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Enter the Runes classroom, and the chalkboard directs you to the grounds. Here, a safe distance away from the Tree-that-loves-to-whomp, is an enclosure-of-sorts. Desks are set here, in neat rows. On each, there is a covered plate that contains two cookies. Next to each plate, is a note that reads:
The Professor shall be here shortly. In the meanwhile, your task is to make these cookies disappear - one temporarily, and one permanently. It doesn't matter how you do it - what matters is that when the Professor comes, there should be no cookies on top of your desk! Remember, you should be able to bring one of the 'disappeared' cookies out of hiding, if asked!
Hugo looked at the cookies. He knew one way, but then they would re-appear in the loo a day later. How could I make a cookie dissapear? He looked around, helpless.
He flicked through the pages of his charms book, came across a spell and said Depulso, but failed. The book stated that fourth-years can only learn this spell. Great.
He looked in his book and got out his wand again. He whispered Reducto to it. The cookie burst in pieces. Awesome. Now what to do with the other one?
Luna read the note beside the cookies. She took out her 11.3 inch wand. Pointing to one of the delicious looking cookies she said "Evanesco" with a flick of her wand. Immediately the cookie disappeared. Luna smiled with triumph. She now pointed her wand at the other cookie and repeated the same incantation. To make it reappear she would say Aparecium.
Luna read the note beside the cookies. She took out her 11.3 inch wand. Pointing to one of the delicious looking cookies she said "Evanesco" with a flick of her wand. Immediately the cookie disappeared. Luna smiled with triumph. Now how would she disppear the other one temporarily?
Hugo looked at the girl near him. Why didn't he think of that? Hmmmm.
He looked in his book at a page with a Disillusionment charm on it. He flicked his wand and the cookie "disappeared." He looked around with a smirk.
Fee walked to the second runes lesson. She had enjoyed the first one really much.
And the professor was really kind.
Looking for someone she knew she noticed Hugo.
"Hey Hugooo", she smiled widely at him,"mind if i sit next to you?"
"'Course!" he said, quickly taking his charms book off the table where Fee were to sit. "You have to make the cookie disappear," he explained. "But one temporary."
Jacob grumbled non-stop all the way down towards an 'enclosure'. SHE IS EVIL! likethe EVIL!Cake. Jacob was already at the grounds, and then he went up to the clas, only to find that they were having class on the grounds? The professor was just trying to make him angry, wasn't she? Evil Professor!
Reaching the desks, Jacob instantaniously perked up. COOKIES!
Jacob thrust both in his mouth! Yes Professor was now only moderatly evil. Taking the parchement, Jacob read as he chewed the cookies. YUMMY!
But With each word he read, his chewing got slower... and slower... and with the last word Jacob stopped chewing completely, and swallowed what was in his mouth... Great, Jacobs a failure. He made them both disappear permanently. in fact, it was slowly being digested Right now!
Yup Jacob is the biggest failure in the class. Looking around, he started to stare at the others. It was still relativly empty. Now was the big decision, whether or not to steal one of the lonely looking cookies that were sitting to his right.
YES! This was Jacobs Grades in Jepeordy! He hadn't failed any class yet. Jacob quickly snatched one of the cookies off the near by plate, making sure no one saw it. It wasn't necessarily 'stealing.' He was simply helping, whoever was gonna sit there too make their cookie disappear. See it was permanently gone from their plate and onto his.
now what to do with it to make it Temporarily disappear?
And what in the world did this have to do with Ancient Runes?
"'Course!" he said, quickly taking his charms book off the table where Fee were to sit. "You have to make the cookie disappear," he explained. "But one temporary."
Fee giggled at Hugo.How sweet.
Ohhhh cooookiies.
"What about we eat one", she laughed.
Fee giggled at Hugo.How sweet.
Ohhhh cooookiies.
"What about we eat one", she laughed.
He slapped himself on the forehead. Of course! "Well I used reducto for mine... And a disillusionment charm for the other." He could've enjoyed his cookie. Well, he wasn't hungry anyway.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Evelyn didn't mind walking, but really, couldn't she have told them in their previous lesson that they were going to be outdoors for their next lesson? That way she wouldn't have had to walk up all those stairs, only to be directed back down them again and out here. She was surprised that there wasn't another noticed saying they had to go around the lake, hop on their foot three times and hug Dodson before he faints.
...and she was in a tad bit of a bad mood at the moment.
Letting her bag drop to the ground, the Slytherin slumped in a seat, not caring which seat it was or where in the place it was. Oh, sitting felt nice. The cookies were a horrible sight but sitting....that was nice.
Her eyes followed a path around the room, looking at who was here, and then to the board. They had to, make a cookie disappear temporarily, and one permanently. Scowling, she looked down to her plate of two cookies, wondering what this had to pertain to for Ancient Runes.
Whatever though. Picking up a cookie, she held it up at eyes' height, before stuffing it in her bag. There. It's disappeared. Voila! The other cookie however, how to make it disappear permanently without eating it? Because she could not remember the vanishing charm at the moment. Or even remember if she learned it yet. Read about it yes, learned it, no.
...Picking up the cookie, the Slytherin stood up and moved outside before throwing the cookie as hard as she could. There. It disappeared. Permanently. A bird will probably pick it up.
He slapped himself on the forehead. Of course! "Well I used reducto for mine... And a disillusionment charm for the other." He could've enjoyed his cookie. Well, he wasn't hungry anyway.
Fee giggled as Hugo slapped himself on the forhead.
Taking one cookie she broke it into two and handed him one half.
"There you go", she smiled.
Now what to do with the second one?! Why not using a disilloúsionment charm,too.
Fee swung her wand and tadaaa, no cookies.
Rubiey walked over to the chairs by the Whomping Willow. She shuddered slightly as she looked at it. Ew. She had promised herself she wouldn't go near the tree again, and here she was. *sigh*
She took a seat at one of the desks, read the note and stared at the cookies. Well, there was only one way to make one disappear for good.
Smiling to herself, she broke one of the cookies in half, incase someone joined her at her table, and started to eat the cookie slowly. Yom.
Now, what to do with the other cookie? *chinscratch*
Rubiey didn't know many spells. At ALL. But she knew one that might help. She tapped the cookie once with her wand, and it seemingly disappeared. Yeah, she was quite good at the Bedazzling Hex, if she did say it herself.
Ellie came down to the Whomping Willow. This...was interesting. Yes. And, for once, she was quite glad that she lived on the seventh floor. At least she didn't have to go UPSTAIRS to go back down. She just went down, into the classroom, then down some more.
She found a seat and read the parchment. Hah. Awesomeness. She popped one cookie in her mouth to eat. One deelishus cookie. And the other she put in her lap, between her skirt and her robes.
It was taking a nap.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Jacob grumbled non-stop all the way down towards an 'enclosure'. SHE IS EVIL! likethe EVIL!Cake. Jacob was already at the grounds, and then he went up to the clas, only to find that they were having class on the grounds? The professor was just trying to make him angry, wasn't she? Evil Professor!
Reaching the desks, Jacob instantaniously perked up. COOKIES!
Jacob thrust both in his mouth! Yes Professor was now only moderatly evil. Taking the parchement, Jacob read as he chewed the cookies. YUMMY!
But With each word he read, his chewing got slower... and slower... and with the last word Jacob stopped chewing completely, and swallowed what was in his mouth... Great, Jacobs a failure. He made them both disappear permanently. in fact, it was slowly being digested Right now!
Yup Jacob is the biggest failure in the class. Looking around, he started to stare at the others. It was still relativly empty. Now was the big decision, whether or not to steal one of the lonely looking cookies that were sitting to his right.
YES! This was Jacobs Grades in Jepeordy! He hadn't failed any class yet. Jacob quickly snatched one of the cookies off the near by plate, making sure no one saw it. It wasn't necessarily 'stealing.' He was simply helping, whoever was gonna sit there too make their cookie disappear. See it was permanently gone from their plate and onto his.
now what to do with it to make it Temporarily disappear?
And what in the world did this have to do with Ancient Runes?
And why was Jacob asking himself questions?
¿Is He Mucho Loco?... ¡Sí!
Now that both of her cookies were gone. Luna looked around the class to see how the others were doing. She almost burst out laughing as one of the boys seemed to be eating a cookie. Wait, was he going to steal a cookie? Luna had a much simplier solution. "Hey, I'm Luna, and I might have a way to help," she smiled. She took one of the remaining cookies from the plate. "Geminio," she said. The cookie duplicated. She repeated the incantation and two extra cookies were left on the table.
Fee giggled as Hugo slapped himself on the forhead.
Taking one cookie she broke it into two and handed him one half.
"There you go", she smiled.
Now what to do with the second one?! Why not using a disilloúsionment charm,too.
Fee swung her wand and tadaaa, no cookies.
Hugo laughed as he ate his half of the cookie. "That was easy!"
Hugo laughed as he ate his half of the cookie. "That was easy!"
"That was a good cookie", Fee laughed.
The runes teacher was reall kind for leaving them cookies as they waited.
"Yeees, it was", she said," and mostly yummy."
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by Maxilocks
Enter the Runes classroom, and the chalkboard directs you to the grounds. Here, a safe distance away from the Tree-that-loves-to-whomp, is an enclosure-of-sorts. Desks are set here, in neat rows. On each, there is a covered plate that contains two cookies. Next to each plate, is a note that reads:
Come in, take a seat and get, set, go!
OOC: Class will start properly in a few hours. Chatting between characters is fine in small amounts. Andddd remember, creativity = points.
Coming to the makeshift classroom as directed by the note left in the real classroom, Simon stepped inside and moved to take a seat at one of the desks. Setting his bag at his feet, he looked curiously at the covered plate before picking up the note to read what it had to say.
Hmm now how to accomplish that, he mused to himself finally lifting the over up and off. He thought over several options, even overhearing a few from his classmates and debated on how to be creative. Taking out his wand, he finally cast a switching spell over one cookie, focusing a bit and transfiguring it into a quill before laying it to the side as if it was there to take notes with. The gryffindor then opted to eat the other for any other spell would still make it temporary.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Charlotte Ann Tayler (she threatened her dad to make sure knobody finds out her last name)
First Year
Adeline walked into the classroom. COOKIESS?!??!?! What the heck. As she relized she had to make them disapear she giggled and picked up the cover. The first one that needed to be permanatley disapeared, she shoved it in her mouth. The second one, she crumbled up and spreaded it on her desk and then to test, she whispered "Reparo" and it was put back together. But she reliazed there had to be no cookie on the desk, so she re broke it up and put it on the floor. Slick huh?
JellyPop, Cupcake, call me whatever
Coming to the makeshift classroom as directed by the note left in the real classroom, Simon stepped inside and moved to take a seat at one of the desks. Setting his bag at his feet, he looked curiously at the covered plate before picking up the note to read what it had to say.
Hmm now how to accomplish that, he mused to himself finally lifting the over up and off. He thought over several options, even overhearing a few from his classmates and debated on how to be creative. Taking out his wand, he finally cast a switching spell over one cookie, focusing a bit and transfiguring it into a quill before laying it to the side as if it was there to take notes with. The gryffindor then opted to eat the other for any other spell would still make it temporary.
Viky slipped into the classroom and took a seat next to Simon, staring at the cookies. She was supposed to make the cookies disappear? How was she going to do that?! She soo wanted to eat one, but that would be silly. Although it would work, theoretically. She just didn't want to eat in class. Soo... what to doooo? She could vanish it, she supposed.... but how?
OH. IDEA!! She had an ideaa! Viky looked down at the first cookie and pulled out her wand. 'Wingardium Leviosa!' she muttered, and watched in satisfaction as the cookie zoomed up into the air... oh yeah, she was supposed to do something 'Fixate!' she muttered, and it stopped suddenly. And now for the hard part.... 'Locomotor cookie!'
Nothing. Hmm. 'LocoMOTor cookie!' she tried again, putting emphasis on different syllables. Still nothing. 'LoCOmotOR cookie!' she repeated, changing the emphasis again. This time, it worked. She moved the wand back and forth for a bit, and then decided where to put it. On Simon's head. She hovered above it for a minute, and then changed her mind. If he moved, it'd fall off and shatter. Not cool. So instead, she stuck it under his desk. That'd be okay, right?
And now for the other one. Pfft, why two? Though, this one should be easier, since she didn't have to get it back. What spells did she know for this? Well, depulso was one. But that was boring. But... Confringo. That'd do, surely. And she got to make thing explode! YEAH! 'Confringo!' Viky said loudly, pointing her wand at the remaining cookie. WOOT! It exploeded! Yayyy! 'So. Cool.' she muttered. Hehe.
And now she had no cookies left. But would Simon notice the extra one under his seat? She hoped that he wouldn't tell, if he did.
♥In this passenger seat, you put your eyes on me, in this moment, now capture it, remember it
'Cause I don't know how it gets better than this, you take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless♥ ♥'And I don't know why but with you I'd dance, in a storm in my best dress, fearless♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Enter the Runes classroom, and the chalkboard directs you to the grounds. Here, a safe distance away from the Tree-that-loves-to-whomp, is an enclosure-of-sorts. Desks are set here, in neat rows. On each, there is a covered plate that contains two cookies. Next to each plate, is a note that reads:
Come in, take a seat and get, set, go!
OOC: Class will start properly in a few hours. Chatting between characters is fine in small amounts. Andddd remember, creativity = points.
The whomping willow, Desks, and a plate of cookies. Yea Brittany would have never put any of those in the same sentence until today. Looking extemely Curious she walked over to the desk and sat down. She read the note the professor left and her curious look turned into a look of bewilderment. "One needs to disappear temporarily and one needs to disappear permently." she thought to herself. Well the second one was easy, she could eat it or not. Maybe the cookie wasnt eatible. But she was stumped at the temporary solution. Hmmm
Normally, Emmaleigh would have loved the idea of having class outside, but, well, It was the middle of December, and freezing cold. Plus, she still hadn't gotten he blanket back form the Ravenclaw champion. *pout* So Emmaleigh, wearing a giant sweatshirt and her cloak, made her way out to the grounds. Once she realised she was supposed to head towards the Whomping Willow, she gave a little shudder. Wasn't she supposed to stay away from that thing? But then seeing they were far enough away, she gave a little smiled and then surveyed the "classroom." It was interesting, and there were cookies!!
she went over and found herself a seat beside Brittney. " HEy, Brit. Hey, Fee!" she said brightly, as she picked up the note beside the cookies. hmm, she had to make the yummy looking cookies disappear? She figured she should tackle the one that needed to disappear permanently first. Eating it seemed like the simplest answer, you know, since Professor Markovic seemed to like to give them food. But Em wanted to ask the others just to make sure. "So, uh, do you think eating is the best day to make it disappear? She wouldn't be trying to, you know, trick us would she?" After all, this isn't Lafay they were talking about.
Brittany saw Em and Fee and waved at her two friends. She began thinking somemore bout the temporary solutions. She had read about ome transportaion spells but they seemed to be about more about transporting people rather than a cookie. And even if she could use it on a cookie there was no guarantee she could pull it off let alone make it come back. Decisions Decisons
Daisy took a seat and looked at the two cookies. She had to make one disappear permantly and one disappear temporarily. Well magic was fun, but it was a COOKIE!!!!!! She wasn't going to vanish a cookie from her sight never to be seen again. So she picked it up and ate it. Yum! As she ate the cookie she thought of all the possible ways she could make the other one invisible. Yeah spells were nifty but over used, even in a school of wizardry. She swallowed the bit of cookie in her mouth and said, "Wingardium Leviosa," She levitated it slowly and pulled a full tricks with it, but where to hide it? Then it was obvious. She should just transfigure it to another item. But what? She held her wand in hand still levitating the cookie and finished off the other one. She looked around and decided a pencil would be safe enough. She waved her wand and stopped. She didn't know a spell to do that. Drats. Instead she just placed it into her bag and zipped the bag up. THERE, it was temporarily out of sight. But goodness she was still hungry.
She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
Enter the Runes classroom, and the chalkboard directs you to the grounds. Here, a safe distance away from the Tree-that-loves-to-whomp, is an enclosure-of-sorts. Desks are set here, in neat rows. On each, there is a covered plate that contains two cookies. Next to each plate, is a note that reads:[/COLOR][/B]
Come in, take a seat and get, set, go!
[size=1]OOC: Class will start properly in a few hours. Chatting between characters is fine in small amounts. Andddd remember, creativity = points.
She looked down at the cookies, pulled out her wand she was going to use a concealment charm to hide one of the cookies so she could make it reappear later with 'SpeRevelio'. She pointed her wand down at the other cookie and said "Deletrius" the cookie was deleted. She was uncertain but she might be able to get that one back to.
Oooh. So apparently, they had to be ready to be taken OUT in DECEMBER for RUNES class! Did the professor know how Evan had to run back to the common room to get something more protective, and then had to run at a full pace to the homping Willow not to miss the class? And how he sweated on the way, and now was shivering even more with the double-effect of the cold? Oh NO, 'cause she had been ABSENT! Walking grudgingly to the "class", panting, he thought that this class'd better be good. Or he would leave. For real. 'Cause he obviously hated to get sick.
Face red, he found himself a seat in the front and sat down. He was going to be ill for this class, after all, so he had to make the best of it. Closing his eyes for a second out of tiredness, he saw the cookies as he opened them. Great! He knew what to do--it was the easiest thing in the world. Eating one of the cookies to make it disappear forever--which tasted slightly good, but it still wasn't enough to save up his effort--he grabbed his wand to dig a hole in the soil to bury the other cookie. He was done in a minute and still with making a face, waited for the lady to arrive.