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First lesson since his most recent return to Hogwarts and Ethan Truebridge was sitting at his desk in the front of the classroom, a magical gramophone sat on his desk, the soundtrack of Les Misérables playing quietly.
The blackboard was apparently 'singing' along, as the words were sung on the record, in runic the translations appeared on the board and then disappeared again moments later.
Truebridge ignored it and kept his hazel-green eyes on the door, watching as the students began to file in.
"Sit wherever you like. Four to six people at each table if you please."
SPOILER!!: classroom description
The classroom is bright and airy, very clean and comfortable. There are no desks in this classroom, rather there are several wooden tables which would fit between four and six students quite comfortably. The tables are arranged rather higgledy piggledy, all out of alignment with each other and yet there is plenty of room to weave through the tables and walk up to the front of the classroom, or down to the back.
The front of the classroom has a large blackboard, charmed to write on itself,and when it isn't taking notes it quite often it has something to say, though you'll need to transcribe it from runic to English to make any sense of it. Truebridge also has a desk at the front of the class, set to one side, and a perfect view of all the tables arranged haphazardly around the room.
At the back of the classroom, set to one side, there is the door out into the corridor. Along the back wall there is a large bookshelf almost overflowing with books, mostly old, all very well taken care of. You're welcome to look at any of these books but if any harm befalls the tomes, there will be a severe price to pay. A long and comfortable couch takes up the rest of the back wall.
The windows along the remaining side, opposite the door and Truebridge's desk have soft white curtains that are almost transparent. When pulled they simply diffuse the light and ensure it is not too bright, allowing the room to stay bright and lit at all times. The window frames are the most interesting, if you go and inspect them, all of the exposed wood has been painstakingly carved with runes, mostly bindrunes and rune charms, set in ligature and carved then stained red. These have all been activated and almost thrum under your fingertips. No cold will pass these windows, no student will fall to their deaths. It is a barrier of safety and of comfort, and a good example of runic magic. The door into the classroom is similarly marked.
ooc note: Please note that class has finished. The thread will be open for a short time longer to allow everyone to complete the last task. Please read the following posts to catch up with the lesson, or the latest one if you wish to jump in on the current activity/question. Not all of Truebridge's posts are included here, just those relevant to the progression of the lesson.
*Walking in Matty set his books down at a table near the middle. So far he was one of the first students here. He just shrugged and nodded a hello to the professor. Taking his seat he opened his book and started to read.*
Helen came in to see only a few people here so she sat down on a middle table, and began to read one of the Ancient Runes Books that she got from Diagon Alley.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Salander strolls into the classroom lazily, then stops. He hears the music first before anything else registers in his head. He knew this song. He knew the play it was from. Something that cant be avoided when your father is a classical musician and you're a bored kid sitting in an empty concert hall hearing it over and over and over...
He turns his head and sets his eyes on the Professor. Still feels odd that it was a dude sitting there and not the delightfully blonde Professor Di. But if Evelyn and Marie's words were anything to go by, the Slytherin lad shouldnt be disappointed. If anything, he should buckle up and enjoy the ride.
"Good morning Professor.... errrr" what was his name again? Something about London "-- Truebridge! Good Morning Professor Truebridge." he greeted the man and made his way on the far side of the classroom nearest the windows.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
she dreamed of para-para-pardise ♥ ily MY Sara x Sams twinny x Kake/Anastopher/Chalie
Coraline rushed through the door and sat down, she was shy to come to her first lesson, she sat on an empty table an opened up her book and read, at least maybe no strangers will talk to her, she would rather talk to her friends due to the shyness she has. she smiled as she heard the music playing, she had heard it before, it made her feel like she was home.
she dreamed of para-para-pardise ♥ ily MY Sara x Sams twinny x Kake/Anastopher/Chalie
Originally Posted by The Real Lily Potter
Coraline rushed through the door and sat down, she was shy to come to her first lesson, she sat on an empty table an opened up her book and read, at least maybe no strangers will talk to her, she would rather talk to her friends due to the shyness she has. she smiled as she heard the music playing, she had heard it before, it made her feel like she was home.
Katie smiled as she looked around, she was so glad classes were starting again, she had missed them, probably because they were so awesome!
It came to her, yup BANG right then BANG you know that thought BANG! Anywya enough about the BANG she smiled and waved as she walked over to the table that Coraline was sitting at and said, "If Luke and Lachy arrive we should invite them to the table, that way of its a group thing we can be all together" Katie smiled, she hoped she didn't scare Cora
Patroclus hadn't been this excited since he got the latest Firebolt, for his birthday. But this was better than a broom, Truebridge was back.
Hurrying down the hall and into the classroom, Patroclus couldn't help but falter on the spot when he saw the dark haired man, in the center of the room. "Professor Tru-" Patroclus squeaked, his voice exhibiting his excitement, "Sorry I mean Professor Truebridge, Sir" he said clearly after clearing his throat, "Great to see you again!"
Finding a vacant table, the fifth year Lion got all his things out of the bag, and sat smiling and ready.This man was Patroclus' favourite for a reason, and the boy was sure he was not going to me disappointed.
Ancient Runes had definitely been Mia's favourite subject last year and she hoped it would be again. It was just a shame that the lady professor who had taught it last term was now gone.
Shrugging her shoulders as she stepped into the classroom, Mia waved at the new professor. "Hello Professor." She said brightly as she made her way over to where Salander was sitting and promptly sat down beside him. She was starting to get used the professor's coming and going at Hogwarts. Giving Sal, a small nod of her head, she took out some parchment and quill and waited for the class to begin.
Lexi had a less than pleasant scowl/frown combo on her face as she tromped into Truebs' classroom. Her robes were in slight disarray and her hair was tousled and hanging haphazardly around her face. The only thing that changed her expression was when her eyes fell on the man of the hour... err the professor. "Good day, Professor. Good to see you back," Lexi said in a tone that was far more pleasant than that sourpuss she wore.
Her eyes then drifted over the classroom. Really? Salander. Meh. Seeing him made her wibble a bit. Sighs. Making sure to sit WAYYYY away from him but where she could totally still see him she dropped her bag and sat with her arms crossed across her chest. Full pout mode.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Ancient Runes. A class Marie was not really looking forward to. Not because she didn't necessarily like the class, but because she didn't fully understand it. However, her little study session with Jimmy did help just a little and she did have her notes with her.
Walking into the room she first heard music playing. Music that she in no way recognized. Eh she didn't care because she had spotted Professor Truebridge there. Yep, he was one of the reasons she made sure she came to class... he was after all her favorite professor... well now that Lawson was gone. And he would still be considered her Head of House if she ever needed anyone to talk to. Plus she really needed to be in class if she was planning on having a shot at all in passing her Runes OWL this year. "Hey there Professor Truebridge. Glad to have you back." she said smiling at him as she looked around deciding where to sit.
She didn't see Jimmy anywhere in the room but she did see Salander and Mia. Huh? Mia was actually sitting next to Sal. What was up with that? The last she knew her friend was mad at the boy. Hmm, must have gotten over it by now. "Hey guys, what's up?" she said as she sat on the other side of Sal. She would have sat next to Mia but then Jimmy wouldn't have been able to sit next to her when he got to class.
Music. Classical Music. Hearing the melody flow through the door, Ivory couldn't help the slight bounce of her head as she made her way into the Ancient Runes classroom. A slight twitch in her fingers registered slightly as the violin part surfaced, and part of her wished her violin was in her hand rather than in her dormitory.
But no, now was classtime. Class with Truebridge to be precise. "Hey Professor Truebridge." It was good to have the man back. To her at least, Hogwarts seemed safer with him here.
Smiling at the array of tables and comfortable clutter of the room, Ivory weaved her way between groups of tables to find an empty set of them near the middle. A shrug of her slim shoulder left her book bag as a place holder in her chosen chair. Her brow furrowed slightly as she tried to remember whether Arya had mentioned if she was taking Runes or not. Just to be safe, she placed her textbook in front of the chair right next to hers, saving her spot if that was allowed.
Her gaze trailed around the room, landing on the phonograph and the singing chalkboard and then on the large bookcase. Unconsciously steering herself in that direction, she began looking around. Leafing carefully through old texts and trying to decipher the carving on the windows, Ivory decided she liked the feel of the room. It felt....safe.
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Ancient Runes wasn't her favorite class and it certainly wasn't her best, but the young Hufflepuff had heard that Truebridge was teaching this now, so she had to attend, right? Right. Ambling into the classroom, a bounce in her step and a smile on her face, she allowed her eyes to lazily scan the classroom, settling on the professor long enough for a pleasantries. "Hey, Professor Truebridge. It's awesome to have you back."
Choosing a seat wasn't terribly difficult as she weaved through the desk and took a seat at a table that occupied her best friend. Tossing her bag off her shoulders and onto the table, being mindful of the book Ivory placed there, she gave the girl a quick hug. "Hey." The music was foreign to her ears, but it was rather catchy and she found herself drumming her fingers on the table along with the music as she let her curious eyes wonder around the classroom.
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
That's all Georgiana was thinking right now, feeling slightly nervous she walked into the room, where she saw a man. She has heard his name before "Good morning Professor-" Merlin his name! come on Georgiana you knew it! " Tru-Truebridge" she remembered and smiled.
First year, first class, what it was going to be like?. She spotted a seat on an empty table and sat down, reading her book and trying to understand what "Ancient Runes" was about.
Walking into the Ancient Runes classroom he looked around and spotted the stupid Slytherin that had caused the mess and Lexi. Faaaaaaaaaaantastic. Clenching his jaw he walked over to the farthest point away from both where he couldn't see either and sat down pulling out his book and supplies. He was half tempted to leave but he wasn't about to fail a class because Lexi didn't seem to know what she wanted. He found his eyes going int he direction he knew she was in and forced himself to stare at his book.
*Walking in Matty set his books down at a table near the middle. So far he was one of the first students here. He just shrugged and nodded a hello to the professor. Taking his seat he opened his book and started to read.*
Truebridge nodded in response and watched for a second as the boy began reading.
Originally Posted by prettyme99
Helen came in to see only a few people here so she sat down on a middle table, and began to read one of the Ancient Runes Books that she got from Diagon Alley.
Another reader.
Truebridge approved.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Salander strolls into the classroom lazily, then stops. He hears the music first before anything else registers in his head. He knew this song. He knew the play it was from. Something that cant be avoided when your father is a classical musician and you're a bored kid sitting in an empty concert hall hearing it over and over and over...
He turns his head and sets his eyes on the Professor. Still feels odd that it was a dude sitting there and not the delightfully blonde Professor Di. But if Evelyn and Marie's words were anything to go by, the Slytherin lad shouldnt be disappointed. If anything, he should buckle up and enjoy the ride.
"Good morning Professor.... errrr" what was his name again? Something about London "-- Truebridge! Good Morning Professor Truebridge." he greeted the man and made his way on the far side of the classroom nearest the windows.
"Good morning. Perhaps you'd care to share your name?" He could see the boy was a Slytherin. That was a good thing.
Originally Posted by The Real Lily Potter
Coraline rushed through the door and sat down, she was shy to come to her first lesson, she sat on an empty table an opened up her book and read, at least maybe no strangers will talk to her, she would rather talk to her friends due to the shyness she has. she smiled as she heard the music playing, she had heard it before, it made her feel like she was home.
An eager one. And in a good mood? Thats usually what smiles meant. Truebridge wasn't the best at reading facial expressions but smile=happy was a safe bet.
"Good morning."
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley
Rex is ready for Ancient Runes,
Truebridge saw that Rex was ready and nodded in greeting.
Originally Posted by PureBlood64
Katie smiled as she looked around, she was so glad classes were starting again, she had missed them, probably because they were so awesome!
It came to her, yup BANG right then BANG you know that thought BANG! Anywya enough about the BANG she smiled and waved as she walked over to the table that Coraline was sitting at and said, "If Luke and Lachy arrive we should invite them to the table, that way of its a group thing we can be all together" Katie smiled, she hoped she didn't scare Cora
Seeing Katie, Truebridge watched her for a moment but did not say hello.
Simply because she didn't either. In any case, it was good to see the young Slytherin in class.
Originally Posted by PattyH.
Patroclus hadn't been this excited since he got the latest Firebolt, for his birthday. But this was better than a broom, Truebridge was back.
Hurrying down the hall and into the classroom, Patroclus couldn't help but falter on the spot when he saw the dark haired man, in the center of the room. "Professor Tru-" Patroclus squeaked, his voice exhibiting his excitement, "Sorry I mean Professor Truebridge, Sir" he said clearly after clearing his throat, "Great to see you again!"
Finding a vacant table, the fifth year Lion got all his things out of the bag, and sat smiling and ready.This man was Patroclus' favourite for a reason, and the boy was sure he was not going to me disappointed.
"Hello Patroclus." Ethan inclined his head respectfully towards the young Gryffindor. The boy had always been an excellent student, in the other subjects he'd taught and he doubted this one would be any different. "It is excellent to see you also."
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Ancient Runes had definitely been Mia's favourite subject last year and she hoped it would be again. It was just a shame that the lady professor who had taught it last term was now gone.
Shrugging her shoulders as she stepped into the classroom, Mia waved at the new professor. "Hello Professor." She said brightly as she made her way over to where Salander was sitting and promptly sat down beside him. She was starting to get used the professor's coming and going at Hogwarts. Giving Sal, a small nod of her head, she took out some parchment and quill and waited for the class to begin.
"Hello." It seemed Truebridge had some more names to learn. Luckily he was good with names.
Belatedly he waved back.
Originally Posted by Pinky
Lexi had a less than pleasant scowl/frown combo on her face as she tromped into Truebs' classroom. Her robes were in slight disarray and her hair was tousled and hanging haphazardly around her face. The only thing that changed her expression was when her eyes fell on the man of the hour... err the professor. "Good day, Professor. Good to see you back," Lexi said in a tone that was far more pleasant than that sourpuss she wore.
Her eyes then drifted over the classroom. Really? Salander. Meh. Seeing him made her wibble a bit. Sighs. Making sure to sit WAYYYY away from him but where she could totally still see him she dropped her bag and sat with her arms crossed across her chest. Full pout mode.
"Good day to you too, Lexi." Truebridge scrutinized the young Gryffindor. "It appears there is something wrong with your face."
On occasion he'd seen Annie with that exact same expression, he was sure.
Originally Posted by top94a
Raven walk silently in the room, what is it again ancient rune, he get a seat in a vacant table, he will be ready for magical education.
Truebridge always appreciated the quiet ones. He watched for a moment as the boy sat down and then turned his head towards the next student who greeted him.
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Ancient Runes. A class Marie was not really looking forward to. Not because she didn't necessarily like the class, but because she didn't fully understand it. However, her little study session with Jimmy did help just a little and she did have her notes with her.
Walking into the room she first heard music playing. Music that she in no way recognized. Eh she didn't care because she had spotted Professor Truebridge there. Yep, he was one of the reasons she made sure she came to class... he was after all her favorite professor... well now that Lawson was gone. And he would still be considered her Head of House if she ever needed anyone to talk to. Plus she really needed to be in class if she was planning on having a shot at all in passing her Runes OWL this year. "Hey there Professor Truebridge. Glad to have you back." she said smiling at him as she looked around deciding where to sit.
She didn't see Jimmy anywhere in the room but she did see Salander and Mia. Huh? Mia was actually sitting next to Sal. What was up with that? The last she knew her friend was mad at the boy. Hmm, must have gotten over it by now. "Hey guys, what's up?" she said as she sat on the other side of Sal. She would have sat next to Mia but then Jimmy wouldn't have been able to sit next to her when he got to class.
Now where was that boyfriend of hers?
Ah Marie.
"Hello Marie. Thank you."
And where were Destiny and Evelyn?
Originally Posted by Ivy Nienna
Music. Classical Music. Hearing the melody flow through the door, Ivory couldn't help the slight bounce of her head as she made her way into the Ancient Runes classroom. A slight twitch in her fingers registered slightly as the violin part surfaced, and part of her wished her violin was in her hand rather than in her dormitory.
But no, now was classtime. Class with Truebridge to be precise. "Hey Professor Truebridge." It was good to have the man back. To her at least, Hogwarts seemed safer with him here.
Smiling at the array of tables and comfortable clutter of the room, Ivory weaved her way between groups of tables to find an empty set of them near the middle. A shrug of her slim shoulder left her book bag as a place holder in her chosen chair. Her brow furrowed slightly as she tried to remember whether Arya had mentioned if she was taking Runes or not. Just to be safe, she placed her textbook in front of the chair right next to hers, saving her spot if that was allowed.
Her gaze trailed around the room, landing on the phonograph and the singing chalkboard and then on the large bookcase. Unconsciously steering herself in that direction, she began looking around. Leafing carefully through old texts and trying to decipher the carving on the windows, Ivory decided she liked the feel of the room. It felt....safe.
"Hello Ivory." Truebridge noted the prefect badge.
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
Ancient Runes wasn't her favorite class and it certainly wasn't her best, but the young Hufflepuff had heard that Truebridge was teaching this now, so she had to attend, right? Right. Ambling into the classroom, a bounce in her step and a smile on her face, she allowed her eyes to lazily scan the classroom, settling on the professor long enough for a pleasantries. "Hey, Professor Truebridge. It's awesome to have you back."
Choosing a seat wasn't terribly difficult as she weaved through the desk and took a seat at a table that occupied her best friend. Tossing her bag off her shoulders and onto the table, being mindful of the book Ivory placed there, she gave the girl a quick hug. "Hey." The music was foreign to her ears, but it was rather catchy and she found herself drumming her fingers on the table along with the music as she let her curious eyes wonder around the classroom.
"Thank you Arya."
Ah so those two were still attached at the hip. Good to know.
Originally Posted by WeasleyGirl
First class.
That's all Georgiana was thinking right now, feeling slightly nervous she walked into the room, where she saw a man. She has heard his name before "Good morning Professor-" Merlin his name! come on Georgiana you knew it! " Tru-Truebridge" she remembered and smiled.
First year, first class, what it was going to be like?. She spotted a seat on an empty table and sat down, reading her book and trying to understand what "Ancient Runes" was about.
"Just one True." Truebridge answered, completely deadpan. "Good morning."
Originally Posted by Cinn
Walking into the Ancient Runes classroom he looked around and spotted the stupid Slytherin that had caused the mess and Lexi. Faaaaaaaaaaantastic. Clenching his jaw he walked over to the farthest point away from both where he couldn't see either and sat down pulling out his book and supplies. He was half tempted to leave but he wasn't about to fail a class because Lexi didn't seem to know what she wanted. He found his eyes going int he direction he knew she was in and forced himself to stare at his book.
Ah. Another reader. Truebridge noticed the book staring and assumed the Ravenclaw boy was simply engrossed in his reading.
Surely not breaking the very specific angst rule. Surely not.
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Sebastian walked into the Ancient Runes classroom, his bag slung upon his right shoulder, being careful not to hit anyone with it by accident. He noticed that there was music playing and the blackboard was displaying the lyrics, which made him laugh a bit. He walked over to one of the empty tables and took a seat, putting his bag down beside the chair.
Okay so he was nervous, especially for his first class here at Hogwarts, but it was going to be alright, he hoped. He grabbed his Ancient Runes textbook from his bag and placed it in front of him. Okay, so maybe he could get a head start on reading it? He opened it, placing his head on his head as he started to read. This class was going to be long.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Text Cut: Prefect Pat, Lexi, Mia, Marie, Ivan
Originally Posted by PattyH.
Patroclus hadn't been this excited since he got the latest Firebolt, for his birthday. But this was better than a broom, Truebridge was back.
Hurrying down the hall and into the classroom, Patroclus couldn't help but falter on the spot when he saw the dark haired man, in the center of the room. "Professor Tru-" Patroclus squeaked, his voice exhibiting his excitement, "Sorry I mean Professor Truebridge, Sir" he said clearly after clearing his throat, "Great to see you again!"
Finding a vacant table, the fifth year Lion got all his things out of the bag, and sat smiling and ready.This man was Patroclus' favourite for a reason, and the boy was sure he was not going to me disappointed.
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Ancient Runes had definitely been Mia's favourite subject last year and she hoped it would be again. It was just a shame that the lady professor who had taught it last term was now gone.
Shrugging her shoulders as she stepped into the classroom, Mia waved at the new professor. "Hello Professor." She said brightly as she made her way over to where Salander was sitting and promptly sat down beside him. She was starting to get used the professor's coming and going at Hogwarts. Giving Sal, a small nod of her head, she took out some parchment and quill and waited for the class to begin.
Originally Posted by Pinky
Lexi had a less than pleasant scowl/frown combo on her face as she tromped into Truebs' classroom. Her robes were in slight disarray and her hair was tousled and hanging haphazardly around her face. The only thing that changed her expression was when her eyes fell on the man of the hour... err the professor. "Good day, Professor. Good to see you back," Lexi said in a tone that was far more pleasant than that sourpuss she wore.
Her eyes then drifted over the classroom. Really? Salander. Meh. Seeing him made her wibble a bit. Sighs. Making sure to sit WAYYYY away from him but where she could totally still see him she dropped her bag and sat with her arms crossed across her chest. Full pout mode.
Originally Posted by Cinn-O-Bun
Walking into the Ancient Runes classroom he looked around and spotted the stupid Slytherin that had caused the mess and Lexi. Faaaaaaaaaaantastic. Clenching his jaw he walked over to the farthest point away from both where he couldn't see either and sat down pulling out his book and supplies. He was half tempted to leave but he wasn't about to fail a class because Lexi didn't seem to know what she wanted. He found his eyes going int he direction he knew she was in and forced himself to stare at his book.
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Ancient Runes. A class Marie was not really looking forward to. Not because she didn't necessarily like the class, but because she didn't fully understand it. However, her little study session with Jimmy did help just a little and she did have her notes with her.
Walking into the room she first heard music playing. Music that she in no way recognized. Eh she didn't care because she had spotted Professor Truebridge there. Yep, he was one of the reasons she made sure she came to class... he was after all her favorite professor... well now that Lawson was gone. And he would still be considered her Head of House if she ever needed anyone to talk to. Plus she really needed to be in class if she was planning on having a shot at all in passing her Runes OWL this year. "Hey there Professor Truebridge. Glad to have you back." she said smiling at him as she looked around deciding where to sit.
She didn't see Jimmy anywhere in the room but she did see Salander and Mia. Huh? Mia was actually sitting next to Sal. What was up with that? The last she knew her friend was mad at the boy. Hmm, must have gotten over it by now. "Hey guys, what's up?" she said as she sat on the other side of Sal. She would have sat next to Mia but then Jimmy wouldn't have been able to sit next to her when he got to class.
Now where was that boyfriend of hers?
On my own. Yeah that was the title. At least thats what he remembered.
Salander shifted his eyes back at the classroom and caught sight of the Gryffindor Prefect. The episode at the kitchens suddenly came flooding back, not knowing if he should apologize for forgetting to clean up the mess (as he said he would) or hide from being forced to hug a man-eating animal.
But before he could decide Lexi walks in next, and the Slytherin lad wanted to just melt into the floor and vanish. He struggled between looking at her and not looking at her, so much so that he started to look like he had a nervous twitch. Was she ok? Why should he care? Because he couldnt stand to leave a girl crying. And that brave Slytherin is exactly what you did.
Of course that didnt help that he also spotted that Ravenclaw dork Ivan. Eh, they could sit together for all he cared he does. He was just gonna sit and stretch his legs on the seat next to him. Just chillin.
But suddenly he felt someone plop down beside him and turned to see-- Mia! He nearly had an attack. Oh yeah this just keeps getting better and better. Must she have to sit right.next.to.him? The easier to hack your head off with my dear.
He looked up just as he heard someone greet and sat on the other side of him. "Hey Marie!" he greeted her back maybe a little too heartily, but with a look on his face Help me!
Yeah definitely not On his own now is he?
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
"Good morning. Perhaps you'd care to share your name?" He could see the boy was a Slytherin. That was a good thing.
Surely not breaking the very specific angst rule. Surely not.
"Stradivarius Salander sir." he blurted out before he knew what he was saying. He cringed, he said his entire name out loud. He never does that. "Buuut I just go by Salander. Yeah simpler, easier to remember sir." Not to mention a lot less humiliating.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Last edited by Steelsheen; 01-10-2011 at 08:46 AM.
Reason: adding Cinn. and Con LOL!
Draven walked into the classroom and saw that some students had already been filing in. He immediately saw the professor and went up to him to introduce himself.
"Hello Professor, my name is Draven Kurgan, first year. Its a pleasure to meet you sir. I look forward to your class this year as Ancient Runes is one of my favorite subjects" he said smiling.
He then went to sit down and noticed Coraline, a girl he had met briefly in Diagon Alley earlier in the summer so he went and sat down next to her.
Originally Posted by The Real Lily Potter
Coraline rushed through the door and sat down, she was shy to come to her first lesson, she sat on an empty table an opened up her book and read, at least maybe no strangers will talk to her, she would rather talk to her friends due to the shyness she has. she smiled as she heard the music playing, she had heard it before, it made her feel like she was home.
"Hey Coraline! How are you? Its really great to see you and im glad i know someone in class" he said smiling and giggling.
He opened his book to start browsing over it as he waited for the professor to start class.
A Bunz comparison... wow. She must have the angry face on RIGHT
When Truebs replied she couldn't help but stop and smile. "It's not my face that has the problem, sir," she said quietly. Her feelings were simply manifesting themself on her face. Yeah. That was it. Wait... did she have food on her face? That was a possibility. Quickly scrubbing her hand across it she frowned.
Ivan. They were both there. Why not add Sabel in the mix, too. Just for funsies. Couldn't they all change their class schedule to revolve around HER. More specifically to make sure they were not in there at the same time as her. Suppose not. Drat! She didn't miss the fact that Ivan was avoiding sitting near her and looking at her... Oh well. She hadn't expected them all to profess their undying devotion to her. Much. She would have to figure it all out on her own it looked like. Bully for her.
She did, notice Salander twitching over there. What the heck? Had she damaged some vital part of his brain with that little episode? She was certain it was her fault. She was the only reason she could think of that Salander would be all... wonky. Ugh. She was allll by herseeeeeeeeellllffff...
No one was angsty... never. Not LEXI DENVER. Denver's don't DO angst. She was pretty sure of that anyway. Maybe.
Mia's eyes roved around the room to see who was here and who was walking through the door. She belatedly noticed Pat a few seats away and she gave him a wave and a smile. It had been far too long since they had spoken to each other. She missed talking to him.
And OMG!!
Was that a Prefect badge on his robes???
Her attention was diverted to a flash of blond walking through the door and Mia sat up a little straighter, hoping that Marie was going to come and sit at the same table because Sal seemed to be a little awkward around her.
"Hey Marie. Not much, just waiting for class to start. And to see if Sal here is going to acknowledge my presence or whether he is going to keep ignoring me." Mia turned to look at the boy beside her and she raised her eyebrow at him.
she dreamed of para-para-pardise ♥ ily MY Sara x Sams twinny x Kake/Anastopher/Chalie
Originally Posted by Con_Stripes
An eager one. And in a good mood? Thats usually what smiles meant. Truebridge wasn't the best at reading facial expressions but smile=happy was a safe bet.
"Good morning."
she looked up, great she hadn't said hello or anything to the professor, "oh, um, I, um, sorry, good morning Professor Truebridge" she said, she would rather not get in trouble in her first class.
Originally Posted by Vargaroth
"Hey Coraline! How are you? Its really great to see you and im glad i know someone in class" he said smiling and giggling.
He opened his book to start browsing over it as he waited for the professor to start class.
"hello Draven" she said smiling nodding her head instead of waving her hands in the air like someone didn't care.
Originally Posted by PureBlood64
Katie smiled as she looked around, she was so glad classes were starting again, she had missed them, probably because they were so awesome!
It came to her, yup BANG right then BANG you know that thought BANG! Anywya enough about the BANG she smiled and waved as she walked over to the table that Coraline was sitting at and said, "If Luke and Lachy arrive we should invite them to the table, that way of its a group thing we can be all together" Katie smiled, she hoped she didn't scare Cora
"um, Katie are you right?" Coraline giggled, she could tell Katie had drifted off into her thoughts like she always did, Coraline how ever kept her head in a book.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Ancient Runes. His like best lesson, well it was where he had got one of his highest OWL scores, so he was assuming that it was one of his best subjects. So with a grin set on his face he walked into the classroom, although that grin turned more into a smile when he remembered who taught this lesson. Oh yes. He better behave.
"Morning Professor Truebridge." The ravenclaw nodded, as he turned to look who was in the classroom. He noticed Lexi sitting on her own at the back, not really looking happy, and then there was Mia, Marie, and Sal sat at a table together. Hmm. That would do. Heading over to where their table was situated he took a seat. "Hey guys." And now for his...favorite lesson? woot.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain