-   Term 26: August - November 2010 (
-   -   Runes II: Jera && Dagaz [by the Whomping Willow!] (

Roselyn 10-04-2010 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9834547)

Strange GREEN was... a straaaaaange kid. WillowTHEMAN reached out a branch to give her a veryyyy gentle pat on the back, before all the branches rose into the air and disappeared out of sight.

Light streamed into the roofless enclosure and the door swung open so that STRANGE GREEN could pass throuuughh.


Did it work?!

BOOYA! IT DID! Not before the tree freaked her out and caused her to flail forward to get away from the branches. IT WAS GOING TO EAT HER!

Through the door! Go go GO GOGO! Leaning against the wall just outside the door, she breathed in heavily before peaking around the doorframe. Mmhmm just as she suspected. No branches. Obviously she scared it off. Pfft. Scaredy-cat tree.

Speaking of cats, she hadn't seen Poof in awhile. Better not be hanging around Sly. Such a bad cat.

Adjusting her bag on her shoulder, and getting a better grip on the bag of runes, Evelyn looked left and right, finding that left was the only way to go since, there was no wall to the left. Alrighty then.

Left and down the way it is.


sweetpinkpixie 10-04-2010 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9834597)
One of the branches waaaavveddddd to the PRETTY RED kid as she continued on her path.

One of the branches waaaavveddddd to PRETTY YELLOW as she continued on her path. WillowTHEMAN had another door positioned just round the corner. It hoped PRETTY YELLOW would find it.

The moment the box had touched the Gryffindor's hand, a branch appeared out of nowhere, gently picked her up and rose into the air. It set the girl down, outside the maze. Cushions, a desk and a chalkboard had been placed here. The desk contained several boxes of chocolate.

The chalkboard read:

Congratulations! You are now outside the maze! Please make yourself comfortable as you wait for your classmates to join you. You may help yourself to some chocolate.

The branch lowered the small box the girl had picked up next to her. Then it waaaaved to her and disappeared.


Kurumi hadn't expected the tree to physically pick her up, but at least it was gentle about the whole thing and it actually tickled a bit making Kurumi giggle as she rose into the air. It was almost as cool as flying...almost. At least it was better than flying on a mop. She would have to come back and give the Whomping Willow some special sugar water, or perhaps some of her secret cherry blossom tea recipe was in order.

Once she had been set down, she looked back at the tree who was now offering her a small box. She took it and then waved back at the branches as they vanished.

Exhausted, Kurumi flopped down onto some of the cushions and...WAS THAT CHOCOLATE! Thank Merlin for that! First cookies and now chocolate?! Sweeet! She took a piece of chocolate and began slowly chewing on it. Hogwarts professors sure knew how to make classes interesting and delicious!

PattyH. 10-04-2010 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9834547)

New doooOOoorr for NICE RED! Branches gently lowered themselves in front of the kid, another keyhole visible through them. Letters began to appear on the floor...

Green and blue.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaiitted!

As the Branches descened once again, Patroclus played with the runes in his pouch, he was ready for anything the Willow threw at him.........unless it was a branch intent of hurting him, then he was pretty much going to be implayed.

Patroclus paid close attention as new words began to appear at his feet, This one is a little complicated the boy thought as he mulled over the words, Green and Blue.

Well Both are represented by the colour of Blue, one light and one lighter, so the Green will be the deciding factor. Inside his head, Patroclus began to weigh up the the Green aspects of the two Runes, Jera was alinged with a green plant, however it had a Red stone. Dagaz was alinged with a plant with a purple blossum, but also with a stone of Green-yellow.

Going with his gut, Patrolcus dipped his hand into his pouch and pulled out the Dagaz Rune, and presented it to the hole in the Willow wall!

StarShine 10-04-2010 12:54 PM

Erm... fourth... I think.

Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9834547)
NICE GREEN. The branches roooose into the air and disappeared out of sight as the door swung open so that NOW!NICE GREEN could go through.

Light began to stream freely into the roofless enclosure once more.

Evan smiled to himself. Maan, he was good at this job. As much as he hated mazes--because they were confusing!--he could solve them. Anyways, back to business.

He stepped through the door once more, with the hope of being done with the maze again.

The1HBIC 10-04-2010 01:19 PM

Post 5

Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9834547)
Wheeee! One of the branches waaaaved to GREEN as all of them rose into the air and disappeared out of sight, letting light stream freely into the roofless enclosure once more.

The door swung open to let the green kid throuuugh.

Oh yeah, Marie was good. She got the second door to open. Waving back to the tree she went through the door and headed down the path to the right.


Did she just wave at a tree? Eh whatever, she was slowly making her way out of the maze and if it meant she had to wave at a tree then she would do it.

Now, where was that next door?

Holmesian Feline 10-04-2010 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9834547)

NoOOOooo. NICE RED had not fitted in the correct rune. The door disappeared, only to be replaced seconds later by a new one as branches began to re-lower themselves into the enclosure. Letters began to appear on the floor, once more...

The completion of annual cycle.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaaaitted for NICE RED to pick one of the two runes!

Had he been right or wrong? Simon wasn't certain, thinking at first he had been right when the door disappeared but as he moved to go on he was stopped quickly in his tracks by the formation of another.

Okay must have been wrong, he mused to himself as he looked down at the riddle. "That one's easy. Jera as number 12 is the end of the year and the completion of the annual cycle," he said aloud, fitting the Jera stone in the keyhole before waiting for the goahead to continue.

Canoir Greengrass 10-04-2010 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9834547)
Second doooOOooor for NICE GREEN! Letters appeared on the floor, as the kid neaaaared it...

The Rosemary represents me.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaaitted!

Freya saw letters began to appeared on the floor. The Rosemary represent me. She thought for a moment. "Rosemary?It's definitely not dagaz because dagaz was represent by something sage not Rosemary. So it's must be jera." she said and taking out her Jera rune and put it into the keyhole. "Hope it was a right answer." she said crossing her finger.

ToryMalfoy 10-04-2010 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9834547)
OOOH. Correct rune! One of the branches reached out and gave PRETTY GREEN a verrrryyy gentle pat on the back. Then all the branches rose into the air and disappeared out of sight, allowing light to stream freely into the roofless enclosure once more.

The door swung open so that PRETTY GREEN could go throuuughh.

Tory giggled at the pat she got on the back by the big tree when the WHomping Willow made space so she could get through the door. "Thank you." she smiled while walking through.

lilithpotter 10-04-2010 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9834547)
DoooOOOrrr for NICE YELLOW! Branches blocked this one too, a keyhole visible through them. Letters began to appear on the floor...

Success in endeavours.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaiiited!

The Nice yellow stood at the door and read the words that had appeared just like the last door. She was expecting that. Success in endeavours . Well that had to be Jera. Jera was right she knew it. "Its Jera" she told the tree. She took the Jera rune out of her bag and placed it the keyhole. "Is that right?" she asked

Lauralicious 10-04-2010 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9834547)

NoOOOoooo. WillowTHEMAN eyed PRETTY GREEN as the door disappeared. More branches gently lowered themselves into the enclosure though, blocking out some of the light in the process. Once again, a keyhole could be seen through them. The following words appeared on the floor...

I am nature's light.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaitted!

Fee stood there thinking.
The last one had be wrong. She needed to try harder.
"I am nature's light?", she said," that must be Dagaz, it stands for day and daylight. Daylight equals nature's light?!"

This time she was pretty sure and inserted the Dagaz rune quickly.

Mrinal 10-04-2010 05:50 PM

Alex was sitting in one corner of the class alone. She did not know what was going on. She knew she was bad at runes..
"What she could do now" thought Alex.

Mrinal 10-04-2010 05:53 PM

Alex was sitting in one corner of the class alone. She did not know what was going on. She knew she was bad at runes..
"What she could do now" thought Alex

Yourenodaisy 10-04-2010 05:55 PM

post 8

Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9834597)
One of the branches waaaavveddddd to PRETTY YELLOW as she continued on her path. WillowTHEMAN had another door positioned just round the corner. It hoped PRETTY YELLOW would find it.

ohh, just as she turned the corner, another door was coming into view. "hmm, how did it Know I would come this way?" Emmaleigh thought. Anyways, she hurried to it, but she didn't see a riddle, so she tried just opening it.

LouLou Malfoy 10-04-2010 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Mrinal (Post 9835125)
Alex was sitting in one corner of the class alone. She did not know what was going on. She knew she was bad at runes..
"What she could do now" thought Alex

"Hello, there..." Ever-Lily said timidly, approaching another girl who sat alone. "I'm Ever, first year Slytherin." She introduced herself and smiled.

Destiny 10-04-2010 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9830634)
Nooo. NOOOOOOOOOOOO. The tree sniffed. It liked this GREEN KID. It wanted to let her throuuuuuughh. So because the Whomping Willow did like having NICE favourites, it decided to give her a new riddle and not make her find another door. Favouritism? YESSSSSSSS.

The words on the floor faded, to be replaced by new ones.

I leave darkness behind.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiited!


Destiny was wrong the first time. She find it mildly amusing and thought the tree would take PITY on her and just let her through. Wrong. Even though it seemed like the tree like her..which was just weird. She shuddered at the thought of her and the tree becoming friends..just because the tree sorta, kinda scared the Bertie Bott's out of her.

And with the door not opened, she didn't know what to do! Was she going to be stuck in the maze the whole time!? Nuuu! She did not want that, and luckily more words popped up. She didn't know the answer to this one either! Why was Ancient Runes so DIFFICULT!?

Placing the Jera rune back into her bag, she pulled out the Dagaz rune and held it to the door.


Lexers 10-04-2010 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9834597)
One of the branches waaaavveddddd to the PRETTY RED kid as she continued on her path.

Humm.. so she'd gone ---

Oh. Erm.. *waves back*

What a strange world they lived in.

Anyway, Cameron went left and walked further down until she reached a crossroad. Straight, right or left? She decided to go straight.

Now WHERE were those doors?

Lottiepot 10-04-2010 09:46 PM

Okay so Trixie hadn't exactly been paying much attention at all this lesson. She was distracted. Or maybe it was others fault for the reason she could hardly keep any of her attention span on what was actually going on. Yeah she was looking at someone.

The girl however found herself stuck in the center of a maze. With the Whomping Willow asking random questions to people....

Okay so what was she meant to do? Just stand here until it asked her a question about the Jera and Dagaz runes? The Blonde took a few steps forward and turned left waiting for an obstacle to obstruct her clear onwards path.

leridanusws 10-04-2010 10:01 PM

Lila had been walking west for what seemed like an hour. She wondered if she should change direction or keep on west. For the moment she was too tired to continue walking so she sat down for a quick rest.

Steelsheen 10-05-2010 03:34 AM

Salander Post 6

Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9834547)
Because WillowTHEMAN was in a good mood, BAD GREEN got a new doooOOOor. Branches came down slowwwwly in front of the boy, another keyhole visible through them. Letters began to appear on the floor...

My runic number is half my counterpart.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaited!

With the runes bag slung over his shoulder, Salander made a turn down the path, where he once again met the Willow's swaying branches. He flinched unconsciously as he slightly took a step back, but noticed that the branches started to form the now familiar lumber woodwork, the keyhole just peeking through.

His eyes flicked at the new riddle scrawled on the floor "My runic number is half my counterpart." he reads. "Numbers. oh this is just perfect." he grumbled as he reached into the bag. Re-reading the riddle, he realized that at least he didnt have to do any kind of number-crunching. Problem is he has to do quite a bit of remembering, something that for Salander is just as bad if not worse. He recalled Fletcher mentioning something about changes, spanning a year versus a day. And something about his hair. Typical of the GlitterPuff to talk about his hair. he mused as the lad pulled out both runes, looks at them, then drops the other one back in. Still cautiously eyeing the branches for any signs of a sudden attack, he approached the keyhole and slipped in the JERA rune.

HOPEendures 10-05-2010 05:20 AM


YESSS. Correct rune. One of the branches reached out to give RED KID a verrryyyy gennntttle pat on the back, and then all the branches rose into the air and disappeared out of sight.

The door swung open so that RED could go throuuugh, as light began to stream freely into the roofless enclosure once more.
As the branch gave her a pat on the back Daisy smiled and whispered,"Thank you Mr. Whomping Willow." She made her way through the maze yet again. Left here. Right there. Keeping straight.. Another left. She was looking for another door. Hopefully she wasn't too far from the outside of the maze.

Whomping Willow 10-05-2010 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by B~Lee (Post 9834610)
*Grin*. She was two for two. She was really starting to like the willow Maybe she'd bring her sketch pad out on the grounds and draw near it... well not to near it. She did want to keep her pretty face the way it was. She quickly walked through the doors and made her way on with her journey. She honestly didnt know where the exit was an ho many more doors she had to go through. Hmmm what was going to happen next? Was there going to be another door?

Last dOOOorr for NICE!PRETTY YELLOW! Branches gently lowered themselves in front of the kid, another keyhole visible through them. Letters began to appear on the floor...

The goddess Freyja.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaiitted!


Originally Posted by Roselyn (Post 9834613)

Did it work?!

BOOYA! IT DID! Not before the tree freaked her out and caused her to flail forward to get away from the branches. IT WAS GOING TO EAT HER!

Through the door! Go go GO GOGO! Leaning against the wall just outside the door, she breathed in heavily before peaking around the doorframe. Mmhmm just as she suspected. No branches. Obviously she scared it off. Pfft. Scaredy-cat tree.

Speaking of cats, she hadn't seen Poof in awhile. Better not be hanging around Sly. Such a bad cat.

Adjusting her bag on her shoulder, and getting a better grip on the bag of runes, Evelyn looked left and right, finding that left was the only way to go since, there was no wall to the left. Alrighty then.

Left and down the way it is.


Last dOOOorr for STRANGE GREEN! Branches gently lowered themselves in front of the kid, another keyhole visible through them. Letters began to appear on the floor...

Heimdall, the white god.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaiitted!


Originally Posted by PattyH. (Post 9834682)
Patroclus paid close attention as new words began to appear at his feet, This one is a little complicated the boy thought as he mulled over the words, Green and Blue.

Well Both are represented by the colour of Blue, one light and one lighter, so the Green will be the deciding factor. Inside his head, Patroclus began to weigh up the the Green aspects of the two Runes, Jera was alinged with a green plant, however it had a Red stone. Dagaz was alinged with a plant with a purple blossum, but also with a stone of Green-yellow.

Going with his gut, Patrolcus dipped his hand into his pouch and pulled out the Dagaz Rune, and presented it to the hole in the Willow wall!

NoOOOooo. NICE RED had not fitted in the correct rune. The door disappeared, only to be replaced seconds later by a new one as branches began to re-lower themselves into the enclosure. Letters began to appear on the floor, once more...

The completion of the year.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaaaitted for NICE RED to pick one of the two runes!


Originally Posted by Deniiz (Post 9834687)
Evan smiled to himself. Maan, he was good at this job. As much as he hated mazes--because they were confusing!--he could solve them. Anyways, back to business.

He stepped through the door once more, with the hope of being done with the maze again.

Branches began to lower themselves in front of the NICE GREEN kid once again, the keyhole of the laaaast door visible through them. The following words appeared on the floor...

Success or reward must be rooted out.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaiiited!


Originally Posted by The1HBIC (Post 9834704)
Oh yeah, Marie was good. She got the second door to open. Waving back to the tree she went through the door and headed down the path to the right.


Did she just wave at a tree? Eh whatever, she was slowly making her way out of the maze and if it meant she had to wave at a tree then she would do it.

Now, where was that next door?

OOOH. The girl had waaaaaaved to him. The tree liked that, it did. SoooOooo branches began to lower themselves in front of NICE!PRETTY GREEN once again, the keyhole of the laaaast door visible through them. The following words appeared on the floor...

Latent talents.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaiiited!


Originally Posted by Macavity (Post 9834710)
Had he been right or wrong? Simon wasn't certain, thinking at first he had been right when the door disappeared but as he moved to go on he was stopped quickly in his tracks by the formation of another.

Okay must have been wrong, he mused to himself as he looked down at the riddle. "That one's easy. Jera as number 12 is the end of the year and the completion of the annual cycle," he said aloud, fitting the Jera stone in the keyhole before waiting for the goahead to continue.

OOH! Nice red had inserted the correct rune! The branches rose into the air to unblock the door that had now swung open. Behind it, could be seen a long tunnel that had a big box located at the end. Letters had appeared on this box. They read...

Pick me up.


Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass (Post 9834779)
Freya saw letters began to appeared on the floor. The Rosemary represent me. She thought for a moment. "Rosemary?It's definitely not dagaz because dagaz was represent by something sage not Rosemary. So it's must be jera." she said and taking out her Jera rune and put it into the keyhole. "Hope it was a right answer." she said crossing her finger.

CORRECT! The branches rose into the air and disappeared out of sight, allowing light to stream into the roofless enclosure once more.

The door swung open so that NICE GREEN could go throuugghh.


Originally Posted by ToryMalfoy (Post 9834798)
Tory giggled at the pat she got on the back by the big tree when the WHomping Willow made space so she could get through the door. "Thank you." she smiled while walking through.

Wheeeee! One of the branches waaaaaaaved to PRETTY GREEN as she continued on her path.


Originally Posted by lilithpotter (Post 9834851)
The Nice yellow stood at the door and read the words that had appeared just like the last door. She was expecting that. Success in endeavours . Well that had to be Jera. Jera was right she knew it. "Its Jera" she told the tree. She took the Jera rune out of her bag and placed it the keyhole. "Is that right?" she asked

CORRECT! One of the branches reached out to give NICE YELLOW a veryyy gentle pat on the back. Then all the branches rose into the air and disappeared out of sight, allowing light to stream into the roofless enclosure once more.

The door swung open so that NICE YELLOW could go throuugghh.


Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 9834993)
Fee stood there thinking.
The last one had be wrong. She needed to try harder.
"I am nature's light?", she said," that must be Dagaz, it stands for day and daylight. Daylight equals nature's light?!"

This time she was pretty sure and inserted the Dagaz rune quickly.

Righhhhhhttt! One of the branches reached out to give PRETTY GREEN a veryyy gentle pat on the back. Then all the branches rose into the air and disappeared out of sight, allowing light to stream into the roofless enclosure once more.

The door swung open so that PRETTY GREEN could go throuugghh.


Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy (Post 9835131)
ohh, just as she turned the corner, another door was coming into view. "hmm, how did it Know I would come this way?" Emmaleigh thought. Anyways, she hurried to it, but she didn't see a riddle, so she tried just opening it.

Branches slowwwly came down to block the laaaaast door. This time, the letters that appeared read...

My plant is the sage.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaaited!


Originally Posted by Lexers (Post 9835900)
Humm.. so she'd gone ---

Oh. Erm.. *waves back*

What a strange world they lived in.

Anyway, Cameron went left and walked further down until she reached a crossroad. Straight, right or left? She decided to go straight.

Now WHERE were those doors?

PRETTY RED! Branches slowwwly came down to block the second laaaaast door. This time, the letters that appeared read...

I have two elements.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaaited!


Originally Posted by feltbeatslover22 (Post 9835903)
Okay so Trixie hadn't exactly been paying much attention at all this lesson. She was distracted. Or maybe it was others fault for the reason she could hardly keep any of her attention span on what was actually going on. Yeah she was looking at someone.

The girl however found herself stuck in the center of a maze. With the Whomping Willow asking random questions to people....

Okay so what was she meant to do? Just stand here until it asked her a question about the Jera and Dagaz runes? The Blonde took a few steps forward and turned left waiting for an obstacle to obstruct her clear onwards path.

OOH! Pretty GREEEN! Branches gently lowered themselves in front of her, a keyhole visible through them, this keyhole being the same shape and size as all the runes in the rune bags provided to the students - any of the runes could fit into it and serve as a key.

Letters began to appear on the floor...

False dawns.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaaited!


Originally Posted by leridanusws (Post 9835929)
Lila had been walking west for what seemed like an hour. She wondered if she should change direction or keep on west. For the moment she was too tired to continue walking so she sat down for a quick rest.

Wheeeee! Branches gently lowered themselves in front of the kid, a keyhole visible through them, this keyhole being the same shape and size as all the runes in the rune bags provided to the students - any of the runes could fit into it and serve as a key.

Letters began to appear on the floor...

The agricultural year.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaaited!


Originally Posted by Steelsheen (Post 9836679)
With the runes bag slung over his shoulder, Salander made a turn down the path, where he once again met the Willow's swaying branches. He flinched unconsciously as he slightly took a step back, but noticed that the branches started to form the now familiar lumber woodwork, the keyhole just peeking through.

His eyes flicked at the new riddle scrawled on the floor "My runic number is half my counterpart." he reads. "Numbers. oh this is just perfect." he grumbled as he reached into the bag. Re-reading the riddle, he realized that at least he didnt have to do any kind of number-crunching. Problem is he has to do quite a bit of remembering, something that for Salander is just as bad if not worse. He recalled Fletcher mentioning something about changes, spanning a year versus a day. And something about his hair. Typical of the GlitterPuff to talk about his hair. he mused as the lad pulled out both runes, looks at them, then drops the other one back in. Still cautiously eyeing the branches for any signs of a sudden attack, he approached the keyhole and slipped in the JERA rune.

Grrrr. Riiiight. One of the branches reached out to give BAD GREEN a veryyy gentle pat on the back. Then all the branches rose into the air and disappeared out of sight, allowing light to stream into the roofless enclosure once more.

The door swung open so that BAD GREEN could go throuugghh.


Originally Posted by springbaby (Post 9836841)
As the branch gave her a pat on the back Daisy smiled and whispered,"Thank you Mr. Whomping Willow." She made her way through the maze yet again. Left here. Right there. Keeping straight.. Another left. She was looking for another door. Hopefully she wasn't too far from the outside of the maze.

Branches gently lowered themselves in front of NICE!PRETTY RED again, a keyhole visible through them.

Letters began to appear on the floor...

I am linked to good spirits.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaaited!


Originally Posted by Destiny
Destiny was wrong the first time. She find it mildly amusing and thought the tree would take PITY on her and just let her through. Wrong. Even though it seemed like the tree like her..which was just weird. She shuddered at the thought of her and the tree becoming friends..just because the tree sorta, kinda scared the Bertie Bott's out of her.

And with the door not opened, she didn't know what to do! Was she going to be stuck in the maze the whole time!? Nuuu! She did not want that, and luckily more words popped up. She didn't know the answer to this one either! Why was Ancient Runes so DIFFICULT!?

Placing the Jera rune back into her bag, she pulled out the Dagaz rune and held it to the door.


LIKED GREEN had fitted in the correct ruuune. One of the branches reached out to give her a veryyy gentle pat on the back. Then all the branches rose into the air and disappeared out of sight, allowing light to stream freely into the roofless enclosure once more.

The door swung open so that NICE GREEN could go throuugghh.

Roselyn 10-05-2010 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9837054)
Last dOOOorr for STRANGE GREEN! Branches gently lowered themselves in front of the kid, another keyhole visible through them. Letters began to appear on the floor...

Heimdall, the white god.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaiitted!

The tree was stalking her. Just like stalker dude. Stalkers!

Moving considerably back away from the branches, slightly grateful that they were lowered gently and slowly in front of her instead of scaring her to death, the Slytherin stopped and automatically looked down to the floor.

Of course, the words were there just like every other time, but one could never be too cautious. Especially around something that liked to whomp people. Heimdall…the white god. God? What the heck did that have to do with a rune!?

It was almost as if the entire discussion before this maze they had disappeared from her mind. Blinking a few times, Evelyn crossed her arms just the slightest, swaying the rune back as she looked from the words, to the willow tree branches, and to the tiny little key hole. That was the key hole right? Or did the branch have some sort of bruise like thing? Heaving a sigh, she opened the bag, taking out runes and putting them back since obviously she was picking up the same one. The same wrong one.

Aw, here we go. "Do not…squish my hand please…" she muttered, taking a step over the words and flicking the DAGAZ rune towards the key hole. Crud. Missed. Pffft. Eh, well there was no way she was getting that rune back. Taking out another one, the fourth year glanced towards the branches again before…

It needed to move its branches! "This one!?" Hmm yes, could it see!? Holding up the Dagaz rune, she felt extremely stupid talking to a tree. But, it needed to let her through. Letherthru!! Or move the it's branches so she felt safe enough to put the run through. Or the other one. Didn't matter. One of them fit!

Whomping Willow 10-05-2010 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Roselyn (Post 9837075)
The tree was stalking her. Just like stalker dude. Stalkers!

Moving considerably back away from the branches, slightly grateful that they were lowered gently and slowly in front of her instead of scaring her to death, the Slytherin stopped and automatically looked down to the floor.

Of course, the words were there just like every other time, but one could never be too cautious. Especially around something that liked to whomp people. Heimdall…the white god. God? What the heck did that have to do with a rune!?

It was almost as if the entire discussion before this maze they had disappeared from her mind. Blinking a few times, Evelyn crossed her arms just the slightest, swaying the rune back as she looked from the words, to the willow tree branches, and to the tiny little key hole. That was the key hole right? Or did the branch have some sort of bruise like thing? Heaving a sigh, she opened the bag, taking out runes and putting them back since obviously she was picking up the same one. The same wrong one.

Aw, here we go. "Do not…squish my hand please…" she muttered, taking a step over the words and flicking the DAGAZ rune towards the key hole. Crud. Missed. Pffft. Eh, well there was no way she was getting that rune back. Taking out another one, the fourth year glanced towards the branches again before…

It needed to move its branches! "This one!?" Hmm yes, could it see!? Holding up the Dagaz rune, she felt extremely stupid talking to a tree. But, it needed to let her through. Letherthru!! Or move the it's branches so she felt safe enough to put the run through. Or the other one. Didn't matter. One of them fit!



The branches eyyyyyed STRANGE GREEN. One of them even twitched a little.... uncertainly. Then they rose into the air to unblock the door that had now swung open. Through it could be seen a long tunnel that had a big box located at the end. Letters had appeared on this box. They read...

Pick me up.

PattyH. 10-05-2010 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by The Whomping Willow (Post 9837054)

NoOOOooo. NICE RED had not fitted in the correct rune. The door disappeared, only to be replaced seconds later by a new one as branches began to re-lower themselves into the enclosure. Letters began to appear on the floor, once more...

The completion of the year.

Jera or Dagaz? The Whomping Willow waaaaaaitted for NICE RED to pick one of the two runes!


Patroclus had sworn that had been the correct Rune, however he was not going to fight the Willow's decision. That would be a battle he would definitely lose!

As new words appeared, Patroclus made sure to take his time this round!

But he was quite sure he knew this one!

Holding up the Jera Rune, Patroclus softly slotted it into the hole!

Come on!

Whomping Willow 10-05-2010 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by PattyH. (Post 9837114)

Patroclus had sworn that had been the correct Rune, however he was not going to fight the Willow's decision. That would be a battle he would definitely lose!

As new words appeared, Patroclus made sure to take his time this round!

But he was quite sure he knew this one!

Holding up the Jera Rune, Patroclus softly slotted it into the hole!

NICE RED had inserted the correct rune, this time round. The branches that blocked the door rose into the air and disappeared out of sight, allowing light to flood back into the roofless enclosure.

The door swung open.

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