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First lesson since his most recent return to Hogwarts and Ethan Truebridge was sitting at his desk in the front of the classroom, a magical gramophone sat on his desk, the soundtrack of Les Misérables playing quietly.
The blackboard was apparently 'singing' along, as the words were sung on the record, in runic the translations appeared on the board and then disappeared again moments later.
Truebridge ignored it and kept his hazel-green eyes on the door, watching as the students began to file in.
"Sit wherever you like. Four to six people at each table if you please."
SPOILER!!: classroom description
The classroom is bright and airy, very clean and comfortable. There are no desks in this classroom, rather there are several wooden tables which would fit between four and six students quite comfortably. The tables are arranged rather higgledy piggledy, all out of alignment with each other and yet there is plenty of room to weave through the tables and walk up to the front of the classroom, or down to the back.
The front of the classroom has a large blackboard, charmed to write on itself,and when it isn't taking notes it quite often it has something to say, though you'll need to transcribe it from runic to English to make any sense of it. Truebridge also has a desk at the front of the class, set to one side, and a perfect view of all the tables arranged haphazardly around the room.
At the back of the classroom, set to one side, there is the door out into the corridor. Along the back wall there is a large bookshelf almost overflowing with books, mostly old, all very well taken care of. You're welcome to look at any of these books but if any harm befalls the tomes, there will be a severe price to pay. A long and comfortable couch takes up the rest of the back wall.
The windows along the remaining side, opposite the door and Truebridge's desk have soft white curtains that are almost transparent. When pulled they simply diffuse the light and ensure it is not too bright, allowing the room to stay bright and lit at all times. The window frames are the most interesting, if you go and inspect them, all of the exposed wood has been painstakingly carved with runes, mostly bindrunes and rune charms, set in ligature and carved then stained red. These have all been activated and almost thrum under your fingertips. No cold will pass these windows, no student will fall to their deaths. It is a barrier of safety and of comfort, and a good example of runic magic. The door into the classroom is similarly marked.
ooc note: Please note that class has finished. The thread will be open for a short time longer to allow everyone to complete the last task. Please read the following posts to catch up with the lesson, or the latest one if you wish to jump in on the current activity/question. Not all of Truebridge's posts are included here, just those relevant to the progression of the lesson.
Truebridge always appreciated the quiet ones. He watched for a moment as the boy sat down and then turned his head towards the next student who greeted him.
Raven simply nodded to the professor when walking in front of him, "Good day Professor', he greeted, still watching the professor and co-student silently
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Text Cut: Lexi, Mia, Finn
Originally Posted by Pinky
When Truebs replied she couldn't help but stop and smile. "It's not my face that has the problem, sir," she said quietly. Her feelings were simply manifesting themself on her face. Yeah. That was it. Wait... did she have food on her face? That was a possibility. Quickly scrubbing her hand across it she frowned.
Ivan. They were both there. Why not add Sabel in the mix, too. Just for funsies. Couldn't they all change their class schedule to revolve around HER. More specifically to make sure they were not in there at the same time as her. Suppose not. Drat! She didn't miss the fact that Ivan was avoiding sitting near her and looking at her... Oh well. She hadn't expected them all to profess their undying devotion to her. Much. She would have to figure it all out on her own it looked like. Bully for her.
She did, notice Salander twitching over there. What the heck? Had she damaged some vital part of his brain with that little episode? She was certain it was her fault. She was the only reason she could think of that Salander would be all... wonky. Ugh. She was allll by herseeeeeeeeellllffff...
No one was angsty... never. Not LEXI DENVER. Denver's don't DO angst. She was pretty sure of that anyway. Maybe.
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Mia's eyes roved around the room to see who was here and who was walking through the door. She belatedly noticed Pat a few seats away and she gave him a wave and a smile. It had been far too long since they had spoken to each other. She missed talking to him.
And OMG!!
Was that a Prefect badge on his robes???
Her attention was diverted to a flash of blond walking through the door and Mia sat up a little straighter, hoping that Marie was going to come and sit at the same table because Sal seemed to be a little awkward around her.
"Hey Marie. Not much, just waiting for class to start. And to see if Sal here is going to acknowledge my presence or whether he is going to keep ignoring me." Mia turned to look at the boy beside her and she raised her eyebrow at him.
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Ancient Runes. His like best lesson, well it was where he had got one of his highest OWL scores, so he was assuming that it was one of his best subjects. So with a grin set on his face he walked into the classroom, although that grin turned more into a smile when he remembered who taught this lesson. Oh yes. He better behave.
"Morning Professor Truebridge." The ravenclaw nodded, as he turned to look who was in the classroom. He noticed Lexi sitting on her own at the back, not really looking happy, and then there was Mia, Marie, and Sal sat at a table together. Hmm. That would do. Heading over to where their table was situated he took a seat. "Hey guys." And now for his...favorite lesson? woot.
He could hear Lexi's voice as she responded to the Professor. Her face? There's something wrong with her face? He resisted the urge to turn his head and look. Instead he kept his head turned squarely at Marie, and was about to make small talk when Mia started up. Acknowledge her presence? Is that a multiple choice question? Because he'd pick the one that says vanish into thin air.
He turned his head sllooooowly towards the Hufflepuff brunette and mumbled "Hi Mia." still not quite looking at her, because he knew that if he looks into her eyes, he's gonna have a nervous breakdown.
And suddenly they were four. He looked up startled at the Ravenclaw Prefect joining them. What was his name.. Fish?.... "Finn!" he blinked "Sup dude! Me I'm ok, HadaHardTimeGettingRidOfTheCauldroncakeThough"he rattled off quickly, then shifted his eyes towards the Hufflefpuff beside him. He saw her pie him smack in the face didnt he? He's Prefect. Wasnt he going to do something about that?
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Dianna quickly rushed through the corridor. Thinking she was late, she quickly rushed in the classroom and took a seat which creaked a bit due to the fact that, let her say it again, she thought she was late. "Oops." she muttered as she fixed her hair which looked like a complete disaster right now.
"Good Morning Professor Truebridge." Dianna smiled.
If her eyebrow went up any higher it was going to shoot right off her forehead. Mia had no idea what Sal's problem was because they had not had their talk yet but really what was so hard in saying hello?
"Hello Sal." She replied with a lot more entusiasm than he was showing her.
But Mia's face brightened immediately when she heard Finn's voice and she turned to look at her friend. "Hey Finn!! I'm glad you came to sit with us." She loved messing around with her friend and since her other friend was giving her the cold shoulder she was going to need him here.
When Sal spoke to Finn, Mia felt her jaw drop and her lip wibbled a little. So obviously he was still angry about that. "Sal..." she began slowly not really knowing what to say to him and figuring that class was not really the time to get into it. "I'm sorry. Okay?"
Heather walked into the Ancient Runes class. She quite liked the idea of being here, after all she loved the puzzle. Though the past days full of drama seemed to be overwhelming she blew them away with a positive though. A strand of black hair fell in front of her luminescent green eyes and she quickly moved her hand to return it to it's spot behind her ear. She sat down at an empty desk as she studied the room, finding many familiar faces. She opened her book and began to read silently.
Last edited by Random_Me_Ly_; 01-10-2011 at 10:32 AM.
Entering the classroom, the epitome of calmness and serenity, Jake glanced around. He could hear the music, but it wasn't familiar to him. After a quick glance at the boar, Jake looked around and found a table for himself, before sitting and opening the book he carried under his arm (the one Truebridge had loaned him, which he was nearly finished with), and setting his bag on the floor.
"Morning, Professor," Jake said witha strained smile towards the man before absorbing himself in the book again.
He had his own table... people could come to HIM. Right now... he was reading.
And left his angst at the door.
Because he was WELL BEHAVED.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Lucy entered her first class of her fifth year, she was really looking forward to it but as usual she was nervous. She had no idea how's it going to be, she hoped for the best. She entered the room with a sweet smile, looking around to see the Professor, then suddenly noticed Professor standing right in front of her and said "Oh, hey Professor Tru…True.., oh I mean Professor Truebridge, it's great to meet you." she couldn’t say anything more. She quickly took a seat and waited for the Professor to start the class.
A very HAPPY HOLI to all, Enjoy the festival of COLOURS! Interested in Bollywood stuff? PM me we need members for the Hindi forum
Alice ran down the corridor at top speed, making a sudden stop about a foot from the entrance to the Ancient Runes classroom, she would need to try and calm her nerves before she went in. This was her first ever lesson At Hogwarts and the last thing she needed to happen was for her to have a panic attack. She slowly peeped round the door, music was playing and several students were already sat around the many tables. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself, took a hairband from her wrist and tied her long mess of wavy hair into a ponytail and with an anxious smile on her face, she entered the classroom. Looking around Alice didn’t recognise anyone here! The anxious butterflies in her stomach started to flutter but she forced herself to ignore them. Spotting a table that was still empty she sat down, hoping the lesson would start soon.
"Hello Patroclus." Ethan inclined his head respectfully towards the young Gryffindor. The boy had always been an excellent student, in the other subjects he'd taught and he doubted this one would be any different. "It is excellent to see you also."
Patroclus beamed when he was acknowledged by the Professor, "I can wait to see your approach to Runes, Professor" The fifth year knew that Truebridge had had quite a bit of experience working in Cairo and after all Runes played heavy roles in Egyptian society, both past and present.
"Oh this is my favourite one," Patroclus added, as 'I Dreamed a Dream', began to play.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
On my own. Yeah that was the title. At least thats what he remembered.
Salander shifted his eyes back at the classroom and caught sight of the Gryffindor Prefect. The episode at the kitchens suddenly came flooding back, not knowing if he should apologize for forgetting to clean up the mess (as he said he would) or hide from being forced to hug a man-eating animal.
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Mia's eyes roved around the room to see who was here and who was walking through the door. She belatedly noticed Pat a few seats away and she gave him a wave and a smile. It had been far too long since they had spoken to each other. She missed talking to him.
And OMG!!
Was that a Prefect badge on his robes???
Watching the door, Patroclus watched as students began to pile in, he could help but count the number of Lions that were coming in. It was the Prefect in him.
Scanning the room, he noticed the boy from the Kitchen last night, the one that hadn't ran out of the room....well he did but he spoke as well at least. The lion had the slightest inkling that the Snakes eyes had just been on him, but that didn't matter right now as Patroclus spotted one of his favourite Badgers next to the Kitchen Boy.
"Mia" Patroclus smiled as he waved back, making a mental note to talk to her later.
As the song continued Patroclus found himself doodling on the corner of his parchment as the music swelled around him.
Jacqueline walked in the classroom. The first class in her second year..... She rushed to the seat,somewhere in the front. She put her books on the table very quickly and said : ''Good morning, Professor!'' and smiled. Hmm new books always smell good. And all that positive energy that has been there really made her feel hyper and suprisingly excited. Ready for Ancient Runes!!!!!!
Spike trudged into class, hands thrust into his pockets. He wasn't sure what might be more worrying - the fact he had to sit still at a desk and be lectured at for the foreseeable future, or the fact that afterwards he might not be able to answer the next riddle and get back into the Common Room. And both were pretty bad as he'd managed to leave Boggis, Bunce and Bean in their matchbox on his bed, and he hadn't fed them today yet.
"'Lo Professor," he said, looking up to see the man, and the blackboard writing of its own accord. That was pretty cool - if only he could understand what was written on it. The music was a bit different too. Maybe it'd got an ickle bit less boring since he'd entered the room.
Now to find a seat. He didn't recognise anyone...bother.
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...
Helena entered slowly, looking around for a seat. "Good morning, professor Truebridge," she said, trying to smile.
Originally Posted by WeasleyGirl
First class.
That's all Georgiana was thinking right now, feeling slightly nervous she walked into the room, where she saw a man. She has heard his name before "Good morning Professor-" Merlin his name! come on Georgiana you knew it! " Tru-Truebridge" she remembered and smiled.
First year, first class, what it was going to be like?. She spotted a seat on an empty table and sat down, reading her book and trying to understand what "Ancient Runes" was about.
And there she is, thought Helena, as she saw her friend sit at a table. "Mind if I join you?" she asked, smiling to Georgiana.
Spike trudged into class, hands thrust into his pockets. He wasn't sure what might be more worrying - the fact he had to sit still at a desk and be lectured at for the foreseeable future, or the fact that afterwards he might not be able to answer the next riddle and get back into the Common Room. And both were pretty bad as he'd managed to leave Boggis, Bunce and Bean in their matchbox on his bed, and he hadn't fed them today yet.
"'Lo Professor," he said, looking up to see the man, and the blackboard writing of its own accord. That was pretty cool - if only he could understand what was written on it. The music was a bit different too. Maybe it'd got an ickle bit less boring since he'd entered the room.
Now to find a seat. He didn't recognise anyone...bother.
...Eeny, meeny, miny, moe...
Heather looked next to her and saw a boy about her age there. "Hey there, I'm Heather. I don't think I've seen you around before." Heather said as she offered her hand to the boy.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
He looked up just as he heard someone greet and sat on the other side of him. "Hey Marie!" he greeted her back maybe a little too heartily, but with a look on his face Help me!
Yeah definitely not On his own now is he?
Hehe, well someone was happy to see her. "Hey Sal!" she said back with just as much enthusiasm as he had. It was then that she noticed the look on his face. Umm... what was that look for? She then looked over at Mia who was now talking to her.
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Her attention was diverted to a flash of blond walking through the door and Mia sat up a little straighter, hoping that Marie was going to come and sit at the same table because Sal seemed to be a little awkward around her.
"Hey Marie. Not much, just waiting for class to start. And to see if Sal here is going to acknowledge my presence or whether he is going to keep ignoring me." Mia turned to look at the boy beside her and she raised her eyebrow at him.
Right, so there was still tension between her two friends. "Um, just give him time Mia. You did smash a cake in his face the last time you seen him." she whispered to the girl from behind Sal's back.
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Ancient Runes. His like best lesson, well it was where he had got one of his highest OWL scores, so he was assuming that it was one of his best subjects. So with a grin set on his face he walked into the classroom, although that grin turned more into a smile when he remembered who taught this lesson. Oh yes. He better behave.
"Morning Professor Truebridge." The ravenclaw nodded, as he turned to look who was in the classroom. He noticed Lexi sitting on her own at the back, not really looking happy, and then there was Mia, Marie, and Sal sat at a table together. Hmm. That would do. Heading over to where their table was situated he took a seat. "Hey guys." And now for his...favorite lesson? woot.
And then there was Finn. Well how cozy. All of them from the train incident were together again. At least this time none of the problems were her doing. "Hey Finn. How are you?" Hopefully better than Mia and Sal here.
Watching the little exchange going on between Sal and Mia she really didn't know that she should interfere so she turned back to Finn. "So, anything exciting going on in your life?" Yeah, she was totally making small talk with a boy she hardly knew. Oh well, no time like the present to get to know him... right.
Selina looked around the classroom for a seat. She was so nervous, Ancient Runes being her first class of the year, that she would do something wrong. When she looked around she saw the teacher and nodded her head lowly to show her respect. After she did so she scuttled off to find her seat that she was being annoyingly indecisive about.
Finally she saw a table that was unoccupied by anyone. She would sit there and save the seats for Elektra and Violet and anyone else she knew that wanted to sit down.
At the seat she pulled out a roll of parchment and a phoenix feather quill and her ink well with self-correcting ink inside. She was not going to take any chances. She heard that this particular class and Potions were difficult so she wanted to be ready.
Kay walked into the Ancient Runes class room and heard the music. It was nice and she nodded thinking she liked it. Looking around the room she saw alot of people she knew but wouldnt sit with. Like there was Marie. That wouldnt work. Smiling at the Professor she walked down to the tables. "Hello Professor Truebridge, How are you?" She asked with a smile. "The music is great. La Miserables, right?" She asked putting her stuff down and turning to Rex.
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley
Rex is ready for Ancient Runes,
"HI Rex, can I sit here?" Kay asked pulling out her Rubes book and started to read.
Freddie's day so far had been relatively uneventful which came as a welcome relief to the lad. He was slowly growing used to things at Hogwarts, and settling in better than he had ever imagined he would. Aside from the magic, and all the weird and wonderful (and, quite frankly, a little bit scary) things he was discovering, he was also having to adjust to being at a middle class boarding school. At his state school, he could come and go as he pleased and he could relate easily to the kids there. He was struggling here so far.
And so it came to his first lesson ever at Hogwarts: Ancient Runes. He walked into the classroom, shoulders slouched, hands shoved deep in his pockets. His blue-grey eyes settling first on the blackboard and the symbols appearing magically, then on the old gramophone, and then finally on the professor. “Sir.” He nodded curtly in greeting.
He took a seat right at the back of the room, not paying any heed to who was around him.. but he did notice a certain blonde Head Girl had yet to arrive.
Entering the classroom, the epitome of calmness and serenity, Jake glanced around. He could hear the music, but it wasn't familiar to him. After a quick glance at the boar, Jake looked around and found a table for himself, before sitting and opening the book he carried under his arm (the one Truebridge had loaned him, which he was nearly finished with), and setting his bag on the floor.
"Morning, Professor," Jake said witha strained smile towards the man before absorbing himself in the book again.
He had his own table... people could come to HIM. Right now... he was reading.
And left his angst at the door.
Because he was WELL BEHAVED.
An ear-reaching grin registered on Cedric's face as he entered the classroom. With Truebridge back to teaching again, it was almost improbable for the Runes classes to NOT be fun, pretty worthwhile and of course, interesting. Now if only the man-who-taught-HoM-first-then-now-Runes had brought the Herbology mistress along with him.... but yes, that's another story.
"Good day, Professor!" Cedric beamed, his eyes twinkling, apparently delighted for the professor to be back.
Hopefully Prof. Truebs still recognized him. It wasn't like Ced had grown too much since he left, no? And his dark brown curls would probably help, right? But then again, there could be other curly boys out there...
Cedric eventually found himself deliberately contemplating the whole classroom, in earnest search of a table to occupy. He saw Arya, Lexi, Mia, Sal, and Ivy with some other people he didn't know. Ced would love to sit with them. He had actually already blundered forward, was about to head to Arya and company's table, and then he saw Jake... sitting alone? Well... that was unexpected. Perhaps Jake would like to be alone? But still...
"Hey Jake." With that, the Hufflepuff prefect eased into the seat which was opposite his housemate and friend's.
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Originally Posted by The Real Lily Potter
Coraline rushed through the door and sat down, she was shy to come to her first lesson, she sat on an empty table an opened up her book and read, at least maybe no strangers will talk to her, she would rather talk to her friends due to the shyness she has. she smiled as she heard the music playing, she had heard it before, it made her feel like she was home.
Originally Posted by PureBlood64
Katie smiled as she looked around, she was so glad classes were starting again, she had missed them, probably because they were so awesome!
It came to her, yup BANG right then BANG you know that thought BANG! Anywya enough about the BANG she smiled and waved as she walked over to the table that Coraline was sitting at and said, "If Luke and Lachy arrive we should invite them to the table, that way of its a group thing we can be all together" Katie smiled, she hoped she didn't scare Cora
Isobel was a little shy as she walked into the room. After all, it was her first class at Hogwarts. But then she saw the books, and all her worries flew out the door. Isobel adored books, especially old ones. They just had an air of mystery about them. Isobel started to walk over to them, but she stopped when she say Cora and Katie. She walked over to them, saying, "Hello professor," just a little shly as she passed.
"Hi," she said to Katie and Cora. "Mind if I sit with you guys?"
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Lea noticed that Matty was in class and she went to go sit with him. "you mind if I join you?" she asked while taking her seat any way. Since she didn't know the Professor's yet she decided to say hello any ways. "Good Morning Professor" she said while pulling out her book like everyone else was doing.
Jamie walked in and smiled as she heard the music playing. Les Misérables. She had a copy of this laying at home on her dresser. She found a seat somewhere in the middle and plopped down. This was her first class at Hogwarts and she was nervous. She stood up, leaving her stuff there at the table and went to look out the window in an attempt to calm herself. She noticed the markings on the window and wondered what they were. Runes probably, more than likely, just which Runes? She made her way back to her seat so that she wouldn't get in trouble for standing.
Rowan Firestorm-Smithson l Jamie Smithson l Sisters Until The End
Whenever you need, you can call on me Cause you are my sister
Oh my sister You're my best friend
Heather looked next to her and saw a boy about her age there. "Hey there, I'm Heather. I don't think I've seen you around before." Heather said as she offered her hand to the boy.
...O U T spells 'out' so out you must go...
He'd narrowed down which the table to sit at somewhat, when he realised someone was talking to him. He turned from the table he'd just knocked out of his shortlist, and gave the girl a crooked smile.
"Spike," he introduced. "I'm new here." He took her hand somewhat awkwardly, and gave it a quick shake before returning it to his pocket. "I'm a Ravenclaw," he added with a scrunch of his nose, in case it was more useful information to her than it was to him. "May I join you?"
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
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Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Kurumi entered the classroom and rushed to the front of th room where, thankfully, there was still an open seat. Despite the smile on her face, Kurumi couldn't help but feel a slight damper in her spirits. She was really missing Professor Di and wasn't sure how Ancient Runes was going to be without her spunky personality or her cookie recipes.
"Hello, Professor," Kurumi said bowing slightly before taking her seat and opening up her textbook.
Kurumi turned around to see Salander sitting near her and her cheeks flushed bright red. She hadn't spoken to him since that day in the kitchen when she had attacked Lexi with birds carrying globs of cookie dough. He was probably still angry about that...Best to stick her nose in her book and review what they had covered last term.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Had they learned ancient runes lessons back at his old school before? Hyun didn't know or maybe they had but he never showed up for that class...
But now his feet were dragging him towards the classroom, maybe it wasn't such a bad subject and besides, learning weird signs could be cool,
Hyun walked in to the classroom but stopped immediatly when he heard.. Music? He wasn't loosing his mind that fast right?! Luckily, Hyun had found the source of the music and he grinned a bit before walking towards a empty seat in the middle of the class.
"Hello, Professor...eeehh" wait! What's his name?! As a transfer student, Hyun didn't know any of his professors names, he even had trouble with the house names! "What song is this, Professor?"what's his name?"It sounds oddly familiar"
Runes wasn't a subject the Cass was particularly looking forward to since she had barely passed her finals on Runes last term. But she needed this subject. So she took a deep breath and entered the classroom
"Good day professor." Cass said cheerfully as she entered the room and sat down on a chair