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Enter the Runes classroom, and the chalkboard directs you to the grounds. Here, a safe distance away from the Tree-that-loves-to-whomp, is an enclosure-of-sorts. Desks are set here, in neat rows. On each, there is a covered plate that contains two cookies. Next to each plate, is a note that reads:
The Professor shall be here shortly. In the meanwhile, your task is to make these cookies disappear - one temporarily, and one permanently. It doesn't matter how you do it - what matters is that when the Professor comes, there should be no cookies on top of your desk! Remember, you should be able to bring one of the 'disappeared' cookies out of hiding, if asked!
Aaah. Now she was better. Naughty cookie fought back, eh? Louisa grinned darkly, she won at the end. She glanced at the other one. Now, how was she supposed to make this one disappear temporarily? She could hide it underneath her robes and then get it out but that'd work in her old muggle-school. Time to take help from others. Smirk.
Looking around her she noticed a nearby boy doing a spell, she leant closer enough to hear the incantation -not wanting to repeat her failure attempt of charms- and he was clear enough. Evanesco. She repeated it under her breath. "Er... hi. Cold weather today, eh?" Like I'm sorry I stole your idea fellow student. Well, she didn't want to seem so fighy leaning over his seat that way. Whatever.
She turned back to her cookie and, "Evanesco!" She muttered smiling as the spell worked perfectly. She should thank the boy later, she made a mental note. Her mental book was full now. Meh.
Hearing the sound of someone dieing off to his side, Patroclus turned to see a young Claw, smiling at him. "T'is a little chilly" he smiled in reply, her words only just making sense.
Continuing to grind the biscuit beneath his foot, Patroclus realised he was getting quite alot of pleasure smashing it into the ground, stress-relief and all that jazz!
Hearing the sound of someone dieing off to his side, Patroclus turned to see a young Claw, smiling at him. "T'is a little chilly" he smiled in reply, her words only just making sense.
Continuing to grind the biscuit beneath his foot, Patroclus realised he was getting quite alot of pleasure smashing it into the ground, stress-relief and all that jazz!
Proud of herself she rarely heard the boy replying but she nodded blushing a bit from the warmth her Ravvie scarf gave. Tapping on the desk opposite of her happily (not sleepy anymore) Louisa was scanning the class and taking notes of everyone's ideas for the cookies.
The boy next to her was clear with what he did of course. Chuc---
Wait a second! What was that under his foot? She goggled down at his foot seeing it smashing the ground. Was he stepping on something? Something that could be easily fixed by a foot!! Like...like.. like a COOKIE! She blinked and swallowed. The blush was replaced by shade yellow. Please don't let her miss today.
"Is..is that y...your.. c..cookie down there?" She stuttered trying to smile. If no, then she'd be saved and would give all of her candies to the boy. If yes, she was dooooomed by making BOTH of her cookies die. A puppy look was drawn upon her face.
This, what the professor was asking, was his profession. PFFFFFT. Was he even serious?!
Willie stood up, and while glancing around the room, his hand swiftly picked up one cookie and stuffed it in his behind. It was the safest place he could think of. No one would ever suspect someone hiding a cookie there. He snickered.
As for the permanently, Willie grabbed the other cookie and stared at it. You'd think he was trying to zap it off the face of the desk with his laser beam eyes, but no. No. Never. Instead, he balled his hand into a fist and began smashing it against the desk, crushing the cookie into tiny little pieces.
"NWAHAHAHA," he laughed manically, forgetting he was in class in the first place.
Oh. My. Goodness.
Should she say something, or pretend that she hadn't noticed? Di decided to clear her throat [louuudly] but, at that moment, the boy who had been stuffing the cookie... somewhere, picked up the other and began to smash it. Di's eyes wiiiidened, and then she did clear her throat.
"Hello, class."
She pauuused, resisted the urge to eye Willie, and then really did look around at the students. "No cookies, I see." Di smiled, though the smile was a bit smaaall [the memory of Willie Cookie!Person was still fresh in her mind]. "Let's bring those temporarily disappeared cookies back in sight, shall we?"
Yes. That was a task.
... would it be unprofessional if she eyed the Hufflepuff kid again to see if he was still doing something odd?
Should she say something, or pretend that she hadn't noticed? Di decided to clear her throat [louuudly] but, at that moment, the boy who had been stuffing the cookie... somewhere, picked up the other and began to smash it. Di's eyes wiiiidened, and then she did clear her throat.
"Hello, class."
She pauuused, resisted the urge to eye Willie, and then really did look around at the students. "No cookies, I see." Di smiled, though the smile was a bit smaaall [the memory of Willie Cookie!Person was still fresh in her mind]. "Let's bring those temporarily disappeared cookies back in sight, shall we?"
Yes. That was a task.
... would it be unprofessional if she eyed the Hufflepuff kid again to see if he was still doing something odd?
Brittany looked up to see the professor appear. She had decided to Hide her cookie in her huffie scarf because there was no way she could do a spell to make it disappear temporarily. "Good day professor." she said as she unwrapped the scarf from around her neck. Yeah Yeah she still had the scarf on annnd the cookie wrapped in it. It was cold who would blame her. she then placed the cookie back onto the desk.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Well that was clearly not a long enough length of time for Fletcher's hair to fully absorb ANY of the benefits of the cookie. Why hadn't she just let him eat the thing then?! Fletcher grumbled but obediently tipped his hat to the professor and went rooting about in his hair for the cookie.
It took him a few minutes to dig through his tousled locks for the cookie, but lo and behold, he found it. And the chocolate chips in the cookie hadn't melted too much either! Licking a spot of chocolate off his finger, Fletcher carefully placed his cookie in the center of his desk and settled back.
He looked up at the professor with a hungry, pitiful expression. Could they eat it now? Now? Now? Now? What about now? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease?!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Should she say something, or pretend that she hadn't noticed? Di decided to clear her throat [louuudly] but, at that moment, the boy who had been stuffing the cookie... somewhere, picked up the other and began to smash it. Di's eyes wiiiidened, and then she did clear her throat.
"Hello, class."
She pauuused, resisted the urge to eye Willie, and then really did look around at the students. "No cookies, I see." Di smiled, though the smile was a bit smaaall [the memory of Willie Cookie!Person was still fresh in her mind]. "Let's bring those temporarily disappeared cookies back in sight, shall we?"
Yes. That was a task.
... would it be unprofessional if she eyed the Hufflepuff kid again to see if he was still doing something odd?
Emmaleigh smiled as the teacher approached, and then returned her greeting. "Hello Professor!" Yeah, no cookies. man, she hoped she did the whole disappearing thing correctly. Hearing the request to bring forth the cookie, she reached down into her bag to retrieve it. She then placed the missing cookie on to her desk.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
SPOILER!!: Destiny and Josh
Originally Posted by Destiny
Even though they were sitting a far distance from the Whomping Willow, Destiny was STILL scared. She couldn't help but staaaare at the tree as it moved to and fro and..did it just whomp at a bird?
Or an owl?
Oh well. As long as it wasn't her owl, she cared not. Sitting herself down in the seat next to Evelyn, Destiny placed her bag down and looked at her desk..COOKIES! It was a good thing the note was spotted or else the cookies would have disappeared right into her mouth. And what do you know? She had to make the cookies disappear anyway. That meant she couldn't eat them..
..since they wouldn't disappear permanently.
Hmm.. Before making her own disappear, Destiny watched everyone rid themselves of their cookies. Evelyn had thrown hers, and other people were using magic.. Picking up the first, she stuffed it up her sleeve. There. That would be the one that would be brought back..that's if it didn't get squashed first.. The note didn't say it had to be brought back the same way it disappeared though.
And now to disappear one permanently.
Picking the other cookie up, she crumbled it in her hand before standing from her desk to scatter the crumbs around.
Gone cookie, gone.
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady
It was Runes time!!!!
Josh was, this time, eager to join the lesson because it was outside and the Gryffindor boy liked outdoor classes quite much. Actually he liked anything outdoors unless it snowed. He definitely did not like snow. But of course this did not mean he disliked snowball fights.
Snow had nothing to do with this class so, as the boy approached the area where the class would be held, he tried to focus on that fact. Snow and cold had nothing to do with the class. Hehehe. Then walking to the seats, he chose one close to Evelyn and...
COOKIE!!!!! YAY!!!
The moment he saw the cookies, the Gryffindor boy immediately ate one of them and when he was about to bite the other his dark brown eyes caught the sight of the note. Oh?! Hmmmm!
Okay. One of them was permanently gone so how about the other? Looking around him, he put the cookie on the seat and sat on it. Now it was nowhere in sight, was it? Bahaha
Slumping back down in her seat, Evelyn STARED at the cookie girl that she finally noticed was in the...room? Would this place be called a room?
It didn’t matter because Dessstiinnny was in the house!
Gah muggles said some weird things.
Chuckling just a bit as she watched her friend stuff one of the cookies up her sleeve, the Slytherin leaned her head back to look up, or perhaps close her eyes for a few moments. Until out of the corner of her eye she saw a flash of red and dark brown. Red robes, dark brown hair…’tis JOSH!
Sighing, the girl sat up straight, her terrible mood being gone now considering Destiny and Josh were here now, and Marie was off chasing a bird, was she spending too much time with Destiny?. Friends and boyfriend were here. Check. Ridiculous spot to have class in the winter time? Check. Confused on what the heck the cookies are for?
Definitely CHECK!
Originally Posted by Maxilocks
Oh. My. Goodness.
Should she say something, or pretend that she hadn't noticed? Di decided to clear her throat [louuudly] but, at that moment, the boy who had been stuffing the cookie... somewhere, picked up the other and began to smash it. Di's eyes wiiiidened, and then she did clear her throat.
"Hello, class."
She pauuused, resisted the urge to eye Willie, and then really did look around at the students. "No cookies, I see." Di smiled, though the smile was a bit smaaall [the memory of Willie Cookie!Person was still fresh in her mind]. "Let's bring those temporarily disappeared cookies back in sight, shall we?"
Yes. That was a task.
... would it be nonprofessional if she eyed the Hufflepuff kid to see if he was still doing something odd?
Still having no clue as to what the cookies were for even though the Professor started talking?
Heaving a sigh, Evelyn bent to the side and took out her cookie from her bag before glancing over to Destiny. She didn’t squish her cookie in her sleeve did she? Imagine all the crumbs sticking to her clothes. Would sure be…MIGHTY uncomfortable.
And she would have asked what the cookies were for, but why waste the breath when it was probably going to be said anyways sooner or later? Unless of course…
She wants them to GUESS what the cookies or for…PFFT!
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by LoveMePlease
Viky slipped into the classroom and took a seat next to Simon, staring at the cookies. She was supposed to make the cookies disappear? How was she going to do that?! She soo wanted to eat one, but that would be silly. Although it would work, theoretically. She just didn't want to eat in class. Soo... what to doooo? She could vanish it, she supposed.... but how?
OH. IDEA!! She had an ideaa! Viky looked down at the first cookie and pulled out her wand. 'Wingardium Leviosa!' she muttered, and watched in satisfaction as the cookie zoomed up into the air... oh yeah, she was supposed to do something 'Fixate!' she muttered, and it stopped suddenly. And now for the hard part.... 'Locomotor cookie!'
Nothing. Hmm. 'LocoMOTor cookie!' she tried again, putting emphasis on different syllables. Still nothing. 'LoCOmotOR cookie!' she repeated, changing the emphasis again. This time, it worked. She moved the wand back and forth for a bit, and then decided where to put it. On Simon's head. She hovered above it for a minute, and then changed her mind. If he moved, it'd fall off and shatter. Not cool. So instead, she stuck it under his desk. That'd be okay, right?
And now for the other one. Pfft, why two? Though, this one should be easier, since she didn't have to get it back. What spells did she know for this? Well, depulso was one. But that was boring. But... Confringo. That'd do, surely. And she got to make thing explode! YEAH! 'Confringo!' Viky said loudly, pointing her wand at the remaining cookie. WOOT! It exploeded! Yayyy! 'So. Cool.' she muttered. Hehe.
And now she had no cookies left. But would Simon notice the extra one under his seat? She hoped that he wouldn't tell, if he did.
Simon had only noticed Viky come into the tented area and take a seat near him. He gave her a smile as he dug out a piece of parchment and another quill, a real one this time, for note-taking. Straightening up he placed both on the desk in front of him preparing for class and not seeing the cookie float under his desk.
Originally Posted by Maxilocks
Oh. My. Goodness.
Should she say something, or pretend that she hadn't noticed? Di decided to clear her throat [louuudly] but, at that moment, the boy who had been stuffing the cookie... somewhere, picked up the other and began to smash it. Di's eyes wiiiidened, and then she did clear her throat.
"Hello, class."
She pauuused, resisted the urge to eye Willie, and then really did look around at the students. "No cookies, I see." Di smiled, though the smile was a bit smaaall [the memory of Willie Cookie!Person was still fresh in her mind]. "Let's bring those temporarily disappeared cookies back in sight, shall we?"
Yes. That was a task.
... would it be unprofessional if she eyed the Hufflepuff kid again to see if he was still doing something odd?
His attention shifted in the direction of the cleared voice, seeing Professor Markovic as she joined them. "Hello Professor," Simon greeted with a polite smile. At her instruction, he took hold of his wand again and aimed the tip at the fake quill. "Finite Incantium," he cast, returning the cookie to its plate.
Brittany looked up to see the professor appear. She had decided to Hide her cookie in her huffie scarf because there was no way she could do a spell to make it disappear temporarily. "Good day professor." she said as she unwrapped the scarf from around her neck. Yeah Yeah she still had the scarf on annnd the cookie wrapped in it. It was cold who would blame her. she then placed the cookie back onto the desk.
Di smiled at the girl. [Must. Not. Look. At. Willie!Cookie Person.]
"Hello, Miss Lee."
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Well that was clearly not a long enough length of time for Fletcher's hair to fully absorb ANY of the benefits of the cookie. Why hadn't she just let him eat the thing then?! Fletcher grumbled but obediently tipped his hat to the professor and went rooting about in his hair for the cookie.
It took him a few minutes to dig through his tousled locks for the cookie, but lo and behold, he found it. And the chocolate chips in the cookie hadn't melted too much either! Licking a spot of chocolate off his finger, Fletcher carefully placed his cookie in the center of his desk and settled back.
He looked up at the professor with a hungry, pitiful expression. Could they eat it now? Now? Now? Now? What about now? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease?!
Forget Willie Cookie!Person, there were stranger kids in town. Di had not expected, not in a gazillion years, that someone might hide a cookie in their hair. AND Champion Glitterpuff... errr, Fletcher, looked like he had every intention of consuming that cookie.
"Everything alright, Mr. Fletcher?"
Of course not.
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy
Emmaleigh smiled as the teacher approached, and then returned her greeting. "Hello Professor!" Yeah, no cookies. man, she hoped she did the whole disappearing thing correctly. Hearing the request to bring forth the cookie, she reached down into her bag to retrieve it. She then placed the missing cookie on to her desk.
Di smiled again. [This time round, mustnotlookatMr.Fletcher.]
"Hello, Miss Swynford."
Originally Posted by Macavity
His attention shifted in the direction of the cleared voice, seeing Professor Markovic as she joined them. "Hello Professor," Simon greeted with a polite smile. At her instruction, he took hold of his wand again and aimed the tip at the fake quill. "Finite Incantium," he cast, returning the cookie to its plate.
"Hello, hello," Di said, giving the Gryffindor a proper smile [yes, she was beginning to get over the combined shocks of Willie Crocker and Duncan Fletcher's cookies.]
Should she say something, or pretend that she hadn't noticed? Di decided to clear her throat [louuudly] but, at that moment, the boy who had been stuffing the cookie... somewhere, picked up the other and began to smash it. Di's eyes wiiiidened, and then she did clear her throat.
"Hello, class."
She pauuused, resisted the urge to eye Willie, and then really did look around at the students. "No cookies, I see." Di smiled, though the smile was a bit smaaall [the memory of Willie Cookie!Person was still fresh in her mind]. "Let's bring those temporarily disappeared cookies back in sight, shall we?"
Yes. That was a task.
... would it be unprofessional if she eyed the Hufflepuff kid again to see if he was still doing something odd?
Louisa blinked several times. Er.. cookie back? She felt something in her stomach. Oh no, not you. Something was lurching down there. Her blood went out of her face suddenly. Damn! Why was she always so curious to what others were doing?
She put her hand on her mouth. No not you. Why was the cookie coming out? Maybe it felt the trouble Louisa put herself into. If it wasn't for that boy, she wouldn't have stolen the spell. Grrr.. she'd deal with him later but now she had to convince the cookie to stay in her body for a little longer.
The professor waited for them to show their cookies and people started to respond. Louisa ignored thinking fast. Truth meant embarrassment so she shoved the idea to the back of her head and started looking around for a piece of cookie that somebody dropped accidentally.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by Maxilocks
Forget Willie Cookie!Person, there were stranger kids in town. Di had not expected, not in a gazillion years, that someone might hide a cookie in their hair. AND Champion Glitterpuff... errr, Fletcher, looked like he had every intention of consuming that cookie.
"Everything alright, Mr. Fletcher?"
Of course not.
Fletcher tore his sad, mournful little eyes away from his cookie and looked up at the professor balefully.
"No ma'am," he said slowwwwly, frowning now. "Well.... yes. I was just wondering.... do we get to eat this cookie? Pleeeeeeeease?!"
It would only be fair to the cookies, that both would get eaten in the end.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Di smiled at the girl. [Must. Not. Look. At. Willie!Cookie Person.]
"Hello, Miss Lee."
Forget Willie Cookie!Person, there were stranger kids in town. Di had not expected, not in a gazillion years, that someone might hide a cookie in their hair. AND Champion Glitterpuff... errr, Fletcher, looked like he had every intention of consuming that cookie.
"Everything alright, Mr. Fletcher?"
Of course not.
Di smiled again. [This time round, mustnotlookatMr.Fletcher.]
"Hello, Miss Swynford."
"Hello, hello," Di said, giving the Gryffindor a proper smile [yes, she was beginning to get over the combined shocks of Willie Crocker and Duncan Fletcher's cookies.]
Brittany smiled at the professor and waited for her to tell what will happen next with the cookie. But from the looks of it some students already had something in mind for it she thought looking at her house's champion *smirk*
The professor waited for them to show their cookies and people started to respond. Louisa ignored thinking fast. Truth meant embarrassment so she shoved the idea to the back of her head and started looking around for a piece of cookie that somebody dropped accidentally.
Di noticed, as her gaze swept the students gathered in the temporary classroom, that Miss Carter seemed a bit... uncomfortable? Shifty? Something along those lines, yes. She gave the girl an inquiring, little look. The 'everything alright?' kind.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Fletcher tore his sad, mournful little eyes away from his cookie and looked up at the professor balefully.
"No ma'am," he said slowwwwly, frowning now. "Well.... yes. I was just wondering.... do we get to eat this cookie? Pleeeeeeeease?!"
It would only be fair to the cookies, that both would get eaten in the end.
Um. No, child, no. You can't eat that cookie, you put it in your HAIR. It must have gotten... diiirty.
"You can if you want to, Mr. Fletcher."
Noooowwww. Di half-turned her head so that she could see everyone properly. Right. "I see most of you successfully managed to conceal both of your cookies. There was a big difference between the two concealments -" Yes, ignore the fact that concealments is not a word, students - "however. Can anyone explain out?"
Di paused, looked around and decided it was a liiiittle cold out here. Three semi-circles in the air, one little dash of her wand, and the temperature had risen. Not enough to make everything all hot and stuffy, but enough to make the enclosure seem not-too-cold.
OOC: Class has now officially started. Characters arriving after this point risks losing their house points, unless they have a good, IC excuse. Once again, chatting is okay in small amounts. Have fun!
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Maxilocks
Di noticed, as her gaze swept the students gathered in the temporary classroom, that Miss Carter seemed a bit... uncomfortable? Shifty? Something along those lines, yes. She gave the girl an inquiring, little look. The 'everything alright?' kind.
Um. No, child, no. You can't eat that cookie, you put it in your HAIR. It must have gotten... diiirty.
"You can if you want to, Mr. Fletcher."
Noooowwww. Di half-turned her head so that she could see everyone properly. Right. "I see most of you successfully managed to conceal both of your cookies. There was a big difference between the two concealments -" Yes, ignore the fact that concealments is not a word, students - "however. Can anyone explain out?"
Di paused, looked around and decided it was a liiiittle cold out here. Three semi-circles in the air, one little dash of her wand, and the temperature had risen. Not enough to make everything all hot and stuffy, but enough to make the enclosure seem not-too-cold.
OOC: Class has now officially started. Characters arriving after this point risks losing their house points, unless they have a good, IC excuse. Once again, chatting is okay in small amounts. Have fun!
Kurumi, having taken her second cookie out of her robe's pocket raised her hand. "Perhaps because we all have a different idea of what the word concealments...means to us." Hadn't the professor mentioned the previous lesson that different runes may speak differently to different people?
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by Maxilocks
Um. No, child, no. You can't eat that cookie, you put it in your HAIR. It must have gotten... diiirty.
"You can if you want to, Mr. Fletcher."
Noooowwww. Di half-turned her head so that she could see everyone properly. Right. "I see most of you successfully managed to conceal both of your cookies. There was a big difference between the two concealments -" Yes, ignore the fact that concealments is not a word, students - "however. Can anyone explain out?"
Di paused, looked around and decided it was a liiiittle cold out here. Three semi-circles in the air, one little dash of her wand, and the temperature had risen. Not enough to make everything all hot and stuffy, but enough to make the enclosure seem not-too-cold.
Aha YES. SHE SAID YES. Fletcher's face lit up like it was his birthday AND Christmas, all in one.... which well, since his birthday was always December 25th, was entirely possible. But no matter.
COOOOOOOOOKIE! Fletcher's grin widened as he opened his mouth and popped in the entire cookie that, a moment ago, had been nestled in his hair. "Fankssss, professurrr," he called out, spewing crumbs all over his desk and probably the hair of the person in front of him too.
Mmmm good, gooey, crumbly cookie. Fletch swallowed and was suddenly so very, very thirsty. Now if only he had a glass of milk... would he get in trouble for conjuring one? Fletcher's eyes darted about shiftily for a moment.... and then he just decided to go ahead and get one with a flick of his wand. He downed the milk in one gulp and wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve.
All right. Class could start now. He was satisfied. So uh, what was the question?
"One concealment was permanent and one was only temporary, professor," Fletcher answered with his hand raised. What did she want explained though? "And this is relevant to Runes because.......uh.............cookies are awesome and so is this class? And some Runes can... conceal their meaning at first?"
He so had no idea. But he was happy, because he had cookies. And he would gladly eat the spare cookies of anyone who didn't want theirs.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
"It can mean that everyone has a different idea of how to conceal something..."Adam guessed. "You see, I used a vanishing charm for the temporary concealment, but other students might have used a different way of hiding the cookie..."He looked around it was better to guess, and get your word heard than sit in the back thinking you are always wrong.
Patroclus was good at Vanishing, but re-conjouring was a little beyond his four years of education.
He was perfect at Evanesco, an OWL level spell, due to the fact that his mother was former Transgifuration professor at Beauxbatons, but usually his mother returned his vanished items.......but Pandora wasn't her right now.
Patroclus had been expecting that something would have happened to bring them all back, but Oppps.....
"Professor, I agree with Kurumi," he smiled. "Each person has a different take on the riddle, some may want to use magic, some may want to just use their hands, everything is personal......." then in a hushed tone. "Professor, I can't get my cookie back"
Di noticed, as her gaze swept the students gathered in the temporary classroom, that Miss Carter seemed a bit... uncomfortable? Shifty? Something along those lines, yes. She gave the girl an inquiring, little look. The 'everything alright?' kind.
Um. No, child, no. You can't eat that cookie, you put it in your HAIR. It must have gotten... diiirty.
"You can if you want to, Mr. Fletcher."
Noooowwww. Di half-turned her head so that she could see everyone properly. Right. "I see most of you successfully managed to conceal both of your cookies. There was a big difference between the two concealments -" Yes, ignore the fact that concealments is not a word, students - "however. Can anyone explain out?"
Di paused, looked around and decided it was a liiiittle cold out here. Three semi-circles in the air, one little dash of her wand, and the temperature had risen. Not enough to make everything all hot and stuffy, but enough to make the enclosure seem not-too-cold.
OOC: Class has now officially started. Characters arriving after this point risks losing their house points, unless they have a good, IC excuse. Once again, chatting is okay in small amounts. Have fun!
Emmaleigh looked over to where Fletcher sat. If he was allowed to eat the cookie, would she be allowed to as well? But before she could ask, the PRofessor had started the lesson. Well, is she was going to ask about the cookie, she better come up with come kind of answer to the question. After a moment's thought, she raised her hand. "Um, Professor, does that mean I can eat my cookie too? and um. I think the difference is one cookie was genuinely disappeared, while the other through deception."
Last edited by Yourenodaisy; 10-01-2010 at 03:34 AM.
Reason: formatting
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: Lowlow XD
Originally Posted by Nienna
Hands in his pockets as always, Willie marched into the class with absolute confidence. He glowed with so much confidence that some might think he was actually passing this class and getting high grades.
The moment his eyes had fallen upon the desks, his jaw dropped. He also remembered he was quite hungry. Very, very hungry. In fact, his stomach made a loud grumbling noise that would have made woodland creatures run into the forest from fear. And yes, he was exaggerating in his mind.
He chose a desk he felt comfortable at, sat in front of it and eyed the cookies on the plate. Willie lowered his head, his eyes on the same level as the cookies. This... this felt suspicious to him. Then again, cookies were still cookies. He sat back up, looked at the people around him, then back at the cookies. It was then did he find the note. Willie frowned as he picked up the note, and when reading what the professor asked he slowly grinned.
This, what the professor was asking, was his profession. PFFFFFT. Was he even serious?!
Willie stood up, and while glancing around the room, his hand swiftly picked up one cookie and stuffed it in his behind. It was the safest place he could think of. No one would ever suspect someone hiding a cookie there. He snickered.
As for the permanently, Willie grabbed the other cookie and stared at it. You'd think he was trying to zap it off the face of the desk with his laser beam eyes, but no. No. Never. Instead, he balled his hand into a fist and began smashing it against the desk, crushing the cookie into tiny little pieces.
"NWAHAHAHA," he laughed manically, forgetting he was in class in the first place.
Originally Posted by Maxilocks
Oh. My. Goodness.
Should she say something, or pretend that she hadn't noticed? Di decided to clear her throat [louuudly] but, at that moment, the boy who had been stuffing the cookie... somewhere, picked up the other and began to smash it. Di's eyes wiiiidened, and then she did clear her throat.
"Hello, class."
She pauuused, resisted the urge to eye Willie, and then really did look around at the students. "No cookies, I see." Di smiled, though the smile was a bit smaaall [the memory of Willie Cookie!Person was still fresh in her mind]. "Let's bring those temporarily disappeared cookies back in sight, shall we?"
Yes. That was a task.
... would it be unprofessional if she eyed the Hufflepuff kid again to see if he was still doing something odd?
The Professor wasnt the only one who saw that Hufflepuff boy stuff that cookie where the sun doesnt shine (not usually) and that got Salander morbidly staring at the lad, not so much watching him pound another cookie into smithereens, but moreso watching THAT HAND to make sure that whatever else IT TOUCHES, Salander would be sure to avoid it like a plague.
Still keeping an eye out on THAT HAND, Salander took out his wand and lazily pointed it to that small mound of dirt "Wingardium Leviosa" and up sprang the soiled cookie, landing on his table with a small plop.
SPOILER!!: GlitterPuff
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Well that was clearly not a long enough length of time for Fletcher's hair to fully absorb ANY of the benefits of the cookie. Why hadn't she just let him eat the thing then?! Fletcher grumbled but obediently tipped his hat to the professor and went rooting about in his hair for the cookie.
It took him a few minutes to dig through his tousled locks for the cookie, but lo and behold, he found it. And the chocolate chips in the cookie hadn't melted too much either! Licking a spot of chocolate off his finger, Fletcher carefully placed his cookie in the center of his desk and settled back.
He looked up at the professor with a hungry, pitiful expression. Could they eat it now? Now? Now? Now? What about now? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease?!
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Fletcher tore his sad, mournful little eyes away from his cookie and looked up at the professor balefully.
"No ma'am," he said slowwwwly, frowning now. "Well.... yes. I was just wondering.... do we get to eat this cookie? Pleeeeeeeease?!"
It would only be fair to the cookies, that both would get eaten in the end.
He did a double take when Fletcher actually fished his cookie OUT OF HIS HAIR! And say what? He was actually suggesting to the Professor that they eat said reappeared cookie? Salander shook his head vigorously, beacuse there is no way he was eating anything that he just dug out from the ground. He then shifted his eyes at the other HufflePuff boy, wondering how he would feel if he was made to eat what he just stuffed in his pants?
Originally Posted by Maxilocks
Noooowwww. Di half-turned her head so that she could see everyone properly. Right. "I see most of you successfully managed to conceal both of your cookies. There was a big difference between the two concealments -" Yes, ignore the fact that concealments is not a word, students - "however. Can anyone explain out?"
Di paused, looked around and decided it was a liiiittle cold out here. Three semi-circles in the air, one little dash of her wand, and the temperature had risen. Not enough to make everything all hot and stuffy, but enough to make the enclosure seem not-too-cold.
He raised his hand and replied "One aint coming back cuz we ate it. The other is still here cuz we wont eat it." then nudged his head at Fletcher "...except for him."
He looks back at the CookieStuffing Hufflepuff boy. Would he eat it?!?
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Well, there were like, a ton of big differences in the concealment(s).
Looking around at everyone as they answered, she generally agreed with all of their answers. Permanent and temporary were two rather huge different concepts, not to mention everyone had their own opinion on what concealment was. Hers, didn't get concealed permanently all that well though. Or at least, maybe later it will. Really, why couldn't that bird Marie was chasing take HER cookie, hmm?
Feeling the sudden rise in temperature, Evelyn relaxed a bit more, not having her body being all stiff to try and retain as much heat as she could anymore. It was tiring her out anyways.
Still though... "One way was your evil plot to make us EAT the cookies, and the other way was teaching us how to be sneaky and hide things. So yea, big difference in the concealment...s." Hmm, right? That's pretty much all she got from this. Evelyn wouldn't fall for it though! She didn't eat her cookie.
Mwaha! Was it strange the Slytherin thought she sounded like Destiny?
Cameron was a little confused as to why they weren't studying ten thousand year old pieces of stone and transfiguring runes or something. But if eating cookies helped them learn, then so be it. YAYS.
"Professor.. did you make the cookies yourself?" Forget Runes.. Cameron wanted to eat more..
OH. Were they starting class now? The Prefect grinned sheepishly.
"One will never return to existence.. and the other is concealed from visibility but still exists" HEH.
Captain Awesome?_________________________________ _________________________________.....Fidget works too.
Sidney isn't exactly sure what the professor means by her question. She decides to wing it and raises her hand. "Professor, you wanted one cookie to disappear permanently, so I used the Vanishing Spell on it since I don't need to bring it back. For the one I needed to have re-appear, I used the Disillusionment Charm. The cookie appeared to disappear, but it was still sitting on the desk." Sidney hopes that's the right answer.
Kurumi, having taken her second cookie out of her robe's pocket raised her hand. "Perhaps because we all have a different idea of what the word concealments...means to us." Hadn't the professor mentioned the previous lesson that different runes may speak differently to different people?
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
"It can mean that everyone has a different idea of how to conceal something..."Adam guessed. "You see, I used a vanishing charm for the temporary concealment, but other students might have used a different way of hiding the cookie..."He looked around it was better to guess, and get your word heard than sit in the back thinking you are always wrong.
Di nodded. "Right you are, Miss Hollingberry, Mr. Burn. Concealment is always going to be concealment, and yet it can differ." Change can differ. That was the point.
Text Cut: Champion GlitterPuff
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
COOOOOOOOOKIE! Fletcher's grin widened as he opened his mouth and popped in the entire cookie that, a moment ago, had been nestled in his hair. "Fankssss, professurrr," he called out, spewing crumbs all over his desk and probably the hair of the person in front of him too.
Mmmm good, gooey, crumbly cookie. Fletch swallowed and was suddenly so very, very thirsty. Now if only he had a glass of milk... would he get in trouble for conjuring one? Fletcher's eyes darted about shiftily for a moment.... and then he just decided to go ahead and get one with a flick of his wand. He downed the milk in one gulp and wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve.
All right. Class could start now. He was satisfied. So uh, what was the question?
"One concealment was permanent and one was only temporary, professor," Fletcher answered with his hand raised. What did she want explained though? "And this is relevant to Runes because.......uh.............cookies are awesome and so is this class? And some Runes can... conceal their meaning at first?"
He so had no idea. But he was happy, because he had cookies. And he would gladly eat the spare cookies of anyone who didn't want theirs.
Merlin's socks, this kid... seemed to have no knowledge of table manners, none at all. Di decided not to tell him off [after all, she had told him he could eat the cookie] but her eyes wiiiidened [yes, yet again] when he conjured a glass of milk.
Good Lord.
"Yes," she said, after a moment's pause [in which she wondered if he was going to summon eggs-and-toast next. Fortunately, he did not]. "One temporary, one permanent." She didn't add that yes, she agreed, Runes equalled awesome. She did manage to give him a little nod, though.
Originally Posted by PattyH.
Patroclus had been expecting that something would have happened to bring them all back, but Oppps.....
"Professor, I agree with Kurumi," he smiled. "Each person has a different take on the riddle, some may want to use magic, some may want to just use their hands, everything is personal......." then in a hushed tone. "Professor, I can't get my cookie back"
Cue sweet smile!
"Exactly, Mr. Hudson," Di nodded. "There are limitless possibilities to every change and... if you want your cookie back, you're going to have to tell me what you did to it."
Hopefully, he hadn't eaten it!
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy
Emmaleigh looked over to where Fletcher sat. If he was allowed to eat the cookie, would she be allowed to as well? But before she could ask, the PRofessor had started the lesson. Well, is she was going to ask about the cookie, she better come up with come kind of answer to the question. After a moment's thought, she raised her hand. "Um, Professor, does that mean I can eat my cookie too? and um. I think the difference is one cookie was genuinely disappeared, while the other through deception."
Di smiled. "Yes, you can, Miss. Swynford." Unless the Hufflepuff had done a Champion GlitterPuff and decided to hide it in her hair. Di would prefer she didn't eat it then. "... and correct, correct."
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu
"Well, one isn't coming back. The other did. One was hidden, and one was destroyed." At least it was in her case.
And most likely the other students. Who WOULDN'T have eaten the cookie? I mean, really. Ellie was tempted to eat this one as well.
Wait. She looked at the boy that was in her History of Magic group. Could they?!
Yes, indeed. "Gentle change, and bold change," Di agreed cheerfully. "Very good, Miss Stone."
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
He raised his hand and replied "One aint coming back cuz we ate it. The other is still here cuz we wont eat it." then nudged his head at Fletcher "...except for him."
"Right you are."
Must. Not. Follow. Student's. Gaze. To. Willie Cookie!Person.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Feeling the sudden rise in temperature, Evelyn relaxed a bit more, not having her body being all stiff to try and retain as much heat as she could anymore. It was tiring her out anyways.
Still though... "One way was your evil plot to make us EAT the cookies, and the other way was teaching us how to be sneaky and hide things. So yea, big difference in the concealment...s." Hmm, right? That's pretty much all she got from this. Evelyn wouldn't fall for it though! She didn't eat her cookie.
Mwaha! Was it strange the Slytherin thought she sounded like Destiny?
Evil plot? Di... eyed Miss Shepard-Flores. She couldn't call that correct, could she? Because there had been no evil plot. It looked, however, like Miss Shepard-Flores wasn't done with the answer yet and as the Slytherin continued, Di's lips tugged up into a smile. Teaching them how to be sneaky? No, but if any of these students chose to pursue a career in Runes, they were going to know just how sneaky one could be, courtesy a proper knowledge of Runes.
"Good answer, good answer."
Originally Posted by Lexers
Cameron was a little confused as to why they weren't studying ten thousand year old pieces of stone and transfiguring runes or something. But if eating cookies helped them learn, then so be it. YAYS.
"Professor.. did you make the cookies yourself?" Forget Runes.. Cameron wanted to eat more..
OH. Were they starting class now? The Prefect grinned sheepishly.
"One will never return to existence.. and the other is concealed from visibility but still exists" HEH.
... and that was unexpected.
"No, Prefect Caddock," Di smiled. "They're fresh out of a bakery oven." Oh, and that answer? "Excellently worded."
Originally Posted by Mrs. Weasley
Sidney isn't exactly sure what the professor means by her question. She decides to wing it and raises her hand. "Professor, you wanted one cookie to disappear permanently, so I used the Vanishing Spell on it since I don't need to bring it back. For the one I needed to have re-appear, I used the Disillusionment Charm. The cookie appeared to disappear, but it was still sitting on the desk." Sidney hopes that's the right answer.
Riiight. Di nodded. "Goes to show things aren't always what they seem, Miss Marlowe," she smiled. But that was another branch of the topic, altogether.
Okayyy. "Most of you have mentioned that the methods used differ," Di said pleasantly. "That's correct, of course. Change is change, but it can take place in dozens of different ways, and each of those ways is going to have some unique effects that set it apart. In a few months, this place is going to get warmer as spring sets in; but a few minutes ago I did the same thing - raised the temperature - by casting a simple spell. The final change in both cases is the same, but the methods that brought it about and their complete effects, really different. Can anyone give me another such example?" She looked around at them all. "Same final change, different methods?"