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First lesson since his most recent return to Hogwarts and Ethan Truebridge was sitting at his desk in the front of the classroom, a magical gramophone sat on his desk, the soundtrack of Les Misérables playing quietly.
The blackboard was apparently 'singing' along, as the words were sung on the record, in runic the translations appeared on the board and then disappeared again moments later.
Truebridge ignored it and kept his hazel-green eyes on the door, watching as the students began to file in.
"Sit wherever you like. Four to six people at each table if you please."
SPOILER!!: classroom description
The classroom is bright and airy, very clean and comfortable. There are no desks in this classroom, rather there are several wooden tables which would fit between four and six students quite comfortably. The tables are arranged rather higgledy piggledy, all out of alignment with each other and yet there is plenty of room to weave through the tables and walk up to the front of the classroom, or down to the back.
The front of the classroom has a large blackboard, charmed to write on itself,and when it isn't taking notes it quite often it has something to say, though you'll need to transcribe it from runic to English to make any sense of it. Truebridge also has a desk at the front of the class, set to one side, and a perfect view of all the tables arranged haphazardly around the room.
At the back of the classroom, set to one side, there is the door out into the corridor. Along the back wall there is a large bookshelf almost overflowing with books, mostly old, all very well taken care of. You're welcome to look at any of these books but if any harm befalls the tomes, there will be a severe price to pay. A long and comfortable couch takes up the rest of the back wall.
The windows along the remaining side, opposite the door and Truebridge's desk have soft white curtains that are almost transparent. When pulled they simply diffuse the light and ensure it is not too bright, allowing the room to stay bright and lit at all times. The window frames are the most interesting, if you go and inspect them, all of the exposed wood has been painstakingly carved with runes, mostly bindrunes and rune charms, set in ligature and carved then stained red. These have all been activated and almost thrum under your fingertips. No cold will pass these windows, no student will fall to their deaths. It is a barrier of safety and of comfort, and a good example of runic magic. The door into the classroom is similarly marked.
ooc note: Please note that class has finished. The thread will be open for a short time longer to allow everyone to complete the last task. Please read the following posts to catch up with the lesson, or the latest one if you wish to jump in on the current activity/question. Not all of Truebridge's posts are included here, just those relevant to the progression of the lesson.
He'd narrowed down which the table to sit at somewhat, when he realised someone was talking to him. He turned from the table he'd just knocked out of his shortlist, and gave the girl a crooked smile.
"Spike," he introduced. "I'm new here." He took her hand somewhat awkwardly, and gave it a quick shake before returning it to his pocket. "I'm a Ravenclaw," he added with a scrunch of his nose, in case it was more useful information to her than it was to him. "May I join you?"
"Of course. I'm a firstie too, in Gryffindor." Heather laughed and pointed to her red and Gold tie. "I like your name." She said simply. She pulled another stray lock of hair away from her eyes.
Bennet Owlwraith, who was more commonly known as 'Benny-O' by his closest friends, filed through the classroom doors amongst the other punctual students. Taking a quick glance to see which seats had been taken, Bennet walked between a couple tables to take a seat at one toward the middle of the room. He nodded a greeting to the professor and tapped his toe very lightly in time with the music. He resisted the urge to hum, despite knowing the song all too well. How many times had his mom played this soundtrack while they cleaned the house on Sunday mornings? Too many to count.
Bennet ran his hand through his strawberry blonde hair as he surveyed the other students in the classroom. A new year always brings a bunch of new faces, but for a fourth year Ravenclaw, he should really know more people than this. He kept to himself so much in previous years that he hardly knew anyone's name. Shameful, really.
Brittany Pratically bounced through the door. Ancient Runes had been one of her favorite subjects last years so she was quiet sure she would do pretty well in this class. and not to mention she had been dying to get a closer look at this Professor guy she had heard so much about. "Hello Professor." she said with a smile before taking a seat.
Tyler had managed to survive the commute... just. On his way up to the fifth floor the staircases had started to move by the time he had reached the third. This unexpected change had driven Tyler to cling to the banister for at least five minutes before he felt secure enough to mount the steps further and even then, he was fiddling with the jelly beans in his pocket, dying to count them in order to relax his nerves.
Entering the Ancient Runes classroom, he noted that it looked old and insecure and he had to resist the urge not to move the desks so that they were all symmetrical and in line. It also didn't help when he noticed that he would be having to sit in groups... he had hoped that he could just take a desk to himself and leave it at that.
Picking the quietest table, he took a seat and began tapping his fingers on the desk, counting each one he did. "One... two... three," just above a whisper. He could feel his nerves settle slightly as he took his mind off things in the classroom. He couldn't even bare to focus on the fact that the blackboard was writing itself, in fear he may just have to run out and never return.
Well this was sure to be interesting. First class of the year and already so much had happened before hand. He couldn't help but wonder if he had missed most of his classes and was somehow in the middle of the semester. But surely that wasn't it; he was absent minded, but not that absent minded.
With a small smile, Sabel made his way into the classroom, pausing just inside the door when he saw that Professor Truebridge was indeed teaching this class. With a bit of a wider grin than before, he gave the man a polite nod. "Morning Professor. It's great to see you back."
Not particularly wanting to hold up traffic, he made his way into the classroom, glancing about at those already gathered. He recognized quite a few, including Arya, Lexi and Ivan. The last two appearing quite despondent.
SPOILER!!: Lexi & Ivan
Originally Posted by Pinky
When Truebs replied she couldn't help but stop and smile. "It's not my face that has the problem, sir," she said quietly. Her feelings were simply manifesting themself on her face. Yeah. That was it. Wait... did she have food on her face? That was a possibility. Quickly scrubbing her hand across it she frowned.
Ivan. They were both there. Why not add Sabel in the mix, too. Just for funsies. Couldn't they all change their class schedule to revolve around HER. More specifically to make sure they were not in there at the same time as her. Suppose not. Drat! She didn't miss the fact that Ivan was avoiding sitting near her and looking at her... Oh well. She hadn't expected them all to profess their undying devotion to her. Much. She would have to figure it all out on her own it looked like. Bully for her.
She did, notice Salander twitching over there. What the heck? Had she damaged some vital part of his brain with that little episode? She was certain it was her fault. She was the only reason she could think of that Salander would be all... wonky. Ugh. She was allll by herseeeeeeeeellllffff...
No one was angsty... never. Not LEXI DENVER. Denver's don't DO angst. She was pretty sure of that anyway. Maybe.
Originally Posted by Cinn-O-Bun
Walking into the Ancient Runes classroom he looked around and spotted the stupid Slytherin that had caused the mess and Lexi. Faaaaaaaaaaantastic. Clenching his jaw he walked over to the farthest point away from both where he couldn't see either and sat down pulling out his book and supplies. He was half tempted to leave but he wasn't about to fail a class because Lexi didn't seem to know what she wanted. He found his eyes going int he direction he knew she was in and forced himself to stare at his book.
He knew what he was going to do was going to have repercussions, but he couldn't help feeling a great deal of sympathy for Ivan. Lexi as well, granted she was one of his friends and he hated the look she had on her face. So, he did what felt right, but perhaps wasn't one-hundred percent logical.
Giving a grin to Arya, he slipped past Lexi, affording her a warm hug and a rub on the back before moving over to Ivan who was all on his lonesome. As per the last time he met the boy, he pointed to the seat beside him. "Do you mind if I join you?" He wasn't picking sides, simply trying to be understanding hopefully without any whiplash; because there was nothing worse than being alone when you were in a rut.
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
Tyler had managed to survive the commute... just. On his way up to the fifth floor the staircases had started to move by the time he had reached the third. This unexpected change had driven Tyler to cling to the banister for at least five minutes before he felt secure enough to mount the steps further and even then, he was fiddling with the jelly beans in his pocket, dying to count them in order to relax his nerves.
Entering the Ancient Runes classroom, he noted that it looked old and insecure and he had to resist the urge not to move the desks so that they were all symmetrical and in line. It also didn't help when he noticed that he would be having to sit in groups... he had hoped that he could just take a desk to himself and leave it at that.
Picking the quietest table, he took a seat and began tapping his fingers on the desk, counting each one he did. "One... two... three," just above a whisper. He could feel his nerves settle slightly as he took his mind off things in the classroom. He couldn't even bare to focus on the fact that the blackboard was writing itself, in fear he may just have to run out and never return.
Bennet glanced to his left as another student, one who looked a few years younger than him, took a seat at his table. Bennet nodded a greeting, tacking on at the end an ever-so-loquacious, "Hey."
Tyler had managed to survive the commute... just. On his way up to the fifth floor the staircases had started to move by the time he had reached the third. This unexpected change had driven Tyler to cling to the banister for at least five minutes before he felt secure enough to mount the steps further and even then, he was fiddling with the jelly beans in his pocket, dying to count them in order to relax his nerves.
Entering the Ancient Runes classroom, he noted that it looked old and insecure and he had to resist the urge not to move the desks so that they were all symmetrical and in line. It also didn't help when he noticed that he would be having to sit in groups... he had hoped that he could just take a desk to himself and leave it at that.
Picking the quietest table, he took a seat and began tapping his fingers on the desk, counting each one he did. "One... two... three," just above a whisper. He could feel his nerves settle slightly as he took his mind off things in the classroom. He couldn't even bare to focus on the fact that the blackboard was writing itself, in fear he may just have to run out and never return.
Originally Posted by lemondrop13
Bennet glanced to his left as another student, one who looked a few years younger than him, took a seat at his table. Bennet nodded a greeting, tacking on at the end an ever-so-loquacious, "Hey."
"Hello, I'm Heather." She called out to the two boys. "Why don't you come sit with us?" Heather beckoned.
Jacqueline walked in the classroom. The first class in her second year..... She rushed to the seat,somewhere in the front. She put her books on the table very quickly and said : ''Good morning, Professor!'' and smiled. Hmm new books always smell good. And all that positive energy that has been there really made her feel hyper and suprisingly excited. Ready for Ancient Runes!!!!!!
Wow it's your second year and you get lost...idiot, she thought to herself, at least I'm not late. Her robes were neat and clean for the most part, but within her thoughts of potentially being late her tie was more hanging around her neck rather than tied. Her hair was partly up in a braid; she had bags under her eyes from last night. Under the given circumstance she was actually very happy to start class and meet the Professor.
She opened the door and walked in. Slightly embarrassed by her appearance she looked partly at the Professor, mainly looking at the top of his desk and smiled, "Hello there." Quickly looking for a seat, she saw Jacqueline. "How are you? Ironically, I'm starving." She giggled
Rowan finally made it to the classroom and took a seat at the very back. Trying to catch her breath, she pulled out her book, some paper, a quill and quietly waited for class to begin.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Merlin she was surprised she could even get up that morning and actually walk a straight line. Blinking (to try and get the sleep out of her eyes), and running a hand through her tangled hair, having actually forgotten to brush half of it in her haste to get out of the common room and to class before she was late, the Slytherin sighed and decided to dig in her school bag for a hair tie. She knew she had one in there somewhere.
It was a RULE that she had to look presentable enough for Professor Truebridge's class! Anything under presentable was just...well it was just unacceptable.
However, her nights sleep was just that; unacceptable. Stupid horn. Where did Destiny get that monstrous thing anyway!? Oh, goody, she was already at the classroom. "Good day, Professor Truebridge." she said quietly, loud enough for him to hear over the music playing though, patting her hair down in the process.
Aw, here was her hair tie! Plotting herself down next to Marie, giving no thought that maybe she'd wanted Jimmy to sit in the seat next to her, the Slytherin quickly put her hair into a messy braid on the side before getting out her runes notebook and quill. Eh, not really in the mood to talk.
Bennet glanced to his left as another student, one who looked a few years younger than him, took a seat at his table. Bennet nodded a greeting, tacking on at the end an ever-so-loquacious, "Hey."
"Thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight... ARGH!" He jumped in his seat as one of the occupants of his table began to speak to him, despite it only being a harmless salutation. "Hi," he quickly said, before averting his eyes back to his fingers and starting again, "One... two... three..."
Originally Posted by Random_Me_Ly_
"Hello, I'm Heather." She called out to the two boys. "Why don't you come sit with us?" Heather beckoned.
However, this reign was short lived also as yet another person began speaking to him. Tyler was more alert this time, so did not proceed to scream and only winced a little when this conversation was started. "Hi. I am already seated, but thank you for your kindness and offer," said, again, with very little eye contact and in such a fast pace that it may have been difficult to decipher what he just said.
However, this reign was short lived also as yet another person began speaking to him. Tyler was more alert this time, so did not proceed to scream and only winced a little when this conversation was started. "Hi. I am already seated, but thank you for your kindness and offer," said, again, with very little eye contact and in such a fast pace that it may have been difficult to decipher what he just said.
"One... two... three..."
Heather wasn't used to his nervousness. She got up from the table for a second and walked over to him. She tapped him on the shoulder and sat down next to him. "You know, I don't bite. You can look at me. Come on." She took his hand and led him over to the table where she sat him down next to her. "Gotta name, kid?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Leeness
However, this reign was short lived also as yet another person began speaking to him. Tyler was more alert this time, so did not proceed to scream and only winced a little when this conversation was started. "Hi. I am already seated, but thank you for your kindness and offer," said, again, with very little eye contact and in such a fast pace that it may have been difficult to decipher what he just said.
"One... two... three..."
Kurumi glanced to the side as she found herself distracted by the conversation and...counting? going on beside her. What was this boy doing? Kurumi leaned over a bit to see if there was something he was counting like...words in the textbook, dots on the ceiling, people in the room, but he didn't really seem to be focusing on anything in particular. "eleven....twelve...thirteen..." Kurumi said joining him in his counting. Perhaps he would explain what he was counting? She certainly was curious.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Soooooo a new professor for the subject she never liked or understood! What an optimistic start of her second year! Louisa walked into the classroom faking a wide smile -epic fail btw- and crossed her fingers the minute her foor stepped in. Aaaand the first unpleasant Not-So-Appealing thing she noticed was the music. It was familiar but not her type at all.
Moving on. "Hi Professor--" I-Don't-Know, she added in her head and went on to the first table she came across. Trying to move faster so maybe this class would be over soon? Huh? And no she was not going to drop the subject for she must know everything about everything.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Hmmm, Ancient Runes. Nathan really didn't know if he was going to enjoy this particular lesson this year. Although he was open minded about learning, Ancient Runes was just like... huh?
It was a good job that the classroom was calm and quite pleasant to be inside, actually. Upon entering the room, Nathan sat at a random table at the back, not even noticing who he was possibly sitting next to. He didn't really care about that sort of thing. He was here to learn, not socialise. Of course, that attitude only existed when he was inside a classroom. For now, and until the class actually began, he sat staring at the blackboard, as it wrote crazy words all by itself. Cool.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
"So, how was your summer? Do anything fun?" he asked.
Tay walked into the Ancient Runes classroom absent mindedly, playing with her satchel before she noticed Draven- she smiled widely at him, and went over to sit on the same table. "Hey there!" she said, tucking her curls behind her ear and sitting next to him.
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Destiny didn't think Evelyn was ever going to wake up and get herself to class. That would be the last time she decides to wait and walk to class with her friend. Not that she was actually walking next to her or anything. Evelyn seemed to be in too much of a rush for that. Pffft, it was only Truebridge. It wasn't like he was going anywhere.
Well..never mind.
Making her way into the classroom, and snickering at the sight of Evelyn and her wild hair, Destiny scanned the rather full classroom for a place to sit. She would have sit in the empty seat next to Evelyn and all those people, but she spotted Patroclus and there was a rather shiny thing pinned to the front of his robes. "Hello Professor Truebridge!" she greeted with a salute before plopping herself down next to Patroclus.
Yes, she was eying up that Prefect badge of his. Hopefully he got the hint that she wanted to WEAR it!
____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________ ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
"Hello, I'm Heather." She called out to the two boys. "Why don't you come sit with us?" Heather beckoned.
Originally Posted by Leeness
"Thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight... ARGH!" He jumped in his seat as one of the occupants of his table began to speak to him, despite it only being a harmless salutation. "Hi," he quickly said, before averting his eyes back to his fingers and starting again, "One... two... three..."
However, this reign was short lived also as yet another person began speaking to him. Tyler was more alert this time, so did not proceed to scream and only winced a little when this conversation was started. "Hi. I am already seated, but thank you for your kindness and offer," said, again, with very little eye contact and in such a fast pace that it may have been difficult to decipher what he just said.
"One... two... three..."
Originally Posted by Random_Me_Ly_
Heather wasn't used to his nervousness. She got up from the table for a second and walked over to him. She tapped him on the shoulder and sat down next to him. "You know, I don't bite. You can look at me. Come on." She took his hand and led him over to the table where she sat him down next to her. "Gotta name, kid?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
Bennet's brows furrowed as he watched the odd situation before him unfold. This kid looked scared of his own shadow. Poor guy. Probably a first year. Bennet could relate to that feeling. He hadn't ever been particularly shy or extremely outgoing. He was simply an average kid with average social skills and comfort. But when he found out he was a wizard in a non-magical family, well... let's just say he was freaked out by himself for awhile. And he withdrew from a lot of social situations for a long time. But four years later, he'd finally come to terms with who he was and embraced it.
Not wanting to appear like his former socially withdrawn self, Bennet greeted the girl who introduced herself, "Hey Heather. How's it goin? I'm Bennet."
Did class really have to be so early in the day? Ethan was not completely awake yet, having not quite gotten used to getting up so early after sleeping in all summer long. At least he did not appear to be late yet, internally thanking whatever higher power made the Ancient Runes classroom relatively near to his common room and not like in the Dungeons or something. Lazily he shuffled through the door and, after a quick glance around the room told him that his brother was not yet present, Ethan made his way towards a random table near the back.
"Professor," he nodded a brief acknowledgment as he passed the man at the front and took his seat. Not really noticing who surrounded him - he was far too tired for that - Ethan leaned back in his chair, covering a yawn with his hand and waiting for class to begin. Hopefully it would start soon because his eyelids were getting awfully heavy...
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Bennet's brows furrowed as he watched the odd situation before him unfold. This kid looked scared of his own shadow. Poor guy. Probably a first year. Bennet could relate to that feeling. He hadn't ever been particularly shy or extremely outgoing. He was simply an average kid with average social skills and comfort. But when he found out he was a wizard in a non-magical family, well... let's just say he was freaked out by himself for awhile. And he withdrew from a lot of social situations for a long time. But four years later, he'd finally come to terms with who he was and embraced it.
Not wanting to appear like his former socially withdrawn self, Bennet greeted the girl who introduced herself, "Hey Heather. How's it goin? I'm Bennet."
"Hello Bennet. Lovely to meet you." She offered him her hand. "So what's your story?"
Heather wasn't used to his nervousness. She got up from the table for a second and walked over to him. She tapped him on the shoulder and sat down next to him. "You know, I don't bite. You can look at me. Come on." She took his hand and led him over to the table where she sat him down next to her. "Gotta name, kid?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
The second person who had talked to him began to get persistent. Her first mistake was touching him. His hand automatically raised to his shoulder and he began to massage the place where she had tapped him. He didn't like to be touched by strangers. And now she was talking to him some more. He wasn't quite sure what she was saying, he was concentrating on blocking her out.
But, her persistence continued to prevail and she ended up grabbing his hand and taking him away from the table... hadn't he said he was happy with his seat. As soon as she sat him down, he got straight back up, "Thank you for showing me your table... it's lovely, now I must get back to mine. I enjoy it there."
After he returned he began, yes you guessed it, counting, "One, two, three..."
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi glanced to the side as she found herself distracted by the conversation and...counting? going on beside her. What was this boy doing? Kurumi leaned over a bit to see if there was something he was counting like...words in the textbook, dots on the ceiling, people in the room, but he didn't really seem to be focusing on anything in particular. "eleven....twelve...thirteen..." Kurumi said joining him in his counting. Perhaps he would explain what he was counting? She certainly was curious.
"Eight, nine, ten..." but before he could continue onto eleven and so forth, someone else already seemed to be continuing for him. His fingers continued to tap as this new girl (not the other one that insisted on touching him) counted for him. It was strangely soothing having someone join in with him instead of trying to distract him, for once. He gave her a brief, awkward smile, before placing his attention back to his tapping.
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Cassie strutted into the classroom nose in the air, in her well pressed hogwarts uniform. Yep she was ready for school and here she was at her first class, with professor Truebridge non the less. What a way to kick off the school term.
" good day professor." she greeted before walking past him to join the students at a table. Well this should be quite interesting. She looked around the class room and spotted a few familiar faces, name hotboy who seemed to be waiting for someone. Hmm
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
The second person who had talked to him began to get persistent. Her first mistake was touching him. His hand automatically raised to his shoulder and he began to massage the place where she had tapped him. He didn't like to be touched by strangers. And now she was talking to him some more. He wasn't quite sure what she was saying, he was concentrating on blocking her out.
But, her persistence continued to prevail and she ended up grabbing his hand and taking him away from the table... hadn't he said he was happy with his seat. As soon as she sat him down, he got straight back up, "Thank you for showing me your table... it's lovely, now I must get back to mine. I enjoy it there."
After he returned he began, yes you guessed it, counting, "One, two, three..."
"Sorry..." Heather said softly. Did everyone just hate her?! Her eyes filled with tears again. But she quickly wiped them away. She wasn't about to let all of yesterdays drama sneak up on her again.
"Hello Bennet. Lovely to meet you." She offered him her hand. "So what's your story?"
Bennet stayed in his seat at the table, but pushed his chair back into the aisle closer to Heather's table to shake her hand. "Pleasure is mine." Bennet's mom had always taught him proper manners, especially when it came to women. "My story? Uh, I'm a fourth year. Ravenclaw. What else do you want to know?"
Originally Posted by Leeness
The second person who had talked to him began to get persistent. Her first mistake was touching him. His hand automatically raised to his shoulder and he began to massage the place where she had tapped him. He didn't like to be touched by strangers. And now she was talking to him some more. He wasn't quite sure what she was saying, he was concentrating on blocking her out.
But, her persistence continued to prevail and she ended up grabbing his hand and taking him away from the table... hadn't he said he was happy with his seat. As soon as she sat him down, he got straight back up, "Thank you for showing me your table... it's lovely, now I must get back to mine. I enjoy it there."
After he returned he began, yes you guessed it, counting, "One, two, three..."
"Eight, nine, ten..." but before he could continue onto eleven and so forth, someone else already seemed to be continuing for him. His fingers continued to tap as this new girl (not the other one that insisted on touching him) counted for him. It was strangely soothing having someone join in with him instead of trying to distract him, for once. He gave her a brief, awkward smile, before placing his attention back to his tapping.
Oh boy. Bennet could faintly hear the sounds of two voices counting now. He glanced back over his shoulder to see what was going on. Well, as long as it makes them happy. Although, I really hope they don't tap throughout the lesson. That could get distracting...
Bennet stayed in his seat at the table, but pushed his chair back into the aisle closer to Heather's table to shake her hand. "Pleasure is mine." Bennet's mom had always taught him proper manners, especially when it came to women. "My story? Uh, I'm a fourth year. Ravenclaw. What else do you want to know?"
Oh boy. Bennet could faintly hear the sounds of two voices counting now. He glanced back over his shoulder to see what was going on. Well, as long as it makes them happy. Although, I really hope they don't tap throughout the lesson. That could get distracting...
Heather blushed. "I guess nothing just curious. I could use some friends after the day I had yesterday. Too much drama. Heather looked over at the boy who was seemingly having a nervous breakdown and the girl counting with him. "Is he stable... mentally?" She said half jokingly.