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The Whomping Willow I kid you not, this is one tree you don’t want to mess with. Its best you keep a safe distance from The Whomping Willow’s tree limbs. This is one fight you can’t win. And, if you choose to ignore and get hurt, then Mr. Masterson reserves ever right to laugh at you and poke fun. |
Dav! O_______________________________O IT WAS THE BIG SCARY TREE OF DEATH!!! Savannah Conrad did NOT miss this thing. It was scary and big and could kill her with one thwack! She couldn't even beat it with a purse to make it stop hitting her! SOB. Not that she had actually been hit by the tree or anything, well...unless nightmares didn't count. Hehhh. The blonde stood away from the tree, FARRRR away from the tree. Nothing was going to ruin her pretty face especially not a dumb tree. |
"Sav? What are you doing at the whomping willow?" She asked raising an eyebrow at the blonde. |
Oh hey, it was a person! The blonde turned around, pushing her braid back into it's rightful place. Hey, it was Rhea! Savannah still kind of felt bad about Aiden being a jerk at her party, Errr....that was a good question actually. What WAS she doing here ?! This tree scared her so why did she come to see it? It's not like she missed it's scariness of anything, if anything she didn't like see it at all. Shrug."Oh...er...."The blonde began to play with her braid."I dunno."Pause."What are YOU doing here ?"Inset lots of shiftyness here. |
She laughed at her inability to answer. She figured she might have just wandered there or something. Maybe she was trying to clear her head. Who knew? She raised a single eyebrow and smirked. "You can't answer so you're turning the question me,reeeeeeeeeeal smooth Sav." She chuckled and got closer. "I just came to visit my favourite angry and violent tree. I daresay it must have missed me tons." |
GULP. "Angry tree ?!THE TREE GETS ANGRY ?!?!"fgsfhdfxhsfs. Savvy didn't want to make the tree mad, nooooo she didn't! She just thought it hit random things she didn't think it had like feelings or anything. |
"Yeah I figured as much." She laughed and laughed when Savannah freaked out about the tree getting angry. Ok so maybe she shouldn't have laughed but it was hilarious. Eh..I just call it that because I always come here ever I get really upset to chuck stones at the tree. "It's not literally angry Sav. I just call it my angry tree because I come here to cool off when I'm mad." |
Eck. BIG SCARY TREE! The Whomping Willow freaked Maddie out... why had she even come here in the first place? The answer to that question was beyond her, she thought, as she stood and watched the creepy tree moving about and thrashing it's branches. IT WAS SCARYY! She wished they would get rid of it. Yupp. Then she wouldn't have to avoid the stupid thing when she came outside and stuff. So WHY WAS SHE STILL HERE? The Willow was too scarry to stay! But although it terrified her, Maddie also found the tree oddly interesting to watch. So she simply stood there, gazing at it as the thing whacked it's branches against each other. It WAS interesting... how did it even move, anyway? Weird :blink: |
Ringo was playing one of those cat and mouse games again with Preston...and well, Preston was having fun, as always chasing the raccoon everywhere until he was so tired all he wanted to do was go to bed and sleep...and then wake up and go eat to refuel the energy. Now, Ringo was running straight for a big tree that Preston knew he should stay away from, the one that he couldn't remember the name of, but he was sure this was the one that his father had warned him about going near. But, Ringo was running closer and closer to the tree, and Preston didn't know what else to do but sink to his knees a safe distance from the tree in case it decided to do something funky. "R-R-R-R-Ring-Ringo come b-b-back!" He hollered to the animal as it continued to run to the tree. |
"I bet you didn't know I'm terrified of this tree..."Savannah said, looking back at the tree. Weirdos like Kody probably weren't scared of it. SNORT. Savvy cared about her health though and REALLLLLY didn't want to die so she was going to avoid the tree of death if at all possible. Just to prove her point, the blonde stepped a step away from the tree. Giggle. Rhea probably thought she was crazy right now. Savvy couldn't help but be paranoid though! She was scared! "Ohhhh....."WHEW! That made her feel a tiny bit better, she still wasn't getting near that tree though, nope. It was never going to happen."Dont the rocks like hit you back though ?" |
Maddie just stood there for a moment longer... untii; her view was interrupted. By a RACOON. Yes, a racoon. How odd. Though, she did like racoons, they were cool. HANG ON! Cute lil' racoon buddy was running for the tree! NUU! He was gonna get hurt... and she guessed it was the little firstie's, since he was yelling. Awwh... firstie. C-YOOT. Setting off for the tree at a run, Maddie ducked down a little so as not to get hit by flying tree limbs. That would be baaad. Before she reached the trunk, though, the liittle racoon dude stopped and turned round. And then just... stood there. Eh. Bending down and scooping him up, Maddie walked back to the little firstie and knelt on the grass beside him. 'Here y'are' she said happily, and set the racoon on the floor next to him... wait, Preston? 'Preston? That you?' she said happily, glad to have found the younger boy. He'd looked so unhappy when he'd left FF's, she sorta wanted to know why. |
Arabella-Marie wandered down to the whomping willow and sat down a bit away from the tree and hoped that she would make more friends soon |
Wandering down from the castle, still with her uniform on since she was too lazy to put something else on, Evelyn crossed her arms as she stepped over the rocks, bumps, and leaves on the ground. Oh the leaves were so annoying to step on. The crunch noise? Yea, not cool. Finally making it to the tree, the Slytherin smiled before turning to- OMG! Someone was sitting in her favorite spot!! That was not acceptable. Maybe she could make the girl move? "Hey." she said, walking up to the young girl. Moooooooove! |
"Hey." she replied back, again, glancing from the girl to the spot she was sitting on. It was the perfect spot in the whole place. No rocks, random lumps in the ground, less leaves flew here, and it had a nice view of both the whomping willow tree and the castle in the background. Plus, if you looked over to the side, you'd have the perfect view of the lake. It was THE spot to be. It was also HER spot. "So. What...what are you doing?" Sitting in my spot? "Are you new here?" Because that would explain some things. |
"So umm, how are you liking the school so far?" And what made her decide to sit here? It better not be her favorite spot already either!! "Which house were you sorted in?" Not that it really mattered, but it would really help with her decision on how to move the girl. |
Internally sighing, Evelyn stared at the young girl, deciding that she had to be a first year. Her being new and all, she might as well just let the girl go off with a warning. Besides, she didn't really want to sit there in her favorite spot now anyways. It had Gryffindork germs on it. Pfffft. Sighing loudly this time, almost like a whine really, Evelyn plopped herself down on the ground from where she stood and rolled to her back. She was too tired to mess with the girl. Having forgotten to visit Lafay, her nights of sleep had been terrible. Peaking open an eye, she glanced towards the willow tree, watching it's branches sway gently in the breeze. Hehehehe. "So...do you want to see the willow tree up close?" Hehehehehehe. |
Just make sure there are no professors around first. Anywho... Settling into a more comfortable position, the Slytherin placed her hands behind her head and stared up at the few clouds that were in the sky. There was something that she completely forgot though, which was going to be fixed right now. "What's your name?" |
"A pleasure to meet you Kingston." she said, sitting up and wiping any dirt or grass off of her back that may have stuck. Leaning back on her hands though, she looked from Kingston to the willow tree, raising a brow in the process. "So? Are you a Gryffindor or not?" |
"Me too? I'm not the Gryffindor trying to live up to her houses name." Eesh. She was the Slytherin here, not the Gryffindork. "I'll sit here, and if you need any help, just call out okay?" She would be there in a flash! A really long...flash. Smiling sweetly, she nodded her head towards the tree, before settling back to leaning on her hands. Hehe, this was going to be good. How she wished Destiny could be here to see this too. Aw well, she's probably just off trying to catch butterflies and screaming anyways. |
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