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First lesson since his most recent return to Hogwarts and Ethan Truebridge was sitting at his desk in the front of the classroom, a magical gramophone sat on his desk, the soundtrack of Les Misérables playing quietly.
The blackboard was apparently 'singing' along, as the words were sung on the record, in runic the translations appeared on the board and then disappeared again moments later.
Truebridge ignored it and kept his hazel-green eyes on the door, watching as the students began to file in.
"Sit wherever you like. Four to six people at each table if you please."
SPOILER!!: classroom description
The classroom is bright and airy, very clean and comfortable. There are no desks in this classroom, rather there are several wooden tables which would fit between four and six students quite comfortably. The tables are arranged rather higgledy piggledy, all out of alignment with each other and yet there is plenty of room to weave through the tables and walk up to the front of the classroom, or down to the back.
The front of the classroom has a large blackboard, charmed to write on itself,and when it isn't taking notes it quite often it has something to say, though you'll need to transcribe it from runic to English to make any sense of it. Truebridge also has a desk at the front of the class, set to one side, and a perfect view of all the tables arranged haphazardly around the room.
At the back of the classroom, set to one side, there is the door out into the corridor. Along the back wall there is a large bookshelf almost overflowing with books, mostly old, all very well taken care of. You're welcome to look at any of these books but if any harm befalls the tomes, there will be a severe price to pay. A long and comfortable couch takes up the rest of the back wall.
The windows along the remaining side, opposite the door and Truebridge's desk have soft white curtains that are almost transparent. When pulled they simply diffuse the light and ensure it is not too bright, allowing the room to stay bright and lit at all times. The window frames are the most interesting, if you go and inspect them, all of the exposed wood has been painstakingly carved with runes, mostly bindrunes and rune charms, set in ligature and carved then stained red. These have all been activated and almost thrum under your fingertips. No cold will pass these windows, no student will fall to their deaths. It is a barrier of safety and of comfort, and a good example of runic magic. The door into the classroom is similarly marked.
ooc note: Please note that class has finished. The thread will be open for a short time longer to allow everyone to complete the last task. Please read the following posts to catch up with the lesson, or the latest one if you wish to jump in on the current activity/question. Not all of Truebridge's posts are included here, just those relevant to the progression of the lesson.
"Umm, just something about me almost slipping a guy I had a crush on love potion. But I didn't know it was love potion or what it would do. His stupid brother just told me it would help him find his feelings and voice them and that Derian would like it." She rolled her eyes. "So now Derian is mad at me and I'm mad at his brother Rafe and I'm out of friends, with the exception of Nika."
Heather looked back over to the boy. "I hope he gets better, he's not going to survive in this school if he doesn't man up."
Whatever Bennet expected the drama to be about, it wasn't that. Love potion? And all those names? Following along as best he could, considering he didn't know any of these people she referenced, he asked, "How long have you and Derian been friends?"
Whatever Bennet expected the drama to be about, it wasn't that. Love potion? And all those names? Following along as best he could, considering he didn't know any of these people she referenced, he asked, "How long have you and Derian been friends?"
"Since I got here, practically. He was the, very technically, second guy who ever treated me like a human being." She answered simply.
"Don't look so worried." Heather said smiling. "I just read that from the book, and I'm obsessed with things like this so I have a bit of a head start. If you need a tutor or something I'd be happy to help?" She asked warmly.
Rox must have looked really shocked, but after Heathers offering, she realxed a bit. "Oh, okay. I thought I really had missed much. That would be nice. If you're really that obsessed I think I might need your help sometimes", Rox laughed. "Well, let's see what your homework will be. I hope that it's not that much."
Thankfully the conversation about his mental stability between the older boy and the touchy-feely girl was too quiet for Tyler to hear, otherwise he'd likely be counting more rapidly than he was the now. However, the girl who was counting with him had calmed him down considerably, so much so that... well, he actually stopped tapping. "Forty-eight, forty-nine..." and that was that, he stopped. His nerves had settled and not even the enchanted blackboard made him nervous anymore.
He simply sat in silence, staring at one spot on the wall, waiting for the class to eventually start. Although his inner zen was short-lived when a girl collided with the back of his chair, causing her to fall and for Tyler's chair to be twisted slightly, all in rapid succession.
He began shaking, after being thrown off guard again. He simply stared at the girl, he didn't shout, he didn't scream, he did nothing. Just stared. The girl stuttered her apologies before heading to a nearby table to read. Ty continued to stare at her though. She seemed terrified, which interested him. It very much reminded him of what he looked like in Muggle primary schools when one of his bullies decided to introduce him to their fists.
When she looked up once from her book, he merely raised his hand and pointed at an empty seat at their table. That was all. He didn't even speak to offer her the chair. She would either realise what he was insinuating or she would remain at her table by herself. Either way, he didn't much concern himself with it.
Jaina saw him point to the chair. Oh, no. she thought. My first class and I'm gonna get hexed. She didn't want to anger him further so she scooped up her things and sat across from him. "I-I r-really am sorry." she stuttered out in a small whisper. She looked as if she was going to start crying. She picked up her copy of Much Ado About Nothing and began to read again. She peered once more over her book to see if it was safe.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by ClaireBlack
Claire rushed in behind Emily and took the spare seat beside her....
"We're on time!!!" she said excitedly as she followed Emily's lead and took out her quil and parchment.
"Yeah, glad we made it" replied Emily smiling at her friend Claire. "I can't wait to earn us some house points!" she squealed excitedly. "Oh Claire you will LOVE Ancient Runes, its fascinating!" she said pulling out her text book and putting it down between them. Emily could tell Claire was a bit nervous, after all it was only her first year- she'd get used to it soon enough.
"Since I got here, practically. He was the, very technically, second guy who ever treated me like a human being." She answered simply.
"These things have a way of working themselves out. I'd bet that once the initial shock of the situation fades, you two will be able to talk it out and patch things up." Bennet hoped he sounded encouraging and not condescending. He didn't want to sound preachy.
Changing the subject to something a bit more light, Bennet asked, "So, what do you think of this music that Professor Truebridge has got going on?"
"Yeah, glad we made it" replied Emily smiling at her friend Claire. "I can't wait to earn us some house points!" she squealed excitedly. "Oh Claire you will LOVE Ancient Runes, its fascinating!" she said pulling out her text book and putting it down between them. Emily could tell Claire was a bit nervous, after all it was only her first year- she'd get used to it soon enough.
Claire looked at Emily apprehensively. "I hope your right" she said as she looked around the room, the board was writing odd shaped symbols on its self. Claire had no idea what is said...
"Hope I'm a fast learner", she whispered.
Sierra would have long ago considered just turning around and walking right back to the Common Room had it not been for the fact that she'd just seen Salamander, Marie, and Evelyn walk through the classroom door. There had been others enter that she'd seen around, too, but she hadn't been introduced to them just yet.
...but she had heard horror stories about Ancient Runes. All from her older sister, of course, which very well could be due to the fact that Anna was terrible at Ancient Runes. Or so she claimed to be, at least. She'd taught Sierra absolutely nothing about the subject, and so the first year was now pretty much about to walk into the classroom blindfolded.
Maybe if she just sat in the back or near a lot of taller students, she'd go unnoticed and could just listen the entire time. That sounded like a good idea to her, so with some sort of hope, she opened the door to the classroom and stepped inside. A song about castles on a cloud streamed beautifully throughout the room, and for a minute, Sierra almost forgot about how uncertain she really was. "Hello, Professor," she said, greeting the man she was sure everyone but herself already knew. Although she'd heard he was new to his current position, it seemed almost everyone she'd talked to had been in a classroom with him at some point and time before.
She bee-lined to a table where her Slytherin friends, as well as a few others she'd seen around, sat talking amongst themselves. She smiled at a few of them before pulling out a chair and joining them. They all looked tall enough for her to blend into. She wasn't going to read a book, though, as she saw a few others doing. Merlin, she'd be lucky to translate a title in Ancient Runes, much less a whole page!
Zoe walked into the classroom excitedly. Her first class! It was Ancient Runes, mind you, but STILL! She clutched her textbook to her chest and looked around the room for people she recognized. She saw a girl who looked familiar sitting at a table with a few other Slytherins. She searched her brain to remember where she had seen her.
Hmm.. OH yeah! The Pygmy Puff Corner! She sat down in a free seat next to her and swung her beige messenger back over the chair. "Hey, Sierra! Mind if I sit here?" she asked, flashing her a smile. She hoped that Sierra remembered her!
Still trying to wake up, Ethan tried to focus on something - anything! - remotely interesting. His eyes fell on a young boy, intently tapping his fingers and counting along with each tap. The behavior struck the sixth year as slightly odd, but as he watched he began to zone out even further. The counting had a sedative effect on Ethan, much like counting sheep, and his eyelids grew heavier still until they closed completely.
The sudden appearance of another at his table startled the boy awake, however, and he quickly sat upright, combing his fingers through his hair trying to nonchalantly regain his composure. Noticing that the other person was female - and a rather attractive one at that, Ethan gave the girl a small, crooked smile and brief nod. "Hey, how's it going?" he added, as he resumed his casual lean back in his chair, followed by another yawn that he quickly covered with his hand. Oops, still tired.
Dozer paused at the door long enough to assess who was already here and who wasn't. The room was filling up pretty quickly but he could tell he was by no means a late arrival. A familiar head of hair had him grinning so he angled toward the table and sat down.
"Still half asleep I see. Rough night brother?" He took out his notebook marked Ancient Runes and a quill and a full new bottle of ink. Dozer was totally ready for classes this year. Those tests weren't gonna know what hit them.
Then he noticed there was a girl seated at the table. Dozer gave her a polite nod. "Morning."
Joey went into the class room and took out her book and waited for her freinds to come greet her.She only knew half the people in the class because last term she didnt take it.
Chris strolled away from the girl with the book, who was obviously too absorbed in whatever she was reading to notice her. She stared akwardly around the room, looking for any sign of a familiar face. The girl who had given Derian the love potion (Heather, or something?) was there, but no one else remotely familiar, so she resigned to sit in the back. Alone.
Rafe sprinted to the classroom. He wasn't about to miss the first lesson. He was really determined to balance school work and Quidditch. This was O.W.L. year after all and as much as he thought classes were useless and he was set in his way, he thought it was best to lead by example and attend class. Runes wasn't his best subject either, but he'd just have to make due. "Good day to you Professor Truebridge," Rafe said as he entered the room before taking a seat near the back. Hmm...four to six people per table...well, there was no one where he was sitting, but hopefully that would change. He was still feeling a bit awkward after being gone for a year.
This is how I roll, animal print pants out control.
This is how I roll, come on ladies it's time to go!
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Just placing her quill down on the table next to her brand new notebook...when she heard a movement near them. Meh, movement. That meant SOMEONE was near them which meant...
Well Evelyn was just in a grumpy mood.
However, noticing it was Sierra, the Slytherin's expression became a little less glare-y and a little more...not glare-y. Sierra was an acceptable person. "Hi." Mmhmm, there may have even been a small smile with that greeting. Who knows though! It was gone faster than someone could blink. "You don't by any chance happen to know a good way to destroy metal do you?"
Obviously, she said this quietly considering a certain Slytherin She-Snake who owned a certain metal object entered the classroom... yet surprisingly sat not with them, but with a certain Gryffindor. What in the world?
"Hey," Sierra said, her voice also rather quiet. Although, she guessed she had other reasons for being quiet than Evelyn did. She didn't imagine Evelyn had the need for blending into a crowd of students to escape answering an Ancient Runes question. A fifth year, undoubtedly, wasn't as clueless as Sierra imagined herself to be.
First question of the class, and it came from a student rather than the professor. At least Evelyn didn't ask her to reply in Ancient Runes or something. "Hmm, well, I guess it depends on what it is," she continued, just as quietly as before. "Is it something you can just get wet then leave out to rust?" Rusted objects usually crumbled to pieces after a while.
Originally Posted by cookiesncupcakes
Zoe walked into the classroom excitedly. Her first class! It was Ancient Runes, mind you, but STILL! She clutched her textbook to her chest and looked around the room for people she recognized. She saw a girl who looked familiar sitting at a table with a few other Slytherins. She searched her brain to remember where she had seen her.
Hmm.. OH yeah! The Pygmy Puff Corner! She sat down in a free seat next to her and swung her beige messenger back over the chair. "Hey, Sierra! Mind if I sit here?" she asked, flashing her a smile. She hoped that Sierra remembered her!
Sierra's attention was momentarily drawn away from the conversation about destroying metal when she heard someone call her name. Eep! So much for blending in with the others at the table, huh?! Not that Sierra was hiding from other students, no--not at all! Especially not other Slytherin students. She was, of course, still trying to avoid possibly humiliating herself in front of all of Hogwarts by being asked an Ancient Runes question she had no idea how to answer.
Nevertheless, she flashed the girl a smile of her own in return. She did remember her from somewhere; but with memories and thoughts of Diagon Alley, the Hogwarts Express, the opening feast, and the now the whole school all being mashed together in her brain, she couldn't exactly remember where she'd seen her. "Hey," she greeted again, this time to Zoe. "Go right on ahead." She started to motion toward an empty chair at the table, but when she glanced around, she noticed that there actually weren't any empty chairs at their table. There were six chairs and six people, herself being the last to sit down. "Oh, I guess not then," she added, giving her fellow first year Slytherin an apologetic look. "There's a table just behind me with an empty chair, though," she said, nodding once toward it.
OOC: Sorry about that! The first post says four - six at each table, and I just realized Sierra was the sixth to sit down.
Last edited by Anna Banana; 01-10-2011 at 08:27 PM.
Drawing her attention back from the rest of the room Cassie finally really looked at the person she was sitting at the table with. Her eyebrow raised as she watched the boy move from being almost asleep to seemingly wide awake. Well that was interesting. She smiled at him however and rest her chin in the middle of her palm as she quickly looked him over. Hmm not bad looking and he was wearing a RavenClaw tie which meant that supposedly he was smart.
Her eyes followed him as he raked through his hair with his fingers. Rawr." hey, I'm good and awake. You however seem to be half asleep." She said referring to that yawn that he had tried to cover up." Cassie Storm. How are you?" she offered him her hand.
Ethan's crooked grin turned to a low chuckle as the girl mentioned her awake status. He'd guessed it was fairly obvious how tired he was. "Yeah, I'm pretty tired," he agreed. "You're not?" he asked as he mocked a slight frown. "How do you manage to be so wide awake so early in the day?"
The 16 year old quickly glanced up at the front of the room - no, class wasn't starting yet - before he looked back at the girl next to him. Smiling, he nodded. "Good to meet you Cassie," he said, accepting her offered hand. "I'm Ethan Flint... and I'm fine, other than wishing my head was back on my pillow... and the fact that Ancient Runes isn't exactly my favorite class." He added this last part in a very low whisper as he leaned closer to Cassie, so only the girl next to him would hear. Ancient Runes was an absolute snore which certainly wasn't helped by the fact that he was already this close to dreamland as it was.
Originally Posted by Riverlynn
Dozer paused at the door long enough to assess who was already here and who wasn't. The room was filling up pretty quickly but he could tell he was by no means a late arrival. A familiar head of hair had him grinning so he angled toward the table and sat down.
"Still half asleep I see. Rough night brother?" He took out his notebook marked Ancient Runes and a quill and a full new bottle of ink. Dozer was totally ready for classes this year. Those tests weren't gonna know what hit them.
Then he noticed there was a girl seated at the table. Dozer gave her a polite nod. "Morning."
Ethan glanced up just as another yawn was threatening to escape and saw a familiar face appear at his table. "So there you are," he said, trying to smile but instead lifting his hand to cover the yawn he was unable to stifle. He shrugged slightly. How was everyone so awake at this hour - Cassie, Dozer, the counting boy, everyone else in the room, he noticed as he looked around. Sure, he figured the professor would be wide-awake - didn't most old people get up before the sun? - but Ethan was a definite night owl and figured at least someone else would be. He shrugged once more before turning his eyes back to his brother as he watched him take out his supplies. "Prepared, are we?" he commented as he let his eyes rest on his own messenger bag. Maybe he should take out his own supplies... nah, that could wait a minute. Too much effort right now.
Ethan looked back over at Cassie as Dozer seemed to notice her. "This is Cassie," he informed his half-brother. Turning back to the girl, he nodded towards the boy at their table, "My brother, Dozer."
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Rafe sprinted to the classroom. He wasn't about to miss the first lesson. He was really determined to balance school work and Quidditch. This was O.W.L. year after all and as much as he thought classes were useless and he was set in his way, he thought it was best to lead by example and attend class. Runes wasn't his best subject either, but he'd just have to make due. "Good day to you Professor Truebridge," Rafe said as he entered the room before taking a seat near the back. Hmm...four to six people per table...well, there was no one where he was sitting, but hopefully that would change. He was still feeling a bit awkward after being gone for a year.
Rafe? Well, not exactly who Chris had been hoping for, but it was still someone to sit with. She really needed to apologize for being rude anyway. No matter how angry he could manage to make her, she at least needed to be civil. "Sorry about yesterday on the pitch... I never doubted your flying skills, only your teaching methods. Siblings are usually horrible teachers," she said as she walked over to him. "So... have you played Quidditch for long?"
Rafe? Well, not exactly who Chris had been hoping for, but it was still someone to sit with. She really needed to apologize for being rude anyway. No matter how angry he could manage to make her, she at least needed to be civil. "Sorry about yesterday on the pitch... I never doubted your flying skills, only your teaching methods. Siblings are usually horrible teachers," she said as she walked over to him. "So... have you played Quidditch for long?"
Rafe was quite surprised to see someone actually sit next to him, and one of Derian's girls no less. "There's no need to apologize, I'm just..."a little protective of Derian, was his first thought, but he wasn't about to say it, "...don't want to be embarassed by my brother's lack of flying skills." What was wrong with his teaching methods? "I just think that one should discover how to do things on their own with some supervision, that's what makes a great flyer and a great way of discovering new moves. I mean look at Derian, I suggest a way for him to turn back over and he found his own method of doing things."
Rafe kept an eye on the professor. He knew professor's didn't like chatter, but he was trying to keep his voice down as much as possible. "I've been flying since I was one and I've been on the Gryffindor Quidditch team three years in a row as Keeper...so yes you could say I've played Quidditch for awhile now."
This is how I roll, animal print pants out control.
This is how I roll, come on ladies it's time to go!
Rafe was quite surprised to see someone actually sit next to him, and one of Derian's girls no less. "There's no need to apologize, I'm just..."a little protective of Derian, was his first thought, but he wasn't about to say it, "...don't want to be embarassed by my brother's lack of flying skills." What was wrong with his teaching methods? "I just think that one should discover how to do things on their own with some supervision, that's what makes a great flyer and a great way of discovering new moves. I mean look at Derian, I suggest a way for him to turn back over and he found his own method of doing things."
Rafe kept an eye on the professor. He knew professor's didn't like chatter, but he was trying to keep his voice down as much as possible. "I've been flying since I was one and I've been on the Gryffindor Quidditch team three years in a row as Keeper...so yes you could say I've played Quidditch for awhile now."
Chris caught on to his whisper and kept her voice down as well. "Well, people kind of need to know how to not die if they want to learn to fly. So you're a born-to-fly kid? Same here. I play a bit of everything. Chaser and Seeker are my favorite positions though. You get to really test your speed," she whispered, feeling a little like she was rambling.
Iris made her way to the Ancient Runes classroom, somewhat enthusiastically. Sneaking in, Iris smiled and nodded at the man at the front of the class. "Hullo, Professor Truebridge...." She stopped and listened to the music that was playing through the room. "... Nice choice of music." She added, with a small smirk. Not her favourite musical... but it was up there.
Looking around the busy class, Iris sighed and sat down on the emptiest table she could find, and smiled at who ever was sat at the table. Wow... there was lots of chatter going on. Why wasn't Truebridge asking them all to hush up? *frown*
Satine hurried into the room and glanced around at the tables trying to find a seat. She looked for familiar faces and saw one instantly. Before heading that way she waved at the Professor, "Howzit Professor Truebridge...I hope you had a great break!"
Iris made her way to the Ancient Runes classroom, somewhat enthusiastically. Sneaking in, Iris smiled and nodded at the man at the front of the class. "Hullo, Professor Truebridge...." She stopped and listened to the music that was playing through the room. "... Nice choice of music." She added, with a small smirk. Not her favourite musical... but it was up there.
Looking around the busy class, Iris sighed and sat down on the emptiest table she could find, and smiled at who ever was sat at the table. Wow... there was lots of chatter going on. Why wasn't Truebridge asking them all to hush up? *frown*
She clicked over to the table that Iris was at and sat down smiling at the singing board. That was a pretty cool charm. She wondered if the Choir used something similar to learn words to their songs.
She reached down and grabbed out her book, purple quill and some parchment for notes and began doodling on the parchment as she twirled a bright purple curl in her left hand.
She talked very softly and quickly knowing that you weren't supposed to have too much conversation before a class, "Howzit my fave and prettiest Slythie named Iris." she said with a smile.
Kim sat at in his curious as to what they were going to do to start term off. He was very excited and so he took his quill and some parchment read he then took out his wand and quickly charmed his quill so that it would take notes for him so that he could read along with the professor. He opened his textbook and put a quill ready into his hand so that he could make sure he underline any thing the professor wanted them to take note of or study. Kim had already fully memorized the scripture numbers 0-9 of basic studies of Ancient Runes he thought it might help doing this to prepare him.
Rene walked calmly into the Runes classroom. "Hello, Professor Truebridge. How are you today?". She took her seat next to her favorite person at Hogwarts, Rex Trigwell. "Hey Rex, nervous about our first class of our last term?" She asked, placing her bag on the back of the chair and pulling out her book, parchment and quills.
Originally Posted by gothicravenclaw
Joey went into the class room and took out her book and waited for her freinds to come greet her.She only knew half the people in the class because last term she didnt take it.
She noticed joey sitting at a nearby table. "Hey Joey, how have you been? I haven't seen you around in awhile." She said as she motioned her to come and sit at thier table with her and Rex.
Chris caught on to his whisper and kept her voice down as well. "Well, people kind of need to know how to not die if they want to learn to fly. So you're a born-to-fly kid? Same here. I play a bit of everything. Chaser and Seeker are my favorite positions though. You get to really test your speed," she whispered, feeling a little like she was rambling.
Witsy heard something about chaser and speed and whipped around her chair. She turned to look at Jacqueline but she couldn't help but wonder about the conversation. She looked back around, "Um excuse me but I couldn't help but here something about chasers and flying, you wouldn't be talking about Quidditch were you?" Witsy was hoping they were cuz all she can think about were the tryouts. She was wondering if she was trying out as well. "I'm Wisteria Hartly," she kind of said loudly thinking the music wasn't gonna drop as low as it did, she looked around in *woops* and smiled back in her direction.
Caroline walked into the Ancient Runes classroom and found a table in the middle of the room that no one was emtpy. As she walked by the teachers desk "Good morning, Professor" She said brightly. She sat down at the table and pull her book out of her bag. She took out a pen and paper as well and sat them beside her book. She sat patiently for class to begin.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi
Originally Posted by Lezleighd
Satine hurried into the room and glanced around at the tables trying to find a seat. She looked for familiar faces and saw one instantly. Before heading that way she waved at the Professor, "Howzit Professor Truebridge...I hope you had a great break!"
She clicked over to the table that Iris was at and sat down smiling at the singing board. That was a pretty cool charm. She wondered if the Choir used something similar to learn words to their songs.
She reached down and grabbed out her book, purple quill and some parchment for notes and began doodling on the parchment as she twirled a bright purple curl in her left hand.
She talked very softly and quickly knowing that you weren't supposed to have too much conversation before a class, "Howzit my fave and prettiest Slythie named Iris." she said with a smile.
Iris looked up from her school bag, quill hin her hand when someone sat down next to her and begun to get their things out. The prefect grinned as she saw all of the purple.
The girl took her notepad out of her bag, then dropped it on the floor, kicking it under the table. She then looked at her friend, grinning at the comment she made. "I'm good..." Holding her hand up for a high five, Iris smiled back at Satine. Then she looked to the front of the class, eyeing any of the noisy kids with a glare.
Kay walked into the Ancient Runes class room and heard the music. It was nice and she nodded thinking she liked it. Looking around the room she saw alot of people she knew but wouldnt sit with. Like there was Marie. That wouldnt work. Smiling at the Professor she walked down to the tables. "Hello Professor Truebridge, How are you?" She asked with a smile. "The music is great. La Miserables, right?" She asked putting her stuff down and turning to Rex.
"HI Rex, can I sit here?" Kay asked pulling out her Rubes book and started to read.
" Sure you can sit here with me" Rex told Kay. "Ready for class?" Rex asked Kay.
Originally Posted by alohomora♥
Jacqueline walked in the classroom. The first class in her second year..... She rushed to the seat,somewhere in the front. She put her books on the table very quickly and said : ''Good morning, Professor!'' and smiled. Hmm new books always smell good. And all that positive energy that has been there really made her feel hyper and suprisingly excited. Ready for Ancient Runes!!!!!!
" Jacqueline, how are you doing?" Rex asked her. " Ready for class?" Rex asked Jacqueline.
Originally Posted by lilithpotter
Rene walked calmly into the Runes classroom. "Hello, Professor Truebridge. How are you today?". She took her seat next to her favorite person at Hogwarts, Rex Trigwell. "Hey Rex, nervous about our first class of our last term?" She asked, placing her bag on the back of the chair and pulling out her book, parchment and quills.
" No not nervous at all" Rex told Rene." Are you ready for the class?" Rex asked Rene.