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First lesson since his most recent return to Hogwarts and Ethan Truebridge was sitting at his desk in the front of the classroom, a magical gramophone sat on his desk, the soundtrack of Les Misérables playing quietly.
The blackboard was apparently 'singing' along, as the words were sung on the record, in runic the translations appeared on the board and then disappeared again moments later.
Truebridge ignored it and kept his hazel-green eyes on the door, watching as the students began to file in.
"Sit wherever you like. Four to six people at each table if you please."
SPOILER!!: classroom description
The classroom is bright and airy, very clean and comfortable. There are no desks in this classroom, rather there are several wooden tables which would fit between four and six students quite comfortably. The tables are arranged rather higgledy piggledy, all out of alignment with each other and yet there is plenty of room to weave through the tables and walk up to the front of the classroom, or down to the back.
The front of the classroom has a large blackboard, charmed to write on itself,and when it isn't taking notes it quite often it has something to say, though you'll need to transcribe it from runic to English to make any sense of it. Truebridge also has a desk at the front of the class, set to one side, and a perfect view of all the tables arranged haphazardly around the room.
At the back of the classroom, set to one side, there is the door out into the corridor. Along the back wall there is a large bookshelf almost overflowing with books, mostly old, all very well taken care of. You're welcome to look at any of these books but if any harm befalls the tomes, there will be a severe price to pay. A long and comfortable couch takes up the rest of the back wall.
The windows along the remaining side, opposite the door and Truebridge's desk have soft white curtains that are almost transparent. When pulled they simply diffuse the light and ensure it is not too bright, allowing the room to stay bright and lit at all times. The window frames are the most interesting, if you go and inspect them, all of the exposed wood has been painstakingly carved with runes, mostly bindrunes and rune charms, set in ligature and carved then stained red. These have all been activated and almost thrum under your fingertips. No cold will pass these windows, no student will fall to their deaths. It is a barrier of safety and of comfort, and a good example of runic magic. The door into the classroom is similarly marked.
ooc note: Please note that class has finished. The thread will be open for a short time longer to allow everyone to complete the last task. Please read the following posts to catch up with the lesson, or the latest one if you wish to jump in on the current activity/question. Not all of Truebridge's posts are included here, just those relevant to the progression of the lesson.
Taking over the world with Laura! | Doing everything Danish style.♥
Katelynn walked through the door into the classroom, and was overwhelmed with amazement; she didn't quite know how to describe the room - but it was definitely different from the other class rooms she had seen in her life. She walked along the bookshelf looking at all the different books..
Then she realised that she was here for a lesson!
Originally Posted by prettyme99
Helen came in to see only a few people here so she sat down on a middle table, and began to read one of the Ancient Runes Books that she got from Diagon Alley.
She spotted Helen, and walked towards her table. Well, they had spend an awful lot of time together.. Ah well, hopefully she didn't mind sitting with her?
"Hi Helen!" she said as she sat down with a big grin on her face.
Cassie strutted into the classroom nose in the air, in her well pressed hogwarts uniform. Yep she was ready for school and here she was at her first class, with professor Truebridge non the less. What a way to kick off the school term.
" good day professor." she greeted before walking past him to join the students at a table. Well this should be quite interesting. She looked around the class room and spotted a few familiar faces, name hotboy who seemed to be waiting for someone. Hmm
Still trying to wake up, Ethan tried to focus on something - anything! - remotely interesting. His eyes fell on a young boy, intently tapping his fingers and counting along with each tap. The behavior struck the sixth year as slightly odd, but as he watched he began to zone out even further. The counting had a sedative effect on Ethan, much like counting sheep, and his eyelids grew heavier still until they closed completely.
The sudden appearance of another at his table startled the boy awake, however, and he quickly sat upright, combing his fingers through his hair trying to nonchalantly regain his composure. Noticing that the other person was female - and a rather attractive one at that, Ethan gave the girl a small, crooked smile and brief nod. "Hey, how's it going?" he added, as he resumed his casual lean back in his chair, followed by another yawn that he quickly covered with his hand. Oops, still tired.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Roxana walked into the class room. "Good morning", she nearly whispered. A few students looked at her, but no one said a word. She never had any lesson ancient runes, so she was excited as hell. She didn't know how it was going to be and she sat down quietly. Rox wanted to give her best in this class. And that would just work, if she didn't talk much. After pulling out her things she stared at the board. So, let the class begin, she thought, smiling.
Roxana walked into the class room. "Good morning", she nearly whispered. A few students looked at her, but no one said a word. She never had any lesson ancient runes, so she was excited as hell. She didn't know how it was going to be and she sat down quietly. Rox wanted to give her best in this class. And that would just work, if she didn't talk much. After pulling out her things she stared at the board. So, let the class begin, she thought, smiling.
"Hey there." Heather whispered trying to get the girl's attention.
Table or area with Salamander, Evelyn, Marie, etc.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Sierra would have long ago considered just turning around and walking right back to the Common Room had it not been for the fact that she'd just seen Salamander, Marie, and Evelyn walk through the classroom door. There had been others enter that she'd seen around, too, but she hadn't been introduced to them just yet.
...but she had heard horror stories about Ancient Runes. All from her older sister, of course, which very well could be due to the fact that Anna was terrible at Ancient Runes. Or so she claimed to be, at least. She'd taught Sierra absolutely nothing about the subject, and so the first year was now pretty much about to walk into the classroom blindfolded.
Maybe if she just sat in the back or near a lot of taller students, she'd go unnoticed and could just listen the entire time. That sounded like a good idea to her, so with some sort of hope, she opened the door to the classroom and stepped inside. A song about castles on a cloud streamed beautifully throughout the room, and for a minute, Sierra almost forgot about how uncertain she really was. "Hello, Professor," she said, greeting the man she was sure everyone but herself already knew. Although she'd heard he was new to his current position, it seemed almost everyone she'd talked to had been in a classroom with him at some point and time before.
She bee-lined to a table where her Slytherin friends, as well as a few others she'd seen around, sat talking amongst themselves. She smiled at a few of them before pulling out a chair and joining them. They all looked tall enough for her to blend into. She wasn't going to read a book, though, as she saw a few others doing. Merlin, she'd be lucky to translate a title in Ancient Runes, much less a whole page!
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Originally Posted by emjay
Still trying to wake up, Ethan tried to focus on something - anything! - remotely interesting. His eyes fell on a young boy, intently tapping his fingers and counting along with each tap. The behavior struck the sixth year as slightly odd, but as he watched he began to zone out even further. The counting had a sedative effect on Ethan, much like counting sheep, and his eyelids grew heavier still until they closed completely.
The sudden appearance of another at his table startled the boy awake, however, and he quickly sat upright, combing his fingers through his hair trying to nonchalantly regain his composure. Noticing that the other person was female - and a rather attractive one at that, Ethan gave the girl a small, crooked smile and brief nod. "Hey, how's it going?" he added, as he resumed his casual lean back in his chair, followed by another yawn that he quickly covered with his hand. Oops, still tired.
Drawing her attention back from the rest of the room Cassie finally really looked at the person she was sitting at the table with. Her eyebrow raised as she watched the boy move from being almost asleep to seemingly wide awake. Well that was interesting. She smiled at him however and rest her chin in the middle of her palm as she quickly looked him over. Hmm not bad looking and he was wearing a RavenClaw tie which meant that supposedly he was smart.
Her eyes followed him as he raked through his hair with his fingers. Rawr.[B]" hey, I'm good and awake. You however seem to be half asleep." She said referring to that yawn that he had tried to cover up." Cassie Storm. How are you?" she offered him her hand.
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
"Hey there." Heather whispered trying to get the girl's attention.
Rox looked immediately at the girl which was talking to her. "Hi. I'm Rox, and you? Is that your first lesson, too?", she whispered while Professor Truebridge was talking in front of the class. The girl next to her looked nice.
Heather blushed. "I guess nothing just curious. I could use some friends after the day I had yesterday. Too much drama. Heather looked over at the boy who was seemingly having a nervous breakdown and the girl counting with him. "Is he stable... mentally?" She said half jokingly.
Bennet didn't want to pry or seem nosy, so instead of explicitly asking what happened yesterday, he inquired, "Do you want to talk about it? Ya know, about whatever happened yesterday?" Bennet was mildly curious about the 'drama' she referenced. Not in an edge-of-his-seat, can't-mind-his-own-business kind of way, but in a it-might-be-good-to-know-what-other-students-are-doing-around-this-place kind of way.
Following her line of vision to the Counting Boy, Bennet shrugged. "I think so. I'm hoping so, anyway. Probably just nerves. A really bad case, by the looks of it."
The second person who had talked to him began to get persistent. Her first mistake was touching him. His hand automatically raised to his shoulder and he began to massage the place where she had tapped him. He didn't like to be touched by strangers. And now she was talking to him some more. He wasn't quite sure what she was saying, he was concentrating on blocking her out.
But, her persistence continued to prevail and she ended up grabbing his hand and taking him away from the table... hadn't he said he was happy with his seat. As soon as she sat him down, he got straight back up, "Thank you for showing me your table... it's lovely, now I must get back to mine. I enjoy it there."
After he returned he began, yes you guessed it, counting, "One, two, three..."
"Eight, nine, ten..." but before he could continue onto eleven and so forth, someone else already seemed to be continuing for him. His fingers continued to tap as this new girl (not the other one that insisted on touching him) counted for him. It was strangely soothing having someone join in with him instead of trying to distract him, for once. He gave her a brief, awkward smile, before placing his attention back to his tapping.
Jaina entered into the classroom reading Much Ado About Nothing, her fave play by William Shakespeare. She heard the music coming from the front of the classroom and began to hum a bit. Not paying attention, she tripped over the back of a boy's chair and stumbled to the ground. She sat up and gathered her books that have been thrown from her blue messenger bag. *mumbling* "stupid feet not knowing where they're going. probably looked like an idiot just now..." She looked up and her blue eyes met his. She shrinked back a bit waiting for the hex. She had heard that the older kids do that and being unsure of which year he was, she was sure she was gonna get it. "Um, I-I'm r-really s-sorry." She whispered barely audible. "I-I'll j-just s-sit over th-there. P-please d-don't h-hex m-me. H-honest m-mistake." She scooped up everything and sat at a table by herself. She began reading her book again, but this time she glanced every so often at the boy hoping that he would be kind to her.
Rox looked immediately at the girl which was talking to her. "Hi. I'm Rox, and you? Is that your first lesson, too?", she whispered while Professor Truebridge was talking in front of the class. The girl next to her looked nice.
"Yep." Heather said quietly so as not to disturb anyone. "I'm a firstie."
Originally Posted by lemondrop13
Bennet didn't want to pry or seem nosy, so instead of explicitly asking what happened yesterday, he inquired, "Do you want to talk about it? Ya know, about whatever happened yesterday?" Bennet was mildly curious about the 'drama' she referenced. Not in an edge-of-his-seat, can't-mind-his-own-business kind of way, but in a it-might-be-good-to-know-what-other-students-are-doing-around-this-place kind of way.
Following her line of vision to the Counting Boy, Bennet shrugged. "I think so. I'm hoping so, anyway. Probably just nerves. A really bad case, by the looks of it."
"Umm, just something about me almost slipping a guy I had a crush on love potion. But I didn't know it was love potion or what it would do. His stupid brother just told me it would help him find his feelings and voice them and that Derian would like it." She rolled her eyes. "So now Derian is mad at me and I'm mad at his brother Rafe and I'm out of friends, with the exception of Nika."
Heather looked back over to the boy. "I hope he gets better, he's not going to survive in this school if he doesn't man up."
"Yep." Heather said quietly so as not to disturb anyone. "I'm a firstie."
"Ah, okay. So, let's find out what Ancient Runes is about", Rox siad quietly. "Did you learned anything for today?", she asked carefully. She never learned a thing for the first lesson, but everyone around her seemd so prepared, that she needed to ask.
"Ah, okay. So, let's find out what Ancient Runes is about", Rox siad quietly. "Did you learned anything for today?", she asked carefully. She never learned a thing for the first lesson, but everyone around her seemd so prepared, that she needed to ask.
"That these ruins can be traced back to the Anglo-Saxxon time period." Heather answered simply. "What about you? Feeling the ruin love yet?"
Cedric eventually found himself deliberately contemplating the whole classroom, in earnest search of a table to occupy. He saw Arya, Lexi, Mia, Sal, and Ivy with some other people he didn't know. Ced would love to sit with them. He had actually already blundered forward, was about to head to Arya and company's table, and then he saw Jake... sitting alone? Well... that was unexpected. Perhaps Jake would like to be alone? But still...
"Hey Jake." With that, the Hufflepuff prefect eased into the seat which was opposite his housemate and friend's.
"Hey," Jake responded simply, reading his book but still keeping one ear open, ready to hear anything interesting. He'd known it was Cedric straight away, of course.
When he heard some kind of problem, the girl who dragged another boy to her table, he looked up for a moment and raised an eyebrow. That was... rude.
Looking back at his textbook, Jake found it hard to focus again. It really wasn't as easy as he thought it'd be, reading with sunglasses on.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Bonnie stopped for a second outside of the classroom and brushed down her black robes. She pulled back her hair into a messy knot and pushed open the door to the classroom. Her bag hung over her shoulder and she looked around at the different tables. First off, say hey to the new teacher. ..Well, old teacher who came back.
She passed the desk and while doing so she flashed a smile at the professor and said, "Hey Professor, great to have you back!" And she quickly looked around at the tables again and saw an empty table except for one boy. A boy she reconised well from Diagon Alley. She grinned and headed over.
"Hey Sebastian." Bonnie chirped as she dropped her bag underneath the table and plopped down in the seat next to him. She flicked back her messy knot of white blond hair and leaned down under the table to get her quill, ink, parchment and Ancient Runes book. She took out the stuff one at a time and wrote at the top of the parchment with her quill; Ancient Runes Lesson 1.
Bonnie hummed along to the song playing on the gramaphone. She drew a little doodle on the side of her parchment and smiled warmly at Sebastian. "I've thought of a nickname for you. Sebsters. Whatcha think?" She grinned and pushed back a lock of hair behind her ear. "So, do liak Hoggy Warts so far?" Crazed!Girl asked, opening her Ancient Runes book.
Jaina entered into the classroom reading Much Ado About Nothing, her fave play by William Shakespeare. She heard the music coming from the front of the classroom and began to hum a bit. Not paying attention, she tripped over the back of a boy's chair and stumbled to the ground. She sat up and gathered her books that have been thrown from her blue messenger bag. *mumbling* "stupid feet not knowing where they're going. probably looked like an idiot just now..." She looked up and her blue eyes met his. She shrinked back a bit waiting for the hex. She had heard that the older kids do that and being unsure of which year he was, she was sure she was gonna get it. "Um, I-I'm r-really s-sorry." She whispered barely audible. "I-I'll j-just s-sit over th-there. P-please d-don't h-hex m-me. H-honest m-mistake." She scooped up everything and sat at a table by herself. She began reading her book again, but this time she glanced every so often at the boy hoping that he would be kind to her.
Thankfully the conversation about his mental stability between the older boy and the touchy-feely girl was too quiet for Tyler to hear, otherwise he'd likely be counting more rapidly than he was the now. However, the girl who was counting with him had calmed him down considerably, so much so that... well, he actually stopped tapping. "Forty-eight, forty-nine..." and that was that, he stopped. His nerves had settled and not even the enchanted blackboard made him nervous anymore.
He simply sat in silence, staring at one spot on the wall, waiting for the class to eventually start. Although his inner zen was short-lived when a girl collided with the back of his chair, causing her to fall and for Tyler's chair to be twisted slightly, all in rapid succession.
He began shaking, after being thrown off guard again. He simply stared at the girl, he didn't shout, he didn't scream, he did nothing. Just stared. The girl stuttered her apologies before heading to a nearby table to read. Ty continued to stare at her though. She seemed terrified, which interested him. It very much reminded him of what he looked like in Muggle primary schools when one of his bullies decided to introduce him to their fists.
When she looked up once from her book, he merely raised his hand and pointed at an empty seat at their table. That was all. He didn't even speak to offer her the chair. She would either realise what he was insinuating or she would remain at her table by herself. Either way, he didn't much concern himself with it.
"That these ruins can be traced back to the Anglo-Saxxon time period." Heather answered simply. "What about you? Feeling the ruin love yet?"
Shock. Damn, really everybody learned something. Rox felt bad. Now she would have to study up at leat something. "Not really a love, I need to admit. It feels kinda strange by now, but that hopefully changes."
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Runes with Truebridge?!
See now THAT was awesome, and if it wasn't good enough, the minute the Head Girl strolled into the classroom she heard.. Was that.. Les Miserables? Her eyes lit up at the sound of 'Do you hear the people sing' being played over the top of the students chatting amongst themselves. That.. was.. COOL!! Typically, Trixie sang the tune quietly under her breath, not really wanting to make a complete and utter fool of herself before the lesson even began.
After she had got over the fact her favourite musical was being played, the seventeen year old found herself a desk to sit in, not really taking note of whom was in the classroom already, she hadn't seen any of her close friends as of yet, then again, she wasn't exactly paying attention.
Yes the music had completely distracted her from whatever it was she was supposed to be doing, which.. well it was sitting and waiting for the lesson to begin. Now.. Err.. Someone join her.. Pretty, Please?
Tay walked into the Ancient Runes classroom absent mindedly, playing with her satchel before she noticed Draven- she smiled widely at him, and went over to sit on the same table. "Hey there!" she said, tucking her curls behind her ear and sitting next to him.
It wasnt long before Draven noticed another person sit down beside him. To his delight it was his favorite lady,
"Hey baby! How are you?" he said nudging her and giving her a quick hug.
He was estatic that Tay was in the same class with him and he smiled at her.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Maybe if she just sat in the back or near a lot of taller students, she'd go unnoticed and could just listen the entire time. That sounded like a good idea to her, so with some sort of hope, she opened the door to the classroom and stepped inside. A song about castles on a cloud streamed beautifully throughout the room, and for a minute, Sierra almost forgot about how uncertain she really was. "Hello, Professor," she said, greeting the man she was sure everyone but herself already knew. Although she'd heard he was new to his current position, it seemed almost everyone she'd talked to had been in a classroom with him at some point and time before.
She bee-lined to a table where her Slytherin friends, as well as a few others she'd seen around, sat talking amongst themselves. She smiled at a few of them before pulling out a chair and joining them. They all looked tall enough for her to blend into. She wasn't going to read a book, though, as she saw a few others doing. Merlin, she'd be lucky to translate a title in Ancient Runes, much less a whole page!
Just placing her quill down on the table next to her brand new notebook...when she heard a movement near them. Meh, movement. That meant SOMEONE was near them which meant...
Well Evelyn was just in a grumpy mood.
However, noticing it was Sierra, the Slytherin's expression became a little less glare-y and a little more...not glare-y. Sierra was an acceptable person. "Hi." Mmhmm, there may have even been a small smile with that greeting. Who knows though! It was gone faster than someone could blink. "You don't by any chance happen to know a good way to destroy metal do you?"
Obviously, she said this quietly considering a certain Slytherin She-Snake who owned a certain metal object entered the classroom... yet surprisingly sat not with them, but with a certain Gryffindor. What in the world?
Shock. Damn, really everybody learned something. Rox felt bad. Now she would have to study up at leat something. "Not really a love, I need to admit. It feels kinda strange by now, but that hopefully changes."
"Don't look so worried." Heather said smiling. "I just read that from the book, and I'm obsessed with things like this so I have a bit of a head start. If you need a tutor or something I'd be happy to help?" She asked warmly.
Salina sat down, the Veela looking around for a familiar face. Finding none, she whipped out her textbook and began to read.
"Mind if I sit here?" Chris said quietly to the girl sitting alone. She was nervous about going into her first lesson having learned nothing, and didn't want to just make things worse by sitting alone. She played with a long strand of golden-brown hair, waiting for the girl to put down her book and reply.
First Lesson of the term. Yep. Orlando was surely back to Hogwarts. "Hello Professor." he greeted the teacher before making his way to an empty seat.
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Emily rushed into the classroom and hastily took a seat. She hoped that she was not late for her first lesson of the term.
Emily pulled out her quill and ink, followed by some parchment. Setting it down on the desk she looked around the room at her peers.
Emily rushed into the classroom and hastily took a seat. She hoped that she was not late for her first lesson of the term.
Emily pulled out her quill and ink, followed by some parchment. Setting it down on the desk she looked around the room at her peers.
Claire rushed in behind Emily and took the spare seat beside her....
"We're on time!!!" she said excitedly as she followed Emily's lead and took out her quil and parchment.