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Wow, the person he walked into apparently wasn't too happy. Edmond immidiately took a step back, "I'm sorry-" it was Feenella! Boy, was Edmond happy to see her. He noticed that she was holding back, it was probably because she thought that he was leaving. Edmond felt as if though his heart started to beat even faster than before and ran towards Feenella and wrapped his arms around her and spun them around and around. "Feenella!" Man, he was so HAPPY!
Fee couldnt help but giggle as he spun them around. Holding on to him tightly she felt her heart beating fast.This was the first time in days that her heart did actually beat noticeable. "Edmond",she said happily,"whats going on?"
Something must be up.Edmond was in such a good mood that Fee immediatly felt happy. Seeing him like this was everything she needed and wanted.
Fee couldnt help but giggle as he spun them around. Holding on to him tightly she felt her heart beating fast.This was the first time in days that her heart did actually beat noticeable. "Edmond",she said happily,"whats going on?"
Something must be up.Edmond was in such a good mood that Fee immediatly felt happy. Seeing him like this was everything she needed and wanted.
Edmond let go off her, although he didn't want to, and took out the reason of his happiness. "Here." he said with a smile on his face and even unfolded the parchment for her.
SPOILER!!: Letter
Dear Edmond,
How are you? Have you been eating? Well, I wrote because I have fantastic news. Let me tell you first of all that I did not agree with your father at all. The atrocity of trying to send you to Durmstrang, well I was not going to let that happen. I convinced your father to let you stay at Hogwarts and he has agreed. I hope his letter didn't cause any problems.
Eliza Malfoy P.S. Tell Feenella I said HI.
Edmond waited for Fee to read the letter, but couldn't help smiling.
Edmond let go off her, although he didn't want to, and took out the reason of his happiness. "Here." he said with a smile on his face and even unfolded the parchment for her.
SPOILER!!: Letter
Dear Edmond,
How are you? Have you been eating? Well, I wrote because I have fantastic news. Let me tell you first of all that I did not agree with your father at all. The atrocity of trying to send you to Durmstrang, well I was not going to let that happen. I convinced your father to let you stay at Hogwarts and he has agreed. I hope his letter didn't cause any problems.
Eliza Malfoy P.S. Tell Feenella I said HI.
Edmond waited for Fee to read the letter, but couldn't help smiling.
Fee looked a little confused at Edmond.Another letter?!Reading it for once she shook her head,that couldnt be, could it?!
Re-redeading it several times her smile got bigger and bigger.
Looking up in the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen she felt her own eyes tear up.But this time it were happy tears.
All caught up in this insane feeling she warpped her arms arounf Edmond's neck and kissed him. Quick.
"Thats fantastic, oh my god", she smiled widely,"you're going to stay.Here with me.You are not leaving.I dont know what to say. I a just happy,more than happy."
This was the best thing ever.Fee looooved Edmond's mum.She was the best and if Fee ever was to meet her she would thank her.
"Your mum is pretty amazing",she said happily,"oh and tell her i said hi,too."
Fee looked a little confused at Edmond.Another letter?!Reading it for once she shook her head,that couldnt be, could it?!
Re-redeading it several times her smile got bigger and bigger.
Looking up in the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen she felt her own eyes tear up.But this time it were happy tears.
All caught up in this insane feeling she warpped her arms arounf Edmond's neck and kissed him. Quick.
"Thats fantastic, oh my god", she smiled widely,"you're going to stay.Here with me.You are not leaving.I dont know what to say. I a just happy,more than happy."
This was the best thing ever.Fee looooved Edmond's mum.She was the best and if Fee ever was to meet her she would thank her.
"Your mum is pretty amazing",she said happily,"oh and tell her i said hi,too."
Edmond chuckled at Feenella's reaction and quickly kissed her back too. Now, the world seemed to be right again. "Yes, I'm staying and I'm not planning on leaving any time soon." he smiled widely. Man, he so happy.
"She is, isn't she." Edmond nodded. He owed his mother big time for convincing his father to let him stay at Hogwarts. "Will do." Ed said.
Edmond chuckled at Feenella's reaction and quickly kissed her back too. Now, the world seemed to be right again. "Yes, I'm staying and I'm not planning on leaving any time soon." he smiled widely. Man, he so happy.
"She is, isn't she." Edmond nodded. He owed his mother big time for convincing his father to let him stay at Hogwarts. "Will do." Ed said.
"I cant tell you how happy i am", she said still smiling,"and i guess people around me will be happy,too. I got really grumpy these days."
This was how it should be, Edmond and Fee together. At Hogwarts.
"I really thought i lost you", she whispered blushing a bit.
And Adam telling her he probably left without saying goodbye didnt make it better.But she wouldnt tell Edmond, Adam and him just became friends again.
"Of course she is",Fee said,"i owe her a lot." Like her whole happiness...
"I cant tell you how happy i am", she said still smiling,"and i guess people around me will be happy,too. I got really grumpy these days."
This was how it should be, Edmond and Fee together. At Hogwarts.
"I really thought i lost you", she whispered blushing a bit.
And Adam telling her he probably left without saying goodbye didnt make it better.But she wouldnt tell Edmond, Adam and him just became friends again.
"Of course she is",Fee said,"i owe her a lot." Like her whole happiness...
Edmond slightly frowned, "Sorry, I didn't mean to cause this for you." he had really hurt her, maybe he shouldn't have told her in the first place, but what was done was done.
"Even if I would have left, you would have never lost me." Ed said and he really meant it. He then smiled when she blushed, Ed had missed that. "I'm so sorry." he whispered, because in truth, Ed had been trying to avoid Feenella because he thought that it was better for her not to see him leave. That would have hurt her even more. Edmond felt horrible for that.
"I do too." Ed said. He was lucky to have his mother, it kind of evened out having a strict father. Eh.
Edmond slightly frowned, "Sorry, I didn't mean to cause this for you." he had really hurt her, maybe he shouldn't have told her in the first place, but what was done was done.
"Even if I would have left, you would have never lost me." Ed said and he really meant it. He then smiled when she blushed, Ed had missed that. "I'm so sorry." he whispered, because in truth, Ed had been trying to avoid Feenella because he thought that it was better for her not to see him leave. That would have hurt her even more. Edmond felt horrible for that.
"I do too." Ed said. He was lucky to have his mother, it kind of evened out having a strict father. Eh.
"Stop it right now", she said taking his hand,"thats really not your fault.And its over now.So stop worrying."
It was Mr.Malfoy's fault and Edmond really shouldnt feel guilty.Everything that had happened the last few days was in the past.It didnt matter anymore.
"Are you sure you wouldnt have found a girl, prettier or better and left me",Fee asked looking down.
She knew she was being silly,but she couldnt help it.
"Stop saying you're sorry", Fee smiled warmly,"everything is okay. You havent done anything wrong."
He was the perfect boyfriend,why didnt he see that?!
Last edited by Lauralicious; 10-22-2010 at 02:19 PM.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
Fee watched as Kita's letter flew away. Oh noooo not good. That wasnt what Fee wanted. Not at all.
"Sorry about the letter", she said blushing slightly.
Fee really didnt want to cause Kita any trouble.She just missed her best friend so much...
"Yeees, i hate to be spereated from you for so long", she said sadly,"I am okay, i guess."
She just couldnt talk about what happend the other day. It hurted so bad.. Why was he going to leave ?!
"I saw you talking to that one guy at the task two stands", she wiggled with her eyebrows changing the subject,"soooooo whats up with you two?"
Kita clutched her letter and smiled at her bestie.
"Fee! I got it back, don't worry!" she said, "And anyways, i was holding it very loosely."
"Aw! I hate getting separated from you for a long time as well! It's just really sad!" she said, hoping that the two of them would be able to spend more time together. It was sad that the two of them hadn't seen much of each other this past year.
And then she heard the two words which made her upset for her bestie. "You guess?! Fee, what's wrong?" she asked, "Is there anything you want to talk about? You know you can always come to me if you want to talk." Seeing her bestie like this wasn't good at all.
Then Fee changed the subject and it was Kita's turn to blush. "Nothing..." she said, looking away, "I just met him then and we haven't talked since." Figures.
Kita saw Edmond entering and smiled. Him and Fee made such a cute couple! Leaving the couple with each other, she turned around to find a very disgruntled owl glaring up at her. Talk about getting moody! She tied her letter to her owl and fed her some owl treats to try and make her feel better. It didn't matter that her own owl bit her, even if it was a little too sharply. She held out her arm and let her owl jump onto it before letting her fly away.
Staying by the window, she waved at her owl and watched as it flew away. A nice breeze, sunny skies and a beautiful scenery. The moment was perfect.
Last edited by hermionesclone; 10-21-2010 at 08:44 PM.
"I know, I know," Fletcher continued grinning and even flashed a wink at Muffin. Thanks, lil niffler, for being such an irresistible chick magnet. Apparently he did work all right, even on girls who didn't like animals! How bout that.
Raising a brow as the Prefect apparently called him nommable, Fletcher shook his head and approached to take the animal away. Too far, Cameron, too far. Fletcher was NOT nommable, unless she was referencing his very kissable lips? Hmm? That would be true, at least. Regardless, he would be guarding his pet a little more closely now.
Cuddling Muffin against his chest, Fletcher smirked. "I know your name, Champion. How can you not know mine?" Granted, he managed to keep a low radar, usually, and they hadn't even been formally introduced, but c'mon, girl. Who didn't know Fletcher? THE Fletcher?!
"There's gold in the Hufflepuff common room?" he added slowly, eyes widening at all the possibilities suggested there. "Nuh uhhhhhh. I've never seen it!"
Cameron nodded. Yep.. and this was where she would start triple filtering her thoughts before she spoke. As if this wasn't awkward enough..
She lifted her eyes from the Niffler to see his expression and a frown creased her absolutely besotted expression. "Can't I hold him a little longer..?" He was adorable! And he was nommable! Like those kyute little cherub children. When they were asleep. Sound asleep. Children were nasty when they were awake. Much too much flailing and 'wanting things'.
But he took the Niffler anyway and she pouted before digging her hands into her pockets. She had nothing to hold anymore. And that made her embarassment even more awkward. "You do?" She frowned and shrugged off his mention of the whole 'Champion' thing. Participee was a more accurate term considering she hadn't gotten very far. At all.. "Chyeah.. um.. I'm not good with names?" She offered? That and the fact that she paid as much attention to the student body of Hogwarts as she did her homework wasn't helping her much. Didn't it start with like.. A? M? Nope. She was at a loss. "Amnesia.. they say. So what's the name?"
She frowned, crossing her arms over her chest thoughtfully. "Weeeell, I dunno if there's gold persay, but there's GOLD stuff and this little baby might think it's gold." And then the boy would be blamed for his pet having caused the common room to look like a bomb had exploded in it. Shame..
Captain Awesome?_________________________________ _________________________________.....Fidget works too.
Yes, this was the owlry. The owls didn't like Rae's raven too much... But Rae didn't care, she had barely ever let Erebos out this year. Too busy with class, her wild activities, and those wretched thoughts... Yes, after all this time, she still had the thoughts. They consumed her, they frustrated and stressed her out. They made her depressed, they made her go crazy. Hence the new, wild, flip-of-a-switch Rae. The owls started hooting when they saw Erebos... Ergh.. Chill... stupid birds. After letting her trusty winged friend fly off she leaned against the railing on her elbows with her hands clamping both sides of her head. These thoughts even gave her headaches sometimes.
'Cause I saw the moon fall I watched the colors
Fade from everything, as winter stays...
Kita clutched her letter and smiled at her bestie.
"Fee! I got it back, don't worry!" she said, "And anyways, i was holding it very loosely."
"Aw! I hate getting separated from you for a long time as well! It's just really sad!" she said, hoping that the two of them would be able to spend more time together. It was sad that the two of them hadn't seen much of each other this past year.
And then she heard the two words which made her upset for her bestie. "You guess?! Fee, what's wrong?" she asked, "Is there anything you want to talk about? You know you can always come to me if you want to talk." Seeing her bestie like this wasn't good at all.
Then Fee changed the subject and it was Kita's turn to blush. "Nothing..." she said, looking away, "I just met him then and we haven't talked since." Figures.
Kita saw Edmond entering and smiled. Him and Fee made such a cute couple! Leaving the couple with each other, she turned around to find a very disgruntled owl glaring up at her. Talk about getting moody! She tied her letter to her owl and fed her some owl treats to try and make her feel better. It didn't matter that her own owl bit her, even if it was a little too sharply. She held out her arm and let her owl jump onto it before letting her fly away.
Staying by the window, she waved at her owl and watched as it flew away. A nice breeze, sunny skies and a beautiful scenery. The moment was perfect.
"Okayyy goood then",Fee smiled happily.
It was an insanly good feeling to know she had sucha great best friend.
"Thats soo stupid",she sighed,"actually this should have been our year. Not study year."
Fee hated the fact that homework and lessons seperated them. And them being in different houses didnt help at all. "But we have summer vacation right?"
Hopefully they would meet during the holidays,oherwise Fee would be really sad. Being away from her best friend for do long wasnt exactly what Fee called awesome.
"Ohhhhh goooood Kita i am sooo happy", Fee smiled,"sorry about worrying you. But Edmond nearly left for Durmstrang and i was totally down."
The thought of him leaving still let her shiver. "But nooow its different he stays and oh my good i feel sooo free right now",she hugged her best friend.Finally everything was okay again.
"Nothing looks different",Fee wiggled her eyebrows,"i can see you bluuuuuush."
Oh god,this was cute.Did Kita grow a crush?!
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
"Okayyy goood then",Fee smiled happily.
It was an insanly good feeling to know she had sucha great best friend.
"Thats soo stupid",she sighed,"actually this should have been our year. Not study year."
Fee hated the fact that homework and lessons seperated them. And them being in different houses didnt help at all. "But we have summer vacation right?"
Hopefully they would meet during the holidays,oherwise Fee would be really sad. Being away from her best friend for do long wasnt exactly what Fee called awesome.
"Ohhhhh goooood Kita i am sooo happy", Fee smiled,"sorry about worrying you. But Edmond nearly left for Durmstrang and i was totally down."
The thought of him leaving still let her shiver. "But nooow its different he stays and oh my good i feel sooo free right now",she hugged her best friend.Finally everything was okay again.
"Nothing looks different",Fee wiggled her eyebrows,"i can see you bluuuuuush."
Oh god,this was cute.Did Kita grow a crush?!
Kita smiled back. It was great being around Fee again. She didn't realise how much she had missed her bestie. Homework was definitely to blame.
"Yeah! It should have been our year!" she said, frowning slightly, "Studying just got in the way. Not good at all." What a way to spend the year! Doing work, revising and barely seeing your friends. So sad.
"Yeah, we have the summer!" she said, smiling, "We can always meet up and go shopping!" Now that sounded like a plan. Shopping with Fee would be great; the best way to shop.
Kita was confused. She looked a bit upset a minute ago and now she was happy. Hm... "Edmond was going to leave?" she said, her eyes growing wide as she understood why Fee was upset, "Oh that's great! I'm so happy for you!" And Fee's weird behaviour made sense to her. Who wouldn't have a change in mood by one decision?
Kita cursed herself for still blushing. "In what way does nothing sound different?" she asked, hoping Fee didn't mean what she thought she meant, "Fee, you're making me blush by thinking whatever you're thinking. Honestly, there's nothing between us." Why did she get the feeling that Fee wouldn't believe her?
Kita smiled back. It was great being around Fee again. She didn't realise how much she had missed her bestie. Homework was definitely to blame.
"Yeah! It should have been our year!" she said, frowning slightly, "Studying just got in the way. Not good at all." What a way to spend the year! Doing work, revising and barely seeing your friends. So sad.
"Yeah, we have the summer!" she said, smiling, "We can always meet up and go shopping!" Now that sounded like a plan. Shopping with Fee would be great; the best way to shop.
Kita was confused. She looked a bit upset a minute ago and now she was happy. Hm... "Edmond was going to leave?" she said, her eyes growing wide as she understood why Fee was upset, "Oh that's great! I'm so happy for you!" And Fee's weird behaviour made sense to her. Who wouldn't have a change in mood by one decision?
Kita cursed herself for still blushing. "In what way does nothing sound different?" she asked, hoping Fee didn't mean what she thought she meant, "Fee, you're making me blush by thinking whatever you're thinking. Honestly, there's nothing between us." Why did she get the feeling that Fee wouldn't believe her?
"Ah hun dont worry, i know it had been not too cool but i still love you",she winked,"i always will."
Fee knew how hard this year had been with all the studying and stuff,Kita shouldnt worry to much.As long as they got to meet sometime and dont lose eachother, everything was fine.
Adn besided that it was actually Fee's fault, she had spent most of her time with Edmond.
"Oh yes Miss Lewis",she smild happily,"shopping.Thats the thing. It will be so much fun. Imagine us together at Diagon Alley."
Woah, they would be so perfect. Diagon Alley,watch out.
Fee giggled at the confused expression on Kita's face. "I am sorry for my moodswings",she said,"but i am just to happy. I cant believe it. I just love him,Kita."
This was too much for her, she wanted to hug the world. She really needed to thank his mum sometime.
"Nothing sounds diffeerent beeeecause you are blushing",Fee smirked,"you find him hot, at least."
Sure Fee was making her blush, way to go bestie. "Maybe there is nothing between you yeeeeeeet", she sang and winked at her bestie.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
"Ah hun dont worry, i know it had been not too cool but i still love you",she winked,"i always will."
Fee knew how hard this year had been with all the studying and stuff,Kita shouldnt worry to much.As long as they got to meet sometime and dont lose eachother, everything was fine.
Adn besided that it was actually Fee's fault, she had spent most of her time with Edmond.
"Oh yes Miss Lewis",she smild happily,"shopping.Thats the thing. It will be so much fun. Imagine us together at Diagon Alley."
Woah, they would be so perfect. Diagon Alley,watch out.
Fee giggled at the confused expression on Kita's face. "I am sorry for my moodswings",she said,"but i am just to happy. I cant believe it. I just love him,Kita."
This was too much for her, she wanted to hug the world. She really needed to thank his mum sometime.
"Nothing sounds diffeerent beeeecause you are blushing",Fee smirked,"you find him hot, at least."
Sure Fee was making her blush, way to go bestie. "Maybe there is nothing between you yeeeeeeet", she sang and winked at her bestie.
"Yeah it would have been. A totally great year!" she said, sighing, "Aw! I love you too! And i will always do so as well." She liked being a girl and being able to say that without any awkwardness there.
Talk about a rough year. She hated the way she wasn't able to keep up with most of her friends. Maybe that's why she had lost contact with some of them. She hoped that the same thing wouldn't happen with her and Fee.
"That would be great Miss Schwarzberg," Kita said, "Diagon Alley won't know what has hit it!" Just the idea of shopping!
Kita laughed. "That's fine. You're a girl! Moodswings are natural!" she said, "Aw! That's so cute! My little Fee's in love!" Such a sweet moment!
Kita blushed even more. Fee really knew how to make her blush didn't she? "Fee, you're making me blush by your talk about him," she said, before sighing and reluctantly admitting what she admitted next, "I think that he's good looking, yes, nothing more." And then the girl decided to wink! She wasn't going to rest was she? "Fee! Nothing will happen between the two of us. And anyways, i think he's going out with someone else already so nothing can happen between us," she said, wondering how she knew he was going out with someone. Who knew.
Yes, this was the owlry. The owls didn't like Rae's raven too much... But Rae didn't care, she had barely ever let Erebos out this year. Too busy with class, her wild activities, and those wretched thoughts... Yes, after all this time, she still had the thoughts. They consumed her, they frustrated and stressed her out. They made her depressed, they made her go crazy. Hence the new, wild, flip-of-a-switch Rae. The owls started hooting when they saw Erebos... Ergh.. Chill... stupid birds. After letting her trusty winged friend fly off she leaned against the railing on her elbows with her hands clamping both sides of her head. These thoughts even gave her headaches sometimes.
Golden and agile, an eagle-like bird flew into the owlery. It had a letter attached to one leg and as it flew in, it came to a rather abrupt stop. Rae. It knew and had been looking for Rae. But of course it hadn't expected to see her here.
The bird had delivered a few letters to her but that had been months ago. In the summer. Now it circled her, before coming to a pause in front of her and stretching out a leg.
Jessica's time on SS is now limited thanks to that big and BAD thing called real life
Golden and agile, an eagle-like bird flew into the owlery. It had a letter attached to one leg and as it flew in, it came to a rather abrupt stop. Rae. It knew and had been looking for Rae. But of course it hadn't expected to see her here.
The bird had delivered a few letters to her but that had been months ago. In the summer. Now it circled her, before coming to a pause in front of her and stretching out a leg.
Whilst looking at the scenery of Hogwarts, She saw a bird fly in... It was.... Circling her? "EERGHHH!" Her arms trying to shoo the bird away. "Stupid bird, your not looking for me!" Why was it circling her? It hadn't occured to her that she might actually get a letter from someone. At least not until the bird landed on the railing and stuck out it's leg to her.... The sixteen year old looked at this bird skeptically.... What would it be bringing to her? She stepped forward slowly and tied the letter off the the bird carefully.
'Cause I saw the moon fall I watched the colors
Fade from everything, as winter stays...
"Yeah it would have been. A totally great year!" she said, sighing, "Aw! I love you too! And i will always do so as well." She liked being a girl and being able to say that without any awkwardness there.
Talk about a rough year. She hated the way she wasn't able to keep up with most of her friends. Maybe that's why she had lost contact with some of them. She hoped that the same thing wouldn't happen with her and Fee.
"That would be great Miss Schwarzberg," Kita said, "Diagon Alley won't know what has hit it!" Just the idea of shopping!
Kita laughed. "That's fine. You're a girl! Moodswings are natural!" she said, "Aw! That's so cute! My little Fee's in love!" Such a sweet moment!
Kita blushed even more. Fee really knew how to make her blush didn't she? "Fee, you're making me blush by your talk about him," she said, before sighing and reluctantly admitting what she admitted next, "I think that he's good looking, yes, nothing more." And then the girl decided to wink! She wasn't going to rest was she? "Fee! Nothing will happen between the two of us. And anyways, i think he's going out with someone else already so nothing can happen between us," she said, wondering how she knew he was going out with someone. Who knew.
"But heyy maybe next years is going to be better",Fee smiled,"at least thats what i hope.Otherwise i'll need to break in the huffie's common room and kidnap you."
Now that would be sooo funny,but she would surely get detention. Ugh.
But to be honest,Fee would do that for Kita. She saw some of her fri dd sooo rarely,it was a pitty.Of course there was always the main group,but still. No way she would let Kita's and her friendship go down. Kita was much to important to her.
"Ohhhh yeees",Fee giggled,"we are going to rock madam malkins."
Oh how she could imagine.Kita and her filling the air with craziness. Yaaay.
And to that shopping, shoooopppping.Oh sweet obsession.
Fee instantly blushed.Not because of the moodswings thing, more because of Kita telling her Fee was in love. "Yeah i knooooow",Fee smiled,"i dont know what i would have done without him the past 9 months."
Wooow, 9 months were a looong time, Fee didnt even know time was passing this quick.
"Ohhhh seee you think he is hoooot",Fee wiggled her eyebrows,"i am sure he thinks you are hot toooooo."
Of course he did.
Wait a second he was dating someone else`?! "What where did you get that from?"
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
"But heyy maybe next years is going to be better",Fee smiled,"at least thats what i hope.Otherwise i'll need to break in the huffie's common room and kidnap you."
Now that would be sooo funny,but she would surely get detention. Ugh.
But to be honest,Fee would do that for Kita. She saw some of her fri dd sooo rarely,it was a pitty.Of course there was always the main group,but still. No way she would let Kita's and her friendship go down. Kita was much to important to her.
"Ohhhh yeees",Fee giggled,"we are going to rock madam malkins."
Oh how she could imagine.Kita and her filling the air with craziness. Yaaay.
And to that shopping, shoooopppping.Oh sweet obsession.
Fee instantly blushed.Not because of the moodswings thing, more because of Kita telling her Fee was in love. "Yeah i knooooow",Fee smiled,"i dont know what i would have done without him the past 9 months."
Wooow, 9 months were a looong time, Fee didnt even know time was passing this quick.
"Ohhhh seee you think he is hoooot",Fee wiggled her eyebrows,"i am sure he thinks you are hot toooooo."
Of course he did.
Wait a second he was dating someone else`?! "What where did you get that from?"
Maybe. I hope so. Although, i've got my OWL's next year so it'll be work and revision," Kita said, frowning. She's going to hate next year and she knew it. She started laughing at Fee's threat. "You're going to break into the common room? Now that would make the year interesting!" she said, smiling as she imagined Fee doing that. And maybe it would make her see sense. And make her get her head out of her books.
Kita giggled along. "Oh yeah!" she said, "That would be so cool! And the dress robes in Madame Malkins are so nice!" She still remembered the dress robes she bought and the way she didn't get the chance to wear them. But she knew that shopping would be great! Especially since it's with Fee.
What Fee said was something so cute that Kita hugged her. "Aw!" she said, "Fee! That's so sweet! And you guys have lasted 9 months! Well done! That's a really long time!" And it was.
The waggling eyebrows was inappropriate, but it made her blush even more. "Fee... I just think he's good looking. Nothing else," she said, "Oh no! Fee! Somehow, i don't think so. If he did, we might have talked again." Now that was something Fee can't argue against.
"Oh no!" she whispered, "Well, i don't know. I just got this... feeling."Great one Kitkat! a voice in her head said.
Whilst looking at the scenery of Hogwarts, She saw a bird fly in... It was.... Circling her? "EERGHHH!" Her arms trying to shoo the bird away. "Stupid bird, your not looking for me!" Why was it circling her? It hadn't occured to her that she might actually get a letter from someone. At least not until the bird landed on the railing and stuck out it's leg to her.... The sixteen year old looked at this bird skeptically.... What would it be bringing to her? She stepped forward slowly and tied the letter off the the bird carefully.
The bird backed off, glared, and then held out its leg again. Once Rae had detached the letter from its leg, it flew off almost immediately.
The parchment had a silverish tinge to it and smelled faintly like expensive perfume. The letter read:
Text Cut: Letter
Dear Rae,
I know the last letter you received from me must have reached you at the start of the school term but trust me, I didn't know it would have to be the last for a while. I left for university after that and only found out after arriving there that first years are not allowed to write to anyone except immediate family. Our mail is scanned, so I had no alternative.
I don't know how angry you are (I know for a fact that you are angry. I know and I'm sorry) and it might not be the best idea to let you know all this through a letter but I think you might get angrierand that's a scary possibility if this letter doesn't reach you.
I've been worried sick about you but if you don't believe me, I think I understand. I hope that you still want to stay in touch with me you have been doing well, that everything has been fine and that you won't clobber my head next time you see me.... if you want to see me and right now, I have serious doubts about that.
Please stay safe.
Jessica's time on SS is now limited thanks to that big and BAD thing called real life
The bird backed off, glared, and then held out its leg again. Once Rae had detached the letter from its leg, it flew off almost immediately.
The parchment had a silverish tinge to it and smelled faintly like expensive perfume. The letter read:
Text Cut: Letter
Dear Rae,
I know the last letter you received from me must have reached you at the start of the school term but trust me, I didn't know it would have to be the last for a while. I left for university after that and only found out after arriving there that first years are not allowed to write to anyone except immediate family. Our mail is scanned, so I had no alternative.
I don't know how angry you are (I know for a fact that you are angry. I know and I'm sorry) and it might not be the best idea to let you know all this through a letter but I think you might get angrierand that's a scary possibility if this letter doesn't reach you.
I've been worried sick about you but if you don't believe me, I think I understand. I hope that you still want to stay in touch with me you have been doing well, that everything has been fine and that you won't clobber my head next time you see me.... if you want to see me and right now, I have serious doubts about that.
Please stay safe.
Holding the silvery letter in her hands, Rae examined it closely and cautiously before opening it. Hmmm.. It didn't look like it from her mother or sister, and it didn't look official like the Ministry's. Rae now decided it was safe to open the letter, her eyes scanned straight to the signature first. Seeing Xylon's name written at the bottom of the page shot her heart up to her throat. Was this a joke? Was she dreaming? No. This was real. Rae took in each word carefully as if these words would save her life. She read it twice, three times over even. It was March, and NOW she got a letter. Her first letter from her boyfriend was in March. Sure it was a logical excuse, but even still. Now there was a massive surge of guilt rushing through Rae. It really wasn't his fault right? Rae felt her jacket pocket... She still had that howler in there. No she wont send that. Not after this. She would feel too terrible even if she was angry. Rae folded the note back up and put it next to the howler in her pocket. Then she took out a quill, ink, and some parchment, and began to write a response...
SPOILER!!: Reply
What in Merlin's name went on? What happened over the summer? Over the whole year.... You just... Disappeared! I didn't even know you went to university yet. I wasn't told, I just assumed. Of course I'm angry, but of course your forgiven.... This wont happen again... It better not... It will be easier to talk in person... Letters, don't express what I really want to say right now, of course there are difficulties with you cutting off communication from me for so long...
I might just clobber your head, but all is fair in love and war... This is definitely both.
After reading over what she wrote, Rae folded it up and called for her raven. Immediately Erebos answered, faithful as ever. Rae tied the letter to his leg, even if the bird hated doing this, he always obeyed. Rae gave Erebos a treat then sent him off to deliver a reply back to Xylon... He better not even fly back without a response letter.
'Cause I saw the moon fall I watched the colors
Fade from everything, as winter stays...
Maybe. I hope so. Although, i've got my OWL's next year so it'll be work and revision," Kita said, frowning. She's going to hate next year and she knew it. She started laughing at Fee's threat. "You're going to break into the common room? Now that would make the year interesting!" she said, smiling as she imagined Fee doing that. And maybe it would make her see sense. And make her get her head out of her books.
Kita giggled along. "Oh yeah!" she said, "That would be so cool! And the dress robes in Madame Malkins are so nice!" She still remembered the dress robes she bought and the way she didn't get the chance to wear them. But she knew that shopping would be great! Especially since it's with Fee.
What Fee said was something so cute that Kita hugged her. "Aw!" she said, "Fee! That's so sweet! And you guys have lasted 9 months! Well done! That's a really long time!" And it was.
The waggling eyebrows was inappropriate, but it made her blush even more. "Fee... I just think he's good looking. Nothing else," she said, "Oh no! Fee! Somehow, i don't think so. If he did, we might have talked again." Now that was something Fee can't argue against.
"Oh no!" she whispered, "Well, i don't know. I just got this... feeling."Great one Kitkat! a voice in her head said.
"I knooow but we could study together",Fee suggested,"that way we could spend a little more time with eachother at least."
Studying wasnt funny but maybe with her bestie it was.
"Yuup i would totally do that for you",she nodded laughing.
Anythig for Kita.
"Ohh yes totally i need new clothes i cant wear everything two seasons",Fee giggled,"we will rock Diagon Alley."
People there should better watch out.The crazy duo had made a plan.Shopping with Kiat would be soo fun.They had planned for sooo long.
Hugging her bestie she giggled. "Yeaahh and i hope we will last a loooot longer",she blushed a little,"i just feel good when he is around."
And whenever he qwasnt she felt incomplete.Somehow freaky but she couldnt help it.
"Hun you never know what the future will bring",Fee laughed,"if you need me you know where the common room is."
Boys advice was always the best from your bestie.
"This feeling,oh Kita",she smiled,"you are soooo cute."
It was a mytsery that she still hadnt met the guy.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
"I knooow but we could study together",Fee suggested,"that way we could spend a little more time with eachother at least."
Studying wasnt funny but maybe with her bestie it was.
"Yuup i would totally do that for you",she nodded laughing.
Anythig for Kita.
"Ohh yes totally i need new clothes i cant wear everything two seasons",Fee giggled,"we will rock Diagon Alley."
People there should better watch out.The crazy duo had made a plan.Shopping with Kiat would be soo fun.They had planned for sooo long.
Hugging her bestie she giggled. "Yeaahh and i hope we will last a loooot longer",she blushed a little,"i just feel good when he is around."
And whenever he qwasnt she felt incomplete.Somehow freaky but she couldnt help it.
"Hun you never know what the future will bring",Fee laughed,"if you need me you know where the common room is."
Boys advice was always the best from your bestie.
"This feeling,oh Kita",she smiled,"you are soooo cute."
It was a mytsery that she still hadnt met the guy.
"Ooh! That'll be great!" Kita said, clapping her hands, "Yeah, we could! And we won't get a detention or anything for not doing work! That's a great idea Fee!"
"Aw!" she said, giving her bestie a hug, "Well, the Slytherin Common Room is in the dungeons so it'll be easy for me to drop by as well." Fee was so sweet!
Kita started laughing. "That's true. You need to change what you wear from time to time," she said, smiling, "That we will! And everyone will stare at the two crazy, awesome girls walking by."
Kita hated the way she was so emotional sometimes. She could feel her eyes welling up and she knew exactly why. "Aw!" she said, fanning her eyes, "That's so cute! I'm so happy for you!" In her defence... it was such. A. Cute. Moment.
"Yeah, i'll come to you if i have any boy trouble," she said, smiling, "Even if it's past midnight, ok? But that's not the case now so you don't have to worry."
And... The blushing continued. "Ok, i meant that i thought he was already going out with someone," she said, "Fee... What did you mean by that?" She hoped Fee didn't mean what she thought she meant. She had never blushed so much in her life.
"Ooh! That'll be great!" Kita said, clapping her hands, "Yeah, we could! And we won't get a detention or anything for not doing work! That's a great idea Fee!"
"Aw!" she said, giving her bestie a hug, "Well, the Slytherin Common Room is in the dungeons so it'll be easy for me to drop by as well." Fee was so sweet!
Kita started laughing. "That's true. You need to change what you wear from time to time," she said, smiling, "That we will! And everyone will stare at the two crazy, awesome girls walking by."
Kita hated the way she was so emotional sometimes. She could feel her eyes welling up and she knew exactly why. "Aw!" she said, fanning her eyes, "That's so cute! I'm so happy for you!" In her defence... it was such. A. Cute. Moment.
"Yeah, i'll come to you if i have any boy trouble," she said, smiling, "Even if it's past midnight, ok? But that's not the case now so you don't have to worry."
And... The blushing continued. "Ok, i meant that i thought he was already going out with someone," she said, "Fee... What did you mean by that?" She hoped Fee didn't mean what she thought she meant. She had never blushed so much in her life.
"I knooooow",Fee laughed,"i always come up with the great ideas."
If they studied together,they could spend sooo much more time together and that was just great.Hogwarts was awesome but being sepearted from her bestie wasnt quite the cool way to spend time.
"Ahhh but you couldnt break in there",Fee shook her head hugging her bestie back,"you know how Lafay is."
Lafay would murder Kita if she saw her breaking in.NOOOOOOT what Fee wanted.
"Ahhh i guess we dont care if they'll stare do we?",she giggled,"and i need some new clothes really.The others are sooo last season."
When it came to fashion Fee was a litt special,she never wore the clothers from last season.
Fee giggled as she saw Kita tearing up.That was soooo cute from her. "Aww you are so sweet Kita really",she smiled,"i am sure there is someone for you too."
There had to be,her bestie was amazing.
"Ohh yeees you have to come whenever there is something you need to talk about",Fee nodded.
There was no way she would let Kita think that Fee wasnt there for her.Anytime of the day.
"Kiiiiitttaaaaa dont worry",she chuckled,"if he isnt the one then maybe someone else.I just thought."
Fee really didnt want to embarras her bestie.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
"I knooooow",Fee laughed,"i always come up with the great ideas."
If they studied together,they could spend sooo much more time together and that was just great.Hogwarts was awesome but being sepearted from her bestie wasnt quite the cool way to spend time.
"Ahhh but you couldnt break in there",Fee shook her head hugging her bestie back,"you know how Lafay is."
Lafay would murder Kita if she saw her breaking in.NOOOOOOT what Fee wanted.
"Ahhh i guess we dont care if they'll stare do we?",she giggled,"and i need some new clothes really.The others are sooo last season."
When it came to fashion Fee was a litt special,she never wore the clothers from last season.
Fee giggled as she saw Kita tearing up.That was soooo cute from her. "Aww you are so sweet Kita really",she smiled,"i am sure there is someone for you too."
There had to be,her bestie was amazing.
"Ohh yeees you have to come whenever there is something you need to talk about",Fee nodded.
There was no way she would let Kita think that Fee wasnt there for her.Anytime of the day.
"Kiiiiitttaaaaa dont worry",she chuckled,"if he isnt the one then maybe someone else.I just thought."
Fee really didnt want to embarras her bestie.
[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Kita laughed. "Yeah you do," she said, "That's why you're the creative serpent!" No wonder Fee had that name. It totally suited her. No doubt about it.
And... the brunette got confused. Maybe too much pumpkin juice wasn't good for you. "Lafay?" she asked, "Who's Lafay?" And a Puff not being able to break into a common room? Now that didn't sound right. Only they knew how crazy they can get! Ah! Sweet and innocent on the outside!
Kita laughed. "Yeah, who cares if they stare? They might just be jealous!" she knew she certainly didn't care, "Oh no! Out of season clothes? We can't have that! That's what i call a fashion emergency." Boy was she girly all of a sudden. Ah well!
Kita smiled. "Well, my bestie just told me she's fallen in love, of course i'm going to be emotional about it. It's really cute!" she said, "But thanks! You're sweet as well." Yeah, her bestie was sweet. Very sweet. And... Fee went on to say something that she disagreed with. "Well, if there is, he needs to hurry up," she said. It has been 4 years after all. True, she has only been thinking about guys this past year but still.
"Yeah i will," Kita said, "And you have to as well." She didn't want to think that Fee can't come to her. Because she definitely can. No doubt about that whatsoever.
Kita, still blushing, started laughing nervously. "Aw Fee! You're so sweet. I just don't think i feel like that about him because i barely know him," she said, knowing that that was true, "Of course you did. It's you job!"
[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Kita laughed. "Yeah you do," she said, "That's why you're the creative serpent!" No wonder Fee had that name. It totally suited her. No doubt about it.
And... the brunette got confused. Maybe too much pumpkin juice wasn't good for you. "Lafay?" she asked, "Who's Lafay?" And a Puff not being able to break into a common room? Now that didn't sound right. Only they knew how crazy they can get! Ah! Sweet and innocent on the §outside!
Kita laughed. "Yeah, who cares if they stare? They might just be jealous!" she knew she certainly didn't care, "Oh no! Out of season clothes? We can't have that! That's what i call a fashion emergency." Boy was she girly all of a sudden. Ah well!
Kita smiled. "Well, my bestie just told me she's fallen in love, of course i'm going to be emotional about it. It's really cute!" she said, "But thanks! You're sweet as well." Yeah, her bestie was sweet. Very sweet. And... Fee went on to say something that she disagreed with. "Well, if there is, he needs to hurry up," she said. It has been 4 years after all. True, she has only been thinking about guys this past year but still.
"Yeah i will," Kita said, "And you have to as well." She didn't want to think that Fee can't come to her. Because she definitely can. No doubt about that whatsoever.
Kita, still blushing, started laughing nervously. "Aw Fee! You're so sweet. I just don't think i feel like that about him because i barely know him," she said, knowing that that was true, "Of course you did. It's you job!"
"Awww Kitaaaa",Fee said giggling,"thank you."
It was really sweet of her bestie to tell Fee. Pf ciurse she knew she was a little creative but FKita always made her feel like the most awesome on the world.
And that made Kita herself the most awesome.
"The Slytherin head?",she laughed,"she is baaaaaaad with detention."
Woaahh extra hours with potions mistress? No way,Fee was glad when she was out of reach.
"Riiiight i can totally understand the jealousy",Fee nodded,"i would be jealous if us to if i was someone else."
The two together were just uber amazing.Nobody could comapre to them. "I cant go around in that clothes",she nodded,"thats not acceptable.I mean they are nice and pretty for now but next year?!"
Fee really hoped that she could go shopping these holidays,there was no way she would go to school in her old ones. "Soo that means, fight the fashion emergency?",she giggled.
Fee couldnt help but hug her bestie.Pf course there was someone for her. Fee herself had never imagined she would find someone just now. "Kitttaaaaa really stop thinking like that",she told her bestie,"there is someone mayb he is slow but you can punish him
With carrying her shopping bags for example.
"Of course hun",Fee smiled,"What are besties for?!"
She wad glad that she had someone she could count on. Especially in her first year.
"Well then he really wasnt the right one",Fee winked,"its my job?!"
Her job to find someone for her incredeble bestie,yes.