted by bassoonbuddy
"um professor," said maisie in a very small voice. "um, well-i erm..have a question." she said as she looked up at her profesor.
"Come and see me in my office, Maisie." He answered, with his version of kindness, though his voice was still somewhat monotonous. For now though he had to clear the classroom.