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First lesson since his most recent return to Hogwarts and Ethan Truebridge was sitting at his desk in the front of the classroom, a magical gramophone sat on his desk, the soundtrack of Les Misérables playing quietly.
The blackboard was apparently 'singing' along, as the words were sung on the record, in runic the translations appeared on the board and then disappeared again moments later.
Truebridge ignored it and kept his hazel-green eyes on the door, watching as the students began to file in.
"Sit wherever you like. Four to six people at each table if you please."
SPOILER!!: classroom description
The classroom is bright and airy, very clean and comfortable. There are no desks in this classroom, rather there are several wooden tables which would fit between four and six students quite comfortably. The tables are arranged rather higgledy piggledy, all out of alignment with each other and yet there is plenty of room to weave through the tables and walk up to the front of the classroom, or down to the back.
The front of the classroom has a large blackboard, charmed to write on itself,and when it isn't taking notes it quite often it has something to say, though you'll need to transcribe it from runic to English to make any sense of it. Truebridge also has a desk at the front of the class, set to one side, and a perfect view of all the tables arranged haphazardly around the room.
At the back of the classroom, set to one side, there is the door out into the corridor. Along the back wall there is a large bookshelf almost overflowing with books, mostly old, all very well taken care of. You're welcome to look at any of these books but if any harm befalls the tomes, there will be a severe price to pay. A long and comfortable couch takes up the rest of the back wall.
The windows along the remaining side, opposite the door and Truebridge's desk have soft white curtains that are almost transparent. When pulled they simply diffuse the light and ensure it is not too bright, allowing the room to stay bright and lit at all times. The window frames are the most interesting, if you go and inspect them, all of the exposed wood has been painstakingly carved with runes, mostly bindrunes and rune charms, set in ligature and carved then stained red. These have all been activated and almost thrum under your fingertips. No cold will pass these windows, no student will fall to their deaths. It is a barrier of safety and of comfort, and a good example of runic magic. The door into the classroom is similarly marked.
ooc note: Please note that class has finished. The thread will be open for a short time longer to allow everyone to complete the last task. Please read the following posts to catch up with the lesson, or the latest one if you wish to jump in on the current activity/question. Not all of Truebridge's posts are included here, just those relevant to the progression of the lesson.
" No hello for me?" Rex asked Fee. " I keep thinking we are friends, best friends" Rex said to Fee."Did you know your other best friend Alex wanted to throw all the students in the lake?" Rex asked Fee. If Fee wants a friend like Alex who acts that way, then Fee and Rex will really have to talk Rex thought to himself.
"I waved at you too",Fee smiled widely,"you know how i feel about it."Maaan why didnt he realize?!And what?!Alex wanted to throw all the people into the lake?!"I am sure it was just a joke",the blonde nodded,"and besides why does he play a role in our conversations?Back to normal mode please?!" Rex really shouldt try to get her on his side, she liked them booooth.
Originally Posted by MissGlee
Luna walked over to a second year girl. Feenella wasn't it? "Hi, I'm Luna mind if a I sit with you and your friends?" she asked.
Fee turned her head to see where the voice came from and smiled a she notifed a girl standing there."Sure take a seat",she said friendly,"nice to meet you Luna."It was always cool to get to know new people.
Originally Posted by Poisonedbyyou
Walking into the Ancient Runes classroom, Charisa immediately liked the fact that it felt nice and airy inside. Unlike the torch-lit corridors or the common room where she just knew she'd be doing all her homework by candlelight. She gave the room a quick scan, hoping that she knew someone, anyone.
Oooh, Fee was there! She hadn't really sat down yet, by the looks of it. Charisa approached the older girl and gave her a light tap on the shoulder. Eeek, awkward? "Hiya, Fee," she said with a wave.
As someone tapped her on the shoulder the girl turned around to face the person. Ohhh it was Charisa, how cuuuteee. Little firstie Ravie.Hehe."Heey Charisa",the blonde smiled hugely,"want to sit with us?"It was really adorabole that the little girl came over to her and she was sure Charisa and her ould have loads of fun during the lesson.
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
"You each have a textbook in front of you on the table." He flicked his hand and from the shelf came a textbook which duplicated itself dozens of times over.
"Don't open them." No really, don't. "Before we get to that point, perhaps you would each raise your hand and tell the class something you know about Runes, and if you don't know anything, please share your opinion on whether or not you think Runes are a useful subject so that I know who needs convincing."
"There is the scandinavian variant of the runic alphabet called futhark and the anglo-saxon variant futhorc, professor",Fee said raising her hand.Hopefully the new teacher would be as cool as the old one had been.
Looking up as the professor asked a question he heard all the answers, especially Lexi's and had to smirk. She was right. He never understood it either though he kind of did find it useless but he wasn't about to say that. Debating whether to raise his hand or pretend he was invisible still he shrugged and did it anyway, "I've never understood it either." And yes...there might have been a glance at Lexi....Might have. He quickly brought his eyes back to the book in front of him.
What was James doing over there? Was he telling her how much he cared for her? Hmm...not a bad idea if he did. Looking at his best friend a small smile appeared on his face and he gave him a slight nod in appreciation. James was his best friend for a reason after all. He looked past him to Lexi and sighed before turning his eyes back to the professor. A long class indeed.
Bennet raised his hand to answer, "Runes are ancient symbols with multiple purposes - as a written language, as amulets and charms, as a means of divining the future, and for rituals and spells." He thought a simple, but inclusive definition of the term might be a good start to the discussion.
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Helena looked puzzled at professor Truebridge, not sure what to do. She slowly raised her hand. "Sir, I don't know much about runes, but I know they are not useless. I read a few pages from the textbook and I remember that they can have three types of meanings; language, divination and magic."
She let her hand fall back on the table and started shaking slightly. Maybe it was better to shut up, she thought.
The girl uptook his offer and Tyler watched as she sat herself down at their table. She apologised once more, barely above a whisper and Tyler merely nodded in recognition that he had infact heard her. He did not, however, provide any verbal response. He just stared out the window... "Woosh," he quietly mused, imitating the wind outside.
Jaina looked up a second time at the wind sound he made. Now she was curious. He stares her down making her think she was gonna get hexed by him. Then he invites her over and does nothing but nod. She closed her book and placed it into her blue messenger bag and removed a small drawstring bag. She opened it and streched her hand with the bag in it across to him. "Lemondrop?" She waited for him to take one or shun her. She could now care less either way, but she was determined now to not be intimidated and to find out why he asked her over.
The first runes question of course she had this one down. "Well the alphabet we use today is derived from the runes alphabet from the past. There are many runes and they all have spirtual meanings." she anwsered
Alice hoped all her research would pay off this lesson, slowly she raised her hand. "Erm, i read somewhere that in Scandinavia Elder Futhark was simplified and became known as Younger Futhark. Man, that sounded really boring now she had said it! She just hoped it was right.
Neptune fingered at her book, only sort of flipping the cover up a bit. Why give them books if they couldn't open them? Give the books WHEN they could open them, otherwise, as point in case as Neptune's thoughts wandered, it was a distraction.
A welcome distraction, but distraction all the same.
Flip close. Flip close.
Finally, she put her hand up. "You can seek advice from Runes, I guess. They've never told me anything particularly useful though." Shrug.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: Evelyn
Originally Posted by Roselyn
It depended on what it was?
Well she supposed that was a good question to her question and should be thought about, but it still irritated her that she had gotten a question for an answer. No matter though! Sierra brought up a good point. "No." she replied simply, leaning against the table and letting her head rest against the palm of her hand.
Yes, it actually was something that could be left out to rust, but that just, took too long. "Do you know of any faster way then...rust?" Heck, Evelyn would come up with an idea, but she was just too darn tired at the moment. Besides, she needed to keep all the energy she could for the class.
Just as Sierra was about to open her mouth to reply to Evelyn, the music died down, almost like it was introducing the start of a theatrical play, and Sierra automatically turned her attention to the professor. Class was starting, so she guessed she and Evelyn would have to finish their conversation about destroying metal later.
Text Cut: Truebridge
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
The music went a little quieter so that it was only a bit of background. The board stopped writing on itself in anticipation.
""Ancient Runes. I've heard many people in my life call the subject 'boring' or 'useless'. As with any subject however, it is one that you will get as much out of as what you put in." Truebridge looked around.
"You each have a textbook in front of you on the table." He flicked his hand and from the shelf came a textbook which duplicated itself dozens of times over.
"Don't open them." No really, don't. "Before we get to that point, perhaps you would each raise your hand and tell the class something you know about Runes, and if you don't know anything, please share your opinion on whether or not you think Runes are a useful subject so that I know who needs convincing."[/color][/font]
Sierra eyed her Ancient Runes textbook, wanting so badly to open it up, thumb through a few of the pages, and find a suitable answer to the professor's question. Instead, she had nothing. Absolutely nothing. As more and more students answered, though, her facial expression--she imagined--just morphed into a true picture of horror.
The only thing she could come up with about Runes was that they were--well, ancient. That was likely not what the professor was looking for, though.
Hesitantly raising her hand, she said, "Well, since I'm only a first year, I haven't had that much experience with Runes. I'm guessing they're pretty important, or else there wouldn't be a whole class here at Hogwarts dedicated to them," she said. Something else. She needed something else.
As she listened to some Ravenclaw boy (Jimmy) tell the three main uses for Runes, she near about gave up in trying to answer. There was no way she could come up with something like that. Deciding to try and add to what the boy had just said, she continued with, "Listening to what some of the others have said, I'm guessing they're a good guide to use for our future?" That was a half-question, half-statement on her part.
...and probably the best she'd be able to come up with for now.
Heather listened as the class was presented. She was very excited about the subject. I hope I'm alright in this class." Heather sighed to herself as she put her hand up in the air.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Text Cut: Mia
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
If her eyebrow went up any higher it was going to shoot right off her forehead. Mia had no idea what Sal's problem was because they had not had their talk yet but really what was so hard in saying hello?
"Hello Sal." She replied with a lot more entusiasm than he was showing her.
But Mia's face brightened immediately when she heard Finn's voice and she turned to look at her friend. "Hey Finn!! I'm glad you came to sit with us." She loved messing around with her friend and since her other friend was giving her the cold shoulder she was going to need him here.
When Sal spoke to Finn, Mia felt her jaw drop and her lip wibbled a little. So obviously he was still angry about that. "Sal..." she began slowly not really knowing what to say to him and figuring that class was not really the time to get into it. "I'm sorry. Okay?"
I'm sorry he seems to be hearing that a lot lately. He started to shift his head towards the Hufflepuff as the music began to quiet down "Later Mia I....." but then Truebrdige started to speak.
Text Cut: Truebridge
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
Truebridge absorbed all this calmly.
"Hello Salander."
The music went a little quieter so that it was only a bit of background. The board stopped writing on itself in anticipation.
""Ancient Runes. I've heard many people in my life call the subject 'boring' or 'useless'. As with any subject however, it is one that you will get as much out of as what you put in." Truebridge looked around.
"You each have a textbook in front of you on the table." He flicked his hand and from the shelf came a textbook which duplicated itself dozens of times over.
"Don't open them." No really, don't. "Before we get to that point, perhaps you would each raise your hand and tell the class something you know about Runes, and if you don't know anything, please share your opinion on whether or not you think Runes are a useful subject so that I know who needs convincing."
Did he just ask if Runes were usefull? "Sure they're useful Mr Truebridge sir" Salander replied "When the Whomping Willow goes all tantrum-y just feed it a Rune! And it'll go back being all nice and quiet and happy--untill the next feeding. It particularly likes them Jera runes sir I know." the lad nodded firmly. Yup thats there's based on sound experience uhuh.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Caroline listened attentively. She raised her hand up high. " Runes is an alphabet and Symbols used for spells, Charms and divination. Each letter or symbol has a meaning. I don't think its a waste of time. I find to quite interesting, but very hard to read. They are useful if you can read them." She finished and nodded.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
It wasnt long before Draven noticed another person sit down beside him. To his delight it was his favorite lady,
"Hey baby! How are you?" he said nudging her and giving her a quick hug.
He was estatic that Tay was in the same class with him and he smiled at her.
Tay smiled and yawned slightly as she put down her book- "I'm good thank you, you?" she asked, before hearing what the Proffessor was playing- she smiled- "Oh, Les Miserables- I love that show" she said, remembering when her Dad had taken her to see it last year, that had been so good! She flipped open her old book to familiarise herself with a few things before the lesson started.
The Proffessor then started to talk so she listened- looking down at the new textbook on her desk.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Wow their table was getting rather crowded now wasn't it. So crowded in fact that there was no place for Jimmy to sit. Oh well, she would just move later when he came to class... or NOT.
Watching her boyfriend walk in and sit next to Lexi all she could do was GLARE in that direction.
Really? Of all the places he could have sat in the room he chose to sit with HER! Why? Just... WHY?
Well there was NO way she was moving to sit next to him now. She would just stay where she was. Next to Sal and Finn.
Before she had too much time to glare and be mad though class had started. Right, class, that's what they were there for. To learn.
Hmm, something she knows about runes. Well, she could always tell the class they were a great way to spend more time with your boyfriend... you know, by having extra study sessions. Nah, she would keep that to herself. Looking through her notes from said study session she raised her hand. "The way you make the magic of the rune more powerful is by combining more than one rune together, in a string or in a ligature." That sounded like she knew what she was talking about... right?
Maybe those study sessions would pay off after all.
Tay smiled and yawned slightly as she put down her book- "I'm good thank you, you?" she asked, before hearing what the Proffessor was playing- she smiled- "Oh, Les Miserables- I love that show" she said, remembering when her Dad had taken her to see it last year, that had been so good! She flipped open her old book to familiarise herself with a few things before the lesson started.
"Im dong great, kind of really excited for this class" he said to her.
He looked around the room and saw it filling up fast. He couldnt believe how many students were in here. Draven continued to browse through the book and threw his earbuds in to play his ipod listening to music waiting for the professor to start the class. While he was sitting there he would occasionally nudge Tay playing around with her.
The music went a little quieter so that it was only a bit of background. The board stopped writing on itself in anticipation.
""Ancient Runes. I've heard many people in my life call the subject 'boring' or 'useless'. As with any subject however, it is one that you will get as much out of as what you put in." Truebridge looked around.
"You each have a textbook in front of you on the table." He flicked his hand and from the shelf came a textbook which duplicated itself dozens of times over.
"Don't open them." No really, don't. "Before we get to that point, perhaps you would each raise your hand and tell the class something you know about Runes, and if you don't know anything, please share your opinion on whether or not you think Runes are a useful subject so that I know who needs convincing."
Emily was nervous. She didn't know much about Runes. She made a mental note to go to the library to look them up.
She raised her hand.
"They can help prodict the future and hold secrets to the past as well."
She hoped she was getting her facts right
"Also... I read each rune can have 3 types of meaning? Magic, divination and... I carn't remember the other one." she blushed
"But yeah, they are very useful!"
The class began and the Professor started off the lecture, giving each of them a textbook. Tyler was still quite unsure what Ancient Runes was, but he certainly hoped it wouldn't be 'boring' like the Professor had made mention of in his little speech.
People began raising their hands and offering answers to his questions. Since Tyler wasn't sure what Runes were he couldn't really contribute anything. That being said, however, he began speaking anyway. His hand wasn't raised and he was gazing at a particular point in the wall - no where near the Professor. It was as if he, himself, wasn't even aware he was even talking, "Runes can be counted, I guess. If you have more than one Rune you can count that there are two Runes... or more, if there is more than two. Yes, Runes can be counted. That's quite awesome... very awesome," he gave off a sharp giggle, as if amused by this realisation.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Glancing away from Sierra, Evelyn turned her attention to Professor Truebridge as he started to speak to the class in general. Right, textbook, don't open...Hmm. Why though? It wasn't going to eat them was it? She heard there was a book that did that.
However, she was going to answer the question, but then everyone started to blurt stuff out! Pfft. Well she could do that too! "The Elder Futhark runes seem to be the oldest runes." Hmm, right? "...Of the runic alphabet that is."
raising his hand " michael white 2nd year hufflepuff ,there are a few different kind of runes but so far I have not found then to work well for me, that could be to my lack of understanding of them or just the fact the universe aint got much to say to me
"Jamie Smithson. First Year Slytherin. I know that runes are used for protection and I think that it's a useful subject to study," she said her hand high in the air.
Rowan Firestorm-Smithson l Jamie Smithson l Sisters Until The End
Whenever you need, you can call on me Cause you are my sister
Oh my sister You're my best friend
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
SPOILER!!: Bonnie
Originally Posted by LilyLunaGinnyPotter
Bonnie stopped for a second outside of the classroom and brushed down her black robes. She pulled back her hair into a messy knot and pushed open the door to the classroom. Her bag hung over her shoulder and she looked around at the different tables. First off, say hey to the new teacher. ..Well, old teacher who came back.
She passed the desk and while doing so she flashed a smile at the professor and said, "Hey Professor, great to have you back!" And she quickly looked around at the tables again and saw an empty table except for one boy. A boy she reconised well from Diagon Alley. She grinned and headed over.
"Hey Sebastian." Bonnie chirped as she dropped her bag underneath the table and plopped down in the seat next to him. She flicked back her messy knot of white blond hair and leaned down under the table to get her quill, ink, parchment and Ancient Runes book. She took out the stuff one at a time and wrote at the top of the parchment with her quill; Ancient Runes Lesson 1.
Bonnie hummed along to the song playing on the gramaphone. She drew a little doodle on the side of her parchment and smiled warmly at Sebastian. "I've thought of a nickname for you. Sebsters. Whatcha think?" She grinned and pushed back a lock of hair behind her ear. "So, do liak Hoggy Warts so far?" Crazed!Girl asked, opening her Ancient Runes book.
Sebastian looked over to see Bonnie. Oh great, this class was going to be even harder with her around. Blagh, oh well, might as well just focus. "Sebsters?" He chuckled. "Isn't that original." He stated, with a grin. Wow, he could have done better, but still at least it wasn't as bad as Crabcakes. Before he could answer her next question the music seemed to die down and the professor was starting the class. He gave a knowing look to Bonnie that they would catch up later after class.
Okay, so what he knew about Runes. Well Ancient Runes wasn't his best class and he wasn't great at memorizing what he had already learned about them. So he sat up straight in his seat, still a little nervous, trying to think about what he knew about Ancient Runes.
Beth sat, biting her lip and trying not to look as bad as she felt. She didn't have anything to say because she hadn't gotten around to reading anything about Ancient Runes and this was another lesson which wasn't taught to muggle children. She looked around the room, hoping to see someone looking as lost as she probably did.
Jaina raised her hand. "Jaina Maloney. First Year Hufflepuff. I don't know anything about Runes except that the writing on them is from the time of the Vikings." She hoped that was good enough.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
was missed *frown*
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Before Kurumi could ask the counting boy what exactly he was counting, the new Ancient Runes professor began class. Kurumi spread her parchment out and got her quill ready for any note taking.
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
The music went a little quieter so that it was only a bit of background. The board stopped writing on itself in anticipation.
""Ancient Runes. I've heard many people in my life call the subject 'boring' or 'useless'. As with any subject however, it is one that you will get as much out of as what you put in." Truebridge looked around.
"You each have a textbook in front of you on the table." He flicked his hand and from the shelf came a textbook which duplicated itself dozens of times over.
"Don't open them." No really, don't. "Before we get to that point, perhaps you would each raise your hand and tell the class something you know about Runes, and if you don't know anything, please share your opinion on whether or not you think Runes are a useful subject so that I know who needs convincing."
Oh, oops, she already had hers open. Kurumi quickly shut it and set it to the side to resist the temptation of doing so again. Kurumi pondered the professor's question for awhile and listened to her classmate's responses before she shot her hand up.
"Professor, Kurumi Hollingberry, second year, Gryffindor," Kurumi began. Wow, no stuttering today! "I do not believe that the study of ancient runes is a boring subject. First, they provide us insight into the language that was used before the development of the adoption of the Latin alphabet. Also, in knowing what a rune represents, we also gain insights into what society was like when that rune was created. For example, if there were no rune for say, protection, then we would know that the past was very peaceful and those people did not feel the need for it. Also, someone previously mentioned the Quileute tribe runes. Their runes not only did what I just mentioned, but they also provided insight as to how the tribe sees themselves and what the tribe represents as a people."
Kurumi paused for a moment. Ancient Runes as a way to see into the past was certainly something that fascinated her. Anything that provided further analysis was always fascinating. "For us, I think runes can help enhance our magical abilities when it fails us," she finished remembering the epic pillow fight last term. "Not to mention they can also be linked to Divination." But Kurumi wasn't going to go into that.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 01-10-2011 at 10:00 PM.
Reason: adding her introducing herself
Furthermore, They are also used for divinitory reading and to crate magical Spells.
JP lowered his had. There was more he knew but he thought he would let others answer as well